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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Jun 1916, p. 1

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iCLL ~hJ ~" M,-. luI V tif. U.J À i 'J tJ .À* WHITBY, ONTARIO.- CANÂDA, TEIURSDAY, JUNE £9,11916 C. A. GOODFELLOW & S'eN, hîl ishers Church's BUG FINISH 1{eatily For U-e Dry. No Mixinlg Requîrced. ht mtickq to Ltho vinles and fimllîlle4 he Putato Bug% or olier leiif eitinig in-ects withi one apilCaticfl. The cheap- et;t andi ;aft st wîuy to use a t.ronig poi.-oti. It prevents bliglit andi watery potatoea. 10 lb. fur 25c, 4 lb).lfur 10c. PUR£ PARIS GREEN ir b , j 11). a i l b. 1) kg J. E. WILLIS D)uguqqst and epticlan NIEDICAL HALL Broch st. 0 Whitby. THIE MOUS4 O(F QUAL1TY The Deler m tU.t lie ('ual ami i te Servire. "Scranton Goal" Trleik.bderd - APTER THE STRIKE" New Prices Now Establlshed. Freoit i ined Il Serantôti Coal "- Egg, btçuve, Cîest«nut and l>ea, cutming daily in box cars-edean, briglt and dry. Cannai cosil and amithing coal always in stock. Vou waîit the ieut. E. R. SLOW, Order now WhitLy Bell phone 9. Home phone 14. SU lIER SESSION New open unnlîaw'm Bitaine*is Seliolx, Toronto., rutitintme.q until Auginat 2$dt, when F(ait Tériti begîne. No v-acattuns. WriLe W. 11;81. ppideUt. 3. MCDWEL.L JA~MES Carpenter. Buder and Contractor. Flans drawn and estimates furnlsbed. B4aai, doors and trames., Raient fer 1BrantUeli Reflms es 461 WlIiTtY Phono é149 AL .. .ALLN. lasuer of Marriage Llcenses. Corner drug store. Whttby. No wlt.nesses requlred. Th iete Ouadtm fmpuenmt à Whltby - .Ontario RealJ &%trate De&-lera, Ktaten Managed, R,éa Colleted, Firet Loans Arranged, Propertica hoglitand oid. For terme a bl l..d Office Brock St. Bel Phne u. n.. Pimolle7U WUmIlimiteubciO@ i office sud Works 1OpDosité evies aBro, Whltby MONUMENTS It 'viii psy yon te e«U et our vok mat lnsPeeh for yoWNslf De got ha n 9io1 b=taWe de mot usly I&i.. um ve d'a atd o l heOw lbmgst muu> MOen et10 per coaL.ab yoavSi .e[au id s W ypwmauiu hm. M --- ----------te Jose h&1 Q1si& s]l LIT["*, SLE MN NAMoinS SABLE' BROCK STOWHUITBV, BOARD OF EDUCA1DJN MÏAJN ON THE~ GRIDIRON At the' request of the C(lirman of the belng called tipon, sald. "If 1I vere t Bloard of Educaticii a special meeting mcm iber of Council I'd get the Board of or Couincil Nwas called ror Moiiday nlgbt Education around [lits table with th( lu constder [tie requesi of tte lBoard for Counicîl and figure out every dollar dut a titrther grant of money on acoount 'to local tradesuîen and pay itfI1lit of thîe butidinig of tlie new schools. ie the men who did the' work ougli on Jue 5th. the Bonard had requested t0 be paid. Wlioever was ln charge o a grant niof$ý,00 uOOl ean ui all the ac- the' paying of rnoney to contractor foi Couuuis and probable expendituires ln the' Board shotiid have pald on pro eontie«tloii wl[li e chools. gresB aertlflcates only after an lispec l'( Couneil lîad granted tînly $1.500, tion of receltîts and ills. If you leg the' amotint requlred [o puy accounîts ally cati, you ouglht 10 get the bills o. already passed by the B3oard. local tradesmen and pay the' shot. 'Hi Soîcîorof he 3ord ad d- Reeî'e Iowney-Thls delit of thi ieSliitordof he ardhaCortab- Scliool IBard has been contractçtdand vhie th Bord t ýa Ino Curt of must lie pald, and-we have to trovidE *2,420.20, which was Ilie amount for gained by furilier inquiry, lin for If . ii lie IBoard admittfcd liability onf1 ihink il la up to us [o see that all .iccoumît of liens Illed ln (Court. Il was lcltaemusol cpl nfi that'thlsie careio ouf ithte SliiranMr. t)owney [lien suggested fmaký .il,,It e Crrid ut hatth chirmnlng a grant lu cover liens. The' work ,lad asked [lie Mayor 10 catI the' spl&cial of the' Board had been handled ln a îiethng of ('ounJil. vr os n igaeu anr u The Chairman of the IBoard. belng uvey ltoeman diaracputl maner u called upon by the Mayor, made the tht' liens, coets would be added. ,uhue exîlanation. and emjîhasized the Town Trefl.urer Josephi White sug- iremt need of the sutn requlred (bat ge-sted that there was no use making co-'- miglit le saved. two bites of a cherry. There la a good He asked [liai the Council mnake a. demnand now for debentures- there grant ofth(le balance orfIlhe $8.004) ortg- may flot be Bo keen a demand ln bar- îîally asked for, namiely $4,500. vest lime. t)ebentures must be sold to Th'Stît creîar. Treastirer, Dr. McGl- raîe[i mnyvsbg neet'a 'h ray, and Mr. A. T. Lawler. f-..lowed. beatgptda the ea bi. Inst woîdli urgint' reasons ithy the ' Couiîcil stouid bigpi ttebn.I oid il ncesîiply[li rntîe, ad a.swr-good policy lo ralSe [lie full amott re- mig qîîesîions asked by members irtde ne i uttîcît. Reeve I)owney sald [bal lie bad not Coi. Fareiteli. the' Board's Solicilor, thotiglit of that. and lie would suggest e;t% t' a ,oitiî'relievtiî e oullitie of build- ralsltîg the' full amount. Ontario Cougay Teipers The' Ontario Teluperance Act, which 'ornes Itîto treo September 16t1, reates a new eftuatlon ln [bis prov- net', andzeone 01 auttreme Importance. 'lere must be un reaction; thie law mast be enforted: we miust prove [hai îie bar-room la flot a necessary ad- uînet of tht' botel; 've Must address btirselve§ to constructive social se r- elice. Conventions to discus these Q'ues- ions and [o elect olUicers and commit- ees 'vilI b. b.ld la South and North .)ntario on Wedneglay and Thursday, th and 6tli of Juty. The meetings on WVednesday wlll be held ai Brookla ln tlie Methodlat Ch4rçh at 2 clock: On f'liursday [lie*conlvéntlon 'ilIl be held .n thie music hall, ,,Uxbridge, at saine îoumir. Alliance Seetietarles 'vili be pre- sent at each meetltl* to conduct round- table confereneag, b Wednesday nlght i public meetink .wili li1 e held In the rown Hall, OshiaýVa, at 8 o'clock, ad- dressed by th-[Le .TDlen H. Spenee, ind Rev. Wmn. ketIewell. On Thurs- day tîlglî a massanieetlng 'vil)libe held n tlie Music HaIl, UXbrldge. addressed by Mr. Ket[lewe4l, and el[her Dr. Shearer or Ex-Controller F.S. Spence. Rnthven McDoIald, ont' of Canada's greatest singerti, >v11 conduct the' ser- vice of song after'4oo*u and evenlng, and wlll tetder a xitiebm« of solos at [lie public meeting. , We cordially aùd earnestly urge vou [o attend tlie Coll'ientlon of your Rld- lng. Brlng your ýfrlends, Let us get tnzether and piafi [o malte Provincial Prohibition a sueéè.au. RLJeTJON 0F %STI4NID.ING naAY The undersigned haq received iiistructi :nî (rom THE GREATER CANADA IMPROVEIHENT & LAND CO* Llmlted to sell by Public Auction at Lot 27, Con. 2, (LyndsFarm),_North of CmP.R, Whitby SATU-RDAY, JULY 8th, ai 2,o'olock sharp About 30 Acres Standing Hay lenmill lots of a fow Aoro3. -Torm Cash. W1. MAW, Auctioneer We have also 400 bushels tested Buckwheat Seed for Plîivate Sale. the office of Saimple at 1h Creator Canada Improvoinont and Land Cou Lioitsd Home Phonîe 70. WHUTBV, ONT, Bell Phone,193 i. tranîsactions aud of the dlffctilties Nîr. Annes dtd not set' any use of cas- Siggned on behàlf of tlie Provincial t'nrotiîîlered hy thie Boardt. lit relîhi (to ligatig the imembers of Board as some Alliance..-Chas.-IL. SUele, President: 16L £ G a questiloti --le sait) that If (tontucli of the members of Couincîl 'ert' dolng. Rey. Ben. Il. Sp6èUe, Secretary, h 111 O G uVQfseaS ii mioney liad been pahd contractor. tliat Het' houit the tounicil had no other.Cout(y Aîliance--'Sernuel Stocks. Pres. nas tnt thle faili of the C(ouncil. but couîrse luit tri follow (lie Sollcl[or's ad)- of Sotîth Rldlngi l{arry Miller, Pres. lut, rt'spongibility lies wlth thie Board vire and grant the' money. o f North Riding. - -y of Educatioa. Thie (ouncti's duty was r(oniwaopsetorn[giI fi grant th(- moîîey asked for. the Eloat (1101moeLT-COL NTheABoar tht' ordlanynoreamony. Tht'toard Iounmme N lagara-on-the- Lake, Ont. Mr.Uohrhg ake Iftht Cuncl hoîid have seen thul the money [bey mIiOIiV LOI"' June 22, 191le cotld 4lie ld responsible If (bey grati- had alresdy received had been better -ue2, 96 -d ilie t1oard te requested t'um of iS t Whether the Board or the'fAAP Dear Sir-No doulit many of your tiiôtey. -architect was to bhaine le did not i~~~ereaders are Interested In the Couaty Mr. Pareweli's repty iwas t 'l ep n know. He tîtougbt [lie local tradesmen Battallon, and I arn Just dropplng you uîîder beaveni liy YOu shohld sîîotid be riaid In full. He char- Tt ofrecla ded as [lie bhe a1thBattaion a "'fl - nactt'rized the management of thet' l TheMIssIonaryý8ummer Cneec a ue[ ay ba tht' 116[hBattalion a Iti mrsil tt'Ma"riLkP 'iibuilding affairs as "As loose a piece of bedude h' 1etn0N[i ia-Nagara, and bas been selected for case Ille Couincîl kiio%%tiz Ilicre hlas business' as I have seen for a long sionary Educatiot4 Movement eacb sea- Overseas during [the eariy part of July, bt'.n a iitsapproprtathon. of $3 i , n.- He in(ended te oppose any fur- Bon for thie past 'ten yeare ai [the Unl. althougli many city Battalions are and the loard cmes hnck for inurp ther gratt[o the bonrd. If [lie Boarditario Ladlie'Cu ', htbliscon br, n hv be mblie0mc noney. are, we Justitied In vothng a conducted their own prîvate business r- ty hacm longer [ban 've have, We scarct'ly ex- fîîrthlcr 8tIflV as [bey bave [lie scbool business, [bey [o bt' a centre oj reùirkable Interest peeted such a isndden cal but the' boys Coi. Farewetl answered (bis by say- woold flot long leIn'l business,. and Influence. tlpubtn,148 se deliglit* weîcome<l tie news. witlL houts.ap- m ing [bat Il %-as flot showa [bat. there fess onyan rnspe ully Inspiration *I4 recftreation, study proval. Not e:peetlng to be, moved so s-as misapproprititon of tht' sum Meis rs. Dney ad Aheaoared ni and enJoyment, Xiesure sand profit, lt soon, we hat! gone [o a great deal of named. The architeet lad Issuecl cer- bi soui-Thth'BOr f Ed'. Males potsib1o'-ÀI1ght ds.ys of rare trouble In beautlfying our grounds and tifiate baed uon lieworkdon'0ad ,oandb.gan teBadfurrcr&lthoe, Tle settling ourselves down for a couple of nîateuai utht' -grount). When the', 00, nelwth [afullht'Batd funt fa-i [lie Tht' s 10arMaiget! wlth a liard montha' training. We tberefq#e; ttie Board dlumiss t'd h le contractor, onti'iha isaeinto vtew to preparl4 «ikt fo fr more regard It as a most signal honor [o be the' materiai on the premîses, unîncor- mounts due local tradesmen. efficîent service >tb*t lal cline. rselecteui for tht' Overseas route sOe eut pot-atet! ln [he building, did not ue. Mr. Batemsxî sait! le 'voult! support Amdeig thet' e t*ý,£Mibe atudY, In Our mobilisation history. Ou? Couin. corne-tii. irolterty of [he Board, but re- [the resolution. The Couticil 'voult! MIssloe stud.y P rutà islnr y Tre'k at! prepared us for strenuious vertedt! o [bobe wlîo uppied-IL. îIfî have [o grant tht' meney sonner or Bdu*pUon in [lie ud oo Young ôoippetlioin wlth otber units, and ourl Zord used IM (bey hadt! t ay for 1w ter, aîîd It miglit as 'veilib. dont'at peope, oeie thes r fnza, ambition han been realized, ln be Ia~i olowedtliit [bey realy bat! Once or later, tti, - t6n Mhgos é1ected su the first Ceunty untU [o Nay for [bis twIt-éýice, ~tecn'Mr, allitt t am lrvle.>. refs ssù>jhg yr~* n lhects gcertifica'tes','ane i-~ttthe "ord h" rtht' money wau spent. drese roz #ti ~leaders, 'Tii ceunty tu offer a County unit [o lie dealers ntîpplylng thie matera.S that 1 Tht' Board muet answer [o [lie peoplt'. siternoona are gien to rest and! Militta Department, sud now thie oît! It could not b. said [bat there was When the yeaà and! nays 'vert' de- healtli.glrlng re'cletioW. - -county ha. thé honor of being the fit nisappropriation o! funds, &t îeast seornanded, there tiere for tht' motion- It wout d iffi<lult te fiat! a more te sent! a distinct County Dattalion WO far as tht' siouat et the' mater(al on Messrs. Dewney, Annes, Bateman. deligbtful meeting pisho for sucli a con- [he help ef oit! nlglant!-la thz me. liant! was concerm>dt. It ras slrnply alI Agaînt- Messrs. Conlîn. Oolt!ring, ference than tht'- Ontario làadles' Cela--mention sugglé. . Getueral, Logie sud. case of untortunate clrcummstances, Watson. loge, Whitby, It la adtnlrâbly ad5Dted Major CI.»t' ir am flugbes spoke The' Mayor asked Mr. ineluye one Mtr. Halliltt did not vote, f-or such a gathen ansd Lt the' iint mont highly ef the esleeey et- the-t-, of lie llenholders, rie Wall prtsent,l Mayor Warren t!eclared[the Motion tile affords a. SPledid opportualty for talion. W. ai', short o! a -Iew mon,. to sîîeak. Ht' argnt'd that bé stoot! to 1at. i vat-lous formea of récreation. ' lafint have askt'd Lt.-Col. Cockhurn to loge a large suai by Pearse' fallut-e.J Col. Farewell thea suggested that The entbheusatle testimobyît>'o er. suppîy uis WIthý a draft. IWO are arrai. H4e bad been led to 1*1eve by mein- perbapa If a clause 'ver. Insertet [n '[h. mer delegates are tht' best commanda- ing toi- a 11lit day ai Niagar an d a« bers of thie Boai-d oe Education that motion that tht' money should b. Naid [Ion ofth[erne'conemeces:-"lIt la batld excîursion on July 4th or Mh, for'[h. they 'vould ase'that lie 'as paît!, otb-1 IftO Court, [bat mlght carry, te imagine liêw uceé,Intense and elteet- friendi eortthe boys tû core nedtset' erwlse lie wôuld not have taken [the1 Mr. HalIit[ id h. 'vouit! support, Ive training çoubt-b. e uret! in onet' hemn. Hait oft he Battaiion la on lust cotitract freon Pearson for the plomb-1 tht' motion If se arntpded.j week." 'Whutby bau coine [o have tna bave [higl£ Med ut ha«t net week. Ing and heating. *Ht' thougli t[he local. As [ber. a-as no offjectlon tlie motion many lves tht ' tame slgnifldsu - In conclualon, 1 destre te tisa tlit'e creditoris should ble paît! In ful. 1 as arneadet!, and cariet! by four te Bethel had lanlhe, lite ef Jaeob,- "At goot! ctl=eS et Ontario Coamty for Mr. A. W. Jackcen-not a creditor- [liree. rare opportunîti', for. w'ont! vision."teIr mont loyal and generous support ________________________________________________-The' best vacatIoa ever lia." - Jet eur efforts la raisingsud equtng 1 ----------------The dates thisyear are July 8.10. [hlm Couuzty gtIatain. Stfi the best I NTERESTING NOTES ABOUT et Aogth ia 't« rsnt-grrjunêW* rust w po outitant!lag mlawobadi.soetTw-key, eo Ou any frots. We 'oo 4113 l THIE 182ND BD TT LION whiîte'te ist o*,Jadte r l lstitute vit* Our friesta to visît us beforr w w-euh wili ln7cIude XI as Aile.13. lRam- eaU Oversa. C7ol. Coekliurn returtiet! on Motiday aet ing coi-Dorais, and ane detUW edte In, 6f e workaledngscna lat ~au forr tess11101p t' he£bt7 % froin Toronto, aceompanlet! by Mns. attend a Ève weeke, course for qualic.- htepeomes are vy" Modort.lyl anof iie.sdsultà CockurnsudfamlyTbe 'vii ait caionet .C.O.*s at P.S.l., Tor-ento. Convetilon rates, are grantet! by [lx.ItIea, Ia&m. up residence on the' lake shbe.fer the' Pies. Maelnally sud lirkpa#rick rallwaya One et [h. very best pièces iTusvi tiy somer notha Ihave qualliled as bomber. al the' bomb- et mlaubofaary u'rk possible ln aay SAX M RPu uorîag the' week Col. Cockhurn at! lag course helin luToi-nte, heom May ehurel*id bo-lt b,e ieuni t" of à OC.L Uth O.paUtalu JF Coi. ilascoin, M.O., paît! a visit te NiI olte 1h p906d attendane-nt ont ii tiese S1. Datet 1115 iIU agara-ea-tbe.îake, hairing business r tajL. torPI. Sher'rood sud Pisý . . L renees. It. valne esunet b. estimat. PpS,-! easy sMy t1 e%Tt r«y traasact witli tht' C.O. oet[h. Ii6th Morton returnet! on Monday [o BaHal- et!. Try ULtg lu 01U hu-c. $end ap- ucate hayé beauabsent' .fro00 [t» Baitalilen, The' 182a4 Battalion ex- ion duty fhem reeruilutung a sara, Plction for reglstriansd tfo r fuit >BaUsicafOt 31.e W weks. bavlu tendt congratulahionsad beet wnhmes to 1 "A-"c'O. et 182Ba teallea .reby inforunaom mt* 70fOsoyma __10u # u pal licir aiter IBattallon., the iflîli. on Uic' Issue a challenge 46 o~1-einaa isoay estr.o usIer a'b t a uheInlekbM- occasion-noeaimm" "uiiar.uj0 of ht'aatirs teirJ ekl 4l lh tu, 40 occsio o th mmurement o reluihe or playesor ùlitowu k-Whîtby. EiumstîepMoyemaent, fContederstlMdn t.ii d early romoval oversfas. W. bave (0a&LusIpetti n Iidftbles lu be . I A4Lte uildig, T#eo tauon no test but [bal [tbey 'vil) upbold [he; ed waheu smg wberev.r arangav »M ply th*-bo gi %us traditions of Cana dibsndallfge bouît be M -il vilaau-uiiyi is ir wa uîwfutU 0[s e d-estteSe action. rfAT7ryet sports CommUtee, istI O For l the l lime ln tht' patt ['o . a alio 'veeks «"A" Ce. rout, mua-t! ho Omit i %& On StralIt tePlay footbudl. Dolng the Bit for teBy and fo the tIrdme lhe huvmt a wer oene ad he oos ell. at!-at the Front. Wveil 've didn*t play, hI thouglit tai) if the. aummer tms tli falisMd fl 1Mr. 5"d4Mr&sWflla 1. doesq t rain .ga previons to th.*tendt A PrqOgrae e khe psrty l M TiiDtbl dy$.ttaailon ud e wwb w fte tborWaIag bopauasier0tm $om.jle mi I"A" C4o football [ea u go eket* oritOoret! U e c sufitfly we on Saturday. ýTke haut!a*11Sf» teit04tet vsm msomu k vevw, areet mamie [hieuui be dar e» « sub» 1W [liaiIýI . hria. aotlRg [b, tbrobbtabut -Mt 0<thl Mt$ à Dme of the umatslogcrow& MW .téo~ * ISOl, Mur bio " testa*111 admllsise!r sai eut sii.1 bm.lh «ieumM.A lut defest, m tihe e**l1eCornaI> x'vi*MW&01U'VSt Cha# m é eu. a sUaI..a" Plek. qlmi4y el09NWO 0 erliist tsaa t* pbè,ia (vgse t e dauebtg'jM - embmornt tewe îvýTh. deed. StJobu# xMba tttg oai willI b. q stwl. Itoal 1Mt el" t t" Ildeitbo md At ai le .amtarm tu . *lu « 4Pq I mwt e WI Mga *: Ià* m, e0o Cet New. Spring -Fooiwear Now!1 Select a pail of Bhwss or -PuMPés froin our ample assottment of New Spring-Model,nd y( u wiIlihave st) le, qualhty V.'nia ue. Sh~eWs a shc e f or, every- occasfrr fr men- wc'men sind children. Each essu preme il -tle, supesior i wo:kmaoship and qtîarlty. 4 jePISSE ON FEIJ afd GedeaSedà Fruits i'a&&n D#~i#ry Ail kinds of aiage sud double t'ains and bt"Pp mp 'ufnr. ljbrseshouh& sd Olon For à be b& clac*r po« . 0= W* c I me I 4 i Oood Service. -p v 01. E)ý)- IN 0 0'4 GOODFEILILOW & SéN, -l-,ul ishers 1 A m ml**ý" SA-LE-

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