Il I IEI Parlor Mecît lnge - Mîsdanîts HarPir an ud )îdht' lailway MýNiRssElliotL Fo'rF'ruiti and I iî'llcanlîf;-sMiss. May 'l'iiomis8on Scit'ntltn 'uîit-rac-Miss W .J itelîî'l. Willard H-omeu'- NMcs.logs Juiinsluiu t'.P.imionry- Mies N. Mitchell Tht' Presti Air Hlmantitlii-'dns;iiare I'tirk lias hei'uî rt'-opu'ned for ltesî'ason. As tittial dontion-; sili bu'weiconied. Anyone listing fruit, - egî'iniuit's, cnîtt - Ing. elc.,lu Ait'd. If tit iMr. l'odes sRto)re a ili be c tttt'îi d 10lie htousut, 0 Alinonde garden pîîrty Jîîiy 19, on the church lawîî. Big sale of white siîoeo. fleguilar Sirice@ $1.60 lu $2.26. now iibc. a t M. W. ,,olline' Cash Slioe Store. Division Court wifl be hel-d on Tue- idsy nemi. Juiy 4t1b. at 10 a-rm, at the Court Houme. 0o Mr. A. Bandel has dimpoged ot bis large Ruasseil car, and bas purcbaased a fine new Overlaad. Ilu<ie-growTi sInawberriem appeared <nuilite Whitby miarket the' latter part ,ot lapt week. W ANTE P. Respectable yo-ung wonîsn as charn. lier mald. Good wageB. Appiy Royal Iid. WhItby. -52 isos MrCiellan. Treastîrer of the War Relief Socety, la lu receipt ot $5 dunation t0 War' Relief froru Mr. Harry i',ttiders, utf('incinnatti. -o-- Keep lte evenlng of July 13 for AI- iitoîds garden parly. NMess;rs. King Bron. have hsd In: îivt.ments made to the front of their <iltîce building, and their busins eto- fit-t' tnlarged sud greatly impreved. 11ev George Stafford. Secretary et I t' Mont real Conference. preacled In t11t-'Met hod laI Tabernacle on Sonday 38 Pairs Wone fine Oxfords. Regu>- itîr prIces $2.50 sud $3.00, re4ueed 10 $1 98 ai M. W. colse'.Cash Bbhoe Store. Buy your Paria Green ai Wils drug itore and get the guarateed pure and ti'sled quaiity. J. B. WiUh1s, drugglmt and optician. The Misses Fox purpose hsvtng a reidence erected on the lot JM nt o1h cif te late Capt. MeCourCu resdetioe, lrock Street aouth. The Publie UUl- ity Commission last week raa water. min Ito ethe ite et the realdeit -0- Mir. J. B. Rstcliffe. a merchant of ýSioîiftvile, wus appointed Mederator of the Whitby and UAndssy Associ*±Ion tuf Baptiat Chîurches at the annutû mteeting wbich vas held at hWae- mîont last week. Al Saints Sunday 8ebeol pieute vl! lit- liqId st Cerbett'is Point on Thursdsy itfti'rnoon. July 13. The. congrfgation Is expected te turc out la foIe. su inake the oUtbng a g=ad 0suCM Chîirch'd Bug Finish lle p~ hiigs. prevents blight: [b wortb ti.6 s s a fprllfliser. 10,for f6t; 4 Wr10& J. E. Wiliâ, drugglst *ad op,,tlis. MASONS AT TABUU4ACLW; lTe Witby MasotobroUtu *W* î'd di vine service êatheÃŽtii. dW 4it b- t'ruiacit' on Sunda>r moru& 1V IAPITST ('HURUH. Sitîday. iuiy 2. Tîte Iashur ill pneach- ai bothser- Momniui -Anthi m. "0 Sî-hd Out Tii) i.igl-. Ltuuz Aulleru, 'Onîini. a-c Re- sî'îrIî'[ut' ' liel-'Misî Nlklbison anid Il id' stin. ,Mme J. R. Perry reccived a cabie fntim hi-r sun, John, on W'edrie8day tiloiunîg, îu the'effeci lhtat he had jusi recîivt'd a commIssioti as IsI Lieuit. H1e bastbei-n lunltetrenches for Rome months. sud hait gone Ibrouglimre * mverip batiles. John'n many WÃAhiiby friends w1i lbe glati 10 hein ot his appointme:uît oLieutenant. Tite followiug pupliq of Mr. Robin Nichioluson were successful ln passlng te Piano Exauinations held lasI week ai te Toronto Conservstory ef Munic: -lutroducbory Pp )ima Francis ('roucit (bonmr);i4"0o Thelima Ers- kine. ElemeutaryPIdo. M154 Maroent J ames. Primurm f.o-MIms Veva Barrackman, (honors>u, MiMrjorte Melntotb, METHODIST TABERNACLE. Rev, A. IL l5oter, pester, Simnday. July 2. Morning service-Anthem, W. Corne te Tbee.- Solo, M-r. W. J. H. Richard- son.- Evening service, - Anthem, -With Glowing Heari l'Il Fraise Thet." sole, Mr. R, F. Downey, Prterboro. The pastor wvIl) occupy the pulpit botit services. - SPECIAL. A gond pIt.0.qua"t ad 88e. plot while Sh [aMsti aG0eo. M. lices. sherythii ih#was UN» RWOOD.CAMPSL A quiet iwe'ite.k plae [n sTo- ronto. on W.dpady.Jun lunt. viie pbyllls Florenl.phgu M iglaterut. Mr. and Mrs. M. CaMPWIpi"rua malte in mamrage te 1r. Frsuk Ourdon Un- der-veed, o n sa or Mr. nd Umi John Ud=v -,1am. W. Amas' De. formed theceremony. T7%. yeung e»»b wIUl reside tu Wbîby. Train No. M4. trM sTOMM .Whleh ha ieft Utuion Sta" at u. 0.viienu Md5 afer j lUy 2. have I4srtTomute ai 4.30 arrvkt uat Wbutby 8a IL .on the. uie-date, trains A" Usii 8 v ie- erate trosua»i W Valu ttion b-1 smcaS t frew d te $rth Tr"tta à * aI priset . 87 w3? .11foui* Wbnbli fro am bMesa at0.» pML. visil e. 3q froua the lyl viiif ueW hti tU LAN CMIh TGOTO QOOW. R3C1 te m iuustel60 8* O4ý luesday, JuIy 4thl at 7 oseiock. CCD RORAM i S2nd Band ln Attindance ADN>SSION, 28 CENTS -MONEY IN CA-TTLE. Judge McGilllvray han recently aold ta'o lots of mliii and grass-ted cattie to local buyera, reeeiving therefor a heap of MoneY. The lot of 21 animals waa pbrehaaed by Meuars. Cot*lhl & Hardy, and were sait! b be the best finhahed lot of animale these drovers ever shIpped from Whitby. They aver- aged 1314 lbs. each, and brougbî 10e. a lb., netting 1131.40 each. or a total of $2.7»9.40. The second lot was sold te James Denny, of Greenwood. They numbered 46 animals, and sold for $9.80 per ewt., bringlng lnth Ie nicelsum of $2.838. an average ef 1113.62. The total proceeds of the two shipments amnounted te $5.697, or an average for t8 animal& of about 1121,70. Ho for Dominion DaU outings. Tiek- Pe "oad golng Palday and Saturday, Juire 301h and Juiy lut; good ti11 3rd te returu, at tare soda third. Alme single tare, goed for the on@ day only. Appiy at stepbenson'a offIce, Whltby. phone 36. Aie e2curslon ticket& to st. Aime de BEsaupre, Quebec, $9.80, good geing July 4th te return: good te return t111 end july 131h. AIse Home- sepikers tickets rood for two montha tio P'IANO WANîTAU. For %ummer season, Uprlght piano Iu good condition. Apply at McIntyre's hardware store. Whitby. HOUSE AND) LOT FOR SALE, TOWN OPt'WHITBt~. At 'a bargain, the Yastiold property on Ilundas Street. One acre of land. Fruit trees. House, molid brick. 1%, story, furnace, woodshed. stable and drive bouse. Ail [n good repair. Pou' session November lot. ApPly to Jas. Tweedle on the prexnised. or G. E. Gib. bard, 1204 Queen St. West, Toronto-tf. "Cairpenter sand cilU u Bulider. Plans prepared and estimates fur- Brock St-, South ef Pott Office, Wlmit- by., Ont. Poeii POTATOES Extra quality, large eV"n aia e d sound as a 1ollar. ret'urn. Choice of routes. Specisit1 cbeap touriat tickets te &H touiut The Sa point&s-laad, sud Isiies.Aiseo oceun Lo outward preptld or round trip.- AU clases.Choice ofexisting steamshtp Uines. Set. write or pm4.36) Stepb-1 enson before travelling ,iocally or to for- tiga Poits. CELEBRATION AT PORT HOME o Tbe Canadian Patifiui R#lalvy vI runan sueursion from Whitby te Port , Hope on Iuly lot. 1916, DominiinuDay. Specia train leavesWhitby, C.P.R. statâon.eai8.80 amn. rtutwulg iaviu Port Hopel st 10 p.un..Jhiy 1.Ron trip, fasu-dults, 11.06.; Udr,a - eoIs. 85u11iâformation Md tickets, prommrble at &L q«Dowa ,? Qo oppoe t MfOMM, Wbltby. "t «Phonme. 9: Hoime phoqe, 14. te be.tng run t» Teinteo o Thuruduir. JuI.'yt UbmfisWhitby. -Tb*, »ta uUS seiioi. viseai. ioMIagtb ui0r auaqsl. '4 mutie tu RIve" al Poak ê F e "adt. 88emta; .ti»ru. a4«t t -- "0»0a0s geo glngmoC.PaL 8*an.- ADil nnluie m " M w tie la<,oim apenmblu ad"igl ie séseâtlue h Ott. nie m-»et u04*1<am cail hajl künd "'«" ly Gora. Put up li 5fih legtba, complete wathmuule.coup. lings and wahum Reguirs~ oo Thursday,>?rlday, Monýday *&-28 - TI«tIM8DAT, YUNE 29,- 1610. tUiA~tting it fthe Litt1eoh<ji ar7rvn Teiu.e ' resse1 tayet&in,'at The Xoun Ladies' Bible Cdasa o! aaberacleC8TS. WeEKLY 5V tril.3ud, 2 lik t ielTaeracl0S8.WA8IE PAPER, RABSO Etc. tiiou ecrmînî egS tra wbe rry Teea ~~ ~tgene lm fThe jury could IJL t fnd ne proot Lltejon ruar-il WEDNESDAY, JU Y5hNekal TaeUF, t tr T fo apar [ "eatier permitting, tea mtilI be serî'ed cn the church Iswn Keep al your waste material ""e.. DEST QIL STOVE. froîn 6 to 8, after whili a Rood programme will be given, fr bita. asisibted by the orchestra and members of 18211d. 1rce~sI i ~Y .N ADMISSION, 25c._____- - iLi aiof S. -.- and ti-iotîluîl wok. A -H UR L N D For The COMING-B10 PICNIC-JL'LY 27th. A T Y D un reuuI ake morning as hlie lefifor'oronto otheprs vere very sick. The servi ics" HASTUDIO I aea N.A'.o. course ai the schoiuof a î'eterinary we-re secuirc ed Io usCon SERVATOY,* ToRO i iere. NMrs. Syn ltrias 110w given Tuesday the animais wpre re;îoledlu I r U*e3hoofu. six solts lu the ser% ice uf lier coîînlry. he re<'uverlng. Mr. Y3eii hoiîghliil i 'eeieiatWaî1%eey uriY. Iledificiit n-One out Ihem wçiit dua îî ait h lte r upi<m aftfr tm owe teks uf raitnv weai lier the Ph i e Be 119, <r mai.l rewij tti OEt, ii Ill RT ihtina more Hllrqn' il, Ille liai le with a Germiai fle,4 lpoison wuîi id bave ait l Iiraltieat'Brd,l ;iro jo llleawlimie pllu In he Atlici î elasi year. Anal (ýlerîs iîîî Ilie .resuili pruves litait Ifclings ten-ORiTO i on th e la',tata l ahicli î uuk part aclutili. ta, tir liprtenat es. thle leav e OI 1 Ai lltý, holmwit iheîrylii; iefofinap:xIer?2n(ým-11Icacli a val- . . U L ABLE OPTICIÀN' il cto j4ttal iebenl li opla eovrn fonmhle lessun aws wnts asrn 1 1 i1Ie gsiI r itMr. se% imuar fpels 'ý rv! lîtîlui l iihir orchanrds. WILL BE A iiiiii it ,Iii and ch na. li e]% . lut sue unlia te stitîitiii s of rea- A I.AIln- Iii t a. M. ti c"oi :1IS 1 ibi O[V 7 g iiahi er iiuo s are l'inTobM Ilj Ns TO IlEfI EN E.A Il A i'.tl igsij Ni i1,ptiý%t l 'K ing aîd rcuuntýr,ý*A team 0of horsts on the ranipagie gavî'the faily of %Ir, 1.Il. R.Ilriidbtir%,.JSA, JIE27th ii'A strIi%%tIlrrv t stî îl, r i l ii, hiS2Niî VAIZ 1'l(CT UR F. . tiaiitiî<. Mar tr ie,-il. a Iîad frip-it ltttt >i>ee ittot about yotir eC>CRi. M < t~ i...,('r the nîpl.s or Ilie ai'~ sh i;Iiltd tir ,,\l 011Fridi î' ofiiiî lli,ý meeîk mvar Tlirgdiav 'ientiiig. 'liete iai, wilh a i.'1,liti iii' r iîî.uI î Siîi11111r'11 'li w lie hcîî il Il(-resi- tctra aii . itt it lte aai w go behiîid them. lhad u en a a_______ Ft.- he- fta;tî,Nliîg -f Mr iRni. * i h 1*Iit;- F i îî' tîttr li isîîlces t1 ii fromn liîir drIier lulit e iirlh-Pa'tirn (11% Ii Jîth liii, clock7 Prît - îîî îaîtaîîîîion le-Iiîr,'s 'ireîttauîcd tarit of the tou. nThey ran wcst o1 63-167 Yong'e St. 9Silier Cake Basket ild. * m' l i the fanitiîs I'laýer illetiiCo'. atnd lîrocli streel, snitth ci l rock 10 NMary. TjRONTO h ii'lîtvisitCaketî o, î i d li i îî hpre tIli(,%, iîrned east. 'I'liey rail ie- ____ -- - - Silver Butter Dish i--~-'tteîtît~lvMrtiir ~ iî' t weeti ih e sidemn 1k a nd ith e itou t a ___ Silver Fern Pot Te l i' lt Iilv tl lt2 -if lit(hi' si;t 15 I îti 1 *itua \ars erinsketch,Itîîd darrîvitîg ai i lie homne of Nir.t R YA1H.A1 ~îêîv r B airor% atutuile 'ttitllteJflt I' 'rlit' îî au'ar c iiclusktcheîi IL. Bradbuîry, the nlgh honte sîîrnhiîdRO A THT E SIhier (aasrorle . ,ran rdrtf111r l Witii i(Id 11 'ictirestiftli>te rois outle aillies, nier lte sietl n front of lte dotir, ETRCANE0rutn u cut Cia ss Bowl itttd ti * .1, il S -c< <<î 1) 111., aiii lea ileîdId IIlaveélit uryis <'tinw Ich i cre torilaaay, 1Th er,,e EN T HNG;F RGRM E Cut Glaiss Tuomblers i I ligliittr irtttt~n it~e Na ar picilires.'rhc'rt w ll if-tea door ivas lcrn off and ihe casinîgoftifhe Each Nlght. Ger Cut G Iass Pitcher h iirt tltia i ii duor ioostiîed. lThe i caîn liii crash-on l'tife Itl<'iii hrt tif stcis titiiie'inn s art fratît ýn foi- nhildtr to lu c d ilirotigh aîîfence rîînnîng 0ont from Ihe Broken Coin @Vary Monday nlght 1 vtilld ike - li,'kitltfrF ito itlisl t he tht tîllc fu îîtt.e etisi corner out ',%r. Bradbur-'s H 313Nwsog sticks i and I' - -orhos, reakine dovu a ibig fen'e Post. Stra ih,1e eal ii Siti i t I suit tia tiguvre D NEN IGISHO Eý '[ 'he' lorses mwere stopped ln lthe ,srd 31g Broa-dway Pentures every Wednes., Ji II'II tiltiliýi 1 h 1511 îr * lIuitîti 'id Ili't'e ji aot id " iN1W11 luC10E"A( encinsed by the fences projecîing* oui day and Thurada). WHITBV, - ONTA91110 liittittk iiiti-it(,rtI tairs. ER. rom Nlr. liradbttry's and lilr. E. W. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. uThe rt' rl h lg rolsafRc* homes. A bicycle Ili the way of ~ ~, ~Thi'elitta ptîiti C hîtmch bas Oci'tsiuicd hy lthe resignallun of miss the leam came lu grief. Forttiîîatl O * t" mu ~i liii tE 1"('haiidier Io ilthe îvldsoit bas bhenitfliled by file appoint- nu une was injtîrpd bythe 1wrimna wa y.*A V L Paistoir't-. a tfr a lonig vtanîî'îv fuilua-m. iiituo Nllss (tiîthrie. uf . aiîhoiigh cunsiderabie excitement was 14rno Ing iliii' reisignatin of ut 1v. Norrison. i Thîc nea junior Science and Coînmer- caused. Civil Engin,-er, Topographical Survey, ______________________________ litt.\% a itsr tIt. gils lus wîtrk ilexi cial leanher IF; Mr. Wray Smithi, u ___of______________l__ and drainage, Bsubdivision designlng, j -'r~ tî\tuIî liii Mr Nlurristtiî. alisVilla Nova. lloih icachers wiiI juin - -Plans and drawings, etirnates, etc., on l -- ait 1. illki. k, ciîîtti'd thitpui;itt iasît the sta1T wtii twîîiiîped fuorlte duhies For Sale To Rent, Etc. cOftract work. Contracttng. CR, -'l(CP ---niîa xîçe f ilîern, alid eace heir of - _ oi 243, WI41TY. the flve NN-111 be a specilhtt ln bie or TO RENT._________ Titi fuiliNIiiîg oti-trs itiluth a liiih 1tlti a oiîiiiîiuer ut lit Whihvboys ber deliarimeni. The Board are pipas- A ftîrnirhed fiai for ihref moniha. S li t iii l ttii iii ii itriolIlile 11ihBîuIatiailon ai Niagara cpd thai sîîch an excellent staff bas been Ail convenieni'es. Apjtiy Gazette or A. A. ROBINSONA T.V foîr titi' .ii'ar lit iiig îî Jîîî-Ie a c \fre i-thlne over Stînday un iheir [ast, galhered logether, and confidentiy ex- phone 214, W'hiiby. S 'rî'sitltîMc'l- <îTd itif -tfore gui,îg uverseas Amnoîgsl Pecti good restls. lnNOTICEn.frntredelr. I V ici-1i'cî'idî-n tsc Mirp Fas r, NIi si;thetiti'îtituber mwere liaIlced Lesilie ('or- NTC.U L.TNtiis ire W tiiVaIv'clîîîîî' I mark, W m.liantetii Ed. Bruît îîNiviau - -W'hiiby barber shorts wîll del at 1 Bell and Independent phones. Day i ('r.M s zoi.,IVilins.pM. on J'Ily Ist. Open tllIi l P.m., or night. AmstI. Reç-Set' i-sN Hirpi r. A specialeing ofthe[owndI jn 811HOUSE FOR SALE.înaW BROLN rt'aFtircr- Misse[R J Mitcelel. iia as lîditre agt'î'ý(k ln consider lte i-omdsl hckbngow Atidtr- Nirs 11Z. (i kt .îîroptsilinfur lte estaliîshment ut a uniter auspice. of Pariait (iulld Alsu ta'o lots norih of C. P. R. Apply i,îîtirinteut¶titm ofut learii'îîls îi'îu ltndisr i Iii inan. l'lie niier will of Ail Saaite' Chîîrch, at the reiderice of lu Mr. N. George, 91 Armstrong Ave.. Psîes Mis Hirît' tf Cilti i tr Jtil- .MR. JAS. .DOINET "Irà %f% -2?. ADILL.--4n <'içremnont, on Tiîesday, âm1e 201.'1916, lu Mr, and Mrs. P, C.j Mtiudili, ut Stuiffvlle, a daugîtter. MARRIAGES. )NES-ÃŽlEMMER--At the residence ut Mr. l"rtd Rogers, Whiîby, by thte lZev. A. Il. Foster, on Wednesdav, Junfe 28. Mr. Frankt Jones, to Mme. H. 1erinyner, bolh of Whlîby. AWFORTH-AilW)--A lthe homne of tride's Lurtnits;. Whilby, on Satturday. Itune .14, Elsie Laiîretta, only daugit- î'r oif Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Ard, ho A.rthuîr Nelinglon ('rawforib, utflthe Standard Bank staff, Oshawa, mon ot Mur .and Mr. Mark Crawforlh. NDERWOOD'-CAlMPBELL - In To- ronto, on Wednesday, Jîune 219t, 1916, by Rev. W. Amnos, Phyllis FIer- ence, youngest daugitter ut Mr. and DOMINION, DAY. The Pane way toeieiirale il a hajrPY day ajierit lu yttr favorite emerc place.'1The prulter way Io go ia by the Canadian Paciflc ILOW 1R1ATES Sinile lare aging iuiy lit. Ilatre Lim t iuoly lit. Fare and One - Third coing Jrim e.b:, JUIy lot istups Limit, Juiy lsd. Par Hie andtutiait Infatttion appiy lu & il.oiw, agent, WIitb,, ont., or write W B. -Hom &rd, b .iA .1'oto.r. ASwosping Saisqý -0F- Screen Doors, Se'ree-,n W-!n-dowsl'ý Lawn ilose ami ,Poidtry NttlU FOIR'ONLV TlhmurdayFihymlMomdy We have fixed the- priçe so that à t will beto your advan.. tage to buy. all your requirements for this year on*'these fines. The prices are -only good untîl Monaday, and should easily clean our stock oute la ~oft Iengths complet. witb noule, coupituça Md washus i pilIf$4.50 Thursday,-Frlday, MOà 4A~r The. pflceIndu"14Obing.., Pure Paris Green, 'Insect Powder Arsenate of Lead -AT- WI ITVJ E LD'S- DRUG and STATIOINERv sTORE WIIITBY. N RI Salo Agent for Butterlck Patters soie Agent for Nyal P"eparations MECH-ANICS WANTED. Alne M ampbehl, to Mn. Frank Ger- [Irlill bands,. hîlite Ittîr; sieady don iL'Irdera<ttod. yutingî'sî son of ]Mr. uri, goîîd witges. Appîly ('anadian and hMot, John Undterwood. -nei Electi rc, Liili d, Peterburo._________ f t $12. 1"~ catauuact a PIy me» anes 8PIy Home 'Iiis~ lenth~comlet. with mw>zzle, coqli~ n Thirs., prnday, -&à Mn4 e&tned 81 thre SIEn NIdA7 flO emmew-M L Dnt emi