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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Jul 1916, p. 2

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w~.a Belgian .oliher's tee itelmet Ities are epcai'pet b er prtlu tiis 'respect b>' *ueeuets a t atà ' »dlaco-«od' ""'"" ot1vesaeL.opuirwtti.LdoL.ohrd as,*a'protection frotu stnmy bullets. stusil girl, and many a tua>'fro.k o! th. Actaansd »>ltEa n t t, sEgsa acncreu-t-ï,uîtalit>' fur uman food. Th.enpee.I autiog eare Sm eteial bas proLb.owindowsto thO rtl seets zua>' gainbas anâ"sm %Inan as4 After examinlur front-lin. positions rose-bud sud whiýe dimit>' trhmed26. Ntither is ho se red--Conapr As te d ne exceton te won'thsKe mnisee ,ZtLgha. wu tht d ne v tii Ring asud Quecu pmssed ln revl.wwté btilla o! VaInclomuuslace su&WI>sa.60. Pff. NoeedmiAt-A L.bgalg o h.a, tOIith ub.ko!Le a ha ln omwe.eas m buth nitb. heskt M lfatr> sd sllrs wio vor d..insertion, la belng d4slaW ad lthb@oepicures deeWine t , matc.h tihe ap- bhwimif ! *WSMtd O O 15 » POU ought to b. xpmeo hapips i eoaarl'atpo bé upit t BgIt.d tOe s.te royal couplGë--gluant shope, for the ilt.le miseof two pmyora Ob ole i.et<(a. ver». 28). vr quteliteau.Jt ~nvsao htbod cerdlu ilb. heQueea, who dispisy.d on or tltom ulmersmao OlisfteLpaouwge, Lu«*- WtiiL Up W*b 5litsd.CUl.ýLb atp>ud@lil i iet t Le resliWs Crssa-The flowm.*&.~pwnw or eUmbde. Lies clàe.t i ty la amw>b la h tu eugagad fS YPV 81<1ve ÏsMÂ WM ad Muot. uuitmte, fomod"Lhe-- -- - 1W.rdod be f red4t.Polacare for .d crp&Mflsaeoy eWO««retoaL uureef, ,I..ht t*WEf i.~~"" iiZQ ET FIE[ -'i ' Vil uOn.etofte seid-lia. 2&. 0f .ii-Gr*« ee W)a le.Ltkigt o '. pd.ar > 7'dlw' iyLa 0 aL b-t"" h.~Le QUqeuexpr.ssed th. de. hubLw>' ru eegilied he ompnto **r andsI*IêtOêa *i udtu *6. t. PhOLOttgthe ie OldWi4sasd thq wte raug" d e .ie.Som* lb T*4*rber sasu fI! ul u. Mid e amb- IL ____ lêthws v. lid hui lla th*i opt M.Lie>ta._____ ud Mbr.upq4 but Pr.owiêela bMsioe>' l toe - -- Ibo Uffl P.Xpw stbois - 16.4~semt allt u Lii< Cotfu. tLçà",it4is -etbuiI la mnuts dad pebb, -o, dns"te 6 wl& vu ta5 uWay.ion W.lie ~# TS N ~0LM N 3 rnnswith ltie H J1LSA!IT NiT. c v M ~f~.p1é ielàùw tI rV¶!. m 4 0 i lnor u vd'fù S ÙdOf Uer, À dThitteenWeata~ I4lU~Â kinln'ot off. of i.can iLthe Gfigurid linons. fr', ~erto~ -~ *OpIthO oohiet l a £lhti)iIVK ) i to toiimi bo~s Go~gtt.crpe É1 should have, put hlm down as A eti*d.& tuàrlig est that was la pal. the~ D5rB favorite,. uw t rton, but an offleen' word ié not to be Ol Weln"I3many, bit sad tii o~ones otf plnk, blue, cafe audGbe. baI < âor *ven aa ita nage aaJ ashions lu Sumiuer Fabries. lait Sile green, and thue various otlu- 8 rt atrepndn fte - £t fd woOns.stel ubads, tinismate-i Mb"ushet o.n Times whô recently shared a zik dlam no laonger aegars on SZmIrIid. un very muchIt lclln.d perfecaly; fte dark tones are excellent rallwray conipartmaent with Lieut. Mis- homeak r n lneramavl. tem~i trpe~telnos ponte.a drepctclfrtetlodUi, ha 1'uiukhais, iged thirteen, wound- hegypsy makes a singuLar doer- tsshs vl acrpft nd he Kr1 benf seleebailto harmneie, or cut d -ln thé shoulder, wearlng two de- fiont al his old cusome h eus lmport aa4 domestic novelythe. sasde oi the. suitcotosfrvoadonbswyo c u»hsawy fl s ottoniasle grOun f these mat- 'Linon and Georgette are often com- Petrograd te Joi hiseinother-an TeCru aydipeie nlo Intu erhstat-ts iti url rahor Itacolor, and the adternoon modela fur country club and taity u il woen and ebldrnsevîg>' WS5n wlg of bie people théhe hairs 15srpotiravvdo ottne iewa. n nsai'atatv tha rn481 w eroanebde sered ng io oreln eoeh vrsw RlyCreter h ion esat that . Hte MconI- ridng te the purpose olt the frocit, costume shows a Russian blouse of ou. a circuoernketlataa noneei ~edo ! isw.nern. o Ole~ or thté fancy of the wear.r. 1'hes mauve color Georgette worn with a "osoighr was, ,hycle hm "h îcu Lde1adgnin t îof that unknowu central Asiatie *frjPed mn itSriale are usuailly combined full, siiort skirt of mauve linen; 8en- lNthescokigde satonnw" ng the bb." tcm bu hswy dntms h ra jad rom whlch he came, and It bas wit&apain fubWe,coerrespouclinq v&,h other imported modl, madle on Rus-lnhecod sainawÉOe1 led hlm la hi. world'wide romsnng.Quetattrdaylthenecortraterohndentetier han bigm knew thbe chnrm that tranatoTmned Othe colRusofanheflueodtea, An<id. imbjto f f les ashws te velCossack drop hie cigarette and corne c~icim~e teelnDk iD -terghInoheh On fhe tsiat. ltuse o orthogrond. e oblno neshowsd tdi ai.nvi;tr, tecrrsodetswh i Jaded na.g Into a iracehose h te in, hastlly to the satute. thn woaeBrysbohran itr idmno ono muiith ohr esg ,Norfolk, and the riloue thte blouse la of th. mtialin and~"h rdr h-î,IniIe md teJO 7dwthsdenomrettb cutyoI'af that md a roan steel o! a de- pe modla, now tu wll ker1thé. sklrt of «>siisrd heode, othernisve ee hi>ised plebald. As a tradlrl.o io sue frté Tiaig ierre ha pumto corne from somewhere saw my el- tlefolko ueegbrodl Ol iine5al ho equaliadnbodn gh ose e iko innl sdfr h mneforLireDresse bow, and, looklng do'wn, 1 thsHals' gsgeiindlieaasct for the.cande in abndonn hie hi iceves.ti li ortesl r Much narrow Valencienines ami filet mcnL.code ltomat lowntgsa. Dckwsoe fti.trngae. te car bo Iveih. gvsu~bsci!Vc es.laee edging and insertitote aused te lîttie figure in the unif ort o! a Cos- tclows 1 oealnggvn pt-te vl !Br biest cfllvliboll.Another Find in the Uphoistery trlm the. dhint> muatin si*l voile sack officier. It was not unuch moretdwthmncooablrufond eevrueht No people of th. world presented a - Departmeent dresse thizenmmer. yj dgisthe ~titan four f eet hîgit, aud !te bootBs necke i onelpprupo ai'ggie xiw strsngei'-problem; swuôenta o! rces Last summer we"tencrtonne froin frilis of bodie and skirt, finise h emdt orenal pt i's head ooh a pns ieIos.Tee I Wl languages coulil neyer understaid ýhe uipholater>' departient a.nd tranm- collar and cuf s, joins Lhe seains, or la on its breast, two Geor~ges gimmereddneer, ii rs fbih ooa"i.wl lio o *ltY tht gypelesN wlthout R comunon ferred It lni great quanhuties to te applied in an>' way that strikes the lunte sun. The station gong etrucklmand meayrbosi e ar IBly h b yn uoçred o! religion, blstory or tradiion<, dressFoods eounter; stil on tue l.ook- indivîduat fay. Embroidery [s an- twlce j the voice shrilled agnin, Whau<nte a htdy! T a nedaBrn h'talued wherever they went the Ã"ut ftor novelties we lascovered titis other strong trmmine featutre. Scr 'Corne, children!'l The burly Cos- be sureitecLta a ob ieAro orei a tecular ch&racterlstlc that fonces sesson, that the. plain aud striped cçt- cely a blouse or tub-frock but shows a Prîvate Prince Hlenry sacks who had been lounging about tigier ilahem agreotut!tecodunetadav UM-ver on their desttess, endlesi ton a2i linen homespuns, ixtendedi <r toucit of white or colored bandwork onth ltomcibdnothr-asbxDI tomig. Nations ttiat have nôt isurninr co4ttge furnishinge wre. collai-, cuff, beît, or et te ciosing. Who i. Hie Majesty's titird son, and a carniage, and as the. train began te Newfounln owsboge-a a r'n oti t e n t e L a f in t h e . T u Ar s t rha e d t S I n g S i e s p e i l y p cia t o t n . l d e d s , u h o f e t v o l- c a r a t i o'n o ft h e o lEt o C et e e hi m v e o l ft a b a daz i t t e e rit o f t h e p ro - b t m s ' i e a i e n m i i e > h n t e i bv2ere more live than in ay thLie.which require a bilt harder wear or te the, dark linen or serge frocl<, Volunteers, for which 0.E.'. who were cession and foiiowed his 'chiidren' into WtiIeespcayti.rbt htDoohyinre " nioaa oity , ovnaie)th"'than -ithe ordinary liinnor .11k gar- "-r light crystal buttons add a pretty ilanLbern in tiiose primitive days had a their atuffy quarters.'" was akngoo d hety aéBlys rb VanY tet settle thein do" ment wilt stand. Titese aise have1 fln4ali te the vorile a.nd crepes. pet naine that was more expressive He was travelling with hies child- ta une u fa o."anteaer fl> te inogdci e ns he ntualcrshan ;lno.gouids h-epters a e bsndthan D,4.. riceHeryha asoren 't ,,, nutheylnn 'su.hve. A1Th and rarl tzl into gondthtizens. ton<d s;; bar-f rThesePlocaeç Call dealror f romrecen tlyelected topursue theamphi- with tem;cu t e ed he vitde ful] , eu ÂUoe 1i Tii.autmobie rpreentaa pasering the softer shades..The blaek 5and< The McCalt Ce., 70 Bond St., Torotato, iu xseneo e Ob. W ofirst-class carniage in whieb were tefront tii owobxetatseedfr "h'.oage o! citizenship; itS ow-ner [i~s itregd I white conbination is especially anisa-t, Ont., Dept, . w' o nwwehrteacetmrnrcorsodn n on1ais et. We TmSinrhn ys. estyn o itumbereti, tagge..It cannot lue rut and tLiez-e axe bright g'reen, purpie, - +___ who used to rescue aspiring oarsmea a For ahl bis dlgnity h. was of quit. his teefrî hfyngigsaoe ow" tgre rmternad rpl-from thé watery depths of Patiiera friendly disposition, and h. was the hamwteewsmcihnd Nb' utty burasfrom the froadaide racnpli- i aauTHEda ide !tb dirCI DAV LESSflN Tha mes is sttîl a live, but we hope s. o. fre . of ail the coinpartments bi ctapping u hr va vnmr ot noh et teqre!- te foder s greai-yiL'11E of UI1Ilinom de guerre uqed to be 4'Gin-; aur carniage. 1He kuew hi s world, tee, when DcLt lwtre ed1h h, bt1e.digI 1eirfe Lb.emod "kig"coodtad ~- ger,' so far as memory serves us. aildte iron hand of discipline that ssme tig nyt umi uoL1 n es utecru tulringly at hie possession, and sait INTERNATIONAL LESqSON - ___ - a!lLi e vimy stat on the00Wapporo- I ance rcfyo iebto !a oi efrac, titat an automobile meant a home anid JL 6ceptu it. Repeat--The wonrl does fot prithely ostatedinwno wvlvt loe.ovenurnced lbx.Dc ibdu n{prash'lm Its ownership woul eîui bis peovle's coucentrute, 1k. tb. Englisit, on moere'Thie sweets an admirer gave hlm h. te box edib an hnas eiht hnh i " r nugs. Il it doeel it scores ___h sorrow for the. past: a wholty new 1duly handed to ' ladies first.' Onty iu throu ghtebton ftebo nd om non our iL accomplishes a ta.sk w-hicit ever>' attitude of mind la the peint. te dining car ho was a littIe pr -________ _______ 6ther human .g'ency, a.nd every Gon- Lesen III.-Paul At Athens-Acts 31. Appointeil a day-"'To fi x a day" pee yLi ait fctey u Gi-uen inLie wi-lD, on mgo gve17. 16-34. Gle Text- 1 'as th ordiasry Latin terin for an- U wouîd not ot ta natural weap- Isdcîn> pnn tiaishopeleeLGlesnonsnses iuiy uuPu ~~ocm nt onntign ________Ats17. 28. anu .ga gIiqur;bbP u ns, adwn1ventureil..t et _______________ - wm.s doubtless Lhnking zater of tuite bis rescue on theirte x that his l-oh'Cmpna THE BRIGIIT SIDE OF LIFE. Verse 22. Areopagus-The "H ill a!f "day o! Jehovah"- so promirnt lnte' wouaded shoulder put hlm et a dis-'f Jj jl I Ares" is west of the Acropolia ad pz-ophet.s. Judge t.he inhabiteil cartit advaatag. a inte struggîe wîtb a stub.-TkeTht- Wltb ail Ls cases sud woes, n orth of the market place' from >whlch la righteousness (margin'>---Quoted boru drumstick, bis ready abandon- _________________'Aodetfh ILs disappointinenta grim Paul would be takea by a fligWt o ffrom Psa. 9. 8. In a man-So liter- ment of te unfamiliar knif e ta me i'da ldtn o And aiU the grief iL knows, steps eut lu the.rock. The ancient aîly: ia is a reglilar Greek idiom ifor betrayed no consclousness tat 5any Mlra osquneo The. bopes, fan off mnd -im, sud dignifled court wvbich Look it ,te ju$Ige bef ore whom a case la trled. one mlgbt suspect te possibility of A fi~ easao ooew uwmi. ia eoes Wlth DU1 iLs bickerings emaît, naine froin iLs meeting there le be- Butu Paul uras more probably using bis' anothen ressort. that mariwaawascuebyL.b.naia>'gv ILs heurs ot bateful stnife, tieveil L avie inviteil travelîng men own "mysticai in"-whetiter in re- "H. bas been on service in Poiaad, bite o! l oqio epeuelL i-bts ssLno There's somnethlng aften ail of letters to lecture before Lhem. wit.h demption or ia juiment, "Ood le la and îvith a cild's faciliLy bad mas-! tribut.eerfetngidsotonLwaevdxeent That makes a joy of life. a view La engaging tei for regular; Christ." Ordained--The word Paltereil Polisit so wett that he was able " octo aai. .ko o GadOi lectures. This may have been the uses ta Rom. 1. 4 (readereil declared). ta give tessons in that lai(Zuage to that v anthv oc !ma-o i peddvta Thee'ssomthi evry ay urpse ithwbib theyaskd2Pul Pau.lPul ad on canccLhdnceop Lb coone o!hlmnegrnhe. hisaloarilwiooufLbeituci o!LIt ineetmasicaion su u Or se IL scouts to me m~~~~~pek. Veny reiigious-TIteugb, bis argument o! which he hud OnlY' LaImnent gave hlm a decided advan- tat caesi;btLephsea amn>fues>'e i Ta rtfly1sytitis word is capable also o!f neaning ,ilivered the opening; "a resurrec- tage oves bis brother officers with conventn naa iehu!tui tm B'Lt aie l'm glad l'vie lved ta ee. t "suporstitieus," the choice o! the. other ieu o! dead mn" wzis a sheer ab-,I the ladies, chiefly Polos, la aur triain." 'bard.Fheogteknw1 Deapite the care sud pain, meaniri s dictated to us by the sirn- suri ity, and it vias useless to wast,2 From Misha hîinself and the other ît t it.pSil erisaeout odo.rjh a Ti.arahe aurd Lite ou ear, npie consideration that Paul was a manmr ielseigL ii Oriental offlicers te stony o!fte Lwo Georges or Ltg e aaiai hnLtr eiv theihumc ofheacsunnccornesf outtina itinafanatic. 21'hose who were tee polit. tnteb's bL stwa licited. Th. s n Andl1 arn glad l'in cre. rough ~rord. That te word was arn-' to soff promTised te reaew te bore-, first George biebail won-and witb iL tsis a mcocpcieania.o fLt!lb1esdioth bigucus, and true lu the otites sense, dom on a more co'nveuient, day-pro- bis prornotion-by a singularly dan- 'blood stuib ae u hrc h rcs !<ie There have been times 1 tbougbt 71('9-7164 is probably irrelevant. sumabîy Feb. 301!feing ud clever escape froin six ulaseristic mlra aaiewl .fudIEpnec a Tue eud of joy itad came, 23. lâcription-Tue existence bi 38. Thus-L uke's ruatçaint hon. is h hall Laken hlm pnisoner wbîle ne- if iL thauw i umkn it odl rpryms Titat att lu valu l'i wrougitt, Plain sud Blocked Voile Taffeta mucit Sitars lu Athens wms attribut- wondei-fui, only aurprse"d bY the Yet1 ce nuoitzing. H.eitail abt one a! trouble. Te si rr'i> aetidls arqle And slck aL beart andl glurn Triuimed ed te Lb. counsel c! the sixtli centur>' more ragic verse o! Luke 4. 30. Wbst1tbemn, searcheil bis clothes, sud cap- Lypboidfvrnturcoisosmelsfcetydat l'y. ibeard te robin'.sang, !pmsdsc es Paul tiiougbt when bu couid geL ne tureil important dispatcites. The sage Epimeuiwesoshah re (eelueLite1septic cniina b le. I e hthposl Tue baby'. prattlitil volce, bright hades which are so much ilu-2S), who when a pestilence OccCurre!frte harn foarendiLiwouhe becandi>' te ws.ate vs.iuaie chewiug much mor And tat I'velilveil along favon for sports wear. fTis material tba.t Lii.>'coulil net trace, ailvisedai lem orJuîy 30. a' rlrnhope ln thetaking o! a re- ime ringgessa igoi rceandteeo Ta hear thein 1 rejolce. la wîde 5z-ii inexpensive. One espec- sacrifice "«teii.proper îeîty," leav-1 84. Dionysius-So thon. wero mame~ doubt, snd was wouuded in two places. ituhat iebod xanato wulbeaenadsrbe ially effective suit developed lan ttis ing the name open. What therefone 1Ilwise aftcr te flesit" (1 Cor. 1. 26)1 liL was a record o! whicit auy soi- 'make crana ne I' ailiwortb wbiie, 1 flild, homespun bsspancahcln- o ufePu a aatn te- vite h acceptai te heavenly wisdomn! 1dier rnight ho prouil; but te ques- MariyelstpoerratexteDdutLk Eab urentht bar ain, o be a.dPwins lcrsd»hSllr--Ofword. a aulwprps:honyr waarsRa Lt t< es tnaste ! laîpieetî uninuyb ugi e a 1faaepe Myaa Telooelo Tue ear tiat ameta lin, stipel cat. Tu.pocevtflap onnueut e ad oe mre gd t Liu-m Myes' ain .au..Te.v.-ypre1careseudet'smmdn--pitàLie n iy açn t a OM oa.ell vitread: pouo eAb t ,~ Itlkmldlwm su 't, -t sunce vas aven, Ingmaster, made ion," hé shouted, belde show! It Lun performance! )Use sud Bsete He ha. boon lu ev months. No word cf hlm Ian- Sbe keptiln a -lgbt inansud e was' tiere, wltb lspegra, filed Inte tey f ound thit ,rneo" was Bah>' ýn bis CrIbý wbdt Icage for hlm. t ru e that ne eueé ,ond a! ùs imit- s plain that ho is caltai-a some- gene, Dlck sud moment beahle, t -better tItan i Dick. '"An' ýand on hie hesd- ing uo got bis answored Dore- easier tItan any- could."-' Lac Iim in the sai«f Dlck, "and 'i-en more o! a --day."-Youtb<si gs bath iipst.airs tust ho fongatten. n. Six Bites. sap fun vas pok-» me 'ea.ra aga iu ýtment wieh ho ,allowlng iris food even>' pa.ntlcle 36 nawens3. But iL i te humo;ists, Man." avent ruch iL>'. te bhis caroful i§ vends caused ink i viicit people setter "bolL" tludr [y îuf or thEkt Lhey is ta be construe tipi. as tbat o! a teeth te, facilitate bown tulat whenW lcsted about oee i tan wben iL la vith b>' the teeth âat by' effective nutriment la ex-- r. legs ond need remit navadairs. e Lh. Name.

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