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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Jul 1916, p. 5

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TE1JR~DÀy, ~T~Lf lB, 1910. - - i /~ u~/ j, I '-i i ii~ui iii ut i i - . - - t-lit- - - - Si tir-fr t Iii r il il tl 'ý- ilaili il tsu i r f1- - f i- r- - t *'tir't i---r iIu.rt ti tir'--- r n------- . tut r- -r-I. -- -- ' -- - - r t- -------------- lit --- ni- - i t r - - - -- -f. surir, - - - - r- -- - ' - lut t i .-- I t, - - - - i-i rit- - -- - . r-i - - . - tiff r- r - - - stu r tri - t t . . , - t - ,t - - - Il- y umiuhiuîni-Park tif -ethe Ftcune oif ut iZ iugi-tc lholidlayi, eleti'titon on1 Au-t-.i. TIti-e t-utllau-acquratte spIent. .4cut-hali, andi football, band e- ttnîrtniîieuts. sud a biig duy lta gua- 1i i. t iXulien larticiflans laten. -4)-- IiAPTIST CHUIRCM. - stuuday, Jul>' 16. MrnnnIng. - Antieun. *' cannot do iîîfultîTbep, Lord." % V--i i'iing-Athum, "The Splextdors et 'lily t; Ituif>'" bbce Sergeants osf the Ittnd Balla- Ilin helti their surnuer damse.lats b. imuntsic lhall on frida>' *veUlzig lasI itîna about tblnty Couples uiijoyUa- ffleasaîit social ime. MIt*tg rsSU> pled bty Mn. 'Nili Foiter, f et tnto. 'AT IIEYDNSIIOIIE ON CIVIC H0L1- Wuatch for tiurluuir partculia abqut -the. big civie holidday ceebratton eat Ueydnabone Park on Aat T t th.Babe- bail, football, acqlate aporte, 1*id en- -elertiatMpuhnt, soeratWM lt rvéryio4y etW b. Intei'ttçd In. let us Examine Vour 6 Eyos. .With h iest cquiprnellt ni Ontar-io Uounty, and our pat expet-lence, there is no re ason why- we should flot glX'e )'OU Sati1sfaction. if we do flot 've Ilvili refund y'our money. BASSETT In The Bio3k With The Ba!cony Brock St. South W C.T. U iii, \urit- ifir tuP1t'mî il , r ilt t 1i t I I- ,i It eu i '., 5 rrnI i -tla 1-. i - - 1 V 1 , - Il --i ..t>-tiii" a i '--i' i- d -t.- - ~ r i - -t îil,-.î1su Ilun li- le 'Uii in'iirr 1, o l --il -r - - -- <jail.t ' -r -r rqtar -.1ii-' -1- 1tio c. 1tritlati - N-la1 l-i a Il iti - - - - - -- ii- r ,-- ~.- -r rtr n - rî and" tii nl!tt- i Per-sona] ]Mention t;tt t - . --- - -- t- - t, t - iu .- ' rii 5pl I îttrt i fuir? d'(il' f t - - t o-11 i 1- v- f tT- ro ili f r(i s.îr i t - i i' \î ri. i-:i ' ii -il z l i- r- P tio i O S Xl tn 'I.)~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ li - -,-'- ---t- -ir- MiI dr art-..\rKI-t t e i t1r. .-?t .I îul tti t 1i-st,(11.cf Gfuii-tî101. NV1aS tutistrtr- r -u-- - - - - R ititi î ý Nuses I tii- r-it 1lli Njj n Murik-t lit u are four 'II, to - - - ' i - ' ii X.uuudurl' ît - ii --t- if Imln ' e"îtiirr.. zfenilto" t- i n.t ti tiffalo fonr à nomîtu irt-onu(. trig r ( ~ - t-- 'riz-.ti,, rt rui ' rt, tut r i iutu-r r-ilf, i sti l it11t., 1.u. Mrd r-. E. %. EtN i uue I "<lii îr tii - uî Xi î-'î- -- - t-il h t- îu~, ru si- ru-ita tîti ut l-t Toasoints Oonînto oit- Suiidav llîî'y <-f t1'- - 'tr li , it,:- i~~. : t r-. t h tf cart ir - <ts it f i)t té- Ini lt Oi -rtt NIr. J. I'. Phili. utofOneida. N.Y.,litas uit-y t 1rt t i l I -, "-r ' 'in r i- 1iin i îtîtli iS 'it. miii , Il, tti asd b ccii nta Owit, for a fctv daý-s lookilst froîti titilu fot ri -1-1'?- - 1 - - - -o--'Ii t i: - , -I p nid fii-tti. "Tht irturrîr-tîr f -rt r'it-tr. Stii<ihinuit iSlabiti - - *kMn. and NIrs.NV. Nichtolson anti son, ýi1tVrfolr (ýlý litl, ltýiiIcidal 10 01 c! 14ofColtiwalt, are 't it ing Nit tit Mr. and4 tdu' tti rtI r- tîir f -' -~ u ~i rr tu tuttsu' ati ii E i 'LjNCE5'ONX\' ENTIO\. Mrs. Jas.l. Nicholson. liqotir. sri I Il i-f r, u i-' ru - -- lii,%itlloluilLlli auI'nnh Ibti oti .'t u i boe'n 1s. Nortiman Nottsir anti ciiilt n, otf be id-r t (ir-u ln-ti -l-rit t i -sd N n Satsf -ii uî, rts.l ls tc tni i iIr~ît rfi ta - mut - itroand tut, h a xbctoin. tîg ixib Shr ' ' l it i i ti 'tr- - - Iltr-n - t l Ir ir tri Ni.riiru ofti MajorItk, fit' t taifirîtut i natno i f to iîs thliv iti iii udNlr s, . J . xItn. n d u ht 20~ httt,11 s' Ssii-liTi h aniqtsbrit', antiNIrnIll thil-h and-tu i ti 'Noir-iir w ork t s dont '" ()la juf at T iunsday for a letihty visu t11 ntl. i(,' i'hi u ta-i itîi du-ul NMajor xii- ni- r xîr mriiot-ali titan utow sU tIc Miss MNIabel Senior, of Toronto, lis anti iira I enluitý rq %IraNo>tv anstilit-r i fart 0itWîmu-liomn'iits fuir tlii. ai 1.edut. îîsîitg with ler sister, INrs. Geo. S.i son \Iîî- i uitfr No(it -ed 'aîs. anti Nrg. N'. Thtt-ru- la uberefoni' n let uinithîe uc- Joubtilluii ber', uutuini Il. taît andlMm;sNlotîne, INIr. i livilies of thet'îtario lbrandli 0f tihe Mr. Fred W'alter%, who was off ddnty rn LOCL HAPENaNd Nirg, Normanit flt, Nir and lk. 4mtion Xlliasicu', sud sIo thk- natîfor tiuo'wer-ks owln& te ilinss, la able LOCL HPPEING Vi Iraiiiiiansd Mni. atîi Nns. J (. , couoty conventiionis have lui-eut anti are to resuas lis dutites aiftue store. jf l{lfu. of ('ausntn t, Niajon -Ncuîrmack, Ili eld-iti. atireparaious îmatie for.i Master 40eorge McCletlaiî, ef Toronto, __________________ Cahiti at u iî ntid --taltf (ttclitu tli ys wheîî lite 11roulace w-Ilgo lis spendutg the boiidays with hie sut1itrnm bî'longlingtg lte laialioîî. dry, Igrandmnottier. Mm'aJa&. NeClellan Tiio' XX ir Iii fr-f Smiici't'%N- 1î1%lcit T)V1On Wcdnesday of fltI neek the con- 1 XMn. àautrieGreen, of the I16tiiat- exîtni 'taIlis rititfa fuir su uomnatioîîni'f Y. B. C 1GARDEN PARTY. v(atietfor South Ontario was held Inti lion, spent the week-.end wiltb Mi. $1t0. ni-t r tut h It- Nu XIIlIlug. ut "lite Yuaîag Lauies IBible ('lass of fit he wMteilodu-ýt Cittîclu, fiookln, la the andi Mn. T. D. Hender-son. v.n 'i i MNi-tttduit 'latwrnacie tietti an urJol- t fternooui, %liha tîeeting la OahaIl %Ir. anddXi's, F. G. Etikine are viait- o tul~aIli taunul-ainson uit' ciutnu-ilawn in tlhe êveaing. tn.g w-tpltfrienile la Iluffalo fora W«#. 'Finitl tt rui fi stI i isi n vXXi-tiiiuetnig of isst w(euk. ThoI Nortnu tslantoiolnventionwaSs ad Mr. ErskIne la atîending tho 'tr iii t i i rîidiu -i isit , iio i rne s i sieiflci tiaentiatte'Thet- l'd aIi 'itunldige ou Thursday, Sblrfiter's mttiual convention there. la's rli ii,'l a a ii'i - i. X t ii- timrtiirSt rît u tu iti irh li-nss A t ury Inieresîinit and profitable -Mr. Chas, lHoale, wbo bas bee» dia- titifini trin î.u i nItriuîîd ci n.Irf. -,'crtiitrziki- i-t' '-l'*.s- csumferfi-îce nîson i- esitutiHon bufore ubarged fremin be 1llGh attalron, as il- i, ii li i pi i cffltn ru -:1t11uS lis tioril yi-r t. consit.at-nd after Pepienber 16, nmxi. tu-sa eltiphyui cally unâtft roversut, b» leê . 4 Iit- (if Stulfila tut- Nît- AW Jacksonl. ai lirouukltn.It-v Mr. Ku-iIew-eli, re-- etareti a 81iuaulon in Tarogto. Ti.iretît iii'of itrit-t l(lOui (Itr SIl 'î' ti tftd.ett ;ahF ?-antd i~-snttgtt- Aliane; Mn. Rutbtieu, ?Nr. Maurl", Murpby returned fl on tiiti-iunt it tli 'ssS-ir0t11st11111211tM rI . 1- as -lut li tf aug i-hot the ltefamotîs singî-r, artoni- Suttutday trot» a trip to Qtueb-ee a" ji II \rti' 'r l W unifîIrr tittilit V -a(tinOr liii« sr,'ani- i, ucak." mtu1h -ieanl,-d irM. Ketîieull, andigave nuch it onel. Maurier cotabtued busines t-rît I tiiiriitiit ( rîîom -uos s r sOches'tral icitttuituc~.Dtming tle pleasutre Wtl ihi.nif 11ng. »iîh pb.asure and report, a pl«asst t~~se' I un lia o!r-ou';', n unt lIt-r llite 'é Ile omtcr-e's tfnrthe e minuyesr were h«11day, euetilliitg.tlle W tîhiyOnettstrna pneuid. aîupeintied asfuîlows: Itl-r\N uItîItua I)sfuir t iiii' a!ae dis- >cdà ni butiutuof itîttiu. Il la U> - Ilresidfu t --gimi Stoceks, cohunbua*. 1ua 1 tI-l iintaui-utn ilti l att ilts-ertutood ti, theIrou-e.-ls w -e Ie --t'uihrtt»-.S4"ot. Oshanwa. i1il' y Tt-uu l, diut ,'uuiutlolto -f $40, Seu.-Tr8az. - Elmee Lîck. Whbyf FTIr:iAND> FOUR SONS IN IReprs'sentativea on tue wstiv Xl t-- I!.rt'.ura î l dtil, 'Alto duid Itni-AhCommnîuiuuie(romth Ie -ariou* muniel- [<-t ir ifl lurtu-ek, agi-ti Sri. lt'fl'ait t'a- Fi'w fanieica oa ueofutas fspletndid tliu-w'rtaiehtdasflt--: rusit Ni-ru luilnt t- tuarî'ns of a miltionA aconiitilon 10 tue tusdfeitcu- t lie iknn Tçs-al.5.I-.Co [trIrlINI.:uufirinus Nt11Ittîl1t tit' titen pie s( U é,Gantion fazuiît-, of %Whît. Whithy Tewiisblp. FL Tink. Eut Whuiî til \'ltlut- Iv. lt vdt'ngionum l'an klis IPart î>y.'The fathel ,nttifour seon% arq il Hb>' . 14iU )- ytr; Scuff& 'W.J. Crot- iii tit t-f tlt iii.ln tiuittti, ituee ordi *ni tes'bettu ter. Port Vet-, Mr. $toutbous*: Whtl- ---o-- ~iin lratmes.. 'limelai tu-rare l FAes. y i, V. A.-(ood.fetlout-;Oot i -,T. IL ~ -~. ~iw ard andi Jante, Gantîton, wts-hnilt vrn vaI111168 qlRhIuL TO THE HARBOR W hi'e the i82nd Battalion are in camp at the Lake we wiIl carry passengers- From Dur garage or* the Post O ffi ce Corner ta \Vatso!1's Office at Ilarbor Fo Pre of5ciEaochre Or we wiII eall at Watson's Office for passengers at tbe ~me rate. J.'-.. il I. 'W8 .L. LUI! t? ~<JN Phono 10 e Wu#i lIJLSlJ4I, lUNE 2lth 5 ~163-167 Yonge St-. TiDRONTO- ROYAL THEATRE Thu'ee Nlghts a Week Durln jJuIy and Asiguatl, Monday, Wednesday andl FpIulay, "GCraft-" every Monday nlght. Admitmioon, loc tu al, le War Tar. Big Broadway Feattîre every Wednesday. mas. PERRIN, iMam«g. WASTE PAPER, RAOS90, Etc. COLLECTED WEEI4LV av Harry Nekal Keep ai your waste . materia. for hiui. ARrHTMUR -LVN-DE, T2Oiet 0F 8INQING. II~Y ru WAR JIELIE WOItK FOR Ta£ mhe ns-uhar monîisy moecu.of thxe Whltby ,War Relief 8Oie4t'sasli lt» Cuat- Cotn»f1*ibe on adaj af- îeriuooJtitylotis. th#- Preuldan, M J. K. wilits, lua ht. Tht- Trmam"es rft l'r if« .a taatstas slà's U flo eeM5T OJ4C-. a*u#k tlsi sî#ttt 5Jat tu-r>. aulPort Iloçs e, ieBat. lery Went te Ftugland inlthie spriag t ibis yea-rmand bave &ln" ebuen trans terrt< atcross tbe Chiannel. Thos. W Gamuto» und two othér sons, William mudHarrY. are taimbers of **" cm*Cu rany.' l6%tb BattalIon, Iow Kt Niagarau. This tailly are Imdutedly doin- thir s"art Iln the varr. a-ad.biamole resac ta b. pt-nué efIbe, r ratear The. Ontario Wmmli* Cbrï*Uan Temmuruet--'oUlbu » t t-lsItpadau to provide the wxw orw55ig cdit ti VXru- es u »'rwmtbt' Cm»âtm troopu ll rane. tu adIltlopand caus e i.WCýTx,. bu o Qdtis fend to provle Ceo4dum, 4m soup ms a *su&bste tfert" rom, Iî%<U IS for thédt- alit aad thpir duUes aret5 llou i nà5àt" II f - W « -1 T 6 7WIW m- à oàP A E " ïv hlle th, t , a. Ro thero,lftp à i montnWtasl,ùd te dalua fe thé..hKrbtôr, for 1e. êacb, inPi n68niigrireDéfgè,a niôtdes 'TMore, or we wîn call ait At Itiverdale) Ou the d&Y of our blg pieute otitng-July-imith-a cap ËewdleY, near Rice Lakep r fl for pamenge rs t the <whieb Yeu May Dow' mee lu Mt.Busetts window) *111 be contésted for by G e n até.f . Luke & Son, phone teAmidsadFbnl udyShoa182MND BATTALION NOTES. --o-O The de ire of each conte sant to bring bonor and t ' he ep to their achool se Batalonlna y ns o w C m, orndbth ',M1) D IN -AI I lAtti axaehrnotp: fouotn rm i"ir'estingi and ehould stricer miltry lif s appeailng te aliIfeIIeLore, and moturahher ofe! un! " Mrshe. A.ker a hM. Dikem n. T 0f a rat f2522o datigtt'ob the laie Sir William Veiîch as the profeasionai gaine. efc utercuîn stâ.M41éln Muray albait , amen lias ben transferred ta he ll6th,4 an ohro is .M Ie f29teef nthe reriigstaff bas Wetflhsre, at arbara, Cal., T bral udySehool been the reveprse of discouraglng, MoreIn e t Pde dt e stdiv onWlnesVancou e, C.forts than ever before are under way te shestevas vtsitîng anoiher daugh-scr rcut.AI e.xep hs froi heai dieaseIn V neouer BC., ' __ ____ i e r rec u t A e n e c epit thof tprrei%îr,. Galbraith was a cousin of TH-E FRESTI AIR COTTAGE. septr h debtthe r oigwhîch 3 or 4 are betng retained at eatth A Mrs. J. T. Hornisby, of Wlîltby. Marly frten s are reiembering the to keep the Comipany supplied whiledtcin, are belng transferred tua~ D t reI ~eEnpio .Iîr~id ra chît nluren ailue rresh Air Cottage.' Hey- by heR ldissbt.hyar opngprtclal sledfo eeuttg oof 1 & nirsas For this sock ftind brha Base C'o. at Hpvdiishore Camp. This J !ti Tav; (Itlidnsliore, and lbelpin.- the Deaconesses bags were distributed throngh the 1w-tii make possible eompany drill, and qf Tornnin ii lhold an ertertai'nînent ndwokeslvdoain hich arel oiow rn "liy, tire proceeds of ivbich, totebterrangofli fila1 . i Toi itlloan loca tln titis cri' gnd ii ltng .Heie bse feshdaturhe dniolnsto th o n front en ani officers at the Base. il wil Jîly %1401t, ats S îm. A silletîdid pro- er acceptale. Mr. HIle hslisme er date bave iron ted 10 n r Iom aiso leave theieofficers ofthie variois de- A ectbsand carden stut!, -w hiedi is tîinte to limec wtli be gladly recet'ecl.ianeî retdeoehirtee- beei îrratîged, and 40 lier vent. of t1, ps e('iallyi' njovpd. Donat Ions have '1'ie qoekq knitted bv tie oie ty 6 tait tirv t ree îtoig A resigrnen.f IV t loi"'.'ds of tI14eroce t IIlat 011Ialet UIfmr J pohop WiceW fil= r,' rh\\'aroùr 1 z f- 1 it-beesocd1 q, t %". 1 iI.. chargeto be ivten t heby as nee d t 1offcersIo newdistrcts, as deerned vI tore 25t'..roferSt. Cathtarines.trruit 1sb ieCnrlRcutn o- soefr2crurq, ilutft and î'ickIf-'ý. Ladie-s' i St. Cararises. .\either arean. gi W lias beeîî made, and a canvaslVV I K _____ tîîar~~. tues, ~311 dozeri eýggs: Boiton Netilodilsi to tire Bat talicn sold, but îîsed cxciiýi- ni t tîî be p rotll'nye eneu 1'turh.caîredfiil 1icersi ~eti-Siel fîrtu ltîtîsefor 'tîtcîit hev led ]ii the' cotty, for thorougtîness and DRL>G and STATIONERYSTR *~~-~ ~'i. ~, \lOl UN odlt tiitrti.cltstilîiz tr Hae ~,cge. were donated. Soule of tire t ow nsleo-isaotocninne ýodist Chiirch, r. Hare. \egp- eîîtbîislasmlabitocmene PtIA I10.T'"OIN(0 tbles:a ian cash donaitis front F. PlP se-t-tIi 50 titti ca woiipressioti The follier organlzat ton of thle Base FI t ('T I()N 1i luers, Wblrih ' I.\îr oîdrinz Port fil this regard, hence tire socieîy- takes (' ompany, having created a need for I B . ni ~ lro I1e-tb-atN- prn- N\Xtii ii tî\VW.'i. iff and i isitors Stinithibis potr t tntty nof eittîîatically de- more N. C. Os, lte(,follo\%Ing men wlio - SaeAgnNTrOterc a R Jo.dï 1r. 111, (traîne rui l -d ner Sutnot lli i N;Mr. Arden, of Si., N zativ :Srh s!atpetîr. Iia been rhebyatlonSg.- imd: - st,<\l Antd-raron' r-on- t)lis, Miss. A-\Ile ter was also read fromn " Se- Il aIor t)tckeîîsotî, and have qualitled, oeAetfrNa rpi r: sur tt 'JrgreIVd.a ni'wnr has-eee-donecours Nationale-" i l' oroitao asklng for for' their respectiveti)osýitions, are pro-' i lAgetda f ý)k a end as9sistatî,c (,intleir fia, day 0it Joly nîoted by lte C. (O. Sl gn o ylPeaain '-'ttiltd'-d plopins nîusI nnakeit18is unlt r towards lmpravtng l1 141h. Asthie sacct tudid tnt feet abte jPri\'at, O'Connor,('arnegie, Sey- Ln,1'dti-Itrt , 1n )ýXI Tror rlle slitjcr s ir 0 rf \\Xithlrbv.Thp chairinan onI' o ondertakie any s-peciai,%ork on this mour, Hadley, Lwachi and Jackson, to in Nut ibsti it taiîî-u to olutati fslic n-- slle St reets Coniosit tee, Mr. Tlios. Cn î'.It %vas déclded 10 give tisenite'jbe <'orporals. quit-ifi Ill p+'r titlitins bee,-N ei bîîsy nrganting the 1Pr-ceeds of sb c(oncert to be boid Fr1- i(orporals O'Halioran, Wlieeler, Baie. mork and astundiîg to thie lInimer-lda3' c IllîIilitniosie bail. For iait.F. W. Jones, lievereli and F. NOTICE 0F REGTRATION 0F HO1JSE ANI O O SLTW eýrable duisi h tat fallto fsle lot of tnie, forher 1particistars sec locals. Few one to be actitng Sergeants. YLWN.81 isîcsnibei of ittat pîositiont. l'le toutiipeîopule reatize tiow niitch of indtîstrial Corporats f'ockbura. Arbuthinot, and Notice is liereby gîven tbat a hy-law At a -bargaiteYrîodpoet * trist~ rin îrkaîen and i ants tiave be-en stead- iFrance la at Irresentiilîtirî lds of the Gcddes 10 lie Sergeants. Xl ertliIîg s- ict Ill rcs fot ilN enoago.-l oitroad nepairin-, itiiitiaS- eneii'N, ansd be needs of rhe refosee, i 1Pri-ast-s Stone. Morton, Brmw-n and was passed by the Coincil of lte Cor- on ItundasSret Onarefla Il i rc l iiolf-n.'IPa t'te ird aiIllte lîreset tt itîtethe stricts are coitltîg stiecially frons the 'erdsin disctric*t, Ho,-sam to b ac oprl.prto fteCtnyo nai nFuttes ha'Lauce orpnas loraion0f heCo(niyofintato o ryit tre. ai ssldbik I i'u lt'i ut(trs' - '11 tak - 7 ' l- itt.(s be 4t1 faltINgood shape. Tie as' - arc e ,rv grtat.-tie ~ecoturs Nation-! The dance gIven bv the qergeanîs of the 3Otli day of Jonc, nineteen lbondred sovfrtcwosesal li!ld PîItaI rri' l "toinfl itiita u oilerty ri-îtalriitg t ics-n iis one tiat ' ale"bas soîq i ktctîctîastatiotied alotsg - the Bat tallonith ie tomtn hallonlFri-! cf-r\c,ý ili Tb-,casîtt, o niltdltas il --1the rouite-s the refsîgepes take. anîd afterl dav, .Iîîy 7ih, tttoigh the tirsi of lis and sixteen, providiag for the lIsue of session Noveme a.Apyt a. I \!'tl.ttl, -j-\ tins btIlle tî;rî itiainî'ady ruade Its r(eceiina lîherai heipitias of sout and Ij'dbnue oteaoito 2,0 o m((deo qiienak,.br(tad, the%-ar, 2iteiî tints of Caîtadianti liîoîlte nigbt was w'arm, the Itali the puirposa' of auîshortzing the lise of bard, 1204 QIte t et oot-L IZ# I l-nPster \% il iireact i at -o--f îat to îîourisb thtut. betw cea sta- 'vas wIl veitilated, coting refresh- tiebeninres te the sal iti am tsi, --7= ~ ii~ ~Th(, narriage of NMiss Mary Edîvards. ios.nients were avallable, snd noîo ne daisgliter of the taie 1E Fdiîards. CarIe- ioIt ivas tmovefd hy 'iW. J. H. Riedi- - roliced tie temperatître. The com-raemnefothpyintftecsi.IO N S] \NrRr-: s IPICNI ( ltiPac1a. ajrRoi n ittitti,laditi, -tt %V' an Relif ief t-p cane rnhlsîewaslitonored lt'y SIe treseaice of of building certain bridges In and ad- ('arpenter adCnrclgfule secrond l-tcoîîîmas-d of thie l6ttt egi- for sorie of titi Cautadian lînisoîters la Lt.-Col. and Mrs. l'ockbuirn. The m'slse joining the Coonty of Ontario and'fo't tlanà re l Ptr arit ik. 'Toronto,%%-sssftle tnf,iui, îîeîvstaîiîîned ai Niagara, s-st GC',rmavi .MNrs. Hussehison w-as in.- bv Mn. Foster, of Toronto, lefi nothiag ohrCoiyproe.Anthat snch nithed. peae adetmtsf ýr l ie t te uirituul plitrotf Si. Xii-iii'Nr. NW ru. stttiibj. MP C'olttinibrqs, sirted to tirite ro the National Ser- tolbe desired. ohrCIiyprps rock S. -lu ~ ~ i Ch 'tsT00ris- ti 1 îît S -itîclootk lplace tiSt. .Iassîs 'lsvcivare luetuiîuitt.-e fon Iaiullars tiloiig The fir f tlac i-weekly nanes- (rfri'r 'tuîalt 'iistru'kii i ta î1le<.l-t ann .1 -ns oaîî.by-law tuas rcgistercd ln Ile Regijstrv tSuho os fie ht cmiid ti 1 Ise p. it înton, El bsiler- tItis liste, riven ln- the Battalion Band*in taite Office 0f flie Coonty of Ontario on fthe ,Ot I', I? traisi A large-i- aedi-t. forîiiiglecirýoi\,assiste-d hy Rev. 'Thp Stick frr rios'rtt-orts forthie j He.>dnshore Park Pav-illon, tias held onfl t day of Joly, A.D., 1916.Plne31 lfai-ii_ - y tl)vbvIti- 8.", a mu traits. R. IB. W':terniat of 'art. Tilt, bride,- mentIs t're as fotîoNits: -Tutestia3v cening. ,Jtily 111h, A large Any motion to qoash or set aside the j\it Xt tii'ii-t t iîry tuttii- djaN tmas spci tir. Ttîc it lin Wt5Sies at ril.ry u tcle, Mr. M rs. Mnpat-ir i ar- of 5rock i-nber w'ere îreqeittirfle foor beîng same or any pari thereof nmtisl lie made W. .Y LN teieol- osliitîd tlix rrieniiis iiiîîi NNllilog tll Ntil a wreath il ri.prf misetoulie îery ajoyable and the lication of titis notice,'and t a Civil ngine,, Tpgahca nv hi Ir.it - i- sanrdsartie rmade il tlle Oc- loni'oratngei trinsanad ahe carried a NMiss Saiti.-- ý5 pairs kiei I î11 pblic are cordiallyI' nvited. made titereafler. ]and drainage udvsondsgi rain t-Isii îus- triJ1sitoîten hbouiquet of wtibte, roses atîtIl1-palm ir oitil- MNs. E. E. starr; 2 Tire tenis totrnament in the Tnen's Datedthe île 1h day of Jily . IJpano n d da w instmieeclo 0 1tes cif' tie vallev M Niss Norma Joba- - Ipairs rcfooted. dorbles betvei-i the Battalion and lte 1916. île ttrnttc, irttiw irdt oititen a ioni )ts~tavitis britiesmnaiTire hî tl Tticre i-,a a ietv situieniof ivool on Nfethodist Coutrs, resîlted ia a win for J .FRE'L,-Boxl4,WHT 'i I1 ril tirs u. 5t fott r thte ittasi ita, iplet. C'Ias vi, f(a-- hiauti td.and ay desinissa ici helîtiu ilthe as.olIo.u-s R4.______ fi ui1t friîxi-5for X bi eiou s ;alIltete itiiatosl fIlleii t icil tts Affr rthe ru-cil-- kîii iiiîg niay-obtais lie saisie %iiii fuit Lt. Penrose and Pte. Siatrd ivs.__________________________ frnt loms, asî ad Snitb tcft for a directios,for rfa w ork tronithteColit-- F. atd W'. Ellisoa-Istsetsd, 6-7, 2tîd - otîyCek ____ e ~~tri p dcNiiimiie Suui-sa.Arîtonz tbe- r-eIlr,;r, seiî: 6-â: 3rd setidefasîlted by' ît.IF or S ale To RnEtc. Undentakeradfiitrdee. uîîpîrusîît u ~ Jituui ais ua anrîioay-ivw tb Xrs. Clitas. 1-id.as ccia cier cii'suîp- - Ptes. Galîowai- and Biatchiford vs.Re , of t-ctitrtt-î rtr-*trs« ,ea sr tefrointhie officer9 Ofi'the plies., rejiorteti. Sso a mer- Ist seti: 6-1; 2nd -- Bell -antidepnaatpine.D XV tlitii \iadI iclikenz t anii îs a t i ni Il#ii ttl aan Oa si Iîcr sru and cut- i' îo ru ontans i . xili ar) i' 3.oeft -2 rdsS -i-HOUSE FOR SALE.orn-lt f iti,- 'rosi,- t S u-r ati hii't ifl Itia% t ss wit?'r et frontirettC (oiscrN alite C. oainfoi ais 3bePe.(,IovyadBaeiodv. Sxrcmdsldbikbna o r niKttt t - u - i i t Ir le pr-' t i i . t r- il i s l I i lty aîu d s of a aN i. T S .S a iatjaFa..a n d W . Elt : t e t : 6 - ; '? l A ls o tw o lo is n o r th o f C . P . R . A p pu ly ippettr> o lFet;i bur games areilhî lmîgs Iokî-ds.for-10Mn. N. George, 91 Armstrng Ave., tutu' cia itlts:11 ' ý*01T4 s 1-1 Tlt o itW iliN\ard to.F.L E iý 1,1 - i rtJtx1.îrt I l(lV, 'Striutll l ()fr, I rt lu Xit - iurrisî nîtes- of; ii~ t i Frî Srtît.Nt Ea, --I - - BL PTCA r' u-srr rtr-i ii iii r Ntni w i fi lutut iti'i- * ut ' 1 ru -ik. -.for -sîr n pny , 1ii;itiI - -- r -. t rît--- lr' :l i n tr i l tritii- r111 tI-t stt S! far r ti, etp l îiia -r -'rI --I - îrr - .i~tili î.1r rXltu X ufr-t-us J.i%, -i' ii dît'fn i lrîs f.IAlastngsom t k -t i ; - i - r h ~tfi- I i - r ,r titi ti-ft ro n it1 Nîns. Vi luitiif-Id : n tru( tddontio ns -' r'- r.-' --hrrt --'i t r -U -'-rîlQtoirL:.Iiîr, lA s -a - i--i -r - i i-si r-Pl' -a I - -1- t" I -r 45 i u ài For 15c Each Phone le

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