ENOCH WENTWORTH yISABAL GORDON CURTS Author of" The Woman from Wolvertons" Dfnty Dishes. put in sml9 aso lse.Nvi Beetroot Salad.--Slices of cold hard- co oeta w ursa ne R4I-Cn'. b.,bie gs beetroot and cold potatoes once triedawysafvrtrei. -kf I- Cntd) egan to marvel at how easily he form the mixture. Season with sait Idif the manuscript aside. tould liel because a liè had never com and peppýer and add a sauce made of.- Th nglisli*an hearty In his con- readily to him before. whipped cream 60 which one table- gratulations' and enthusiastic, was1 "Drink and gamnbling-and every- spoonful of vinegar has been whip- Slc odFo.PET FMNY urging the earliest possible produc- býhing."" Her brother shruggedi his P®l in gradually. Garnish with par- AtalimswshudbcrelMTO L oin. He offered unlimited money shoulders as if in disgust. "Of course Fa'i -òby iueSey. r Se'wt oulciodfehfod nesw and Insisted that the best company he stopped writing. A man could not ii h .-ary osSrwer hrbet.-Here is a ofant ourhueodtob ndne NeW York could produce should beV write in hispcondition. Hle sent foýr âiig aplain. I1 trust you-ve got all you want?"-London Bystander, cooling drinik for summer and it isoftman pisng;btnht engaged. The spell of the story was me. 1 stayed by him night and day 1- qiklreaed se a tablespoon-1wahrw utrdul u ii-Srat r cre still upon Dorcas. 'She passed out, and-wrote. You see-1 wrote it.", dred dollars a week to an actor who DfulM of gooadaciader vinegr, edsga t nc..HvetobeH shkng bands hastily with Oswald. he lifted a written sheet from the1 was to play the janitor. GREAT BRITAI se ndahadu o ruhdsta.. I s ms motn ta ihsol "Dry"cidhrbohr1h i loose Pile of manuscript. "Breen is a- far bigger man than you berries. Have a glassful of waterb rs n o ilko hti sVr et not answer. "Perhaps-but it- is not your play.*"need," he objected. "He has played N and M U ARte tawtte crackedtuce Iathnd. Pouh ifthe ee aeprmnetan ul nd FshoabeLodn "The play stirred her intensely," Doreas shook her head with obstinate leads to many of the biggest stars. the strawbverryhemireinto thlis.hthe pp il ark hs oeei oLisetosesta said Oswald. He had noticed a trace incredulity. We need a mere bit of character wor'k gag ivste rnadl ghtulayinalmbetsa h ysbcm h fet ftewr of tears on her cheeks. "Was this the "I told him so. I suggested we in this--he isn't on the stage half an g. gray andat._i shehfih s ruknlgbeoetethrptofhemr first time she heard it read?" ms.ke it a collaborated play." hour. I can get a first-rate man for FRENiCH STATESMAN PAYS TRI- qatstrawberr .Parfait.- Crush . onefishe is ni o od refwep oss "Yes, I had never even told her of "l6 is not even gollaborated play, half bhat price" BT OTEBIIH atsrwere hog ivcok he gls hu4 erdoorgaIeeinM rBl it. She has been away while-it was Enoch. Why, every situation, the "Breen can make the janitor so true . e cpuntl nsugt-aohlfcuulwat- whior grbeesh an tesclset"br aenom written." Plot, even the very wottis, are his." to life that the audience will regret erutli sf-alsage, Whip three sho udbe fr n rgtadnteaeecutrdta sa "«Is your sister an actress ?" "He wants me to father it." seeing him for only half an hour," Os- ' bra gg whites stiff. Pour hot syrup over t irbe f. eaeo h fs epestlsaete "No--she wants to go upon the "ellemust have changed since he wald rejoined. "That's the test -of'Sy hyHv efre iaceer upadco hc. Then tat s oftadfab otetuh rt aeoeogla stage." said good-by to me. He was on fire'quality. When I pay a hundred dol- In Raising Rage Army In n gpougradualtly. ove lggwits wi- n ormsesl wyfo h oe iemnin nte 'Let her have her way," advised the then with hope and ambition." Ilars I want a hundred-doellar man." Rer Tm.inngonstaintly. pedCool. Thd fen ol formosi etilgti o sfrs ra n os gn Eng9lishman. "Hier every action shows He has changed," acceded Enoch (To be continued.) Rcodsim.ine patsipe d rem dreea.a it ih e .mthate xren that she possesses dramatic talet."gravely. It was a relief to make one Msameeeaseacethcream. Aenotherbsi st odtefs e "It isn't my idea of her future." truthful statement.r.nc lteeneau, the edroubtale re eld l--B ilapo do f at ri. t en te fig ra d te h m n fr·h otnati i ch"Stsge maeiofeiactlyur us y n e I tepoducedohn Esterbrook' DON'T BE A FOOD FADDIST. most ungent ofnewspapers, H at t e a dbahuh ap sie an t pr lyt gn sonI h ls prsp e wicsiy cogh. I hae aonit io syeweo "No thesrdacetcn eryhs--me Enchaine, contri utes a remark- then should béewhen cold, a solid Choosingciknisaohrtkexnesascmo play Cordaea"ovitthese u Ntr cto cptionof it ow " A Prominent Medical Man Says to able preface to the rench transla- elear jelly. Iia e and that requirscr, Teee fatetnnso aho Werxtworth bru hed his hand across "Where is he ?,,•EtaLiteo veyhn. tain, of a ook dtescr bg.Great Bri- wihmilk or cream bu ethe nic f resiken sol ebih n e o rseosy his forehead andistared at the seat.. "I don'te know." A certain amnount of food is good DtsefroteBin e wa by M. uety.1ot nix mlk r ceam who il the 11 èproitandteetlmmit paeadvsbesg tvred sheets of manuiscript on the "I thought you promised Mr. Oswald for a faddist. It keeps him from wor- M estree h egio Scalit Depsuty•Ts otrte wenuhnreacol illsonal ranpibedh ls hul eaeteasneo ta bl1e, to have him here and get things start- rying about being one. If he doesn't, ed praiseestreethe Brimsnaut easu; mo.d largad e eouh'o each perso.imadpupadthekncenad.eoa0trea Get Merry here as soon as possible. ed for an early production ?" get this food, however, he suff ers from Cleeceue. . i ulgy ihSur nd he dilemnsmy ewht 1 %want a consultation %wIth both of "I did. I am hoping to find Merry acute faddism, and is only two jumnps ente cau e ndoris endorsemethserve dihedi sh. Wate fa ondýýhen heciknsdcopigBranina youi, suggested Oswald while he drewi at 'one of his haunts. He must be ahead of Nemesis, says Edwin F. seilvu as MClmneuiOfigluadig.a quarter of a pound the flesecoe dr ndgeeih on hi gloes. "t isnow oly amat ound nd pt on is fet. here' a :owers M.D thesece tnlueas M.Clemnceauis o flor anda qurter f a ound f th fee hard stif anddryandahe . his ast masur has ter f tme nd thatr. I I ay ereendus ot t sake Dory, he Now, man, f rom the very nature of day lfpicfakFrtaenhan of ltelsreofadubnmd oet hope eraqur-ye snen nul.iflec o aag r advise now, don't choose anyone on turned to her appealingly, "won't you his teeth and alimentary canal, is Freneh sta raon y ake starel yteofaoudfsetcpedvr Halhwiduksaebakfe.tewrgrgscudn tehis side for Mrs. Esterbrook. I know help me?" omnivorous. He thrives best upon a stating t r h wlarsbfine, aquarter of a Pound of moist Any duckwihsfplateganloe rmny;te a %woman who can play that part to "Ill help you," Dorcas spoke slowly, little of everything--and not too little, From this standoent ad b -ht-win..suaSix ounces of figscu inofebghprmeteys adeslyaetof£5a aite youl. It's ;a grat play, one of "Wha t e?"emuch is just enough. We need it to has done and iprov og w t seing powdr. Mly ix a the ingrediensuSbae dcshv sif r fedl, at hm.Sc a the greatest Fve heard in yearfs. It's "That there is no wrong to be done."' make hay with. That is, to furnish 1oing. very thoroughl s;ba ittloegmilkarend skeneysfabyfshdicordgsasM farndBl b>ound tc succeed." "There is no wrong to be done. bulk. The alimentary organs and the A Military Power 8two we all-beenegs;if no l eggre necksmnd reihtn vrteofrt-a eenvr Wentort bowd, ut asudienMerry will have the opportunity of peristaltic muscles of the bowel re- "Thii a, eiè," i- at hanuird altl oeml il er-admn oe flush blazed into his face. Hle was not 'hiq life, if he can only be made to quire bulk to wrestle with. ig wafr, ewie,"i o e urd u the mixtureionto a Met ans great -deal of coos- Expense have been hardened enough yet to amcpt con-' seeit, that way." We need excess-in moderation. ing ag drorheossessilon.of artw hreaed mr' oltie tovran.iv toing, Good ma hudb imt h yetpcmn nmt gratulations for the brain prod(uct of "And there is no wrong to be right- But this excess must not be more than or a oin ceorou r a coloy.tWe ae-thre hors'biln. touon sgr, ch nd hudso itntyth h ubro evns another man. ed." the system can utilize and elifninate. istng forourreedo, ote cxnGe onsegrvpe.-one pu n uabrahing ein. Be rm6o nteota nfut "Goofd-bye," saýl the Englishmnan "Then he rmust be found. When he iThis is one reason why a full meal "ncensiur Drce, i tonokbe eatponun raes, Jone up wnut ahoulbadeprscorndteFrstadctrrs holding out' his hand cordially. 0,1Is found," the girl spoke decisively 'lIn a capsule will never be practic- onr si esuDs ateinglthe bo be-nmeas.o ep aisinse Juice ofntwo fatd a richcemnfteftiar hog h os es "GoodI-by," murmured Wentworth. "he must appear before the world as'able. At least not for a human be- here usateadus iaoutenglan, about r nes.he WashPutherpes aind e-and s liinitsos htth nmaoy Hle moved to the window A carriagie the author of his play." ing. srutinsva at nsitryhefr,atdhe pre mov th e ul. Put thopuþoina waTes odadtuh arwdw nrci stood waiting in front of the house. "He won't do it," answered Went- The system demands, for purp<,ses tellsusosMtatinspirenher, and he rtmiesvindketlen an ook foreafew Th de bs eli fapl oor n ut noefo a Hfe watched Oswald step into it and, worth.' .f nutrition, three varieties of food, igthns. nstanbos cmor- iutes, n then treove th sieedsts inyi ecoéfnatmw.emet aeno ie p drive away. HE rose, put on his hab, anri went in balanced proportion. Proteids to England1 bye putwr oe ting them hroug asiee.t faThuthae r:sicll ct Suddely h recolectd thb Doras ot. Drcas eardthe ront oor uppl the ateral t repsce tssuemust thnotwant are ;onerhe skns troug aecorse eat rint hetrnd opgoodporkis soobh nd payedstaff. Th day had not spoken a single worid of praise'slam behind him, then she laid her waste, carbo-hydrates to furnish heat one mrei;e dthilsinterbranise,tdriisithrtuhelp aseand ua addthuILigti ooadfrVo h agtrhdami or cong-ratulation on the play. She face on the armn of the sofa and burst and energy, and fats to prevent ex- that she did , tast fo her conf uo,'risisooughl ely wahedk and halv- wouch.Whe ti cttruho at was always enthusiastic and happy into tears. cessive waste and help maintain body forthe otat alfresa e ait Bt d. Cok d ut eary hicnthen warm wal nterpue vritee Pol on note over every triumph that camne to him. heat.noroneviain o1ega etaiyadcopdnt. We h 'ubshudntb n iarebeoo i otshv hsn She mus have tought' ell of he CHAPER VIIProteids are most valuable for thei nroeta say when she would have' jells pour into sterilized glasses and When purhsnieeals ethi osso ev h play. She had a tfull ap-preciation of, Sud(denly a f teerhh a nitrogen content. Fish, beans, peas, "eBeholdhe sword. .hsel. sure hat theyare fres. Pass ovr of ascretaker ather th Merry's talent,, and she had seemed to lowed him, terr searhd swA-grafouts and other foods contain Slowly bdt h n o ina he s trugl lCuumbers a i Winter---Buy a any Paysoigsgso ecyo o.sransoaor ae likP him wh1ile they were together we asder ,ispere.Athis, of course-some in even richer tnyo th an os r isubsinay atl ucumbiesfr iasdire nwseeloand Pa-ouds hudb ripnneensot4.awek ih l during the summier. lHe paused to fever of ed Grant Oswald, in a' proportions than meat-but it cannot 'nong haesorditubs rA-slced a f ormeiat . Sain should hnthv ae oko emdtolgtadca, pullhimelftogthermenall, then aoln et uiasm ha beun rep- be converted int'o digestive pabulumin one Sas pde herself a milaysalptedn wa ate vr nig ht. DrinadlmpwebrknacrtkrtodyAW he called her. She came slowly into Heatin ora Broadway Production- in the alimentary tract of any or- power. Sh alos hpi upguns, hell,'op in glas fjruitsamoerias th sdoaoseaetatr the rnoom, which hed grown dark. biliturnedi a vast amount of responsi- dinary man, woman or child so readi- nd0000balonst. She bite wh4for rsrigfut oeigwt epu it erh aet ieU D or,'sid Wentwvorth sloly, d ver to Wentworth, who shoul- ly as cani properly cooked meats, or v,000glbaetsve hewol oo ingr. Sirw Aorfnl . hoeesan eti ws that you like y playY?.,dent the possil.It'y ofnt dwellns the regs qgg. ofa hik nontle has fià d to be torn up, her soldiers lid on tight. Use two rubbers in. shnytfllousatndppectinfrmaeaksf M ou ply 7, muh wth is on tougts: hey Thestarhesandsugas cm rsinhave turned up their sleeves and stead of one to keep them airtight.1 boxes'mid "Why Dory ?' wrn o wthcheerul ompany, and . he Thesarohydes a r useu ugcere9h fed Teewilkeppretlrtanbei ubigsoe n boswelw Th gr sok n nunted vie wr akdb osan nit butmnde ottrv yarch alosne esdt eAsaeai oo n b uta eii atrolkepthmfo rcig tl lnyo IN WORLD'S! AS. nd Good Cooks andled ly. ¯- on cursory esuffered from less than any -opolis. There to depress the ramvia, and "to ore frequently money to buy ;es the expent- ;e two select s9 frankly ad- ýe no diiricultyý 1posing of ainy ett n down e to Most of orner, no Mat- they may be ,a of economy e customary Jthe 'cutting ague. had a serious erty. Before iot be had for commanded year. Now le and -noboy gains ln gar-' ravia have to heard of be- ved not only, r cars, but i1 mpoed and and flowers.ý have passed iln their his- ,t of an ade-- riage settlé- their houses, own the em- when every sq lon-g since country for to shut up im in charge -retain their .But offers ýping accom- fail to find est End firmn a month's he quesjt as not long ago with appli- or .bouses tu toa rea9 ter or lesFer degree, in d earest ambtocncec nra-o elblne itr.Aet illiflehaléPaseci and lII agunstthethef ofano h at a e hm en wlive lon gs t an ybrfnh dom ie W o av t et -1 e mnu s, ez v fO pu kl e t as a meraneos island.nae d dforSh oe , as hre lare s six cso ri tadfve am tl . xete ocmears Mone sui n oy etot dlu sn osinee eto lblnceieay.Aso e emhbiderself i no ber Contnntcpsoadge. o rikyfor sooin lfta hwtonoffahin nen it ilcame fresh %valor, fair playth,,lv hRsse r n 1 - UEMDDFEX n, aoy a.er gadh ernvoys, m raaesise specgthiay aef nawod bwl- muhgratr hng.o un t mysteoweken in furthethe lnealy hori th to him during ---which the has accpted, on our made at any other time of the year. Needlework hu etn rkn e in ntewnos mer 1at ssues whi %vc mdein(fthpssbe thae en mosonthenigzht. There Frenchwoman Finds Explanation of iancient soil, a destiny of pain and Tt is quite inexpensive. 'The quan- wrong side i1 idb e nte ftems adoey- lv.~ ~ ~ ~~ s I r n eosls-hav e ladlyetce hisses uldSoldierst Garb. btter strtggle. 'tity given here will make six or seven should then b1etln nufoalaoe logv a cool compoure o rfithe light and wMit adbenatH wslieut onon th6Te fllwigin • gass.It will jell beautifully and the Iron bo trUghydyi.Pnigrmv metI hrn oPr ace uhs, si.ter. H e ra woby rsome te aes rse acidnha benelthed byCatinI.iS as pretty as it as appetiting. ,If You are i h ai.ftni r r rmnos mt he ady eyes without a quivr.0ad ushd sd opnetand ' ArueladrWeTirenhBtainStowberryPreserveal-This very books It pays oke aeo e upe at-t eHr nt he evaed a questionwhchcold loe o hemig o TeintoxadasanaidanExpWedi tonry res att, RyaHAS WAR TROPRY USBUim novd e cipe for trawberryNrtegrves namne of persnhoasiad bunes udtohrv, ofapluzse was begni o Hglnesopand:- sivla .IhVO DeVOf Men It I!of loaný The rs u hhT ihrgn ote I~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~inn haet elyu oca, hr nhseroadteftr &u Tlihe ajotity ofohe peonadanParia Newspaper hwa &Souvesprint. AU my frend& ae dei ghted 1when the book srtre. enm arhsrie hm n Uw, onc f reluctance in Went- posibilities. It was too late to France look upon the kltieswt Sa etFot. w e ith. ik t's ao iesadresue.. hndup prtmae v w ethsvoice, -but Merry is down turn bac it %would mean te M ae. After gating * at us for asome One of the best bo4011 sofWhrauentdnisht ed te ri mes as;nngpupwM g-i4r again, dewn in tho gutter." ifall of great amibitionsan Il rtiene one of the women remarked that trophies to be seMy I inos lof wrealuentrihred and aere o-aloTheas Won't Gv hma pnn, aogwt-mle rbc dnTeb rIjun i ed ito her fi%-,t "I shame- it might even lmean erime. Tthe«caoyent gih weor te N;ndthe payd n i ds-lagearbeorateyweesooed Te I onthskpeplchwrhenaerhebahf9rhatghet do't h sieve it! - she cried. "Besidea, seemed eastier to take the chances.Womeno ooAhno he teEh ePri ttero fte ar is incofarable. Pu t ndway ore. utiratdmn o i e were, what lhas that to du wità h Ocensionally Andrew's dogged tom second quickly replied thattatPlace de l'Opera. Moe of 4 oithe onelf quat of a iakle "Why dttrtd comdainhi hpla? a asthed back to his mnemory when he, couldn't be se, for tare was a man ete« have b,a ri- ith'onepnb of wter oand toil nti • "lu eededi sbte ot cmfo h hg t k nochdn rot answer. Instead he lcriedi, -I will see what the law ca« dg with a beard. At that a third womn bers of thrquaerlete fd WThe add o orgraed ht hyaheueprriy.o à naet R2 etý a question. "Dorcas, do you ilo protert a man f[m &the" Enoch #oa h«r head rather glemoly for a 1the arMY *Qeret n of twbrent an t oïïr uet Ma aU et ped *, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ýh c«-oy lv-nrw e-fl i aeblnha h h ffew momzentaa and then suddenily ex. showring evet4eeUto tet ites,M ou of ytim en oca~dw teatvt 14 ?u bIt.Many a man had goe dwnandclaimed rather loudly. " 1 have it iforters an- j ustsae tektladahetaityo uin pit of Ied nto the girl's face. out for a crime less k nshtantho they are the Middlesa." by that je e oermv rmae i®aa ir biteved the teltale color her bro- Bt htrus tAndrew Merrywell, and coThereis to W InA4eMlà kne as, dide f r n ho M etras 1it d o in anclu-t e m ce loquet th; etor p n P16 o a1e Dd t thé b " S C h l'hebrdonb fromv e riend waver nr.and te à feaonr ofe Vail*h d ke tay a p ad en0aun d, eanes amy be i agyk noar nobaed t dn m zt o u t h oe v " Ouch. M it c u v r l' mh ew t Ge t e y rid fro ie s i n -ý a e i j . n h JI O so do you., Oly this oathlVand." »W ad QUlen rn about hisoplay, e lcmsy t «e «W AtIm b eud tl)tr t 0 g 6 *Wllee(if hek e tt 7"erEoh gdsyna 'M'* %1_eà dt) idou owMc k lnwho ng Te takme i4in hetMet 7ad t"so ny suggesý Vdiscovers e. t cater to ndergone a oreaUr shops s have I"To and several appointed ing of iim.. number of e sMaHlef rhe ownèrl hr nthe ý - tIi:other ailable ,er the war, F-4copeen- out ha 4fficr etain -e I 4