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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Jul 1916, p. 7

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MR E c I r r 'I Il f e t 'i 'j I in----i or ---a- d- -e-t--'- meue IcovercO steppsnertliby open copilng bock' tii, êeouutry la vgwu EëN OsER O ESO alssus a tîsortha dretin. aSSmAiied party remain bunied in their "onr, u obyn senlmiepnlu. 0 a upis M'ita dtscipline loi not, as %vNth us, a holes, but se soon au the, ange Ji the, hlghlands for.a ai ati bu 0 l oq ius eti rt TwrIa.ePe.tpTo bes ecsstyo!wa.It i. !ounded Icliangeti and they hear , Vhs shells wIlderueaa.Extending outhiemt ad AleVe oo-.lda u 41wl eaîéi ! lreIy n Vs Iea f cste(wearebunungta hei mer hey know tiiet northwest for 75 mile, tiy .y aIndbpm.denci.a, sm at o e tt l a. ery rnuch @truck ta Francs by tiie ,the onaslucht ls corning, and, lesping >r«dth front 1 Vo 45Silies. The hilm urines-t only about 20% lu m-an ual 1 t"Kikie M un* act that, in spite of their snarmouu eut of Vhelm dug-outs, begin Vo take ris. tbruptly 1,5W0 f..tVo 1,700 feet chage agaiuMthée' vsas.? *at It,'bu bf sen*mooJIy uttrva osassa la officere, thsy aVilI avotd mak- atm with rifles and machine-tpis.frein thi ne unilagpist, &Mithei.tiSi t mm~oS tenl frbOï5 flm ýng lieutenants o! their ergeantsa nd Wei what Vhs Germans did In fthls mstîofty pmaU-are ~er7,5M0feoot »"a$ua,.. ida. m agi OO a 'eldwebel), an ides very different parti'cular att.ack va iIPY noV VO abs,ve.the»a. TIi.val.iey,_dep ad 'Vit P8V " IM 'tob., dUUý tM- ___________________________ er«se .their range. Tli.y kept theurar n _k1m LuL TK mbvd%. M» m u.iftin, kt1.8. L ut ...a ....-~k~ troop-- vmr dense foroati.--u- drterown lire, se tbsOur dld not know thVie l w«>s-o i The Fi ne1thie en.iy %vas dropptngbaud grut- MesInt thir renh.For rt killed byermans guer 01l. dehecttaste otfrnaited France. WIliINet Uà bals benedwih he Such metuioda ueay gire an înalgbt 16 laVe Vithe-Tessons o! the . contued Vie- &westsoOf whole wheat- mendous attacka at Verdun. Probab- is Suifficlent reson in ttseît IY he leaders have thOirdos-bt as tO for the wonderful popular- their ever enterng *taclty, addureUS.. ttyOfit,, Viey would borepei Wno doetve adventage, 0Mat the !fnen.iould Ma Ga rape-N uts be- Tpepktdstogu f u siirlr.kfront hurginqthqlo Ito Use Art 0 FO D1) for ibe salieof ksaplag ' pthe for. a nase,_a furs-r u -0 i. o*641.sieteare I tb"dew molUb4bngh. &*I it th pue rat& .«- d~1Tbeyl-kww t th» la etobtGer-e th flt n Wn ythI4 w wM fot rd te ai b kW dOf coaitid e ad sInpir defeai the tertw bkbO 1 4àd '1W els -16-, n Ashort trlapo.1 his lu... # mrua uWiuMuurusaP&S6ju turesquetore, ba iehutldes,4 .1 ý%a ftxt i té uâg the embWO b kt* m 'b U..alKm r I4.. pc ue in 0' of i Ge rua rtctrat. sie a Ue e bout h.vt.fm et 68,u vas il 1 b"s. grove. date as oei".lsaltovia, vlth Speo publc ssi priat. bsugdlu A14yeNw uA% Md > bbs me fid onut&**lb ' li l c' i lt-i 1 ý% ....... ,,, . - -- - . -- -1--ï --' __GY____ hikg bût breabn in te .W l eft imrong egh for a teuln po Why It I. That the Teajtonlc Soldiers Aflkw Themelvea to Be tOpO b te i.monstee'steeth are ràIJ O UTONhbtl o broken, sooner Or latea t tWould mean i ti o Slaughtered. death for her. 5h. also knows that îhe1ýhha it ItwilPut the. the odds are now againet hlm, that Joli BULL$g-'B RMAALE IN ècl tOf use sstlang es W haenwetrdat tus- gamnelie te playlng h.ecannot ACIIIromo . oc tutofbu is e.t We have now entered ~~~~~~~~upon the fo h itnto ewe lse outlast the Allies. That kiiowledgetiha t y tourth month of the battie o erdnn, which prevails in other countries. In ttel he mohrhatV tehro.hWth h tby eatin with new frantlc efforts on the part of Engrland, for instance, the old rural Lnin aRuastla, France, Italy andSrdedW étBie't the Gernians to breaik our defence social principle that " one should kn an Bu.orl9 But they have miade no important one'e btter."Il l tempered by the re-à AUErFIN IiSTO la aUs 0the , icideal hot-weather food, progressince the end of February, igious priacipletatarnnerpe-be ad uppt. ri-nanggusl-ul when the euddenness and *eciretly ac- sonally reponsbîsto Gd fr aImhi c'amulated power of the blow graineti acte, that hie inner self cannot be People Who Complain of Thie Trouble John Hart, political econoiatt and il n m terialta efta them a few miles. They have even surrendered.- No liberty wlth it, no director of " London Opinion"I Cor- gsIl tayd kiu here and there loet ground, and the attempt to compel hie conscience, no Ueually Are Thin poration, who ha. just arrived intahte.oregs 'Thtsyelou initiative of thon flght bas repeatedly slight to hie honor, whetber froni hie Blotded. United States, gizves a luetd explana- CrlsPfless of the baIèd wheat. passed on our aide. A neutral gent- equale or bis betters, should b. tolera Thin blooded people usually bave Gtion ofti. Beianca odtoso :e plt o n tm c ho s ut oae-ckfomGti Bf th ain i acitions mofresplt It supplis t ah flem n w o b s j st c me ack fro ted. Klpling's story, " Hie PrIvate stomach trouble. They eldom recog- " Notwlthstandlng the heavy ex- c m o t t s p l e h the invaded departments, whre bel Honour," gives the precise shade of ntze the fact that thin blood is thepiue of Great Britain stace hs maximumn of nutrimnent ini bad been engaged for a year On r,-j the feeling. You can also ses it in cause of the trouble, but it te. In outbrak of Vhs war, and the havy smallest bulk, and its daily lef work, told me a month ago that j Richard Feverel," wben the old Eng- fact thin, impure blo o sth" te m o t d at p h ubi ,.the d bt f u et 'sth ow l healthy hte had seen the whole low and enor- lish faner resolutely demande aii hie common cause of etornach trouble : It dra t n t publi, e e ao useesUcuw mous l)rpparation of he attack. In right an apology from the squire's affecte Vhs digestion very quickly. The one-half of what IV was per capita at and active. For breakfast January and February he Gerrnan son. How far removed froni tia- glands that furnieb the digestive fluid Vhs end of Vhs Napoleonic War. in with niilk or creani, or for oflicors wit.h whom hie work brought proud and individuaistie idea le the are dimiaisbsd in tbetr activity ; the 1816 Juet after the BattIs of Water- a.ny rneal with fresh fruits. himn In daily contact wre constantly i Hon conception of helrarchy the in- stomach muscles are wsakened, and oo the public debt per capita was £43. Md nCnd epeaking of the comîng coup as if no cidents of Zabern have taught us. there te a lois of nerve force. In tht. That arnount ta proportion Vo Vhe ta- Md iCnd doult of succese could be ent.ertaine, Wns it flot in connection wiVh these tate of health nothing will more coms of Vhs country 8V that ti!ne, cern- a'niteet Andre Chevrilton, In Country incidents that a member of the British quickly restore Vhe appetite, the diges- paeInt h tcm o h rssent Li.fe. Nothing, aid My fiend, who Cabinet sid "In this country the tion and normal nutrition than good day, repreeented a debt of £120 per lIKIUi tad learned to know them well, was; honour of the lord je exactly on the rlch, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink head. Ia Auguet, 1914, Vhs public U II more etg-niflcant than their reticence 'sarne footing ac; that of a costermon- Pille act directly on Vhs blood, making db a 1 e aia n vr as t Vedun urig th lat weke er"it rich and red, and tht. enrtcbed blood one theusand millions of pound ael- WA of his stay with them. The eubject What G;ermens Cali Heroisin strengthens weak nerves, stimulates îng îseued since repreesats £20 per WHT [ GOING ON OVER IN hAd et tey ttî lunh her s'- Body and soul " they bslong Vo10 tired muscles and awakens ths normal capita; so that the present day debt THE STATES. And et tl{s, i whic h their ncre- irKie.H noewa ecnacttvity of Vhs glands that eupply the Of Britain te not much more than 50% shotilderi to shoulder, Vo faîl In long, exact fram n . At Dinant anddietvfud.Thfnt ln of t oVhs equivalent debt at Vhsead'of rapidly increasing hvaps under the Aersc-hot It 'vas to Open fine with proving health is an improved appe- the Napoleontic War. " îetHpeIg afgRpbl fie f urmahiegus.Ifon hdmachine-g-tns in the marketplace, be- ite, and soon ,the effect of these blood A Creditor Nation. Cn BigRsy bi nieot hear nm he Rsian.In 5'e ha' oe h srekn mn1o codmaklng pille is evident thr-oughout hs Rrdio ato.Co nedelr s well ha from tour usfront of eman 'fore, e r iring tem n acro jsystem. You find that what you est It sbouîd be borne in mind that pnil snerowho wero akntilifrCet-nofdn, Itletrrhin cotinuous doesenoV distresyou, and that you are n le lafiaanciag France, Italy, Raes pin r of vth er a vho co nf el- Vorn in,'bind lar inn er V s a tnong and '-igorous instead of irrit- Russia and Serbia in Vhs present war, All Vhs shope at Vhe.-StaVe peniten- in feen uand w a onfep ei l i.'V he-haps of thoge that went betore hem i able and listlees. This te proved by and ta earryiag Vhs satire chiarge of iary, at Frankfort, Ky., were de- forsn ben tud huna s in senie h agnainst the fire that mows themn down. the case of Mrs. J. Harrie, Gerrard St., Belgium. The money so employed te stroyed by ire. forebeig tus urle inqeried1 ýToronito. w-ho s4ys "About hrss loaned Vo these nations so that Eng- Fifteen bunhdred Sioux Indiane in ran s-î el~ e d eîi Vo hs yan î-V On the par o th so die s t ie ,ay yeane ago 1 was seized with a severs land jea etil largely sa creditor nation. South Dakota have offered o enlit t admire mo theblnm ,hsolue more quielrowhOut th e no attack of indigestion and vomiting. The financial condition of Great Bni-,for eervice in Mexico. deotdnie s of the bmendo te moceai ethyt they re no carredMy food seemed to Vomi sour ai soon tain at this advanced period of Vhs Thirty Chiasse citizens o! Tuscon,' deotablessoftemp eer o th renh-n h ipteo eldhmnas I aVe it, and I would tom so deadly war te moet remnarkable. -1heiear- 'Ariz., have forned a company of sdite who er ofuppoe FrVo h ao n himh thsofw- are bedhimn ick that sometimes I would faîl on Vhs! kets are ail buoyant, Vhs minimum re- home guarde as a protection *4aiaet modirsIe han sîae-ingpoe - e ad psinthe w-hose win frnt wi o - omtng tid o! oftriction on sales of stocke la being Mexicairaiders. mo mlha on sheltpoer, ateeln g Vs hs immaeitenifront wiîhomre nemedis, but they did not help removee, and as Vhey rsach a proper This year Vhs United States will craen tathae eendu b' Vr-giv-e twu reuent instances of hs e. hnIwn oa1otrwogv level as regards Vhse talue of monsy yield 125,000 divorces, Vhs Rev. F. M. nfctr Trommhel Fucrn dgtheneten- urious passiv-ity, of the sheen spirit me some powders, but they aeemed ac- o-day (dus Vo war conditions), there Moody, of Chicago, told Preaident liitî paro!e sur ivond rilthel, in of obedience hat ufVen goe with Ger- tually to make me worse instead of 'is a trernendous amnouat of money for Wilson, et Washington. ithl waki. of uvivrofracinnso einheosm'ndhwi e aebetter. This went on for nearly VwO investment. A large part of Vhs Twelve lBrooklyn physiciens are Vo met o whthi efprof ct -Ieine g (-anhe into andole-wndi erfu arooesmonths, and by that time my stomachjImoney wheres¶y Englaad le finaacin .poeue sarsil ferca wiped out, succeed in stopping the Vo k' used for good or bad-and Vowahnec eksaeta olIerseif and other nations te Vhs pro- crusade for alleged-negligencs in re- li thrown wholesale into the funnace, j e dw riko atr n ceede of Vhs sale o! American securi- porting bit-Vhe of childrea within Ven thick waves of the advanting enemy, i uaseassoetme happens, paye I was waeted to a ikeleton and féut1 ties, made by prtvate boldens Vo Vhs daye. Strength of he Cerman.hw-vr itI. that life was noV wonth living. I wae British Govsrnment, wbich te being Chicago 'pecking houses have -toeed AilVhsesentaldift'enc îV~v~nj I (hnîag-e orn o ou aiatrsnoV mannied et this time, and one Sun- ueed ai it le collected. Another large cont~cts with Vhse army qZIr thetwopeulesis o le eenin hs otied ~sindtheGeran i~e~dday evenirtz on hs w-ay Vo church with part ta derived from Vhe enormous mastýr there for a monthly eupply o! ttwo e es f sch a picture. the natia safehilisthicefrmait ourguns my intended husband I was taken witb Iamount of profit being made ry menu- 1,500P,000 pounde o! msnt for ths French are individualists; the ' aloi' stiange acti% ities of hs enemy. They a bdslloVhete.Heokmeifatrr twrsple.Ts -any o! hs nation is that. of the individ- 'eeern-d to l)e fighting betw-een themn-. to a dnug store whsre Vhs clerk fixed, gain, Vhs restriction irnpoeed by theIn. l hie will as probateti, John Black, ual. Hncether clîsvewnti iai sîvesove a eturkof ins whchup something Vo tae, and my intended Government on Vhs inveetint of Bi- a rettrsd Baltimore financier, who caft an their raieeinthe inr n wv c oanet-44vow-f ith the retofgot me a box o! Dr. William.' Pin k ýihcptloti o h onr sde eet gives mors than $275,-1 noble ardt hence also Ilie îrrincrthie lnom coe Photographe-rstVakenPille. By ths end of Vhsetfret week 1Ilresponsibîs for a ernendous amount j000 Vo reltgioua and sducatioaal ineti- noed rtncy no! our he ortaisandrvae V dsic adeao-could feel some improvemeit from Vhe of money beiag kept et borne which tutions. tedecyolou shol f fcicsaV,] eviealed w itic n eao-use o! hs Pille, and I gladly contiaued would otherwtefind lavestuient e- MissRos Pitonof, of Dorchester, whlch, leaning on national psvç,hîî1ugyý,, t ; t'o tronches. l'he puzzle taking them until evsry syniptoni Of broad. iMass., was rnarried Vo Dr. Fredertck favours hs ordre disperse aflnveq ~~wi,-asolNed when an officer suddenly'VstobewagneadIwsaai as much as possl* Vu the' jjîgment lîcrc-eived uone of Vhs two eystems Vo efisoAdrtanWeeaets fSmrvl.Sh and enterpnîse of sact, inii. The be an exact c-py of a particuîarîy enioying Vhs beet of hsaltb. These Beeit f derli edenaMetntat fSrvle . Shwaer strength of hs German is in the or- st,,,iig French labyrinth, the other re- Pille are now My standby and I tell al " Strange as IV may sound, an îast faîl. ganized herd. Thein attacksr r-mind produeîng Vths German defence in front1 my friende wbat they did for me." enormous portion of Vhs rnÎy railsed Te were found bound Vo Vhs racks on. ! th chrge f Vh huraîcs e it.b a ar hàchputea trnitc JYou cen geV Dr. Williams' Pink Pille by Vhe British Governmentý,ha eében ife or etalmt i wbtch have closed tnrpth#-r Vo stamp , atrain On human energy, et atmefoiaydae n edceorbmilueoadrttg.FrVhfrt tinte at Lyonsa, N.Y., over which trains Vhs îge undr fot.A fnendwhov hs me aregenraty set V Vh et 50 cent. a box or six boxes for ln hiétor>' Vhs Bnit;e overninent ha. saw somne o! ths battleflehll f the back onily for a speil of rest, German $2.50 froni The Dr. Williams' Medicine niade use of Vhs gratuitous service of 'Guard were Vo pas. Mare bfoo lnsdea \ersbursdsolies hd ~ensetbyther eadrsCo., Brockvile, Ont. some o! Vhs leadiag adverttalng men, Reports were currn VsV rnkA Mare bfoe lhedea \vreburedsoli_________set_____r eadrswbich service hem been immeniely Muneey, onr e 'New York told me that even ln death this (,if_ , to the stupendous extra ask o!f 4ig- profitable Vo the Governinent. 'ePesadWlim Rlk owneroft férence between hs emper of the ging tw-u complets networke of trench- ne , tre san ilm7.Rck w two races le Vo 1w seen. The French e for Vhe object o! methodically ne- GE.ST'CNUS. BilhTesr a sdti 2 f the Sun; are conternplatlng a mer- uead, lie said, were scattened bore andi hearsingr a poasible attack. To those methoda adopted by blgh-clajp ier-l ger of thir properties. thers ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~k, --eppistiacînfedtt wh no htec okmnn n aiaaDsrte sVeGme antile housse Vnoll sIi hirgod-Andremo-ola.w-Adddt P ROFIT-MAKINLI NE 8 AND JOB Offices for sale ln gooê Ontario <avina. The mois useful atnd 1fiterestlag "Y«a1" mti dthe cynal e sscam tain, "tinIwamiprce t Southi Aiertca I came acroe. ,ttib.ý ot Wld wen nWhio law ngo ues. "Goo deoustit .xclatmed a Hl& t0ne. "Ngowo-d tiiy tahk? "Th"eycouldn't" w the - répl. "Tht 'au *bat m"WUJwm1ld I feu frent a buftina s etved "14iis uuilmd ai me I1imuat* MINA1 IUMIT-ani htasx, ARM ! IL1AUDRI f P'È 5'LETER PUBLISRIED IN SOCIAL- È 181 NEWSPAPER. Four Women Went to Jail Because 9 They Enisavorsi to Gst 0 Potatoeg jFour womsn, Beys, Vor warts, Vhs RE leading Gzermnan Soceliet organ, the 1wives o! soidiere ettVhs front, were ,>jpreeent wiVh à multitude o! otiter 1 women la Vhs large market hall ln Dresdea, where Vhey were lookiag tonr o. m U p -at oe s, the ses o! which had been '" u W n 1 advertised. - there was e bed short- age o! potatosaIl that week. AIl. _________________ four women declerei that they bad no .~ potatos for e long ine. One o! them had six children. EL POTAXOE, mISEI COB« s Delewar. anian. Or- Ia Vhs crowd there was !nightful 1 er ate oae. B u pply limlted. Writa foi! crusbng and excite mnent. The t- 1 *atationgi. ff. W. Dawson. BRraniton. epector, provoked by oas o! hs four LP W N U womnen, gave hem a box on ths sar. ANTED),-MACHINISTS, MOULU- Ater houri o! waiting without being V ERS and Pattera Makern, steadVy work, state age experleace and wags. able Vo obtain eny potatos, about 80 Boving i-ydrauiic & Engineering Co., women set off for Vhs Ratheus, Vhs 1Limited, Lindsay four et their hsed. On Vhs street 1T ANTEI)-fiELP FOR WOOLHN they wee stopped by [gendarmes and WV Mill, Carder. Weav.rs. Fulers ordsed V diserse Thefourdecln d Napper Tenders. Good vages ipaid ordeed o dspese.Thefou delin 1.aildeprianmenns, andi steady work as- ed, and weme arrested. Ons o! theni soed. We have sevenI opealge for h a d h e r a r m e s o t w tst e d b e c k bi e e ri,'n c-e d h ê ip . w h e re e n e rg y a n d h a d h e r a r m s t w s t e b a k y a a l n i t y v i i l b n n a p r o m o t i o n . W a g e e gendarme as Vo cause ber grea t pain. tpald Ic ailiientces while ' learrina The four were accused o! beving re- 1Weaving. Speciai inducements Vo tFamiiy wonkens. write statlng full sisted lawful authority. Thsy were expenience If any, ege etc to T'he erating other womsn from Vhe cluc- es o! Vhs police, and entenced Vo sevea weeks' inipnisoament. The court rsmarked thet Vhs punishment c j,, 'I j, r s 'i 1' .4 A Meal Soup Breakfast. MI1tqr£L@AMUOUI. The War Committee for Coffee and 7'JlHb HUDSON CITY HOSPITAL, T e a a t e y s g g e t e d h a t a s h e s H u d 8 o n - o, n - H u dI s on . N e w Y o r k , o f . Tea atey sugesed tat s thse ers a two and a-haif years course ln commodites were very dear qnd lintruction and pactice t0 Young wi scarce it m ight b . w ell if G er ians " 'Sc ho w ris to ee c o r ur i nfoT he resorted to the old fashion of a men]l ation apply to the Superintendent. aoup breakfast witb a littie fat in It. : -- e .TMRLYae T. Vorwarts now publishes a letter n i. Internat and external. cured wltfr whch the writer points out aspara-'out pal by our hoein treatient. WrIte gui ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ndbteasomeaveya- befor, Io IMe. Dr. Belinian Medfieal gus ad buter lso ake ver ad-Co..- lmltjed. Collnwood. ont mirable breakfast, but the difficulty L MJ about them is that they are unob- GI tainable, nearly as unobtainable as idmeal and fat." The writer pro- s-I ceede 'Cute idAs cards for ink have rot yet been , A. Wwtt for issued, 1 suppose I1ray %rite. I like Tp)OWTO b0 &T WOBKB& meal soup, but where arn I to get the 606.iavs1t., Tfouoe, nto,. meal for rny family of four persons 7? It is a problent, and if the potatoes TouVANWT CUT OUT A did not hep me out 1 couId no lorger 1130g Spaviai or Thoroughplà say Prost Mahzefto' As to ment. but you cali dlean them'off prompty ih Since October 15-I1 d'on't wish to go 'back furher-therè han orîly been 14 pound of bacon in my bouse. This year, after aearching seven hours for lt, my wife manaiged to secure two and you work the honmrsenae ne. pounds of 'back fat. We- kept one: DO.. D0ý blister or remove the pound fr ourselves; the other we 1 air. $2.00 per bott., delivered. sent to cur son, who in a soldier. WiIl teill 'ou more il you wrrite. "As ar s! rn oncrne, Ido ot Bok 4 M free. ABSORBINE JRi Il A fa as1 a conernd, donôt the imtiaÏptie liniment foS mankipid, know whether 1 shail require anti-fat redélTes Varicose Veina, Riipt ured treatm ent this year. M y wife W ill uin or Lisme a nu txi ln .W e. certainly lot requie V, ais she lis 20 asdeaugaaidalrn. Made 1aM M . .b poundelitghter. But there'are >e*i w F. toums, P. O. F., Sie LypasB1dg.,Mostial a and beans. This yeair 1 managed tof a £bsurblcmd Aurbitm.. . ua s we-à ta 1 store up one pound of beans and two, pounds of rtce. Unfortunately al Bvnh l8 three pounde are gne, and wth Troronto Faet Stook Show thein the only piéèc of good b1ptt<i' wî» h e d at we ,had. By rlght we ought to tave vaim ffèb ira,, 1oeoaj one pound of butter a week for %thei. DCEMBEIW 881-n. a9t4 1itis tour of us, ýbvt w. don't jet an'ounce. l'or turther particulars -wrlter It te ail very Wel wrltlng to VorwartIl O. »o about a nicebit of butter. AU I eau noi to eook wlth my mena thé ti butter card. MI,,,êmaa mm 1 wond.r howtit tast... Do You re. member *thl une wb.n there were Apat;Wited 1 imwai-"zzj3 pos BAM

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