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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jul 1916, p. 3

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E lth tif t'1 hi, tNit ht ri 't t Z: -- N 'Steinmetz,- thust the high-angIe arU.l- - Norail France&, bei-n la 1882, who wa BRI1Isl flI.tlN~N lry iii kreus ebt, agat tise Gar- married in 1909 te Major Patfick Al.- l'ili: . ~ ari kv cuisr, bt, wat e weseberit Foi-bas Wialiow a Beckett (ef TETC S lVi.the falling fragmentis of shelas and th aBktte of "Punchi.") 1unaxplodeit she~ls have seriously dam. eBO .en. L.aket Troopis %riP ai sannavyat, aged the city of Leondon. The Zeppe- UFlfiîen liiles lon ha IUt. lins, which have raided nearl>' a dozan JAIL FOR RBFUSING A di'patcilifi-arn Londonlit sayx: The times, hait litt.ic dlffkcuîty in escapiug TO MAKE MU.NITION8. Dritih expiltil'i în Nlcs4i)tsoamiia i '. un-trathefit, white Lonidon really bom.. ptlll~~- atSîu>a.aottfte ie îrîdhrseif." War Priner Writes et Ottawa Meus betow Kut-el-Am.ira on the Tigris, se- ---f--'IPIh cording ta an off i'ial statemnent isuilsN)SEVLL RIIU. I A despa" hfroà Ottavam aya:- on Thtîrsiey. '[hae tttment SaYl a -UpinflI eM Yvr 4,bat the flritlsh fors,îes have iseen sub- Bi*lhop o of 4dom Baya Mcen Sh.uIdCiaDisu pf180a T1 >5lnaJOiiiethe Ger- jected totaan ineffectual art illerY fat- ILv c'.U'a nUmm ored te a yea ul > e GevM - teck. l'here wiiI 6* uno more suave BUv- 00018 0, Mr"51113<t e uÙ W» mefit- * --- ~tish butîors andt foetmeii after taeU..ci-hgt eto ee. ]EIGIITEEN BfLG'[%, war if the Bishep of London Nsh a* bs ar«a prel Ia A . im M REGIMIENTS ITINY. waty __thmuiue4 *0teti. 1t-<nimnt lIces anycrie Suppo#. that atten thse A despateis from Itucharcat aflySi twai linen drapere' asistante iii. se--ýÇr" BryM0ý Eight-eui l3ulgarian rettimentq are re- t.urn ta the shopa and ibe contant te pertoi l t have inutiniesl, killing their hatnd out laces te ladies eAIli* atn$*"?"fiM hà-A. Germnan off icors. asked. andi angred bis evu quS *4 ' -re 0y*l# M$# __tissus:1,"0f course O@.0aWb a lm* tè IM Wofî lie conttnued that haho adtisan tg' a*be Mu obM Eighty Germais Merchant Suba? 'worid had t een thse laut of itbem, ie#Iswen» ba tý0 A ttepatv f rni Cponhagen "Ys:i the prime o! lite actÙ4 s<sue ornan newspaperts state that elghty is <-et oua".Hahesiuh tds çe0W Futîniarlne of thse seme type as 'cluded, tisat EnlPkm mud sboul smm l) eutschla.nd will b. buiît at Kiel wbo had learned to live meeam ie _______ £nd Bremen. Tweive arc expoctesi te lnitiee, glorio4a day. refutlag te, liw. te cornpleted by August. atii u eslt fe b faN TuEBAT[LE 0F II Only OirermumTroop hsaudla Omthn Ibav wW N"be a"i seriC.u»&». Thse London TImesfaienesposdssuat '<ThebsaWimesloi Britisish eaâquazers la Piemm «Ou 'bat aqbs u "Tise lbe undl" ers vr. tii *pTe weraTi e tstohou h* boeo Mzt îrcmbu fr - bv«wW DEtSl7 k AENS -VICTORY FLOIS IOJRfIRClO» MAr*ets of Mb. WorM gr p4I SAYS DAVII> lLOYD GEORGE T -orj-ll ll.-aioaWet ntente Allies Take the Initiative, Neyer toi Be Lost to the Foe 60 c.w.No1 feBi je ;~r~ No. 2 ts:d, 49 0 on truck, B3ay ports. Again.Americaus corn-No. 3 yeliow, Bile. on Again.track, Toronto. ________________ Ont.ario oats-No. 2 white, 47 to 48c.. according to frelghts outslde. Onjtari o wheat-No i1 comminereIal. 9't A Il~.'t from 1Londan sayet 'Why have our prospects impro-to 9wc No. 2 do, 93 to 96c; No. 8 do. a' i.~.î 53.jj~ inste ci? ueans'e is rof- 87 to 89e ;feed. 86 to 86c_. nominal. se- Britsh initereti Th anweris:theequipment o cording ta fretghts outside. W iîît on Thursday al, an' our ni-mica has improved enormouslY Pose-No. 2, nominal. $1 70 Io $1.80 11C onequirnet, e- 'nd s cotiningIo Iproe. ccordlcig to sample. Si 26 to $1i60, ft0 lii . ttc on quimcnt îl- ad i cotinung ,o mprve.cofling ta frelghts autisidt. tii th cohind ofensve f 'he 3riishnavy untl rcenlyto Brie-Matîn bar~v.nominal, 66 OffPnivc O "Te ritshnav utilreentyto66e ; feed bar e>y. nominal. 60 ta> 62e, e ;ib l-tii wrenched the. initiative has abqorh)ed more than hait the according ta frp.ights outslde. '011 Il mao s neyer, ha trusted, metal workers of this country. The p tickwhet-Nominal. 70 te 71v-,- cording ta frelghts outslde. I wteshd, tskof building new ships and re- flye-No. 1 commercial. 94 ta 96c.. ac- 'iclt\ecrossed the aeqd, pairing the old ones for the glg'antiecorantoafiaur- -i'Irst patents. 111 jute . ~ '>~i '? 91FAlfl. "îîtnw ViCtOry ict beginning navy, and fitt.ing and equipping them, hags. $860 second patents. in jue tt oîrdirection. This change occupieq t.he energies of a million bagm, $86O00 sîrong itakers', tri Jute' îlt tt mllrol'emt.nt inOu'Men. Most of our new factorles are narlo $ t90,aTroWnt. crlgt nowv complete; mtosi. of the machinery $ail 4 1 6 ta $4 15, In hags, tr.a' k Toronto, prompt shi p ment 8 4.15. bulk Ti f'îno vas held at the has been set up. Hundreds of thous- Seabaar&, prompt 8h ivrpoit. 'e lloand wvns participated ini by Itntis of men and women, hitherto un- lllteed, car lots. deli'rad Montreai lititI of coustniedghttbagsiq ncluded-VIran, per ton, liaFrench Ministeror cc9om ta me..a and chemical $211 ta 121 . shorts, per ton, $24 ta $256 lnt ly u."l; 1General Bailieff, Assistant work, have been trained for muni- inlidlitigs, i1er ton. 826 to $26 ; good reed 1-tof WVar cf Ïussia; Gencral tions mnaking. flour, per bag, Il.65 taeSi 80. ttill, 1niernber of the Italian rvzos11 V cf \Wal, atnd the. new Britlýh Sicadirly lncreasing Output. Biaronxlong rer,1taionm. Perlb i'îv o f Muitiions, Eîlwin' E. E'erPty motnthm-e are turnlng out llams---t4llum, 24 in 24be ;do., h(avIl. huitig. I211j ta 2lic;rails, 19 ta i9jc ;breakfast bui oti f guns andi howitzers, light, bacnn. 26 10 27(- ;bocks, plain. 266 to Rilssions Tcrrify Tetons. medlium and heavy. Our heaiVy guns L27,1(q bneeshaeks, 29à to SOlc. Sic or lasi munitions confer- are rollingin eta a great rate and we antd jafls. 17 talrdierces. 17 , to 1 sai Mr. 'lcvii 6eorire, "thore arc tuiinng cut neariy twice as much 141(' ýW bena ýidralechng !l heamînunition in a single week-and, coutry Produce. or'nv l'ofathe asides.i Onîs hat' dabte hevîat lemore, nearîy three times as fTiuter-Fresh dalry. chare, 25 ta 27c; Isamagn cffnsîcs bthenîiith heav y shah -as we fired in the ltifet-loi. 23 i0 24e i t'reansery. îints, 29 le izrîat Capgeofesv ntegrisatoffensive in September, al- 'a 3"ic Inferlor, 28 ta 29c. 'est hn uitjlt failed bta atain itq cil- A ~g 4-a 29 t" t30c do.. in ,..~ though the ammunition we expenued vartons. 31 ta 82t'. tiennil thte French and Bittîttithatbattle wste hat fmny lend- S4 iot-k.thetater.o rmnieit had sîîtainpd heavy lasses Ihi a h esl fmn anl.860a 50.ieltrfo 'itotî tu nciivtmnt ç ay pr-weary NIks acc-umulation. The new Chetese ?'ew, large, 15' . teins, 18ic vicoutthe*nclieý(,entof ny ar-facttirios and warkshops we set up triplets. isji'ad culior sui'ccss. ]ilthe aast the cneiny Matle S>,ruîs- Pries-s arep ma>'& yhave oct vet attibned one-third their $1,40 la 8$10pt-r loippreîs gallon atd preescul tt' ýgallant IInîliî'I of fill capaeity, lbut their output is now I)regfed poultr>-'ltckenii,26 ta 27e tusqla hbock sortie huniratis of miles. ,fiiwl, 23 iii26c. th~fliknsit ut r-iii'asinig with great rapidity. Our flottatps-N,îw TPrungtwickq iutpd edt ni te 1a i'nsl i c t be)ou lir nmain iffilultie in organîzation, con- $2 00 pler bag , Wesis-î n. $1 95 un l' the 'entai pcers.sr.uttin. etîuipment, lalior supply and- "Tht'e rIWhe(lmiing vicio N,,- vo n 1 înnireal. . U1 5arn Anerta y the, valiant solilierq of Russia have r-eadjugtmiernt have bee n solved. 1 f %Otr-l l-IR.--retu. iýtý trîîc teror ita te herit f oîroficiais, employers and workrnen Nt, 2 -elaw. 91 ta 02e tit ta- aiof it hesmezalad s dian western, No. 2, 64 t'î 64i" - do, No. ýoee, andi these. ca(-upiod( with the. ii- k'îp8, b3 ta »ic : No 1 feeii, 63 a61 ý4iuit asthe hae htheto -No. 2 local white, 68vt' No 8 do, 6 c (1) îîrd'a Eye View of the Bfflano fartaI defencp cf \Verdun lhy aur Iaîyd uty suppelhes ithson ea c- No. 4 l., le.Flaur- lan. Spring Dm nd.amitahile Frvinch comrqIie,', i, l 1 urspîis onleae-wheat lptents, firsqt;îs 86 00:seconds, Dm ho ~ ~ ~ % brv eluac ft~ î1a~aheli ng. 86.1 ;e'rcng akprs, 85 90 Winter ()rhe Dam Under Contructlib ý-h baverel-teirt ofilv tolan 1patents, ihîlce. Se co ta 16 26 stralght '() he SIuice Gatea OPeiL gainst overwhî lming cdilsin the 'Ilt'annot help thinking that the rtlîers. $5 4o la $6,60 . do.. bags, $2.60 (4 itltngheW er outheu Alp, ho c i angio theimprovomoet in bthe Russian ammuni- ta 82 680 ltilletl anIs;. tarrels .056OStou 4 ltluigteWtr Xhoie comple lin tif the ltnit'p. iii lias Iwn none of the greatest and Bra6'45 d'oba8 s i Shorts,28411t 24'60CanaTao n d paireso!WtestOU, 'Ncwtheconbincl ofenive ii ht'nîat unpieasant surprises the entemny iiddlnKq. $26 te' $27 Moulilia. $29 t? J Cnaaadamn0is oi "No th roib2 l ffasiv iNth.322, per ton. car lots .8919 tain valleys otf Brttlsh Colu101 ast antI sest lias w'i-anchcîl out of lias su'tainad. Stîli. aur task is but te $20 t'hleese-Fi"nest western, 16 te bis., deserts are being turneéd fnâc hate ii o aten I4 b1eBotter O ie ho lin nde c (f thelii ern v-Ns',- haîf act'.nplishcei. Ev ery great ht eies-I 1r4brnr 1025 t 29e ardons by the applicIAtioàn f it rust, iii ruttrn tilhie grFi9tqîIVit.have turnishes ditna oftat ti 1s l sconds. 286 la 298e Egg,.-Freqh. 35 gv!g atrs 'rossîil heati)(, l ui îtI(,%.vit-,a a wîr cf oqupment. Mare anîmuni- sl.3s' 2c , Ne i e¶îttk. 24e , No 2 Every deasert la a potentWalgarden Lry i s ',glii iii ig t,) i win mir Il' rc ti <iii eaîns mortev ictories and fewver "Oic k. 29v' if this ont chie! necessity le Met Ion.ip Grsaisn.ci. though It la not tair to use thse word L.nupgJ1' R-~hqoaion. dosert or even an arld ry n for M2 - WhteRt -No.1Nor lisera. 11.16r;No* borts leuietiher' artd or srt. But iNorthern. Si 148 , No. 8 Narthern. znature May otten be assted ln hel FORZEPELIS. 11 Ni' 4,.I$106.è ; No. 5, Il81 o. gs'eat taak of production, and this ia HUNGARY IS BITTER 6, 06 c FORZEPPELNS. th èc nts-No. C ., hat the rrigationl yStefma Ofthl OBVRiRE TiLSS Sh Gove:rn::nt. 71-" rpjes-cte-dc fed. 6. Flx- awyldeloigtears a OVER GREAT LOSSrà One of thrsedaye, perliaps, ""sNo1N-\-C 177 N 2C.V$1ï4 d ulIriaonpjetnthAM resieremay î'an a a Zppe Ui>todItae. Ua-kts.'aican continent, with an are& largel lin t'a'ght in ii a erilinet " some- 70 linnea t,îts4, Jîlv 15 -Whest.July' ta iettlirgtdae u lh Sine I leginning of (Ottcnisiv.e whi'roi'n Etgland." Just as the euh- 1 . $ sitme 1.151 ; Na 1 hard. ooaoo a tui.. Portions ci $ 11,N.' 1 Nortthern. il 161 t $11191. à tract of tire. million acres wil Agaii>st lilîl 'hev tiii' rgt'tl inks o.(f stcel ewept the seas No 2 Northt'rn, 8i 121 tai 1.16 lCrn -- btisprpeos a rA ireducod the tarrors of the ('r-'No 32%-Plow. RI ' 2e (ais-No 85 l ncluded in hspoeru an Exceed 600,0..et whii t 9 u ciPs. Fltus Fan'yv patents fertile so-ca.lled "dry belt"' reglon nari 'ulmarint' to commonplace war- lot' higher. rit $9 26 ,. frsi1 ci-trs I(0c. STe western section ia alrezdy oi, Tiih,, 1' l"iic ' l;asil- ïhil)q, soalias a wcapon Iseen fournd ta lilgher at $15 ;aiher s"sss5unchanged. pleted. Inciudlng sÉI.teen hundrei <'bics a'y 1ttj'¶'s.ici ivlint renier impotent the battleship of the Puiulh. Jul>'.8 -Wheat an lrsck, No. miles o! canais and dits.hes. 'hi tht' u ~' f Ii" .\î.tr'lliiIgain sky. It Is a simple device, the inven- 1 hard $1 19à;N.INrhr.8.9 ste»scinl epoeao iln ospi .StlmezofPil-NO 2ttth erlin $112à ta 81161 ;No 1 .l,4o Mn heetwenti-fIve hundre4 arl ,tirgtg h, i-t si-': l acre tn fJsp .Se ezo hl No 2 et a rive. 81.1761;No- 3 ;orth I pes fn i adWhthe wll ti' ll.u t fit. t"cn ii'lliv l elphîla, anti it is in the handa of the ern on traclç. $1,02 in 8.021 Il Inîeeti, inute !cnl i ice i $t 2.01 ta 82.011 ho arrive, ~equired for t to en'vica. of th ibiIitr)i:rat l'll;smntThe fBritish Gîvernmcnt, says the Phila- I or' trac'(lly,- 201 ld September, -OnAri 5414.te ra rrg i1 St 1:112bld 0ct ber, n82 l26 4 4 tetratfr ..îîh~y:. daîphia North Amrîrcan. 1 1t.01éî>îd ;îîet.eber. 81 l id eiber adam st Bausano, Albierta, Wl -,%b(, r wit. tiirtucîl f roni tht. The Idera of ne-ttltxgz and destroying- opened. Buit acroaa thse Boy River differetut fronitî s'rtt' <b(is-took part Zeppe-lins is almost as unique in its t Livo-etock Makt. eigity Mules east of Calgary. the hui hI the otfft'ois' îngaiisî Italy. ulo insimplicity aq was t.he seinir of subi- Tsoronto,. .ly I15 -Cholce lhcavy steers- a tuctum7,000 fset lUong. i M00 tý, h vieniv' i i tufglting an *the Ruq- R marinIlesI. Il consiste of releasing a S,. 26 ta $4 ro ; gisod hen'y steers. 19 00 &Me thse voteretise Boyfor thl i~ i 0S bl utstherm' rutile. cloie. 300 *tra secton. notàher great eng1a e oan f ront.l. cil agri-es-si thalt ItlassesI4 grent ntimber cfý hydrogen balloons ta ' j 36 .do, good $8.76 te88.90 do,. - hiut oi-s,'s i7it.tttll sice heitsgin t iedb air orset hypino ireauRtiVt ) Sta61 tagle60: do. cotumon, -- - I iý. -un. 1" ;anVi $80076. bucht, bls.chlc, - - -- eering vork, wviîcisvii erre tise same tract, la a giant aqueduet at Brooks, thint> mules esat, t*o miles ln iength, visicis carne'!s t0 vsers of a braucis cammal rer a vide valey.' Ont Isas ouily t. riait 1h1 grQat uuidortaklng of the Cassadian Pacii Railvay tereehse anf oneiy te mitg nituds but tise resulte It vii, indeed 1a. Dreducing. ler. la ode ef tise Analler radiatitg ditehea, filled vîtis ripphing vater. On elther bauk na- ture han reapended vitis a luxuriant grth, and a gardon o! productlvlty lis tise moulLt.heneiseat fielda qu-. BRffSH MAKE MORE PRGRES Appreciably Advance Thefr Linc At Varlous Points.- A despatcis frjom London Beys: The Britishs made iffurther ad'vance north et tise Somme, according te a report recoived on Thursday f rom Genoral Haig. Wlth Contalmaison and thse en- tire German fAret linoe d defonce on tisat and adjoliing sectors ftrmiy lui thelr hande- thse Brittui troepe axe striklng te thse eastward apainst Combles and Bapaumne. Longueral, a junction point ouitise higis noad sysi tom, and thse Heigisao! Martnj,uti tvo anid a hait milieusnrtisout Con- talmaison, visicis commend tise battls- ground fer miles arouad, arpthe Im- mediate objecta of tseir campelgu IM'1 MARRIAGES LN GERMANI. Taxes t. o OMSagemattany A" Beigug rge& . The terriblee oImisti.p01eth*seoutis Of tae ntiosIl a cuslns tpest misi- a tu Ormny.'Tse'elegiWtwt 1914 UVi tis mntaulwoa. la tend tn enotiser dlrectlo% , sIDUIviatiseir Ready-Made Homes, where' thé fne head o0 grain ater lspbhblngtise settier la easlsted gbuieroualy' lui 0M tkir@-queuoi=-sgwatera, for nature talilshing a foothold. thIrstasado umauu. Ailkiddaei Thrugh southeru Britis Comm4ý a 'tisproder'truta, cérealeand bis tise fect ef irrigation systema l1% kden tru k bile datrMganid hve ueiown ln thse fleuriahhng orcharda o; stock groiwlui,, M visrever tiser. the Okanagai, krrow and iCootenay, la sa brngtt»tSbal.Tise cqlatry la Lakee country, aluns thse Carlbo rMat tlls itis what ane oalîed à" anl many anether section. ?rhu fermerafor thse vaters Ouvgre a prue- thiaMuet anceiet ofuaturai aidea s ticae ÇeWnty eoreMD. À aif- ea 1yled it la thé meut med'era, datlng from -th~ o!~~~~ Zaiusvi to lrlgt d ndQarden of Eden adn taungbths rma torty-tour buakeis te tise acre, Albserta Irrigation aae eeetha~ eompared vitis only 29 oui non-irniga- ha cotrlbuted touis wr drlu ble lands. HBye tise ",t provide tivity and to Oanida!s veaiti,, A FRNC WEDEE IN FOEf UNE, HUNS ADMIT* CRISIS AHEAD Joffre's Forces Close to Peronne, and Germans are MakIng Desperate Counter-Attacks. A spoclal câble te the Chicago Dally1 Ne"a from (>swàld F. Schutte, ln Ber- lin, sayu: The French have opened the third week of their offensive by drlv- ing witIfIn a mile of Penonne a wedge Into thse Gernan lUnes. Tihe Germant have been maklng desperate cowite- attuwea botis north of te Somme and on thse Frenchs flank at EBarleux. Thse Germam aneaWuethat àa cisiais1 W The thfrdwek promias even more m GREa PI1SIm teS NL Br ~~tro k ualisWrn t 'us' -a' .1 lit r- in ,iuli r R lity t. i it ln 'lkw ii ther ih tis tho iith bloodshed than last week, for rePortt from the. front arc far from revealiRiS ail the horror a~ this flearful elauihtr. The. German près@ are stU» forMe to rely upon the British .yew1tueosaW8 reporte for reul atonles of the baittIs. Germi authorities ma"e nothing pub.'-. lie except dry statéments of tii. gen. «Ma staff, nd reports, ÇI-"eman --o*-. respondentsa t G.rmanheadquarienÇ' add Uttie. ?<ltber Gprtan n ,* néu__ tral correspondents are-uiw aflêwO-d. anywhere st aMW of the fropts. &MI leK @ioTON$ 'à awIw hlUG3 ton&l wrm eam&by Gema*sand UI1 *msb858*1115 or by in r -r i. e- rd la 10 or of ln 2d ev l l2- id e I er, 1

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