UNI4< ClU1~4 TM.E tlîey Wr. oveïrrded. This year, to ~e otéonioto l3oth '~?L~îd in t~ewe have ordered teven. th atS& I Prtsbytertan Chii-'I pupit ulît i OU TuiUU'Syt Muly 2t qa ý 4 OeeUpisbd by Rèv. X, f11ter. Mornisig ServS. -,Aib :- jù our special train wil leave Wbitby hy Ç. P. IL' Tot Thu ot Known: *Solo-Misa s le Rvra.Pr u sbot. AIIduIdyS tfSIS jPa«dgett. R u d h P k " i o u & à I W f n d y o t t d o MY God, «>tontas ~ae The Zoo for the kodakers will lend mauy trephies. LetnsUs, The c.onteting for a ilver cup by lmonds snd Whitby Lo sF venlNg servîoe.. È.-,Sunday School wîlbe gre:ted by all with plessure. bet ru m:If 1. Picipal Jonnson. wrtlng from i u ' Guelph to the Chairmnan et the Board 1i an otn niief Exa in Vo r f: Education, saa: -Vr, Dandipnotel1 To the business man and general public wishing to get miie the Whlt >B5~<it iY, give u8 the honor of catering te your wants. wIL b te trt fltbê-PX'ýInce t s tabiish a Departmà t of Agriculture In Returning-You may ccme with our special, or by any Eyes. Shol-Threae coos reguar train on C.PR during the day. TiktfrmE no thê shoc whchbas adepart- ae Aut,8c hlrn 5..Tcefo .I \Vlth the inest cqui m eto agrjculture, which Is more Blow or our Secretary, W. G. Augustus. inOtrj upment i Comprehpnsive than the course « On train- Commvittee will be glad to, give you any inp astexperi ne, hereis noWHITBY BOYWO .NED.further information. Tabernacle S udySchool ps xeine hr sn Among the ca"i41lea pobliabed on______ _______________ *ea s o n w h y w e s h o u ld fo t S a tur w ay ast m -as th n aîn e o? sat>p er _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ give~[f r.u Huteo ,4.7 htv Colonel made flatterlng reference to¶ mfl~e Grace sud OUrla Ruttan have Saper unteywas Plýl%-Iô4tsY rebort- the splendid accommodation provlded returned troin a riait wfth'their broth- Satifacton.ed "ounde-d. now officially returne<j te the battalion In the camp at Heydn- ci- in Toroento. Satsfatio . rgimnta duiçs :shore Park He cialmed that It usa Misa l{ckle. ibo bhm been lu To- fOh-r namnes that have recently been the mont sanitary, complete and beau- onte for the pat ten months, bas re- If we do flot we wviIl refund Pulsç were: 1 tifully located of any regîmental camp turned sud ehidien o 1 Dted of wotnds.-Pie Clrec in Canada. He proposed the health Mr. and Mms Goldenan Udet your money. Lorne Adamson, Beaerton: I-te. John of the Tes-n Ceuncil, to whicb Mayor Acton, are vlsltlng uith Mr. sud Mms 'Edwin Pinkney, Q-bnde(riand. Wre ele nfel Istrs ato to tet Missing.-Pte. H. L. Pqters, Clare- Other speakers were Col. Dr. Ekaacorn, Mr. E. M- Deverell la In London In BASSETT Mon. Cockburn and Major George attendance at the meeting of the Ma- ---- Douglas Hamilton, a brother of Sir lan sonlc Grand Lodge. In Te 8où IithThe alclly EVERY DAY SERVICE -T iIEyD,- Hamilton, who bas jolned the staff et Misa Margaret Kean. et Birmingham, .isItJSHORE PARK.ý.1 the lS2nd. The municipal Party were Mla.. and nephew, Master Hugh Den-i Irok St. Souith WVaggns leave "Four CoErg alysown about the camp and then gath- ison, ot Toi-ento, spent the week-end as folo'~s -lt waon -<s. ~f&red In the pavillon. where the regillar thM.sd rsoKe. I ITii r~urnng eaes arkar p...twic--a-week concert by the regimental Mmr. Uiveae an7e son, Aban, ef 0mb. 2nd waonleac-- a 5 p.. eunn band, under tbe very capable leadership awa, and Mmi. Roît, of Toroente, vlslted. I Iea~~es a~ *~ ~ retum of '.%Ir. E. G. H.9zeli. elicited frequentwih m.T.D eero. leaveeat 6 rn wagnn eaxes at' ihM .1.Rnesn .m, etuIrning lpaves at 10 p.m. Ex applauze. Misa Lillan c, Bell, et Brock St., la AUD ~Ira wagon at 7 p.m. Tijesdays and --elaru lbbe rumteMs Thura5days for band concert. Fare fori Personai .Mention j. Dunn. Victoria Ave., Midlaud. ______________________round trip, 2.ýc. Single fare. ene way. Imm. Jas. Anderson and daughter.1 I-Sc. Auto fr partiesg for Sc. -ach one Irene, bave returned trotm a riait wlth way. Jos. Hrcard L Sons. Bell pùone1 Lieu t. Geo. Britton spent Sunday friends In Brantford, Berlin sud Gat- W. C.T. LI.No. 14. witb bis parents here. jMmm. E. N. Granger sud daughter, ef -o- I Judge Smithbhas returned from ai Scarboro Jet_. spent a feu days witb I BOARD 0F LOLCATION. risit in Brcki-ille. Mir. and Mm. Jas. Smith, Coibomne St. SOLDIERS' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M -ITFN.Terglrmeln fieIor f lr E O. Shannon, of Cobourg, for- Corporal Thos. Seymour, wbo la at- The Ontario Women's Christian Tem-1 Educatien was held WE<Ines<lay c- en eri fhitby, waa In tqwn on Sundlay. tending P.S.I., In Toronto. was home pemance Union are ralaing funds te pro- Ing o'f lasi week Miss Gladys Eaton la i-lifting wlth-oeSudyolgtbi ohesI- vide the work allows.nce et two Y M. î After réadlng -and considertng tend. ber triend, Mi"S Ruth Bell, Elora, Ont. ne"s. C.A. mien now wit th e Canadian treops jers for moal requirç.d for the Scboola. lirs. F. H. Webriey. of Guelphi, vis. Mis an Oliv artof InWt.Ss, In France. In addition, and becautte the meeting adjournfed out ot sympathy ited ber sister, Mm. R. N. Bastaett, last nwwt eaie uBafr u the W.C.T.U. 'bas epposed the rum ra- and respect for Principal and Mrs. El- week. nocluith eaiesi rdfr n lion, they arn sending a glît tund te vidge, In the gre-at bereavemeut that jMr. Berlt Shepherd, ef London, was isaCar ekel Ms loe. provde oco, cocoateandsou ashad more ur>on tho-rn in the Ios of their tisiting hlm brotber Levi, o-rer Sun- Trealî sud Mr. Treraf. ef Taunton. a substitute for the rum. Tho t'ouP 18, datughter. Eveitti. m ho had bee n drown.- day. spent Sunday witb 1Mr. andS Mms Levi sent lui In large iron pots. and la for the- .d ihai aftrnnoon Adjeu rnment was lins. Jas. Shepherd, of London. la on Shepherd. night guarde especially, as their duties made for one tieefk. a visIt w1th hem son, Mm. Levit Sbep- mmts A. J. Madili, «f Fort William, often produces utter collapie, and bot ANOTHER WHITBV FA.%ILVS GOO D Dr. H. J. Hudson and family spent the gnest ef Mm. F. 1. Freweil., at the cocea and soup de better work thanREODa e aswh rndtu lo hsCleg theVouyou nlkee 'e 0cnts b eip t. Following the publication of the te 1ee.Mr. Wm .Maw Ieft om Mondai' fo Woud yu iketo lN 20cens o blpcord of a WVbthy farnlly frot» wbich 1 Mm. John Cooper bas returned fr011 Haiburton district. wbere b. w-ll gir. provide these? Mi-.. C. Ted. 11mes:.u n1 the fat hem sud four sono bave gune to a visit of several weeka iu Boumnan. bis time for a feu uceki te looking Miss A. Kean. Secretary; Miss R. J sretercutyfc&hv enjvleadNwate h n-rsao h rs Mitchell, Treamutrer. r1t I outy at av Ie il adNwateafter reitrase h ra brouzht to the atenof e the editori Mr. andlMm. J. 'r. Hornsby were In Wood Co. g mgarding another Whiiby family that, Lindsay for the greater part of the Misa maniS Annes la accouPanYing Jhas dopé, wwtlb The fat hem. NVm. Bird. 1week. bem relatives, Mr. and KT&a John Edwtn Isl wiîh the 116th Battalien at Nlagara,1 Miss MeLay, et Toi-ontt, w-as a Suin.Arden, of St.. LOUIS, MO.. On a trip LOCAL HAPPENINGS à I al.- ho a ffln. Fred. Another son, day visiter with Rev. G. A. sud linu. down th. St. Laurelce te Moitrui. I «rn-,la in the- Construction Bat talion,'MCLean. Quebec sud th. Saguflay. à t*--n In the trenches wth the rn adit-r tiards. lrerial iSevlice) ince --------I ((VT ITO idN ti, c omrnonc-me-nt of the war. Mr. Appiy to MIrq io. p0fl. N.o 1, Ilird ' ft- rothi r.a and hi-. father werelf~P Y 1 S 0~~~ in the- lmrerial Service ai.W« A ST S R.ead -itîr.. r a:nd P. trr'* ýd' r. ai 0-- toi)oft h is î'ati. YOUNG PEOPLE DEBA'rE. 1 Lawn Hobe Sy~ NI.\ 1 D M NTE1 R&.-soived that actions sppak ioue~dr 50 fLlt. s es e NlNiD'N \\FP Ithan "odsxas the subjeet of a de-1 %For rcrnçral listork OT< Appl > 1 l, baia the- ni.tting of the Baptist 3 ply Hose, cern- Ri.Rctard>on. B> ron 'ý.--4 Young ijt on Monday evenlng, and pltewthcop 1 <-t ihcob n v. t; v iii. r.. - \ihoson. as arntved sately iii Eng-I ~ .m ja!n.. lt, is at Iranishott Camp. Mr. and Mirs. W. L. Elvldsze and sonI Whl-tbv Prtsbyttemy met In St. An- 1111 1 ULb' RAf-l IU WA-IL i-r. i d i ir(e to thank thi- nîany kind dren'as h urch bei-e on Tue-sday at 101 tri. uds andtirt-ighhiors for ho-Ir' and .Ln. Thet- meting waa ubont, sud was îrwaîbit l lithe hlur of t4t r t-5t-tS concluded hy>- 1.39) oclock W IS , 11 ni, U. ..-.-,- -ô- Ind BATT)ÀLION >DINEFS COLIL.. 1.1II.\Y LOSEI) T1{URISIPAYS. ht.- ibrary licard ha' t decitird te :1tllthtLibrarlan ttht, Nvc-kIy balf- hl;d.iyý. and i enrcefort h durlng this L, mon; h and August the Librar>, will not- I,- open on Tlîursday afierneons or ~.Il ui,,%Patrons of the lbrary are ,lkqd to Ketp this ln mind. 1-idites' Slc, Itlme hose rednced te 3 pair for $1.00, Penangle make, at W.j« G. alters'. 'Ir. W. E. Ric. reelved a letter hs week froin bis son. Gunner G. E. Rice. Nwho la on active servr* ln Frmansd Ielgum. He- reports b-aving met Chai. Neili, Clarence Iiodge, Ait. Bnttcc. Cla.r- ence Paxton andS Ciarlie R" sTbe't beys are ai l n good apîrita "d are unanîmoui in prilme et the tr¶euuent they receive in these counmtrie. Mm .Jes. Kean recelved woetStii. week that ber Mon, Pt&. Ar-thu Kean. han been transierred te the. C A. S. C. ne w-lU now b. ulti hie brother. Corpi Adam Kean. l*tte?. "th tli ront are grewing morn optimitie efcry day. Mm .H. H. Blaek MdniS elen,0 -Toi-ente, are rlsiUttcheformet Stati- ci'. -Mr. A. 1D. lrmar. Ladies' sport bat vplancolorn Md fasiry &tripes. r*guwa aue$.Ste 42.00. BalMe price ete. at W. 0. Waiâters. A LARGE CLOVER S-TALK j Mn.'W. F. BaY%, Wt uvtu Stzesa, week a tai) stalk of rel .etuver, blnk. oumeaumeo«t proveSto b * telm Thursday eveinn#lat the Mayo and' Town Council vl thelr ladifS ucre entertained ai dinner by Ltý-Col. Coek- burn and oMfe*ra 01 th," 19>4 nd OiO Couinty Oversasa BattaIIon. The *Peak- lng afteFwsrds usa tarted, u-hen the Kint* health had bewi drunk. by Ilexe Douney proposiniiiithe allh ai Col. aud Mrs. Cekbum~ RePiytugý. the B -- PÂGE 11,1 BAPIT T hUKJ FRANCIS.-At Brookfln, on Thursday, Jeiy 13, 1916, Henry Frà neL l n hia 9lst year. 'ELVlimS - Ât Oshawa Hoaital, on TU.BdAy. July 19, 1916, WUiliam len- ry Elvis., ef Brookliln is i. 61 yer. APPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSOR. Applications wtll b. recelved at the Town Clerks office up to Monday, Aug- lat 11h, for Aasesor for Town of Whit- by fW the year 1917. JOSEPH WHITE, Town Clerk. HIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, TOWN OP WIIITBY. At a bargan, the Yarnold property on Dundas Street One acre of land. Fruit treesl. House, sold brick. 1%4 @tory, f urnace. woodnhed. stable and drive bouse. Ail In good repair. Po&. sesuion November lot- Apply te Jas. TweedIe on the premlae.. or G. E. Glb- bard, 1204 Queen St. West, Toronto-tL TENDERS WANTEI' SeaIed tenders til b. recetved by the underslgned until Tuesday, August 8UI, 1916. for the construction of a 50~ feet bridge acres. the Nonquon River at Seagrave, Ontario, for works as foi- loua: 1. A concrete bridge aeeorfnlg to plans and peclfloelonh prepared by Meuars. Bowman &- Coner. Documents can b. examtned at No. 31 Queen St West,. Toronto, and at the. office of the' County Clerk. Whltby, and of thej County Clerk, Lindsay. 2. A steel superstructure te We erect- ed on Snnerete piers to be constructed under another contract. 3. Two concrete piers. The plers are to be completed res.dy for the reception of the superstructure flot later tbsn September 15th.. and the superstructure la to be erected and completed not later than Septeinber 30. next. AUl other Inormation cmn be obtaned from elther et the County Clerkz. The louet or aziy tender wM fDot necessarily bW aSePted &. R. McNeilllie Clerk. County o et itria Lindsay. July l7th, 1916. r vo,ý r ure 'Pulb Coe, Irneet Powder, Arsenate of Leai, -AT- WII ITFI E LD'S DRIJO and STAflONEDV STOOM WHITBYO ONTARIO soesAgeut fer Bmterlck patterm am Aie fer Nyai rPu'aa'tee C, JOHNS Carpenter mid Contracting Buider. Plans pr.lu.red a"d estimates fur- Brock 84 .South etWPMoaOfce, Whlt- by. OhLPhone 131IL W. A. YOUJNG Civil Englacer, Topograpbleai Survey, lad dlruinage, subdIvWson deslgulag plans a" Sdmaigu, etmates, etc.. om Contra W oriL Contracting. Box M, WliBIBT. A* A* ROBINSON Undertaker and furnilture dealer. Bell a" laIdependent phones. DaY or n4ght, BEOOKLIM, ONW;T. 1 NOTICE OP REG ISTRATION OP BY-LAW NO. 841L Notice la berebi' given that a by-lau w-as passed by the Couneilofethte CWb- pematIon oe- the Counti of Outtrib au the 3rth day ef June. n1netesu hbonr and aixteen, prorlding for the lame e t debentures te the amount et j20.OW -t the purpose of authoriulng Uic Imm et debentumes te the said! anoumkt,_% aise money fer the payment of the aft et building certain -bridges in a" a&u jolnlng the Cnty et Obtarto Mdi M other County pprpèe&A" StIM M& by.-law was retlatered là the RegIeIiy office et the. County ef Ontam m OU E 10th day e of ,AD.191-4. Ani' motion te qoub or setM am h saine or ani' Ptthereet =ami e Xf withln thnte meonthi afterthe UM 901- lication et tis . noiced CMIo M be1 DateS the Ilthday et JUly, AML 1914. -t I. E. FAEEWELI4 momi-. Bergels Park, cm§ aOc per IL. a34Ibo 4 I IL il Ansimosmoat - 1- For Ibe cooiffg week ourit er stok Of ssum*m §nDe&, Ibdu>g Screoe Doms *d Wtodows, imauv' wocks. Lêwo Gardes Hou Stoves aoê @'wI SLJG.AR - Wkithedula atabumna You know wo sare alwa$s rigbt with the pree of ugar. Thue .an the days wh.u yo are thinking about putg down firelb fmiat 'fmoiathe finest gardeo n .w0rario. W. ane hem.to h.)p Y«. ha"eawypt441> own ui& or the Eavr W,'.,' t- i _à mmmb.- ý -.dmmmmmý- -.9ommilb.- --Mmmmmw, -.qqmmý "qmmow- -Iquaup, ý mi