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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jul 1916, p. 6

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Tt1EU LApSe OP' \IENOCI1 WENTWOInT1i By ISABEL GORDON CURTIS, Akuthor of -,The Woman from Wolvertons" PouceàtaDot 7%4y744lin.it, but Ilà not too soon to poepr. te duti itii ertain PtolMWU which vil) Brise on lu omhmimüad directy ageet tl'6wltmi~1 * W.who hive fought lot ug.pmue doges..çooe cith irst thoua1t cea rat.fui Poo- V.pa *Pm«MUflih IL. hero... lie thue.who bave fallen CÂT3VIL-((dont'd.),. few et her girl trlesho b.d met. mimd T hae e wosV Mve. a a flefore the m$*dlo et October met the I oaci et thém lie lad seen some LILY AWH ITEude . .ucln thec'a me rial parte were la -YeheursaI except tva. ptty dacit or trivollty anrhlch, tinu- Ranv uw u u ~ ed$ eiotu at, igh. Vetrna' Lon b AnEgihona,21aPgewslkho acacunted s typiod teiOffl5 COR SYCl ub whlch la vry <bar te tlie hearti AnEgiavnin ihaP gt, vice. ~Domcas vas different lu hart One-third "LlUy VWhte* <o <vo- of unany'now vlfghUt n uthe treucheu croesing the Atlàntle ta play aditl"Mrs mebe tawr h. ua, ywi"t rkepn ae uo h ssi h Igsterbroehl". Oswid retused obstin- ed nellect. She m'es hiem" Çmawrt tîdsSg r, b y ruhtpr epugvtc por*eosma»h ately te give "Cordehia" to and actrese me eutihad knwn. "ily hlte"ÇornSonupan. original Club vas apened five years that Wentworth suggested. lesl ihhs ysfxdo n vents fermemntatien and me d- ~ t 1 i.vn te xrse Wem tcls wlh ocean steamer moving majestically up brings eut thie natural fl-aveur ef r toilth wa fenxp md "W metcleewih omboy hehabo.When her whisthe hrlek- fruits and berries-mimd nmbes h>y the ex-service man, of a place thhyqik sidEoh hnO-e harbso. oaslue et much more deliclous Preserves, whore lie could meet old comrades la waldhd turned down Ratherlue e nrsos e asltWn- jama snd jeles <han you ca= botter and brs*ghter surroundîngu liban Dean. 1 worth rose wlth a strt a.nd glanced nMle wIIith ÈHSugS. s publit? ouse, or sue> other resorte "Ms eni o vnb eshs.rpiy about him. le teit thali soeale5. 10 ind 20 Poudiet Basvere withîn has means, a place "Mia. Def,"an s edthevEnglishan be eas watclilng him. lis eyes met t uiawn.where hoe ould get, s bed, write hus teiugit et." Sero e t Enlismnta -z bui it.Semt o E AAASTRUC.ham. latters, sud obtain heiji or s.dvice, es- declivel. "So'm oautful, butnearby benci staring at hlm, 5aflOws-peilywtrgadeepomnt wliere's ber feeling, ber Intelligence? papr inher lsp and her handsa sal- As ta l th ategatrd temVyets 1 mt watching ber face-the. hght f llcd listnessly over it. - .--As--.-- -.. ops ondlut e nuatecthon wtb tan strong upon ber whlle >rnu talked. "Why. Dorry! How long have you a. ~ ~ ~~Clubrp s doueinvaluae vrk sud th There's absolutely nobhing ta bher but been ber.? Did you calme?" ito e srrther'. smon-m. Cu) a, on nvlabe o n beauty." InuhrbohTsa .Its uiiferm la kuevu snd respecteul 'She can sct," insisted NWentwomi4m. "I did not speak te you," she an- «"Its Il bai-gain?" ho asked, lokin v'rywhere. l.Iswereil quietbhy. "When 1 laid dovu down at ber witb a smule. Thora were 7,000 memberu on the «'I'va seean ber act. It lent acting!smnt goyumttera. îtstbage saaavrt registre h oeas lbbir wo want in 'Cordelia.' The vomnan, My paperamiueaoyuett " abra, s nsrd.*e f the eralCubeoe who play@ 'Cordelia' imust ha vo feel- i He did not ofYer ta take a place be- "Abojut 'Cerdelia,' Dorry. do as you tewa.r, the gi-ont majerity et vham tender, compasalonste understianding, side her, theiagh she moved te make phes.se. I eut loose wheu father -have nov re-joined the colore, but in! dlgnity, with a young face-not a face room for him. 111e face flushed bot- plauned mý future, snd did what 1 viev of the enorinous mocrasse et our I Ino which youth i. phinted." i1 ywhen hie glance- feul on the head- wanted te. A girl, I suppose, lias the nv nuders tatr'aes ahod lhe ave, "Cordelia' must have beaoty," linos of a paper itat lny in Dorcns' arna rights, e5PeciaUy if he's a gti 'tuesr vie ttexpswh irationeavtha ffWe mIyeebot.h. h ani not son rch - - eyusent e wbscn brtusea-mpoutul." war, Itl;a snecessary that the wioli Have yuu'oMenen'theons treytabout1Wheu ho unlocked the door, Dorons. "aerîsChb1mol have fopé'Co dola ng the mSthe yorseI in the Times?' paissed in bof ore hlm. As he shut it'scope of the VtrnsCu"hol1 unkimavus. "Ofi course h have," anmverod Enoch behind hiro she tiu-cw ber arma about, b enlarg-ed if it la lia be of adoquate' "«That'a a isky proposit ion," Saîd împatiently. -It was flot îny doing. bis neck sud kissed hlm. Wentworthluse. Tho proeet Club building lei Wenworh ipatenty. Cordelma' ý%-I iriiated on it. Every paper held ber for a moment un a close, at1 quite Inadequate for a large member- is a big part. Why, it's almost lead-! is claînoring for rews. We rep-o- fectionate grasp. On the hall table brhimres it ld ho etholi hed ne Tasty Sandwiches. Second-Buy sll loose vegetables; Sardine Sandwleh.-Two liard-bell- fruits snd mats onlY ai ler personai ed egge, 1 large box sardines, 1 smaîî inarection-net over the telephaTie. Be firm orange, lemon juice, mayonnaise, thoroughly tamilar wlth the nature whele wheat bread. Rub yrelks tm a and quality ef ahi that you buy. d paste; mince whites; free sardines Third-Inferior brands et food d t ram skin and bons; eut orange into, net pay-ihe beat la none tee good for ce; add a few draps et lemon juice ene's daily meals. te raYonnaise, work in the yelksi, Fourth-Buy keepable things In then the whites, sardines andd imt the large quant1ties. orýange.- Spread tareiully over whole Flfth-Keep systematic accaunt of wheat breud very lightly buftoered. ail purlchases. Let It be <ietaiied, but Cream Of Chiceen Sandwich.--One- concise. half ctip diced white chieken meat, 1 Sixth-Never buy unnecessail teaspeon powdered gehatine, 1 cup bhingm. mllk- 4 Pint creare, sidt, white kpbeP Seventh-Patrenize rohiable dealers. per, celory sait. White bread i- They wlll appreciate you if you pay selve thei gelatine lu the. cold milk; cash, and if they feel you appi'eciate pound chlcken fine and season; place thoîr reliabîlity they wll nover fail mlilk wmth gelatine and chioken over Yeu. Iow fire until disselved and tbick; re-- mnove and add the creain previousiy Umef ul Hinta. whippod Stlff; allow te cool; when cold It is harruful te sllk steekings te spresd tuia chicken paste on the bresd, Iran thom. using letbuce leaf, and touch of muay- Oag aa adhcossre onnaise if deslred. Oag aa sdlcossre Cheeme and PiMente Sandwich.- wibh rosat chicken. Tva creamn cheeses, 1 ean aveet White lace should be laid sway in pimente, i quart Spaniali anion, % blue or yellew paper. cup pecan or walnut meast, aveet Alcohol will remove ink stainsfffrom Mayonnaise, browu bread. Pound, hight waol materials. the cheese with the pimenbtansid an- lastougysibape f ion juice; run the nut meats thrangh, Abaon toroug e licrba icee the nut knife et tho chopper; add te Cream soupa are more nourishing previous mixture with enough mayon-thnsoksu. naise ta makis a smaeth vehvety co,,dtBare etoc soupe. e ua al sistency; spread an ligthtly buttered shir tshuben s srunk na.as whrite o r batrwn re , wi th es fre " 1 A l vooderi pu kets w hen net in use epriga nof atross, ifdeic"r should have two Inches of wat'r left ing busiyes--it ought to 1w in rehomr-,(duce the play the ,,rst w'Nk of'J' nl-iay a notes anressed te uorcas, alme ' % "L-------in them. ber."1 telegamnfotWeetwrth. H tarecentras of the -rigsof ripe tomate, breast of chlck- sal nov." , uggsti 0 The paper speaka af you aloflo. it open sud stood for a minute deep l imionseo!,num-ilnb aotaimrvdbyhvn "Waib a few days,' suggeste~~~l Os- monshefr cute, uase u the Do nm-iaccmevieppemm.r me, je Merry îsn't given credit for even eug- thougithbraifr1i ue tiaro mayonnaise, lettuce sud bravu bread.biigvtrpurdoe tbfr waid. "Nov, tellie when isMer-Iy g tin the plot. .-lis nanlo is nat "nberhae nvofio men from thos Dominions vho, ESliee the ciicken in vafer-like suices; fryiig. te show u7 He should have beon gentin ""nc,1 aea nitto e have fought for the Empire, vhich ae h eld ripccxbr u-It i eli Hnercie hud betre a wcek ago. ('an't vou wire him mnioe.from Mr,. OsNvai(ita osec Nazimova ta- wudaIacnsiue otest hihtrthe pbrovn bra ightly, lay o;u lt- vsed sien. to-day ?" Wcntworth's browv wrinkied ino an ujkwht. Do you mind if I go?" iun lcoud tu res or adie t'ue tharon ccbrer. Sprl, ayodlt-,e e l 'il do it right awhay." Wentwerth ugly scowl. Ha'w couîd ho ba men- 'No. Give Oqvald a message f rom mîeu they turasfor e t>r îa<>vice uber th thin mbea a et Adeilu an ecom e- tosed it§haton i-shea an let,ened? He cani't be found---any-,rme. I sha'n't' have time te sehlm we hytýserdterlbrMccme ihti aoniet eiiu th ofce ledewa <im roth ere." i bafore 1 leave." aur Empire beyond the se055' vhicb a littie mustard bas beau ad- servtoe ter. vian ho stopped eut on the sidevwalk, îrOtaî~adytrîiho'a îaefr A Central Veterans' Club in Lo~n- ded; ou tep et tic cucuimber place the Tore amr er.smn, h snd lookcd anxiously up and down in the (a kiirendy to camne on at "For Montreal. 1 put a detective on don canceivel au generous linos with ebieken, tien iay the tomate rings ounaTur lsu o Broadvay as if hoping to socMrv mo ntsoi" Merrys rc.H a al.moat laid its annexes wherever required would top ef the ehicken; add a llttle more et npeny- hi i drC inl h approach withh is nonchalant strîio. IlI wish tia God he were!-~ cricdjh is han(i on him. Tel.Oswald 1I yul constitute a noble, visible sud lasting Itic mayonnaise on tic tomate sud hast shiny.w iekn He paused for a nsament to jg}fl a Wentworth desperatoly. hring Moi-iy hack with me ini tva days proof that tic services ai tic' sailor th lisîeaai brevu bread. This has Aimîpecetaporuth cigar, thon startcd at a hrish gaît Why don't you tell Mr. Oqvald tié at the lateat." suad soldier were s.ppreciated and the effeet of a club sanjiMwchL It, ater un Whic u oer r u 'Ien te tret. lewaenccstd trut h ? "Oh!" cricd Dorcais radiantly, "«then:that a genorous British public bad sbouhd ha placed ou a, very large- yul make theroltlagr I "orr-î, y Nutre a chfld. YOU dOn't everyt'hing wvi]l ho righted!"* takon its gaîhant protecters under its square et bread, ae u iguhy Avy aeyu oishnyi bore and thero l'y a f riond. E-ach one 1*ythekth.f offered comgratlation. le vas in na uni<lrstan'i that 1 amo up against a "Fv'erYtîing wiîî be righted" .-ovn care. ic vork te, be doue is It muet be servad thoroughly cold and takcheon. l s yod inteke mood for that sort of thing. A bloek barder proposýition than 1 cao rneet." peated ber brother. 1g'reat, but it sieuld ho donc nt once. tic cucumber sud tomatees bobhl muet A keekyu taopep furtior ahead ho aaw Phillilis of ltme Il* secros te me, Enu><h," said the Tic Vetersus' Club Association ha. ho fully ripe and juicy. Garnish vîth Ai efoukeplut.swigbke Herald in the moviî,g tbronz. Thoro girl slow ly, "if you had nt-' CHAPTER VII been termed to carry it eut, sud pat- olives sud cross. This, vîth are-1vi ofudueu o ipn would hc one scaping him. le Stie did net finish the sentence . Shel riotic undividuaha in the mctier coun- fre'shing beverage, malces a momit a se , bems, btos t. rr jumped on a downtown car, and a fcw ha'i turn,'d ber eyes away frein hr' "Miss Wentworth, what does 'Hiia try su.-i Overseas ar-o invited te, join ceptablo, substantial, hot veathor .-a cotes minutes Inter he watt ai tih Bttery. lirother nl starell at the multit'ude in 'The Master Buder' miean te you ? " ftu Association sud subscribe ta it ac- vice. - $ he n dihot ae ebe atdplc He steppcd off nd crassed the square. (or craft in the iay, jostling e-acb asked Grnt Oswaid during the firstcoarding ten their means. Toothsome Sweet Sandwich.-One ýthem lun o atrfr eimnts Tie tidie was combing in and a stiff ather as ichicies do an Broadway. lui] of quiet thcy met after leP.v'îng' To purchase sud transfor the Club hahi poui~ fige, % paund chopped, n fcuismle n breeze slewowfft he n<'oan. "Illd net whiit?" ho insisteid. thc thentre. Tih ' r cahbIîad teen held te an adequate building ini Landau,, dates, 1 cup grated fresi cecoanut, 1, hles ih eq Siegmet ds f estclmlxedantatbeequalgrparts ett tupontin, 1 Hie isèqt-sI hiniself on a hench ad Sono i' ysclîandnil thcy up in a lBiadway hiockade and the nov bn the market, sud .""...--.n tabason heoat mako a fine pota o adwe loa wutcbod the spray dash over the pier. w;avered 'bofore ber aivu. "I mono if, Etreet hecume suddcnly stili. "Seeta cudow it as a groat Imperia, i caut cup sugar, 1 cup fiuoly broken Atapotule -ngaiîcdl Tirongs camne and went, b~ut Enot-M yau had not made a false aiart-if means sametbing. Ibsen, first, has;t, M1emoriai, te endov a splendid coun- pecan meats, large soda cracekers, art aafi cid not sec thoro. Tus min" vas cen- you bad gene loto this hanesty- aud ahi the time, deahi; in parabîcs. t-y baume (whlehbhas been off ered ta white bread. Meit the chocohate ina prfanlm ht mieo tPred dcsperatvly upan one anxieiy: eî'erythint v.%%ould have came out bnp- Six people, have six difTerent' inter- the committce) as a convaheneent double boier; add remslniug ungredi- symokes vîilcauaacerlgts~ Mery met o fund He had ftri"-prstations of 'Il ilda. I amr urîios teom ore fer the use ef members vho suf- entsansd ashow te sîmmer about 10 preveut au unphesu drsdeoe miuute% orsunîbcthemixtur la i The appearaueoi e-ehne so certain that tha actai- miglit appear Wentworth du-inat neer. knew w-bat sic stands fcr te l'au." Ifer tram their veunds or tram scmie ut-s(, reazny themassur moveroom eau be mc o eatdb at any moment that he had nllowed 1'Il cat't tel]. Enoch, that Merry bas Dorcus tunncd ber candid gr'ay cyes nes, te carry on tic other activities weli-sznootiie ran ms.Rmv Oswald te think he knevi wherc ho bhad fair play."-*ta hie. ior the Cmub and the existing Club 1 tram lire* cool siigbtly, thonbhast un- bangiugtecrtsra the eoto m'as. ile îeport'd him hahi'-sick, try- Thl'e mani tamiîed his foot impa. "elý;üeonly oneît' ting--consc;cL. meanwhile, it la enitimatted tint the 'til Creamy, Spread ou crackere grthTeove L AI ing ta recuiperate, and hating th" utent-iy. . ShcŽ appears %vhen the 'Mat-er Buid- 5ur of £200.000 will be needed. on liiwhtiy buttered small squares efjti9 t ar tau ru~ so warî'y of a lawquit wiih an agry man- j 'leip me ta flnd biro, then. Thinge oer', by one cruel, unjust, selfisi action,' Wien peace la declared and mon bread. A tep piece may ho added if ;irat vthlrsutonvtsap settia out4kf court. île as-iurel hum appeal incwe. Corne, lot us vahk homne. Notbing car. save hlm but bis con- necessarily overcrovd the labor mar- sandwich fur tho tep-off et the chli- hot vater softendvt moi.I tiat blie comedian ivus latter perfe<'t It's tai chilly fôr you ta sit here." science. 'liidii' le hue conscience, of lot ; this le the time when mon wviii dren's meat, for the luncheon basketý traces still romi«u it upn in his part; n'Ilh.. r,-i-ed wa-s to ap- fl-ras rose anmd fuk.oed the paperý courcýe. 1 want help. vo theret ore coufidantly insead et caudy, or served on the fluer' tine. ;t'ar lit tate reheearsals i'The strain, wvhich )ny on her laP. 'Shc kept up~ "That le my interprétation exactly.'appeai ta thc British publie for as- quality of crackera it is suitable fort To keep mot'af-mrgo apt hoever, Nas telliiig on N'tentworth. v'-ith her brot-hcr's long strîdes threh It iB a w~onderful play!" ýisasice in the groat vorî outîined atternoo een sra cltil esdV it a ae 111( g'eîmmm irîtiil. hocrwdtht'tboned Bî lava.1 htisa vonderful play." She p ititis letter. aohaving pirtc!tretn do n Oswald saw tracesseof il. iiet laid it te After a few minutee' silence ho askèd cd te a crowd on tie sidewahk. "What' Donations simd subscriptions siould hvn prt anxieiy over tho pr;-,p:îrotmns for hiesiuiddonly: How did you bappen tej is thnt string of men ? " sie asked.' b. saut te tho Duke ai Bedford or Alan dCock Sytem proportion e!aaooflt vr play. s4c NIMr. Oswald yesternay ? Their cal) bati been moving step by 'tie Lord Mayor of Londou, c/a Mesars. The alarm chock's poiibilitios for quart Of vater. TIorcas realI7ed t he change in ber IlIc called nt the house." step for hait a block- Again it camne Cox & Co., Bankiurs and Arnuy Agets, hIptuluasa srou't tuîîy apprecmated. Wenyucofamatr e- br-t'hiei' and lluîtt kê'enIy, She con- i "A bi t vhat ? IIto a standstihl. i 16 Gbariug Cross, S.W ; or te Most vemen look upon it as a acces- tables remoe ths cflvra trastt il th care-free, generous, ia-, l'On busines. lie lis asked m "It's the bread line. lad you nover Messra. Drunmend. 49 Charing Cross, ary cvii, a disturber o! the g'ray best preserved b tain rra~ lnoçh as lie hatdi *heri nmonth naga, ta play 'Cordelia.' -' eencuit before?" S.W.; or te Messrs. Hoît & CO-# davu, snd 1.5 it go at that; whcreasjmflg. Sîmmes cd wit th ma wh. h<Iaged si> tdeniy,! "It might' h-ve occurred te hlm ta "Na. Who are tic men?" (WoodheadaBac) ayAetjti nI atn oepotiavr~lg Ipebllgl oeeooi whovsa grawing morose, freiful, un. consuit me!" "God kiova!" an"vwered t'ha Eng-,44 Charbng Cos .. o h e aieqaiiain as cook, nursea, a tdc e eur emc communicative and impatient ovo.r %Wentwortb stopple-I fpr a scnIl ts-hman, with a thrill et compa-aien -cont of thO 1'Veterans' Club As- guari.ain, dsiseplirian, Memorandum uhat. We tiîlfies. h)ay ifi r day she env bass Dorcas vas net lockiug nt him-herl n bis voice. "They are a lot et sociatien," or to the Orgauizing Secro- ansd assistant housekeeper bu generaL a good gt e nv utsering i. of hio. ]lise pi,îas baril wurk, 50 cyeii were turned straight uiead on baîf -frozen. starving, buman vi-eck- 1 tary, ett ho off ices ot the Association. Thie alam cdock ila amonti cousclen- the 1coolestal n haetmto the girl vas lob t te lieroo devices. the îîustling qtreet. age, vhc ihave been waitiug thore for, Adeiphi Terrace'Heuse, Adeiphi, tieus coolc. Tic houseville has but to summer feoda, hcuemvrlatce She had ew friends jrl tho City. Sh(, "Wiy di.dn't' le spçak to e mcflrst?' su bour te got s lest et hread." W.C. paebrpes oatrky t. i ayho steah vrahmr o spent the fail dayl'inii long. sauita-y, ho persird.8 (To bc continued.) A Canadian brandi efthte Vtemri' thc oven, Or ber potatoes, beetsamnd uieiSOMe.ig is scoig unks anrry lreron th constsrmtly;11dnv o.1 a1dcd ht1- _ 0,Club Association bias aready eebeau bte nUestovte, sett g.- alarm 50 Fruit jars CtA pet en ie on mîka, mi lir bnîind ilv cy e n- "I da1u'tknw.I a n desif1coud wlm t A'N AWAY TO TRENCIIES. femed in Canada, snd GodfreY Bird, .hât It vil ring at or near the end îYOU have 40 boyeiuhett ed .ndtepa ole.Scn rcend mn- s t er Iwou! dresay 'yes f o takPresidant o e 1ic IjaMent samd In- im the time preminbed for cooîuug thi e s umUMerscnslg go tudti ly aler SUrednyei ve ih nrw er." f Phdlpu,17 Vears (01d.Saya vestmeut' Co. 207 Transportation different articles Of too'd, iti h aes hoihtei!'lhv odyupîtbakyu_she mi.may Ito k«P thi asroicainvie cme t the npraer.tio bratogh <hem ae laIdgo y testae, Britishyou - inus lily." Bldg, Montreal, will ho glad to reeive gu about another task wlth aifree and the hoti preserve r u net ii reliiiquishe i jourîialisnî nnd was vork- I You kuow iow I (cpI about lt"1 iTe ndon Daily Cironicho pub. subscoiptîons froni Canadimna la ordîer uuffldd mina, kuowiug that wsteh- lthe aid methodituigasivrki ing on the production g"f a nov play Dorcas spoke quietly. "Vts'î remem- 1" e icfolhowiug frominlts Livor- pWeont ht fod aum b« ui.g e d la whtthen i.IaPaqutlul by a news author. She drew a long ber, I blid yeu it Wns thce nly work pool correspondent: 171W COCOAÈÎTS GROW. ad i. rmîir pnmmi ~v tu- Tni.hatlabobdyte breath af relief over that anueunce- I1 over caa-ed te do,*"TeBrts am. a'hhy' < . t~se t pue s, ndffs PM IMit ut ii.Inoansqi. ol nien. Sc fit ureEnoh wulddo When did Oewald suggoslt Ibi?" Ibraces you up mund makes aumof et ad ilov thi e Ieigk!» rgve Wbor, e if , i.IU igu i.tp i e vntlkteal o fu! usic a Qry vintic t'nMe, "Scverah weekm ago. -11e ban talnd iyeu. 'ad 1 don't regret jeinlng Il a ' nwBts. o h ok '. lpc.lngt r.-m mttopeiiaTsr usdti nrle. Sice vas ton Proud tg al 'V1ith me about 1< m(re thaw-once*' Ibit,1 have onjoyed tic oxperlouce; gpmd O »' ra htî qucationa. lier brether hmsd niwaYs, «He mieghbave taken m nie aubit 1and it hlm don.e e o&» in thae ,Wiy îldo oS»gà t lrsn* y'enietatteninkpus n eoIrsrata tl' noal htmu tz-ken lier ompictehy i ibit, Conti-! confidence" snarled Wautwortâ,. vends an Amencan bioy of Bavemte«.Tn , ' MYus,0gag tii atrglts la tii. ý f thtfi ïg peniW n *#os escip, the 1 Amerlain houw~v.a.tevse doce ae ascetan o uud o i) "lie knew bow you ftt about it. wv ise .juat liacudiaeiiaredfreiSu am OIIIUt n<5 b51Y <o B li.uay'. Iduaiti.iii .,@ both ill. 5e peUnaThfri migan whcn <he oituand wurry vere Besides, Enecli," tho girl'& volce.1 thoamy. w1th w1dehu lhe bas been thi.e dgeo dsema Or rivfra, sa gw a 9 pdeu ot ordr5 Tb* ah, m luth= ehna oeuss~elthco tvn rembled. "oslde%-atsly I bava net, gaflsutly fighting la Franc erton ! uuV o!thon u tbey beoS.ripe wýtfrteedttU akduo O;- h i Wentworth watchoîl ber cloticly. Ho knowu viatiier you <*zed aisytiigi eevînmnue .. i to' ! * Ut i~thi e ne the- dipet 'and reseb w hen urMnj tii los fue rehledio re oI i~,ro~en i sdabout my shimY Ibit dolî*e la thé b«de. - fee& vtt iê u- ê-è -, ~ ~ ifCaOB ciangi et feeling; her every glancea WeasotSl i 414 n gyar UntiI Tbé yopuý b-,w ee »m ela itaroIdao aen *eW*< t -Irui"dmic. U4iW at t'tiâsu -tlmlit told IL. -'R( weueored fi-oqueutly wyul Uiey t«Mmc ista the quitr elmiô Pic~-,ha a .kra areit wMs a't. A, te 1I.t Ï4 itUW} rm th tis houglts vero <that i. did sot V,'.v..ti7place. Atogse i >oung, ha lu 4.re ftt t"qi vlw," are ail'ut ::me i oft ttW ea*. a< Ir ItOUVblWL#M . t putito words..In es-ry wommn ho -"DOD,'î ainlujiudgMeut on u.1lciml ogi. u slbU .potut *>î*Y-$ os 14e d làred for beauty, lmt.loctualoro ry,, ho la"t aWb, tise <r0tl p«otb. Ver tire. 1«». bh adW Ose.inuthe. '»%«', ature9M o t*tmb*l wl.fgrmeusl 4earV squallt!s there hmd beem& mper Iley ge. uvung lisc ion its pois &M' boo n aSIn ou gt-"h vssaes, bt ' '. "'<"1P o"a>ofthe ,*tôtiiiwhich voro etiM etally Jthuiga bein t'O rua itheut antnt nMoy e! IW 't ez n bnmtiu î 1.44* a sIi*tht"ediWk u 4-mu 1a.fih hk üent. Dorcas vas diffore01-. Souno- switchlng. nireate tothi.e old m«'; ftm a voffl !m <WUib. e dj-leiiffl thit .4as sts T e$ 3d ~be.ofaacead t rlgt tbé çsW .1 U<Ina lavesa utile faithl lut-;. 1 4 Jt ê uvt tb a* MYW - idMM Saden.*teê 1.est malw! <&l'SOIO iS W hW <0* l by lê-soIusion ftroun tise world, i.qr- e body brlthe w9rd O$4ezsp yu aeoet »»YdMtey..4u u eesu'taî 5 1 ' ~ -Wbo.Tien licranom4bre4 6t noneu glungât aytue paper vbf4'l6ier~uulm mguiu>% A ~ ~ - ~~.ss fMK~ G i àett oas4u e Ià , wiité1ÂAM t>sue fl o mme- * m NW(ITVMdZFýO1-flA-JIr- -s~III, - - - - ., - »r«rýV 1 A iR vau--imr SQ. M*A t. ýaol " b«Qý b * bw« .sv r 1 ails l io .x arengrnei. Pesight 50 per 'Cent, In On. wVek l-e Ma-Inea r ti ln si v rarious Methode Were Eaploed t Transmit MegsalgeB. Çonuidering the amouflt ef thOught' and attention bestowed -on the airt Of' var by the ancients, ît Io gtranige, thaV' so littie Informnation rgardiflg th@ nethode of transmitting orders amonci their armies and fleets shouid have, filtered down to modern timon. For< as the Greek historian, Polybi3B, who lived In'the second century, B.C., veryq justiy observed, IlOpportuJmlty la ol great advantage ln ail things,- but especially in war 1 and among the several thinge whlch have been iu- vented to enabie man to seize it, noti-. ing can be more conductive ta that end than signais.' The earîlest recorded means of con.l veylng Intelligence rapidly over great distances was by the human voe@., Thun, when the King of Permia lnvad.ý, ed Greece (480 B.O.) he la stated te' have posted sentineis at suitabie dis-' tances spart, the whale way tram Susa te Athens, by which means news could be transmltted at the rate of 450 miles in forty-oight hours. According ta Çaesar, the saffl rnethod wsin use among the Gaula who, ho tels us, when desirous-' transmitting important Intelligence, or' ln need of heip, shouted the news front place to place;-, snd that thus the massacre of the Romanq in Orleans, at sunrise, was known at Auvergne, 120 miles awsy, between 8 and 9 a'clock the sme evenlng. Obviouuiy, sucl a method would be hiable to interruption by weather. But,. as human lite was littie accoivnted anmong tho ancients, the normal lino of shouters would, dqubtiess, be sup-, plsnted when need arose. A proposai la said te have. beeir made to Alexander the Great (3566-328 B.C.) by a native of Sidon for estab- iishing an Ilintalliblè method"1'oi communication between Greece and bis remate conquesta ln India within' tho space of Aivo days. Tho RKing, hawever, regarding the proposer as au' impeater, declned even te consider it, the fate af many a valuable sug-gesM tien in our own times. Anothor method, whlch originated ln the mugta of antiquity, was b means etplieons. It is related by Pliny that whon the clty of Mode"' was besieged by Anthony he sought to, prevent ahi communication with tii., outilde worid by drawing linos around it and stretching nets acresa the river. Decimus Brutus (d 48 B.C.) who .wao in chqrge of the defence, was able te haugh at these preesutiens by usmng,, pigeons, ta whese feot letters were, tastened, wleh duly reached their destinations. "0Of what use were An- tony's entrenchmonts and sentinels, and of what -service were ai the nets he spread," asked Pliny, Ilwhen the new caurier took bis route througlrý' the air ?II BREAD FOR PRISONEffl_ France te Send Four Pounds a Mans Weekhy to Germany. The despatcli of bread te French prîsoners af war in Gerznany bas just bent centralized in a&. national iodera- tiein which undertakes te send two kilos (a littie over tour pounds) of bread weekly ta every Frenchi prisouer in Germsny. The now organizatien includes the Sprovincial societies previoualy formed for aiding the prisoners. It bas the ac-tive suppinort of the French Govern- I I F.sudaUe.~ et WlthI i -s', i. Af t tF - j- "i I t t- z had ficr aml vil -amC rem H 50 Brit abot the. tey and ingi gay tory hava Oftt 1l the by e1 it d il Du corps very priva turei "Yi your what cried: in Fre In Ita] implor therV" The rei Offic tonial sesut atnictI3 toundi tlemen "Ter roques, tleman vice el The fatier a port obtain looked a va youth ually 9 f orm. Wm3t back t what'i A c as A-.] carri- an ar boy 1 move iR réplie sud E te do Aý hotel poste read acid la no

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