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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jul 1916, p. 7

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SONIE 6001) 8TORIES ABOUtI11» BIOYS IN KHAKL Th-e (ift (J L.aughter NMust NOW flo ('o)n&jhcred With More Gravit>'. A1tlotizli in the laughter-manufac. turing 1r,,fe9ýý;iofl, i le only sinee the war 11191,I1hgvc realized te th# ful the woriýiC'f1l1spiritual power ci linrhtcr. W'e u1sually consider laugh- ter iv ,(ily the hors-d'Seuvre to the f(nB't of living. *or as a mere condiment to the nwre solid fare of life, Write.' 13illy NMer-()n in London Answers. Hemarkirig on the Subject the other ,lay, a friend of rmine sald that h. really 1Iulirved t.hat ince the war we had become, as§ a whole, a gayer na- tion. This may seern ridiculous at irBt, when one considers the vast amnount of sufl'ering caused b>' the war; but, on consideration, 1 thlnk It will be found that there fi% a certain arnount of bard sense Of MY friend's rcinark. Tommy the Irresponisible. I M ' ouheuat h pi&W vflstver Great Iîrench War-Mong. Andi here 19 anotheryawn ooncern- lug IlLa marseillgIelse 1% e~t ÉFec mng of wap wqs bittepie>'e lnla cerltsjn popular restaurant. "What tunte le that, lnumy?"I aeked àB Itte boy. "*Oh, that's tho--er-the -'Bon Marche,' Trommy 1 Now gel on wlth >'our sop1 A ,mo yr mrany noldier fgriendn le an 1irnhm, who dlilghts to tell hunxorous» anecdotes concorniug bis own lcounUtm-nen. Uer. leg one that h. toid mne i A --Jack Johnson I" bsd ex- ploded wlth a deafenlng 'roar, andi Murphy, wlplng bis eyea ci esr of rmut witu hie reepirater, looketi round te see Glane>', hlm churu, lylng ver>' mli. "Spake te me, Terenco 1" ho wbla- perei "Are ye aloivo or dedd ?7" "Demi 11" talntly murruured Clanc>'. What a tiar the man la 1" nolilo- qulset Murphy, much relleved. Thon Ctancy set up. " Ye know 1 muet be deati, Murphy," he said, " or it ien't the loikes av you would be calling me a lier 1" Had you an>' Ides that thora were ogtHmef 190 rUay laughter-meking, light- A I Fs orpotal H in èhif. o hoarted, seemingl>' careîrea mon in A Irishparpor uel w a ndbarhe o Britain before you heszti anti reatiacmdaaea ulr.adteC about tue irresponsible optini.sm and 0. asked hlm if they were aIl present. thet great gift of laughter posseisseti No, sor a na absent." by B3ritlihs oldiée and sailors? TIse>' Go and flnd hiru thon," said the suifer, they mrake heroic nacrifices C.0. they tive tueir llves-yet tho>' laugh tnRi few moments the Irishman and make iaughter. The>' are fight- came ruanirsW back, and cried breat.h- ing the griru epirit of evîl witu tha iessly: gay Spirit of laughter, and in the vic- "Shure, sor, and weren't we a pair tory wbleb the>' will gain you wili of dufers not ta notice it! It wor me- huve hati proof of the spitit.uai value self, sor. Bedad, I fargot ta, cali me of the power of iaughter. own name antairai>', sort" 1 have been aaked to relate soma of The fallawing yarn was told me b>' the yarns told me about themeelves a private in a rifle corps. One night b>' our laughter-loving boys, but t find a man arriveti back from beave long it difficult ta mako a choice. after "Li-gbts out," The next moru- During a parade of a pubiic-schools, irg hie C.O. demarided an explanation. corps an extremnel>' "ia-di-dah" and a Said the cuiprit promptl>': ver>' yout.hful subalt.ern caîleti aut a "If you please, sir, I bed ta stand private, and said, after a iengthy lec- up whila the Saivetion Arru>' playeti ture in a higb-pitched voice: 'God Save the Kirng,' and thet matie "You are Bo extremai>' slovenl>' In ,me Miss My train.1 your appearance that I dont know 'Quit.e the Most original excuse P've what ta do with youî" <'ver heard," remarked the command- Immediatel>' a voice from the ranke ing off icer. cried: That rerails to my mmnd a similar "Tell bis motiierl" story. toid ta me b>' an off icer friand. Another repeal.ed "Tell his mother!", A recruit st.ationed in a town that was in French, another in German, a third 1 strange ta him lost bis way ane nlgbt, In I>ln: tenahe .'.ai.. ,i...i'.. .holars 1and consequenti>' nrrived back at tue imploreti their off icer tb "Tel tuer!" ln Latin and Grack. The next day the youthfuli ravged te exchango înt~o anal. talion. Temporary Gentlemenri Officers of tue Regu!iu' or tonial officors of experienc sgcant consideration for any "temporaries" who do noto etricti>' ta the usages of thel found positions as attîicers a hi mo i'arrackeseveral hours late. hsm- "Why are you late?" asketi theI But) ar- sergettnt. ,her bat- -1 test my way, sir, thraugb not knowing the town." 'i.ost your wrîy, did you?7 WeIl, you 'Il stay in barracks tilt you know Terri- the town better. Dismie!" y ours g con <orr r new- n( iran- LEC, (;IAFTED ON SOLDIER. Surgeons Binti MariTo-ether Like REOW TC CIMAE AN PSTATE. 7 Wraman i By ave Sornelhlag = heOId Âge cmp. upon Hlm. Ai a Meau ocf r«Meting poverty andi a.à fthod byw bChfamilles v"d by deeo f the, provldin "i=@ bcre objecte o *Yi1l, tki ioo eeriant*e wor d ricfl n u anR dwhieh equalm thé. ower for good as a well-manag- edUJ: surance Ceompany LE net IL&doveloped te-dql lâeta the greatest economie value. it in the bonding together ot many 'mon, and the. paylng ln of certain suzna by each, te minimise the fluancial los expurienced by other members of tih. COife liurancein the beginning w'&s solol>'fu protection, but variations li the different forme which eiet to- day have been brought focrth tu meet thse demanda aI thse ublic, as the>' arose f rom time to time, but we ho- lieve the farther a compan>' varies from thse primai, idea-namely protec- tion-the les. la its power for good. As an investment we bave nothlng ta eay againait it, and tho vent accu- mnulations cf eur-plus which the dit- feront companies have mado and which tbey hold for policyholders speaks for ltself, but the principleo f makiag provision la often loat mtght of in the attempt to croate an asset, at a future date, for a person'a own benefit. It la a curlous tbing that no mat- ter how badly a man mra>' noed lite insuranca, ho han a tendency te aide- step it until be je finally caught, and, an ha. been aptly eald, smre men get 'life insurance to-day much in the same manner as they get religion. Hie emotiorm muet be appeaied to, and ha often takes the stop in a moment of enthusiasmr; generali>' hè le pleas- ad with himself afterwards, and If ho i. aL right-thinking andi a proper business man ho seldom or nover lapses bis poiicy. In going over the dail>' prose week by week antd year b>' year, we see the probates of wllls of man>' people, sud we are often astounded b>' the ansaîl- nose of the estate, if an>', to takre care of those toIt behind, and lni man>' cases wo find that the principal aosst, wheu an>', le ususîl>' a if e Insurance polie>' taken out b>' the breadwlnner. The building of an estate et the present time, or even at an>' time, le a edious and long-drawn-out mat- ter. It le not generaUly known 'that fully 95 per cent. of.-thse people who enter business fail durlng some time or other. Neither lis It goneraily known tuat fuiiy 97 per cent. of the public, when the>' attain advanced ag", have little or nothing te live upon. If even a small fortune las te ho accumu- latod it muet be wiseiy and intelli- gently manageti, andi when people are ao bus>', as they are to-day, endeavor- iug ta make onde meet, the>' have not mucb time at their disposai to look iuto investinents. B>' puttiu4g aside a amati suru year- 1>', as one's means permit, the Mo- ment the firet paymeut isarmade on a 11,fe insurance polie>' au estate je A MaW'Mea.) for Five' Cents. Living on inush , makes a mu*y pisi, A man, Who workswith hand orbrain mnuet 4iv.tuns o-lTwo' Shredded gwLeat Blaciuita wlth "U or cream wil supply adl the strength-glv- Ing nuthnent needed for aj haf-dayr's trork or play at' a cost of fhot over five cents. S1mety crisp a few Shredded Wheat Biscuits ln the oven and serve with freih fruits1 andi rafikotcream. Made in Caniada GENERAL SMUTS. Ws an Honorable Foe, and New a Steuneh Loyaliet. When you met General Smuts for the firut time nothing unpressed you more than hlm remarkably pierclng oyos. The>' are penetrating points of steel. Gen. Smuts le fair, as fair as a Vi- king. Ho has a thin, pointed, golden beerd, the forehead is high, the nose in soeîwhat large, but the whole ex- pression of the face is open and pleasinig. Yet the eyos dart fire. No man han enterod the field to "do hie bit" for King and country with more enthusiasm than this one- time enomy of ours. Hie gratitude to Great Britain is deep and strong. Ho does not care to be thaxxked for bis loyaity. "What else could we do than what we havie done?" ho asked. "Oni>' one course wam possible after England's treatment of us when we were cou- quered." Gen. Smuts mental powers are phenomenal. Ho in only 46, but ho han been "doing thinge" for Yeats. From hlm father's faim at the Cape ho went te Cape lUniversity. At Cama- bridge, laer, ho took a double firat in the law tripos. IU the Transvatal President Kruger made hlm Stgte Attorney' when ho was but 28 yeas old. When the Boer war broke out Jou- bort made him a commandant as soon an ho stepped l.nto the field. Hia quick brain saw that raidlng tactica were likel>' te cause the British the mont trouble. Hie. mobile column darted hither and thither, and hlm lightning-like movementa were as n0g- gravating as the>' were mystlfYing. Ho was soon made a general. Ho was not 80 thon. -luitiq7ne 1-W-luis. create ofthe anc e ve 01 me UL uV , 1'inrougu it alisne was an nauorable tleruen." "Temporar>' saconti lieutenants are A rcmarkable surgical oparation is ant ilifa man would ouI>' continue to foc. Wheu tue Peace Treaty was requeeted ta bebave as temporar>' gen-' now being performed et the Grand add ta tuis, lu thse best years of hlie sgueti ho became a stauneh loyalist. tleue" l te ntie ii crtan er' Palais, Paris France, the massiýVe earninIF capacit>', ho would have ome- When tho grant of self-government vlmn s h oice club.rtin lr uilding usually used for tha annual thlng when aid age creeps upen hlm wan rmade te tho conquereti States ho Thce oclu dyb.crtin prud salon, but now traasformed into e vast whicb would be securit>' against mais> stepped m tuefetrnko et fether was showing a certain major hospital. liera two soldiars lie side by of tue troubles ho might have te African politiciens. Side b>' Bide a portrait of hie son, who had juet' si<la, bound togathar like Slamone meet, anti if ho han this aum at bi with hie intimate trienti anti colleggue obtlnd acomisio. Ttofficr twins, while a large part aI the leg oI disposai 'whec he comas te advanced Louis Botha, hoe worked for the gooti Iooked bard at the portrait, and saw aria of theru l e baror slowly tranefer- ege hoe will have min>' people auxious Of hie Couutry. a weekby, usthetlc-looking, affected rcd irito the ieg of the other anc. No- te gîve hiru the consforte te whlch ho youth with long, paeti' lot'ks th,ît net- ted surgeons are gathered about, le entitiati. ual>' curied over the collar of his uni- watehim-z' slow development, wbicb Th OYFRBLAS for.the>' regard as marvelous botu froni "BLENDED SAUSAGE.SEL"4NY O ULAS Without a smile tbe major harided: the surirical standpoint as weflas Germîn>' AIne Supplie Ires andi Leati back the portrait. f rom the sentimental, in which one "Succulent Source of Hune's~' o" 1Dis. Cosge. " H'm !" sald hie. "quita goad ! ]But soldiar irç caimî>' giving day b>' day apa what's tue name of tbc picce ?r" part of hi& bodti> a feiiow-eoldier. er. Graduabi>' the monetar>' systeme et Fe Pther Wants Yen te Move !" The two mon lie on tueir hacka on Thc German'e taitu u Inte MIdof o! the Central P 9wers are beîng ratiooli>' A certain general bas his own son a large operatlng tabla lu one of tue bis soul, tue pivot of hie being, tue chage&i but tueir specie andi piper as A.D.C. The you',h, i am told, meane halls of the hospital. Tse>' bie lu symbel of ail ho halds deail short, now comiug into circulation wMI î h welb but doea adi>. One day hie wan! opposite directions, te heati ot one te ausae-has een rudel>' sd valueles, except among temecves, carrying an order tram the gencral ta! near the feet af tue otuer, like the ruthlessi>' shattereti. The Munichs unIezs the conclusion ofthte I an artiller>' conmandèr, and this wasfigures an playing carde. Tho>' aie Poil BaYs should eI ho a uir favor. how he delivered it : earng the niost sariousiy wounded of "To-day more than ever before ho There la ne golt Inl circulation, sud IlIf you please, frither wents you to the youriger cles of soldiers, oue 26 who cite sausige muet ho gitteti with sibver la beglnniag te dIsappeir com- mcove yaur «urns ta So-qnd-so." and the ather 23 years aid. The an unquestlaaing trust. Heaven oftl>' pletel>' in some ceuntries, notahlinl IRight you are, my' littIe mani!- yourigaî, Rousselet, was woundod la kaewa whatit it aita belag moiti Austria, Bulgarla andi Turkey. Thun, réplied the officar. " Now rtîn a long the? bag et the battle of Morhirgo ln untier tIsaI came at prosent The auh- îte replace specie, Irs, ticie anti lad and sece what your mother wante me tha cari>' daya of the war. Ho ws.s stance whleh lo passlng for sausage are itelé« latroduced histesti et coppar to doV" taken primonor te Germany>, whore thse at the officlaliy fixeti maximum prices andi siver. Tii. Bulganlan Govena- A f riend just bock tram the < rorît'surgeansms e>'hodid not receive Intel-.laneoway correspndsl t atome>' ect banordercd U»00,00 weth et tellesrme that Ini the dining-rooirn of an lgent attention, lie was brought tuatirlespent onI il.TIif ItltIe1-Of12 cent andti eil coiÀsIs l tee anM hotel ini Fransce, an a huge placard back aset Soptomber, anti it was necet- lite cil>' authorlllea was teodUM eabd. Moeover, about M8,00,000 are posted over Uic manitlvhhelf, une cari saryt' taperforru a second eperatien te cheap sausage- Their goodwill was t» be ughorti>' laued il seaUbatk read : lengihen hls beg fourteen ceutlmetres moit pftmwOrtliy, but uniorteatel>' notes a IntespctValue e0120 -"Engliais officers anti their friands (about iva andi a haif inch«e). But 'their efforts met witis no suee.... mts andi 40 cents eack Thé«..«sUl are respeettuil>' requt'sted ta addressafter tint'eixteniaioul w»5perfoniieti Large qiuuittties Of ' idod lai- bnknotesasire belag prinettisinlaGai thse waiters iu EriglisIs, as theîr Frenich thora was etili a Isçk of bon>' malter age" vere placet! on lte ,awSrt. u'- la col gonerail>' underietootl." between the two parts af tue brokea Why "bîended sausage"? 8impiy be. A IraI mrle tu o ast nMOf . ibe ___________________ fth"r. ie , causelmebkgeet'face 'aue eo goenw si»»d mm5 ____________________ Tho other soldier, Tletai-tii- pro0ita, oethlie ver>'exp.iwivebleeW >*~~~ ai<>upMbg u t* te lerynsan, ,was serlousby-wouaded la thse andi fat bard!>' a lraee esters lst 5o OOaobUy xauldb> Adds a iieaithfuil leu twe montua g anite despersle 11a composItion. 1%0 litut Uatt#60 Bulumiasa Teef *' ro'G to ny eal flgbt over Fort de Douaumont la a laila obe .mplo>'id las 1 -U»- a ' tat* mt~4ut. As WI Zest oay l flltioperation hîs leugw"a aput*Ws jfactureare beti.ot a&M iUIp, Ft. Wwloe m11>' Movevin Muet -evei-yone li. bv iehie ie a n'lite uaclbotsouce t o" t" hia u eu . 7 tat lte edee mw" M bOD vas ncS»- IdisappemsuwW* tcie&u a0 O table drink, but it mulst sar>' la ortier to shortn. l eu by Iplactwcvbete*in . c1lhjufo have la tanppy laate and at nome centlmetres. Ite.e loel>'. Bo0ea-lt » us>'twbo- le the urne time b. healtful. il viaat tii.point tuàt the sur-> t i tu #f"Iliwd s"Mua - W* .plii. A tI Ms a WWIý Prtiba.bly no beverage an- greons coneîudod liaI lthesolder vise tisebutclvws aaWms'rSA.si rett., le mmd. la G.eus, - swers every requlrement go tteeded th.e berlenetilog could Cive ville 4 wà'ikIU ei1 us x ~ d>e.up thus part to tue soldier vise needtIo areut aI rse , 1 1 di- the ouger leu. Tiliets vas cosaUbtt fraude teou cf hsWb t*. - m týeod b>' thse chîc! surgeon, tue aoertton f met eand Uoaer>. P S U I andi il was matie uo ahoaise w» rersderlng &servire Ita a u*e cee-1 ThiB fameoun pure fowd besitale, but gay *14M u«met*0» drink, mnade of roasted Thereufol te opération bayas&.I'*t Y4 wWt' wh'et and a bit of whoie- nov, after aim -visita thse t Wtwo lto objIif Vi Ie h8 W M uio,»o some rnolau«e, affords a 1 soldiers lie ltotre on their baks, h lisPOu 4VU8*1 <UB rlch, delicious flavour, yet nuitt thigh of Roumadol asaiast IhaIaulrqm ui t containene hsumfulde loft< tulgb of TîIleta, bow"4 aete . W b>' liOMM"QOVUSUIVS4k ~~~ v~~~ith thé- . uai~ urgiesi basigi e* eomain e as te ipiciientthetbculgtw*I abtd" of M fflau-«J Me$b * The ori ialFotum Cet- tIse oporatetiparte ou tilliu îÀwIA ' - eWi must b. bolld; la. mena eoftraniterrlsg oue lhadet», t Id~ wbiobi eUjP ezck a& mWb*."a ha~ tmeet &AÎql tcI71.4 I L have-a do htfli tg répertad hi. a aiudeWmb mod favoure an, heuIMUL £iab& m.. awam éa n~ r "Thcrc's a ReItasn"' 8*4by Groer ft uie Fris -Eri'os, GreemiIsle "JK- op ~ ekknaoqN a NE~WS 1DY MAIL .FKOM IRE- Happenings ln the Emerald mIe of Interest te Irish- men. Between 80,000 anq 100,000 poirsonsi recelved pool' relief In Dublin durlng the revoit. Deinage lu the Pembroke Councilj area, Dublin, due to the reballion an~ its duppression, is roughly estimated et $6,2toOùo. !Iettng raids organled b>' the Bal-1 fast detective staff, proyed success- lui recenti>', the aggregate flues ho-1 lng close to $500. At 9nnlacorthy receud>' fat pige reachedth te prico of $16.80 per cwi. livc weight, and overf 10,900 was pald te emali fàrmers aud cottagers for their pIgi. Owlng to the high priceof coal, thousande of acres of peu.t are bolig eut ln Iroland, andi many> publie ineti- tutions are acceptirfg tenders for turf insrtead of coal. A f ew days etter hie promotion was gazettoti la tue Royal Flylng Corps, newe han been if'eoved of the death ln action' of Capt E. Barrett, formerly cdf the RtIC. While a boy named Colline was bathing li tue lough at Roscommon ho accidentali>' ulipped inte a deep drain and wae emothec-ed boeforé as- sistance arrived. A large number of the prisoners sentenced te long terme of imprîson- ment for tho part tue>' pleyed la tho rocent reboilion have been removeti fromn Dublin to Dartmoor prison. Mr. Forater, financial secretar>' te the War Off ice, ha tatod that tue total value of tue contracte for shirt- maklng in Ireland ince the outbreak of war in about $8,280,000. Athione Bloard of Guardiaus at a special meeting, pamset a etrong reoe- lution ealllng tihe attention of the Local Goves-nment Board te the ne- ceseity for economy in public depart- monte. The house, 62 Middle Abbey streot, Dublin, which, amoug those ruineti by ire, wae that in whieh Michael Davîtt hold hie iret private consultation as to the. foundation of the Landi Leugue. While the insurgents had posses- sion of tue Pont Office in Dublin, one of tueir nuinber spent some titpo shooting at Nelson's uoee, which was shot dlean awsy. The figure la new minus an arm and a nase. The. Englsh Board of! kgrlure have madie know'n that in regard t0 the importation of farm laborere from Irelanti, an>' Irish iaborer~ wil not come under tue Militai>' Service Act, and will not be calleti up for service. An official report issued from miii- tar>' heatiquarters, Dubliun, etates ltat F.' A. Mahon, a member \ of Dublin1 corporation, ha been fouàdt gullty b>' court-martial ami seetenced .to three years' penal servitude, two auid a hait years of which have beeu remitteti. Bis Laut Worde. The following passage took place between counsel andi witness in a dis- puteti will cane: "Diti your father give you no part-, ing admonition?" "Ho nover gave much awmy, et ait> time." "I mean, webat wero hie laM, 1wr1d19?" everlnS endaIt th* 'meu XBAÇ8.MNN. ne W" -lu SM rd itehouer bad e sort citLore"' Muh igidlea cas y thlm Ègypt ore ho maclebis fainouo adt- viance on khartum. '50h-s often ou the sea sud an excelleit salior, ho detesteti sea trips and nove? toit comfortable on board an' nhlp. no complained that the ses aft ected higsight. Another curlous point was tuat whiie h. always eequirod ourla. lln an> "art oi the world lu whlch ha mniglit be-he teok care neyer to attow hbla purchase te be on lte veseel on which he was a passenger. SUMMER HEAT BARD ON BABY1 No senstin of tue year le so danger- OUst thte life et little ones as la the summer. The excessive heat throwel lte litle ntoniach ouI ai ordeta quickl>' that unless prompt aid lsaet band the baby may ho beyond al human help before tii. mother reehîzes he la fil. Summe'r is tue neason wheu diarrhoea, choiera 'lurantuta, dysen- try anti colle are most prevalent. Any one efthese troubles me>' prove dead- 1>' If not promptiy treateti. During tihe summer the motuere beet frieuti is Baby'e Own Tabieta. The>' rogu- late te bovels, sweeteu thé stomach and keep baby healtby. Thse Tabtets are solt b>' medicine dealers or b>" mail at 26 conta a box Irons The Dr. Williams' Metilcine Go., Broekville, Ont. Willie-"'I met t.he uew boy who lives next door on ruy way te sehool this ruorniug, an t imrade me laIe." Mother-"I'm eorry for th.at, Wiilie." Willlle-"It's ail right. The new boy' wasnt able te get there at alIl" 19»V lerd. inViment la tue bease Cettlag bite Soclet>'. "Guese Ill have te rig up a mid- die neie,"-declareti Fludbub. "T nover had une, but 1 guirta have one now."i "&Why gset" "My.wife demande une te Print on her vlsiting carda.' The abov'e ilutr tion shows thres of the tweity different Patriotio [Put- tous aud iageof the Mlied Nations whloh, .iana are proucll? wear- Ingr to-day. in ortisi' te atvertuse our Ta.g Day Suple we wi send you these twejit>'dust a. uDon the re- ceîpît «15scents.INhle lea aCollection log3 wlS re and kieP. Asltfor a pi'lee on a laMge Vag fùr your hots. T. P. TANSEcy, Apo'ts Wantod Toel nw PUftTJ2g R VS MrnaUUt WsIlui UWD rOTATORr SBED PQTATOES, IRISH COB- kJblers, Deleware, Carman. Order at once. Slippy I imlted. Write for quo- tations. È..- vDawson, lBrampton. w ANTED-MîACH1NIOTS, __MOULD- ERS and Pattern Maltera. utoadv work. state age experleni-e and wages. Bovlng Ilydraulic & Engineering Co.. LImi'ted. Lindsay - BOX NAILERS, SAWYERSp LÂBORERS, good wages. Appiy or write Firatbrook Bros. Limt. ed, Toronto. WANTIJD-RELP fOlR WOQLP4N wMU)I. Cardera weav~ers, Fullers and Napper Tenders. (lood wagee stt In ail .departrnents, and isteady' work Éà- sured. We have several openlngs for tnexperlenced help. where energj-and4 abillty wItl bring promotion. WBjO, le', dto.*avpren tices while leartihi esing. S pectal inducemnts to Framlty workers. Write stating fuil eéxperIence If afly. ige. etc to The Siingsby Mfg., Co., Ltd. Brantford. Ont. p ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for saelnl good Ontario towns. The moat uéef ul and I ntereàotifl of ail businesac. -F"I Information on application to Wilson Publishlng Com- pany, 73 West Adelalde Street, Toronto. umaimOLANUOVU CA NCUR, TUXOR& .LUMdPU. TC. internal and externat. curgd w ib- est pain by our home treitmenL Wrte te belore tee Rat&. D». BeiImn M001 Ce,.. .Imited. Colitnuwood. font -M tcinsîy For Sale- Wlieclock Engine, I0 -O 11.?., 18 X.429 W- tbdouble main drlvlng beit 24 is. whlc, and l>ynamo-030 9.W. he-it driven. Ail Infer$,t cI4ss condition. Woul& 'bc SONd together*.or sç.paratc- Iy-; also a lot of-sIiafihgý> at a .verygreatall n room. Is rcqulrc4, ipmc.I- atcly, Frank W a St~ OM -t y I y ~ Y t J* j' 4 J. I e 1 au et

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