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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Jul 1916, p. 2

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Vida ieflh t1bit tiaUti ii lb. lkoe etwo H THE_ 14m«S i thla tIr y ~who quarroled ," hois i, feue.. 'hey tookM osa. laie c k ort Suad fought with TePsigo h opSdt BUhilPrslsete ft at when t.hefinal Ti.Pshge1hio.Bb't gwsiIon ViehuMsbd d"-the. Iswyers The iioop-skrt sce bas entirely owued the. tarins snd the. litiganta pauued. Tiiere ia no denying the. went Vo the. ponhouse. Tiiose w-ho charn of Vthe iiop, butu Iu this day and are &are uf wbat In goîng on la age It hie no place except In the. mont Igurope kuow 1MeV thîs ls a mistaken frivol.ous cf <dance and evenlng gowus, VieW, If he lewyere had been the and oven from these, it ln belng rippod lions of tii. tarmers tic anaiogy Out,. This does noV mean, however, Would bo about tit comploe as such that we are going hack tue the narrow tihings usualiy are. Thero would skirt; no lndeed, hierely limp shirts. have been a change liVthe ownershlp The deinty micl-samnier vullos and ot the fera, but the propcruy would organdios are as f uji and bouffant s srtiU have been In the famlly. ever, but thefr fuines feus sottly - about tii. figure, and thir houffancy Ais a-matter of fact, ail ths obtain- la induccoi by their width and hs ne- able evidence supports thcessump- turc of the material. tien thnt tho belligerente, with the. Collers and Sleevem. Possible exception of Bslgium and Having finished with skîrts as far Sembla, will find thnmsolvos economi- ane wldth, short'nes and trimmlng are cally In eboa t the sainie shape as bo- concerned, Fashion ha. now u rned fore the war begen. Sorne studente hem attention Vo thie bodice, laying en- of Uic situation insist thât hey wlll peclal stress on coller. and gleeves. be ln hetor ahape, It maY h. true Any littIe becoming idea whlch as' rikes thiat the nations 600 years henco w-i one may be usod in both of tii..., af-' stIlI ho paying interet on the w-ar fording charmni possibili ies ot debte, but it le cortuinly truc if liquid- showing lndlvlduelity. From tiie ation la not acco.nplished soomer th.at dalnty, plcot-edged turnover or frinu the men living 500 years hence w-Ilho on the dark affeta' frock, the coller recelvlng tlee iiterest and using it ln ranges to hs deep hroed coliar ex- their businens as the men who lent tendlng. Vo hs wslst4ilne and bolow. thie money ln the firnt place are now There are ms-ny of us who favor the. recelvlng I. Tii. immense bans hiîgi coller, even In summer, but this are really little more than a capitalil- ls fashioncol of net or orgsndy, and le aVion of the labor and pro-luction non open in front, se it ln reily net a lie w-ar g-oea on. That le, the. ne- blgb coller affier ail, but a very be- tiens are produclng the. comnnodities coming detail of frock-or blouse. The used and hs producers arc acccpting wide. cape- ike ýcolla rs are monct popu- paynient lu bonds; and the money Vo 1er this summer. For summrer even- meet Vie lInerst lu-stluents is ralscd by a ax o-n the profits of the produc- eu-s. The financing of hs war ln merely a problem in he organiza- lion ut Industry. Enormous quautIties of ammuni- tion sud gune andat-omobilos and herses and such thinge are being lie- slroyed wthout aruy productive ne- tutu. This la w-bat- t-beeconomnuts caIl w-ste, juat as monsy eperut on -i needleus luxuries la w-ested. But thors are compensations. The war bas produced on Irdustnial revolution, Oid metiiode have had t-o give place Vo new and more efficient psocercscu, in- vention bas been etimuleted. 'Th. «ccuomie w-ste of tumes of peaco, i. bolng curtailed, and t-be woukers aire belng schooled se thoroughiîy in the arts ot efflciency t-bat tbey w111 siot torget w-bthey have ernai whon tlu annules lay down t-hein nu-ni. Lloyd-George, w-ho bas given sa mucb thbuugt Vote eubject as; any et-hon - .- lving Mln, Is responisible for the st-atoment t-bat the&e improvements in ilidjetnial methode, w-heul cunibired with the. sàvtng u-sultinrr f rom the ef- fective cent-rol of- the liquou- trafl'ic, wîlflyconupensuut-cGreabililtain But even if necessity hed net cern- Pel!ed a npcsding up ot manufactuur- big processes, tise stimulus Vo trade a- 7-'68 Plain and Struped Voila la Jumpen Frock rislng frein Vhs expendit-une of vat ingua. wiVb light frocks, tuera are be. sumos for war would have gone a long- comning ruff s, et net, chiffon, ou- mal- "ay Vo save t&c nations f rom bank- unes, end the chic littie eho'aldr capes ruptey. British trade ha. recoveu-ed of Georget-ýot-ntimmed w-lt-hfur or frein t-he firet-shcok of the. w-or enmasrabout. splendidly t-bat t-he value eftht-e ex- Sleeves are transparent, on semi- poirts for May eft t-is year le much 'transparent, of crepd, net or chiffon to greater tuan t-be vahiset the experts match tbs celer oetht-e matuerial et forhs same month ln 1914. AlI the hs fu-eck; and are bot-h long and short Euglieh indust-riel plant-e eue int-actuThie closeiy cuffed aleeve is fsvored, an in l 'bottersrabe for production and aise t-be fiowing seve. These w-heu peaco comos than wheu hs war bat-er are very easily mades, beln.g etarteil. Only na mnîl part etf finishic around t-be low-er edge w-lUi a France lias been put, eut et industriel bues ClId, or tbe effective picot edge. commiission by t-be invasion, et Ger- Underfittings fer Sheen r Foce. ms-n roops. Aithougi net as conspicueus, equat.- ly ai important as the treck are the HOW TO BE WEATHER WISE. deint-y undeu-fiVVlng-s designed te coin- --piete i. Combinaiens, envebepe Nature Supplie. Signe by Wlich Con- chemises, camisoles, pet-icoati SM dîtIons Mea' b. Foretold. knickerb-ockers are belag fashioneil ut -If you w-ont fine wet-ber, look for pale pink or blue .cotton crepe or '11ne-weatber u-sn, says A. D. Beard, voile, t-be barrei ail strippi octtoue, lu St-. Nîciiolasj. Hers are some ot wasb satins, sud tue dalntleeb pes- tise mont reliable, for t-bey ors baseil sibîs of sprigged lîka w-lt-h pale ton- upe» sclent-ifie tacts: ed Igroundsq. Wbeu t-he sunset- eky le red, yeu mey The plnk o-n blue crepe or voile ls *expeet- dean wetier on t-be following usuali>' fininheil aroundail nholes, &aY'.-anti mo enonec and iower edgéb wltu 'biase folde At nigiit, we h oni la of contrasting culr attach.d w-iais sud show-s cdean sdgs, w-lVb ne bale heusntit-ching. The floweu-d ilke are or ring et must eurrounding it, t-bore sîso bound w-lU w-ite, on s plaie cler, ïs littI. danger cf rein. -ou- are finlshed w-Itu lace. Il. en'- Wheu thbe w-lud biew-a ateadily ftu-m velope chemise In eoeetft-be most pop. thse ýwest t-eweatuer w-I continue 41er ef gamment.., belng sted - ~ <airmoredi, t.ucked or box-pleated. For Wstch tuee mnoke trolil n chlmneyI general w-eau- glove-sik knlck.u-boek. orom your eampfre-l-t le a god ~a'usawe If ii. suoke rlies iiigh A g1"y einly imnrfiîng, noV a heavy, aloudy oie,,promis -s a àtain day. -Aiay, d.w at alghtila seldous jo11ewed huy tain tise next day. Thlnk MjIt thtew YW and yeuw-il remeMiben; "*malasar salil often le show by ehlo.e <bal the weather w-W- woA>sludly ves uoide g. W chanta,1iduWb" - - ~tàm Z*4B râiars have Ï0 lwuaI. itis tw.) engsa tiseVrMW b ldie ca.d i -1 hn= coopo w u ?es, thé, paleit of pinku and blues be- T V 1ftg poulât, anid-alto white.s. hain- I iUNDAY L SO tul*e & a* i lg.ban imodltSh, tOOP ghantulig tmed ln Simple Dresses. NENTONLLSO bei uW l n many ot the Imported ITRAINLLSO frocll k n su uite. These Shantungs JULY 30. corne lu eharmiug coloringu, ln %trpes, dots, conventionalzed designs@- and plain toues. They are moet Lesson V.-The WorqT of the Cros- practical for street dresse. and suite 1 Cor. 1. 1 to 2. 5. Golden of the sports type. Plain naturel et-a.614 pongýee i. heng trlmmed with vivld,Txt-a..14 contrastlng touches of rose, emerald Verse 18. Them that are perishing green, which in one of the mont popu- us who are being saved 1er of ehades thia seagon, orange, and ~~~)Te ts sams n the other popular shade'.l@hantung forun thetrasit inmongt un- a.nd pongee are alomodlIhandi prao- snfoant tGreek tnes aloigthe tical materlals for t.he separate coatu The New Tst, ent opes et "pr- for general wee.r over llght frocks and ToNew esamention" s utu "e, for motoring. fully atalnd atonwen oast.on is Speaking of separate conte, they over. Excaiept tl whe robsalvtion have been more in deniand these lest ola d xesrbed as Ideayornpslt by few seasons than for smre time, 0w Gosd's rbdacCs Iens aropealways lng to the popularity of one-plece G'belg sse,"-htralng onate ar- dresses. Sorne of the muet attrac- "en ae,-rvln ntenr tive of these coats are belng made of row wa>' that leads to life. cark blue Bedford cord wlth coller a.nd. 19. Paul uses Isa. 29. 14 as express- eufs o whte Toa-clth r fannl..ing ami1 endorsing the thought. cuy ifs fe whiteord-cloth r lannl..20. Scribe-The Jewish Scripflare Gano k reue o linings tal Sm fthem, or seholer. Disputer of thls age (mar- nliningfouetdsan Somles orati- ewgn)-Not world as below. Peul lning fuarst ndvoee.ae a ppeals from the . fishionable philo- culary efectie. sphy of the day to the wlsrom of These piterns may be obtained the -future whlch wilI know. from your local McCall dealer or 21. In the wisdom of God-.-It le pro. St., TrontoQ Cmat y,70 ondvldentially ordained that knowledge St.,Toroto, nt. besed only on conceit and 'arroganc muet always feul to Èain eny truc ap- Iprehension of God. The 1mw han heen illustrated in the history of the chu,'ch as well as the . world : Jewish HW TH theology and Greek rhetorical spec- ulation failed, anl everythiug ince __________________________t}iat bas worked in the sanie epirit. Meningitis. ed (rnargin)-With daring lrony, Paul This is a merlcal term thftt meane appropriates the term used by the Su- Inffamniation of the membranes that, perlor Person. ",They rnay laugh envelope the brain or the spinal cord. who 'wln," and as Paul knows the There are three of these membraneq, gospel is God's plan, be can aff brd to and theoretically tnf1ýmmaLion cran repeat with proud satire whst clevir' affect any one of lohem by it4elf. Ac- imen choose bo say about 1t. To-day cordingly physicians use 'ariuj e church historien would give a naines to denote the exact location,-- great deal If he co,41d get hold of pachyrneningîis, leptomeningitis, and those primitive criticisme, but they so forth,-but praciically no such survive only ln the quotations of distinction is necessary. No matter Christian writers. which membrane in attacked firat, the 22. Signe-As they did of the Mas- others are soon involved in the pro- ter. He gave theni one, but those cens. In the sanie way doctors dis. who ask In sucb a spirit "wlll not- ha tinguish verbally between cerebral persuaded though one rime f roui the and spinal meningitis,'but whether the dead.' brain membranes or the spinal-cord 23. A Messiah crucified (margin) membranes are attacked first, the -And therefore accursed ( Gai. 3. 12). others almost alwama become affected. Stumhling block-The Greek word Several formas of the diseasBe are ai- (which we have borrowed as scandai) so described, according as the inflam- more probably mearia a snare or tmap. mat.ion le due Vo the germ of tuber- Their own obstinate prejudices were culosis, pneumonie, or Influenza, or Vo the hait, and they made God's own e special meningili germ, according means of salvation into a means of au thie disease in acute or chronie, of destruction, like a wlld animal pull- according as it 'occurs in isolated ing down on hlm the heavy stone of cases or epidemlcally. The epidemulc the raI). Compare 1 Pet. 2. 8. formn of cerebrospinal meningitis js Foolishne ss-We cen easily imagine really a distinct disease, and wili h. how a cultured Greek wquld scoff et described in anoth.er article, but the tih idea of being savcd hy e Gali- symptom. of the other forms are very laean carpenter who wes not even simiier, whatever the. primary cause alive, but dead on a malefactor's cros niay be.of shae. Acute meningitis usually hegins' 24. Called-Since God's calbas two quite ruddenly with chilis, perhape in necessary elementus, God's Invitation children with convulsions, high fever, and man's acceptance, the former he- vomitlng, noyers headache and pain in ing- universal, but the latter limite'- the back. Restlessness, wakefulneas, the term isneturally used of those in rnuscul.ar twItchings% teudpruess of whom the. cail becoMes effective. the. skinansd rigidlty of the. opine are 26. Not meany-Yçt?hère were some common ayrptoma, and as. the dis- from ail these classes, and every one eau. progrens these are often foilowed Of th.m countoi for a great deel ini by paralysis of vartous muscles of the their influence with others. In the arma or legs.. The eyes rnay become fis century, as lu the twentieth, crossed, andi drowsiness and stupor Chnsatianity was mostiy a middle apper. hÎn. __affct1ocoasclanssmovement, in this respeect agrea- fui. But it l1 unnme"Y odeudbevorite word -of Paul'is (for example, the. trestnent ln details. for the dis- 1 cor. 18. 8; 15. 26). mus l1ise seriOus ithMa&Physliclan 29.No flesb--"jAII p.5h' lu tbi should h. put in charte tram the veflJ phra s1 a cemmon )Old Testament flst.-Youtb's Compassion. termfor.tii. whole haUnsa SMÎiy. ~ N~oe.80. Botb rlgbteeusaéas etc. (Mar. Bealh Nèes.giuu-Tbesetbre asl elements 10 Stewea nhuaub les »W te b. valu- the e.mps-eb.neive wledm wleh w "i fo r h.umic troubles. p incaruiated lu the S&your. XIcas. of a branchial oeugItte 1 si. Quotd tous et9. 24f.. tii smetimes a reni.dy t. paint Us. pasWsag o magmldcmaty ue* Chaut with lodi.. We.iy' <tstIltleh"'n' A bus.ma=y be -prrrnst.d tu-onu botjt alb. ise bWVIs vsdMbost dheelorlng by sapplylng bot uster'or lhe m ght <ory In bi» nfgbt" ts mm 1estarch moistuuedvitb cold 8.. tAidI- bas b. uefordog water. ide Poit htiheit , S9 O.wm~r Pu lxda t'a d g.ule a aabt tbteig o,1,m.4n.li 0 mesbp* t. bave la tbe khjAapê Il vlsltu sebisIW' U&,tbig 1 _< veo4 ns* a hssu~ eouiswasb- ^,d tie j« on *mm soeand Pbi&sOpbI -lrOrst #<lIge Wb" Iffilteil, amdIwlo11esl.y tt> m ysterg (Mar ily If mmd bdeast M , 1#- &. *bout .quaIIy .bWWluu aeel-tba. M -If - valu. voue ,'40M Im r V ati amshm * e t: it BETWEEN ONTARIO AND Bill. TISH COLUMBDIA. Iteins Frein Provinces.- Whert at O tar o B oys and G irls A re ' s Thleves have heen oper,- 1-- ln Drab's Surprise. Whorv.tlueY cane. dow-n froni thoe t- Prince Albert. They were ail ut under the Mael tcan-Oe rsi h arJc ery Campoa inpe ak-wee*teham ung-Olivette stopped and looked ard ap lto the Tise w-arm weat-ier ln. the West a-nd her two- cousins, June and Jack,'ibrnhe e bg m etter Vhe rains le cBlisirlg a rapid w-ho bed corne froni a fer-off city te! "No use Vo look up the-Fe," eaid 011- growth et cropi. vîsît lier for t9hs summer vacation. vett-'s. "I know My old Drab would "Gbubby," son ef A. E. Woodward, "Whsre 1. old t>rab?" asked June. net b. mes-n suough te catch hirds." Winunipeg, w-as drownsd in 4 footetof"I have noV accru ber t-his, morning."ý "ocurent, aeilJkbt w-aVer in Lake of t-he Woods. "NeiVb.r have 1," si"0fk ise igcrse ne t,"areforJack,"bu Mn- and Mrs. Gray, et Moose j0w dont believe se.likes Vo have us bore 1osi-usmght cl 'ptheredo awanp werc knocked clown by an eut-:vlsiting you, Olivette."1 Hardly bad h. spokon w-hea the mobile; both are sufferlng trou, shock. -Oh, it isn'Vt bst," said Olivette. voices (if t-he1w-o girls rose toget-her. Mr. Peter F. Stewart, ef Meharry, "Di-ab le the kind of cnt that likes to i"Oh, bool-' look!" t-bey cried. Man., ha. seven sens w-lt-h the colors. be round whero a, lot of people nue, Eldeat boy was wouruded four imes. but somnehow seo as been acting dit- What do you suppose the children The body of Anne Barclay, of Win- ferent bat-ely." saw? Rivr. h. ad eer deponentet "Let's hFnt her up," urged June.j Only a few yards away, couuifg Riper.Shw-asfud bin thessirubnofe "What fun if w-e could find ber hidlng i f rom tise garden anud going toward thie lTho olegpolPyceia!"ru Sr-ouuso, mached Di-ab, siowly an.d TheColeg o Phsiian ad Sr- "I don't believe it would ho a bsrd p>oudly, w-lt-hber t-ail bigh in the. air, geons ef Manitoba has euhscrlbed $2,- Jo)b," said Jack hopefully. "Tisentaand close .bhid ber t-oet3ed four- 500 Vo t-be Patrîot-ic Fund et Wirnli- anreo ther houwies near by for heu- tluffy lit'tle kîttens aIl in a rowl peg. Vo go Vo. Probably she bas just -Wluy! wby!" grasped Vhs girls. Elght-year-old Peter Valkenhurg, jua>t pickcÀd outu a quiet place where "Bbc stole ber nest,' exclaimned of Prince Albert,, accidntaily shot siie cen have bèr naps in peace. " 1 Jack, "1just ag t-bot old blaek ben didI"1 anud killed hie lltt-le hree-year-oid Se Vhs search for Drab begun, and Thon they ail rushed te, gather Up slster. iV continucd met-ofetht-e forenionr. The t-h. kitt'ens la t-hein 51151, wbjle Drah The Western training campseancldenwn-reVotebgbrnfo acejutsam ohrpod mother t-o remain. Sir Sam Hughes denies hlrnwn is otebgbrfraedJta;ayohrpou mohîlization of western soldiers et tuaés, eemed t-ho mont likely place for would act iii sucb n case. Camp Borden. hen t-e. hide lu. Tbey ciimbed upon In a few minutes VhoY wcrc ail Canada's talleet off icer, Ceptein t-be mows of fragaut bsy and peened back under the ma-Pl"is ugit-the F. M. Fishier, of Winnipeg, bas been unto every nook are, corner. children and thbe kîttens in t-eh. amn killed lns action. Fisher measured "She would geV covered wltb bay ut mock or on t-be ou-nd beside it, aiu11- 6 ft. 4 ln. in bars test. sheé went Vo seeop bers," raid Jack et Drali hlinking conteritedly on -the George McKeig, of Letiibridge, sav- lest. "Uncie Henury li; nobtu trough [grass near by. ed t-w-o people f romi drownlng w-bsn a baying yet, you know.' $di1 wonder If Aurut Juliau w-Illot young girl and soldier companion up- "Drab is noV ne toolilul as t-luit," us keep ail- of Vhem '" sald Junoe t set thoir boat. said Olivette. "îLet's t-ny the stable."1 lasV, etter she hec1 huggoed each kit'- Mr@. Michael Hall, et Lily Plain, Tise searching pnrty w-ont Vo t-bst-en haIt a dozen times. w-as bedly burned and hem littie stable, butt-bers t-ho resuit oftht-e sg- ,0f course as will," eaid Olivette. daughter w-es burnsd Vo deeti when er }uunt w-as tise sarne. Noxt, tboy "Thene are just enough te go round ber clothing caught fine. climbed the siruirs t-c>t-he att-le over _-one for eech cf us stnd o-ne for Drah The finit big wool ghlpmento et t-be Vswoodshed. Wilat tretu'u-es tbey berseif!" year w-ai made trous the Conrad geV a glimpseofe in nue at-tir, wlion "I11 k. the yellew oee ht.. 1111 Sbeering Plant et Lethbridge, 100,- their cye geV used l tuethe sbadowe nome iV Buffle." Maid June. 000 pounds being loaded eut for sbip- under Vhse evest "The black cous lu mine,"' aaid Jack, ment toeaesteru markets. "We muet spond Vhs next rainy day "and l'Il naine 1h 'Rastuis." a A Winunipeg delegatloru eaded by up hors," aaid Olivette. "Thons are So iV w-enV untfl dinner time, and Mayor Wnugh, waitod upon Premier wondsrful thirugnu binail t-boss boxes then they filled e saucer otf milke for Norris for hi. support ef construction and drow-ers." Vhs kittens anlI anotetir eue for he eof a good automobile hiigbway frein "Let'.s stay no-w-!"cled June. pnoud motuber cet. And through al Winnipeg Vo Gulf of Mexico. "No," objecta-i Jack, "1e'.% hurut for tue happy w-eeks Vhs-t Jupe and Jack 41Drab. The attic can wait." spent ou Vie farm there w-as notislng CREDIT FOR OLD ENGLAND. "But w-e'vc isunted evoryw-iere,"Vths-t gave thenu e so uelst aik about said Juns. - saVie surprise tiiat oid Drab iiad giv- A Scotehman Han Word. et Pralae for "Weil, thene leoVise field," s-id Jack. en tissus Viit moring w-hen they Ket- t-h. Engllsh Stock. "Perbaps Drab spendse titre catch- o-ut Vo find ber hiding place.-Youtb's lr-- --I - -ý ng field mice!' 'Companien. journaliat reeiding in Londen, niaes.Vo eey a few- words fou-t-be Englîsb peo- pIe, as foliowa: On. does noV bear very muciiofet t-he Engiisb people during t-be st-rein and stress and strate et the worbd- w-ar. My correspondents persistently t-ry Vo intîmidate me whenever I une t-ho word "England" or the wqrd "English." NoV being myseif an Eng- t liabman, 1 sometimas marvel et t-h. medesty ef t-he Engbish, et-t-hein pa-t tience, et their self-control, at their cool lmperturability, et t-hein feirness, et their capaclty fer "playiug te gaine" lu every cnisîs and ins every csaatrophe. They are the mont w-on- derful race the w-eu-d hais aver seen. I know they have tueir detects, but in tula w-ar tuein virtues. bave shone and iurned with a bard gem-ih. Bains. Tii. Englleh are ready Vo w-ait iii everytbing is pnepared tor tue knock- out blow-. I tbink tuis ciplains t-be neaiiy miraculeus acceptance of uni- versai militar>? nervice.IV le pure, uadiltited patu-ot-isus tuat bas doue lb. trlek. Rememben that mady .eo Visn.w-behave sccepted iV de not believe that iV w-lit help us Vo w-la tue w-ar. The,> have accepted iVtfon pst- rlotîc reanons, and have deliberately put amIde thoir ew-u prIvat. Judgment lu tue inatter. It la easy for a mn w-ho bellaves lu conscrIptIon te sec- cept iV. Tii. nealiy splendid disploy of patrietin sutue acceptauce oe tIV by men w-ho de net beleve lanil. 1 do eut believe that tbe Germans w-ould have takea thbe Gallipoli fait- ure sud the taTI et Kut as .almIy as t-be Englls have taken (hem. The Englleb fIr hun&deds et yesrs have tought butt la adveraîty. It la thein tradLition to, stay tue course, and t-o grow stronger a mWntrbue thhcken. If you study th*e psyebolfty ce thse Zuglisidurlng e war yen W-l se. that hait Ipiilbasstesdiy momw adsemaeihsbafewteI, Nons was s tonie. Âunt*Îrp wua a stimu- lauL t s - eU<ses oueotf nlm .eg i tand tii.l"_riebRebit prçwow nerplub cuet îanoy tfit butorlans i i b obsIe o prova hbut iseuw'Mr e Tm NO M ORE FOREIG N NAME S. The officiais et reglstry offices are instructed Vo drew the. attention uf Even Christian Naimes of Allled Orîgîn parents registering thelr children Muet Go in Saxony. with ferelgu Christian naines Vo Vhe Saxony is oe of the mont patriotlc desirabillty of cioosing e Geriliel States In Germany. Hevlng reinoved name, and enly te enter f oreigil foreigu words from ticir hotels and ainen wben Vhs parent.sboltl eeting houses, their barber.' shops, inilt. th-eetres, and milliners' establishiments9 the Dreeden authoritles have tumned Interference With Commenice.- thelr attention te Chrietian naines, A commercial travelier iisd been and have begun an agitation which le summoned as a wltness In a case et sure Vo spread Vo other cities., court, bis employers havlng s ued a It bas been noted w-th pain that a deinquent customer, -and tiie lawyer 'peu-y- large number cf people have for the. defence w-es crosa--oxamining Christian naines borrowed from other hm countries. In peece ne reesenable oh- "You travel for Jobson and Go., do Jection could bs urged te Vhii prec- youl" asked the attorney. ice, but et the. prenent time for Ger- "Yenair.! man w-amen, men, and childreu te b. "How long have you heen doing ebligred te go througii lite saddled itr with a usame which is net Germen, "About ten years."0 and whlchi lcossly identified wIth a "Beon travelling ail thaV time have belligerent country, ie -intolerable. o1 Accerdingly, good Saxons bave beau "Well, nu, sir," said thea witness, ,notifled that Vise perseus w-lii for. meklng à iiaéty calcuain 1o x egV Cris tiahnmaunsd adt le tadactly travelling. I have put lu ehout get id f thm, nd doptînaeadfour yeets of that turne waiting ab sound Germen naines, may do so, the- raIi-way stations and -junctions for civil autiiorities glving them ev.ery tan. legal tacllity, and removlng ail oh-ý stecies frein their path. Axna iieA. lp fth . - a fnmr names consîdered undesîrahie are: slip t tubea Vîpogte fot. mr Hanry, James, John, Ivan, Rene, sronta lpu h ot J3ules, Gaston, Margot, Claire, Dalsy, A emile lu cooler lu sumusor and Olga, Vera, Renee, Gabrielle, Sylvia. warmer lu w-Inter than a froýwn. THE ART 0F ALWAYS REJOICINO One Ca'IiiMli to be JoyfuI, and the Ver>? Exerclue of. the WMI Help to Produce the Joy. 11.1.1. evermrore:-'Thessalonians, do net bollve It ry tie experimient. v., Il. Ifyou anuet Isugh, smi1e; If you 'Ie Cbarch et Thessaloulca.w-aO qjeagnt SW4,6;- eh. vesi a gi'Inillt f.od by Pasul o r in i-OODttster dlt itote souilSend sloeary Joumnoy. ,But iiardljbhad ha IIP i mte> ha 3yti.. à 'o. 5<W eV *m p14o P«90 -- Aqutwlodsev lmes Mnt. geher q,~v. isoppouents - ueeeed.- .t> î.*anIi w-w, oau."Omptb'r» cmu4;kI f«etlmGor**$.a*II0ou rit# de 0$ mt a wosk w#i .h RltIieg t. sut.a uy bb lslt t*6IIght 1mesumetrous bhay«,ca.Y"u wfthe h.gomapex> tyaiha"pa o ~mou sav aI rshoswd labomithou iset - ~tU4

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