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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Jul 1916, p. 3

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ITALY F 7 tity sehool teachers sget a better ides doubta. In addition, US gens, 10 1wlth à Minimuma ameOumed umakulet .scientilic agriculture, and the idea machins guns, 26 trench moni.U aaS labor, in thse shotest peadbîs sPee to heîp in keoping young country gret quantîties of otber Ma I UOf time. Ail parts Of thes. boum suts people f romi going to the, citiea. The yet uncounted have been taken. 'fla. interchangeable; & wlndow an inspector o! Elementary Agicultural prisoners~ number 235 officens mi 1 south ce» b. removsd at vilau Classes, Mr. J. B. Dandems, la in 20 o.pwd w rn» 4 mq rharg ofo!the schonl. jdoorcbr CBft i@d tas t*0.OPPOsit LIQUOR CONSUMPTIN idee! utfti. b bm. I dsln aia FOIIE(ASTS BIG CROI>S IN CANADA DROPI. a» >o « dxty i'sajt uso6se hows IN CANADIAN WEST. -ab otg» M -t» UMW- A despateh from Otb a au - et . 1 A despatcb f rom IDuluthi, Minn, The. cnsumption 0f alCOholle ilquorsthe paru r. - lb* pays: lunapor crops foir'the Canadias la Ctinada ktoppd trM m VU «' cP- »Uffl s.»W j d té MU .Ja* $North-west were predicted b>' Sir Ita to .748 per capta ln the. &mgaiYeBi iioiso gS tse ls, mur"a". William Mackenzie, o! Toronto, prei. >ust sad.d, aecordlagto toU= Wa. aosdjqte Itb % dent o! the -2anadian Nortiiera flail- au.d on Thurstlay iiy iPa. hlaasdlea apely.dwsflla ho»«e..bo' 60« way, wbo wuss bre on Wednesdsy on *nue Deparunat. 'TU c<uamnptlm < bis w.>' te Chicago.lie sald the. wbeat 1 vas about tires-quera et a-6allS&?ou fa1ta m*kt- yield alone tuis year would ho 300,- p«e&eplta for spirite for be«isa usiy Wgs.Iudlag 1'ICt 000,000 buahela, and ho did not tblak ' t llons, su ad forn - 1wUs UIO of.% at ImkIéE the. tannera would experisace mucb 'n.esoasmptl«of ettobseo is a.Oplo difficulty in securlng iept aret hwsatIlagoWe ro*8j d ~ h - 's the. crops.______pouwi * mpouada P u &.ea bootbâ%ehAM TAX EXCESS PROFITS BRVICmN>l OULET ,mj 'OF SfllPI"NO'FIRI8 18 lNU&T~.ai DM N W&M vIXalg l oWkb ~ U Adespateii from Loudon says.* An. A dn@pate a i U dm ss 8h v _e 10 -f4 *QI b-s 0 aoune.ament vas nade la the, Bous .*. R_____ MÉtm of Gommons on Wsdmnday by Vise ChancelIer o!fVis. Excisqur, Regialdý meKsaaa, tisai ViseGeruet b.d ded dté talc. lu t«aai.. uty- su tpar cent. 01the sasuse profte et slplgftrms. TROUSANDS TO G0 ovESu#rà Antbturtitls*mou. imptttM X49- -' A eîpaic frtOt v àoo st.-.. iM vlm7 a.-nomAw 50,5 - "MW frous a heaistrt" W msq 4~ o suaday, n e l1ii 1 , 0 h,- 4~~. e Declaration of War by the Kalger'si Goyernment Expected te b. FRANCE GE'1TING READY FOR The Outcome. END 0F TUE WAR. A dvsrîltch from .Rome saya ;-A adopted agalnst the Austrian euh- royal Icce as submitted to the lertS.BuligofA insArBegPt Cliii (fDpte o hrdyThe ifiret part of the decree prohl- Bidnso I ld r en u Chlo fptemaonuTrsayni bitin every transfer of property. The Together For Une in Ruined ~ta ir e pisi leaurs gu~ns 'econd prohibit,. a recourse te law Distriets. t i uects. The decree was the courts. The third authorizes the. Gov- rgitf fthe stralned relations be- mrnment to adopt againal the alien Rising on the terrace of the Jardin tNqtýi1,i% and Germany. The de- enemles of Italy and ber allies addi- des Tuileries, overlooking the Place ciýý \, i was prepared by Baron tional reprisal meamures. de la .Condorde, long rows of small, Sonnm imii ll Sligors Sacehi and Ram. Relatbions betweon Germany and hut-like structures have beon ereeted. ti, extends to the allen onemies of Italy will now depend upon how Painted in gay colora, bright greens, [t!:t ri b er allies every moasure Grmany views the decrpe. yellows, and blues, decorated with flags and flowers, they f orm -a curious picture, silhouetted agains the suznpt- WOOD WAS FULL ROUMANIA RiADY ua ackgrsondfti.ove M "1~ Throuigh the turustile In the Rue 0F CERMAN DEAD TO HELPAIE de Rivoli crowds are passing. "What is it?" "La Cite reconstituee (the re- built city). The France of to-mor- Not Thirty Leit Alive When It Is Sald She WiII Enter the row," cornes the simple reply, as 1 enter the enclosure. "France is get- the British Secured War in tbe Very Near ting ready for the day aliter victory.ff Here In the heart of Paris a mush- Possession. Future. room village bas sprung up; houses A despatch from British lleadquar- A despatch from London Baas: wbich have been devised to rebulld ters in France, via London, says Roumania will cast ber lot with the those reglons of France- devastated rroop8 on the ieft of the recont allies in the very near future. That b>' the war. In this conner of the. great lBritish Rdvance att.acked the ta the belif In London. The piight of great gardens adjoîning the' most German line whlich man in f ronb of Austria, the continued successes al magnificent square in the world rises Baizentin-Ie- Petit wood, and was pro- the Russian armies-successes tiiet to-day the pattern of the bundred tccied by double lines of wire. Bdi- have reached and passed the Rou- villages and homnesteads which will th guns, howover, had accounted for manian border-and the lmpending al- to-morrow be erected along the bat- tht' wire, and before the Germans; ré- lied offensive from Saloniki will lesd, tle- Uine. To provide for the immedi- alized lit 1he British fire was lifted it la expected. to the important de- 'Rte needs of the thousands of war- fim their front Uine and British cision. Information frnm Bucharest stricken when pence returns is the tropawee purngovr te emn-forecasts developrnents at aîniost any great problem which the French tos niteebattn oerethraes on topmoment. genius bas taken in hand. ant theTwbaes wontraedndopThore are scattered in ail parts nf os son em. they ha s wet hedfront LATEST ZEPPELINS Frantce over 700,000 persons waiting asne cîcas 'w thyhor ollw l. AtheMOfTont ARHlpS. to retumn to their native towns and linecler tw oter flloiai.AREMONSER IRS villages in Picardy and Artois, Cham- The right of the attacking force got tepgeadLranntt eto throgh his artof he pogrmme A Copenhagen despat-ch to tepgeadLranntt eto ithog com part ofely e prograBut London Daily Telcg'raph describes the the millions of homelesBelgians. mth troparonte l et sfered mor new and very powerful Zeppelins With the camp fires of the Gerinans1 severely, baving been raked by mn- which, it sRys, are housed nt the air- stili mudrnwihee e hin-u re ship and neroplane station in Darm- lat shelîs wbich may be fired by chinegun ire.stadt, the most important in German>'. the retreating enemy fiying over- Behind ho German front lino ran n Th8 new Zeppelins, the despatch gays, head, these people, chiefly women, gront Wood, ltself spanned b>' tbree are 820 feet long, with a gas capacity will set to work to clear up the de- successive linos nf tronches, each wItih of' 190,675 cubic feet, niount not onl>' bris of battle, ta plant their crops, wiro protection. These were taken machine guns, but light pieces of ar- and begin lufe anew. Wbule busbands, one aiter another in a series of rushes, tiîîery, bave four armor-plated gang- sons and brothers are stlll pursuing the mon goÎng as fast as they could in wascnneting their cars, engines o! the defeated Invaders or marcbing on the dim lighb o! carl>' morning i4,000 horse-power, and can make 57 final parade down the Champs-El>'- throgh awoo dew an chokedmiles an hour and risc to more than sees, before the demobilization bas with fallon timber, and n ful of 13,000 foot. fre h e o eunt hi hugre shell-holes that it Wall ail homes, these tawns and villages will elimbing, jumping, scrambling and SCORES 0F BODIES OFF arise in the battle zone and the men erawllng. Whatever their methüd oniH find A CAS. homaes o bh to vreatrn will goinig, tmey got there. The>' waitodid h omhaes foughh to valiny will In one trench while the Iuns behind Victims of Jutland Battle Flosting find thoir native villages rebuilt as eoncentrateld their fi"e on the next AmdWetg nNrhSa f b>' magic. 1 line. mdWekg i ot e.Ready-Made Homes. Thon tbey stnggarexl forward as A despatcb from New York says: I enter a cburch, Gothic in design IM~ as the g'uns bad 1f Ucd and while Scores nf bodies nf both English and Itwl eat 100 person.Tog h te-artillery went to the ncxt. Then German salinrs, equipped with lus ItruwIll s o ns.od, ough ete the procesa was repeated. preservers and fioatlng In a massn suuris of wodBocapno' Witb altiernate waits and rushes it wrecksge from the big Jutland naval tooe are needed; not a nail is used. took three bours to get tbrough the. battie, wero encountered off the coast Sent ready-made from the factory, It wood ofNorwy o Jul2 b thestemercan ho set up by nId men, womnen and TW asfulofdmn edo!dv- Ngeoray on Jul y 2 bterstearn chdren In a ver>' brief space of timne. It as ui ofGemna dad ndliv Lngeijrd.whch rrvedhee fomNext door stands a tbree-roomed lng, and at the upper end machine Bergen on Wednesday. A fletofot nmdio tutpebads i C1111 were posted which aearcbed tha , maîl vessels sent out b>' the Norweg-buemd !sou iebadfn openspaes otwen ,howreks i ia Goernentwer colecxng tbeished In a rich brown tint. Tt was openspaes etwen he recs 0 ia Goernentwer colecingtheerected eady for occupation In tiaree h'ees as the British troops came on dead. hours b>' four mon. Parther on there BuIohn tpe hm yso la a more elaborate structure o! five -at7 nohing stpeyd be B>'theCANADA'S ENLISTMENTS rooms which took two days ta cern- top of the Wood and taken 300 pris-. NOW TOTAL 350,655. plete. Ail tastes and needs are eater- Dera. ed for, f rom the roughest hut-like The Wood Itseif 'vAs full of dead Ontario Leads witb 145,195, as Cosi- structure such as the Quakers bave and the. Gerînans taken there gay they paled With Quebec's 36,990. already built and furnisbed in 'great believe o!fal the trooips who were tu A despat-cb from Ottawa Bayas: numbers for the needy In the Valley' bia. Wood, not thirt y men escaped a_ Total enlistinents ln Cana&da uP te of the Marne who have chosen to re- live. Jul>' 16 numuber 360,656, Ontario lead- 1 turn toi their devastated villages, to New Mmlister Receives Urgent Message From Gen. Haig. A despatch from London says: Edwin' Samuel Montagu, the new Munitions Minister, had the following letter fromn General Sir Douglas Haig read nt the conference of representa- tives of trades unions on Wednesday: "A t this moment we are engaged Un the greatest battie the British army ever fought. I feel confident if the workmen could see their comrades j, fighting here, both night and day, with heroism beyond ail praise, they would not hesitate to surrender their two days' August holiday. ti lnfantrl of flIre.-4 iL jJ 7.25 ta $7.75; do., gond bulis, $6.75 Markets of [theWOrlu Vo $7; do., rnugh bulîs, $4.50 t 5 butchora' cowa, choice, $7 .10 Vo $7.35; do., gond, $6.75 Vo $7; do., medium, Breadstoffso. $6 in $6.25; stetkers, 700 to 850 Ibs., Toronto, Jul>' 25.-Manitoba wheat $6.25 to $6.75; choice feeders, de- -No. 1 Northern, $1.22%; No. 2 do, borned, $6.40 Vo $7.25; cannera and $1.20%; No. 3, do., $1.174, on îack, cutters, $3.75 Vo $4.75; milkers, choico oai-'4.p.Wrts.sc each, $70 Vo $80; do., common and 2 mediumi, eacb, $40 Vo $60; Springers. aNo 3 do., 8%;extao. i feed'4c;$50 ta $90; iigbi owes, $7.60 Vo $8.25; No. 3 d o. 48%fed, 8½cNo. 12 ed.; tsheep, beavy, $4. 50 ho $5.35; Spring 48%4c;o tmack, 4>'port . 2 jo.,lamba, per lb., 13%c e o 141/c- calves, Ame, ncacômn-Nyor. 3ylow 9 gond Vo choice, $9. 50 Vo $1ý; do., Vmrck, Torno.3yl 8,. medium, $7.25 Vo $8.60; bogs, fod and ontarlo nais-o. 2wui,47tta~te1ed, $11.30 to $11.40; do., weigh- 48c, according Vo freigbts outside. t f .b., cas111.àt1.0 d. Ontario wheat-No. 1 commercial, 1M. tra$11. 5.Exor ctte 98c Vo $1; No. 2, do., 95 Vo 97c; No. 3, elsoice, $9 Jul;y.2à;.-,pmdcille, do., 89 Vo 91c; feed, 87 Vo 8cnom- ,$7 .75Vo Vo$.25; bdo., m aedm, ina, ccrdngtofrigtsoutside. choice, $7.25 to $8.25; do., medium, Peas-No. 2 nominal, $1.75 Vo $5.26 Vo $6.25; cannera, $4.50 VoS. $1.85; aecording Vo sampie, $1 .25 Vo1 butchers' cattIe, choice cows, $6 Vo 7V; t1.50, aecording Vo freigita outaide. do., medium, $5.50 Vo $5.75; do., huila, Barley-Maling barte>', nominal,, $6.50 Vo $7. Hogs-Fed and watered, 66 Vo 66c; feed barle>', 60 Vo 62c, ac- $11.'15 Vo $12.25; do., t.o.b., $10.50 Vo cording Vo freigits outaide.$150 Buckwieat-Nominni, 70 Vo 71c, nc-- oordinÇ Vo trotgbts outaide. Manitoba flour-Fimat patents, in GETTING A BATH IN SENEGAL.. j3ute baga, 56.50; second patenta, ti jute bags 6- strong; bakers', in jute Takes Three Days te Secure Noces- baga, $5.80, Ïoron Vo. ayGermnPrit Ontario- 1flour-Wintor, according Vo sr'Gvmmn emt &ample, $4 .05 Vo $4. 15, in baga, ti-ack, In the Prench colon>' ni Senega) Toronto, prompt shipmÈent; $4.15 bulk, the capital is a dutt, unprogresive soabord, p rompt ahîpment. tw hri fii'o rvist Millfed-Car lota, -detivered Mont-an wererinarofficiailani prenshV real- freights, bags Included-Bran,anxtornrydve.Torec par ton, $19); shorts, per ton, $22; nid- traveliera mad n mont nmuaing ex. dlingse, per ton, $24gd feed f Our, p9rience wisen the>' wised Vo obta!in Per bag, $1.,65 to k4r1) a bath. There 'was nt the tinten bathing establishsment la the capital, Couatry Produce. but rumor had it tint it was possible Butter, frnsh dairy, cisoice, 26 Vo 27e; Inferîor, 24 Vo 25c; creamon>' prints, 29 ta 81c; lafenior, 28 Vo 29c. Eggs--New-laid, 29* Vo 30c; do., in cartons, 81 t. 88c. Bean"-4 .50 ta $5; Vie latter for hand-picked. Ciieeae-New, large, 17c; twins, Mapie samujPrlce aro steady at $1 .40 te 81. rper Imperial gallon. Dressed poutry-Chickens, 25 Vo 27c; icivI, 23 te 26t. Potatoes-New Bruunwicks quoted at $2 per bag; Western, $1 .85. Bacon, long clean, 18 Vo 18%/c r lb. Hfama-Mediumt, 24 te 25c; heavy, 20% t o 21c- rolis, 19 Vo 191,4c;! breakfat bacon, Ï5 tô 27c; backsl plaîn, 26 te 27e; boae'ies baeks, 29 te 30c. Lard-Pure lard, tierces, 16% to 17c, sud pails, 17U4 Vo 1714,c; cen-, pound, 14 te 14%c. Montral U .y2-Oornr-American1 No. aya ew> ÏS1 t9$ç . I' a, Can die wesr. t S " I' 58% ; . 3~ 66d1, 2e; Ne. 4 do, île . isai' MaÎut. Splgvsa etee,411 baie, Vo purebase a bath at the bospital. Accordingly, thse traveliers repaired te that institution and made known Viseïr waat. "Certaini>'," aaid Vhe polite officiaI; "inames and birthpînees?" '«But," they objected, "lwe meroly want a bath." "Quit. se," continued tise official. "Wiiai are your naines, and wiere and wben - were you born, and are yeu Goverament employes, soldiors or of- ficersT Ne? WelI, Vhe raies do not providefor ti. Just a moment. I yull rcad thent agate. Yes; bers la your case. You mugt finît make out on stamped paper an application to the. Governor et the colo>y. Atter favorable notice !rom bis Excellency, you wil send "buho application te tise chiet colonial physician, vii. viii »Mo for yen end examine Yom" "But vo aie net in." ",Pardon ume, gentemen, buti h la thse ra. Ra'vins exaaalned you, thé. doctor yliv W O yen we non-cou- mlaakn.id oftirs' bath tickets, te be ierod te the aubitant phy*ù «iWhy non-commlsson.d ofies batl» eàaked on. e th*ieraveliers, *For ibis eesson. la -Ou u aeits p.ruona-'-lcin. &0dcivil tmployeat tbe latr ada Uak Wu, h c0es «r petty Ofloonu." "Wia& . iled et tsas viiiail HAS PLAYED A TRB1NDOUfl5 PART IN THE WAR. Great Britain -Nearly Got à Germai System Inuted of Hl@. The astonishing part which Signor, Marconi and bis wireless systemn bave. played in this war to our advafltaLPO and how, nearly the British came to replacing Marconi by a German lis told in two remarknble Interviews by Har- old BeglYié in the Londoin Daily Chron- "A two-days' cessation of work in1 Mr. Begbie saw Signor Marconi la ,h munition factorles must bave a1 London and writes ,nost serlous effect on our operations. "Here la the on. universal man of t mlgbt even mean an addition nif this world-war. nan>' montha Vo the wam. The arn>' in "It la odd to look at bum, smoke France looks to the munitions womk- with l$m, and laugh with hlm, re- ers to enabie It ta complote ts taskg flecti rjgthnt s tbougbt o! bis brain and 1 feel sure that thia appeal wilIlai spun like a spider's web att over not be in vain. Let the whole British the blond>' battlefields ni Europe, all nation forego an>' ides nf a generai over the sens of!the world, and bigh a- holiday until oui goal la rencbod. A bove the clouda. His invention, (>'ou speedy and decisive victory will thon feel, should belong to oaE egendary be ours." hemo. I la toc immense s thing foi' Mr. Montagu pointed out bmw vital a man aVilI living, and a youn« man- was the question which had induced a young man wbo bas monds o!f fi- General Hlaig to write such n letter volit>' who loves to laugh, and vin la In the midat o! bis overwbelming me- perfectl> simple, modeat, and unas- sponsibilities. The confreres unani- suming, mousl>' decided to send a eply to General Haig, assuring hlm that there A Young OId Man. wouîd be no relaxation in their efforts, "Ho is at once a >'oung nId mani, and thnt ail bolidays would b. post- and an nid young man. H. la ynung poned until military exigencies per- as youtb in bis moments of galet>' 1 mittod o! their beinig taken. and in bis thought, wben ho lasoner- The decision was hearty and on- nus and r'fioctive, ho looks ar moîdei thusiastic, and the conierenco onded than bis middle-age. His face ligbts with the. singlng o! the. National An-i up ai times witb an almoat bo>'isb de- theni, "an incident," says The llght in n piece o! fun; but it be- Chronicie, "probabîy unknown ni a cornes at other tumes more Vian soni- Labor confemence an>' time within tho oua and more than grave, it becomos last tbirty or f ort>' years. clouded and suffeming and sorrowfuI. _____________Few mon are an man>' mon. Ho loves r*, Il horses and music. He loves fun and F ro LfflS reJan i science. Ho la inierested in litera- i Fro Erk' Gree Isletume and politica. H "e is fond ni - rnotorifig and la somethlng o! a mystie. NEW BY MAL FOM IRE- He said to me : NEWS BY MIL FOM "I niten tbink thnt D'Annunzio LAND'S SHORES. came pretty near the truth when ho suggested thnt wimeless la something- ofnia symbol for religion. We send Happenings la the Emeraid Isle of our tinughta through silence to one Interet to riah-wbo la invisible.- And a gond deal o! Interet t. rish-the procesa la stili n myster'. Inahat> men. case, the universe la mysterinus enougb. The more 1 investiLrate, the. A general epldoemic has OCCUTrd more 1 wonâor." - amongst brood mares In Norths Wex- The star>' concemning Marconi' ford tuas season, and large numbers wbich it la well te remember in tbe ni theni bave dled witb their foala. presont la thug taid b3r Mr. Begbie:- The death Ètas nccurrod o! Mr. "1If thos. people wbo malsed a val-, Edward Twoby, chief reporter ni the gar and diagraceful bullabaîno about Cork Examiner, wbn isad been con- the Marconi contract a te-w years'ago nected witb thnt journal for ovol' had geV their way-that la ta sa>', if fort>' yenrs. tic Governinent aed the working A young man aamed John Hestip, classes o! this country had noV stood employed in the Crowragh Quarries, firmn as s rock lanVise midst o! a imael- near Newry, accidentaîly atipped from: stroni of aristocratic and middle-class the. embankment laVtii.h quarry>, and scandaI, Germany might by nov b. was lnstantiy killed. -jmîstresa o! tise worîd.- At a meeting of the. NewryUrban MIItRvBenGrsa ~..,uuncmi areautBave Beun pssaou ww comling tise offerts ni the. present Government Vo arrive at an amicable settiomeat of!theIilrish question. A disiarbance nccurroefcently on a Sunda> lan etmrladstreet, Dublin, wisen a procession aumber- ing 400, accompanl.d by a crowd et about 2,000, came into coniliet vlVh the. police, la response Vo an appeal by thse Mayoresa, a house-to-house and street collection wam iield la Londonderr'y on behaIt of the iundi'ed Derry prisonons la Gemm an>', 2,600 belng the. sam aimmd et. ia tse Gommons, Mr'.Samuel& - said that approxmmately 8,000 prWsners hmd paased tisneagh thse bonds athtie millt4ry authonities ln Insland, of whlcb number 1,200 bad been neleas- ed. Pt.. 1. ille of et i.Munster Fusiller, r t.i'nng rom beve la Ineland, Vo jet bis COMPaa aitU@ frmotgvas ttemptlag te enter - a tr&Wat iWaterloo station viasa he Was . Îarrlod la e Uetunnel a"d lciled, b"gi a.passd a resoltionwhlcb' tatbtat norefera»«etIrias. oVsrn- meuft ti hu4 oekised bY Irish sW-t !rngs4ea hlch osa et Icludê rvots ter J$ehwomusonithe same terffl Th* ord.IMI«ofDublin r*éôitl wŽMM&auxalnaalan moua of 8*.ý "For the great eompetitoi 0e! Our Englisi Marconi*was a Germa cent- pan>'; and 1 assure you iV van act- ually on the. carda tthiis German conspan>' migit bhave been.brouglît, over te London te drivýe Marconi out of the national -business. .-i-%. "E£vor> retponsuble person In- th . Marconi Comspany' ia nov a rnenimbe of Vise Britishs Secret Service. ,They1 knbw thingi of, tie.-higiiesti uPOr-t-1 suce. They hiear evory heur o tbe, day uhiag,» wlicb muai b. divutged te. ne oue. And Whin latien. amongtisa, aslandeera toe rine a voie, evetas e' vhisupr, la condemnoin of! lieue loyal sabjecisT E-cis hlà tise initiil romanc- d te WirelesWar. We, imig4thavui- besnis l Germèz banda for -a vWepout Wwhila esseatal te national aaUeW* "And- nov tote iiwr tsàl~ fï W t, mijgbitell1 you ail 1 kaow about thitis matter, and 1I-knov oni>'": av&1Y, littie, yen wouid b. auteisheai n aae but at i lt I catell iYeu. ýeocS ougis sow y*ef if h ave tlm thiotsabout the matter before o~ noamisllIythse f uv.utIoof & 1tàm-" eont Io tnt<wôo.II int* ýt &i I basine». of Ip atioza 9"u4 aitauIsie outhe sbaddM~tt -4 WI4EN BIG OUNS HAVE DONE THEIR WORK. German defences levelled by sheil fire ln preparation for an kasaui±. Naturally nothing could stand Up under sucb art avalanche (London Mirror phto.> I~ t- F i,4-~-. e' 1;- "-"v g 1

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