ýpein heurs for #torei s btfrelu .0 12 an d trorn 4 te 8 p.rn. If tii. m.rchausti themnoives are nôt nuMiltillt fta< 17 concomned t'Od'evise r#isonab1o wenk- Ing heurs. thîe .dltors need not wWry, ,lowcver, MIe caniot' mil le symPathIse yen, tvith tic fcllow who, ln liese broiliuig laya, liale say on theî job tIi enmly îîidniglit cf a Saturday îîlght. ustually icervinR custones wlio nillil oaîiiy inve ordered thelr asupplies before elgil )'clock. nnd n-ould bave If tiîey knew (lie stores wotuld close ut tin tiut'. ltowever. ras long as the stored reunin îIi tilIOUnldtiitmorne ipeople wtl take advantuge oet lie ftact If l happetl o suit tlielr couvetncui. Th-e merci-f iiti; have il lu tlieir owu îpower te ,hîortenl iîcr houirs of labor. lb la up te biem. tiy and icki'eering htave- io e K'Ij"F htej, ily h i(Re steps. fer concerted or ce etierative nec- JausWîleitIilybi cel' tien for the lmprevemienflh le Kiug-1 poci, n-hase pîeluis et homneanud ofthle ston llcad. As it affects thern each simple thîiga ef lite hae eucouraged thoro . - fiil t n h. n'iv land Insîîired cld and youug ailike, 15 ItlîuocallY tiiere 011111 1M M %M"'." fîuu-lîer dehay. Get togrther ah on1ce, gentlemen,<sii<oi,î,u'r osllftswtî Town Couincîl IRis uit ei coni- Co. and t hie (tiiî,îad Ian Pacifielalhway C. ha%(- nuit hecti abIc ho agree %iipon in arruing~ellit1 t by i' hiicii the st reet c.ira %v'.il mcci the C.P>1< trains. At Cilts distanuce one woîid lie lncllued te t i 10k thtat li woluld be goed busiuess for tuie street cars tn imeet ail inconilng trains as neilins tiiose ouhgolig. dpad. For yeara lie bas been known asq tht' loaier peet.", becanse many of his îîerns were wmitten ln tic Hoosier dialert et Indiana. Hîs tiemes were f urnisled by lils observation oetCcom- mon cveryday people aud thinga, and hecaîîse et licîr simpliltty and tonchi of iuman iitereat tlîcy found an an- aweriug cliord lu every beart. Few peotle eaui rend any et James Wibceinb Rliey's peetry n-tiot feeling a timilI of gratitude toe tic n uwio wmote suci ie-autlfiil songs about thie sweet thinuga etfIteP. ThaIhils nrltlngs nere appreclatcd lie n-orld over la glç en e,#i- A mninuer of our irxchan ses are dIs- detîce by th(-fRttat it tc ccmPlisueo elussing i,(, uljçct of eariy clogilng. as the very rare feat of amassing a Coin. It afTPdts riietomerR under present ron- fortabie fortune t>y bis rotry alone. ditionB In different localities. The Sudi poems ai; "That oid sweetheari of (3haa ,nehrrecomlmends îîat mine.- -The Raggody Man,- and '«Out Lawn Hose 50 l h uu2ts ta 3 i l '"con I le M til C lui flimgq, $450 We Have a Fu huiie oe .Hammocks PMrr, VARNLSHES, Priced fer q'îick @v lti gk? $14-78 t0 $6.30 STAINS & ENAMELS For Evcry Purrose. Sel Sn sq Bet'Paerless' Ma~ct 33r, Der galIoi PRI1NOGLES HARE WRITBY, ONT. Sn s ýythes and iaths kythem h5c tu $1 15 cdi. atl1s 8.5e eLchl. cythle Stonea 4 )c to 20ec achi. mie011 IWARBE ~i;;i###g# *#~~nnê*#psug.êgtt#q IL FRIEND of tic wrlter lu dlacuasing thie Importance ef promoting social 1f. ln the country brought out the ImpertanrÀ,ocf utîlizief the country schools for the. purpose ofte education ofth farîuer'a boys and girls le respect to the possibilltles or Canada. and partlcularly of our own Province of Ontario. He pctnted out that by co-ordlnating the activitien of the 'rarlous dopartmuents of the Gor. ernment. the agricultural. the. educational. tic structural and the Institu- tioal lncludlng the public bealth department, and nhoa'ing them n l the tort of film pictures a mont uneful and entertaîinn social circle miuiât ho formed lu each rural achool secton. A mont iratisfactory film machine, pro- ducing excellent pîctures, cau b. purcbased for about $226.00 or lu large numbers perhaps for about hait that suai. Ir the 8MCAL LIFE UN Government wouid provîde tii, picture flôns aud te the W» C OUNTRY local once add thon. Illustrating the ireograpby. history', and seuery ot other cintrica whskt an educaUioau tMâture mlgât b.etabllshed. There ln no haImt te, *bat It tulght ae!à evst lua Iditioià , the. film pleturms whlch have hecu shownalal o«er thu province by the. Provincial Board of Heaitb might b. advanitaffouely Introduoed sud provo ot laatlng bonefit te every communtty. There are ouormous educaUoraal opportuaiti.. lu the tnoving Dctume. 11..isînaito IttatllI'e are not eonfined te tthe Charle Chaplia varlety go' nucb exploti Wn ltl*. and towni: beyond &Il thene, St hans & Importante sud value w"_c MM Ubo roallaMd hoore man>' years bave paaad b>'. Patent Modiclues bave bad à a videvuela IMisu,,we;l au lu older eos-a lsd,. Great fortunes have besu madie hy thoir exploitatibu. the chiot eaus '1 udr ucceas belug mot la the valueetfthe reiediest tbmuslvu but la *the skilful mauner la which they am adcrtised. Ibo.t,.4. w UT la patent medtiim bu bont booumueeematl la uiceatye II33tOVISuasformerly. Ou omsesla liai tbt public ia b~ttr ws o * than t sud tot.b. sud the truth as te theearacter an . ftm of t Ibesereméies bau boo là gaoed befor. lb. popie. Ticrea traüst ead ta mamy camo4, tn absurd promist escuva fte èvm W" det, W1, *Mi&lch be oomadvertlse dudthe kmovledgoe t lie grat mm net tDm p»plu titathéeeproul1iu have mot boom made cfg oe u sdo e ple vn ofrebas e rw'Ph la t9 queulstiolef Mr.patent medIelula et Mmb iValue. Thoeen e o-dosat tiat m of het ti a d bt a bduril1317ta tigesu »M ~UrMua service tote cpepleot Amovta by ItS oxpfflo ofgi ttriq4 c*-the publie by the iutdrebs es-e0W eom"cees» e# mi ot (Ceore ures, Cousuaptea cures, ceussef«o9 toit . erboldacas, obostty, and huadroduoettb =«. I*eut~e0 aueoretaaput goertea 14 oà gadtihmr b.tawoulà haveéomtleud te soit tenneMai*»#~ incuechasuaptea $< içU1O$WPet tic fllp fQ thé Vprduýn suftecre. YirI<luîg and country need liiw-to repaîir tie Kingsten Rend. Or the dim hay-mew with ils frag- rancies- Out te old Aunt Mary's? WVhy, 1 sec lier now, .lu 1he open door Where the little gourds grew uj t.be sides and o'er Tice clapboard roof! And lier fac- ah, me! Waan't il goed for a boy te sec- And waant It good for a boy te b. Out teoid Aunt Mary*s. For, O0nîy brothor se far away, This la te bell yen-aie watts te-day To weicoe us. Aunt Mary fell Asleep thîs morning, wbisperiug, -Tell The boys te cerne.-. And ail Is woll Out teo od Aunt Mary's. -James Wbitcomb Riley. HOSPITAL SH1'TS OUT MEMI3ERS 0F 2.5TH. Biownianviiîe. July 24.- Miuci coni- sternation la caused in tie tewn by tic Bloard cf Bewmanvilc Hospital ut itl iaat meeting refusing le, admit ment- bers etflthe 236th Battalion te its Insti- tution. This towu gave a sinaîl grant et $600 te tic battalien on condition thal lu make its ieadquarters ber., but Lieut.-Col. S. 13. Scobel. (OC., la cailing a spectal mîeeting etftthe officers te con- sider the. advisabili1ty ef returnlng this nîoney te tie Councîl and movlng the. licadquarlers te etier Cobourg or Port Hope. wii.me he feels thc soldiers me- quiring medical attention nli be treat.d with consideration. A WHITBY BOYS SUCCESS. The C'anad son Lumbermsan. of May 16, contains an intemestiug not, regard- Ing the appointrnent ot Mm. Donald BJarclay, a, Whltby boy, as Toronto man- ager of the Canadian Western Lumber Co. Donald was bhem la Whitby and rcceived is educaticu hem.. and te very well known te townspeople. H. ta a son of Mr. and Mm .U. T. Barclay. now of Edmonton. Mr. Ilarelay wu aabar. rîister la Wh ltby for a number of years. and wus Clemk ef the Surmogate Court for a censiderable tins.. The eltpping follew.s: - CM&bfAN NAJIONAL EXHIBITION "if Empire Foderation Usais; kwss et U ls.s Woetue~uwdibogI» . Toronto. apent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Ornydon Gondfellow' apent oer Sunday near Oro on Lake Simece.1 Mr. and M,%rs. Fenton, of Fort Wil-, liamn, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dudley. Mr. Peter Perry, ot Fergus, was a Sunday vitor with Mrs. J. H. Perry ln Wlhitby. Mr. and Miss McLean, of Toronto. are visiting the fermeras sister, Mra. F. E. Harrison. Blyron street. Mrs. Berry and MIa Collier, of Teo- ronto. are vlsiting with Ed. and Mrs. Gunuey. Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Niagara Falls,1 are visiting their son, Alan B3utler, St. John Street. Miss BeatrIce Hilts. of Toronto, lsa vlsltlng with ber cousin, Mies Clara Hep per. Misses Ruth and Nellie Bryan. of; New York. are visitlng ilueir father, Mr. Benjamin Bryn. rente. spent Sutidny with Mr. and Mra. James Smith. Misa Fraser and Misa Stralten werel ln Petenboro ihia week attending tbe Lindsay District Library I naiitute. 1Misa Frances Tigie. ef Hamilton,I dauzgitter of Rev. W. B. Tiglit, formeri y of Wbutby, spen t Sunday lu tewn witi friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. H. Richardson returned thîsweek f rom a visIt ln LLondon and -Mitchell. Mrs. Richard- 8on's parents rettirned witb them. Miss Baker. cf Napanee. and Mliss Hazard, ot Picton, both fommerly cf the iigi achool staff, spent the. week-end lu town. Miss Clama Jackson la spendlng a week with Miss Marjorie Meoflhivmay.j at the McOiihivmu.y summer home oeni Cameron Lake.,I So.I'Rny Taloiug Suite or Overcoats, $M800 to $SOeOOe Trousu's $4~8O t. *8.00e Nade t. ye~ mousse la7dayu-i Il 0î0l4Amat Itai'rs,a Ut »lt1 tm r. *Thé, Cnudian ,Western Lumber ley's work, "Out te ldAunt couD in cnce te -thir u massY bi Ea nË.Rterfitâthiada, the à ;- lar>~ la4tItod erewtb,'tits ~pbttmt net 1Me. L .D. Baftta.>s mn be trne et y«W r viioble'sthoughts ',Mer.Âor theIr Toronto salesfiet ta ýrn to the. baints cfet ildbood. sad' 02-4.Ki<ng Street ECstTouonto. llten4Uts4y pope ues me llg eut ente "Mr. Barclay comnenW l'iaithe. hlm. more the ucenca oet the daym long genie. ber business lnu ntuib; but lîke mnny' ro schthe, tts eautfu __ il f the yoi nx meni et the. est, feIt tint o sci tin,1h1 be4ItfilPOSPS wil w1t thue opening ef ti. Panama Canal be et Inttense lntcregt, PAnd te tbç,%O Whoandth te ogra ucttlng eut et western have rend thc works ot James Wliit- tImbOr limDite, the. Jure Of tic wcat bc- eomb Uiley, and because cf tieM have cameS 100 strong it e ment. Mr.lBarclay. ete.rted wiih thi. Canadian Western evcel thttmn whose productions tliey Luinber Compe.ny at their Fr'aer Mille', are, lb will serve as a rm.ldem et hlm pl ' at ln 1912. ioadlng lumber imite cars whosà e band lta110w tili, but wtioac and working lu the gradlîîg shieds. 'mimds et cieer -And mirth wM îaîw&ya T4rotigh persistent and. energetic a -uuedihrtac o work, ceupled wlth a desire to learn the. 'i~iainns trnsuetiiniritnceforbusiness thoftughlX, Mr. Barclay*s pro- uturo gonematieng. inotion wae very rifpid-from car load- OUT O OD ANT MRY'S. 'r te Itîmber surveyer, frein surveyer OUT T OLDAUNTMAft'S. o anl appoîntfnut lu the. shipping de- molann't il plensant, O brother mine, «)artment and thence te tic local sales, in lieue old days o et I.lest .unshiîie wicrc Mm. Barclay had chargeofothe Of youîi- when tie Saturday's Canadien Western Lumber Company's ciores were thretugli, retall sales ln thc city cf New West- And thec "Sunday's wood" la the mniabser and aubumis, Mr. Barclay Iatnmr kitchen, tee, eevêed the province cf Saskatchewan And we went visitlng, -me and yeu,* îd from ticre was rnoved back be To- ouItet old Aunt Mary.B? rente as assistant menager efthle Te. , ente office. Upen lie resignatlon et It ail cOrnes back so clear to-day' Flugh A. Rose, Mm. Barclay bas been Theugl 1 arn as bald as you are gray- sippointed manager etftthe office. Hiea Out by tie bain-lot and down the. thorougi experlence of Pacifie lane Coat lumber, cotnpled wi a know- We patter along in tbe dust &gain, ledge cf castemi Canadian conditions, As fight as the tipa et thc drops ofI md en ecqunîntance witi se many etf the maIn, tihe esteru Canadian trade. made Mr. OuIte eîod Aunt Mary'B. qarclay lie logîcal man for tic posi- tien. We cross tic pasture and tireugi tic 'Tic appelntmcnt le ln lin. wlth tic, wood. tiellcy oethile Canadn Western Lum- Wbere thce ld gray snag et tic pop-. ici Company, lni tint lb believes ln cd- lam stood, ticatIng ils repmcsentntives, who are te Wiere lhe bammening "ýred.heads;" meet tic trade. first ef ail iln tie man- bopped awry, ufactumlng nid grading et Ils producta, And the hussard "maised" ln thc and wlîen bhey demenstmate their ahil- *«cleanbng" sky, ity ln tus line. tiey are sent ouIte m e- And Iolled and circlcd as we n-cnt by present tbicocmpany ln dîfferent mar- OuIte old Aunt Mary's. ket.e wicre British Columbia wooda are being used." And tien ln tic duel et tic road again. ___ And the leains we met, and tic colin- 4 csnl eto trymen; esni eto And tice long iigin-ay, wili sunahine ____ spread M rs. C. A. Goodfellow was In Toron- AsBitick as butter on country bread. te fer the week-end. Our cares behind. and our iearts Miss Lote Annis, ef Enniakillen, Is ahend t-isiting Mrs. Albert W. Jackson. out lc old Aunt Mary's. Mms. Haybreok. late of Chili. S. A., And he rmpsne tek lu our lad ia been visilng Mrs. J. H. Prry. und lieromp Miss Auna Joinston la visltlng ber nurasi!uncle aud auint ln Barrie fer part et Was It tie Iawn thai v-e loved tic best. the. holiday. WIti its sweepiug swiug lu the le. Mrs. Frank Greenside. Owen Seuind. cuat trees, inha been vislting wlti ber sister, Mra. Or neas il the grove, wltb Its leaty J. J. O'Connor. U r~*es« E le vations Sehools, - ltaiINway Stations, Abovo Sea Level, I)ivision Court Boundaries, Division Court Nulmnbers. S TA TIS TICS ý Some useful and" interesting statistics are als-o given, such as when the townships wero first settled, present popu- lation, total assessment,, taxeà împosed-municipal and sehools, municipal and sehool debenture debt, and the county (lebenture debt in 1915. Every Home, Every By3ifess Office, Every Public, Buildii4, Every -School should have a copy of this, map. Not one office or home in fifty in the county has a couaty map. Almost every day one wauts some information given on this map.1 answers a thousand questions, and neyer gets. tired. PRICE For SChoOis Or Public Buildings (Mounttod o0canUS wlth PoItors $1.00 For Off ice or Home (wIth tUn mounting)50 Sent post paid to -any address 0o1 receipt o[price. Every owner of an automobile wants this niap. Neyer put off tili to-mnorrow the order you.cati send to-day. - Cut Out the Coupon and Order a lWap To-day C. A. oodfoflow & ,,Son, Whtby, it FRUIT BULLETIN Eviery-houseêwifé cati put down a good si ppl Cthbt Raspherries. The very-best of al1 NiÃŽagi'ý Peoitisuuarý grown, Black Currants, are aato no*' thdi* 'buë-t for cannuiv. - at thejrbeëtLfaRvçy-our -- grocèr order at once. T11IISAYI ,IUloY 27,1910. ai ntarîs -coudty unColors, We have the Soie~ Agency roP a Brand New *Map or Ontarlo Coun ty, In sue 22 x 34 Inches Most Completo and Accurate Map Ever. Published. 111 cach township the concessione and lots are clearly marked. There is also shown -on the rnap ail the *. Exchangt-a frotm nIl parts cf Cenitral Ontario report greal croji prospects. 0 An Orlîlla by-lnw provideo tunI ne Icaiky veielp shaîl be driît'u on thie * liglinay. 'Tilts esho'Ild lirevent mollit' cf tiheII11sunellluig nutomuohieg runuiug - ut large. The muniieialilic5oetOshiawa, Vhlt- .% ~v v v w LT PAYS TO USEl -~1 HOW TO KEEP WELL Dy JORN W. 9. SIt-CULLOUGH, 51 D. D.1' 51, <'11EV ()FICERt OF TUE IPROVINCIA.L BUARI> 0OF tiCALTII. Enclosed find ................... for copy of your new Ontario County map. Naine...........*** . . P.o04......06........06.....6 riie i- Ff Tli i i On t the recE l mi - - prel the 'Bar Miss Colla Jenningu, nf the Pest 0f - fice staff, vleited with her cousin, Mmm. A. W. Crawforth, In Oshawa receuitl>'. Mr. Emery Southwell. en route fro0 Oshaswa, wheue e b d been attendhsg the. tinerai of hi& former employer, Mr'. Lick, speut a fe-w lays vîth hlm mother, Me. sutd -liÃe. T. 1). Hendersou motor. ed te Oshav te spend lie week.ed, wltis Mms.Uvïeoey. lirm. LIve..>'-eud lira Ht"eueztU ent to ie ait> Umssflerene. 11111r, of Trmtol speuttli e ek-.enld rîtb ber-,aullis, Mms Jeïmimgs md UM s. Ld.Mer $ls toir. xiss Vloai iet Wb u be ien tsItu [tu tovu <t« the put f ewv veehe rn.- ei bene vit# ber. P~ost Offices, Steam Railways, Main Traveled Roads, I& ALA AK ÀK AL I& ÀK À& AI À& 19K ÀK, . 1 1 The map