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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Aug 1916, p. 1

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'N £tt Je He Bownoy Company 1fr' k alit I f borne 'Ste., ltby, Ont* Jos0le30 LIYERY, SL O 80AROINO TIS BROCK ST.WNIfl oIIs-~ - 4 -4 IV 4 i. 4 AU kinds of einglo and donble rigt for hlre. Bus to &lU o - trains and hagap tmensfr- 1-rwasbought andid tiIon 4y and straw inii qMl elvored. Fo zce-et joseph Atîgittts Ursbora in Brook- lin 147yearn mgo. jjel i'ed ttwefor about e-0 years, wb~en be imovsd<o Whiîby. havlag res1d4 1lboen*tî aie. TIiirty four yearu a», . n Augisr&*4 -1812. he u'as arrIed t10 Miss J"ai Happier, w-ho survive&. Tbey vota tbles-asd w-iht aneiby ot eevea &0#- tren, four o iofhom amedfad. Thm. t etrviviag sareoma. Voe Ms . tW-allers>, W esîey,'P.Oma (om '*.fli Magne*r), Reubçen, Floutsig a itte thetwo 1elatter beti s ~I*boM m. Auguste, boa t oaiter. suami0Mt brother, ?mrsRot . meu, or IiIê lin. mm, W. Whist., « T4wust 1MW ChîmsAuguuQ.T.otl. &0l*et vitoi f ver. a<oato ithe .fuirei es lo-.A.. K, WOlec popté W» lte Aithodiot *eveuaign utuh*4th v.rsaw. hifltou. 711 aaIbo paoa a dictetitte emcte *» The. lee'tuýtiesoret hage -Who lomm aid Ope aumerits4alfaw4 im 1to v i t . f t l 4 -,% i tm1 J * Q I * , l i Ti. ppil.xuWrwha".arS> rê,4 ta pe" a eu& -seý Làto wttm masr a i i.aW-a 11,01s"__] CIi'ONILL C. A. GOODIELLOW & SoN, Publishers STANDARD BANK- OF CANADA MF-ADO OPICE - TORONTO BRVBRY good Banik bas.à RESERVE FUND ceua ero. vision for lean years end the inevitable' ruiny day. Tihis Funti ho@ been accumuisted from Surplus Beatings and is a source of strength andi stability. Everyone ahould have.a RSERVE FUND. Without it Do .one is ini a sale f6nanc:al condition. I!LOur Savitigo Deparinent oflers an ideal opportunlty for WHITBY BRANCH IFE CUT OFF INO ACCIDENT 1once brougbt out by bis brother îother boy, George Clarke. ýMcGilllvray, Warren and Bat- vere aillon band very shortly, but couid flot resuscitate the lad. It heir opinion th.at death was due together tg drowning, but froin cal exhaustion and overexertlon 1. Probably the sudden ch ill or ld lake water on the body heated run contrIbuted to the death. was a very bright littie lad, and dden manner of hie death bias agreat ehock to hie parente. It 1 he was thse lfe of the home, ai- cheery and playful. funeral was beld on Wpdnesday oon at 2.30 o'elock to St. JTohn's ng Ground at Port Whltby. younger brother, Cari, who help. lake the deceased rrorn the water, Par eaved a boy larger than hlm- rom drowning, near the spot the accideni occurred. Aithoiigli )nlv about eleven ypars of age, lie ood swimmer, and he jumped ln ep water where the boy had gonçe he third time, suceding lu get- Am to the wharf, where he was to safctyi. itby Civic Holiday. DNSHORE PARK SPORTS. INTERESTINO HAPPENINGS ANOTFIER YONGLI 0brh' F THE 182ndi BATTALION IN DROWNI Wbitby's second drowning accident was ai stOhnreceltL* hvid a very1 suc and ece edshrlayCm n leise than a month occurred on Mon. and ai DUO -FiNIS n or;fL :fti gree par:. Tey AUdilated, aeinabout l no t:: :The truck de day evening aI lthe wharf at Port W - Da $ f it i<ui t e o ds Io the 8n corated with streamers and pennante by, 183year.old Josepit James Southweli, theywc For îîalion 1is 1Iolm*WIELwa PPiied bearîng the names of each place where on of Mr. and Mms. Jas. Southwell, was th Ilcad ForUte Dry,î îi. i jurias, of a mator truck, the recruîtîng ca npaign ad been car- t~ioMîxiîgRequt wIru itbdi'u'd Moortuee ie 1 a ae r gbeing the vlctim. The accident occurred îlot ail ;o' alitnfisi intahia'le iawadays, and Lance Corporal H. H. Morion bas about elght o'clock, at the end of the pyi ths- rq111inl[t to Particuiarîy been relleved from attpndance at the :îew cernent pier wbere the boys of the as wel I t stcks (n I(Le %ititt's and i Itd w 1,11;11 ig us ut now ls course luB.P.anîd P. T. ait Camp Bor- iown have been accustomed ta ewim.I the col ftilsie te ePutato otr r t "' 't tr1ri,; 1trin rcrui ttg de- den. owing tu the- deaîh of hie father. Several af tbe Young lads were en-byua r iLs llt- tar of the Counlty ta Officers and men af the Battalion joîn loyîng a dIP iln the cool. waters to- .1a0e otîerlef tîin II ~ î it. 4 t ia a great saving ln isympatbizing with himlmniibie lace. rethîer. They had hurried down ta the ie s one aplicaiian. 'l'Il ', fittîp. l :t, 1, rt ialis a caving of 1 Following are rerent promotions:- lake after havlng supper, and at eonce, behId est îanîd nalct wav1-ila fi- itý(eitdenice of railraad Corporal 'Pat" Griffa ta be Sergeant: çarm froîn thelir run, ,had plunged ln. 8s Bai stron poisn. 1* 1 1'\ t ft 1a1.Wce'-Corp)oral Mitchell ta be Car- %. canteet wae tged, the abject being wavse stroî~ oisn. Ij î1-t-r" il 1w lte egulation i ParaI. Thai a boy, Pat! ta dIve ln ta (lie water more times than The lîli'glt Anti watftîv i' .. ' h aiup at lHeydnshore With t thirty-three men an fur- anyane else. Little Jne was doing hie afterna 10 lb. for 25c,- r '4 t *'lotigl.i, '*briTlglngltu the s;hetives," and beet ta catch up on the record of one Buryiir l t' ' s ' t' nd Stfiekiç'v are eiudy-..ftu'ty ment recraiîing. the- usualîy pap- )f his comrade%, and il le tbaugbtlihe Tbe: r' r ;tîtanecertificat(, ai u l'r and mntch saugbî after rank of p-~ becamne exhausted and psIblyfan ed cd ti PUE ARS RU ' "lit tr:e of Insruction, 'atps las omiewhat depleted. Ta sebhHe lied climrbedIon tn the wharf and Iast yei in 1) 1.li t,- - \Itl and Lit-ut. Steckley was -Major lias absolutely forbldden ieick- the uisual dive. The boys thought lutilie where if ~' .-(crîtlitiag uat iVashago. taess amoag tlie meii an pt.rul of hie of Ibis, as they frequently joke raid he tsaio i.'"tsbteu detaIle-4 lu cite- dsîau This Is îarticîtlarly bard play thie usuai panks while swimmlug. la a go r r ; tt'ckleY nt Washagou ais the- 15nns thcy nass and repasi on camiug ta the surface, however, the dep J. . 4BL.Sr torkburn. Officcr lu 'Ie cool Interlur of lte srîaélnîîe hospti- lte boy lay on his back and trioti feehly tbowa t] J.E.WILI 'leBae 'opayba ben ti etiqti, ('y aptain sco. utne baud l'e paddîc bimsecf ta thet- inz hi 'r a ltrte wet'ýks' colirse ln M-O.. lu th(, Battaîloln. Anxious Inquir. wharf. Hie plight being noticeti, lie pulled Drugglst and C'ptcian r' aI Itockce ile 'Ranges. Iles b Ileuic caas lu w-ht-n the- nurses r arp 10 arris c lins e .liciltd no defilite M F.>l<'t r itwisla lireh( ranlîs at lle-ydiî. tinrnat ion. Ail art-, lowever, hold.Si JBrock stari lnuis-the proud tossessor Inihe ' ,sreadi lu 'go sick"' at a j !6thglr . h St, . W h 111 1,1t, u lid x' h ietiud :nlt. Thix Iomet'wflet ice, lnuItle evetothRece tlrd iyi - I 't rît r k -~~s li y îfr Il a t*tofIl v ir arh eriv a ri. al ha h op ii rt'1re iha rt- li, entî;îîs ore Ita be. (cfIlb.' s rud O. S. Iiaialité o itaoffer A dt-spatc from Ottaw-a on Moeday E -iitrs h(,N- re eppoed o b. o the182-nd0. . Bttalonln ffe-claie Ithat the CiterfPress Ceasor au- TuE fMt s II îi 1 t ' 1 1w' allemeetinîg hbld 011î if ing fn-c huoard anîd lodging oi h coul naunces the folldwing troops have ar- 13 Tu cac îl 'ia flnserve r:-ce'n:1 s ans efl ausward of lie.wdrishore Park. oaltervSbaeyI ligad 1t nario j l2ad I I'at slisS*-rgt ibbHhonsanad lAi-ii.satitage of Ilî, litsflot been fully appre- 103rd Brti4b Caliîmbia Battalian,109th 3.30 rtp;t bh iv ere gîsen close ai- t-blefd duriiîg the- hot dtaaY oftliht -.5. Baitalian (Victèria and Hialiburtan field sp "Scranlon Goalle Ilattitt. itiiitb. Suait'have accepîed ut aur Counties, LieuLtCalFee), 1121h Nova I e ;~s'î Bridge and Rama ileerve int-r. liuw'vî'r, and are satlsfied wthjscotia Jîattalion, 1151h New Brunswick 100ay i .- "i.-ltte idui' s' cIl la stiîtlylag rt-cri-Ile ilîcaîsels 's and lis. How about you? Batiallan, drafts and detalse 100 y 4AFTLiP l11i;.>1 kIKi. fori- il,' tittlreal buiiiiiioiis wsiiie lave- e' i'bi-uss and bugle bands aînd tUit, Many Whitby.-boye are In the 1161h '$1, 50c. bt-eii raised, i l bit-n ing Icfitbrll few NU O0. claRs mnade a ditermined and ual 'Battalion, and lter. wlll be general me. ISiant New Prics rtW sîa bi Iiîd ll tri' for 'miliiary service Ini eitirply uiiitcecssful assauli an the ar- lie! eefn bogoîtewoefPy itiî'r utflheet- villages. tillery ai G.I. Wiîson,tbie photographer, coîîatry, 10 knoyï that they have cross-t Quart Freeli imiii' - 2Ni '. t - a ttsiivr'tiiîg lut tihe iilcpr'stg ofuit Monday alght. Defijilte resuIts have ed the Atlantic safely. Run Eg sî ri(\ r ' ilie ' lS2nd fletta-lliuaw-as lit-Id ai Waisi-i-rflot >yei beeun made kuown.MrT.G htedecvdacbl- Lin lro omini thidv ie 24lh of Jlt-.. A'At Itemoment o! wrîîîng, cveryane grin. Ton.Wdîitde1d r ievc saonale- ir eolning t. " l'u rowd I Oued tht- sreet lu front >of uic in the ' n. Orderly Room la cmîîîng LI-ron Wdsay ro eeu Rnr brilîltit- v .- ~ i aul uriî,-rî Ibd. -ie speceswere a caliafleil cînile. Six gacil men andi Gordon, advieIug'hIm of the safe arrn' Hait dei.-e ront e t tîtIiliîiaritck lîy te bave core ne , and are be îng sssorn va ite t attalion. Tney were Hr sitiî t. r 't Lieiit Pattans Ser't.GibosandMil rib Cl Ccbu.ailI weclland liad a good trip. Run a 'eu n i om-acur uiîgpcar8scr mhsn Thli total number uf recrulîs as n re- CHANGES IN TIIE 116TH BATTAL- Redi C aa ver>' warm receptian waB accord- cuit a!flte recnriuing canîpalgu iles1MJ,6 o'ci t thie speakers. Aflerwards a dance rîeanaing thie 251 mark. In addition. lu camp arder%-ssaed ai Camp Bar- 25 yai asbell ai w'hlcb -a number of thie mari% tare pramislng ta corne ln afler den ou Monday, Wâs thé accompanylng Divin' E ReB O , w lb wdsi-le oti sur ane epcr-hr'sparagrapb, refertfng ta tbe 116th On- Quart Blell i phoitne 14. rot. A draft ai tht- Il castialties from the lario County Battailon, wiIl be o! lin- Canot Iflic rt'cmitiîg meeting lîeld aI Se-.IlBthB lattallan reacheti camp on Sun- le.resIta many.Sic th Battalion Haîfi bl1iglt sias aticade-d hy a nutuber a! day, andti îcr transfer tu the 182nd bas already left M91araCap the orla:n lite "outît -menilut tht- district, tis "'cl l Batalion le now being completed. dera have doubtleà been put Int effect Catch! J. J-1(iiVILL JAMES as tîte older peupile. Tht-y gave care- 'Metse are ail A1 It-n, but owing 101 ere tbis. .I .0 fuIiii"tiîiint-h4dre of the sickuess ai the flime o! departure of the "The followtng thanges affectlng the 182nd C Cari- I t i.ri d Contractor. akr. anîd a stI-ring appeal fai- aitn li6îh were sinable to accompany tbeni J î6th Battallon w#re announced to-day:J ering. p'lans r'ti t,,Il - iitates funiîlshed. sias matit'anitise close by Lient. Preu- overBeas, .no it rod To b. 1 Meute'"'n ïtW.,-iC-lCift,M. IL.],-Ail et Sa"r '~ ter. S. brlhîlas lîravîdet a number The flialli o w h Rtl os od'eit; it : .,muTË.a'lyland; 10t nth Sas!_ f ir B ils. Roîa o! m-n brutt lientre elttl more whiO essor of g Inew motor transpot TIn theauoay Luînn F .dav Agenfor rantord ooliil linuil gis-" bt-cid ta the-m couitry's cali. gi-tatt-r part qf -the purchase price Of Taylor; lo be Major-Capt. Geo.Every; îng, Mo, Box 4n'- NNSlliitîY Phone 149 A s-ries o!fmeetitgesiwent- ht-d ttis essenlial plece o! equlpînenit as tu be 'Captains -A. W, Pr-att, H. V. Milita -- ____________.\ltle i. ý,Itîtbuîra andi Iliechilu. This supplied by the Oshawva Ladies' War Gotîld, W. E. $ier Captaîn Adams Refree MR riae Lcenes. teite liitiiîg ofIlIte repcrultti cam- Rëlief Society'. Wilson, Captain H. W. Sharpe, Lit-tA. tse parli tbalitsIllsMatia Towsnhin At firechin Tandsman CommI bas bt-en taken off Geai-ge Grierson and Lieut. Frank H. Grand ulit .wieue a largeoanîtier of shieîîdid lte alto hum,. ant isle ow tootiug the- Taylor, reslgn their appointmentc.' up-town il. ALIN. si,cîîîîuus ofinaood. Tttt-e men meon transport horu. IlriîPSI lîos-erlling steca 01 - 'ieht Battallon Fit-id Day and Wbltby Càpt. G. W. P. Every, of Whltby, bas park, re 1- -rriage Licences, lotis. Tht-y art- trytmsg lu derîde 'irbat clir Holiday 15 belng looked forward been promoted te the raak o! Major, Retura i-.-- store, WVlitby. eeuîrse ta ailoîl. anîd Ile for stuch inca ta b>' eîeryone. anti la ln command of "Cl' Company. Admitm ï - requlred. aîs tise.-tisat the meetings are ht-Id. Sr Mjr Deino' heclLt tut. H. L. Major bas been made a ef teiiîoc - -I l IslIopersuade mcn ta sacrifice the rl a is bcao ns mreprt c Captain, and wlti doubties e hosecond 12, frise. ple.suesandproitof hePYNenttie ochday. Sev-erai of the men have l command of *'C*' Company>. The Greater Canada Improvoment i for tht- glaniotts hîcitage o! the fuîture bten caugbt out behindth ie pavillon Lieut. George GrIerson, was witb LandCo.,Llmlsd hiclidpeiepntise paritlîhey ai-c Land C o., nmtarlo prvîpaned ta take lu thîcîr cotîutry'e, prncticing for the sprints and lumps. -' Company>, bas been permItted o10 l Vwh y .cause ai tce eet tl e..Aqitatle t-vente are ta !orm an Ira- resign. Illa understood tbat hle desired Jul>' 't Ilty naro A as-etiug o!flte aflcens o!fItie Bat- portant part of tlie programn of sports. te JoI>lte Motor boat patrol. Hi baWbty r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 't i-irEiieNaig.,lîoiwlib slio usd> u-Aliai o! the es-ente o!flte alternoon sonaof Col. Grierson. of Oebawa, dieratoru h-I or-citel.lirst LýiatA L-ttge4, ust St, ai lîeadquarters, 1Heydnshore lnan eveln oamme ishfue.COL SHARP*I DENES CERTAIN day Whî ~i iprî... and @tii oIi. Pai-k. i tohe1ouano bs su.RUMORS. few- droj I--iii --t ri tily Ileati l 11-, lBroek St. Tht- rcnîulxng tcampaign le belng Has anyhody seen our la.undry? If The Wbitby Gazette: 1101 511f I- tr-iit 19. iii l't.tte ~-caried ar t huut-t-k inIll he Townshlp the Sanltsry Wet Wab.ito! Toronto Da i:1anitre htmi'Teb o ! f1ioraît. sîIî lt eadquiàrte-s nu Bt-a- doesn't show a 11111e lite, militer>' op- ist ir a mements r ea cicat d ijTheIII 196 %A A e"itafi. A big Iatri-oule meeting leabt- 'rations whhl bave ta lie suspended a sahtrougho Areth e n lurepe t. rotu, umm,.a i 19171t>lie hli lnIi iis towî ou Sait irday. Aug- Camp Cockbutrn, and abolutlonary op*nur eulpmt te ntl n w e ec to1aihev i i Sl. -alos omecd, i Lieut. an M. Wylerw-ho e lu chare 14.t 1 ylhave irides a mtor cycl AI GI ST D LVEit 'h.etiiiDmt biai va preente to-s d' C. A. McClellan, THE DOMINIO-N BANK N Establisheti 1871 N CAPITAL AMD REERVE $13,000,000 vi .Farniers' Sale Notes F.inifrqwM o ell to lenve thmir sale notes with 'ho D)ominion lgank N fu iu c Cti. COLOUIt -LhOt Manager. i N WHIT8V B RANCH: S. D. TERRY, Manager. *OSHAWA C. N. HENRY, HOT WEATHER S8PECIALSf at PeeI's Shoe Sto re White Canvas and Popliri Boots, Shocs and P mps. ,,Flett Foot " Outing Shoes, OxfcGrds, 'Tango Pumpa and Sandals. The -best obhing shoe ma-de for al isport ana recreatlon. -A fulll hue of the latest on Eand. Phono 181 *s'ockou t«, Wh1tby 1Pumps anid Oxfords always -, àLELa O PieUaidGardeaSd Fiâts ic Seo Good Service, Qukk Prkes Rlght. 11115 o'clock p.m. sharp. I3asebail, O.S. Battalion, C.E.F., Ys. 235th 3attalion, C.E.F. O*CIOCk. Milltary display and ports. itth exprcees. yard dash, senior. $2. $1. yard dash, Junior (Bugle Band) Aing Broad Jump. $1.00, 50C. ýcal exercisce with arms. rer mile race. $3.00. e$200. ning broad jump. $2, $1.- ng pyramid. Ing, hop, etep and jump. $2, $1. mile race, $3, $2. ;e Vaultlng ning Higli Jump, $2. $1. race, $3. $2. Cross race, 75 yde. $2, $1. lock p-m. Aquatic sports. ard race, $2, $1. gi content.$2. $1.1 er mile race, $3, $2. îrace, $3, $2. mile relay race. 550c. for eaeh second. ing the duck contest, $1,00. o'clock p.m. Football match. O.S. Battalion, C.E.F., vs. Pick- ,tries 10c. ýe eypnlng--electric llghted nIidý udeville, band concerts, dar.c- Dving picttîres. .ry Brase Band and Bugle Band. ?shment boothe by the ladies of k. Hot water provtded free. il Trunk railway train leaves 1Station at 1.15 pun. for the eturning lbaves Park aI f6 p.m. rare, 10c. lion, 26e. One admission for on and eve»lng. CbIldren under A RAINLESS MONTIIL was almoot a rainlees month tu' On Stinday, JuIy 2nd, a thuîla m. accompanted by'hail, sWept' etown and Vitinltyi inethat itby bas had no rata. beyond a »S On on. occaon that wâre leleent evea to colôr the. dueL; un apzssars te have basa pecut. imune. Wiie the vilIAg. ef' Ë. north ot hero. *njoyed al Èbower ont day, Whttby - w l ar tmile o ll ou u by îh. Coety, -owi.Gardé». usare be*mgu% rodup a; *e. ubl.gasdraie comea vr i. paohed .artb viii net reo. m a ufItat by o0lemrIrqrut. .eg i . Vol. 54-No 5 GAZETT vY-'aasiq L'rJ"IIw, eA.N&A, TRURSI)AY, AUGUST 8, 1916 f - j f r? / --t -I 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 "t - i - t ý P. 1 -- - - -- . %FI a %Fi %J vvnlrlptlv nlanmAlbve% dwakir

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