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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Aug 1916, p. 3

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.ç,. IlLI W ce MWUL r»L Nearly Entire Austrian Garrison Surrendered, It Having Been Dembralized by the Suddenmegs of the Attack. A despateh f ronm Milan, ltaly, saya:1 sistance nearly the entire garrison Since July 20 operations have been! surrendered. four hundred prisoners,j conducted hy the Italians ini the upe two guns, severai machine guns and San Pelegrio valey wih conidr1 considerable tnaterlal were captiretd- San eligrin vsley ithconsder The Italians have ince pushed their able Ruccess. One detachment caPtUr- advantage stili further, and have oc- ed the stronjg pogition of Cavall.azze, cnpied Cima Stradone, thus formning a key to the two passes of Rollo and a serious menace to the Austrian posi- Col lPricon. The Austrians, though tion on the flolomnites road. The points they held well defended Positions, of advantage gained by the Italians were completely demoraiized by the give thon, command of the San Pellà-, sudden attack, and after a short re- 'grino and Travignolo valcys. Spirit of Men at Front la 1>er- feet, Sayn Under-Seeretaryr of War. A despateh frein London says* Lord Derby, Under-Seerei.3 of War, who recently viaited the British front, on Wednesday gave the International News Servilce his impression of the work being done there by the Britizh "Inever 58w such absolute confi- dence, not only smong the off icers, but ail the grades from the generals down. The Espirit is absolutely mag- nificent Men who, fifteen montha R909 Luerffe in soldiers agialet Markts f te W rld NEW GERMAN WAR HORROR. «After ait, you- cannot beat a volun- Markes ofthe oridteer army, where such spirit and'ocon- Proposd That Prisoners Be Taught fidence exista, for rernenber, I ahould Eresdatuffe. Hun Language. aay ait Ieast 93 per cent of the army 9 i t n lin "- 1.29î No. 2. $1 26t: In a leading article in the "'Vos- ar J uteB hl h eane N, .1, $1 2ï. fitrîîck flnv ports. elyol &tdtermnsmd NIisl1 Ii i ,N )2 C NN fil ô No. sische Zeitung" we have f urner in- U realyonywate hirmnd md 3 <' 0 flIc. esira No.ri' ~i o jr' bformnation regarding the remarkable u>frten' Ii V, [) lttti n. 1 <or project for increasing the power sd Lord Derby w ua asked whether the t i ri k li or .ît NoIyîî' 2lviflec f emnyhoghu gained in the recent British .ilelI ky jr in-- advunce w21-lrlfleoceofhGthen baseshot of ari i ' No 2i 4« t 48e..worild, by teaching the Germnan Ian- avnmou.wrt helssso fuRiir i, freights outftîd , g'uage to thte hundreda of thousands Lord Derby said: "There is no m-Sii -'&) ,81 1 ro-2nd. rerr'F,<,,of war prisoners scsttered through- etonbott. . 31 d !2 ri t4c ,fet-d mWîefat. S9 1o ut the German Empire. The pro- Be paid tUlbuta to the Pruasiana, q '-n9 n nniinil S 7fiin$1S5:moters of the scheme sea in it a who, ha aaid, we-re fighting 1k.' fo,,irgt sampiip. Si 2R tu si 50. ao- unique opportvnity of Spreadiugl "tigers," but their confident apfrIft 6ol, , isgt usd abroad what they underatand by ýwinmpabewtth riL Il Cf,. .reet-i arl î i, nîr, 6oî IL)62r-. Deut.schtuîn," *and think t.hat wr Rwainmparalenwtbthe Bithe.a ni--Iot l"g tofi-'Igliosi<q l prisoners inductedi nto the mysto,.ies L ord ryin th length onte wa, cording t, loi relghîsutqiip of the langzuage will ha one and ail named a specl i ure could only be flIt eNo 1i i<inmerlll, 6 to I97c, fi(,- aote nteg tcue v'Irdltig tbfrptirttsoutaide psisi getcue It doea describeil as a fool, but that the next Maîltfotha tlour-Pirmt 'lýlt, in jloie flot occur to them that to treat these two weeks9 ought ta see great things lg f )il , isron im~tlenttiliIJ'lié'prisoners with humanlty, to feed aieel ~« ~ a -"rîinz 0thera properlv, to sheiter them froni "What will you do with the Kaiser POu, tlaiJq filVrWntpr. the loath omrn ockery and insulta to yougohm!"Lr Drb wa $41 l 42.ln n ga Ilirok. ifi ? L r D ry TýIiftnIrot îI stît f eori $ 4 2.' tjk %hich they are daiiy exposed might askd iiiI,<,1 i nipt stim-en li'e a surer wav fscrnghi s kIlot etl 'lir li)ts el r'. NIt"ill7<eatl ' ni o eurn~hi Icannot aay, but 1 promise ha t ît tags c lu"Itp t'ri. t eer an advocacy for the future. won't be able t do any more harm,"P 12"1 Il)$21 , i pi r -1 1 $24 The"Vos-sische" writer does not rpidteUdrSceay dig veltttgsmr ton $24 , $,2F god rpidteUdrSceay d Ce'îti',r rft'g 1 itt,$1:' believte that the million or go of Coutrprdulirisoners wdii unanimously takie to 'But we've got to get him first." Coutr Podcestud'ting (;erman ua a relief te the "When you get to Bapaumue wil F"î<riî54t< Iatrt % 2 monotony of their captivity, but thora oe etteebfr einn e i']Fl 3H tnf24 1-- , 25ore-htusad% forwhom dmino9soffeInb-ve?" he was asked. t '"r1:11 2 - 1 Ji2% are24 ru tandsfor wh', toù oe "We wont reat until we get to Ber- ,'glirq ,jj t t1_I 't' i n rd football afford no intellectuallicaeteep. tl#ln1 $4 t,îjt 10852if, , . _r'rî, stimnulus. and these men would only Lord Derby made an earnest plea tIl k. d Ille too giad to master the key which 1', 7 2,1. open lto then the treasure house of termed "Gorruan kultur." Moi pIea<'rip r> - '.~ ,rai(it Gethe andi Schiller, Leasing aud "We want America in with us," ha flo 4" t' $12' " I t-> i<t ' utran.It i 15 edoumore- i<r r,lilli% i ,,, , - 1 sn pît~~moeadded. "Not necessarily in the war 1 N'21 ri, 2fic . %IPat t a nuage ila -far mbut N,'% P, 2 j, nr '1rtha teitl, btafter it la over ta help to 1 2 1i t. ,, W.I.'0, r',81 er tous dividing hune between nationpuanedt this thing called Gar- and n at ion than geographical houri- mari kultur. I roalize, sud always pro't à 10na..1 lariesq, or differing customs and lsws. have done sr ha80 Uie Sae cIt ' 1r 1- ' rIl, Tvach these English, French, and t~ h ntdSae Il Nt-qfl, 11 '- : - 'i. , 1' " is overwhelruingly pro-klly. I can ý - l"ý, ",Russians the Isuguage of their cap- aiso uuderstand that thora must be a l2t 7' <'a 1 1,la1i' . 7 tors, and you rpmnove the main ob- 29 . ' .Hstd oth rwhfcrtiht ertain amount of friction between thet two countries during a war sucb as; ils 21 ' 1' '< *~î i~and i;ympat.hy for Germaus and their tî,btoram r h an. 1 4 ~~ ~~~~~cause. isbu u isaeteam. Monteai , 'ven should only 10,000 to 20,000 Lord Derby looked towards Amern- <t riiuers be wnove tu tke prtinca jolning England sud ber allies at 0<,,,, 2 c , ~te proposed course of intuc i aet atr t :,~, w otan ob f prevent a repe..ition of. ara ...keth t f4l .1- 0't, Ri postles who %011 aftetwarods be spread peet 'f)llg *' S(<t 4 t, is ~,- ,over lte countries no,* hostile t sB RITAIN 15 MAKING0 i"li"tts - S Il $627'r, and wilI certainly act 'as the aposties E OW MJIT NS I'Mk- $1n oi t P U1 14pt«, . o f the GarmanBpiît.." iII i 12 $,,. ,,,c, s3, 0IGPAN LST OCAAD.Factories to Make Oaa Clams ef Ex- S.,- ttKNGPtNSVIST T C<iDX pleaites ln Vait Q5fuantte& l'" "ti ' 21 1 PTpWt uc . A despatch froin London aya: $17: ~ ~ ý 'tt is c"i)<t "7. oE cat ~~Duiing a discursive dehat. on the t' a -*.~1 2 N.l Soen asWar Parmita. qa~escfti utaRt, ' et, k IL 1,,. 2i 6 Io 27lq eto softev trl .àR islî Winuiteet Grain. The appointinent cof the Duke of Deý Commous on Wednemday nlgbt, Dr. "t ,,r h'1' t' n,)leatvonshire ase Governor-General of Can- Christopher Addison, Parliamentary ~ NN' ,tll ', l\1. do. ada may b.e regsrded as a forerunuer Sacretary of Munitions, la repling te Si N,- t ' l i l4 7 1 0î1 of te n'sdterminetion to make a -qus saint! dthat the Dpat sn <f . thoKln'sd Lro-e... 2 f-N 4, e;î tour of Canada with the Queen as of Munitions was endeavoriug r Il Io, 1 9-- : re- sour i ter the war as possible, accord-. duce the contracta forý munitions l $1 7 è 1'71 è ingte the London correspondent osf the th. Unitedl States by lnereaslug theId Manchester Guardian. output hera. Iu one particnlar clasa of i22 Unlited tateg Mtk.tU .Reteennt las made tu plainby the explosives, ha said ta. departint bad kk \' '" ton 'Ju King tu visît Canada durlng the Duke undrtak.n the. conistruction and- N ' 21 Ila,,( $ 1Northern: s. o uhtstriof office, the .quiJsment cof factorias to Provide thos t" i, 2.11 "ar assertion being made that they were explosives on an unheard ofsfceaie. ilO N ~ 89 ?our cut short by the outbroeak of the war. Vr n r , $171f- S4 bb, 7 The Duchesa of Devonshire Le sot BRITSE STAMERS SAIL t DI510 \,,iv <1< . No 1 hrf .ouly Mitresofth Robes o hePOUTE-- TI.t N, 2 "': , t., $12 41 i iar& la k. -d e.U 11.5BLTC Sir i q j"'-,-' ---' jiiieJulu. 'm s one=" h VAQUSIRM rielius. 1>.'. iitw ~ ,,,,<t~"""ber, 11.h231-: h. wss, before ber mai-hage, Lady ntrack $1~ ~ ~ ~~p ;< <h. 't lj 1,Evelyn Mary Fitamaurica, ilaugiter tî' ~ ~ ~ a k' ' y'N' m e l;of9? Lord Latiedowap- 8h. la e greet 5suocilfavorite esuil ouaetfLeuion'u - -- Imott popular hostas. Bath ah. sud LIv, SOt, Markeem Ithe Duke have vlalt.eilmors thàn once. t ~ , ,, i "hr.aty $tee",. ss.id- is o4l' îl, good, 87-90 to GERMAN %4ORKMEN <"'7 ~'<' uthera t*als.VRGED NO'! TO STRIKII $6 75 .u.O d bis $ f it w '<Choies$u.1 t A despetch frein Berlinu ay-The tilf»lllqlt lt < SA78 t;;#Ï,00.<f oelist Ex.cut.lv. Committe. andi the ln JRP P '" S 26 @t ~oce f ce General Commissien cof Labor Ualoe Crs~~ 0t "n t<>2876 ocan nea in inGermAy.«have Unlt.d iluaeJeht 'ni ~ t 'c' S u84.6o0 milkers, cttol ""~~~~~~~,, b 0o 80.00< do,. ,apa iit.w.ka d80 b e an<d oM. 8ucO o81 0:part ,tevon l"«htt S? 6 ' 89.00 twlIî CWOS cîlpate lu stik« a d demonstre-. 17f,$0.0,1îrF ru , %ep Ie tion. whlci the .. Adital l06dMrofethfe ' 'gbd mi choper lSit. taI Liebkuecb Croup et So"ista ai'm l 187165 ta s go tndl8CvornIg teorganise Tn».pao- fý' t-P&rrf@(j 811.iO00 b S 1.ý10 pie a&e varned gil ngvntert 5ttt SIL1180. il25wiat la tenin et!t.Shady propagande -50 l.-utlvuhmp*r 8 tcf "the aposte, et protat sad tIi Iln -1Io air, 17 tb tg 1 fair genersi ulnike," It betg heeareti that Il< 5.11 : fa'r. $86ut'l$mr75, ;esuch efforU are roomud lu adme .te S' t ~ Butceh. Iusis. fallure ail can only inure the partie. 51 t 7 od, $io t80.50: fair, P su ad dlsccurage thoir brothert $6rannera. $Scié f5 petn jaînba. Ilied. e-, ght R lHABlTS INOERMIANy ON A DAREAROIUS pRffrax. AIR WODtTH $6 EC.,Ad&pl to oao a1 t civillans have been exe«eW by'tise A ý,rt4xnegeTelegrrem despatci jGermagilqat Obeat ebarguiwl&M ws te Londéon frein The lae ay, Tii, treas.aea coetr*ng t. eEweu,' A à Pricet Of herses lu Germny bas iouts- Mstiam 4d«uptuhâ ohgTs iJ lai. Fermera art nxkng fote.. Va. The. upatlidonyibtOUi selling rabblte et 2ô ftiaJ*a «ehs . eGeUMUMa bak r &W «» ?AOB hm bad weataer la plllng tlie erps." 200 vmelm iuo"dp A$f l A man wltaout & c Tr l n~umably teOkuIuI' k wljo lvetîn tovu. mty maw irb à: ' L.ave Ruasicu Ports snd Are Navi- gated Arouad Sw.deu. A dmspatcb frein Stockiolm maye: Ainst evary day Bnitisi steamers ly- iug at Russlian ports manage te "et eut osf the. Baltit aml escpe the Ger- mea cruisera.Tie ships geperely mmos th. Gulf cof Bothula sud an pIloes!&round Swudea mulde the.ter- ritorial linait. Tis traffIc durlng tae lest fewwfteka buhea en aonelaably developed,,1Ti, uhlpa asa crul. tek* on board amenture Owedisi erew euh 8wedlsli ffleura. Tb. p".Me va- pers ber. am urglug tbat this trafic bu stoppe&, entemhlng thet 112la Det lu accord viti shoolut nsbUtrt. But tae Goverumtbau t"keem e. tien m fer eabaM t TUEKISR SUEZ STQly àas PU AUUCATION A despateli frouIa Leion clalu» fta Tusthsis htur 1 the Sou 0" ~ vertiseEttS lima torswmr aIed tu tfr tag *wsii tatass' .v la. Wu CfA.lx. ý eu tisat « amw .v.Jay yadim !rgm &«U" st(M 1 Rus a (XI Ral) nBssaiPU*hnh Svisly bus .O$*w tic «« mué. CamaPle. moelaule 'ýt- b i JfLVi0 SO èU5U - WHERE ROBERT LOUIS STEVEN1 Eteum of inter.t Frein plae.uSON 18 BURIRD. LaPpeil 0y Wayes of the % Atlantia, About Tropical Parass Whlcb W, Noew Brunswick graduata nurses Have Taken Prom the have organizaI.Hus At fia aga csf 105, Levi RichardscsnHn. lied lest week et Fredericton, N.B. To a race csf isiaudars like ourseivai Wm. Boutillier, s lumnbemman osf 45 the ides csf hoisting the British fiai years, was found dead ln bed nt HaLll- over au euemny isle makes s strong auc fax. romantic appeal. This le intensiffet Eldon Whnot, e Nova Scotia sailor, by the tact that our Australin cous. died fron sccldeutaliy drlnkiug bey ins bave taken and occnplad most o' ruin. the Issls captumad duriug the war George E. Thoinpsou, chef lu Boud's aya London Auswcrs. restaurant, St. John, N.B., was founil The first isiands to be takan were dead of heart failure. ' ýthosa of fia glorlous tropical para- The Nove Scotin pilgn-image te the .dise, Samoa, ccnsiting csf Upolu sud mhrlucs cf St. Anae de Beaupre tocsk Savai; the othar ilaaul cf the group, place recentiy. Saven cures were re- Tutuila, baing slready an Americail pcrtedl. naval station. Four-year-old 1Raymond Swaeney, The Noew Zoalendars, undar su Aus. osf St. John, lied lest week as s resuit tralien naval escort, took possession osf being run over by a heavy cerf. csf this group, sud the Bitish fiag was William Donahue, csf Fredericton,' soon ficstiug bu the bmaozcs opposite « - - ý tm resaenceo .".r :snuatze, the tGer- tantiary for assasuit on a 14-yaar-old in governor. St. Msry'a girL Samoa la the mont important group A St John leather fi-n predicts lui the Paciiic, and smie miles froin the shoas wiIl ba deerer this yoar ou ac- coast, upon a spur csf the hils, the 'count csf the general shertage csf bides Germans had erected et anormous ccsst sud calf akina. a moat up-to-data wirelesm station George Galbraitb, steward osf the whlch eau give sud take messages to Royal Cape Breton Yacht Club, died San Francisco. This wliroless station suddauiy miter ýtio deys' ilînesa Of 'sud plant were slmpiy put out csf coin- pleuro-pncunonle. mission by the ramoval (by the Gar- Seater MacDonald died receutly at mna) csf e few important parts, but bis residence et Glace Bay, near Syd- was quickiy rostored te workind'order ney. Ho was boru at River Denys, by the claver oporetor who landail with Cape Breton, ln 1837. the New Zesal Expeditionary' Herbant M. Smith, superintendent csf Forces. an lnulâtlng plt et Great Bsrning- ton, whie trout fisbng recety The fousa of R.L.S. ceught a mallerd duck while casting Samoa la famonsalal the world over e fiy f or trout. as the lest home csf Robert Louis Stav- Supt. A. R. F docf the Live Stock enson, sud bis resting-placa la markot! Division csf the 1.11B. Department csf by a great granite atone, the grave be- Agriculture, bas beau killed in action ing on ouaecsf the highest peaka lu while fighting iu France with the the islaud. Hia old home, Velums, la Princess Pats. now the healquarters csf the adminis- Dr. Elizabeth C. Secord, the firat trator. duly qualifieil sud registered prectis- Apia roadstead waa the scene osf iug lady physicien iu New Brunswick, 'that historical cyclone wbeu H.M.S. died et Fammenston, N.B., receutly lit Calliope, as she eacapad, wes cheereti the are cof 72. - by the crews csf the sinkiug American Win. Walsh, M.A., souncsf Ed. warahlp sud tac other dooma vasmela. Walsh, Rocland, N. B., bas beau 'h was also iu Samoa, not long ago, awarded the scholarsbip et Washing- that Americans, Gemmans, and British ton University, . presented by the joined forces lu subdulug e native me- Kuighta csf Columbus. bellion. A wedding perty dnivon lu a large The isîlacsf Upolu is ouaecof grat touring car, o'wued by H. Young, csfj beauty, hilis nising above huIs, al the Yosrk lofai,' Fredericton, wes bsd- clothed wita tropical verdure. The ly sbalceu when the machine crashed rosIs aIl over the island are good, snd into the curb sud amasbed both lalmost averycsne owns a homme or wbeels. horsas sud buggies. ÃŽ1 ae 9 d 1". A. Jjtxon, ii<.A., o!f M. Alison, tins beau appointaI ta, the facuity of the New Brunswýck Provincial N"r- mal' Scbooi, sud S. A. Wcrrahl, B.A., hs been made luspector lu Mm. Dix on's place._ Wocrks Longer Rouis Than Any csf Hls Subonilluates. Gener»l Sir We6cKiunon, who bas beau appoînte! liaftsr ot Recruitlug at tam British War Office, la oeeocf the most popular me lu thea ay. As Col. Meekinnon be 55w bis finit activa service lu South Afnica wben ha con- tiaudoil tie CLV.'a. Ro made huinseif Famous then by bis brilliaut leader- ship of the tamons volunteens. It la only fittlnit that General Mac- inuon abouit! b. onaetoftaememn rataerlang recruits for tie greatest rolunteer army th. worid bas evor bau, for ho bas beau associnte! with îe volunteersfer m enyyam Tho C.LV.'s (City Imperlal Volun- eors were is firsi experleno. wlta me veluateers. Frein1905 ta 1208 le as Directer of the. Auxliary Forces, Ma tram 1M98 to 1910 Dhfettar-Gea- nd osf ta. TerritSriFora. It was gr.aty due tte)do s efferts mdeed tat the Terrtoras boaie noi mn Importat paut oet 1h. rmy. s» director et tb. AuulUcry terces eo milHla, y.oaMau Meuhvolunt«nr *d ee2thing tocs goed te amy cd hlm. R. bamu amslu ofpe the. de. l£se of UW lkbbq Ca eslu baud, md in MWi té w onge«4r heurs th akatiose wl tlS 40doth* mai tbe mmn Undriân *w pg", l euakuamfe by h1"h le IsaÃŽ& y mi an oui Au tel ad lis kmh -. das atlitw O tt& " là fwu British, French, American, and Germn résideuts hava got mauy valu- able cocos plantations; bealdes which thara are asc cocoanut plantations, bananas, f arcs, sud many otier tro- pical fruits, vegetables, sud plants. The buildiftgs sud business places at Apia, the capital, are of an up-to- dateansd substautial ciaracter, euh the Europaan habitations al over the ilaad arae romy,-weU-bullt sud-cer- fortabie. The natives are aàfâne race, ceurtly sud intelligent, anil essantlally e war- 11k. race. Those wbo have heerd the. beautiful native melodias thnt taey ing in chorus eau neyer forge tbte beeuty cof fiesmeane ail metting. Thonsande csf Chines. were lutre- duceti by tas Gerans lu order te, work ta. planta#lons, for thie natives are averse te, labor; but cithougi the Chinest are splendid worlerstaey are e menace te whit.euandnative allke. Upelu cer"s-u m accf 8"0 squar miles, WhIle Savaii bous 60 Mono- no eud Apolunia ai. sinailtrhbutaryl islands), the. viiole population oet tii. latter- net exaeedlug 8,M0, of wbkia1 (ive hundi-el are white eud e tboutand1 half-east*-;tae, buflle uropeemnd halft-ome., ae on Upolu.t Germm New Ouitus wsunotba veiable eCptwre, ICmlsrwuIeblma as It lae euiibelmg tekon afttaligbt At Eenb*orhet 60 capital am t *t' ot G.nuan Qoreincmtthse Germant mare seati a fe ie fr.'s station mpib1. of twmnmiattlnt Mesues ari totdistance&. The nu'dum of MevGaInestg rçg. bm*mbb S toi 12.bohty &M- d MrIa12y *bSmImea .e tvàn re am i ant . Real Significance of the Battile of the Somme as Vlewed by Ger- man Correspondents. A despatch from Berlin maya: The -two years of the war appearà the real Vossiache Zeitung prints the follow- significance of the grat world strug- ing despatch froni its correspondent,I gle-namnely, England and Germnany Max Osborne, from Cambrai, France: engaged in a tremendous duel. Every- "The fearful battie which has now thing that has taken place -hitherto raged three weeks signifies more than between the two peoples appear now the ract that It' la the greatest at- a mere prologue. The duel has beguno tempt yet undertaken by the western and day by day it swallowsl the lives enemies, with unprecedented force, to of tens of thousanda. push back the German army fron, the 1 111 saw here a number of Engliah occupied provinces of Northern prisoners, and these men understand France. what it means for our regimenta te "In a historical senso it embodies hold out against a storm of attacks' the meaauring by the army leaders of by such. They are strong, tough, the countries of ail their forces in a wildly coursgos n tenfloB deciivelandbatle.certsinly able to stand up to their op- "For the first tume at the end of iponeuits." Y LUUASLI2JYES. N R L U B Large Quantifie. Are Obtainable FromiG E A L E B IEngiand there has been much CAN E' Y LADE tala csf lntroduciug natural Eastern' 1dyes w hlch haretofore have not e-1 H E S W E R I E N T E S O H celved mucb attention because osf theHESW ERIENTESOT t1cheapnesmsud reliability osf minerai AFRICAN WAR. 1dyes. Large quantities of the lac dye, wblch is tae basis f or s fast acarlet, im ay b e obtainot! from India, w hera fRe M ay S o t y H v ' h n e e I It is now csnly a waste product of the I Shae otlyava howano i mheilac industry. Certain roots are Sce eAauho Hi tfouud in quantities lu m uda whchCia ct e mlght b. usot! as substitutes for mad- p der. "Cutch" la an extract froin the Doca the use csf cavalry by the rbark csf fie mangrove, ývhich la used British lu the big offensive lu Picardy exteuslvely lu tauiig. Thara are ev- this week foreshadow the near ap- aral varioties, gambiar, Bombay, Ban- prosch csf the day when our herse, sol- gal sud mangrove cutch, sud ail wera diers will be exteusively usail in driv-i cousidareil valuabla by dyers uutiî re- ing the Germaus back outcsf- Belgium 1, placed by the cheaper aniline dyes. We are aIl hopiug 50 et any rate. The two main varlaties osf maugrove So fer this war bas beau e titanla found lu thacsst Indies are Bakau struggle batweeu infantry and artîI-ý sud Tungah. Tha cutcb made from lery, the cavalry playing but e amnai! the Tungab variaty la suparbor for part; but what work thora bas'beau dyeiug sud commanda a far higher to do hem beau doue wlth that aPlea- prica. There la a factory iu Britisb dld efficlancy which led Lord French, North Borueo which uow turna out ln bis early deapatchas troin the front, about 160 tous csf Tungab cutcb e te bestow the highemt praise upon monthansd wil abortiy hava an out- General Sir Edmuud Allenby, who 'ti put osf 250 tons or more. The gi-oves commander offcour borsemen et tie lu Its immediat,. uelghborhood show front. no indication csf exhaustion. King George hem the hlghest edmlr. Chinese manufacturer. ot vegetable atien for thia great cavalry leaderi ryes bave aiso beau inilucect to re- wbo visited His Mjajesty reaentiy ta vive th. manufacture of vegetable pont hlm on mattars et the front. dyoa wbicb bail'beau aiment wbolly Cavairy men lu genqral sud the Imais4 suspendeil. The higher pricos belng kiiiingt iu Particular mwear by Allen- paît! for these dyes et prement lasmaid by, for if ln iargely due te hiem mthoils te bava made possible tae organiza- introduceil On Salisbury Plainsa thal tion csf the business on souniler eco- our cavalny are to-day recoguized ua nomic prîiles. Large quantities of the best ln tas worldL the dys have aiready beau shippeil te tas Unitedl Klugdom,- wbera they are aid te be glvlng satisfaction. Thare la practicaily no unmit te the suppiy, providad ta. price pald la comniensurate wita ta. cent osf p ro- duction. Iu Japan, before the intro- fduction osfiner -dyem, taere wei-e probabiy more different vegetable dyes useil than lu auy üteta 'part eaitthe warld. Few csf ta. dys, bowevan, Jwere strlctiy. fat, and tae only ther- oughlydependabî. black w»s-the madeln tathe Kyste district ail used;. 'lcrgely lu dyelng thé baorl, the sboi%' jacket-i. germent wrn by Japanese men snd womnuaise4 The. vagetable dyes were long cg" mupplanteil by minera] eues, but azlstiug aircuza- sttaces are sal by Amneican Inus- TWO EMGOS A WEKL Ration in Cnt Pretty Sua itbe1h. W hr b n mtt t, butter end PO t- *Ms eg eau nov b. bah enly on thé. ration hats of twop er ,person .par week' Cimi.ateBoulin. The. lalcat papemn, e amm.int gontiltnew.at pr.eanl.ncry mois-et. s'qulate tae tohsupplyt m qal,,s suieiit amdalg atteust to belittia *tic ka Partance, of eus *at%« aIL» Tie pe ~r MLnt.id 'i p p 'I h h Il -~ ç~ drabos mdfadesawk *84 sts- aterverda la id olu com Peep.at AnIit Pr.A% cI eama Ã" patelin Yrltk te* AM mm t4 bal 0 Rtop daam s* -c- Native Choruses.

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