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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Aug 1916, p. 4

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ibut ugrwbO, It la anliouneed that Sir* Roger Case- *îltel'B O'cutOni, will- be a man IlMied ÉlI1a, a barber.,- We bave ai. wuAy@ aid that hangîng la a barbarous inôde of punisbmýrnî Now we are sure that It Id barbercueln this came, at The 238th Forestry Battallon, witb -ieadquarters at Ottawa, and a Toronfto offie, ba adoptbng à rather questionable metbod of raialng funda. They are tiending numbered tickets to some per- son ln each town, &ski"g that person to seIl sald tickets at 81:00 each and re- nltd. u~ria~ôo 1 anud liberty. t*aetàise1Ves becomo lï*-brebkei tu 'or. dèer o tëscbi'e monty wlth which ta zDie their expen"e. It li s"id that the State pDermits lotteries foi, religloaus and Vat- riotItepurDoseas. For al other purposea lotterles.iare ruled to be-wrong, ln« prîn- ciple and practice. Must, the cburcb, and patnlotism practice questionable mnethoda ln order-to chat?1 0 0 0 0 The Oillia Parket doosn't approve of musical r-ervices ln churebes taklng the place o?, the regular sermon. The editor asks, -"la this public wbiwphIL or public entertainment? le tbe sri-called minister of the gospel wlio stages sucli aperformance ln the name o? a relig- iotis service, to the bonor a.nd glory o? mtpFUVIQU5. iThe iattali on OwflU a Almighty God, really an ambassador of $1.000 Maxwell car wblcb, when the Christ, or ls he a common sbowman, Battaiion la at ful trengtb, will be who Is degrading the cburch mand dib- given away to the person holding the honoring the Creator?" The'ýeditor of ticket with the lucky number, sald the Puekcflsl an Angl1can,, &nd 'doubt- number to be seected by draft. lI iess can see no virtue or menit'in any iuay be a permitted recrulting achelme, forni of religlous service other than but ordinarily It would be called a lot: that of bis church. Mf the ,singing of tery, and corne under the ban of the innumerable hyrnns and anthemes and 4 I 4 4 4 4 0DD UNES 0F SIJMMER HARDWARE AT COSI PRICES HAMMOCkS- TENNIS BILLS TENNIS RACKEIS Reg. 473 for $2.956 Reg,50e for 3.e VoIe y, re g. 5'bt'f - rOOc R«tg 3.0 fu 2.ô 5 eg.'e)cf o 12,1 c Prince, 8i 59) for 81 00 B~~~~~g. ~~l .0fo 27 e.cfr25 Ilîîiuher 1. îA for I 21) 2 oniy ieft Reg. 23e f or 2 ) c Commandoi-3 30 for 2 7.5 CROQUET SETS TENNIS NETS SCYTHIES a SNATHS Reg. $2 010 for $l1 wlîtireilNet ~tien, rt>w.5e for 73e Ee.2.50> for 2oo suc) 1>1fm 51 o rp . 8 $1 15 fimr 9lie AUl sizes or WIre CIotIî Window Scracons and Screen D3)ar3 at Lqw Pulces. SPRINGLE'S HARDWARE WHITBY, ONT. i Mlany ThDusand PARM LABORERS WNE Foi IRRESTINSIil WE$TEON fEIDlu 1";GO-ng Trip, West," ;12.00 TO WJRINIP&G AVU3%J3T "'IRoturn Trip, East" $ 18.00 t'o m WINNIPEG GOING DATES (From Tar '.nto-S i¶ liîry [Âuîe an 1 Eitî, 17 ~ I An o3 ow ila tram atm into Falaor Red- 17 AND 31 :f n >1w .al fr inino . Fail. or Ho- biit, bui nôt iîîcladiuR, North Baye. AUGUST 19 AND SFI'IEUSER 2 Femi n Tînonlo, al*a Worit and Sos Lb theof Fi ttit8r pirti>. iare Ir-it nilo '.otTieket Agents. orIW. B Il wti Die? rct Péiietîler Ag~entL, Iurunto. Aug. 4, l914-War DecIared doi t iUh iIglièaai dlulih, la publie worsthipt*hy- oudthe singing of 9-aar hYOips hitsand solos. its ftetomuarîly be a *8how,", as thea Fac ket Implieos? We hope vo are broad en- ough to grant to each denomination that particular formn of terviee whieh best suits its tastes and beHlefs. Miss Dell Brown, of Winnipeg, lu holidaying with hen parents bore.I Misa Myrtle Wilson. of Pickering, bas been apending the past week witb th' Misses Balàdon. Mn. John WillIs ls under the doc- tor's care at present. Miss Mabel Mackey bas returned to ber position In Toronto after spending two weeks with ber mother bers. Miss Mabel Balsdon la having ber vacation now. The Sunday School picnlc passed off succesmfully and was enjoyed by ail. Tbe sports were carrled through boart- iiy. Almonda wbnning the clip. Miss Ella Willlu bas returned to bor work ln Toronto, after spending Ivo .weeks' holidays wlth ber abter, Mrs. A. B. Edwards. Miss Murlil Dihi, o? Oshawa, bu spendbig a few days witb Miss Violet Dickle. BASE LINE WEST. Mliss Gneenaway bas neturned home to Toronto. Miss Mary Dewan la on the slck list. Mn. and Mrs. Dbck Bradley, ofQOsh- aw-a, vers recent visitons at Wblthy. . r. John Stirtevani bas purcbased a new 1917 model Ford. We hope ho mny enjcy many pleamant tours ln IL. Mn. and Mrs. S. G. Hawley, Farm Manager o? Haiîlton Asylum, la visIt- ing frlends at Wbitby. ,Missrs. Gray andi Lranton, wbth tlcir familles, are camping near the lakte shore. Tne Pont Nhitby Syndirate are bus'.' iestting thlîir blîreshing outlit neady for the pent-u thrt-chtnnz. WL- vxtend ta Mn. and Mrs. Josieph F'ouilimell otîn deeli aympatby ln their saîd be.reaverncnt. . )SRAWA. 1 Oshiawa Y.M.<?.A. bas Iiiduced Mack Soanes. the- camable Boy Secreiany, ta neinain witb bic '.'ork Ibere. Mn. Soanes had obtabared a commnission wlth I-he, II6t]i Bat talion, but lie vas sa ungently' lniiiarbunt-d ta retain lis position ln tht. boys* wark that he finally decided ta do go. 'lhi' Ilydra Elect1rie Commission. Nv-iýe?>rcenuly look over the- Oshawa !t'1vtIrlc Llght and Ga.-,t'Co., is entitled tIo exe-mlt loti on the- proiîsrty and plant im ned hY tl. This Tntans a deroase of ý1G(> lunthe lmx r'.entbe ai the ton-n. S -dn.-v A. Liîke. nececutly elected GQxnd Mastc'n(if tbec Maconir Orden ln t laro. lP a rtir)hvr ai L.uke 1Bros., tdhe 1dm'.'. afu rnuirc-taues li eMeu b Elruess Faund rv hui ld- na %vas lîîu-u <t-t) the- graiud on Sat- *trd:i -l%.Jfly 22, al?")a.m. The- lasyll onu n t ta e! s-.,Il :Ilt ous-anid dollarF. uPd tht-r- was tttip insirancr- ou the l':il'lie T(in n < oîucil le cousîid - ng Lyiving a.sitau.'e >0the f tin t l -.tart-ýd agîîin. O)shawa Is endî-at.orln2 Ia seýcure a siie.-rr factorY troni t-a1t LuIt- Citv. l'îivate Jbohn E. Hlemson lias ht-t'a wniîndcd. nnd Privitp J. .Blond bas divd a? wounîd.s, Ilutît are nslaa 'i-. P 1< MKEl NC. We congratulate AMiss AMarjorie Alla- w-ay in having passed eurcessfully ber ç-xamination for Ent.rance tb Normal. White unloading hay wlth a bay fork Arthur Percy met with a painful ûçci- tient which laid hlm off duty for* trne. The ehain which fastened the pulley to the barn door broke, and the large rope struck Mir. Perey outIhe forehead, .causing hlm to be uncon selous fer some time. On Saturday cvening, as Thos Dwyer was returning bomne from hlm week's work ho hâd a very unpieusant exper lence from whicbho la sstili auffering. Hie states ho waa ridlog on bis bicycle, and when about opposite Itussel Bye's he heard the toot of an auto hoôrn. As the road le roUter narrew at this point lie got off hla wheel until the auto would paon. When opposite hlm the auto stopped, there being two men A ag. 4* 1916-A liés -Vinaning 1 ta ~.to Afate to yonr meaeune StlinN 7 daysm We Freoch 'dry elean or dye suit@s, iresies, waist,.;, glaves, c4inille eartains, piéna cavera, etc. Pressing, repstiring and altering elatbing at moderate prices. ONTARIO THE~ THIRD VEAR OFt THE WAR calis for tihe organized co"oera- tion of every citizen of the Province of Ontazioý ALL must lap to haten the day of final triumph. For the sake Of those who have made tueOra Sacrificeani of those now oVerseas or in trainingevey ii lq xt g'ive the -best. service possible. ' N% >one need Whie. ot 'l " be t71r7t Of Vactor cornes, but everyone must quuiiy nueW by shariug in tIbo, ucn6oes- -wmùczs t War demands, Sugestonsfor Ogno andWp.UC»84, or 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ma b.<.ê. C.ludu1Te.. la ý ama -,be 0.0 IL Suite or ývercoat@ $18,00 m $304000 Marico Murphye 1 door kuth Royal Notai, WIIITBY therein, both of wbom were Intoxicated. one of whoxn jumped out and made an) unproyoked attack upon Mr. Dwyer. After a short struggle Tom had hlm as- sailant on the ground, wben the other man got out to assist bis companion. Before Mr. Dwyer knew ho had a sec. ond man to demi wlth ho received a kick ln the back, wblch severed thbe ligaments froin the bone, stunning him for a trne. He was unable to get the number o? the auto before the men got away. The authorities have been notified,-but It le doubtful If the bood- lums can be caught, as only a very meagre description can be given o? them. Mr. Dwyer Is now under the dortor's care and wili be off duty for some time. 1 MARRIAGES. "McDONALD.SC'OTT.- At St. Mary'F Church, Toronto, on July 29, by the Rev. Anthony Hart, Ethelyn, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome tcott, Wittb-v. to John Ewen Me- D)onald, of Grand River Wet, PE. i. ROD AND GUN. Bonnycaestle Dale gi'.es came atIvice on boy not to paddle bun bis article, "I a -Lioht Canas m-111 Builri "in the Angustislsuie af Rod and Gun and aiso sonle pointers ou howu ta paddte with the- least dangs-r af an urîcet. 'Tema- garni Mca' by R.L J. Fraser be a tribut>- Iothe (lguide-, ai Temagani, titan whoný there are -na fluer band ai men." Rex Snow eontribuître "Little Incidents a- mong lBg Mountains; F. V. Williams, "Kit r-r-r-r--i k-iki-ik:"- tho well-known New Brunswick guide. A. Morehiouse writrs o? a nhoaen-ih a 52 Inch spre-ad secured befort- breakcfas-t: B. C. Tillett gives saine experietîces in SnIpe Shoot- Ing, and various nthen clonies and anti- cles o? equal interesi prect'de the negu- lar depanbments v-hidi are replete as uisîtal witb Information for bbe lover of gun, rod and do4 W. J. Taylor, Ltd., Wocdstock, Ont., re the- publishers of Ibis teprescfltatP'e Cauad Ian sports- man's magazine A TaJk by the 182rid Battn. Recruiting Committee. SOMEWHERE A VOICE IS CALLING. *Can't you hennil? Mas Il nover ail. - ed bo you? It la the vote-the appeal o? the boys ln aur thîn khakb liie ln Franco, holding back the foe from you, your home, your mother and slster, caling for you. Cao you boni' their cail and flnot reepond? Are vo not ail Canadians? lb la i<e volte o!ftce mother wba bas sent ber son, asking you to stand ahoul- don to abouldor vith i hm and defend ail vo hold dear. Il la tbevoioe of your cbum lyig wounded on t.e bttlelleid ln Franco or BIeglum. Can you bo dca!ta bis on- treaty' It la the voictl ot oui' boys whoso graves. ti'ampicd b>' a forciga foo, are atil unavenged, VCan w. over ho Proud ,to ovn te naui« 0Canadlan" If vo doi G"ANADIAN ý N ATI0 ONAL ~L~t XIIIITION SY Epfre Fedora*tion T i of ntariaO e.y, inCor We have the, Sole Agency or a Brand Ne W--Map of Ontario County, ln sire-22 x 34 Inches- Most Comîilete and Accurate. Map each towvnship the concessi ons and lots are clearIy marked. Tlhere is also shown on the map ail the Steam Railways,. Railway Main Trv edRoads, Division Court Boundaries, Division Court Numbers. S TA TI$ TICS- Station s, such as when the townships were first settled, present popu- lation, total assessment, taxes imposed-rnunicipal and' schools, municipal and sehool debenture debt, and the n. ','I ~e, tii-y -i county d,,,bcnture Every Home, Ever-y Business Office, Every'Public Bulding, Every School- should have cetCOI)Y of titis ini ftfty ini the county lias a couiity mnal. ants'ver,,s a thousand questionis, ani(l neyer cts tircd. Almost every day- smap. The map PRICI5 for Schoois or Public Buildings (mounted en canvas wlth reIIers)ý $1,00 For Office or Home (with tUn mountlng) 50e- Sent post paid to any address on receipt of price. Every owner of an automobile wants this map. Neyer put off tili -to-m~or.row the order you caîî send to-day, Cut Out the Coupon and Order a Map To-day Ericlosed fiad ...,,,, . . . for copy of your new Ontario Couaty map. j P.ar0........... ..* . .I et A. GoodfoHlow & o-n, notbing te avenge those who have taii.j Canada-iling,, eaillng te you. "Qut yoig liko men., ho atroix&<' , il te t l, 5mal) volco vIthin you, urging you to ho a mmz-play tho Can ren bear tevolte? LISTEN! DISTRICT »oiXSa.- Mns Wm Thirsi. 3r<>ek stret eau, Uxlidgrm« -wttisa a . sidoit tow veeka a$o, when ab. tell down lte oorr t~ ber bme. lufiictlngpA4u- FIÂUIT BULLETIN_ The long, botdry spel! bas ad vanced t s Bso, 3ackcurrants-are now.comin tc Lawtoa berdes-3ahi- -- -- Thimble be«rnesare at thefr b'est Plunis wfl h.net. Il tala~q~o j -t 4 ORGANIZE [or Victoy w MI 'w lu, = ý ý - ý A ý& A, A, ý& ÀLýý CANADIAN ,"PA£lf IC RMLWAY 6- .;.d ALMONDS. S-Chools, Post OfEce's, Above,ý.ý$ea Level, and interesting statistics-are also giveia, Some useful Not one office or 'homo mal). orie wants some information on this ý7 Ever Published.' ' In Elevations debt in 1915.

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