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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Aug 1916, p. 7

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The flesi Ever issued:Ouais Rifles Aînmunition, Visbini, Tackle hlêsebali, Gel Tenis, Lacrosse, camping Outfiti, ail Surnluier and Winter Sports. We want Every Main wbo Hunts, Fishes, or ~L EYS any Outdoor ame sui 1get Our 1k9rge free Catalogue. Prices rlght, satisfactionî guaranteed. Itmmenise stock, prompt shipuient 'Vou sve onry hy gpttigq Catalogue to-day. T. W. Boyd & Son*. CI, [be aneU eIEmr "El, BLANCO) IIABLO." 'How Jack Mansard WRR Marked From Temple 10 ('hin. Thv ridei of the CirceeCt rarch4 were krathteel round the roaring Cire lni the bunk house, telling stories. Jack Mansard, the foreman, said litti.', though he limtenei to the others. When the conversation slacevned, one of the younger rider, ,.aid, "Jack, 1 never FOOD IN-tCERMAN SCARCE AN» DEARI AN AMIERICAN TELLS 0F RIS EX- Agents foI PERIENCE IN BERLIN. 1 Willard Storage Batteries. *1 N Repaire to ail makes of B&ttepriee, Megnuto.*,* j GSnerator.. Eto. I quantities at about three times their normal cost. Onions are practically unobtainable. Other vegetables are scarce and dear. Tinned fruits, vege- tables, arnd marinalades are stili plentiful, but frlghtfully dear. Sugar was aimost unprocurable. Very littie coffee is for sale; psrched barley and other substitutes are beo- ing used instead. Tes, cocos, spices, and other similarly irnported articles, are either extrernely dear or flot to be had at ail. Much having been writtcn about the miik supply in Gerinany, 1 took especial pains to find out the truth. There is a dearti of rniik everywhere in Berlin, and in other large cities for that matter. GETTING USED TO IT. How Some Martyrs to Nervousens Have Cured Themoelves. e MI1 sin WY THE EXPERIENCE 0F A BRITISH OBSERVER. Pence la Deslred, But It Muet Be On Terme Dlctated by the Teuton. The Lendon Tmes publishes the fol- lowing account ef the truc condition of Germany "from, an unimpeachable source." The article is bascd on the experience of an observer who recent- ly rcached Switzerland, sfter having llved In Germany and enjoyed special facilîties for observation from the beglnnlng of the war. He says: "The press of German Switzerlqnd, from which my first impressions of the outer world ,were derlved, certainly tells the Impartial truth lu sufficient degrce te, save its rca*icrs fromn shar- lng German illusions. What more can be asked of a neutral press? "Scarcely less astonlshing than the discovery that the position of the Allies is not what Germnans fondly be- lieve it to be la thse mistaken con- ception prevalent In some allied coun- tries of the reai condition of Gcrmany and of thse state of mmnd of the Ger- man people. I propose te describe as simply as possible what that condition g Tihis dellelous table bey.. erage, made of cermia, has a wonderfully mstafyitg gtaver aud la .ntfr.ly t>', bat ansd cofffePt.. tum la 4Ieo tPur.efooê drink that hme helpid th.taado bto >'gut lth t or cof.. habit. 'ihcrc's a ReasI Orope~s ev sonb Th. Joy of a Vacationa, iýiuty b. turned' Wthé *or- row that côa*es ftom ni di- geétton.Ji The battie with hotel mienus ie a Iosing one for th~e jnan with a wealc etomach. Happy i8 the man who listeris to the oeil of the wld-who Èoes fishing, huntting and canoelng-who takes with hlmn TrLécuitA he Shrcddcd Whole Wheat wafer. Triscuit i8 trade of the wholc wheat, stearn- cooked, shredded and baked. A tasty Summer snack, oupplying the greatest ainount- of nutriment in smallest bulk. Delicious with butter, soft cheese or heard how you got that sQca r on vour lu oH-er to lZet an insight into real 1 Ver>' msny persons who have ail thse and that state of mind reall>' arc. çheek." condit ions whule traveling in Ger- skill necessary for great success at "Unlesa I am entirel>' mistaken Thesc car waa a long wshite lhue that many, I madle it s rule to avoid tise games, and lu sorne cases professions, and my experience of life in Gernian>' crossed Mansard's chevk f rom temple wvelJ'-known international hotels and are prevented from doing theisselves has been continuous-no essential to chin. It took fzome pleaîing ta get "' -top in amail pensions, or, when - justice by an uncontroilable nervous- change has taken place among the Jack t tel] his story, l'ut as laFt he t-ver possible, with a private famiiy. nesa which comnes over tisem when German masses since the beginning of yilded: That, in addition ta being able hi tiseir talents are put to an important the war; or, if there has been a change 1 wss riding that summer for tise speak thte language sud hsving thse triai. it has not been in thse direction of dis- oId Bar X. 1 was about twenty, andi advantage of -before war" acqiiaint- Young soldiers at the Front who ex- couragement. The utmost whicis or- conceited, of course. One day 1 and anc-es. enahled me to see sud hear pose themselves recklesiy are often dinary Germans can be got te aay la two other riders were gettiugy ready many- things which thse ordinar>' tra- prompted to do so by a desire to bat- that 'it la high time that peace were to drive lu a smail burît-isof steers the.' '1er would miss, sud ta get a fsirly tie againat their natural feara, juat as made,' but they mean, of course, a boms wantd b 'cIel. set-urate iles of actual conditions. msuy persons who are nervous about German peace, one which shall con- As 1 was atout to knott(n my rope, In iBerlin 1 hsd the good luck to particular thirags, animais, or places, solidate and correspond to Germas a uew one tiaît 1 haul neVer uscd', I wa find a roohn with s mniddlé-clsss fam- often court association with these victories. Tise> sot onîy feel that the>' mtat-tled by' tomne 9aill seream, f ram 'IV wh.ich 1 had kuown before the thinga as a curé. are vlctorioua, but they are iflrmly per- a smaîl corral Iu which thî're were ýsar, wath thse privilege of usiug the A certain large farmer waa once auadcd that thcy casnot be beaten. severai thoroughbr et colts. Seizing family kitchen. Having once upoli a very badly injured through a kick my lariat sud leapinig on my horse, 1time loue considerable amateur cook- from a horse, and for years after- Conscience le Easy. raceti to thse corral, andi arrived just ing in a Western mining camp, I re- wards couid not bear to 'go near the "It muet not be supposed that the in time to see' lManco Iliablo t Whitc aolVed ta find Out juat how the peo- heels of one. H1e was found one day German people have as uneasy con- i)evil), s big white bull. 'ta ugly that pie were faring by cooking My own b>' one of tise farm-hands standing in science. The Imperial Chancelior's de- he wao slwiitys lîept ini n peu liv him- meails for a fewv daya. The foliowiug the stable right behind thse hlnd-quar- ciaration to the Reichstag at the be- self, run a colt iotao a 00rner andi gare morniug I put tise family marktet ters of tise biggeat sud moat viclous glnuing of tise war that Germany was It fihlStrylioreaniasnkutf t. y rnan antr animal op the farm, white with aux- I'doiug wrosg' in invadlng BelgiunM 1 hated tar my ors, an ranoutfort. 1iety, auji bis face wet wth perspira- w&a9 neyer taken as a confession of my noose. There was rio snuibing iu Aithougis the fsmiiy witis whom 1 tion.1 guilt. His phrase that 'neeesaity thse corral, anti it was up to me to lived assured me that bacon, haum, "Get out of this, lad!"' said the, knôws no law' meant and stilI means tisrow the bull nt thse irat causi. ;ath- beef. nautton, véal, butter, sud varn- farmer, on aeeing the carter. "I'm to Germans that Germas>' found her- eriug thse cou lu my hani, i for-el My tua other articles were prncticsily stopping here quietiy for a bit!" self in a condition ef what ln called trembiing horse' towarl the eniragel IMP09sihie to obtain, 1 asked to be In about an isour out he came, cur- Notwehr-that la te ssy, et legiti- animal, calle'] ftr 7.30 the uext morniug. Th'ecd for ever of hie nervouanesal mate self -defence. Whetîi 1wîas witliîn thiarty fevt of shops ini lierlin open at eight o'clock, A young sud clever barrister, now "'Surrounded b>' a ring et jealous hlm ise cisargetldblot ngioarsely. anti I intente'] to be "'Joisnuy-on-the- eerving lu France, le said to have been enemies who hsd consplred to ssail Star sprang ta "oie ile anti I citimy m5Pot -t" 8 nervous when firet calicd upon to and crusislier, they clsîmed that lier rope. Tise rope, ucw antd stift. kînketi Shopping ln Berlin. address a jury lu court that he de-oui>' chance was in breakisg through jautl fell short, and Blanuco Iitat al termined to adopt strenuous method 'tise ring b>' aIl possible means asd of' stoppe'] with orily one' foot in thse lump. 'ris, fact l%, wisile pass'ang a little lu order to cure hiniseif of this faîl- "vludicating by thse sword hec right te i saw a chance ta throw him, sudd.thop an Fa bac-k street on tise eveuing in.Desn -sl nhssa-fe xsec. sturtetl Star; hbut tht' iull was wary, of uîY ar'rivai I had uoticed a dozen or bîng. Drteand hiacîf l bisshal ah- e xsene.' pol lk Hre fod rew hIscu fti ofthnTie nose bîarg t mgayda ile lutise of bacongiadatone-bag with hlm, he set out on that Germany wanted War, sud made fore, belwig fer--lv, anwishis hred Tiepice- ovper si shillings a dw a tour, making "*tub-thumpisg" it deliberately, are rekadda ee edlilloxiikyfirceyandwih hî ed heprie-ove sx siling apound speeches lu parksansd market-placess a>. Hardes lias beexibadly recelvedl eyes s tanding out bite spots (if car- -st-aggieredl me; but bacon sud eggs in conrditc&,admkg abauecsinpvntltw9hn mire jriant on hiiswhite face. IHe lreing my piece tie resistance in tise untry nodisticts, n aking t a byhainctees n pr ovi u enswhen struck Star fulliioc tht' sie, isuried culinary line, I decided to give the rueno vn odcieo aab eh a tcpedt rpudti hum a th' grund nd hrew mc fmilys suprie aswellas atrea fb r his speech untii he had coilectedviw agiîîstise w i se corad trl. meffeiysurptisems miiug amp" reak- yan audience. uAt firat it wassthouglit that the àiganstthewal ofthe orrl. ffeingthe a «minng amp brak- Cases of stroug mes wlio faint at wac would be short and trlumphan- As 1 lay tisere a atiseme flasised luto fast of btacon sud ecggs. I had reck- tesgto rpo lo r aryatCniec nteam n t my mnd.My opewamwithn lve esgy prchaSd doen gzsthecommon. An extraordinary case lu chef s was boundîcas. Illustrated pa- (eet of me, anduti I iîkeil my lucky eveulng before.rerddb'adtowowscildpsrcecndtse pitetB- ,.'tar tisat I hit no hail ime t fas.i As seen tosersts iteso nt attend a man who had a fainting marck as broodlng ever Paris and tes it to my saitdie. Forthte moment thouight tisere seas a ire, but uo atc sarsi fsgsi'ctlgpitn earptto tts ilt tht' bull waii payîug uto attenition to amoke being lu evidence, I concluded nt'c i euto tgtyet in otngoareUtnofhe 1hy nie, anti i quickiy drese my dirk, tore it was merely au accident of somee finger. Os inquiring the business deeda of 1870 and 1871. Thse Battie tise reui bandana from nek ni aîl pparentiy they had carricd of hie patient, ît transpired that the of thse Marne was taken as a proof wrapped at round tiekînTse dis.sici A iehitesio ithtr ;nmas was a butcher! Though used te that thse task mlght 'be longer and tlîrew lb directl>' in front of Diablo. I1seas bound. "I-iow unfortunate!" 1 thanial bohed, le ceuad star hyaederbutha&Il iadofa firtu eerse lie caugist aîght of tise hater red sud ssid te myself. 1 asked a mas what tiedig i t humas bbood, and alwa s d bt Ilàkedb te Gerantreverset rusise' upon IL. I jumped to my feet tise trouble was. "Bacon," le ce- woredistngeasrgoestwscekdbyteepaaintht an'] tied tise end of my rope to a peut plied' isconicull>' enougli. prevent accidenta., on the Marne, tise Germasn aies had lu tise corral; thon 1i drew it lu anti At times there was tise semblanee -_mrl tyd hï dac o formedth ie noose. That time itlld -not, 'of a lin.%, but, generaily speakina, KEEP CRILDREN WELL tinte, ierder te take up positïonsý mismy tisrow, sud tisre settled tisere waimply a urgiag., elbowtnî DURING HlOT WEÀTHEIL carefuilly ueiecWte éten para earfier round tise buil's glisteniug borna. I mqose of irritable womnes, wltla sfew yteositofheG erlSa. drcw it taist and rau for tise gate, but old men and chiidren, aHi ltent upon Ever>' mother knowm how fatal tise FIghtlag fer .ulutmee. the bull got aheati of me. I1tjoed to onue objeet-namel>', bacon!l A police- isot summer mosths arc te am.Isilli- "A. ture went on tii conviction dodge, but I wat; weak sud dizzy, anti, mans tood at thse door and was let.- dren. Choiera infantunte dîarriscea, t r« and dupened lut Germywu aitisougis 1 got oui of i*i patis. 1 tiug them iii, fixe at a tîme. Finaîlly. dyaentery snd stemacl t.t'eubles are fieiUg for baer very existence stun'tiled, andth ie keen tip of hiLisoru 'about haîf-ps.st aise, my ttirn came, rife at titis tizne and often a precions Tougi obliged 67 thi e e lt ot ~ueme ti i A etair. I draggeil myself sud I grew nier" cieerful as 1 noted littlee lite I.lest siter o* ~ft ~li vwcu t) Iii- gate, but I faluted, there sud tisat th .e bsceAn waas ot quite ex- heurs ilinesa. Thse motiser wb.o keepu te ity « atd upu*tise p on-wa isad to hi' carrietl out- Diablo ha'] to isauated. Tho policeman lndlcated Baby's Own Tabletu in thselieuse feeà a t Oernanulasw ud Is e owie h- h. bled itato helpiessuesa with nopes five. et wisoni 1wa& tise first, ssni we mate. Thse oecesonal un etftise Tab- t â Triser.u are e msas tdoe-1 heforeise c-oui tIb. got f rom tisai cor-,entered. lttiptveat stinacn~thi o, t ti i~um raItut in o vi w. i had ériginaliy lntended to bu>' hall troublesi, or If trouble cores suddWay Mr a asl aide againat future need, but as it geual>' dees-the Tabltsu WU Gadfi "bk e ft lgg;i Curie of 1Irincisdianieter lu thenmehow i frgan to etel something biftiste baby safel>' through Tisey tward saland MU& .d.It la aeWI metr'nit h R',alNasjcdiciarg ~lîi'a tiieflantise srtofet sealng a are old by uMiei» desers or 67ly .. l'gMmaM asThm aeif, 5tegik Roa Navtwo isoaand acomsmunion service fren an altar, mail at 25 cents s box troua Tie Dr. hebuMsI . h vu .. f;hel wi9ring"earY to tousnd o 1 merci>' lnd¶k'ated s modut liucefWIlliam.'Medicine Co, Drockvl% euv, akw W tk«b ____________________'et OrneOMOtire potndo whieli was lylag4OntU_____ L.~. 1 on tise couniter aad aMid 1 weuld take on.â sgi&ha.tb* s".. llY tisat conversation ceasod. Tie pro- Bath RU a.d. n,.>' btgi et p*w ~ a* Tea andJ Coffee g 'e- i àt&*rad A Hie. Ewl>'b> edr!'m ldcple. sabucst upu. h. 'f "h-à d 0M bres1thte pr9Prict« r fornd me là a .ke en aUtomeMi vii.. AS *Oe-.0 P 4 Do Fonhlrn ot-.too-frîend ymanner t"t a n«bnema » &W s te aMatit w4eéêïabà# MM I; inainuated that 1IM vas l» V mm t gelmMt-MI0 p»db e *'e W«4 tt that. ..> Wb yvvi e 1014ueMd- Ifait, * UNI These beveragefq contain bol.»>'Da. bd l. a i rfaporund. iadtw W* t adu mmd, einapeeally inder "ffl Ieuup. I 1814 lovaeae18fr' i a gaL mwU W" _ehlldreuearl.1mark noa ad ausoklut1w t a«. à àom&" a -M*Ià& IGERMAN MUSIC FORt TURK<S. ___________ thse Programme. 1IME re- .tWJI More th*n a colunin is devotcd by' thse Berliner Tageblatitot a description of German concerts in Constantinople. The leading Liberal journal is strong- ly ef the opinion thàt the performance ofGerman music, instrumental and vocal, ln the Turkish capital has net only "important kultural significance,"l but la aloo fraught wlth a deep poli- tîcal meaning. For more than a week, we are teld, Qerinan instrumentalists and singers, maie and female, have been delight- lng the Turks with the works of Bec- thoven, Bach, IBrahms, Schubert, and Schumann, as well as with the live- Ileat strains orf Johann Strauss. Every- where the audiences were delighted, and applauded vigorously. We hear that the Sultan and Imperial bouse- hold were frequently regaled, snd that in these august circles music la cultivated with a passion sud succesa of which few have any notion. Near- ly every member of the Sultan's fam- ily is musically gifted. AUl the prin- ces and princesses play some instru- ment or other, snd several of themn have devcloped such talent as to be almost artists. Thei Tageblatt correspondent was quite charmed to notice the respect- fui behavior of the Turkish audiences. Nearly everybody ast quietiy, and it was interesting to note thnt few ladies, except, the very ancient ones, indulged in cigarettes during the per- formance. A nuniber of very lofty pieces did not meet with the recog- nition whlch was expected, but on the whole "the concerts were a mar- velous gift of the Germans to their Turkish friendsansd allies which they will long remember, and which touch-1 cd their hearts deeply." Joffrc's Ambition When you think of the great com- mander directing the operations and Why, Thomag. 'Why ia it ýhat he telephone opei- ators are-aifl wonen?" Mr&. Thomas askecl her husgband. "Well," ans'wered Mr. Thomas, "the mnanagers of the ielephone excha.nges are aware that no class of people Work 90 faithPfilly as those who are in love with their job; and they know that womnen would love their work ati the switchboard." "What is the work of a telephone operator?" Mrs. Thomas further in- quired. "Tsiking," answered.' Mr. Thomnas, iteap Viaar'a 7Liniment la the bona» The United Kingdom imports more wheat than any other country, and the United Sttates ia the ls.rgest ex- porter. F ()i SAE. ood 100-ACRE FA-RM, flrn Counity, Morris Township, Muaist l!1 For particulars write F. S. SCOTT, Brusselis..Ont sisspiug tise fortunes ofthtie armies ot TUAM5STBU5 WANTMD Frnc, hik ls o tsebet udtie H~AMSTERS WVANTED. STE ADi Frane, hin alo o th be ad te T eM pI oymeui to cnmne'teni men. trucat stor> tisat la ever te be told et Apply iIENDRIE &.CO)MPA2NY. Lcd.. hlm. Tise battle of tise Marne isad Hamilton, Ontario. becs fought and won. Gen. Joff .re enun owr.om ws apparcut>' unmoved. EED POTATOES, IRISH COB- "Do >'ou know, general," said osee of biers, I)elewara, Carman. Ordar his staff, who thougist it etrange tisat at, Once. Sup ni) itted. %V'rite for quo- ! taion. H W.Dawson, Braimpton. at sucis a time a victorlous command- -aton.= er sisould not almost stug sud dance-: »A-:Îlq o-BX "do you know that you have won what DROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB le perisaps tise greatest battie in lits- Offices for sale iu good Ontario torytowns. The mont useful ant InIteretiiug tory?"of ail businesses. P'ullinformation os Joffre lookcd calmi>' sud reflectivel>' application to Wilson Pinblishtn~ Com- upos hlm for a f ew moments, and pany; 78 West Adeiside Street, e0rnue tisn lie answered: "What I have won, muzf»v I hope, is s riglit to reet tise sooner £1AJCUIR, TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC.. in my littIe lieuse in tise casters c InternaiMd mternaI. curai wltb. Pyrenees."out pal bYiM hoM. tr.atment. 'sVelte sbefore 00te aêPri. Boumas XaIicloa __________Co., Limiil. d Cellngwood. Ont - A Kisd of Relief, UEO HAN 108 WANTEI1 "How did you like tise show asat IWe waiat a foie <000 mech*a ff ave "f'yP,u tâady werk and good wag.a for lathe OnIy the Large, Expenusive Hotels Look te 1De Going On Normally. An American just out of Germany, writing from Bergen, Norway, to a friend iu England,sasys: "Life iu les gandes hôtels is, I dare- say, practically the same in ail the countries at war. Germany la no ex- ception, sud one travelling in that country sud stopping only at the flrst-class hotels would gain a ver>' limited sud erroneous impression of life as it really le among the Teu- tons. It is true that bread cardesud two meatiess days each week-Tuesdays and Fridays-apply rigidly to hotel guests as well ase to the general popu- la-e, andi that dancing is bauued t.-veîywhere, but, otherwise, hotel life ýremains practically unchanged. More- ovt'r, the larg-e hosteiries are quite crowded, sud cone droppiug in for five oc-boitc tea wouid scarc.ély notice any 'liffr-rence were it not for the numer- oua wouuded officers sud the still more niumerous Iron Crosses. marmalades. Made ini Canada piays upon the feelings of the various German 'tribes.' To-day it la the Po- ineranians, to-morrow the Branden- burgers, next day the Saxons, and then the Bavarlans who are singled out for special praise in the officiai bulletins. Everything ls so organized in every detail by the Government In order to carry out its policy that the public has no opportunity of acquir- ing views of its own. Popular con- fidence in officiai management and in the officiai accoufits of things ls stili absolute." ROLL 0F HONOR. Several thousand officers and em- ployees of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company eniisted for active mili- tary duty with the Canadian Expedi- tlonary Forces, and the majority of thein are now in Europe, bravely bat- tllng for Canada and the Empire. As particulars of Arxny Reservins are not avallable, these listsa of those who have given up their lives for their country or been wound ed in action'are necessarlly incomplete, and do not therefore indicate fuily the extent to which the Company's oficers and em- ployees have participated in the great struggle. Addiaon, Herbert, carpenter, Winni- peg, wounded; Anderson, John M., clerk, Calgary, wounded; Arîke, Harry, tariff compiler, Winnipeg, wounded; Atkinaon, Arthur, cook, Montreai, wounded; Boushear, Henry, engineer, Fort William, wounded; Burrltt, Edgar M., clerk, North BaV, killed in action;, Chapman, Edward, machinist, Angus, killed in action; Diver, John W. car repairer, Toronto, killtd in action; Ellis, Thomas G. G., record clerk, Montreal, died* of wounds; Foster, James B., car repair- er, Fort William, wounded; Gilchriat, Thomas R., drgftsman, Ogdei shopa, sufferlng from ahock; fHamilton, Bd- ward, dellveryman, Winnipeg, wound- ed; Has'weii, John, bollermaker's heip- er, Mose Jaw, wounded; Hilliard,' Samuel J., porter, Edmonton, wound- ed; Hogg, James, clerk, Montreal, kilied In action; Hunt Thomas, fit- ter's heiper, West Toronto, sufferig from shock; Kinahan, Ernest, swltch- man, Brit. Colum. Dlv., wounded;- Kir- wvan, George L, brakeman, MacLéeod, wounded; McCourt, Samuel, l4borer,_ Strathcona, kllled In action; Macan-' rin, Douglas C., student firemnii, 5cr- titi, dieci et wounds; Mutin,, Walter, wood machine hand, West Toronto, wounded (2nd Urne); Morrison Bar- vey, &ut agent, Pilot Mound, woond- ed;- Moe, Albert, car- inspecter, Saokaw' tqon, killed lu acdon; Park..1 Rhrbert W., clork, Montreal, wb=mded; 1rtce, John,. bec. fir.Éan, Montrea, wound- ed; Rots, Lorue, fitter5hOlPer, Lon-' don, kIll.d in ttonl; ScMMeIt-ý »ard J., cark, BolU RWi wowdedi Sheon, WIlfrod J4 clark, WInnIPOg, suff«lig r on abeck; Swe.tman, Lé 14 , at agetStratheona, died of -I. kap'4 #»ga Om e bIm Rat ov,>eft goy. dUomur hato te having rogm t MWtt t te &r o « atS' I tolýu>'e" t a Vtaew b« t Imbiaseduatble < lb la carriui«us t tbe FwOi* S tise Geusa .sp For iiflei,1 iteP a0 -*à. 'labo bb4-4hietsMW, "Great, For tise firali time I'vesgecs u'-ood-workng ma*hpwatan hadiy my wifc shied tears that î'm not ce- meja for wly aponsible for." DdeM nfouig19 The Toronto Beard of Trade urgedGo the C.N.E. dIrectors te rua tise Pair *.o afet.-. Nus 'for titres montis as fat back -as 1886, and rcelve psy whule les#anq. but tise management . tlought two Ibo om louSe weeks quita long enougli. IoSktV1@O1* ~dIodbtb.NaTec lsme UMMonLàa 18jisor Evcerythng But. f~ii ae mai bas tise prîce ho casi get tIA I aziythlng h. wants and the vme hoi "Don't know about that. Tiscre'.I sK i thse medium soit boiled egg." 1 OG DI8A J loi 1. il vu - - - -- 1 Ibouglit'a herse vls u"UP>O$edI _________ Incurble nlngboue for $0-00. (lurei hlm wuls$1. 00 Worth ot IINARD Pesig. LINMENT and eoid hlm for $850. profit on LIItar, tu 0 on 091C~ 2011 ~ MOISE DERtOSC.Imoesm.~ 8L Pbullprd Q1" out' dmoptaleuba UsaIth m'idi rngbaad, aapt th , sottnt. Zglu lutbe ow bua r*bW up a»d tu.0 1

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