a-. CIIRON KIL Vol. 54-No 63 WHgITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA, '?IIURSFDAY, AUGUST 10 1916 ALSYI<E, CLOVER We are in the market for Aleyker Red Clover, Tiinothy, and ail kinds of Seeds. Splendidly equipped cleatuing %mille iin operation every day. The adv'aDtage of the best inaiket8 in the world. GiOve us a chance to buy your Seeds and we WJIt satisfy you. Churc IBUGOFI Ready For L~ INo Mixing I ht sticks tri th fillimllesthe Potf otiier leaf eating *onle applicatiton. *est 1and(1 l4aest w' * troing poison. * lliglit al watel 10<)Il. for 25c, 4 PURE PARIS ini 1 11 , lb. nn Ji.ie.W] D)ruggist and T M EH>CALf IBrock St. TIIE ?Iou"W 0 F The Diea>ertvit là t lie0*4 "Scranton The bigot Jýe Dry. îequired. ýe vines and ato Bugs or incects withF The cheap- u.y to tise a ht prevents ýry pot atriem. l1b. for loc. iGREEN ILLIS 1Optician Whltby. a ni 1 he Serv tj-e- i Goal" dard fiAFTER1T1E STRIKE" New Prlces Now Established. Fremh mrineci '<Scranton Coal " Egg, Stroe-e, Chiestmut anîti leR, coiîîg daiiy ini box cairs-cleatsi, briglît anîd dry. Cantsel coal antI emithussg coal aiways in stock. You Wunitishe l'est. OrtIe-n now- I. Re BLOW, Whilby Bell phione Il. Home pion14 . 3. I4DWELL JAME~S Carpenter, Builder and Contracetor. Plans drawn and estîmates furnishod. Suah, doors and frames. te.nt for 1Br&ntford Rootlng BOX 467 WIIITtIY Phone 149 Ilarriage Liens.. A. H. ALLIN. Ismuer of Mlarriage Licenses. Corner drtig store. Wbltby. No witnesses requlred. the Creator Canada Improvamnent à Land Co., Llmltod Whltby - Ontarlo Real lEntate Dealer4, Estates Masnaged, Rente Collecteit, Piret Loax.. Arranged, PrPropertie; bonglit andusoli. Boil Phone 193. lad. Plione 70. HOW MUEN ARE IQUR EYES WORH? Don't take chances Whou you eau get icy iierviceis of over 20 years eperience. Fe E. LIJKE OPwnIlOIN 117Yug. St., TORONT ARTM UR LYN DE TEACHER -0F BINOINO. mu e lacs$OOnSSIWA TOSIS TO thi -IIYSALE île wil t-ny orpmanUatos 8t-W. 4< a pt- Cetg., Mr* John RUis. a4fmo iii rmt-ue wrk but toeofflu" viCOee 11mai1W baie duiul thât 0W umêer "A, --, tht-m and ble asalethe~IML- lieCollage veuli tt nuiwont-.Ulp ~stt.~ The malter vIII be guatai later vilt t$Dii. <ou uevAOje eUbono bel' . . - to tht- Ptt-otît- Fun4Com=tteo, viet-u. e« eoftk* - eéÉ-t, vim i! ta houm at-t-on ii li e taies, int0IMeI. 0t. b. tei beavy 0 O * ~~#M1 William. la ena*ot! throaglot thé, Mr. Aot-aiearepenwthaVi. aahm b" 'Ot~*w Townasips ofthél-oCounty, chity u la It«vi.w Witit Ur,*itgç%,Mi t i. - 'eo communlllew-l*Iblmr aoai ttr-Wh bUoui*~ maie i,.t w, de < - . Tht O n tare înl¶ o pj. iuést tui tit t*- IêOWi tg WOt* o, vetu on Ausussl Oth "dS4 tlid, enasW b***-d- ~ for lime appobttlnt t e &Mo to tt- ti ___ i -. - i tend, Mdnt!for lte fowrdigtet lime -. Ogeai - g nual ummbemai tto' be tth 40 ida Ceuel buhMhatmde h « 0>oM-Umslgfl - - bA t aime s - tt he %un te1i hb«ét*Ot# 1 sali it-flo8mbai ott Il ijý surt boefi t. &&y imuniolpa»,stwma-t êt M.a th ig it. It ~ wia#à acifsa J.- H. Dowoe'y fompany, 'GALA DAY AT HEYDN5IIORE PARK SECOND ANNIVERSARy 0F THE GREAT WAR Bîg Ctc-wd Enjoy Civic Holiday Celebratjon____ Throughout the Province of Ontarlo, meeting was opened wlth the rendering' For varietY of program, aize of racos varying Ili distance f rom 100 by order otthie Lieutenant-uzovernor, of "O Canada," and -The Maple Leaf,", ;the crowd and general success, the yares tb1 imlle, and Jumping. Some of and probatsly ail over the British ~n by the Band, foliowed by the ainglng of, Civc Hliay elbraionatHeyn-the conteste were very closely fougbt, )Ire, Friday last, Auguat 4th, was cete- the National Anthem. Then 11ev. Dr.! Civi HoidayCelbraton t Hedn-and the biz crowd was provlded with inrated ln some s-peclal way as thie sec- Hare led ln a prayer of thanksglving shore Park, under the auspices or tise much of interest. :md annîversary of the day on whlch for past victories and supplication for 182nd flattalion the best that has Later ln the aflernoon a football ireat Britain declared ber inenton contlntied and rapid success and the bee bed I Wirby, oryears. it has match m-as staged between thie S2nd rodef>nd the rights of Belgiuim and to declaratIon of peace. been istsomary to hohd a day of sports Battalion and Pickering. The latter Io lb wIh ber lfe bhood. The celebra- Mayor Warren opened the programn Olt Chyle Hohs>ay each year mt Heydn- team, lîaviing a good deal of practice, thon of bts second anniversary was es- of speeches wli tthe Chahrman's ad- shore Park, but thus yeÉî.theë aftair NNas1 played bel> or eonsbtnation and better pecially ittlng hn that the allied arma dress, ln which lhe briefly renewed t-be moret tan titat. it %vas a big athlethclail round football. Their line tit ian ire now commencing beu meet witi a course of events from the outbreak of irogram, plcnîc, bazaar, fair, pituî.lt-vhderîtly norîcî s sronger than that of series of victorien on aIl fronts. Th f the w-ar to the present. show andti îdeville, dance andi neverai the Battahion.titu-iclidhd tnot have itside lias lurrnet definhbeiy ln favor of Col. Farewell followed. and ln lits oter thlngs combîniet., The objeci of regtîilamîeîananîd fite resftlt wab a the Entente powers, andi a note of con- speech hio went back to the year 1870 thie eel-eha ton w-as chhefly te assiet tuîe ýeoreofo 4 to (i for Pickering. idoctie hucreases every day ln the or- te tell oft he orizin of the 'ncrap of fusîtis of the 182nd l3attalon, but tsel At -.iî>per tinie tise crowd spîht up fichai cônsmutîiqies. In view of the ait- pajier." Col. Farewell bias iad yeats Of aliifitt I 0o if s ensdmiit>d fort- m îuctttc g-ottPs over thie îark italion, Friday w-as madie the occasion niitary litc- with tise 34th Ontario, (lite anîîîisem-tttoftif(Uiceromwd gave- groutuds. or called ut the- tea room for of public hanlisgivlng for the victor- Regiment. and lie recounted sotor of lis e,,, %rut more than the worth of the ' thi-ir tut-ai. ',o the- finie- was passed les direatiy won andi for the renew'al expç'rlences wi-th ihant uniht. 11101veý\pv i-ivd. i tO lil 0iiî-scroid siasnuof the- program, of lîuîrinîhc enthusiasm andi confidence Lt.-Col. A. A. Cockhumn, O. IS12nri lii- p roiraînbt-tan at i.10. Farly - tI.- N"111puit--rfî %,u % was com- en thbe uit inisterccss 0fthie alih . Ilattallon, wus on Usle platforin wilh intit ît aI --t ooîithet-trowti began il) ;I-.' fltaid. 1lie celebi-athon in MWhulby look tlIe,*otiters, anddlhe addresnnod t&e atudienuce 1'1%t hroul \%Li tbyit, .ed t tuti ut nom 1,a . e- i nahe-talln t he -fori-i of a pu'blic nimettîîg luthe muic - brio tiy but tient y. Cot. Cock bit ru s of tli (i oulil '-,*tl'yVaîît0.4buggy, htss ii;- o titi -rua Irat-crow t] ililm iers-t> tati ut 8 prin.The Brass andi Bugle 1îîoptlarity witl lits memnandi wliîmfite it, tIý i ttil4i l lt Iv Iliid-ai 4--n ton 1t11,e1,1t tio p lart iho t ho s-tjoyitîist amdteI b l iiidn ofthe- S2mdtifabtaîhon led the- eommulnity ln get-rat -as appsaren t ila t k 1irai . itid t fie apîîarattî-o tf ai i;:t -ar Ileii- iîtc. A dtîiice wits uid îtrî--nnion of snldiers as tht-y mamcee; rom th,- iîenrty .applaune -itii w hic rasi-ý A it'oat-inili ht pavillon ( -'11 ;vi 1-11 Itîîilîîts. it slt e bielmît- urrumys liptetiton caXmp atHeydtînîore he w-as greît-ti.* 1 4-it'lt tt-l l1st ha w l ileî h-fliirus t tl lirt 'l.i-i i iii ii t iti o 0urs' urss- Park. "ut- paradA cireled aroud lte Other address-s w-t-m mate by Rt-v. offt.cr i-iiiti.1oe -ri-ani, nofi dito s.21-1qt\01-11i-h xi niIidmd al - lo ' ionsection of the ow-n bt-fore di-;S. G . .c'onaiv 1v. r. lHart-andi fo i;, fî 4-- t entiiiit-nt or tIse ii-ur 1 danctiiî i k ets mwert, stld mnt 5c. a * rc ing ls ieotttse ta tihe hall. Here, lisi 11ev. Ftfilier an. '3144. Ualas île dts"- î'itîsiiOtilte t, ' 11l-it#,h- tt'-o-ds -guina to the ig ti-n>te ni' the- very hl5h temperat;tre a Tht- Pand pro%-içIes mttsic nt inter- i titt utOas r-titi d mw l-b% Si- tis i rilflit i.- iiLrai d fori- 3attalion, crow-tiof rtrobably 4(.0hersons, lnclîîd- vals, and Pe.Gloa rudrd I I li i t ho is tIioIti on rotîttIi wa S pu tî1112tic o Idi crs, gathered 10 participate iln solo. te alwyrnpea iI 4e îoitîîil -o ut-, ic îth wa se-tisnt t r ii 4 sewh it(tti ni came tft-dan c- it pilNie ceiebratton. 1 lie meetlnit g ail or)iiti about t ten o'- t q i i -s Atft- sis theoad, t lii- ah- liii. a tilt t-, ic ii sl mîtwatid va isdle- Pr, Warrent, Mayor, presitied.'tise dock afte-ra very proftatble eveiiing. tkI( >it iI.ý t v a41 -i'it'45rtpId coff w itil ;uî 1 -ij i w re nmag ýd (ti i ________________ -ý s -I piii ut- tndti guic. h.t i tin lI'F ietiifîî i i - -î ii ti-' -tst tetit off lte ------- --+ i litb il' gtit-,n ftiords iito Iletii>- 1mai ut'i t.tno\in liciuctri-s tterf, nioten.! Î.OFT HE 111ERN S1 1LS~ F11SL. iii ut i l is a <Il t-tli f ot- naîle can >tid - lit tait-il iii tla iittîvaudev ile e ter-i Il tF i.t t -u ii u n a m ltit tt l o Ii; i )1ttî ltflti featulrs atm racieti a'_______ ioii,(ýatacto th ermd, nd til riO-d.1 -,incng licma - a0f bravery pt-r- - tngt-nt-crew at Iroq-aals Falls w-t-e the -i 4ti- slirs spit hetiouI tt't, itîiriîglte oç,-(it nî titaihiepailn -twt t myas -oîf tli r 'ts-t h sland PHdi-si -t Pl (tliqe dr.ti:îig for - miltîers,'formidlu tise recent -tires In Northern- iseroes tht-rt-,anti ln Cochraine Miss l's , Ch iîl-itagutu. top --every ic- otilw it- nxttotiîi, wateli, nocks andi cake Onîtario, w-as blinI of aformer Whiiîy Jamiesomi stttsez.~t bler r i ton flse toit- i j ~phione exchsange anti refusedti l eave tr--iiiî-it eafosr sait-. Nt> tri' tiitcs-d. !girl. Miss Edith Jamieson, daughter aithougli tht- building was on fire. She il [l-iîiti cruwd ) oing haif;arts Ts îrantg-mtenits for lte day's'ot former Cief Constable J. D. R. Jam- w-as handling tihe connsections as coohly 45ws il,-, tItdors cf t h-kets for tttî frtitramo were etîrrietiotit wittî titsr- h it-- t it-iitiîdoin or mIle frutit cakio. aH-stuoot litios anti desîîat-îi. Thl' t-on. The- fansily -tii beremembereti as on an ordinary daN. lFiltre w-ts iuîln'lIlliiîtt'e hum evvrr- 1821id lîtttalitînimd tht- Hlcvinstoip. by ail tiho were residiexits of Whlbb3- e u. Jaieso eCoa eBoen itîtslv, ini ito. co-o-erumcd ini holding tise during Mm.. Jamlieson's eture Of tic 'onStuay At got Ra Coctlrane o iI\ i (t ichtîsetail eamns tf t tec'h-btrat itîti.anti tre titservinît-o! h tr, tl ya 'fîssond Mntriay. Ahtol in bi ay ll m et oe I S2tiid atit itlîe 235th Blaltalluns 11sd iront tisaI tof credit forthie etijoyable i ot ym ornptteîfî-t -otothmhsfml -r Ili Tli1v %%biwhicht is tlte tattalloiî occasin i i l e toprit-ihege ot W-hitb>- from tht- storîli.îs Iabensely interesî - safe'ICochrane. twin rerffiodIiiDuraniandNor pepleto tted. ng:Miss Jarnuesoni answ-ereti catis that tlîîtshi-hs iasitî a g-ooti te-m, bus t not On aiil liasîts expressions of appre- Alls Edhth Jamieson, 20 yea-s s lti,- frauîbic citiz-ns anti merchants siont rasi týiottîti tsi tt'at -tie \Whumby bo-ys. ciat hon were matie of Itle splendid a tciephome operator, daughîer Of ut I fe-t etos ftetondr ecttng the fire, reportIng bîtizes, anti gaîîî-< in ut e-as hiult-ci off, te-th work îtf Najor Hasmiltoofî. thile i82nd Lieut. J. .R.imenotse76hakigfrhu. hesayiuthr theb-lii ciixsttsg o,--victors by a score, laltaiion, in contimctiisg arrangements B a-.iR .v-no iesat Oofhrae isthe pokn for hbmeliiet- aager atibtr of 14-4. Cook, %viii ialsa from Oshaw-a, 'for mhe oettrlion. Major Hamilton Ba -io.wo %eaCohuiltePsf)ror-tl hemngradu Nees filti Ie botx for lte IS2nd, anti ie, smmret i Iaself no pains or effort to hIit'rhttof tat town. At Ht-mo, hittle i drag lier from lier seat anti ltad ber lîad theLs- iturs aIt lis mercy. lie is organise tIlle afiahr to the mmi- degree Iris EFtldnoie-lu Torontlo. was the ht-r- hast call was !rom the noutb to thse a i-t-xsm îtcher. asîd lits work reminti- of effilciesîcy. anti he worked honîg anti oint-. Dr. Mahoat-y, %iss Scottand tt4nx tto obl th-stlestn s-sionui-- uthas îîre-soldier tisys, w-ht-siliejlitarti to enssre nuccens. Tht- Park Com- _____________________ t ochatne te tlus teburning.th catît to tînul occasiomalhy xith tise pany andt tht- iattallon appreclateti hie,-1 O)shawva boYs ad tîet t-ahhy admininter- able efforts mont îlghshy.1 Lieut. Jaieson., who la at Camp v-t a d tf'aîm bitby. 1 Tht- total receipta ofthps day's enter-'for thise work, as they ivere making mu. 1 Bot-ten. bas ai xife anti three chltiren A'fts r thîs ganselte claslui physical Ialnm'nb, aniomînledtiel betwee- $700o allions. at Cochrane. Bt-aides Edibli, tht-y are dm-111. sixteensi nroag, i-mtitr Sergt.- anti $100, a fact tisat causes much I Mr. Conlil asked If any opinion hadi Grace, aged 17, anti Alex.. aget 16. Iis Major liieketison. gave1 6 edId ex.-tiide te those Ili charge. Titis Il Iitnt-f bten obtainedti 'o tht- Town SoicItor son, Sergt. J. T. Jamienon, was at tht-e hliiltiotî of .Sie-edt ext-rtcs,' piysical 1 ls evîdence of tht- unqualifieti succeles on tHie matter of preparing a by-haw camp with bis ftbler. Tht-lt ho me,1 ext-reines whth armes, anti horst- vsuht- of lie occapion, 0f Ibis amounit about regardlng tht- dftrlct,-tp which sani- whieh la ln tie residoîlial district, t-s- luit. Tht-y perforined tisensoyenients $350 was taken )n admlssaloth, thus lt-ad- tary dent-ta mn t - slied. capeti the- tkîmeo. xvIish jarecishon anti qulekiss that %,as Iag eotîte1 lIt-r tisaI, Inchudlig te Mr. Aminés replied itiîe hati con - admirable anti that speaka of mucis soldiems anti the- residents of tht- Park. saîtet COL. Farewell, sad that ho hati A Letter Front Jack Gates. liardi traînînt-. Ihere*w-an a crow-t uf about 2,000 un bt-en Inforlned that a by-law ct-uit! be Tht- sports folloîteti, conslstlng ufthlie grointis turing tht- day. prepareti that womshd bring in s-il tht- places desîreti. anti yet not work a liard- Mrs. Wilson, who rt-ct-led word last nhip on resitienees with-in the- section, wet-k that ber son, Jack Gates, hadl buît whlch w-ouhd aise Inclutie sueh bt-en la a 11ospital owlng te straineti TO WX N COUNGIL APPO0IN TS pis-ces ln tie proposeti centrai district!I muscles of tht- htart, rt-ctled a letter asth Henry Sttet-t Schooh andi tht- G. from hlm thîs wet-k, whlch la very ia- AS E S R F R .1 .R. town station. teresting. It folhow-s in part: ASSE SOR FOR 1Dr7 . Warren stateti that tht- Provin. "Caesar'a Camp, Juiy 21, 1916, ciai Ht-slt Officer would be In Whltby "Dear Mother:- s-t tht- next meeting of tht- Council, an Complaint About Loaflng on Post Office Steps. It w-on decideti to Atave te matt-r of suppose you w-l be murprise Io - tt- by-law ln abeyance until -tht-n. ht-ar Liat 1 -am back ln England. I w-as Tise committet- reports recommended I nialideti ba-k litrt- on Suriday. 1 w-s-n Poihoxe hîîg the adertishng for apphi- Mr. fiat-utsn w-as not qitlt sure tisat tht-se accounts for paymnt. bt-fore a medical boardon Monday, anti catiosns for tIse position ut Town Anses- anythiag couiti be dont-. Tht- Salut-day wua given Iliret- monthot base duty. son for 1917, MI-. Goldriag, Chaimnian of ait-ht crowt w-as contposed ut fat-mers 8TEEETS. Tht-y put m, with tht- pioneers itere the Comuaittut- on Applications, iro- anti out-of-town peuple w-ho came Io John MacCarl .... .... .... $4375 untîil there lina -sâacty in the- t-tt,, duceti a by-Iaw at tht- Council meeting tow-n Io do builness.. Jas. melieoti...... ......88 "Dur' base dep o in h thetnme place un Tueaday t-vt-ing, t6 appu1et an as- Mr. Anneeo-"WIsst wifi we do? Chase W. J. Hiallett--------------..11:70 as bbc 59th w-us. 1 sas over to se Hais st-saur and lix bis sais-ty. Mr. Gxohdriag t-ese people ouIt of towIi? If a mani B. Wohker ......,..1.55,,**,>,,, 1>, 1 tuufl Jiiî!«Steveno.: Tht- reîsorted tii-st oîmiy one appliclation had w"aes bo stand quietly on tht- corner, Wm BIradley..... .... .... 2.10 at-o fine. bt-en rt-ct-S ed. nameiy, trom Mr. Jus. sureiy he does nu bar.-? Jos. Hearti & Sons ...... .. 107.1)o "Iletve , m S In no hurry te get N. H-ortop, of I3rooklmu. Mr. Hortop The- Mayor.-"We can t 1op people Ut-O. Hill1.... .... .... .... 4.00 bat-k toitise trénchea egta., -'là » n was.- *herelor-e. iappuinteti -i- s-- t- f r ttun on i-e- --att -t-tcrnt. J. won........110_i hi se-.__-a rath to at PeeI's -Shoe -Store White Canvas and Poplin Boots, Sioes~ and. P-mps. ««Fleet Foot " Outing Shoes, Oxfoirds, Tango Pumpe sport and recreation. A fulllline of -the latest Pumps and Oxfords always on 1-and. phone laiEE * £ I Brook Street, WhItby Field andGade Sd Ooo'd- Service.- QuickDei, Pt-ilces le t ~ZETT~EJ'?AND i I r-. ,~1, t: s -r-- i A. C. T Oe r WhtIN.ByA NKal ln*,e ae u.%e m.ter n aorblbim.m E FarerstedBusinerss WHTYBAC :S 0 ERMngr E ~r',Ia-OSHAWivn A tebsns CN.FERYadDeneluLv p c . Si q.O 0Ictd o aoaI o a HO VA HR:S EIL and - Sandals. - 1 m Whilby, Ontarlo The best outing shoe. madè for a*ll