ils la not a meipber oet he royal tsmily, I' een tirrougir one monumental dugaut casionalhy thrrale"an erption et 1merlt. See note on luît Suad&aY#s les- bs, sbiaticilapan-eai1'I5 and oft ail bahops, except tire Arcb- , whlc in le o tire ordinarY haie (bat "001 small purplah spat, althougb (bat 14 son, verse 3, for NewëTestament quahl- Instructo» atrf g-neesig Ppwitl-mny bishep ef Canterbury. by tiraIanme what a gret. London Inet se cemmon su e hyaciWêfoenrly scatlona. Re wbo (aid thre Young ri'iisi ly important rfrh iepi A 1oril iest Tirs- appoîxîlmtnt ef Lard Bue-k- hot.i 4 te an Irishr turf e&irî. 'l'Iimsuppt>sed wh.ea (ey named thisedIa-tiraI would gave hl.m-for It mait mnama hsoa natfce 1byu ohmia V master tg keÇha1cehboai'hp in 1914 la 30 teet of selid stuf eoverhead as e "apotted tover." tire abandemment etfiris ami bout"#g ettotdsird"-ad, many people, for yen go down passages, ail bqeutlfuliy ThesyUlpte1ma y appear vitir alu-taid -Maseht>w lmited m'as theeâtre- Idn âtion e heh hentooso a oar timbersd, past suit«eOfet l!OOfl25,rosI suddanneut mivlobetîct or they ,ward"'of a»Semnllg tiret *om'a pcd on enh it £1,00 yartlr4ef or tiÇe irigirr oMffWorsw1th may b. mild. In tih e tar* forme 1>7 "aounding brasa0 inate*d of love câme ai*oer ettireaCaowneLod essy chairs anrd telepiro anBid writ- death usually "eas~n~dY or twol 1115 ECR T 0Tilt~ cIrmeaw gers ofte r waa Lord lming tables, te rmonts Wh"erose ealla bt(amidr41s"a rgala t ee eti ewraibread for______ epuhtea ahooitr-Gas efore is - spertiments, fer meuting and for et- for éeka, sud et«n'betOnie cbl.tit.0-Qu trom il. as. . -.Peut IU ontet-tie Slidr e (erlinficeepurpouea- An elaborate SY'tem ueutanisous reS" rrdoms 0000r- bu tureInn, t ltffe ar b1t sPlrtai 'i,5"To ExersOuBoi.dh oE.tOn>4n e!ventilation iras boaustlbd, ati reate . "Il 0 Cr a Bbadry. Be o ofgAaul MygýBatwheire W a avery larg e . an *à secure tiatr.Gm3anae Oftaltu. amb*tt«e, in, issU l h th at LuI» .1vitdcb féIts it.Fer some Years h. ws 110gel a shel bigtenougir ta aeke patient rvrs, *.d«eaOna%_he, 2'ie futa- of yout______ kW lpcl.hi e-8eia'd a n sleep domn tire. e8,<>460*o~a!-, r 4e "of i1os ~t rtor alets fé tiran100 i____-___. via e .aU tTO KEE FUFM DROWIiIG. fore th sey e, 4ji4e«saU hiieIttiP - i y-4 -l& Rom IL, The it ,l& '7ntpul .pp.r . e iy 00s baie Thtaabtm flmbObw, lý h wO WKMY l f 18 5 O o 0 . iwià M8an i ttaélaued tiret on 0»eta.a age ,4rwla W4t*Iet1h b try #t î Ie g<-t"_ Wsîe etrs )t, lre *mirtfi1'10 tio ay oy bg'What et b<-tir.-ï- ,el MO.b-, ibbèrsnwh e l t4.aiao rn4thi *M is 10 nmY-oohV4 0oir ai*ui-mtffli*. Y tir, w Ilwor i M t«his -resir.. t ___ lie u bw tarodnie hg latte thugt ~ ieâu.ofl*tmedelruare vide ttitres. I-. ' t.ou îi Q, ta "du« 1w» theer" i ib éb ttb- fte mçdea. T" *W #Ulpta bUi- t61hd*U;. M00l ( (i eoIt G SeIe tv'à et«*ope os un".'. 't A. ~ p5Sd o uw rt 111e eeusa! lii e vitW1«IP 00 1Ir*M 4-ets - - béin thés wtb ne*ga"s "R-. -. t onorro f u ouïfinish et t1hids, cutr ee n heeo te înentydspae b heFedhfmne(ct 1 aswlhba < AtîecUGta lyo teupe ha Pehp 1e3ietyli 82.00ý' 10 werlefillt o heftekirtua, nd oesn aitheriadr.Ai d GEAendng eOTLsKe BsIGon eLd-csoe h omrgf fteGn.I ntesar-omcoe ak h odhc raeura, 40ed, b ietians. But weremuetlà nottergetfllved ail theg time 8 n (ho*big fOFrIpEousaLJackVil.nTheeGadtrboftheyiar eF s-euodelak tGematuruedthe tfameF enita arUnesko f n-, cie yth orsodeto h 11i s ian are la fife nratti pesgt eta andcrpelol mawdecreevlsLno ¶ns rtn r Ei-tecneunes ci thei r expeiei ntellhhdamu ogoe h taget ae îhuho et (à hosegofeethentEuryoten los.ea ithta sandty flrn ufldekrredhaqaresa (i roth ay:l cm ulmudrtkni (i n-tleopatog o a ooe ano er ha. *ta quo rterorthen. Joli Bugedne eto mothere athoughitle rcharof th Gils 18 moth e o f conrsaet1. Tad ent wo i e-oed ' acophle," ew Th g h osn, Dnadcm u fterc leo of Fianders.à r ounded.Boedsand provisionandfor reart laytneede wac-as wt ave idehrandd lasJecualenP rat aowo '1110 reat bfoyaatt fl(hounaineeent as nearbthd oomme, where we hotde. wh.ft imor Pau la a ery boastuhe pulled uthe eecp t t o were 25,0fthe(hig ground whlmheovelooka the man-abotsotrer peopand ood donduthéngahind (ookte Ilver8tthe eouth Rut-. Oh.llotome look ! O9ntIry etii booder. Auserht ut for e u théFêeHale d thesfe r ns t ortheG ia lpe'0 uhto ertri n ffccned 200 mr, eto h ildsit n o; Eylaushulerfor- eenmy. th (he osktitnthe boyslagahe and whs was (ho Gerthmanatpusue te 1whorPrechosee art thekoftaneCito h ark But ommetng tein lu ad- al te 42,000 F'ridiand for 4,000 ; A.sern on wh h e ostand onhen tof thebahe vane i n lk t thelr eChrimento Oltm ok1 esdDn n n neetrgfrofti forila 45 .00n Wagram frs44,000 fea ad re l maeseeesLnon(hamsarne, gxid ormotro nrsty bylarmlef onJctge h up bispae cp ruh hs o utteefg eth caUe, fyth or e ih ta2lyO00 rffe si t n edures h iethe ast Inere i da n ert edlnt e-b c pea t em ib oei h atrje eietew blodet battlO enaof u rimg ea war, dein, yee, 111hï-l - Ternc ahafrotthe n émy oha held doia-Inlof nthe farvicore gen te rAd or l a bid mng he il sdetshe. ftefocol mucli(ha mre e.lvantgeous pont-enwd b-in ed Phlîpacplans au kiiled nd m oudedd oniy14,00. TJarob zuios.nAtpmnylplaesohoeverala uoedthelrtgnlroch astan then Oispadsinbirdolth log legs. dogeraattwer tryin to ge ty-tbree thoueaîî were killedtorteftc ounryovehmfahers(hanho for îlend Corlsin oane inthy e pevls "rbbyis oo,.sadJc.i-ddntapar( ew chepter. Stirred up-Pau unes a t R u Wet enh.t e. arendplacts onnthe Brandsh frontat' - . wished teagoeandedt su"htpointss(h flreviottc durbg the Franc-Prus-_as nerthaomepabew hl 2 lof g Padlmasang et astf(lho "Hlow urpt o twud h fi cen bwigaw esi Thlan war. The fsrtf- the e igreat nbattheesg goud hi writer sth m n- bou ther }le'brws" ddarîn l k h nedwe weo w thig t 0 na gant ho bu iatr ceco ntedfr 26,000oun;E ylu them.y Bt orthamnt paoff e eponise thebe orboriz p ino Sbotte Grund 8 hon h hnofthen otemrbyc mitgth lad 4200 ti ridlndfo 3,00 fo r n nalus Ahc u satdwen hooting. spokakce, cf le "ph trov c ti o gloe" hby l" et om o."yHepli br aybîd eefy fe ,100 0- am fr,00000c. Ye al; f lugterme re akd sovremilst nof0.a4eneroiye y m at wekeotiedon Co.ack ouare o Jelc od no h de !tewos( airln fhe or batt0; ce ilo nothaei W y th haîte f the o a fte on sefort62,00 ;enchfronspcs whern they o ru n 13. 5).It la ler on a field on whlc totomn fte a e altI ag idwt okdh Woarl oofow r 4200.n keio r.anthasthrostatio dany oerar c f hed Lethrvlny idangerood(b ing r ov asei- I girl f eng oehn. Sb le ld (ey nw a ahnk i if wsr. aware 0fils oproachtngar raknd.aWild etrh ereneys hl an-uld lilytheesfar1moremicroes. jing ardbabyhin erl.No Igsetee ea hy aea igd tiiod nd ou .dedo p a 1 ,00of (h- t o 'tvali y polaeloteir, edgsujSseierRggr,.The r ten -Fiy secaiy IncntIum 1(18a bg doi.AdI leyr fte (a byfl uewi n tyt rotosn ee kald O rncdr ( h dusk rbbts r hn dowfo** thenA " i rther a rndte r 2 Co .ns it boue ue pbc iI Icoso o uikyte1onn ahao f bdnto nv )00e adfor its wshd ego addtsuhpon h o Britîsh novrredtuetupnotograerniecu juet:se Graveosttoeto(hmto hohue ntraiunntbhoeeiedearur ro Nw or 1) wo ren bthvreapas( e a bo ad rl n o.TedgEey a fp hi l (hte oumn. taihe hlokd dw fLodnonftetheaehi St Luisnoe ofherbad nik. en t abl uwtha nte o vr nteu otesaOrcn frein an obsrhetion pos, 50 wei co- '(ha othelday..discoery o!eanhe ferencefring(hy fild e sie te wod"'eespegt." bcb b Pof bpe he turaoned fotltag ly 1e -cehe at e Grs o igtea ThEnghlhwrtrsad vnhe rekofbve -provocnon ofnteout, 1That et o Le Bonpae"wsfa otrta n o ailsu pol tiblehofa end drtagtue ar uicely1side k e'lth- the s frin freth(10.hao er speflou Iini ea sowes.wnot s nCo.t e bîd J ack rAd(odg r hw ta byldee hae ben il lnstnsiblity t the oralrenchth ndnover ouhit rih t O wmenin nglnd o 5e)naed tn l at.on uet go (c ont ogef by10kja one"@Yots 'mpiuO verdict of lIe a'drîd. Noîhing bas donc ____lea_____________f____love________girl_________i yerpo oe (hothrrr T sb ermaWit fon-notra roce IIovrienean oe-hdfmilios. ow thoEp %1Iethesiteobes. bo Important moe tn e iae ge up a at h ofl -o h at St y foo. I w the ir enc hrgaemlinsmrad hsths w rohr ee1mdsh traIs <han the lbunian tu-eatxnet o! -~ "75and fn h da ba(t ell ehin e the i Gs overit'. otrqaehe ang aup rterse ter eCor 8.!hereJe users"tCr .9. twsaie o hJan iaht algi o u niRnVetnthe fo'aveU cane, alo h te iec h iaus eeit nutyt ae(opaes )w eould b aver et e i t figure o gacodc nvrcnstyi ie statswrig hundred optedos sbnce. ha vo ehwnito h by kockhen gtho trcesinet o (h e'mon at ha fro. T e ok n ter thn Lkeîargetabey a heat unleei uawy iwn ut Toa atfca ad pays te proteste flot based on frce. such (o att h e hele1le fai eahn ost ik'hfo centon on te marry h em S." tensding 'uch ara ngeents fro le-015fil eseladi ue akt]e 'hi o eg swh- ~rherolu a imilla situtionom Panad. t.b 'i f ipss e llan th e ____ (onahPulsktced i iCo. 6.bThankmunss heueekbodd The douescf occupaIon are iere-hpp the GjeBonty, harhandsbavese 6,Tleliterai- wrijtJue a year ao (hobho imardle Accoroding (o ( h Polihe DeaI wa(che, only one shoîl sfrmed tewa hee e erfl ly,1 bid ls howsgus eee notesla ntr- ai UnJac k ba an es !opnd n o ret( soe be tis childrn are tariithe o-lfail handuch au a oupla of ytardu fren 'omI in ti t henmbr o amn Th d At usW uay edego dthe n d eqaye!Tnuaobeaseto.en svryoion1r moause a(Jemsnytrefusymst guarante n asapcur. A fcies Mie(ostatrfenc. 1wThee a e, ncdh tee r vMlion e n d the",l cove toness. esen huhe y ades la 1m 1 3 opr pi .1, htu ete 2 fh tatha odn Ibhurntios eahti l desfrsm e ee li net n"75, rooran for carelesehoingm Ilth IlLrmeitaLleuesha phaIromled (hesglfthet ecgod woerk. 19. Chit'nterdmto !(o rto tosn ae toqiim ed ther aviiay pupe oiletrammet badeofdl-ae o (harohare adesofwhere he Framuenh Pa ndsr t ak h pae w uldasauely senstie t to (be G odtrouhorLraJnsCrs.etetdad dshre, hindelud efi nc eon aveo! ho lwn aobn rane efom arun s e rmait locinostheareony2cphe lllty (batf byemepoettponemetnt and hur- ut lly-a the wr o pl.2.8 n e rifca apiacul Oe ho! buItt y, budthcf îeaws o! r. o kead ad gtecuf.sat h aiiyo h e ws1aeteet ty o hr l n ied..coll eton(ormony -ight ergetasfon a theMse'asyn, Feh admn tarfihigf paybe a rtte lt e To dnyfore.mM tCsmlg us "Bocherpshe nelaureof wich Ame sf cèt eery c, a o! mng te lg prv arraget metst foran giving. Itople (bis ela Orsi e iv Ilîatien n te andthowpper .amahie gminnd hedona Pul kehed nhaCr. 6ennterkul jThre dulriemsiperon(hrooremueupatitonmuteybut(h ason wsraerItogna6avntahh l- mgh coneasan raondduyInnd MAvNGrRsFII6,LIBSlpel rgarod theislv larevo (a tato! ngtie brthe le h a Go rmany pxcllethysicwhelans Qe woul;d k no te hos ens gain crpple and.enaiiy1> MissesJumperDrest watchd, onlsenevasll onmethte thelfadeq! eoele t et ev en a e sprvtîg Poo.,ber- klth hte cpfo ac ndtal se henetea ci na gunouplomasarebresfnrom'but evn fThey odid meet (ho nd ere nce Rom.daaei ine1.Eup ftrabie cidvrl caus Ger any efuss to guarnteeIng'il e tcbi.n litte cleue-imtnpl teac (at tnhug h e la b ndte genaraîîy use îbat term (e daneta19. ant-Il hichfoid.cberplin utns but onyt e, be onne s upaer pl ofkainhue iGe- f ncron orrsveai*eks i tescs o f acute neu dîacus-dby a i o se proisiont the gowao rgt, w mnt e ameroder.oad iuethps allow ond lltb'rs t uppp rt tbein W ' otetrimmod with bandclus te e ory hh (bare bacs h r h r n ch aa day jysestvet heps I ath, dhs ef e o n e s t l ond ofte de. scfaiwe rs r arosette orbo.aFrod an it nliasne bar n ued (o 2p0la em (a ecua aepdelsia ely a uenfie lo wioemn n h L r's u n h ofas well asbutpofadhlcawByofday. yJohnandoaley washecuits.sauatuale"Theoonlyl (bingttI dreaddlullection ha croated.htMon wi' eohhvd bol The lnhabiants of aconquewbecouho ordained (hadJupennye alwaekry-lin fbr 'dyfarsaratment begki- ledi"aput bt méhone noverhyeet th hisle ftu (baso bila eowute lwend ForaIder girls île iebrma' e arke mety bas net (ho m sste nobtiti hee- la nee t highlycentagotis, i(heug îe- -These ords metshavnbee che- aain haeanahkd eut te o rep a the b srupdpsdorthos ar pporitthtser ahoearlkeytefndet tlawaet ko1ehrnebr t I fBouthe il - P haul apps LbGeat.d ntmand wît a t teblgbe-t ceglerTe fce r wat ho inetedaslt-a thrp- (ho ally ue ht te5r oeot atub huh ! a.6 eee oeoiee tesn ns yorglatetasikaoe i'o i o nhboler asIprebad enpng eiow roibBrdauxosx godpaten ocupesan testrllperomnyfi sisoTht arf-hndeheuni fghtnlmonwb, wil wihientd Sbnesor paeaaic k band lng (o-foot (val adeveryinthcourasli r OflceIn ai (ha tabasuen cull ead lInonisabesig ( )my el.Irdynhydonieitiifnc-des.wre ak g api - valv-mt ;ipr he . W e gtetim e i lse ftn wihtèe 'a ' plen ady pca grta ocr aedrisage, huar a crifasacifciahalar t ho bei rhepionint t). défan cone, s I l bundIodo sh fowrsorn Thesettspofrts bna Fothe ho I asgr t enu rittnia en-aues We d net new jua hoJo n aese aaar naee l "Te n wLrfid Bukasttr assOwnt >tthewn;o rgrunnhe ig ariund orupand (ha Gemasns ctheralhy do nto(ho dîsase ne preads, conttbousIahwougl e- abuterco reendtepenyawek! lm d efatinhvvr ae- Arllattowil Is Leerseta t ho EwnglshBr. uii ae ey ecmnte(o o ng pîis g jeve l kelte fin ou va (bat îsetu la ofte d memnaed byf 1It.boesth lmP(bla gies -thd hlmaî,shrn wt ororovheoln t~he anIenCos riaporitblepouspecte opeaoi n puig d tht LordChanclIerwhowbstbonaasb rock orf s.k serge or Ten henoie eeugWhoi nve(h iew abtrau the tatare uoft he n 11% (ho ate heo 7.gilofGi.6 teen(1 moral ofla tene edenewicah bsc a tnt id urging evorybordyllu Great Britainnt the fiet tal an d srueet ic h asi ôsaby seing a h able utllg. s d wlia erey Imusiv neaboy) a act il-suete Te lntronswt econeîza nd mya ah (be canla w r Ponese sporsiarorns, on he1 aks at (ho rtin rhies hoé, is meue. In e esdio es, mare exp ow1s-, tcertulny as e p e et grgig"lit' ît rY, onth~ hc aye st oml ane al n LIra, la ense (ho m e mortathe atrie ul colono pngorlmead tne Gmah for (h rn cldo n . the easeet .-a lt bi.g on an a-,jaai pi ()aboututely Sj.Ofwhom ioaf en epeue aevr~ nwb i.nds Le atersn o g e igille:Bar.h ent raatlng colora,' blue grens rec1 ae red xcad ho iupaying e tY It also b. guisepntedby ta tneset enferced by san kid et fo hun tvr iiut ealy aabigi adwr Lor Bckaything signodlyapit - i rl(ho ndbeot o sut nw e po pular w Tbe'ra a hvr isl n-tescéin ft»ns n txa httke"rbep edth Lr Canelo, hoba ee %&h rok ra ar sre r tie euenomy ite hine artn te tht restance nIlbe somewat ao w (ha Gr.e vi erson et1) rev. 22 8, ntade ut i ymd(ssacoepn-sea !t oer 0n urng vLord CaneliretBintecnialy irs ! robmx(oetten. Th fr wa ta (oandhetrp"mo- ar ha w s l h erethImpulsie n (hg)rseba n g ct opn en(oLnon Tne) whn Ibdfo wer, a ai blnmz n sv Hte cni m ous e we pn lar(forhe iesi. oar alon(h rona lice ettrenchih , othiecmtou dsemelu (reepo-,"ha rlnary Heb o r to (it t irut asud (rofi(le gle t time. i oepe of eKi ecncene"uuhy aboe the Mentabeer caîteas d% th fnr thce rten m y . h uldfa nt sfocent, nd ( o an t en raiilîlutpaien et (3) 5 rauta pn-s M1Ct Ax-admn i t haa a ln DoI, Rad dlg' e dig eut uggested ne baeking course we' Don. "It the ocher 'r the bibi- exclai m-ed (hon both Lt strange th teo(oe- air 0yes i the bachi tod,, they shîn-e out- 2 lesrtb(e tle rabbit, rbad about )n was (ho or two B- Along tle gIn a tres hey saw a tak, whiclh n anotb>r rk abject ivi. g passed i play tha ey decIded lon-picturo feen.--The le instruc- re tfrught wrrlk wi(h (bey ever ;pital was » neod bas k(ha- tact aut rnonth had beau' (ted with .twe thou- mees-troiS le ýcng (hem-- l'te, havOu rrg batwefl ted eut me- th legs am- ed te walk ith tho aid naimmd soi- ication for ouital. ln t numbered %tions are their hand- lelings coni- rtice ie ily boy, a tit-, ~a.- v~- <t -(f 4 e