D Vol. 54-No7 VVALJ..5J, ~a~aw< a.u, .rtiuagD~Ayé AUGUST 171 1916 ANNUAL MEETING f Chuch'sWAR RI I OA FI11HA Review of teWt RayFor Use Dry. I'<o Mizing Required. It sticks to the vines and finishes the Potato B3uge or otrleaf eating inuect "with e e application. Tlie cheap- -est and safest way to use a Istrong poison. It prevents blight and watery potatoes. 10 lb. for 25c, 4 lb. for 10e. * 14 4.' 'i j IJi E. WILLIS Drugglst and epticlan MEDICAL HALL - [nrock Si. Wbitby. j 1THE MOUSE 0F QUALITV The Deater witbhue t oa t oudhu Srstu "Scranton Goal" mehoStandard "AFTER THE STRIKE" New Prices Now Established. Fresh miaed IlScranton Coal " E g, Stove, Chestaut and Pea, coning daily in box cars--caua, awithing coal alwayê in stock. Order now Whi;ly Yeu waiit the bost. IR. SLOWe Bell phone P. Home phone 14. 3. J. HWELL JAMES Carpenter, Builder and Contractor. Ela sdrawu and estimates furnished. Saa, doors andi f rmes. 8gnt fer 1flrantUordi Roolln ê« 467 IIIray Pieu. 149 imarriage Ltcoenss A. H. ALU'N. Issuer of Makriage Ltcenses. Corner drug store, Whitby. No witne88es reqilireti. Thé Otoater Canada Improvenment à Lnd Co., Limfito WhItby - Ontario Real gotate Dealera. EntatesN Managed, Rente Collected, Firet I<oans Avcanged, Propertieit bouglit and sold. For termui apply Head Ofliée Brook St. 13e11 Phone 193. Imd. Phone 70. HOW MIJON ARE YOUR EYES WORTH? Don't take chances wben you cao get my services of ovr 20 IF* E. LIME .ARTHUR LYNDE TEACHER 0F SINQINQ. Tuchu st Wbitby emy U.t"dy. Fb... M u& or01a4r.m bn NM& ITST 1899. Irn-&les UVMISS SLE .- OuenSuns SBROCK S.NT AU inIdso IIûn4 d ubl' ri"-for .1m11au rSis Mud bmgs tate -omîm n So. -« second annual meeting of the Doni Whiîby War Relief Society ivas beld ln KE the town hall, on Monday a.fternoon. Proc Aug-ust l4th, the Presldent, Mrs. J. E. Proc Willlis, occupying the chair. There was Le a large attendance of thîe ladies of the 53 S town. The meeting was opened wlth Gu the singlng of "The Maple [caf," and Cour the Rev. R. W. Allen then led ln prayer Donf for Great Brltaln and ber Ailles in the MI great world struggie which Is taking lroc place. ter After the readfng of tîhe minutes of I¶or the last monthly meeting, a letter from So Mms. Pluniptre re provision for prison- Donl ers in Gprinauiy, wus lised. It was Ki decidlde1 send $f,0 frein the Soclv Dli as a contribution towards the nliainteni- ('Il anc'n of Uanadlan tirisoners in (Ger- l'ro<t nian'<. The "Prisgolers of War Depnrt- 1) ý ment' lri Fnziand ls under thie manage les incriî of MNir.Pivers-1Ilulkley, aîîd for Pt 0< fi le sumrnor C ISîl a moîîth twvo uarc-ls 111- ;rv sen <'di lI rison <'r. nntd in baf of Plart A lctter w as11lRiîr.ad froin u Iýr i; Phum %V. 1'. E' o<f It(-l ie l î Ix fla on), p thankîns th0 ladies tif t lxx soejt iforir lor tlIi' ront ritiîluxît if 5iei îiiirs <if iîiirks t Ill i tiit t tiv 'NNio tiiv ouiîld reri 1 if r( qlttrî il Al ti a iin l Illetiti N w it rit'. Iini. frîxtt n I ' xiir I liiiii n,r. l,iiî i(';Ill i l tî i o iii shiii , :,- du r -f, of ' Dufliuîî i i d 1 <'ai> Nit 'Pif- Tr' i5iiîo"s report foirftic i'iixcifi lui of JiIîi a ii fîloî (i iti t t l- i ( ill0v Iii.iitir on taid,..........ng, <i N a Y o k.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i i i i < T i i I lif i tfili ft, t %t'. 'T' i % ' WI-ITBY ELIEF 5OUIETý -k of the Year. ntioun from A. N. Mc- Cay, FaIt Lake City .. weetis Nrs, Ring's Bridge )ceeds concert (Madame ,eMar)................. shirts for Quicen Mary's ;uild.. .. . ........... Inty (.'ouocil rebate .. ation f rom Dx-. J. P. anîd re. Roger..... .. ...... weeds Trafalgar Daugli. ra' Concert . .... cedg of St. Andrew's )cluuty ct'oiccnt . . .. . atlen froi Mu-s. Chaus. iîg. Totronto..... iaiiuî tnm Ah'thodist Il. iîsq. for saie of qxîiIî . . .'(<Ids of veutcriainnen h - Alchodist 'ouîg Lad. oi f NI ri. ax<ui trocî ds of soctiby or e txx..' '.. ad iu.. ..... atl oti1frînun \Major 1la t r &, Siei î'u-<j'. of NI. Ani-it i-t-'e l'id .. ad lt-s' xýlii -ý f in tir-itii ii i.... .. . it i Pin f rîxuii NN.111 Ki1Iilng aiifronxY, \V, '. \, () t I.C.. for.lRed ('rosit tnsur-c. ix ed tîxdur $ 'r-îIionts ru ct-i s id tt\.u IlIu'f tiet Ilnies t 'uc'u-lîut'tfrnou-ulxtt 'tilouîfruxuuî Van Anli ilxuciir.- r-on t est f rîî i I it i o.fort' Red <'r-os 25.00 76.00 121.85 30.24 24().68 25.00 30.00 91.55 5-0 12.50 10.15 h "'i-i -' xi') 1,0 hi,> - 5t i 1-' liii iii r-' lxi (if> .'12 lii. 2iu70 <i - 1,29 100 .iti tr in ,irts. -i u;. N ( ' li <ut- een tu1g .1. . --I2 (' Wli i ( 1eld--------------------0f) Anîouîuît fou- 11lîit h -,ot-'k Ilîxuxat oni froutu Irs, NMary 1ixnd . .. .. .. . . . .. 244 i. 5 NV 11soli ...... . . .. 2.00 Batik int'nî'sl .... .. . . I1.!5 - oW ' f 01,.C. fuir Rtý -- - ; ros .....3. ... Total rî'ceils ...... .. $.S 2 2 lt loxi-s ....... .. .. 1.50L'uit u Coîccti ohifrom Var Anniver- saruy meeiîiig----------------2 54; Araq. (Colby .... ,.... .o 116t Soc Fud ... ...l ed ('rosa (1îneceeds of tea lh6ti Sc tîo---------1.00 b>' Iligli Scliool girls) . . 8.5cî Total Recelpits .... .... $. 2 Y. P. Tauisey, for fiagsansd Exîxend4huues for the mouitt $305.51 tx-gi---------------------22.0 5 Brit isb Red Cross, proceeda Balance on tîand .. ..1493À2 of Tuafalgar IDay -. .1754.93 The Society, lias received ah litulteti Misst Plummer, Xnîas glft.s quautty of a aong recently îublised foru boys ahtu-rcnt .... .. 15.0c wlth great succesâ ln Manitoba. Il la l'ing AIbert's Birthday Fuîid 5.oit enUtIed 'Gooi ye Sweethenrt," B Iritish Red Cross Funci .. 8.00 the proceeds are 11 ia-l'k& t#e dCiorss aai ear-----15.00 anîd War Relief Socleties,« Copies ot J. Heard & Sons, ttfo car- the song unay b. hait for 25 cents eacb niage------------------1.60 on application to Mies Ida McCleihan, Materiah for klionas.. .. 4.1.28 Tr.aauuer 'ethlie Socety. RefrOSimentes.... .. ......1.67 Reports trom the captains et the dit- Campbor----------------- 2.60 forent districts lui which blrtbtiay bags M. André ........---------17.87 wcu-e distrlbuteii, slîowed a total of (Caun. Redi Cross, from 0. b, $23.80 1 Io ' addod to tieIlGth SocIt C. Dramatic Club--------- 50.00 Fîti. Canadian lied C'ros<s, f rom Th e yvartv report ofthelie Secretar, Yotuog Womcui*s Chistian Mlrm. oi Kiog. showed th#, foîlowitîg Association .... .. .........3.0 0 root.rinitlhous rom the '-'orifty towvardît Exîirts andt postage--------14.39 relies'ing thie needsanaud stiffeningai of loms linos,. (iliuiit,e ec.) 10 0.2 5 those in txe trenchesanaud îospîtani. NW G. Waîtcu-s, (flataueîcte, Setnt bu flue British lRed ('rosa So- cuttoti. etc-..... .. .......1.43 ciety', as the puoceds of -T1ag liay" C. A. Gootifellos'. & Soui, hi-Id at October. $1754 91. pinulting ....-----------2-20, Sent te MýIss Phimmer fuor Xmai% box- A, M. Rosa (flannelette, es for WhIttîy boys t i eIront. $15 00) etc. ) ... .... .... 113.91 Tthe nimbter of seeks knitted by te ('an. Ried ('rosa, for yaruî..1<4775 Society for tiIs year auuîouited ho 1937 E >x'p<nses0f Secrehai'y anti pairs- [ast year the tiomiir ssas itsî 'Ireas urer--------------3.15 a littie over 600 pairs, <o hiat the tn- creasge la work and worukeralbas ti-en Total exKendittares ..$332&20 very grntlfylîg. Blantce in batik.... .. ..$93.;. Seat (o Oshawa, 25 piairs of oks. The SocIt Convenors, MIs-Suith antik Sent to Womcn'S Auxllary of Armny Mrs, Ueo. Mowat, reportti 148 pairs oti Medical Cou-ls- 792 pairs of socks, 109 socks knilîteti during the nilîh, anti grey fianneul shirts. 104 hospital shirts. aise thîrelpairs donaît b>- Miss War 26 pairs hj,-amas. 25 diressing gowns. 2 ron, anti one psair eacli hy Mrs. Richard inuMfers anti 3 pairsetfwnlst-t.s, 10 DIte, Mr#. Starr anti Mrs. A. E. Christ. alght shIrts.. 36 tossels. quaîîtity of Ian. bandages anti a box ef olt i lnen. Beoe leaving lte chir fer lte ele. Sent to Queen Mary% Needlework tien ef omcers, Mr. J. K. Wiltis ma.de Guilîti 54 hozpîtal shirtz, a tee' very Interestlng anti polattdro- Si-nb b Canatilan Hospital ai Orpiag- marks on "Women's Work la tho Pres- ton. 50 hospttal shirts. gnt War." Site sbowed tisaI while w. Sent in ~Securs 'Nabioaale": il Men MAY net take <hein place on bhc boys' .îîltz, 481 wouaeuî'p dresses, 34 battiefeâ, tey may serve teir COeU- boys' smocks, 21; Iris' dresses. 10 chtld- try Just as faltbfssily andi herealaly at rens dresses, 16#f pairs socha. home by takiag thse PlacsofetMen nt Sent te bis" Plutnrer. et Canadian for orerseas servies by nobt sacriMe. Fild Comforts Conmmion: - 800mj"loyed eues tb the cause, a" iprufld- pairsesocW64 tane 211rsbospItaIn# 01.omiortsantd nec«slU for thop shirts, 1 knitted cap. aI Lthe front. Women ar*n fag grosi Seat te Redi Cross for lte Dardan-' reqsisbulîUeMdntb.enteue of the elles: -SevomI boxée ot b4adages, 199 prsceut strngi wU measa venm re1 cana 01 fruit, 25 mentit ie1PM 6 5Pnl*IO tio sultisan 0Mon. They zan t»b case. anti 2 pairse ofsheets. 2 mils of Pr"M10 mel1the greal probleni olti linon. 13 lb.drici stpoli. w" b uli arté.aftsa'th*. smgk la Sent <o lieuL'COl. Sharp., fOr *'C' end. andti peos oce mos-e la car Cemplany, 1111h Battalion:-500 Pairs la e lb. werh e &dt»hoSoiwet socks. the.PredldMeaî xprussedti. na$ «toW This lst may serve 10 gisi Bu wI lMa!ut tvoi camlIls tins douce ly th. wooma oS lbl" ovo autsisi. eeict ,e durnu the Pm iyear, il aiti Iiicliati5 tie,.pSlay by eiï abS. *d vtlSg donations trom lte lies eofMmodt4 guts. ,es j#& &1#& l MW$ St. John's Auhiltam OL & A2WdreWs tbm»d th. e v«e &M,, uts. 4u. 11 Bible Clasa. LadIe. Md etMalmdîs l j« " d» ý - stisal donations0etmotls. i ilUeM94Md id«V«jt nte liiiWeeW«. blzaM ese.,trou le tY *ile#*o*l meus' « tW«M rI tt» iba boire slasl r seli& gla, IDort"s lb. year, omests, enterlale- mass.. à i1B5.etc. e, s a iVematiMd . O. . prs-es et <hsehav gvua ln IUa sce<y bb n abl" te ma .lu e à 'ioisiu contents asd ciou «m.* 11W e"rqOt» l.Tns.ni, lMiln 4~U 1Wl'Mn S Pra osset Lins. SsCeYS s U*B'.Pl aier"S Que~ wmr RVnigp NICLIc LETTERS FROM TWO BOYS r'ON AGTIVE -SERVICE 4ALSYKE, CLOVER O ne ro m . Fi ing Lin , th O t er ro m ngl nd .W e are in the m arket for A lsyk , R ed C lover, T im othy, FROM A WHITflY BOY IN THE They may remaîn ln place for quite a and ail kinds of Soeds. TRENCHES. lime, and agaîn for only a couple of4 Clatrence W. Paxton, son of Shliffhus enM.H onspad Splendidly equippcd c!caning milis ini operation every andIlis. . . Pito, Iaswnîtenanaway go our sand baga. There are lotst dy h datg fLeba akt ntewrd a n d A I r . J F . P a x o n , l i a w r t t e a n o f f u n n y t h i n g s h a p p e n o u t l i e r e , t h e n i a . T e a v n a e o h b s a k t n t e w r d lnteresttng letter* to Miss Cormack, ac- agaîn we have our Bad aide of the game. Give usacac nlu ou ed n ewl knowtpdgiing receipt o! one of the box- Il la liard to see one's comnrades put out sacinot îyyu c.I n owi es of 'goodltus" sent ai Easteî' wîiî-of action.1 satisify you. by boys at the front- ln his letter lie "The Whltby boys have ait done welI sava- bItis war. i arn very glad 10 know___ s youkowelf ornol thaï bot h te Perry boys recelve-i thelr "A ay, 91, nd happenledtoarrineoIn conmmissions. They have worked bard H FN gl, 9,ad o n dVitoap nd arrivew]rl and de serve it, and will withouî a d O F'n, ~~~~doxubt m ake good officers.1.1 - htyOnai htistitd abbiit ln such a sw'lft manner "ney Company, - Whltby, Ontarleoo ase had no tfine 10 see any of the' " oeyuwl pro ysyeo silhts. After five miontAis training we lte. a %e are absoltely prohlblted ___ I cane tere o Frîic, wler e hae t tlinuianythîn g of or about oîur UN S*E UM SNN. NEU..W NU.N. tc-m ier c ra,,,he r silice.venîox'eîeriîs, or uhat we have been u "Oit Sî-ti-uuber ]7th last %ne fomîîîd T HEo0 0 l" w1fN -1II0iNfR A N K oirselves planted la a dItch, a itti a'é' I uv I IIuM kitîdi of stî'lis bursti1îg anound us. For- A WIlTlDY TOWNSHJIP BOYVIN ENG- 9I im Nît.ae liait not -, axan. Vie -a,,ü td LA ND. 5 iii titis îîbacut tonabolit a ît',tien i rs b. Hro of Ah irthis MlN ni ut o z tIu' liii" abolit té-l n unî". we tr't2Y< e-o brCapital and Reserve 1$13,000,000 ginilto A triglit, Iailhave ile.Wn .Ieo,0fheI6hiatî A QENERA L GANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED "it- o '4Usaa oi: ri'vloti, su uitteu just afler arrliuîng ntie IlVNG luATMN ià -btt fCiid aï vrctiitiin n :ugîlîuuîAs 1igun. '( U tr în> W n:çu ArVINSce.RT E li nd iifli C'ilt' S. I Wîilhy bIo îtil ns Wilhth e 1w 1 IlOx tleux.' " 'a r ri-d rto iccnilnts twle anyear. i î':t hua %- iY '"if-t h t. ll.Yý ri o~2'~tel a h etu~siu Dfi4itâ ti' c Do ~lar and i.pwards reccived. 7 "(ii-%or fr-1s aid, ( iih WHITBY BRANCH: S. 0. TERRY, Manager. il i , ît - os'-:' -c' n-'i -i î.~ sut x. MOSHAWA ' C. N. HENRY, "it-:' n e t ry tr i tli kt f.- ',!-ani1tatil rjvdlounnu XI331 aonu IRI. u«un aNn fi:':,)., frntoili fr uiada, oii Siuida-, Jîîf - __________ _____________ ______________ 23dnfitu'n nearly thxue days' lrlp hiy 1__________________________ ______ train. I lad a good trip, twoIng lots -of - "Caunada In Flanidèrii." lbSir Max nrellt, ai-eulerv tiefore a e reac'hed lHall-! A i tiiutfax. Tîxtrce sure la a lot of i ough coulin- "lttt'itîîr's.Mbi"b>Jamnes N or- t r> - andit! n<lduot sep a îua-e ahiru' mI ~ litAI thu'y lad as good buldings as lan, West' "Action F-ouIit" by lloyd ('alt. Vib. On arris-ing at Montrent and"At1t hIH OG I W EA T H ER S PE C IA LS "Tht' Nan Lords- b' A. G. Gardiner C(xnipbelton, sic had a march at each ___________________________________ "itttSarah and tbe War,' by A G of these places; but as 1 was9 left toi Gatrdtier. ,giard our car at Campbellton, 1 did flot 'i'lîe tnd>iuig Story,' l>y W. Douglas march there. We got oui the bonIat a Newu'ton,.,.hlatfxx about Il p.m. Funday, but dld' at PeeI's Shoe Store "]teWorhd Decîsion," by Robent mot leave tilt Monday, and about 12 p. __________________________ He'rrick. un., July 241h, svc saw the last of Cao- 'The Flu-at Huîîdred Thotitsaod.' by ada for a white. I guess. Say, it was a'- Ian Ilay. great t rip tfi rst ta-o or three days, Nly Home In the Fild of 1-lonor,," ns the oceaît was as smooth as LaIke W ieCna n oInBos SosadP -by P'ratîces Wilson Huard. 1 Ontario. Ve were on the Olp unpic. tho ht avsadPpi Bos hc n (M S "My Secr'et Service," liy the inan aRrge oeea linr. Te Germnîs liaiv- 'Fleet Foot " Outing Shoes, Oxfords, 'rango Pumps who dlned wl-h the Kaiser, a larger one, butt I l In New York bar- .r Davîe I)a redevil," by Maria Thompson' bor. The vessel had accommodation and Suîîs T e et uin sh md fo al Dve.for 7,000 soldiers, but there were onhy d.>naa etoîn hemd o i l'rophets, Priests and Kings," by A. 5200 on board. spr njerain Ci. Gardiner. We each received lite beits the finI Sor n rccain "Pillars of Society," by A. G. Gard- day on board andi had te wear them ait trer. the time, excepting when sleeping. The A fuil! une of the iatest Pumps and Oxfords always "France at War,' by Rudyard Kip- sea became reugher about Thursday, lng. but 1 was net a bit sea sbck aIl through' onl band. Tît <se books may b. obta.ined at an Jthetip, and very few other boys were! ef the XVar Relief Society meetings on either.I__________ Mrs. Laldiaw gave a short but Moest back towards Canbda. They were bet- Brook e 151 hibyje, PEEL à lnterehtfng îalî on'wis'Prtparatlon for ýtlng In New York andtvnI n 01 aHllaz.SI truWut" ~. .u Pence," polnîing eut that -the work of lIant ah. would lic suaIt. However, on women musat not endi wlthý the war, but Monday a.m. we 'sighted lad off lte'1,_______________________________ musI be carrieti on.-lin even grenier mea.- west coat 0f Ireland. We went arounti sutre aller lîcace la declared, through the coat ail day within a certain dis- thep %'ork of reconstructions of Ideals. tance o! land. and as te sua was shîn- and perpüittat ion cf the h)iniçles o! ing brlghtly it looked pretty at times. riglhu and Justire foir whlch our boys We pa.saed many patrol boats, light art' '<o gallauidly lay[ng down tîîeir boats. andi Iightheuses ast well; aise IlTcs lh us. fiiturf- genratbons wi.lll Pasgeti some crusiers and destroyers. l eauti ho rs tlhueiunenionv of thosei We received orders Sunday night te s'.ho have i1 n trbiluis great strtîg. be up at 3.30 am. 10 propare for land- gle, anîd ouxt of thc horrors of lte pres-j lng, _so ive iad breakfast over by 1 i-nu lime %%! IIl bi eýotvéd a biessînglm. i nearly missetimine lookingatite[ for the a-es ho cone. 1 gh ta. as we wero going In the moult ho conuîîction wilh the duty of w u 0f Mersey jver, and coulti see Liver-. mien,' la. min country, Mrs. ' Laidlawpool on both aides, andi ahi kinde t r itof ea o uiîoved i-he foîhosi ing resolutlon. wbi'lh saners and tuga. We stOPped i n the n'as -ctrried by lte Soeey: 1'ri'er', the ttuge pulling usn iet a huge "liesohve-d that the,' Ileut.-Cloveu-nor fioatlng dock about 8 a.m. Alter gel.- li ('oînil be memorialla'd and 'that t ing otîr equlpment anti watiUng arounti the emoialbe rcpredby he ec-for two or three heurs. we marceet off retary andtd ilgutdby the expruris'eorf about il a.m. Yen ougitt te sec h jkthic Wanr Reietf Sol1,y ot bhaîf ot train-a tiey have; sucit funny 11111eý r 1th inemrbers. coaches, andth ie lau-gesl freight: i eG'c r e il 'We, the sstxîen of the >Wîîr Relief1 cars carry enly about 10 or 12 tons. The; -ocisly o! Whi-b . Otrodsr.t ugne r.vr mil .llhoh- 010ff vow sr fi#r Oi e ti, Or-W#flT DO go 4* 1 pft~ Neaet& #lau *0a Of *10 14< 0e$POU* r eMW#aseU 0vs1 *300" A' .: - DO T'o7 u no M« Ittg asI 5Mu- 5h#*ft .rfw -e #t.tas..y. 05 rit u ppf . 1W" 00 o# "5 a 10 "9 oie J~,oees: , 47 1 IPURE PARIS OREEN in 1 lb, lb. and 1 lb. pkga. t, t i A , fz- 11iirl1,l 5> C. A. GOODFELLOW Sc rý, Ptblât-hers 1 1 NICLt