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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Aug 1916, p. 5

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~I~~TTD~flAV ATffiTTan¶ 1.5 4h45 ~L~.XL~9~& LE9 .LUAU. Lot us Examine Vour Ejes. Xith the finest equipmlent in Ontarjo.Cointy, and our past experience, there is no reason why we should not give you Satisfaction. If we do flot we wvi1I refund your f'Ofley. BASS ETT In The Block With The Baioony Brook St. South W. .T.L 'ÉHE RESPONSIBILITY 0F TIE MEDICAL PROFESSION. Now, what li the duty and the work of. medicai science in regard to al-; cohol? More than two hundreti and ixty years ago the great philosopher, Descartes, sald: "If ever the human racela raised'to Utn highest practicable level, Inteliectualiy, nioraly, and phy- sically, tihe science ot medicine wilI per- form the service." Descartes wu n fot 4a physician, but scholars agree he was the mont original mmid of this latter agé, and that more than any other thinker he han moulded and directed nmoderni, scientific and speculative thought. Accepting this dlctum, 1 ask agp,n-iwhat le the duty and work of mé»xdical science in regard to alcohol? Froni Our premise, If It l accepteti,,. that alcohol should be absoiuteiy cou- d enned as a beverage and used opgr- r yeenrlutntyas a ein, 1 1 plin hatthedoctor, as the re- 1) ' esentative of modern science, bas a le ~fui duty to perforni. tt the doctor thon ho Up andi doing. Lot' every doctor 11f t where he stands. 'Le, hlm flot tiare to shirk hie duty. If alcohol lsaflot killed by the science of medicine, it will continue its de- .5tirUctive course, (or ther i. leno other Hè*cules to deapatdfi Dr. J. N. It#rtv.t . è;Teag eia Funt There ivas not a quorum o! the Boardi of Educatlon prisent at tire reg- allai- meeting Inet week, irence nu meet- In& could be bolS. Flfty cents le tire price o! the new -Ontario Count>' map-liro best map o! the Count) ever Isgued. C. A. Goodtel- low & Son oeil ii. Sent posîpai on recelpî o! price. BOAR'DERS WANTED. I have vacancy for sevemal youag lady boarders-Higir Scirool leacirers or sluSenîs preferreti. Mmre. W. H. llmuton, Wainut St. 0o 13APTIST CHURCH. Rev. G. H. Thiomas, B.A., B. Tir., o! thle 182n5 Ilattalion, will peach at botli services. Morning- Subjeet, "The Prophoî's Cal. Antireai, Speek a Kiati Word." Eývening-Suibject, Jeas eaniSPeter."~ 'Auitiem, '1 WiIi Extol Tiret." NOTICE. Parties wiabhing automobile for afler- nui or cvenrlng outîngs (long or short i istances) shoulti- communitente w1tir 'i. B. Ed.wartis b>' IntI. phone' No. 416, <rr alilat Pest OMfce between 9.30 andi 3. nai,-7 OSHAWA FAIR. 1ire lime for holding lire Southr On- tarlo Agrîcultural -Society Faim la a- gain approacirinsg. Tire dates are Mon- da y. Tueaday and Wedneaday. Septesa- be~r tb, 121h anS 13th. Tbo prise liaI. Is pullisbed and .bebng mail'd.Il OUI ,do unr-) gel a copy anS wish toe îW.-it uendti 1 Mr. C. J:. Davia, Secret0t>, Oshawa. Watcir for ativertiolng mat- ter andi loals Ins thesocolumus. BOWLING. Two inka o! Clareusnt lioviefts were ln WVitby> on Thuraday atternoon at for a friendly gMê wltt1he WhIt., by Bowling Club. Both Wbirlby r4uk were vicIera, tire fit-st by une snd i' -other b>' tweive. thle Clareatont ascii. inoloeed Sown, returnbng aler ssppo'm. Amoîîg tihe vitors vers Pr. BroSSe. geniai "foi" Fomaythe, and. Pred C.- Matiuil, o! tise StouffvIlle T'ri «Mu 'wbose brome in la Claneont Mr. Win. Bays, Manager o!fT a f.jrenais Parai, bat bouightireT .lS WhIite uonestead frein-Mn. Emt-n Hforne, tlise purchase price belng ;1800, MmI. l3n>a «1tvi mprove the poperty and Sntni~ds 10o nt IL. FOR THE SHAM"MY>EN. 11ev. Thuon. Joplin. Pield S.cretary of Ille 01bantylnasClrisaAspc1atIoes W«8 fla îown for s.veraisn" lisewk4 andtien Sunda>' usonsaing ho spha hiefl>' nt thse- Pmobyterian ÇburCIs ln the inftveBtesq'this work.Tbgb# - Mm. Joî'Iin's accondS. 585151 $*It tu- -WityandI horp to I4* cuing a substantlt*Ms year I lus t b ncnlptý~ ?Mrtr. Johin *1411f >Jihlei, àa ee 4ri tu eo spitaî ,qo l t. h e&t"4 ,w W>tha 1ou0 Uroat. d 1ra. NeI l t. Nat. went9u of other whlt-à b~~~~~~r~~ Uoswti~ ~ ataj.fot. They are not forgolten. R 9 OCIA. been doing acetive work; sewling Th . s SOCIAL,0 dollars w9rth of every-day requirenat The ~ ~ ~ h 1coîrem o b aptist The ladies of our cburch sbould '.jiiairh was crOwdd to 'the utmost on wbjle class, which 113dolâg splefuidd .AoltIBy evenlng, ç W Peo- «, Welconre " la their nrofto to aIl ph e ' U nD 4 c i 1 e r in g . « d V 9 t Th rogram Was o0-R<su ,meeit Mr.Cneu M'hle lîniet, cotI Ptserg agirg: P.S.-A big-beartcd non-attende MatrCotibeJo fltfl1brstihe bos at thre front, said, «IFH English rendered a lumnorous song. «Rube frorn a High Gralss Town." __________________ An orchestra of several1pi eces gave Inflch pleasure, as did also readinga, during the warm weather. His deatb quartettes, oonet.,lpos# etc. Refresh. occurpedl on Wednesday morning about tuonts Put the fn i' u tondto afieI30Teunrlsveswl hd evening's progranj r -- af ine "* at> ride ne ons:rvîeia fer-l -Mr. E. R. Blow ref,,,nm n ___ noon aI 2 o'clock. tr .' ,.,.un ounuay a tp î tO alifax, N. S., wberE e was ln attendanée nI a meeting Of tire Supreme Lotige Sons Of England. The sessions lasteti from Monday titi Fmi- day, every One crowcddftli Of business. While ln Halifax Mm. Blow baS the, PrIvlePge Of going aboard thre British Gunboat Orna-,' Them Werstbree otb- er wnr "esseîs in thre larbor. Whiie Mr. Blow was there four transpoirts lef t loaded with soldiers. One of themn carried tire 123rd 'Scottîh rq jme itof wbc 9e'Scuie"' McLeod' OU.> r tt by, la a inbmbem îln NWtI'thre barvesî fa tiiuch Inter tir rit _ , irio. The farinera were yet bdI witb tihe hay crop. wirile tire grain crops were quite green. -- ONTARIO COUNTY EXCURSION TO I-EYDNSHORE PARK. jThe 182nti Battalion iras arranged for tire running of two spectal trains froni points ln thre northern part of tire County to Heyishore Park, on Tues. day, Auguat 241h. The aftemnoon anti evening at Heytinshore wlll ho given over to basebaîl, land and aqunîlc sports, mitiway andi vaudeville enter- tairimesits, etc. It la expecteti there wli ie a big crowd down fror tire nortb. Wbibby's business places being closeti on Thursday afternoon wlll ai- low a large attendance of townspeopîe, and a great lime la antîcîpated. The ,~~~ ~ ~ Or Ibis Issue. See largebiifolme DEACONESS F table Of trains, Wtteeh Aoir fd cId ren DONATION TO RED CROSS SOCIETY ait te FreaR lAisr ty, éItherare65 An aeknowiedgem ont bas been me- ll OnersoluIbiopthe ,iarer 5mai11 ýcelveti by Mrs. E. E. Starr tof receipt lareben compmîsn t ljieprin s 1Of contents of collection boxes placed We aI knowîh~ >1,'~~h~ iti the stores anti ban ka, sent t thre tene, but î t Mhro l i ir bderI-Re'd Cross Society. Col. Nool Marsalal, baesenjttoged tbel.l he eaul slre- Chairman of tbe Executive, ln writlng, hate no the -lee6.enq- 0bere - said. Wlae.oheani il aripet.. ti%-bre.knt- "May I ask you 10 kindly tender to We.oneandall reclathe lirte Sonors of this welcome contribu- nos anti thougtf %1 li, f fié a 4s lion thre hearty thanks of our Executive who hvesent us fnà Itns, and mn shir ite. to conýey our moat hearî>' tiranks to Cmlte' Miss McILaughl1i, 4 ' hwpela- Ho for Harvesters' Excursions to the toes; Mrs. Jos. Kean, Whiîby, 10dozea Candil Nortbwest August,;7 anti 31. bn;une member êf'Ostoklîn i $' 12 going andS$119ta corne back. Aiso Ai ,82 dozen eggs: Mrs. Peilow, Whltby, Homeseekers' Excursions ever> Tues- 1 basket of cherries, anS prosori es; day night tili October 31;:good for 60 Mme. 'rwoedie, Wht>bir, f1ûîs t O*lthi.- tiys tbretura. Seaside-excursions to Ing; W. C. T. U., Whitby, cash, $1.; W. Lower St. Lawrence, Maritime Pmov- M. S, ai Courtlce,-- 12 dozea egs 24 Inces anti Newfoundlanti, August 18, quartso! fruit, potatoes 4ndcab $2, 19, 20 andi 21. Reîurn limit September Mms. Haig, Heydns4rore Park, $5; Mis- GIr. CHEAP. Set>, write or phone (36) sion BanS, Whitby, 7 bathingS ulîr, Stephenson. up-town ticket and tele- lany fdettuce. r fr1er>9, a grapir office, Whitby, for al tickets. quanity f lttuc.' '4 ,Also bu>' Toronto Exhibition tickets at We bave aiso receiveti man>' accept- Slopirenson»ls "leisurely."' The G. T. R. able donations from-tho 182uà BattaI. wIll i-un specil trains*from Toronto lion tirrougi tire kintinesa of Major ea8t aI 10.30 (or 11.15) p.m. on Septeni- Hamilton.. ber 4, 5, 6, 7 anti 8. Procure your tour-. lot, ocean anti ail tickets aI Stepiren. UNION CHURCH St11 ICE$. 'son's. Choice otf al] beat routes. 1Sunda>', Aùguist 20.' 0 bBoth services a-il l,hf hi,4ln i A..iJ EXCURSION TO l-I5YflMUrHORF drew's PresbyterCai" %ë U.l Rev. 9. 1G. MeC*n"Ck,ý M.À, WLll occupy thre pulpit. q k -e-. DR. EVANS iN WI4TBY. Dm. Austin Evang anti Mms. Evanq Were blnWhitby op »'ednes4ay, thre gueRsaotf Dr. ant inis Watmon. Dr. Evans has been on active service la bospîtal work for over a year, final at tire Dardianelles anti since Cln Sembla, but owing t 1 iihth l1m aÉbeen compelledti 10resiga bis Sulies. Dr. Ev ans le not tieflaltely bure metwirat hie plans for lire future m-111 ho. BROKE AN ARM CRANKINC4,ÇAR. -Prench i nt IkBegianiaflite 1oî4o, met wlîir a n>ainfut aèeidedft l6 Sun- day home, wben tire ehgl e o! hi ~iotor car backflred, tire Cnr breal<ahie rigît ai-m. Monse ii>r' ~e la Sabliere was on hi n y5 o#n ie i summer borne at Chalk Lake, ailS was accompanilotiby iiswife anti Saugh- tors. Stopplng at Whitby% $h.y .tmd- oS service al. St. Johsns Tt; C., Cht1eh. Il wua ater tbe horvîce,- wben they were about 10 resume (heur joui-ne>', that the accident happqned. Dr. War- men set tire fracture, . ditor wh icb the parI>' continueS their trip 10 Chalk Lake, with Mm. J. J. &ln tiÈ. 1Wbitby, actiag as chauffeur ln place of the in- jureS man. - 116TH DA,>rTALION AT BORDQN Lettons have been eceivedti Iis w.ek froinitire boys of tbh 6qr )ý3etalion, Ontario County's ,u Itl tls whioh there are a numberetf. 1 Whk ~f.The>' landeS aI livyerpoolon August 1e1, making the trip afc àst»>l itnl seven Says ons tbe 116rOly*tptç Tie>' wemo al dell.ghted'i Itl hI lb. 'v;$'ag. Tire weather was 9,iopt peirfect. snd onl>' twe or tbree ortbtr seve'thoiba. and& on board suttered fromse sasick- nem .Tirh lp pS ue'othe10*0t liners aIloat, TIe boys were allowed te use lh%- big swimmiag tanks and Main auium, anti playeti gai-anod pyv* sicai drill on the hroad docks. The. ln. terior of thre vessel seeme to them liko tiraI. o!a palatiai botel,. Md one couid cnah> imagine one waa on land rathon jtbag on boàrd a vemet1 { ITie Battalion la stationied ai Bordon Camp, in Hampshire, or liante.,in It la btter known. tabout ffity Mlles#troM London. Some o! tiémn wene about to go on beave for a slghtseelig tp la tire wold&s larg«et ety.,, Note tIseSuIfferont spelling O! lbe naine of th. Engliseb aml>"Bord.." trous tIsaI o1the caadIlan cm Two yens, smen ve ola tovi udm i &aV a«d Saurday et Ilawfen o oh bousine fdistnIbU*ag U eIgM ma lito ature Iey travelth tbsl the Prov- travelling convetaleMOSa"a0dtbey carrY a teut, wbieb 1 they I gb ig fflbl ibe IIe .54m, Ove tétOuad l tat"tmà tise>'prbeeeded uptowe eStor ir and etumeerd aa 0M .0 a*et t" corner et Dundetansd Srock t*ù tosrbweM ot- s li ed- à uùo *la rbroItée ýWat.ata PARK. - On Tiruratiay. Auguat 24tb, tho 182nd Battalion will i-un a big excumsioq froni ail northrmaPoints ln Ontario County io Heydnsirore Park, lire Battallon ireaciquaiters. A big Program iras been arrangeS as followis: llasebabb--1.so p. m., arp. 182nd Ilattalion v. Toronto teain. Militai-y Diop la y-ph ysica Exorcises wCîh arma. Horse Vaulting, Living Pyraimiti. FieldSSPOrts:-100 yard Saab. $2. $1; quiarter mile, $3, $2; i-unning high Jump, $2. $1; standing broaS jump, $1, 60c.; runnlng broati jump. 12, $1; i-un, hop, stop and lump, $2, $1; ha4f mile ac,$3, $2; mile race, $3, $2; Reti trezsraQe, $2, $1. .u ,4 , t 1 Aqdatit, Sports (5 o'clok ih&alP)-26 yard race, 82, 81, -diving contest. $1, 60c.: quarter mile race $3, $2; cance race, $3, $2; hs.if mile rela>' race, 60c. for each lst, no second. la tire Evenlng- Lighled Midway. Vaudeville, BanS Concert, Dancing, rMoving Piclures. Refi-esirment boolir. Hot waten froc. Admission 1Oc.; one admission for atternoon andi evonlng. For turîher particulars anS train limes, sce large blUa. JAM.ES CAMERON PASSES AWAY. Pi-ohably the oldest person bu 'Wbitby passod oen 1to thegreat ma.ority ou MIonda>' night when Jamaeg Cauron, of Port Wbitby, closeS bis oye. te thinga o! Ibis world. Mm. Cameron WUs ln his 97th yean, havIng been bons on JauuarY 3, 1820. Mr. Cameron wus ofau ex- cèptIonally strong and rugged phy- sique, anS was praclicaîl>' nover 111 un- 1.11 neently. On Jun 211h tesat h. sur- fered a slight sti-oke et paralysis, snd aince. tisatdate liasbe stesdiY de- cining. Up te lbhe lime o! the attack hoe w« cdean anti brigbt tn bis mental taculties, and could Imoud pemf«tcy vîthout spectces. lndoed re-neyer wore glasses. WomlS affaire were ai. wuys cf deep Intereat te him. and h. w&S a caretuI meader oet he papes-s. RU nuseuor>' wu reniarktabiy retentive, ami et the exporlence. ot his long and van- led Ilire lhewoulf sok mont etrtain- ingl>'. farlng bis llIte.. ho isad per- lodb whea his md vaudelroS. ,but sine. last Satrda>' bis Uid had'beffs quit.@ration. On tbit day ho teid bis nsophew, Douatd-thtuUho -us 901118 te die. tisat he coud feel death WU eM- salg upen hlm. -TIMe ltte Mr.Cmrn us thenons of IDonald Causern, and wasa boraln th@ r.Couatr ot Olsngar. lRe camse 10 Wlst- Ib>' wis bisiehter la 1881. anSdie b«s fl eshr# for a perw Set 8M ycfta Tii fsmily settl doukg»ts29 sud $9, cpm.le Geoveru.m.s>M-0 v o. -» «,the; Oo t0L7 surrundiug. pnctli W Y emi i*gth at OMWhilby flate-day haM 4W vekto4rt" Msr. Vsanrnes ltUMII, ver. -lirik aar*m furtUda thîce brothenAllas, IPAie158 PAGU7~r- SEASONABLE GOOI~SI s Pt rlôtlàMn rîbers of Our sehool baye gone to the lopeeially hou' our Ladies' Bible Cia.. not only a ticJes to, cheer, but many 1 ake a strong interestin this wortb- rvork in mamy ways. Iernfaclo Sunde 8cIiooI Ànt of Our licbool, knowig of the beip lere'. 1.0. I- was-n--t,- -1Y tu mti . .ti4me z C-., h l neM.JmsCmrn fine to start, for as a mule folks are1 bas Passe away' at a ripe olS age. Ho genemaîly ln tieamlanti about 1.30 L, was one o! tire earliest setlIers on bbe m.Base LUno, eoming at Il years o! age la 1831. He nover marrieS. Ho bas lb was somo time afber the Are start- been a good trionS le aIl of bis rela- oS before tire bose wagons arriveS anS tives, wbo wiiI miss bbm now ho la il wus Seemeti ativsable 10 save the oe r e s i e n c s - l o s e b y . M a y r M i c h e i 's M .- a n di M r s . G o r d o n R e y n o l d s s p e n t brouse andth ie bai-n o! Mm. Wm. Quick a tew days wlh bis parents. received tire attention o! the firemen, Prmens are busy cuttlng grain..Al and- although they were iscorched nome ganla -ripe, and t lei a bus>' time on tiroy wemo net sertoutly'.daniaged. The tefrn garage contaneti the Mayors car. Somne parties weme siroobing Sucks wbich diS not esce*pe the fiames, ant is nTedalvnng etr attl a total Nwreck. Mr. Mitchell coulti give son T es. vnn.fete at1 no cause for tire fine, unless thre electrie asnoe. wimtng, as lie diS net bavre bis car out alI day.-BQtwmpanville Reviecr THORNTONS CORNERS. STICKY FLY PAPER FLY POISON PADS FRUIT JAR RING5ý 1 j Personal M,pion - Dr. and Mr, W. Adaüt3 are sî'ending a holiday at Basamn Lake. j-C. Rogers spent a dae Iast wee .k with frientis ln Wub.Pcor gNews. -Miss Edith Corfner, wbo bas been la New York for some time,1b.as returnec to to w n , 1 _ . 1 - 1 . . . Mr. Georgt BlOtw, O! Ottàwa, haâs been la Whitby visiting bis motber, who hme beén qite 111. Miss Myrtie Wilson spent'last week with thre Misses BalBden, Of Wbitby.- Pirkcrieq News. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence, of To- mont o, tiqited over Sunday with Mr. andi Mrs. J. W. Bateman. Miss A. Lawrence, of Whitby, la spendlng a few days wlth Miss Laura Andrew. -Pickeriùg Nclu.. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Harrison have returned home after visiting ln Toron- to, Newmarkot and 0Gnimaby. Miss Edith Bamnes and Miss Cecilia Grose have been -hbolidaying for the past two weeks in. Muskoira. Mrs. Norris Luxon 'and Mr. Eugene Nicholson, of Detroit, are at bomne ow- Ing to thie lliness of their mother, Mrs. }bobt. Nicholson. -Mr. Arthur Nicholson, o! Montreal, wbo bwsl been bolldaying up on the Georgian Blay with hhs parents, arriveS hecre this week to spend a few days In trown. Capt. Dr. Lou J. Sebert, of Londoni, was ln town on Saturday. Dr. Sebemt expects thal ho wlil be called upon ere long to go overseas on duty. Ho waa vising at his home ln BrookltIn, ac- companied by Mrs. Sebert. Miss Olive Garrett, of Watrous, who- bas been visiting ln Ontario,-was ln town agnin for a tow days during the past week. Shoe epects to spartS a few days ln Toronto, Barrie ant i Mdland befome leaving next week for home. W Mm. ira Edwards, of Coîbomne, who nianufactired barmels In Ibis neighbom. DE hood for a number of years, Was in bu tuwn Ibis week looking uxp old frienda. Cl Ira la la kha)ri, and la Band Sergeant _ la thre 295th Durhiam Battallon. Miss Clama Chatterson bas sold ber residence atI Hamem's Corners to Mr. Glen Allen, of Whltby. BASE LUNE WEST. M. Harry McLean, of Westmount, or Montreal, la visiting frieitis aý Whitby. BIj .Miss Goldring, o! Toron)ý o' visit- ilûg ber parènts, Mm. an( _Mme. Frank m Goldnlng. Mr. Dominick Benardi is back at the camp again. -WlIITFI ELD'9S DRUS and STATIONERY STORE WHITBY. eNTARIEC Sole Agent for Butteinlck Pattermne Sole Agent form Nyal Preparations FOR SALE. C, JOHNS Threshing outtit compiete, 20 b.p. Carpenter and Contracting Builder. Mite Traction ongine, and 36 x 50 Plans prepared and estimatea fuib )ecker Separator, ail thoroughly re- 1ntshed. rut, and only useti a short time. Brock St., South of Post Office, Whit- eap sale. Apply box 06, Whitby. by, Ont. 4tf. Phone 131. A, A, ROBINSON W. A. YOUJNG Undertaker and furniture dealer. Civil Engineer, TopograPhicai Surpey, Bell and Independent phones. Day land drainage, subdivision designing, rnght. plans and drawings, etmates, etc.. en cotrc work. Contraetlng. aOOLIN .ONT. Box 243, WHITBY. STANDARD0 BANK 0F CANADA DEPOSITS RBCEIVED SUBJECT TO CREQURE. Savings Bank Deposits bear intereut Bt "T'a tehighest current rate@. WHITBY BRANCýH O. A. M.ch.., Mange I I sihUc 99TiIIIIS IALLS TENNIS RAPEES fot fPdneEeèm forfo1.0ô fg . 5 o i 2 . 7 5 2 5 0el m o , 1 7 - o 2~ 2w loft Reg.. 25s.or 20 MOî,8.0 for 2.76 SSW ETS TSoui. Oity fnahstg. 050 for soc e*g 2.50 for 2.OO e. M00fer P.00 rtgL>flersiolU ODD LUNES 0F M 1 WIce CloUs 089 rns~~Scu'~u Lw Pahies. LUI 5IKser« FR1 WHOLE AND GROUND -SPIC~ES dresof the beneficlaries of these mon ls unknowa to thre bank officiais. In the banke of Canada at thre enS 0f 1915 the total unpald divitiends, those not claimeti, amounted 1O011n1Y $1,434.97. On the other hanti, tbe total of un- claimed bank balances was about a million dollars, $916,585.74 tobehoexact. Unpaid ceétified choquis, drafts or bills of exehange totalled $171,224.04. BIRTHS. HUTCHISON-în Whitby, on Sun- day, August 13, 1916, 10 Mr. andi Mrs. R. A. H-utchison, a son, (Robert Crai g). KING-In Whi.tby, on Wetinesday. Aug. liat 161ir, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Theo- dore King, a daughter (stilîbora). ANDERSON-In Lansdowne, Ont., onr Tuesday, Auguat 8th, 1916, b Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon Anderson, a tiaugh- ter (Mary Eleanor). DEATHS, CAMERON-At Port Wbitby, on Mon- day, Auguat 14, 1916, James Cameron. in iris 971.b year. HALLETT-în Wbitby, on Wednesday. August 16, 1916, John Hallett, ln bis 81st yoan. ROBINSON-At lot 28, con. 7, Wbitby Tp., on Wednesday, Auguat 16, 1916, Stella Elizabeth, eldeat Saugirter of Mm.-anti Mrs. Daniel Robinson, agoti 33 years ai 4 monthe. MAYOR MITCIELL'S AUTO On Monda>' momnlng the cil i. zens ln the nc>mbhemn enS o!flire town weme awakeneti fmom tueir alumbers about bal! Past one by tire fine alarin sounding ils melotilon ltune. The tire was Siscol'emed ln tire garage o! Mayor J. B. Mitchell, corner Elgin and Hor- se>' Ste. Orillia Packet:-'i3are pientekers bathe at Orillia Park- la the big black- letter heading to an article ln the Gazette. Reciproelty again. OrIlla people go to Barrie for a drink, and Barrie people .eomae to, Orillia for a bath. Still the terms'#are ndt equal. Barrie people pay, Orfilaaotblng for tlie privilege thelt "r, X hereasOril. Ilans ln Bajriotale t6'hth~le la*idlord, ti» the bartende'î ezId-someIimeàeven pay tributs te Police Maistrate R Fad- enhurat. The Roman Catholtê Church of Port Perry bas been re-opened alter being remodelledl and decoreff. Jabez Crozber, et Port Perry, was hurt by falhing from i amower. Yoa know .wo aMealvays right with tiai Prc«of Sugar. These ari thedeys wheui 7o0 are tbinig &bout puttlng dovu freah fruit from ,the fuinet gardentsinOa1ýaio, W. are hm-* o W hoIp. u h.alwayspnt cown your Oua fruit. SEALERSU Wo bio 1bIMW tp yl.. The little -shower and the cooler rrea- ther are much appmeciated. Mr. Edward Pascoe la able to, ho out again after bis recent Illness. Mr. Elmer Lick ie travelling~ in Mani- toba on business. Mm. and Mrs. Reeson, of Kînsale, vis- Rted Mr. and Mrs. Geoirge Reeson. ,&t Thornton's Corners, to Mr. and, Mns. Wm. Hoag, a son. Fogr Sale Te Rent, Etc. WAx~trD. Board for voulta, girl 7,'boy 5, near Protestant sehool. Termi moderato.'Ap- ply Boft 10, Gazette Offce. WANTED.' Good smart boy lo milk and look «ter cow. Qood wages. Apply Mdr& 8. A. Baker, Dunclas St.. west. -tt. BUNGALW IOR ItzNt Sbx tomas bath,,an~delecîrlo Igbt Nusar. ln*,Mn bltWôn. Apy to W.i »un, box 1«t WhItb), 100 acres,, lot il, con, 50 P* Toln 7 Good buildings; silo, neitly n, Dit ty cf water; tfair orehard.Appt>'to Wllfred Sadler. -BTookliniDOât,,i lPoy pudle wsgted for & boy or uirh' Apply to CoiUps' iIao store, 11AIVEST, H ILP £XCURSIÃ"IIg i i -4 4 - , FLAVORINO EXTRACTS -1 iv qwtllqgnÀv- ATTatTelr 1-7 loin 9 1 1 PAROWAX-

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