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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Aug 1916, p. 7

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'1 p hast advantage, senttreinforcîmenbst,; tî'tnbv atîl inothor nciniibry tbomba, i"iub'unitd tates Markets. _ fi-cm one front te anotbt.r N,îOhtheborn'mie ot whtch fellu te s ea. Asi Facing the. main rond stands the Mlfnneapîtîls, Aug. 15.-Wheat. Seltero_ ubmiost faciliby. Tiley are nit d<Inoitn ail rocent raids r y of the' bomîts roI -"hiome" the. men generally caîl ber,.8149J ;I)ecemtter. $1.49,J te $1.50 thIs now, and will ne' tir bc ic t efol on <pen izroundul o inte the water 'it-fianked on the ont. aide by piles cf Ne. 1 hard. 81.661 No. 1 Northern ath isi>wr ainof. legs andl on the. other by sbacks of Ite $1.61J. Cii-n-No. 3 yellow. 82 te o.~ "Every Austrîakll or tapt<îrcIl O I59. i-No. 3 white, 431 to 43t9e must be replaced m-ith a Gerroati. This sown timber. Wakangt.wi- Fleur, fancy patents, 87.90 wood ; irst procesa canet go onîîfîor(s\-cm. Tht' 8,000 l'EOIPLF INE.S. ing track cf a ight railway, net yet clears. 86.20; other grades unchanged. Our Commander la Chief, General Sir pendlumnow si oped,-w 11 ot 1c'empleted, which passes bebind the Bran. $19.00 te $20.60. penulmn<w totuil iîl nt 'rpebyIaag i Wst~ir is ilî jn $ouc2e e a îarin Duluth. Ault. 1.-Llnseed on braek.Doga a. again swing for bbe Germais. W'e 8IoPeg aag-nWet 82lUtl o oret cer . .13 te $2.1 3à '5-5.0arri ve. 8 2. 13 Sep- DulsHag are ihlng any t'riiî.-. nu his Cloudburst ltery IHeavy. where burning heaps cf "brusb" l1013 aske .1ovem e 82 46 sed ec b slog$ic2bt.dsat1e9c a r k illn e v e n tî ly 'r uu it i' a n . d s at h r r o C s n e: t n, p e d ' r o m t th t. t o p s ef th e f a lle n tr e e s Aen er . 1 2 v e b ld . 1 4àh e s - N o . h a r d . a -i isl o m mas n er h ve a e s e df embNo. 2.2 Nethmn.8 t48 eat81.49 . ,a riis cmmptreavm-ou worb i lisibi te tuelbtie t(uiwair. lVa.,satch: omstlatieîus ontdu.dare fiîing th air witb th refresbing $1.631 -No. 1 Northern.81.61à te $1.62 .sucit a titrill tirougtout te Empire i'. <' sincfdaybrak, Iscent f bit pine.rieraand thre No. 2]then $.St1.4( epe-as did titese fi-cm Sir Douglas Haig roops by belittliog bbe Germansf Al- \î snc abr ,In the face cf i through the blue smoke you catch a bhough bhey are ne ltoger thti"top11 iuch obsatace,;'as prostnated<iteîegraph gîimpse of a lumberman in a pictui- 1 Lve tok lakes.granaoBnitgibbcomen eme anste tîger,' they are sbill flghbing ike andti elephono uines, vanished or im- esque slouch bat. A littie fui-ter Tironle. Aug. 16 -Choiee heavy Germans la France. Sir Douglas tie" orcocntacd ur- no- passable rodsbridgeqand-,.' i abnters. $85165 $8.86 ; good heavy1 tîgrs.11r cncotrted au~ ~ ~ ...., tîî sreaeandl you are among a gang cf '"faîl- istepea.$7716 10 8.00 ;butchers' cattie., Haig, lb wil ho remembered, suc- thing In bbc war exceodoîl bbe fizht proie that the. storm whicb swept tbc ens." Watch bow they fell a tree, 70 geuid. 79 e8 5 o.mdu .72 ceeded Lord Freanch as commander-la- aur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t $roaht vt h iaie-niit n1lme ein f(<~it 7.50 ; do., common. $6 35 te 86.60. burga oopshd wt h n t ome rot.i Rier ad it.sbrutais o 'a nce rmre tebs. butehers' bulla, ehoice. 87.26 te $7 60 ;1chioftelst December. Ha le,% Fife- bug nte om rnt ie ndimtiutre nWt'dnes- i(ormr tikatUcbae d.. geod builîs. 6.66 te $6.765;do.. rouigh sbrma "White 1 have ne more information <ay took a toîl cf more than 100 lives, The Felling of a Troc. I huila 8$4.60 to $6 00 bubehers' cos hîemn and was bora la 1861. concerning the Russian vibtories ctsi rprydmg a lba x aosa t e8.6 d. eIm 67 e$1 tan casi rptydmgof apprexi- A ma chanaekelsa t o $6.76.5 e1 do.. ge-u, 57 o.850AfebiodcinatCtonBa- yourea inthepres, amcon,,icedmatly 5,00,O) ad mde etwestockera. 700 to 860 Ibn, 86.40 te86.40 nose and Sandhurst, ha asrered tae that te operation la tremendousîy 8,000()and 10,000 honîcless. The. flood cuts a deep nobcb la the trunk a few canner. andi cutters. 88.60 le 84-60 xeionf188hf important, for you wbll notice that ext..nded over an area cf nearîy 400 iice ic tt ~m.~militera, choica. aach. $70.00 te 890.001 xed)onc 19 h ougitt nt tire ince rmtegon.Toohr do., coim. and med.. eaeh. $40.00 to $60.00; Atbara and Khartoum; and la tira 2,000 Germans, not Austrians, bave squîare miles, and reached bts greabest witb a cross-eut saw cut thi-cug thebitel pringera, $850.00 to 890.00:. lifht C5ÇQs, S<ôftI>Atnican War, durlag wich ho boom baken with some cf their big <esbructivenî'ss bn the valicys cf Paint tmI$78tg o 85.76 ;sheep. bea'-y, 84 .60 t0 Suct abbng ocane haperan Cain 'rcks wbcb are tem on the oppositeaside. In haîf .86 ;apring ambaePer lb, lic e tIe: w5 as ncommand of mounted col- guns. uc athni ie nt aperan] abaIres. goohchareliedi mnue0tebre bgis omas, ha vas «0dto hocprose0nt 11-0 amo, e ag rotirern ohe every day. with cal mines. Ilia mines are flood- a iue .baa t a - do matiluin. 89.00 .o$00 hotu. feti "Weareappyin prssue o ai ot ati thewta inure tesuc 1 there la a waraing about. A second i nâ vatereti. 812.50 ta $12 g, do., actions, at Elazrdlaagte, Paardobarg, IlWeareappyin prssur onalled nd the-xis inure tosuc anor two inter, wibb a bcud cracking and weloghed off cars. $13.75 ote 12 ÇS do.. and te Relief et Kimberley. Subse- sides, aad wîill conitnue te aPplY il uxtet that lb may lie wcLks I4efore f... 117.I until tescosucocuinoth eycao gi e prtd rending scund, lbt tpples and ci-asies Mentreai. Aug. l5.--Good abeers. $81 quent.ly, lu India, ha was successive the ucîesaul onclsbct c th thy agin o ccaed.te cgi-ound. Witout any apparent 10 $S.25 ;fair ai $7 bo 37 76, andtheIm ily inspector-general et cavai-y, di- war." -----ê----lower grades dow te $6 te 886 . GO'ElitNNENT HELP effortit, the "fallersa' have controllod bubeher cowa. from 8$6.25 le 87.' andi bulle rector ot lflitary training at .head- TO FRE UF~RE thbb direction cf its fait aimost te nal froin $5 50 te $7.26 par cwb.; Iambe at quarteradu-ector ot staff dutlem, foot. UFERRS 1.0 te 811 Par cwt. Shaap. $6.60 to chiotet iasafin ebre MORE RUSSIAN TROOPS f80 7.26 par cvt.. and caRres 46 to 7c. oftesaan a mbrf Next, without amy ado, itaif a dozen lIngeaI 812-7s te 313. andi short-rua thle Vlceroy's Council. In 1912 ire HAVE LANDED IN FRANCE. Federal .4uthtorit.lea Coatrlbute $100,- ..swaznpers" set te work wbbh tire axe, heaa"y veightîs andi rougi t aock t a 811.765eaecMadri-ifa l -000 to Relief Aasodstbeons. clearing the limbe and st.aightening to_12 ___er _________offcas. derahet E.arlier la tire presout var despatch from Brest sanys: An- otle otnetc usa roa A despatcit front Ottâwa gays: A Up tie reeo. Sisnulbaaeoualy a "fit- AUSTRIAN PRISONESSh »i omn fteFrtA ra beontine ent o. Thsastrs flut.age has bora i-ecsived by te iber" with a voodea mcd, dividea thre afid wv amn>' ims mentbon.d vitir weru. gien lanenbire.Thsstiwlcce. 1Governmnent fi-cm tae presideat cf isbem iin suitable lengbhs markng thet A BEGGARS' BRIG ADE. hlgh praise ln Lord Fnanch's de-. wer ietRuan repusat elal .e.tire Northerm Ontario Fi-o Relief As.1 cutbiag points wtb a netcirwitle j a ie odo ua.spatchos, F3rance arrlved nt Marseilles on April soito xraighettna a thrmu n n-bgapit50,freni Itallan Hesdquartens ays: "Tlh. 20, havlng sniledl haIt wsy round the te generous contribution o! ;i0O0 mensure te bree, enter te sainl a Austriapisoeors wirom 1 haro seau EXTENT 0F RUST wol rmVladivostok. Thay wee ite the ti-eosufai-crs, and asklag tire bok. and mark tho gt suad thewere made up cof stalwart yeublrs aud 18 PROBLEMATICAL. ,feold b' f rcroiomcntngnaiGov~ermt to nominato a mamnbar cf bubi of tic sovered runir witir a blob umen ever terty. There seoe.eW te b. andi afbei- ashort i-est wr-e sent into ItoboThtii atespris etiracfidnp at ershowthaet thoirtem knons betweeu. 'ih.>'were In tise woretFii'sEptte as.aMchs tire tnîiee lanChampagne. Nothing distribution cftirhe relief. phstr sdn.Svasto u isa oli <sible conditioin, vitir noblilu re.- la (rdlsary Yosr. bas been made public off iciai îy as to Govei-amamt doees net tlnk naeoasaaî7,accordîng tote i terii- aank*ng, seings auiorm--a vrtable A despateh r trm R«I»u. Baa1., the1 number of this Ruselan expedî. ýs itlba confident tihe mono>' vili ho i andi the sections are i-eady to go te gar' brlgade-aud they qulte 1'>~~5 lpruete - .. ' ,. .- -. Iwiselv expned. Itira milS. They are draKted tise tb>'ont têi,,. &me tgcf a».mmed . -. amse as ear erp iOY ler tlonaay force, but unorriciai est.rmat.es have placosi the atremgbhf et tretIis sentingent at net basa thaa 20,000 men. ENGLISH CLERGYMAN FOUGIIT IN RANKS. A doapateit froni London says: Capt. Themas Rle>', vire han just dlod ln l1'rneeform wounds, vas min-i iter la charge et Kenningtpn Mission ln Britishr Columbia virea tire ar brairaeout ittlhis birop's per- mission ire roturuedti t Burnley', his native bava ln Lacashire, andi va grnzttod captala la tira R.F.A., bar- lng prsvious1y belti tihe rait otmajor lunte Territorials. IPROI'OSAL TO0 CLOSE LUTRERAN SU 110018 A despatrir from Mlbqsrne, Au*-t trai. aays: The Goveramont ot Vie toib has under considerstion a pro- posai te close ail thea Lotieral sols lntire Statue. It talu oxpctd1 that action will be taken lnth ie noar f uture 1.500,000 Tans ef S&ps Bufldiag. A d.mpstch froa Lo«r=a msy: Lloyd's Bhlpplns Ruàgimbumshwstisat tirer. wone440 mmrchat vuets eta taumsge of,50<,000 gtraur »dm, cors.1 isrcinln the.United Klagdom sti the 0"det JM& 1 GERMN WARIPS TO SINK henorse ndee are bai u -810 pw0 s,ans& M take tiroir t oi t p.uiua, *ltlwhom I epok* on ua day mmriug. about thre extsmely bsd eqpuast amdfood oftthse Anulan . -- -- IL-qr _ a ve-» The oépes DgW« ept treapa on tIrs Ioozo >' Yf Tir. Kopos' Dauthon Wml. "4more *a u h Tho milt it Iflea s .tluti>btt rtnldgs ta Ilisirbout, vw stuuemade et timb4r eut & s hwud apfld h prepsred aonbthe speo tth e wma sd shwby15RP74t engjnoec=mng tram Canada- It la "un prattîicai a dud plsttom c*iid ANTURAIX <NM k b>' aniIran roa«, but ops atsitisea*des A lecto ewfaàroiW uastpo&Wmu ~~ an a "owTerrsgs whk.hmo«i., Aulueis. g N wards sudforvads t. carry lb <ir a 'timIU tirroa iaetreular ew. Tv.* ea u»%ti roaLaeg moinIuon t*0 carrnage, uoutmI fta eay Aam0fshs.* mov4murnnsaaid66lb. posiqai t kgq b>' ssumbr Mlowos. ppelt b"~~4 bas lius 4Iqv" la 4%aU tRi. M«nwyrwbos.l besdw Kwyffq,' assit>'dId , m* té*WS *ta Ise M»,hum e wt»ýt ure r oui state Uthe tigrainbuserhe a etoe hm t oltb =a M IRte ton uch m ofthe, rutdam- «0.sathe wblath14retful.4.Ce A waot'Mib ».xtmefokm , st tRio wW uPm FOE'S. PLACE DFSPERATE CANAMI<AJEMEK' Maîkets of the WorM INCOME EQUAIS GOYERNETMA OFICT O THE EASTER FRONTI IN ENGLAND Toronto, Aug15.-ManittobaWheat-. BRISH BURDENAL GEM NOWEDP F Teutons May Try to Save the Stanisinu Situation hy a Flanking THIEIR SPEED AMAZES ENGLISU No. 3. do. 54, extra No. 1 teed. 64jc. Chancellor of Exehequer Mc- This Action st nu nRtlato o h xcto Movemen to theSouth.OBSERVERS. Bay ports. r-N.3yIo,~ Kenna Reveals FinancialChre Fytt track, Toronto.Emie -- Untarlo, oat-;--No. w1lt.. 6 te51<, Strength ofEmie Ta saya: AustroHungary wthat- No. 1 cd(-ommercùl. l- A despatch f rom London gays: A despatcbfo odnsy:Hos fLrso en A dsptcb f rom Rotterda m a s utoH n ayhave been j ioic)gîh oet Ben o- 3~ ;, do N do, $11tuIl 0 b $LI96 Q ReginaId McKenna, Chancellor of the That the Britih G vrm n s cu or aso n . H tte The presot position of the Cetrl 4toE ch qurwa sbSctd, ri cimdem.ain t Poesonfl ntr rnti epr u di eln n are nearing con- A A roj. No. 2. $1.16 te, $1.17. nteHueo omn nTus emnon clunsBoon.. l'oa--No. 2, Il 76 10 $1 Sri. îcr ate, and it ik within the range of po- nsio. 1b anmrîîe. i, to $1.,aveordîîg to di n the oseo Gomons oe-encus enrman-aone pretyf gndacaboesstohod iThe wcll-informed milit.ary critic of If you would know the lumberman freighlatdyontegoud o ve-einounrtatto orteeecto f(ftlnetesep h e slbîlity that dî'sperate meaures may(TPalle M Lui t i reg. înominal1 . Çed. upon Treasury bis, bis critics argu- Cpt Carles Fyt fteEglhpryi nln usit i siilt r'rtha osîl esue aYTeNieuw~e Rotterdamsche Courant of Canada and how ho works, aayqa 'ila n ta helrg mun fsuhl Ch rusl b eotdto. ThoBe under contem- writes: "The Central Powers slready wrjter ini the London Times, go ta the Iîuckwheat -Norffnl. n httelreaon fsc ie rses a eeIdi h rd fmlin fdla pl t w r e of a combined polit ical have giv'en eid n that they do not edge of W indîsor Great Park where I t e) i I rpigit r i. 5 0 9u c us outste.and in t eG oven mtit u g er_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ and niîitar-y eharacter, and are quite felar to take thorough measures under the cross-road from Virginia Wat.er Mant lob lietFlia latnts. Jut apat f «n cslin inTurkb idImaîg.., $7 0 , .eîrîîî parnîtm>rinjute rave îssued nohe wr an aaThis at ,Ilicaroio ustant 1il xaordiiiiry circumaqtances, and any Station strikes the main road hetween b~,$7 a trong bakli r, nji ýbages; In the course of bis reply the Cha n-ALE EN M EN W BRTS Ths is s,1 eat, f ubtntalsuhmeaqures will undouhtedly Affect Eghamn and Sunningdale. There, on $fg-0, Tuoroîntoîîî PAelr hiie ht ratBia a i îtaitlilbîui -Noýv. \lîîîîr. înedrgclo lie ta ra rti a charueter, wsriteq Leonard Spray. l'ola"d. It May he suppoqerd that the the Clock Case Plantation, you wjll t<,1I, r. <5 n 1l, hagtw tlit(able to rowbroa t mue lowr PSSA N C N D F R $0, Turkk.ih forces concentratied at Lerm- resuit of the pritsent negotintions oCVer sec oNver 150 nmen of the 224th Can- *'repîî lruompt shil1îrrîîl , $5 20<) 1 m hn n thrbllgrn beg n m e rha l ro .Poland wiît be directed te securing adian Forestry I3attalion convrting 1 ftitIiee,'i -(*r It.di-IKprefd .Iiiirel powor. Ho estimated the nation's to- Shan lu isi gravely t.hreatened y more mon for the Cetral Power. trees into railway leepers and 823 h(srIs tr lti. $2tort22 . Y? to indebtedness at the end of the T i o n the Russian advance. The Central The, Polos might be suppasod to ho boards at the rate of anrything from ditlogs lier ton,$26 tl $27 , giiîdt eed present financlal year to be £3,440, Powers mny try to Rave their position Nviling to join the Central Pom'ers onrU,ooo to 20,000 board fooet a day. rfil,iî-r ag. si75 tg) ~81 000,000. Munity Fom Otae.tte AbuaMnh by a iankingz movemient farther to the' flghting lire, in order that consoli- The plantation, which forme; part. Ni 2, $9 t ssî,rai k. T-ioit 1 From that amnount, said the Chan- the Roxth. dated autonomny and partial irtdepen- of the lands ovneuîl b the Crown and Suuai% (,al- h'tjg, ielintel, 6 < $7 cellor, the nation was entitled to de- Adsachfo Otaa ay A despatchfoNwY Anoîhoir desperate mensure con- dence lie given tbem. If thil; object oiministered 1;y tbe ('ommisqîoners obj___det £,800,000,000 loaned to Allies and That Canada bsejydarmr-ip i iaca cerna lobind -thnt Ilaail thrgee of the ki-to hc attained the Contrai Powers of Woods soit Forests, includoîil a Country Proauoe-whoase. Dominions (if thc empire, the sum a ble immunity rmotag r t Polands. The negotiations over the will have to ho ready to take some- considerahie ares covoreri with ' it<<rIresh dlr tnice. 27 tii 6(2left beigbg b this ard othersus-large citiee Polisgh question betwoen Germany and thing more than hait messurcs. sa burdenriScotuldnew and ltai-k24by0alie-ntaieispa within her bor- Iearned b tu 32-,souids. 30 to 31( tain, as itm %vith an undergrowth of chestnut. Net1 t so 3.1ig îo,.tri the national 'income. Ho decîaredsttmnmaebHo.CH.D-atvsursaebena t atoan S i, 8 5 C. 0$f erty on 'i cy long ago a party of experts i'artii4is.33 tu 5. tie latter for Grolat Britain was in the position Wensaof eiwn h ca etac h rts ook<-d iai. the trees with the dispas- liatnd.p<cIo-d. lrg,1 a man wvhose ineome as £,000 ac tîîttea fteJsie eatet g GERMAI~IS NO LONGER KILLING 0F BABES 1I ionalenteasuring eye of the uder- s tol'i'.',ltpn~ whoe debts amounted to £5,000,dUntbpeld wihhe x-G er nofe ee $1 win'îeesitu .Smet,.rtgiplegtan.w9ba THE £" TOP TIGER" HAS BEEN RESUYIID t ie 3 wn0 oad fit ws osimber.f<,IWl. 19tei26c.2mtu 22e th-. perien e ntdSaewib h eoitostu a To-day whole1 tracta cof it have been il'itatîo vlit ginia. new. bal rel. 83 76 bm urg setclear Ly the axe, and thte quaint lini 4titis, 126 tii1e,. om urgsalaxlsosoeafceni h fir fgnr But Thev Are Fighting Lilie Ten Zeppelins Raid the English square Iloîueîof"the-îîourolater the other proved te beothG which c;tniis dee-ban Iofhehisodsort11.ouod whae quaro tow 'er cfrtheLordroyal loîlgend S cot csh b.a1t .t1 h2jiot e n s a nd A utlai, s m e o Tigrs Delaes or Icrh. nd coahndat.whic e.nlsîep-ei htthod ae s ru-SiLgtuorsmieral ga u4î hmwr brctiesCndtastenerftoefhecei A elýslntçh foiM Lonon depath fom ondn FYS*resembilance ti) the case of a grand- "The anlies have' bien having 5a.tolly rom seven te ber Zeppelins tnck part father's cloî'k gave the plantattion ts 18lbs iîil<din 2 tu 6 2 56e 0.,lb uh caofvoece n i ocae6 grood tinte since I saw yîuu lait," raid 'in the air raid earlv on Wedinesday on curions ' ie. is ible fro the li tl2Med rinî, 24 te 25c '. îe. hari ,, , as asrousdmglendn.Itesm nttt the F arI e r t D i l ,v l.nder S cretary the ea t coatit cf E nglanîl a d south- nsm î,f r h f r t i e, rm e lg.l é6c to ac s27 t liage lît.iîî n. T h er w so f - u s , t e a t m t o nme i ie c u d b e r o for th firsttimouerhaps for XM'îr, in metiî<g the newspaper eastern Scotlanti, necorîhinv toan cf- in a hndroul 'ors.Anîl stilî the tîîîls iaik, ard27 te 20es.oooM I ere 1on7bce-eianaxy'atetem.W>ISr correqapiitit.'t ciouw'ednetday. Lord ficiai st.atemoent in the atternoon. 1C(anailian wroismen go on, estirtg 1-rdlue 11l ard t' 's. 171 to 17<'e'6 bo pteItentoa :1g t ,t Derhy dilicussedl the lrea('nt mlitarY About 160O bomba w'vergeîiropped and cheir Nvay th rnngh the w'oed with a ;ilîu, 14 bu 1 b.the Vancebor, Mie nEtai agnryepc situnt iei frankl:, buit ieclinieilte .13 castialtbes were cRuRed. The cern- thorettghness that knows ne mercY. tion proceeding eelslue ynwbnwI oscrdb mako atov vrltî'iies lieyond the as- maniers cf tbe airships aeemned In !1the Justice Deatnbuthywîi-nsokadbnswic sert~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ie<h o~î <tu t<ti hr lîîltt ett r î sCamap Ail Canadian. iNlintîenl. Aug. 15,-i'orn -tAmeriea ihGvrnethvebe was n<î possiliîlttv v. to t'a ion NI, 2 i-ilow, 99cele tu $0(g. i is--CEana- bave to awaittetennaonopr-trubterc asn lsilltif(grthi' iîib'atis'e the-y frequenitly shut cff the engittes The lîmhier camp is ail Canaian- ,tim Western, No. 2, t-ue No. 3. 5666e borringstk again falliîug it the' hand<s if the. tipI bvered in the air for minutes at m, mn mhinory, and methods. Thetia No. 1 feed.561(-.Fîî<ur' Mari-ceig ae yteU~Acrii nomto Germans a tîm. merwbo aredrawn ront a partstutbaiSpîinq wheat ilîtenta. airi.ts. $92u0. i authoritige.apesnnAmrcnc "It aq taltttus. ~:.tg Th'rfbrwî siilSo andim. !fnthomine dan, av.'to ilsrt ecotîdas, si,70 , slr<îng bakers.877.50 "The Austria nCnd a rv "It i flota l'i (ifbro('ceda niritcr lalerta. î'hîîlîe.$7 S i ; stralght the cnls<alties on (iur frout s eit.h the Iltw over a sriao4,lY )oîulateii dis- henIlhy looîk, ani the. easy confident iI~20 t. le 64( otaa.$ h 0A4ed to ho lq,$.3 t en a toogl nofniect- we 1rca euiis grouinil gîiiu.'îb.' " cîntîînueî LoIrid tr. -t <'i ilshu swtre drerppel in s wiîîg wliich wehae aredto olk Sru.6 i ., bas. 0 lq.$2.655te 82.. SBldOîI î e,"hade Mnre fJsic.prto il su t w s ~vuel, bc Irîuîl<m t't'lis ttu cr hilails. n<iherrai- fur n ('nadans Th. kakitîndr lx a. 8400 Shirla.$260 Mddlnga 0 We ave elesedlare nmbesof0.lie frrnd t bod t Derbiy. "$25awh0,eMouellîbe. 531.00sarbo $34ill0d.AHolyrkrai-emorfnomaninternmeenthkcamps.r $AsWforu aga, nato the coîlateralhemasomii muRt lic consiîlîreîi front the. standii- ir iropîîeoi bu nt - six buiîmtus in the their llune everails proclaimas them .Ni, 2, lier ton, î'sr lots. $17.60 tote emas point et the effect. eni <ther froiiît .pigr itinil et t w ~ i i1 agr, s.-sîîîirs; thcy drasv miîitary pay and UI su. Uetesenql7eat,'rîis. e1 5. i I 'tI troe Gron, ehv nthdmbo h rcn rec a tri bbe firt uîtlce, il l n thi' ntim c n'mari, bto %(gil nduîîîIlîroei.' utIt.hey know the rudime'nts ef miiitary ut(r' norse~b aer. 126to tl rulewtbte, hubter yr- ACDETrNOT of Grmîîîa e o' 1h10 o klt. o iret w ee klîcî lI ilnert eaterntirlilitî f<st od 30t6hey re oods aeeetd. 3e .Ni) stck.32e. c pthie ar, a a m, mreasronyi pfGrevs e nl o il.W grn. o 4;ll winaith taser dil, u eirt ndlhomelanedoos--qlet(t.han, o.1wtokt32. it bei have bbeitd h F<rding etf vtst bim. Iii Jfl 'l, sIXi\ iOtatnditsix men, vith their craft at their finger- I-Austrians. 0 orew aetknGieadSft piac Germonn forces te the eaatern front, lieva .yenq'iClil tipq.' Every man knows bis task and iWLnnipeg Grain. revBve MtivLves wbcre the Russianq are makitîg sncb ('orrt'spotîuient.î 'i the dîlst rîî'bs (loues it witb an enviable imiependence \W'inptgN. Ag16-Csher quo1.'at;bo.~ rvnieuesie.Tetis nulrpr Impreaais'e progres, wbvilc it la In- visitoil b hi' b 7t'iclitta telegraph oet erders or instructions; yet from _2Whot-er. $1.49Nor. 81.615 ealo orRGES CmHesa dsualethat the. Istest iT (iîo n thiît tile arhihfli'w ,It o gr tthe firsb stage te the Isat the work 2$1 ten.8.9,N. 44enà RE OEGRW OD. cotisitretigdt thi st u e rn f bn as relit'veii the beight. T lîty ierqi, snlj ctoii tt<o a roci'ols smo tbl' and harm oniously . 14 46 ,.e trNo. 4 1.401 . Nt. 6481 4$ N o., 1 lib tTimetsf oc de tsaayha pressure upon Verdun. vr heavy fire frem anti-aircraft Le't 115 follt)w tht. process, under the feed. 491te- No. 2 feed. 48c. Iarley- "You viI1 recallthat lat year the giîna, wbih conmpeled thezî t tî make gîiiance of the officer in charge and rNo. 3 e. e in No . 7 1e rejcbed Ine an toldbio-inr.o ertosc a cm usr Germans using their rnilways tiie the' a ,iqtxz.rolrat [tOi' ,irs,}in ined 1 hîl,r,î,,.r i,.qn i is "fo.',an 'if the 1 o. 2 C..810.baarilpedngfrvooswhcenbye reuve Qoverament encouragement ot home- earhIng full wages. Titis bas had tae grown t'oods, the London Times says: I ff ect of securtag very full reports. "Who fixes the prIce for bread? For tjLe year 1915, 17,033 notices of The Chicago coi-n ring. Who doter- accidents were received by tae Board. mines bow much we shaîl pay for 01 thesa 9,829 came undartae Board's meat ? The Chicago meat tr-ust. juriedictlin, and 7.600 were finally Who decides how mucit our rasher Of disposed of. The time lest due te toe bacon shahl cost ? The Daniah bacon 7,600 accidentsa aînented te 170,711, producer. The price of our butter ts days, or equal te te conîbined labor, laî-geîy regulated by DanSait and of a staff of 569 men for a-year.. F'rencit butter makers ; te price of Only temporary. disability reault.ed oui- ceeee by Canadian a.nd Amerl- from 8,644 accidents, but la 1î033 cases can cheese makers. Wlt thbie exeeP- permanent disab!lity followed, and 251! tien cf milk and fisit, there le hardy cf tae accidents reaulted tatally. any article of food te prica of witich The value of safeby appliancas Ila ls flot controlled by foreign producers. very strongly emphasîzed by compari-' "At te present crisis the prICe of sons; between the cost of te neces.t meat affords a good Illustration ofthbie sary safeguards and the monotary coati grip'cf tite forelgn producer. On bt fteacdnsrsligfo thelr whole we ma.y ha grabeful bo tha absence. For Instance, automatio American meat trust for the modema- iloce~ on two ebevators, ait a cost of' tien with witich they have used their $360 would hava saved two live ani power. ln teetcrcumatances, why, It 88,179 la compensatio.CutrIli- Io asked, sheult w. net Ili maximum Ing 21 nat-.screws on puliays and fly%., pi-tees ? A memenb's refbeotion shows whaels, at a Mt o f $7.36, would have titat titis laver le powerless In thre face saved trea lIras andi$,1 opn of oui- necesaity. Wbatever the prive sation. The removal of protrudting asked. we> muet have te leat, -and natts, places of bro&en glase spdl we can't aven refuse te use of our matala, would bave s yod.-12X lnurlu5ý ahips. for without titis meat aur wvIrle thea waarlng cf goggbas, coninu ai-mies and those of our allies woulti $160, ight have savoti '8 workmezs starva. fromn permanent inuries te thre eyes <i and $4Z846 ln compansation How to Pr.v.nt Fire. - Thea foregolag praeserts la a sttklug SCoop vaste papar. packîng materiai manner thre neeti of. cas Otô prevent snd rubbisit cleaaed up. accidents. Many of our larg«,r. - Make troquent persorm nafl Itoxi dustries age organising safety-assoola- from a lire uta.ndpolnt. tioni te furtizer Impress upo* tirs m> Be. that your-eletalc wtring la ployersansd workman tire .atiixtgo standard, and ho caretul lt the use off etssfety, szuglisflces andthétise oefe electrie devices. evêry precten ta lntJreIr work; mu -Have al smokepI»es aud chlmsrays Looti h.e already resulteil.,' Inspectied 'andi properly nrupaiu.ad be- BuclI a teo(W ofai BOd*fts. cBasi fore atartiag Ores for the. vinter. a conatant and ceaipin ain , tt141.01 Be careful about tireU»e efMatoches. te$ Productive rebeucoa etf Proed. atsrocptasies <or bh.m I l O S5*7wmi. EnUùiIt ù 4t 4* botit betere andi afitersr . hur emeaupst" ap Feel your per0ona1 rspngilt,se Canada, and tlioM ela abrqsd> a- sye te possible lameo iet 1.andi property by 'abortua sumre branchs of-,tnd4.ti7 oire and soit ascoordagl. Yettu »provtice atonèe tin ______ celdeuatsu drd 17,Wf, peÏr= fr- QURN AR ~dluslled 1#O8 Uê"'e d ktld.51 of Our QUM NwKue a"se oa u cp.e dlaU TIIE£UWptAN4WA#Li tore of th empr rse Tués. T" .Présent trggi A iÏ',v$ * day SM un wu msdby L14y worid fi~' Dr.mo& who 4edvt aupks « tw uo 1 *S re i»Mde *0 u4kw~ uu~oei. ~pxet *MmP i'CAAD maA", XAKW MýPXD ï Ordem's GAvesto NavalComahste mtq ggdla Trodo WltWwt « 1 *u 4deapstch hmros Lounass d te ,The GemamII< s luhomPI ~ lemul la btue*~ ERTY1 of Capt.1 sday bY 1that the with fin- Ivisability *Man Pro- îany hum- )AN United Hence. rk says: - intereste s, it- was [authori- proached ny, finan- Govern- to that >o,000o'o00 have not I1 terns, Dhow a taken in , It wu8 a similar recently on. Notb- d regard- ,doas mot r nt least that the ýy Ament- the Brit- nobilizing available )rporation This cor- ýebentures ýe British- the case RIO. es Would f the On- Ion 'Board -oncerning Sprovined. e Boaid'a y for eni- dents by nted f rom )4 f-21 1/J'.-- 1' k~,. I 2.. s if- +1' -1.-- f se~ À

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