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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Aug 1916, p. 1

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-4~'- - TUE GAZETTE AND CM RON ICLE Vol. 54-No ¶1 WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADÂ, THURBDÂY, AUGUST 31-191 -. o r~ T~t.t~ U. A. UOODFELLOW cx DON, j-uii~~i~;'~ ..1~ s t k ti tu~ THE IOUSE 0F QUALITY Thse Dealier wllh the ( oasi suittuIe servtce. "Scranton Goal" Tio.-Standard *AFTER THE 3TRIKE" N4ew Priese Now Establlshed. Freeb mincîtIl Scranton CoaI " E gg Steve, Clcetnut and hi-a, cÃ"ntng daily in box cars -cleait, bright and dry. Canne1 coai antd smithing ceai aiways ini stock. You want the lte9t. Order now la R. ILOWe Whi:byl Bell phone 4. ihomo plione 14. J. IlOWELL JAMES Carpenter, Builder and Contractor. &Unsi drawn and estimates turnished. Saab, doors and trames. Reent for Brantford Rooflul 001467 WHiTBY Phomo 149 Hgrriage Lioense. A. H. ALLIN. - huer of Marriage Lîr-enseg. Corner drug store, Wbltby. No witnesses required. The rotor Canada Inuprovoment à Land Co. , Llmited Wlultby - Ontarlo lIeà! Emtate t)eaierA, Rîttp% o' Nîtiuaieqi. tIento ('uîlected, Fir,%t ILoanî Airsugeil, Prierfieo% hîîuugltlandt old. For terium iraîîîly Iliesti lOît-rîk Be!l Phonie ll.It l' u.:î. HOW MIJCH ARE YOUR EYES WORTH ? I)ou't Lake chances wlien yott can get my serviCe4 of over 20 years experiece F. E. LIJKE 167 voteSt., TORONTO <utîtPOitt' tMiahiSUtiet ARTHUR LYNDE TENOR, TEACHER 0F SINGINO. - STUoIO- IIANSOURO CONSERVATORV. TORONTO litasScheoi i .nfumîci Teachien t aIWitby erer>' iatiirday. fluons Bell 118. or iti'lr,41l'I tat0%, SM Il IT [ LIVERY, SALE AND 80ARDINI STASLLS BROGK 8TeWHITBV, *Il kinds of s'Ingle and double r~io for bire. But tomi the U-*Ino, sd baggage transfer. É1oneu $boughL uand eold on oomminIIO. Boume good wmmd dmes"sd h.vy stu' for aga; ueo -bule 'haud etrs inu auy<ýuat Omoor ph"e .st 1 «sply m .Rophu*~9and e74 Church 's BUG FINISH Ready For U@e 1Dry. -lt 'No bMixing Wet1uireql. i It sticks to tite %incqanid ' finishei the l'otato Bug-q or other leaf eating iitfecU; with tju one applIcatiou. The cheapi h est and safest way to use a ir strong poisoni. It prevct s blighit andi watery pot atoe.s. i 10 lb. for 25c, 4 1l) for 10tc. PURE PARIS GRIEN u 11) 1) lb~l.and I lk .pkgq, Ji E, WILLIS Duugist and Opticien MEDICAL HALL. Brek St. * Wmmtby. iblîtîttt . * imhtîitIit- uhat Mayor XNrri amîtluut vatd iîtîIl lteuc ukut-as oif ti t trut turt- lt- aittt111.111b I lun- pr-arltia gtii- t silt In'ltrdu-r tutatake ite' hil ilg -~fi- ltt% alit; i t ts y ii haveî Il) bi- hîtili t, ti li thtit êt niw- ighil ils ti-Illii lîtiat îtem bridge.' Hle ttau't a 14 folt brldî'. %stîtcl lit th cituulsuoulti rosI about $4(00. Mr. Atîtes watt In fauter o! lemisol- arllý reupaitivix t1tîtbrdge.le s'iin- ituriued v-bat Wits lione' aitlte nt-iu'lg Iti (lrinlutdt-. antdi îaid Ibai a dMbuta>- tatulin w%%a* lawait 0tt the COwtlY tt ntil t île Nuse wMsSIOn. uf*- ing iti.tt ttake Up the coud roa*ia inatt'r i onf'. lie therefore soUici- ibted chat iltîngawold b. t' mVt fast, sind liei trgi'idituanot a cent miort icban titeesaary b.' sPMItonth ie brid"*e uinder discussIoin. bêec-use under tise gutati roadiq s7slrnIl usouiti bu butit by lte Cotunti> <omiflaîf. Thte Nlaylorig opluIon wu» ltait se bridge coulitinôt bu. ret.ivd 'teu liff- perarily unde'r $00, ausdla nviw et titis lic tioUgist It would b. b.tUvtei put îtp a. entilcir ewbridge Mi$400 or $ 1&0. ?Ar. Goldrlng--i l tlnk vX e UlEbu tobtacaIst suetaIo erewaie(hm rwg&ý IWe ougiitaobellE a- uew orne- Il i ib. two or threte yeofl bde "slst n ras ebeofesne dfeplaIefttim, 04 laI tbe uaume."W*lu baft tgIW aller uthebumU at Mis tis*de - Me. ilatOlAS alap*"et lbe IIM s uwa ie«bmIg* ah" ibe bRuIIL II #Mdv«dixmestr WnOyb irsltiAnnGoyera inted -soterlnte jw dlo%,iIs. in lToeet, b>' proauo t ern- dotrIbu 40 frcst. eprtuîite ate'-ex- l.îu-îîded40 t r cet.t go toast. systex-s 1f udedvis-otylie oo iîrenssena -Ifnutti ais ta uto aiid 1f. Anc -it uae tatedo tlate get a eoffly gooti roada s>-stem going. and for every Mo e ste aenti lte h-oVlaoýe suii ea- iribute $40. suhicislatter tuti lsa de up Iargel' iy tailutoîoa. emte*&. If vu want te gpi tise t"tîbatt. u# e ola for te tond roma 'et.' bir. oIldrln$ <oId tii.'Counel ltat Ie hati lisE Maur-eooaplainta regtet. eti ofthte exoesxileespeed at visîcis st- ter c*n ravai tise- reb te auâ troui tie ttarbor. "nre wba" berc ftemInre cepmt7 be W&'amîIt bs u~ra te m# " #aiM»st <bldeciba"e »Mtbetes statemts*bout sgiuoia b>'mmaateEv. em "f la ta m4r1r. ttis*k o ut 40 mil«es»sabour *et.oist' a^ but t»a« hm e bit 8*e le wu tot*r b.eaME tai Wa te - eddemO l"In~e vEau tie .I OeetEou tlis. aibe. aSsit a ***.al vb w*t o ALSYKE, CLOVER W'e are in the mnarket for Alsyke, Red Claver, Timoth3', and ail kinds of Seeds. Splendidly equipped clcftning mllîs In operation overy day. The advantage of the best mnarkets ini the world. Give us ri chance to huy your-S~eeds àntl we will satisfy you. J. H. Downey Company§ m Whltby, Ontaris - lut il -i. 'fi s a s qJORTI- ONTARIO FOLK MOVEMENT TO IMPROVE1 VISIT HEYDNSHOREPARK ONTARIO COUNTY ROADS~ Another Big Day at 182nd 1-eadquatters. Big Meeting at Uxbîidge Unanimously hii Fayor., 'l O u -ri t rainsti-on it t do ou n i rt ica rrih d t hroit ait. brt nglng ont Thte cause of good roads for the Tiié- -x peri-rnet- of Y ork otitv Is H t Ht tiiii-r of pptille frain Nothsointe good talent, and. lu soutle of thle thi atrbtn odt il art t Io s.-tîed a dayetit iio h eau tt nts. u-uicoliptit i oit. Gr eatamulse- Cou ut v of Ontario %vas greal ly siteiii at-o n odis tlie most cn tari ors ot i lie 1--i id fOntarioh titîtl nioi I t \ias cttstd bv Plite uerace and tulal d hy a meeting of rep)reqenlaiIlesand lasîs lnger titan as lwPatr- bond ariiîlitn.i lteY dsitor- l'a rk. on11 lit hoot race, for i l ie hugte band only. of Ithe rmnor munîcipalttes held ln rad. iThlotngof iht e rd, ana itîrsdv lsi tip i -ai. iar lig tilii- ornera dzenhue. aîîedUxhrldge on Frlday last. The Invita- coat of about $200 per mile lier year, ouiil Wasiaio rcaite hi- as of Lorio w ii tot - w ero c rtug til. sitspeiîdpd tlotifor te meeting had been sent out servs o malte them Iast longer. llt uliIi lothi iii iii tir lrlýd froit frîîi a i-ad, aud te(,contesantîs were ht' Nia or Lapp. aifLlxbrldgp, alLer cont- In ropiy le a question Mr. Nlean ,'(oçdvttto. ant i lckod îîiî tiassongers tiued tilt. iîaîds lied bhllîd thei ;t-lttaiIon vv lii M r. J. B. Laldlaw , of said tive itnicipalitles lut a coîînty ou j lin j luit-i ntgt aititu i sd ittcks. laid I0 rîtît tiftI yards 10 te Wlthv ay adopt a good roads systent and bo 'ti u illa ti ftiiui îldot resu lu ita h anc-oi t laI îilThe l'ice h udred ratepayprs. represcn t- recelve tllie iovernimenl assistance. (IfMaiila .1iictol î re-fo-ai talpivse in listît of tthe mtanlclpalll les tlitthe Maity questions were asiuol on var- î'acliod îlot tiîfioro Pîtrk hlinoon,- and ooÇ' lol Ni h i.m sc o iad itîity, rrcsîonded 10 thecail, and met louasplisses oif te sithect tindor dis- lhitiiiîi t lii-croîsti conitîita lutrain catît lils bîtît lils face %%as lllterall II teiadoemschi.Ublg.cetî.wic eecorul n as ii aslara asiîd hc tI dti. ttii oda t hjan.iiiwl lii asaddd Mayor battîtpreslded, and Mir. C. A.fiîilhiy answered hy Mr. Mleleait and lier-, A;%, - stlit astiltnilottlslarge tîtîtît dec a-tlloît of fitîtr. scaltttrod hy lt e t;oodfettow, of Whithy, was app)olnlo-d Mr. Henry. - er tii si tri 11wi da' oifT a cl. ittiglv Sirgetîtt diring teé coilttol 'rite Secreîary of lte meeting. M r, JB. Laidlaw, of! Whilby, presoît- IN Fi ifl rl ilo i I t i o'nlîck tit>I' iigl' titistiîd1 01 ty faces - - 'aor Lapp hrlefly stated Ilite pur-led lte ioloio-ng restitution, whlch lie t-rI ti' t :liuo l10 istoc t iteciv tu 'î'îuill î;îa h' ftrî.a o ' Iîoiposefor whlch lte meeting bad been1supporleti lu a speecht very much 10 dIo oitit i ner. 'F-l dies o da%.lîad t icetoffowig t called, namely. héenit4rgof atite poitl. Mr. J. Stonehouse, ai Port a .tiili'r if îtlit laIesfrnt 0w . "ii tw a ro îlg ii a stît.gonîd roads system for tbë Couflty of Perry, secondeti the resoluion. iiii.- iarkwli tli titiat etfili l Yt ii(n (iafl. Hewas geatl plced fro-ntilng ir(igram assclitdiled, set- so large an attetdaîtce, and heart- 1ILSOLUTION. -tr.- oniti itutto caler ltoii' stanIs trf\-ais 1 lhave- coutsleotf a vaudevilleo- lit, v ii tir- i ii i ouitonî. cafeteoria or itil-r len it-lîd Concert, - )nia Inily wmelcomed 10 the town ail wholiîad lesolved iltat this meetIng of rate- IN h'îsuttioilîttti and th i ineiliotîr ;tlct un- show sand dance.titIiiit oit 7respondeti to its Inivittion. payera front ail paris oi the Cotinly oif Nir. W. A. McLpan, Depulty Mînîster Ontario, havlng heard lte address of ii-s Nwas ttia îtii.i-slle ori i nvst itio a t lireatv-ilung storin ralled tir. i9~î~ï o iePoichvngWANceu a ~YNîlîro titi hatt etînît-doit i initus Ilicir lîettie tandttititoîîtilifor thei iniiiiltlitli- reit fNilma- o tePoichvn W .MLai s. Dpt iitro ý)a k t tili. thliii s'îdors af good iltîugs liitlite atceîttd ant Inv *ItatIon to lie present, Highways for Ontario, and the suBe- aM t-iiii(lvt' ttiîda. ttor ssrc iîîtiit wtro arîî-d10 akeb al ur vas calli-d apon ta speak, its sitiheci Qîent discussion, le of the opinion titat m Asi oni ito r of olidov lît hat -s.%er(liot rîsh tse mctt ierclaici-ii rlt-shoei houg Good Roads for Cantada and for the ('ounty should adopt a good roadsa c.- crviliî, fritithiom- Made candi - titert-fore dlisiiitled. and i ho seneaOiroCttî'Txre r.lesad.syemfof e main through roads and lu uiîtt initiiks, ci-le letetls w îîîîotî it'litrcsi sliflo thie îpuvillon, .w'here tour rpqtitîsîles ta constructtng and market roads tao te towns ln the 10 %Niic R N ioidy s iroriiee iiepeple lacedlik "rdnt-,.wach ialutainfg gond roads. iCounty, and that thismeeting be now lit. w taulier %vas IMent for hîîsl i d or îvrliclîîaled ltriii-dancrs -llie . ;ogfvrbe sbi ei-constituted as the Good Roads Associa- * nis. n teateffaii i h, oth iitizilcliesIoý %s ed nIlement. tion of the Cotinty of Ontario. tut-osu liit' a larged ptîsauiifthoolits niass ltalet itriIsle us hid lii e 2,Proper classificationi of hlgliways. Tiat the Association do at this meet- tIt lit iIi'aiîoriioo tht ii ow-tus ;feu jun- oplotiglv. anti a large pant ai dep-ending tîpon the amnotnt éf traffic lng elect a President, Vice President, " tetl- idr-sdnsof lte vleitv Ivliei'crowd tsenit rn. ltit Ilte mre e e rontcdIelaet ae comperad aithreeem foirîti-'lo flock tociti'eiiîrk. sud aridenitdancers hi-Id on tilt tho e s-.. the roatis. management dUringtSecrateirr eare n compoe ftremitee or lnritv T(i(tlid rwnif lrz seia tais ule oi-abltest oniqI nicIon. h"rs from IestcluTownship, Townî and 'r.i- ltutg u.- nittd tigrow-, nielionar nd 9.ite pni.,îrîîsp~eo ouI abut 4.iProper supervision andi attentiont Village ln the County, which are re- iitîîofitheisqetîtithiel ig Wietciilioi e ¶ the dii arîs ppeertlvolY'. (alletr contsîrticliotîtram lte centre oif qtesled Ila brnt local associations andi wvt, atfa ruui ai titi-hetislnTtîo lieiîî th(,ttschier'dluros W'ofa aitority- delegate members ta the central com- ~uliitt ld a t ro it tue orIptinea telitiil sicos. Itie chIot uoef - When goond roade were matie lhe3' mtttee.. <la," tî;atld atuirtu- iittrks ni) ittîsllte lttag ltou ottheci-s ita ein lu-muet be maintainod. saiti Mr. McLean. That ail ratepayers ln the Cotrîty be t-sic maitt; ot, lh'tr u-wte thafairIlitd. t-rt- t iîgit- uuofhowtngthin ten rder to ge-t good resuitstram i te eligibie for m-mbersiiip. iwa.4l hi î,onas titi.' rî- ou -î h'afir lut l ti- ll alinrtersotg lhî'malitefnsoney expended. experienceti men Ttat lte officers and committee be a i -i titi T(irfun % t'trdiîiiîu towîis îiîttid ttrteris fo!rtheen ati.aiit tbcitut Ilui charge o! the upkeeP athorizedtit prepare anti adopt a con. ts- li ttless Mtsnit itose lIvIng Ilu Norlth On- ai tIti roatis. ,siittîlon and by-iaws for lte Associa- trtttl auii .11flt-iIv-'odî tuteti-r itîruhave listi ait opporittnlity- o!vis- Plarîn natty-roadq ln EasPfecRiallion andti tacollec nocesary funtis for îiiilîu-aîîd the lh2nd flattallo an îautlîtutu ('îîp Ilordoît. and th(e compari- ias enahles a couttty ta pro-vide and l(Contutur'd on page 4) Iitt'd tilti for liasebait. ThI'ie t2îd lias son be'îseen te latter and th(e camni) at - maîntaîn lte uecessary equîpmenitun- wîîuîa utt 'îîaîion litely fer hav tut a Hi-ydnshore cotd tot blit refleci der exîîerlenced supervision. Twenty -____ ___________ Lirat tým. nd fst ain vas tit- nigill l farirofthe(liarersof heone counitiee are tiOW operating under cr1 tai1 ed Thesperlatons vtore nol dis- ttl2nd Bialtalon. Titere le no douthe rvnilGn od cee aplttuitited. and titi'atid [ act o! a vt-uc-il i ui any perstîs stîto stere at lteland ne county tbat lbas once linked tir> fuir tll' tS2iîd niadi' ti'- gamçb uark last Tittrsaavst-nt home wîit I up litas ever wlthdrawn. id<uusnc it it' iirnet a ltecroti.a llg opnIo etlit cntpandai it The pssential principle of a couinty The' Torontoloeam tace VPthitl he saiti offIcers ant i ien orcctpytug il, and titat yentaasrvLiear tfi.Fo a coutîty ta assume !rom 15 te 20 per lt thior favsuir avîtig len play- Hfinal thepir vîsIt oulîti iadti tean Increaelenta iecut od Iima u'iuttittuinç;ilit game lit T'orontto att Sai- Intereet lit ltte Bai talIon and ln re- po-idn o 5t 0prcn.o h îunuîay litov saasd Ihutîr rî'gilar pîtchler, erutititupoiigfr gt.0prcet !Lt tu fa-il iiati. tintilthtie tasi w Ao Inuîng% Thle %w Initerc o!flte sparts durIng lte trafic. because when the main arterieS - lit racttr u'il ltîaîte ptchrs flrtiotiwi'o s fIlos~are asme frmera - will seek eut Thes cautti ii' r et bnîathe p ite 1(111 Yainn r htai-Isitait Pi- ese roads Ilit their trips ta town. box.an lng -i t rite-asuIt ia4t id e tem k Yadu'ît. itc. Pti- Wltea ounty ConnectIS gîve attentioen cain itou up b lia uslUpbtytne sîaud tsterMl iP.hlel haIn taeadiflg cotinty roads, Township a rd l'ho.' siltitite catcher overtrew }tunntig 1-1gbJttmp -1 Roacli 2 Cucl r ret ieterfi 4 hases tneîîtueutly, allowitîg runs in. l3remner. ' Teln a ewnshlp r edehds. 'lite score. 17-7. ashows a utargin, ltow. Hait Mltl»".l PltlltlkÇtt, 2 SmIih The Sumnpf _e Iin iary son eoir. PttIIciently large ta give te solti- Fat Imat'a Race-i tiÀrton, 2 Agg. 3 cha a man o! i - he i erf airy of lrboys -nfl n ak.Thbat. Galwalrd. super1ntendStits ls $1,600. o&whlch the led antd rati lisesvotll. isdtht ie work Standing Uroad i JîMp-1 Ferguson. Province pltys 40 per cent. of iti' ialtu'rtv-as grtesi ('oo k W '" 2 Sunt lu. The Previace pays 40 par cent. ol the~ cooul anid steadN. satd tus catcher, Rutîning Broati iump--- Ferguson. cosl o! construction and 20 per cent- of Kîrkp.tiit nIds eappeti t hei' allaroutid 'Roaah, 3 Plunkett.th n omatencofrasla tlt". a itîllt. caîcltitg atîetiiît'ut eeaIs Iun Race-I H4. P. Joê. Chiaplin. lt ai !mitnnetfraal Itîît'aîî utshThe'lî- rrnrg nîstie Riunilng, HepSte;> anti Jump1 Fer-cUt odaSseo tuvii nti usn.d iitt ududaftile git<ita2 SnlliAler lunciteon te meeting was re- tululu ofeciiin nIlgri, 1Nif- "tnet 2Fergtison. Mr. G. S. Henry, M.P.. meMber ot Lau.,toriitiinuitk uand î-îisportsF BonI Race--I Joe. 2 Chtaplin. the York 'oCeunt Highways Commis- ____ ____________________________siananti Secretar> of te OntarlO G.ond Roands ApsoeLaUon. svas asked 10 TNNXt '-ILL BU LD BRIDGE atidres te Meeting. From lus Inti- TO!II mate knostledge of te work la York C'aunty hi- was able ta give raehTîcItaU. ae Information. ON DUNDAS STREET WEST :1tfyrCuntyad - at ynd's ree inBadConitin. ago. Ili fls'e years they have censifict- WHItIIY BOYS AT THE FRONT. SmaIl Bridge atL nesC kinBdC niin d gomiles of goot roads. ai a rosit ef __________aptîroximatel>' $600.000. Titis year the In lte above photo tree well-known l'ut u r~diuttt-rots tuale ,~ wnortiterît part of lte county lias cerne Whltby boys will be reeogaized. A- uot dit-a 'lhe - ork mlii hi' tottbyIll»te ta ti tto Ilte systin. The ratepayers aebote on the left, in Jack Cannor, son ef tuair t11u11 w ilht h t t-mituait Iunldgt ;lt tttllty'îa iutder th.-e tt;tu'ns I-tosit of " II. a d Ar. J h o n r fti roada complerito havsth sei re w Iti it Gem Jars Vegetables for PlckIing The Choicest- Spices Prices Rlght. a T. LWLN WI4IreTBYPONT*' Phones;teBe»I, No. 47; neen1t N.4 i2 . 2~Ji WIhsGrapo Tb.Buy THE DOMINION BANKI PasU Up Capital $6,000,oSO Reseve Fmbd $7,OOOOO M Depositoru inthis Bank M esasred Ot f OMcint service. A GIENIERAL BANKING BUSINESS8 TRANISACTEDI WHITBV BRANCH:- S. D. TERRV. Manager. OSHAWA C. N. HENRY, HOT WEATHER SPECIALS at Peei's Shoe Store, White Canvas and Poplin Boots, Shocs and Purnps. ,Fleet Foot"l Outing Shoes, Oxfords, Tango Pumps anmd Sandals. The best outing shoe made for al sport and recreation. A fuili ne of the latest Pumps and Oxfords always on bandi. Phone 151 1D E aQ M iii- i f '4- il If U. A. (-+OODFBLLOW For PRESERVING TIME The CIioicest- Fruits ý.PrQ ar«k 8treetq Whitby 06 W-IVALM. M 4amplq 1

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