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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Sep 1916, p. 2

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NO>TES ANDCOMNIBNT3 S lut. erinoierrnnt TEFAqIrM~. THE SUNDAY LESSON Jing thse war ? la It teatlng Germau INTERNATIONAL LESSON publie opinion in an effort to ascer- SIEpTEMBER 17. tain wbat it wil accept le"s than the The Mooes et the Moment. complets victory whieh their rulera A visit ta thse beat sthops In the citles premised the German people and irbows many disU.not styles on dlsplay. 1 esson XII. A Prisoner in The Castie. whether they are really s0 resOived to Wiat îs really moet strilring la thse &"flght ta the last man" as lias been nureber of one-pleee frocks anid the -Actia 22. Golden Teit. proclamed ? These questions are flot large varlety of them. Saine are of -Pa. 91. 2. Euggested by. the militer>' position and serge and I lght woolens, others are of dieregard Its confitetinig Interpreta- satin or stlk, aceord4n*g ta the ieuire- Verse 17. Trance-Coeffet with tions. The>' are siaggested b>' the evi- mentes(>f the woman who muet have prayer-as in Acts 10. 10 ini the caseO f dence of movements and counter- 1bler wardrobe stocked wth a dress forI Peter. The Greek word (borrowd niovements within the ring of steel eve ry occasion. In dark dresses, thc in aur ecstasy) implies a complete thatsuround th Tetoni aliej navy blue serge le ta be counted on, log of consciousfless. Comnn Thise evidence lm fragmentary owing to again. Womien never secin to tire of was so absorbing that the outter welqd censorship restraints and diffcult!es 1tfrI iss ayqulte hc aihd i a neprec uh ot communication. ts details ai; they IfkforItt ao n ta Ives p, and n shuldescibews an 2 Cor 12. 2-4. camne along were expiainable witthout satlitctogorysetttebas ever bend oia aldsr si o.1.24 satsnceoy uteitte aseve Yen 18. Saw him-The pronoun goea asserting an tn tanyor Objective. found for 1t. White serges there are back t.o the Righteous One in verse 14. But In tlieir acumulattion rhe>' do siig- aise, and they are truiy faseinatlng. 0f theea-Unemphatic - the stress lies getst snucb an uncertaint>'. Sleeves are long and some coliarsoncceigm. Sev-ra mothsagoChacelor onarc high. Iheugli the becomlng sailor 19. Hew vividly these words recaîl Sevra moth ag Caccllr 'ficollar Is stit retained In many modela. the mean who could "pray ta be eut off btet'imann- illlweg expatiated to the The aliris are full, the fuliness bwlng, f.rs Christ for his brothers' sake"! reichstag un the obtuseness of Uic ai- arranged In gathers, ide ple-ats or un-,T evJruamwihistlun les In refusing te consîder the real- stîîchod box-pîeats. Tlier<e have leen Todbeav e eruae wthri al uelun tics of Uie situation as shown by «"the ru~mors al" >Of thc accerdien pleat od wstehais ra. Srl war they must hear a mean who had prov- wrmap.' lie ,aJd In substance that skirt coIgl gai_ d his Jewsih fanaticism se welb! the alles wero beaten., but dldn't know A ninmber of the new biats are in that uKnwig "Paul seemsaet it It. "Look ai the war map 1" The mes-t x-ch and wondvirfui celer. re'al argument mnade ne impression. The, were ta plead îvith bis Lord that men allies pelnied Iotohei seas and the cannot but reveive testirnony fremn Gerînan colonies. The German drive one whe had previousby b4en an en-. at Verdun foiiowçed. Sa did Uic allied emy cf Jesus of Nazareth; the words drive In Picardy and the Russian ad- tu are directed te his hearers,* 50 vane In Oelitla. that they may impress themn with the ______ strength of the testimon> thus given Tlîen arese ln German>' a curions .b>' one who had iin.prisoned the Chris- mevempint for discussion of "hocor- tiens." Mlyers has caught the sob able pence," Under visily officiai .wl th which Paul recails these perse- auspices lcetures were simultaneoiuslv . .- ,c,1t'ng days:- delivered Ini ferty cities deprecatýlng any demecnd fer "annexations." It seemed to be an effort te reconcîle the public te the thought cf a reture te a Europe ln which Gerseanys position weould ho much less than the compiete domination demcnded b>' the radical mlliterista somk-thing less than Pan-J Gerinan dreams and an abatement cf the spirit cf "Deutschland ucher Ailes." Notbing has been heard cf this nînvemient since the Italli nadvancc across the Isonzo. Now cornes, hoNvever, -hct ima> he termed a countrblast-the deman~d from Admirai von Tirpitz that sub- marine ruiblessnossabe resunied and the United States be openly chai lecged toaedd Itseifto te number cf Germany's tees. V'ery curlousl>' the Berlin newspapers wcrc permtîed te, publlsh thîs manifeste, but the fereign, correspondents were not permitted te, scnd It eut, and we have learned cf it oaly through priviicged diplomctlc1 channels. 1In vie w et the complete' goveremental control over the German press the permisisieon et these agita- tions and counter agitatUons, wbicb le- valve flot eni>' mcthods but objectives cf the war, bocks like an effort te test the real state of tic public mind. Tek- Ing these together they suggest the amilar device of "triai baiboons." Hes thces-lrin geverfiment re-ceg- - nizc-d Uic existence of a dcadicsck, and, white still confident tisat Ges-san>' ccc-E nat hie "cenques-c," ha-s It aise bague ho teel tiat naithas- can Germa-ny " coii- quer," and se is making efforts te tbnd eut whethes the Ces-ma people et-c reaajy te c-ose between meat saetl cocessions and a struggie te annihila- tien ? The N'on Tir-pitz programIn n- valves the latter If îîced be. Ticese- cent "honorable peace" mavement teresiadowed the fôrmer. l lieslin, In bs-tcf, seekicg tfor a formule wbicb wiil recencile th esseran people te regard thli-' normeus sacrifices as wesraeled witi an end of thc wss- that whi mes-ely lbave the Ges-ni lands un-des- Cessan suic, and eneble t ic preaet dynasties toemesape Inter- nci revaintion ? la it seeking a wav out ta peace? -4-- BRITISH GENEROSITY. Contributions ln Two Yeara of War Amount te $250,000,000. In tic fisst twa yaasao! tie war tise people of Englacd have voluntar- il>' contrlbuted more than $250,000,000 ta tic work o! the vus-loua British or- ganizations wiic-b arc concerned with mmeures o! relief. This le a conser- vative estimate and doas not take into accunt tise tremendous volume o! gifl and services which ciii caver appear in an>' account of 'abat bas besu aceomplished te meet the condi- tions rlsing out o! thse ws.r. T'he first national fund opencd le Ecgland on thse outbreak o! tic war was cafled tise Prince of Wales' Re- lief Fund. Itq object 'vas to rellevo distresa consequent on tue war, and tih. V*epts no'v total $80.0.0Il &fdlon, te ti" national fund, local - ,nSad for almar pus-pose have been &Hparts Of thse country sud tu»%,*prsent a furtiser *16,000O.0. Tb Ie el on tise.fumbdass becu r.- sfrieWs by tvo condItiosns ot anticl- Pstsdh& the Autur of 1914; tise tre- m»eous demanda or labor to meet tiseroqlrements c! Greet Brti ams ber allis osaqueut on tise vw; the voMdefultmuurouty od people sre- thisltoeste o os.. Whosjoine tise f ooluaevry depsrtmesi f o! ift tinaka, ofices, factSOI4 ,coliiea, am assI1s optémaUs sxwrangmeaf o WM Maeu b *sc ssrelos MAoyrssu 'ag-esrnen made fl0IW çotlmut.leu t. elp tse feu- U« wad dqsssof o!tiss0"wmum W*h" t"kouPBMM& aitseoc- Quo se*atitetotal etfsM&S »lu»fw7 repe.eutS et lO.sf cou 'euAmmsr This?1 tatyvsofb.w or de y= Saints, dibid1 say ? with your rernees- beî-ed faces, De-ir men and wemecn whom I1 sougit and siew! O wlîen ,A-c mingie in the heaveni>' places llow will 1 w~eep te Stephen cnd te yûu'. 0a Pli Ships That Pass in the Night WVhere Do Yer Want This Put, Sargint? Il The "E" Party'. misspelled words woubd net be abbowed When it became known that Edith in the-ceunt. Evan wa geng e gve n "" prt> The end cf thc fifteen minutes found eX course everyon-e ln the school be-' h ecl tl ,urli vrts gan ta talk about It, for ail of themn paper, and most of the ebldrefi would wanted ta know what an E part>' was av be nugla cf 9mor tme ha- but EdIth would net tei], cause the ubre od htte had been able te tlîink cf were se few. Going home tegether, May Deîlow' Many a word had been begun, oniy and KittY Cowles guesscd that It was te ha scratched ent becauso there vwas a part>' at which the girls andthe boys an A or a U in it that the writer tîad were te give Edith presents that began not thouglit cf at fIrst. But there wlth the letter E, since that was the, were man>' double-E, words, and cf Initial c f EdIthas twe names. In the course they made the E's count up fast afternoan they t lid others about it for the cumber ef consonants ; erne 80 before night all of tlem bcd cf the children bcd even written long thought cf presents beginning with 14' '; ' ords, like December and Ebenezer. but Edith's ciosest friends said that. Reoy Dunscetfb, who had tbirty-otie they did not believo that ibose wbo words, with eighty-twe E's, won the were lnvited wouid be, expecied te first prize, a beautiful Ilite picture, give any presents et ail, ln spitp cf the acd Abby Jane Leonard. who -had fact that the party was te be on feund oci>' eighteen words, recelved a Edith's birlhday. Hlelena Simpson smiall sîbver '"lephant. even grew quite angry et those who Ategether, the E part>' was1 grËtt thcught the Evansf3 «miIY wouid do tue, acd Abby Jane Leonard wps se, sucli a thing as te glve a hint cf that digtde aigwi rzee kindle a initaton.though It was only the "baoby" prIze, But the real meanlcg cf the Inys- that she told everycce she w~as gcicg terlous E came eut when ('ach gucat te give the same kicd of a party ce re'ceived a sheet cf paper acd a peýncd!' er birtbiday; but she would n-at tell and was asked te wvrite down as many tbem whetber it wouid be an "A" par- werds as be or she éould thick cf ibiat t>', a «'J" part>' or an "L" part>- coctcined ce vowel1 but E ; each whlch shows that she was net a was te have fifteen minutes. No word - "booby.'i, after all--Ycouth's Ccse- Might be used more than once, and panice. c Bairnafat lier in London l3stander.- thcelongest" journe>' 1 ever wish te rewed in the Eton eight for fo ur I'I~TCmake, crawling on hands and knecs ycars, whibe et Oxford bis boat be- t ADV~ANCEDR back te the wood. came had f the river. ,,. (tia T~'A'II The accurscd machine guns wcrc A tail, cbean-shaven sean, he re- t( :~l<~~.~ enpinîc fem ech * ..TU V rA ,A I n sensn-1 up;- stA- reu1 O-e, Ailns ; pot n-ny-.,Qaym n uia J "'ie îecurs in ttus acd the two folowsng M A Ir ULA 1I why I cm net riddlcd tirongi and faseous FoeignSl eay - ~ -- Bt i vJsyaoge threugh la a perfectly searvelous le is net quit( ersred ncd -, iverses. a ccc~~ngge thing. If God ever watchcd over an>' Sir Facs hnl e u i YY' Thus fulfilling the Lord's prediction rcia isFrteDt. HR SAPNPTUEO Ai (Mark 13. 9). Offenses against he PatalAdFo the Da. HR 5APNPCUE0 mac He wetcbeîi ever me lest Sat- diplomeatcdtie s edutimfr h urday ontînt never-to-he-f orgotten ,tm being, is c i es ýzî ' law cf Mos-es Nwore tried and puni- h- Alosia>'pansarbwrt tkig CENE AT THE FRONT. mrig asd rtone fmytim oneoenter einteingguteftpaefrand'hearing May- be proserved: but __ fine fcllows, thon enothes-, sorme doubl- likes to tell hisfvrt tr'c h 20. 'es shed-Imperfcct tense; donce, decfniss goes- on te the chronie Officer l)cscerihcs Experienceiflat-Wstasbve>asn'mc in Ha etlmnron ictrisi t Salsfaîîatical conviction nerv-ed him form. In that case noe satment ha-s Milet"arsh Uner German fincteGneidsOurgientt.maulr i Io lookL on throughont tic horrid been discovered that w iii cure it, es- i Ne On my way I met cce cf se> serge- "lThat, sir," si i ud,"i h lic . he more i o'cr0is p ca Europeth orhtis a-ans wth h l hsf cebo n w y t m f h )estv feelings, and tic loudea' a sociatod wlth atrophy o f 11e Internai oyuko htti a atdt h ol v viewithin toid use cf tic face that parts cf the ear. It is cf course truc îuddsbbeno icSo-D c nwta hi enwne e1h oldee nwLr esns was lk an angel's, the greator was that atrophy. er -waýting, cf ccv part t isi Border Regiment bas writtcn carry sec, and got quit. angry whan 1 That marie srohgs wih tha"rtul eric" e encrd e f hebc>'meustos f untin.home: toîd lise that it was he 'Who wanted ferty-t*e tons isda-hti th rta etvc"h enee oo tebd naisls fftnto.,Neyer shah I1 forget the steel recaptaclecihngteetos God (John 163. 2)-le wenld net offer if yen lied an atrophted hand or 1ob ýt ot. rogh uhu>' trte ki o htsplendid t-hep, and Ihope an insida tinh scbadncse Showing New Arrangement of Gathers what cest bm nothing! . Tic mus-t you cauid sec fer yourself that it m's hl. WeXV lor ase byý hll m e ise one day again inI n'ermanticlly sel ,' cih g tw pupe hýmaterial le icîvet or satn (su read) cf Acts 6 i h ke>'. useîes-s. But tie internai car tahdden tece in eaîvood (nicknamed here "lgt. tons. Hinsideta samhgn or belli combinod. Anather new cler Ccnsenting-Acts 8. 1. Tic mmosy from us-, and se s-ineocf ius-go on . lgt"o con fisuhati ofn'li for bata IR rubs- r4'dToppicg a block lends its sticg be Rom. 1. 32, where hopisig cgaiîtst hope that a miracte wil ligit>"on iaccout 1cf i.Ts nch i- AdFAVORITEoldisTtic haches ofvtic great costum bl e c cc ci oe f tiese 1 aul macesth coid-ileodcd approî'al c aore i ur cac, and thatsanie cf eus-cwc batteries fos-bade sleep, asi "Wab," saidtcYakeafeafw spots of celer gî',cs c niost strlklicg c, f an enlooker an even wors-e sic then docter somew lies-e wlll tic utile te i as afwgo0iebwilMs-. Sir Francis Ellitt Has Won NMac>'minutes' medaton Ige yuv and sînari effert, tic s'nner's ci-il decd itsclf. Keeping ms i ed Fritz dists-jhuted eround us et cari>' Bboodless Victories. g ot bise. Ifhaergtsutoth, Ilut lot us came back te tbe sîyles lie (enter) g-rmets-Sue Acts 7. iIn that wcy a great dccal cf time ia dawn. lie thon commenced sens-chinga tog h ene la Vienna, CeiratPortugal, and that areivo-rii jus-t et ps-sent. 58. tas-t and a greet deci of suffering is- tie Wood te ts-y and knock eut our Inihui c Vitb buttlgaienat yepe: If cne judges b>' populariby, tic drcs.a 21. Seai thee forth ini the Creek .ue.trcccc ntrbeda-batteries, whicl were evidenti>' mak- lstir snedut itS rwa, i et~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is oetl fstno- iue i etcd~ nos-s is- ecross that nînt ho embraced Francis Eiliot, Who las becc Minis- GNat rwaSi nci ersne ofik ahermn s cdapinsrlongtunlcdisti fs-tndequhai>' sts ~c.the1 if w we uld not ie crusbed beîîecth i.~ ing liseies-y uncmfe-t-able and an- tes- at Athens since 1903, las wo)ln thaecngdbirputons sil. Gthes ad peat, ongtuncs s te fr-s, qualy tre.ý-d. he whefirstt hîng to do stog-s-y. Fifty-nbîie "brumps" andt eshaec anîd Inlerestlng collassare the teatus-es climax is net u ticGîniis Iiotbewtheabitîîe heerf lsightnicg "wiiz-bcngs" bus-st rigît sa>'bmdls vcoiaoortc e aof thinmaucnsu ilmt îlnt, as nieialwt i h efls lies during the trouilous tisees in o a that attractnies-t attention ie the pres- the Englisbî, thoug tuis w-as what the we cense e -a>', wendig cl>t oei eqate- f ebuuystx-Iin teservice rtin awy 'moi fast-ead on. IViat tha Lerd's ccîîad li cxtîicgoes- u s iligwonbing otre ons, buthe Gracca. A Sirrceained. wor lfFbu-ncgin au'ssel aate put avay oves-> bit etf folish self- man. pas-jonceinteBlasfo Sr tWcrdaemtbi in cd lssouGivar-ha cIlou-e adfle -Francis wes at Sofia before le be- Idpneto emn- tha, trips-secun towes char- tht o atctienand fle thdtig aoutit u6-ia. or aberdmt whch >cama Min ister at Athans-has ceab- Inert eatBianbsbe heth-prscuor- ws hagedwith get as qikyas p cbe oeofthe ti hrraneus- ccd etwhc; d tuis cleves- diploseatist ta rendar mil'dpnatue enay anntuckl oi ssi ae lcsted a o c ndahli. I cac't (le- inestimable service ta tic country>. Ati a fo is uply of edca aapsotlesllp (se tic Gseek) b>' maiiv excellentcnrvne îibicscribe the infernal dia, but tcca- l a a i athge etbang a has tri e. .Hbecrtro Jasus w-hem ha parsecuted. . B been invc-nted te heip deaf people. In est I ca-n get is tihes-car cf 1,000 Iebshdteavnaeo en ebbtE coseparisen withti ts thc rest was a all eus- large chties aI the sbeps cfthie trains geing thrsougi a tunnel and g-s-ct favorite with tic Cracks, for, h hra detail. lies-t opticiens, yen ca-n ficd cases nîultipllied b>' 100! At about 7 e.m. le iivcd anong tiesei duning tic latemst'tcPai-mact) clSceysMa 22 rvlgeawy red ietîo Balkan wers, ced lalped hs usae ittoo the ms au 22. Piviige ewaysbreaa e el- fitied îib theqe contrivences. The ons- guainossit a Boche land mine aile drugeblaonaadf xgoe fiai mast of monepal>'; in this s-spect s-nies about permltting people te take abubeemlsofcdtcgon come a far more powcrful nation tIc Jews weruttwasmblesaofan>'d Bhelmanundtien tley wera wiec ha wes first as-a grown j ngad adtatas cftheJ ee-d TIc asrofoun ainsig them uontrial are ustxchly vas->'fair. soklk ncs-îuk.W iugt e I kcen be independn-o emn i . ofb-ak cf e pfdinsi tofTen days' usle of a nu'c etfIbese will ail eus- esseseil>'tronches would col- ,pencd iitr rcc pi- of thee '/thebokf Jonahoiedthnt un- show you wbetlîer It milih help >'ct or lapse on top ef us. At 7.15 aur guns tal. in twenty-eigbtBiibcutis n wbo tans fr d. i flt~ feud ~zotis- andmine wîcî ent Sir Francis, wio, by tie way, wns! loeaI>'characltcsistic in the prephatt . tic befoteradmined hntat2hca t pwt erfcsos, acmpaned bora in tic old Legaton House at tpep, cefo'Eiabtnebets-fr his aga ctra icDpgsa Exrlatbust o pas-aile. heird 'late ithe.lebutcacapdaOxford conhatOeary td bafrbigntraputa-thqakupîice hlu eawgoodety-hretas ut ihthebagon lice. Jsu: himscît draws their pr- 1wthIts own attr ItIs a bother, - W now larn tint thse minas wer a e t nst,,tinople. At Eto tuimport itfrmtectin. 23. Threw off-Read tosserit about. ers-bethes- net bcarîn et aly got-e ts tion as an atilate and oaramnan. He some pour gase Thetla udaubedl> tic Machine Guns Spray Death. __________________________________ dand furlousl>' waved about. This was - is mekers ases-Ithat It bclps te train hAt 7.30c.m. audr Coepan>' iaft imanifastattion o! excitement and the car back le. the recogntiton oet tctaca1n mrhdtruhC rage. Travelers in Palestine ien- uman speech. For partial deatness tic 31o h one hr he R A ES S ]» - - - modern tunes occasienally see an ex- tiare are amalleasand ssxpber dc'-lces, ware te deboudli cnd went out into the IJ hibition of!'the sudden excitabilit>' of and tas-those who bave accepted de-af: opitand taad BCompanifh on-d an Oriental crowd. Cat dust-Like I eas as a tact beyond any curativesutantinCC pnywicio- , *~~~ Shimel (2 Sam. 16. 13.) c esra n b tl aet er efn mysaif. Our baîf-mila match Determine Not to LUt Go Our Gofd n hee Nri. 24. Examinad b>' scourging-Legal own teetti fer l>one con-duction a ouf iti od a nuht in ts. case of &laves and mec writhout soucd. thea audiphone (semetInies bireak one'a nerve r-lghtý away, for Anything. political rights, but not as tic fit ct calied the -denttpbmne>, a black guta-- machine guns were pouring bead ail______ of an lnquiry. Augustun Nid expres.. Percha fan hold betwaen the front îlireugh tie wood front evary dire- sly forbldden it, and Lysi.as's remorse - îeth. 1W otlen tihe greatest belp. lit tion, and bow we got through that bit "And ha sald, 1 wlbl net let'thee go." Laban eclageuhswgstntre Th 223êsfor Uihi&m.t. ( e galacio29). supn hi isg ot' ew dhlarS.&nYtJth'5OfCern- terr. We arrived *t- our debouehig Jacob dlaplayod la hi~ whole lite a ment determinst ue1 ida~ TheDr« o te omet. (Vrne29. ng nl a ewdolar.~Yeth' Cm-point, whlch by tis time was being 1 wonertul tenacity of purpose la thse from his serviom eeewt ent modela. Guýbered @hi *am ot 25- Tied hlm up-Literaîly, for- PatniOn. I sheld wth bigl eplosive and boid whlch ho took upon Oed and family and oestsliaitsr new. l la truc. but when ail thie han& w>ere tw wu O rs ignal. rapai, as WeUU 8btint te Ufltrtghteeusne.Wbatever oe» we may 1platce. Hoe ol e o oe erhn la laoe'a l 1 e tid'igs. h- ' ether strapas 5 as to baud hi. back 1for 10 Boche mtcebb g'8119M vhich la tMhm te crlticise and eondemu. property urga»Y bs4I~~ hip ino t pmcd Ziathede* beow te' oa a ueiaioirlIglarte r. A headacise la acmmets, ultiough maiethe open (rOufd à sa ofdeaÜths iers Werê oâi'als thinga te whieb ho hsirbtsmpyoto.tr Itp Ueuwhanfntcdciva ede&.on»te s.biw. Paul 'vultili ntheyunapopular diserd. ea'-Nary everybody j Tt w» a dlatant*Mfu al IdMg y cw& Âd eaewleI . ho~ ~e s ed t 1 1u haememdv tb t.nwand thon dlsgrae.e hiasoeUifU m« etbut it Iaad, te Se dort s ~tes tttiste saaq, e~ s atoià* ~.eix lnu gathers. Tib ti-atus.nt la sho"s amÀ u condemjn- o». A beadaecisà.t e ot ~dse.la Rgbmt 'vers wWItztgbeIiId jacotsouIol t lot go tise poUlUU hold lUt-tebi*uuose bure ta "Iluatin. *M I» 'in 87- lIadlio beenno110t tisef- I1t te ma dangar uigeal&0- to fet>w up the »ordows. W. b.d yl t C M g U MeW»J* d d iens a au liluo bstthe s. le. <. Rmensthoseod cousit of PauVs lW-nouseLugs aeals a-arbY. It l13t uaJY gone abosit 1 u 8i «01of nd 4.laredet Qed lobà- b1rbtth thebrs.tav ~~i~ -tneteh o e i t sr jrdkutmeaib"ld. But Lyas 4pxSor s aign of so=setunectmal diserder. .1, brave lbd# M'veSkIOOàt,to te e a seper o beifl ier bgo<by. otbets, but mvi y-lo qr~Ii ~ on etise o! is. ft inbls It«rrogat oePmi, in vew i a<oes'vt0»@*Ag ttisha bItod tisUffl Md Mm Rde Wby W* am motoI.btts atwaItais4w" tp ~see vetwould centime. de tev re -isg aseetr.t. j UW If aum n reecaleter.MtbW tdtiser. mt rfl d âtY ruMU ftt ad he, tisoée on ti, a shirt 'varie it ot for t__ n mwte pot iaIRiun CIUJUla ¶The cam s , vIi saly ble ousd If w'v. dgwhm w*fossd 0W ilascBO wutIt vu atUnl. the!OferoW&Ytia sett girdie liat m tect bécornes wa*&M1100Y t mmfl h'. " M at deflMd »»» u Wwfo atl sa-n bM u fLUOr Umm.uuM .q1 obffl th. theé io. 7%«0 pauerua say h be- alsedtise lait.24 or M bou ta. l ii fs-e. erIwhoe . Sbti*Pml buIO te l tin » e tlg s * r boy$, i bu a la Our 1brpolum-ao ~ fMmyorl calmceao". uiror trom 8,l a* ma>f0w» tht 4pr bet« t, f » o,*mu>M 1m * ig0 u smeet*W1 .tta#»Abad« M n 4ug*aintejstIW the Mera&Il Company.f mé ee*S. ý tw . 1 PO*obs. 14#k, e <us mpt1ohimqté sud ou bu,-, tic, S.oago ~d~Sl L iu e #seale(Irsi, id 1< l'y5 '*I 4 9(tb I dtoorekhth i1 làUUm %».-v «jufal e o- % otalsete o.us atefte.~peei r.dw l~ 5 l1 < "atIsIso hna.ts UIt d s' tee,~~4 a mg *Wb, am Iry «W"»*<*u te"s5 <ls sur ov tW"tlm a" y* ta MM1Ile eau MM u»SO 'b - lSseadosefoef aI __mf _ 0tf&l b 1tMsa ÀwUtau o4IM tu 1 S bve«» oà*e * ufl m's r l î*etO"st b 4W A Ui &f a 'verema"- asesses s9L ta lb terni o! aEect1~g~lfe as esil as 4' ¶ s. j ~ v t, 13V Capt. Bruce

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