From Erin's Green Isle Markets of the World -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAVE YOU A POLIO y ZTdtifL2d 111EfU I1 NEWS DY" MAIL FROM IR E. Toronto Sýevt.12.-Manito>a wheat- ~II I f 0 '. 1 57te. Z1.7r ; No. 2fedo.,171;o£ ~ hI U I LANJYS SIIORE S. No 3do..$1.66, on track Blay port%.i'~ IN THE b4rtob nt-No. 2 C.bsc Ne.M 1feed. 66be. on trnck ia ports. Arnerîcan corn-No. 3 yellow, 98hec on appenjnge In the Emerald hIe 01 track Toronto. .n te re s <o I i h 54c ' N o. 3 d o 51 to 53c, a cco rd n g toa . L- st( rs-frclghts Outtide,~j ~.Yr I~Â-.. ~ ,.~ster Regiment, of Glenlara, Tipper- tii $1 30. IN 1.JI<XNC i~ CO rary, ha.s been killed in action. coriding to frefghts otie The death has occurred of Mr. areedat barley, 8 3. tominl. - Arthur Thornton Farrell, in his Gth rminaI.fed are, c p , nmn acrnrdinr, to freight.s ouide. year, a wefl-known Portado-wn soli- 1ukhaî .ci a cording to, -citor. freights out.q1de. ~~Without Charge WMWl ieBstAtnint The regulation under martial 1a c ,emrcial. nominal, accordlng to in Dublin requiring the' people to be rith~t~d itsI ue Applications Placed Thro gh U indoors between midnight and 4 ar. t'bags, 3$8.40. second p.itr4a. ln Jute baUs.. BaITInowAbeeINwPOSSErSION $7,40. strong takers, in >.te bags, $7 <70, aRIISH ARE [N POSESSONbill in favor of uniform iTor,$5.n:i; k Jo noina, blksea- Always Iteady to Purchas tîmeforGrea BrtainandIreind. boardl. prompt rhlpment. time or Geat ritan an Ireand Miii1feed- Car lt.deUvered MnI-Ytreal Ther PsitonEnomoulvSuprio t Tht o te Eemyon The Congested Districts Board at freights. bag itieluded-.Ilran.îper ton. ther PQuarter Sessionspeiorto hainf Roscom-on$28 ton. 15.per ton. $29,' mlddlings.per _______________ th QarerSesin ihed.m-to.$30. gond fen(l flouI;iper bar. 52.25- Other Side of Wtrhd mon obtained decreces against a lla,*--,~New.v No . iuer .ton. $10 to $12; numer f tnats ho ade t pa 2,$9 o89.50, (in traek Toronto. __________ nuberof tnans wo filcl topay~irî~-~arlots. per ten. $6 to $7. on their annuities. track Torontto. Fuit '-ar&'culars cnd o s r, t n A despateh from TLondlon says; flght to seize the high ridge nt Po- Bv the breaking of a jib in con- CutyPrdc--hlsae Phlîi(,ll ie~arroripnln, eres and to the eastwards. It was nection with a crane which w-as at l'il t trY dlry-Wholice0tu3r I work' atC Ahb, th(,\var -Frreslr dtry. Z*hough.m30 too3ts cdmnigi h PiyTe-ah'ifficult to take and difficîtit to hoid, ugama.,t ock~ quarries, 1inferior, 24 to 25c ; eretffery 1prints, 5F r,, ur8hd6n A pic t comentng n ie DilyTt'grah ad te cst as ot igh.1 Stradbaiiy, a man named Davis w-as lu, 37c solide, 34 to 36c. on the recent Britîish advance, says: "They have now gained the crest of1nsnti t.ledtons.-6 nwla31 .3e. c..i 'It is nit sufficently realized that thre ridge, and es-en if the offensive is An effort is about to be made to lOcans. $4.501 lu $5. the latter for hanid- th'is iii a v'ry important gain. The lrought to a dead liait, which it won't 1ecure recruits to fil the vacancies2in t-<ks the lste Diisio, ad a ecr iti Iýt Chasa ;N trilre.s' 2 to 24c .tis capture of ('uill< n'euit andi the g'r înnd bc, the position for the' Winter is en- pt.e Csthe ivision, and a yreutig i. l 2l~î tryipes. 2 5 to 2 c W ieU ,o ee r beyonul hait giveri the Britrîdi t hieormouisly supierior to that o "h Ct pry m theGaer-s sorty e . Il,~' tîo lryt 20c.51 7 ;W ie U, rTlgrp rTle h n tOu x es whole of the (iernian secondI hue. mnans on the other side of the water- pected in Belfast. fowl. i) b 20e.hikes 1 o 0 "Ihetin îshi ropi hadan phî~ shd."The tramway and electricity de- f i 4t o 16(- "The I3rii-,ýh t ops h'Ltun us -Jer shed.-per bag. S2.650 ___________ partment of Belfast corporation wihI <<r talios $2.36 ti. 32.40 B Lritish (Co1-, glve next year $6,1400 to the G-en- abl 31s, ele hapr. $2 New Biruns-1 TI rcî'Itohkehhl,'rs. ppr bag. 82ý u A A FRENCH PREPAE lu ENSURE iii'ir.r l' urposeCommittee for the re- ~~fine qualit- ,10-lb. tins.' W.A MAEN E&00 FR N HHaP R 0EN U Ee Nx&O 1lefo irate. je1b .6-lb. lins, i rlb. 10à . rLTIW flhI served for 25î yeans in thre Poiin-h sae O O T Or MEN L1NLISTIl1 B Division of theiDutlinii WINNIP FOR MORE GAINS tan PolceCfntaeDbl onMelacopoî ,6Cdo. Ia, - -a native of Ki'-g's Couinty, hait re- 12 o rI1 .19 lu h20c.brüîkfasît ArtîluîiBUkN ( leu un \~ ge Lmit o li Enfrcedandtîned fnom the force. 2 ,1i-lesbs, îiV2i t i u ooled__________________________________________________ Ariley usv(lei-ii Aa AeLii t e nore ad Consîulenable damnage was caused han) ri, .o37c.________ r-ý out i aid" 'a1-P re, tard. tierrs. 17 lu 171c , GeîmtutTrenhe'. tnfit Applicants by a senîous Cire that broke ouin tt1ttI - ot.1jtI7ice Tece.the Hreaehing and finishing wvorks at <u -o 4 NO HASTY END TO THE WAR. A t'îathfiot <nî ra 1 h Rejected. Muckamnone, belonging to the Yonk T - Af oi P rs S V T e;Montreal arket. Another Year Before Fuit PressureN C E extension of their oi1 nsive sîuth of New regxlntions arè beinv, provid ed At Cork Assizes Michael Larkin, at\\'icnNi, . foie -,i,,N w <H t3,etdonGrmn KL.ED B T E FU E theSome X hlethu-arîler fo esuin te itos o renac- baker, w'as sentenced to deabh for thp ,ettra No 1 fend. 591r . Ni. 3 local Mhlle The London Times' military expert, north of te i i%'r a busy prepar- cepted for service in th e, expedition- ptns is..$ 0. Pý01J,$S ( ing thc e ern7an trcnilies foîr farthier anc fore'. Recruiting officers are to prietor, Milltown, Countv, Kerny, on s? n'ig t)iaki-i $7 Si) , wirîter pattents. m rl!iiary situation, points ont bis l'e etaieil 0 nike crtai tiri mn th nigî ofDec.2Ot,.a-t$7<.7r.1g. srailîr ba $32590 t- reasons for belleving that the wa r asail, naau suh fth î,rli einfantrae etanthtme g0 ri,,s EetnarIs n, n Tsueets heFigt soati, «f îhc i citacr einz f heDu li M tr - $3' 0, ' d'i' $7 .0 - ira s i'ir. 5 o ote ru hf lo h e u sa a hi s S gav'e another sqîîeeze bitte pincirs entt ring the force are w ithin the age A etigoir uln r-93 1 1 .led o9('. rai$2. Sot. $baginot ofetne aled ad dsfursi he that are rapiîlly eiosing on the' Ger- limits. and me-dicai officers wiîî also politan Police Force, heid in the Irish o Itî1r1Jýs S$9 )lran. 3 1 Inhort. 7aén fheale rio o ieRcn ihig Natoni Freter' al, areol;io,) y i . ptonb. car lots, s]3113 ' igns0f 1,41"and 1»18. Mai posit ionis. ie caiî'd upon tb exencise great care Ntoal('tîr'Hal rsltinCese, i1.. Ois -t ir .~19î, o ,o. Our s upcnlority ln thre fi(-h," ays The .pritîeuîial nattek ciagarîst azainst the admission of unfIt men. wsacpe xnsigdspon hi'îe".rei ns. 19à 198l v.' Butter the writer, "is not yet adequate. sînee tremely imnportanît sîia.Situated the local rmeiicai officer at the placewar bous. 33 wi 21hEi,'g. fres,. 37e.forli-tTde plcesi.bnu. k,,No 1 3Pc- . Nî2 Stock. 2, tcodrac bc i ec&ayfrTerecent taka vnuh,2 ntaty ytt ue on tht, flank of the hîli tiraitiominatus of enlistment and on reaching the Belfast Corporation refused to vlcîony. Next sprIng, having com-! miles southes fVaii oysî,-Tenme fAsra Dtîniîux, it prote'<ts the lîttie plat-eau niobilizatiort centre he wili be ne-e- accept M rs. McM.ordie, ex-Lady< Winnipeg' Grpan. pletied oun own supplies, we can set to was heralde yadaai niet' eihdi eea ud ofX'lerealorî,î wer'th le- mie h amdiaibar, fe heMayonesit, as a counicillor on the W i îpg. si;t 12. -Cash lîurtatione work t0 arm Rnssia çvith a wIii. Wé DrnIt mai-; haie mssîlarge collections ik final' attached for ox'erseas ser- ground tiraithe electons had not rXX he ir i i orrh N,-1nrther$16 151,i 2c it out ltire menrs 97 nh91 uin hpartier prpainin hudymrigtrr of liravy bat icics. Iiernv--en-Sani- v ice. If- tFere us any doubt as to his ieardifothadisoofN4$19,No.$12î t9-i*rnicfotsfteCnrlPwr,:ibalyt terre, ttne kilonictres fnorr \'illers- -nitohi'mav be re-examined on women tb thre crorto. 5;.' 'W l, xr N.fantias efor t oloCnt, ralPoner; TierAllyto ienwRsingssei 'lc nteatront I I fi-s'iland foNurIand 4 .N' 2. 495 andas we Can lastso long, or loger Tire Austran7fire.was sudenly TeutonNte1)hesNhaV be carbniîi arl fui ail an ffth neqesthiy irems'dcaioffîer.Step ' r. John Bniston, commandant of Ha -sNo 3. b86. -). 4. 1,3 1 ri-Ji-(.ee ifneceissary. w-e can be satisfied with i sienced.ThRuiaspuhgfo-ing rntf20m kiori tt'-froîrt the Somme, us a, tire are lîeing 2ke u$1o ep oe 1e4efatVouterDeenNoors ,6 . 7611 ISt.%,x oINW n1,gbttiecmlt aifcin ad rn erne nae osnpîoe a 3134 N'-e aso o 2. t.'he elas Vlutee DidceCofdtintir hecotire atsfctin athdou heal of a systuni of deep na v ires ror1 of reè1brdi of men rejected for un- a hodv wý%hicir for over a year hait of oun demandi.. only by dedgrmy rosqefgGrnahaerredi leaiiiiig to the Stîmme andi turntng - fitnoss, prol)ably by obtalning f rom been helping thie miiitary by guard- Unitted States Matkets "Tire allies will end the war _________________as_______________ on iîuhxsu i ii tie ermn gn seirminsirei cadscerifyng o g docks, etc., has been compliment- Xrnaîî!s S. ii12 -\Vhi-ar -sýpsuch formidable military powers and- - - otons ntlaîeb h : ni ii etin. Tis fr tire pur- cdby the military authorities. tr'nitir, $1 601:.N o 1han. 1 7 0- ososuperabundantiy supplIed with IERR poiin.A âaceh h inbtiirrjcin hsi frtepr d11Northnrn. $1 612 -.N o 2 Northnrn uu in this direction woultii le uiststrous pusîà of pnnsenting men once re~i cted The Lady Mayoress of Belfast iras $1 r;74 le $1.62Z 'orrii-N- 3 SI-îîî.-: veterans and mnaterial that, failing IECEMH ..R OAV R G .1 received a letter fromr Lady Lawiey, a4J tii ,5èç,tiats -No 3 whitie. 451 to some gi-os neglIgenceý on tire part of to tht' (;îr'mans. as t w-oulii make it fnom îîpplyinig at othen places, a com - yJaes Plae,4n5y-nvan.x Filoun unchanfted. Bran-s.21 10 our Governmeîîîs durlng the pea-e1Thre Ice CemPro ly uh IPfJRA (xr'îIi-dffiîIlt for themi to with- mon pract Ste.JamusurPalai-pr 12 Wheal-nNexi $ard.1parîcys, Gentnany will never De able ju5Iseaiu draw tym hicgens. u ailltimnthe Ipression of iris Majesty's irigh appre-$DuluthNo.iSert 2-'hetN 1661 fcaawragidiu tm. art importatpr nthLieo eo ~ auwaa adac-o ra-ciation of the generous gifts fromI No. 2 Nontiîern. $1 62 io $1.63. tLinseed.! "Many soidiers firmly believe th eple that D.W .Coeo h adîBelfastri ientrheen-Sant'rMargeat- die-on hrack and 10 arîse. $2.02 :Se à I theend.Cnd' 'i ' C vc ly hepit toops ttacirig X'nîeourt.REVEUE FO FII' MO~'HS. elfa.t to ire uebnrary$N2d0e-b .nnominsal . ec-colitilans Ãll sli ot la ire ed. an ian acte nîng er, Tire laitrovillatte ing neo tir- RVEe-'R IE OTH work Guild asked - ovember.But Ibis opinion is certalnly wrong, has decided inoortitioral<S eite en ofI Teltes o he-A tie glass window erected eitben. $2 02.1à tnominîal for the force of public opinion behmnd way travel n a ntae.wa asCniin fou rt ls si:Yr niauii[id ythe FrIenchr. Egt-orMillions as (ompared tto Liv. Stock Xark#tu. thepub-In --- -- -> - - -emcmry f Ire1 ie ir n-Stoi c hoMa eth s-i1lic wouid tffnk actblng of takIng alI ar o te hEfras eenMot AdspthfoiOt TRK Nt'T1,\Tl' BO)1)1'S MWith Sixty Millions Last Year. Idrew R.eid, K.C.B., and Lady Reid, Toronto. tiret>em2jrs of tireGoveramentandl'Croth (il-'RISSAN SLI)IRS. desatei fro Ottwa sys:-by Bigadier-General Reid, V.C., st-ens. Stb 25 th$8 5 1-good heavy! he- I roeaeGoermntn ladOtaathtuto ayn'DSotuprteeti A OlrpthF rîUm l>erOLnDI ESAs: mo thso f r fisaltyaw aggreaes ct- tiS. n' irrh Dbiby-h $ 6-do-cmîii 3.0i0861 An ffiiaI sttenent sny: Caua- 84,00000 as com ard wîh 60, tre ishp o Crk.tuth4n blîs chie. 3 25b 3.5 - eac pales tre ruis f or su- ibary ObsrvM.o.Palor ar.t ui, viit e ianWeseC Bliîmi<i a d. oo bil. 3 e o 6'0 o.d--h pedos arefors.3i n w os-ben-uc cist(o1 trMkstht1hecrp il &aoes will be about haîf a crop. Tire and was court-martialled and cash ' Portugal in te-day a t-ast field of IMPERIAL EFFwaTr, acoodang pcttr !cre- A 557p'sii o continued dry wealher is interfering lt'rtd in Sept-zber, 1914. fis of, anevrs" eaid Major Norton GERMA1I' ARMY STAFF. i EFF SOR iOnf o d ud lgti nse er-~1.l<sa1udt ota $Witir the work on-~il tire farmn plots fence4 was not stated. He then join-! Mattois, in a recent interview with te HYOPMISTIC T I ETRTO uet upr i.'a.'att o here. As a general thing ther I - dthre ranks'of -te Frenchr Foreign correspondent cfte Paris Journal. eptl rinAntrenay A despatch frein Lendon says:-Dr. teno utvto ioet her tLegion and nouiras be4mn reinstat.ed -"Portugal, bting ina astate of war A sac rn mtra as-J .RobertsOn, ef Ottawa, bas tein of ult vati nft orm "gallant conduc " - l sy Ua t lut vew het .f r t ce r- w W W L B T I against delays from tins cause, but' orwith Germany and Austria," continu- -, A telegrin cied or te frtom'r-crosecite France as Canadian dele- W M not o tis ear.ed ajoMatts, wana totak pat -gate te the Agricultural Relief etftth. ints ln ea.. e Mar inatheos,"t ditet i prtting convocation.-etftth. Reichstag, Alliesd. H il ii hervg $5,00P R NI N HROU MIANIA RAS SFIZED lLutinUaf eut di r ct trin teir was held on Tue»day a coner- dre . T he 'viii of sPort.andvag- 15,00PROY MNTH INTTAMANY TEL-MN FA(TORIES We are preparing with il orlnebewe hnclo o Bt-asheefrtelhl m i as EO EiN.1-B U and in atrah.irity cf ama. egCanc te pli er adrs.k FROM AMUSEMENT TAX. forces te tak. this direct part In eau ohwentiUspry edr.-a Joint effort te lend assistance A despatch f romn Vienna te tthe Ex.- filtht- The mobiâiixon of the. a t Tho Chanceier declaed tuat Fielti for- te rebablitation eft Utes.ands The GreatRslnCnril <ulyCneto A despatch f rom Toronto says: Ac- 'chage Telegraph Company, London' as recevesi with aenthualasn udgrl staffindenral ve oLathecincîwtion ae and ttS, b the o cording te tire Hon. T. W. ,McGarry, et f M ndireai aff, onad eur, cvofnetutd pguFac u a-bsB.tei~t~ i.w, Provincial Treasurer, the amusemetsayse UsReurnsutian Governinent bas ha, net dieveloped one deserter, and 1 endorf, the fild marehars chie!f01t f yjgjonef s.dtmpi.nbthe pmo-y menseilzec tire Austu-lan and Gerinan tac- "vwe are contiun evas o.Dr age~ htUimltr i ioaof-__________am_ "ey wçar tax iras be-en bringing in5 a-toisnRuaiaaslIsIndus- f tt conn-nv.,f to rga &Osataf.aon ihtth nut7 i an average of $60.000 a month. Thts toril and tlnamuîcas esall asmend-ts t t Ut. tas foW.he otabtiouttien us favorable. It W*$ smidiOSS0 RTS .ptbfotLisinmy:miiso rne e i la well up te expectatlons, and Km ra n iaca stb50t fo h tf &W aenwaotto wsn huh friigth CwSO RTS ua are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h coCdettiari"]ewntr- îîîPowers sud four lafge 1<5kW affiera, .am this number w Uer'as10 h>uh 0p ~ 'O~igHALF or AUGUST. Writiug ft-qa",i a otr Wl gv l i.o am onidet hatinthewiter1 e-rol cemnpan les. Tue Roumaen- 'b. by the. convocatioa whieh ffl r t f b lt>' for miltai-y er- inonths t.e Treasw-y willI b.netit te vS o"ne a xr» afwl" u:F»ko0 <lrer's estbnate at the ie the "at- orale Roumaine hav, bacu taken ever t(rom 18 te 80 years olti who amel a inees tti.v v an. » Ugltw " l'W, s.iitcht. ii.Dm11' 1Vw-r: éd tax was iritateti was tat th--' an- by tire fluchartet Governmest condition to heu v-ms. Tllà WM GERNAN M&IL SERVICE f Auguat show tbat he*0 h u3*4à - Wa>- fy-wh~çt pulrevenue f rom tissource would i trni a coi-p. of militia offlc,,-s.BT ZCPPELIN rO V. IL8, M ee,,..le&bom1 er. be $0,000, AET'SDFITO. As LeoOur troops, YeusCo n i mt2 u Ms*<brea ttml TW mat"w et> su.~ *I j ýd.throig h our gcaon., 0111' forts. A denmptdi fram Chicat sy;Tebag pti tmM7».ala s f.tue .ta o-nm-t-ts* WA WL EDBI ARHOur mUltai-ycamips, snd e«ywtffl "doabW 7Zeppeinst% smid an 144hII3Wof t*9.vute U$0M M - - WAR WLL EN) Dl ARt H LotiTitreChuireu WlUu sa coup1e you 'vii »0 Our ricruiti ,ex«civ« wg aeig o cpet 00 otoa~, iVbOM 1442 luvo beuklkhior SAYS THE PROI>IET WELLS9. of t w. u aM eurnâbv rzbut à Guyt "c m, 44100Vounds &ad2j 800 f munitions. Our effor t IsiamIar. A wfl lu eli MtwUIMAremmi dospatch frein Paris stys: '*The A despatcirtosVnovress g-. ate o ainDe<utw albt~Eriaatti at.~ Gorn ans will have begun toe qucýal by Mr. and Mm. W. P Boureuort e intueb ie tW Us, eaa-y, Alireedy i b>' Mors g agi4ast 'e<t ù Cor. N vem ber, and tie w ar will endl by 'Norîls Vn cuve , bur edt hUez nf ant w. ave moeld te urgent pro" ia -m f.l esi n Mai-ch." Tis statemnent ws ae aLhcrTcay ns nofdud tramnsport&ansd trucka, adm$0« 04ifr.u Zurpe s I0<ay Th#Y on thursdssy b>'Il. G. Wells.t.e tain-s"W te ifferasbodies eftheli- Otierv. iii itsI»r»sty. aru e c -ta. miipatsiu - eus Britishirwi-ter, 'vio bas just ne.- -two c'hUdren.isix a-ud eijj'ht >'-rr*1. q--- A dpah fr.Lon4o turned tram the.French and Jtalan en trüm tebathing beach at )C 1 VITM~ <£ sg fronts. Ray. - ,tue. sbvema of asla Aftoptâné tac ______________________________Vlstrmhq IboMm nduaunilto'. *IAtie »M s< U0 lat't- FRENCH SUCCESSAT VERDUN W~S8ET U I_ Pearly 300 Germarts, Jndlng Six Of&nqs5 Wm eMa* Prboeri» 39M~ i By Ceri. Joli-.' Troop&. ~?WA8VA= p~maau (on. hapt.i-ete i.nom, I. v. S*oie . t le hrada> otmsi . mrtm1»t« *M tIp oum a aam aI a" k6 ifre Germma tr"" uêonuab Vwný e. frton ev courot lu amtm-.20plse,1ld - - 0<.l Any Are 'on EFGA E9wf in the idently killed )f tire gas. is wiro tiru- -ed. e was a five- ni. By two h-ree Unes of 'n captured les, Three ny of tirei tLutzk. E CIROP N WEST nmigration SAre ra says:-W. S N 3 J - 9 ,2 -T-I. -' 'r' ~. '~ - Si- $1 I ich work a 4ie doosu ot %Mt têthe- Ls