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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Oct 1916, p. 4

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,DAftI~ 'Uir>TTD THURSDÂY. OCTOBER 19, 1916. A ~~'..W4~q ~' ___ plant and equlpment, why should Whlt- AM EMENT WIT CREELMaI ets- ta secure the Daymei1f th hil I~t>I Ii ',,,~grq'n pad -bonds, 'a déplicate orljlnal Of FOR -EVE SLIP TR C.TO 'B D TRY whicb mortgage shall be reglstered ln thle proper Regisi-ry office and another Agreement nmade ln duplicate Ibis Iployees, and thbe said Creelman hereby the Provincial Secretary. The isaici day 0o'Oclobei. A.D. 1916. between tcovenants and agrees i-bat uipon the , bonds shall be èndorsed with the guar- GUY R. ('reciroan, oi the City af Fen. retrest aori-be aaid Corpora-iqu te iarni-e of the Raid Corporation over hi-a ftnalrth. tt o lh .o ieComptany wl l nform the Raid Corpor- goal a lsa hnbedpatdi irtp a-rInrd Ibu(,Eoriration of atlon by a aitatutory declaraticit of the trust wlrh the local manager of i-he the Town ai Whit by, herelnatter cati- number0o!lemployees so employed. but Dautkers oi the saad Corporation.' Such tild 'h corpaor'aton,**ai the' second 1îî Fhah lr otebe neceitsary for th e Com- bonds shah lbc delivered by i-he aaid Pat.pitfy to furnilisb sch 4eellaratiols nmantager ta lte said Company as re- %Vhervas the raid Creelman ila desîir- ultener titafi once ln every ltres cuistt-d b> île sald (Company. but the ell io estt(iiltlilrtg a rnaîîttacttrrug _11n- înor'ttùs. The Companly shait commence amounit delivertd shahl at no tinme ex- duritry lui the Tawn ai W,%hiiby for trie its marinuf[tctil ring operatiana within ceed îighty lier ce-nt. of the total iturpose ofi mantiaclutring "ýNevershl an year iront the date bereof anid amotînt of iOie progr-sis certificates TIrttctorri' aud suiclt cilher articles aslstait ltereiter carry ah ilsch mnanui- gîven b> the architect lu charge of the' rîîtly le dcî-ined uxîtedieni . and <tas ru ilad uritîg oîîeratians catitoliouly. uni- cons--trLiil 101oo the stttd factory and ittlstitd t he(Corporat litn laguarautet'1 tii ail aifItlesald bonda have been re- the' cusIt cilte macltlnery delveredj Illt"tnt<lof a Catuh)ain yIo bu fornied dec<-nî'd. and ttt e cof ni stalltion whlch sballi for theiuld putribase nil tv xtent of E;. 'ric(,satd Uroelinan lberchy coveni he aticeriained hy the certlficates ai a Ose, Huiitdrî-d Tiîustiid Dllars ants and agrues wiiln tixly daysafater talid offwcc'r of 0-P Cinpany, and oli îi <îttisagEhurî itlilncorpoirahion of hhe Compianiy to h-E' tihîtîtia tîtti u-(rud' italitio ito imle - t lthis tîrecty t Ni iprcuetEait assignflwnt ta the saild excec-d thetthotalt amatitit of t hicapital iii d il s - t i» ttttl11vCOin.of n 'atord't-r for six h îtndred ai ai k ci()ft,,rîla thichas becui ag rît-i liN t t i tiltIllet-ra i r- <of Ititi- sud t rach trs givetn hy lte Atliled ti autîsu n iid an ald ldn. Io ilo ilns : it Coil rpo(ratioIoi eCont< i' (itifoil i O- ai-I umîa ax sh al it pay to 1.Tii --idi îî-îîttttjiica'- ciesîtt Traitr ttîît'>-aud 10î)tci îiitîthe-satd iCîri-ortrioîn i-rbefore tb- <i htCihiii'Vi i ti iît ii:,itt i ~ b~,~ db:W it ankli Naiiitu r itu d'if, tc tf t'.e n- i-i ch oi the titltittt t ilttit tttt ii h i ilt i r tîtif i it itihtiI tttitl iti t Ii ~t)(iiids Iin ,-.cl;d lîr: (iir dur- atatt' ii îuiy 1> îl"îî-î li is;lii' il - il . il dolili n-cI 10ta lt a - ' iTltt l;.iit$ i td i i(it; tI-, iîlî î ti O- is titi- hi, ur-itii'l' t .\ l 1 I ul i ,tt tli h i~ îîd-:t-îd tt ii -hir ijt O- l- - -tt ' i lt pan for i lt- ti> i e'f' it ll«tl iI l - 1tii *i il a> ta -.î i IIrt Iu ll1 ittt.hi1n-îîîîaI i:tleh-t--' i.- iintg dtl- tu thtei r\it lii. ii-, titi i.-i i ý ,-tdt' tiI t- il l'liei th,, 5Vhit~. - ~ ~ ii'î I.. l i'~~ ii ;t\ t- tttî,1111si et t'v-t td nqid il,'sIt d , tî I -,-- t. lita' I tll.tt \t- f'h nltu t - t -- t' l l it tIi t 'ilil i i, tIi ti lt îIo î't 'iL-- ithe -- .....2t. 1 1 tt 0 in iet\-fî,t"' îî' i i ý- l irn t tttf p - tiri-0 - -j i.Ille-(if-1 1i -l ast Id 'nt t iiidt o i t fît t - l- tlt, t' i - - - -' it', -i ' t lit', t it. "iif li 't1 riotts . -1 t f ii,. . , . t i -- raio i t t N i d f ...... ' ~ - ' ît î i! i ~ t t t 't ' ý c l l l i t - I l i - ttil-t ti f tl ' ~ 1' t til i l t t-., tI ;1 l tit' , it\; L ui !. r tliti t .t~ -t : t i t t. il~ tit loti i l' I i f t ' i tt- tti plitI-ti; 1:00ti,:lt f -of-fuv il-t--ti - - -i i. t . i ttir ii t ii r itilitr ut îitltis5 it tîr artl I li-iti - \ît î-cl th it- c-titi î' au , h iiistri 11 t-is at i t tenase ail t ro It ifiîrrîî-d rhki hrin tititi-Ici 1nit- u' i t i i ii ti1tut-.i()'1, '11*1ilhîl5S and 1trail N:nllsFiOf l rid ii it tl ti,- tiid tbonds Itaît- bt-ia t - i' i i. tt- ( if îîîS* ;iaid i td ritîtiafit-cI keti thf»t- btiild- - it. -ttd ittii~htt u ii . l vit t - i.it--ii l s tht- E'tiniany t-hall ii ais hi i 'h t'ted it-ta i th'nlitchtac'ry ifi',-t i l.t t- ;;ti jti rucî f iIi. tlt ltttti 'rtiiui d litliais t P t:t. r it t iti' -rliultiut iof lit ir ittrîtirabli- l11i1; i1i,-il lo o w li ti itididilid tft ît i'i i, t01 tf ,i:is iir ii lw~ittîforî tit. ittr ,talit. -for titi- sectirit'lof titi ond hold- ira it' .d foîr Il ('i ritortu of titc- ________ Titit\Vhthtî: - Il ije (ltri cralri n ilt. ti it ott <'xlIi s-,subii i t t . ctc rs cf the (itî criarahion utihîti- eartiest pas- t n--mnt a 1bt -lai'- for the purfiase :[ti.t u'izing thhs aram tand car- S H O W IN G riIg 01:7i.' Ottirnit t hi-reof.I f tIlie ý.id -iio;l(l fýiil o o eed IIcarr>tttule tins ai this agrcc'- S ni rit I.,shah î'î joN i\ti-. satd 'or-por- N eff itt'it iti (Cuir t o -httbmting ite ýsald N e F it Su ti gs I.Titi- agruiEnî utitl II h i' dn -tin ~ fun co r*jniCs jt:'executors. di 'l U O h II>O S aar.sui.essors idasg,-n int -aid Cùipatiy sitaî tait adolicd to $ 0 ud iub- iiîtdtii tîiton irit,. stid ('nrlIty o eu Ilît 11î r>tit i--rrî r ad a.s 1f1tit% 'i.if 1ltw in iifliin f, nii - t r-;îi of te îtiri, TrHE OiLO FAVORITES GuyBrothoers' Minstroels Guy-IN TuE- Wliitby Music Hall, $atuu'day Evgll, Oct 21 MORALE BROTHERS, ltowan i tg Artita.. à A l'air of T'uisis MALLOY BROS-. New NovelI Nneîng Divcg-,ioni. Tiso NNon4fle-i Abixio- KUNKO-4Strratiual COMraiWeist. IL i-ni-nof the Funuy FeIInwv, TOBIN. Thé, bMat on the Rolling Globe. KARL-Fiautuuss Itper.aat. EVERYTHING NEW. f rn»uthe grad op.ugiffl N.t« toaib lIt uL a b ot stRDI coon and BDa d Couceut *4 JO is ùws et ib. pRICE&.--25c, sSc, sec. 1916-1917 ' ÃŽNVSTGRS' EEII Ibi h b.kI. axlalonlnthl Il % l iit rt-nf tlir r t ' N> of lb,- :c -i j-art Itas affiu- d i -îaîîd atid seiai ait-i tbu' aitr y rî rlii- u'-caîîd lpi-h hies tîthtxed Ils iorlorarte si-ailtil-r thbe bauds ofitrs itroitir uficirs 'l'ltini as hi-i-n ir-ad> sign-d br- G i& - t . (a i % '. Comments on ilhe Tractor Agree ment. If tlieti ractor la ail litai is claimed for i, atd as te memnbers ai tht' Wbjtb,- depi-rathoithsltaaw Ih believe Iltu< be; if ahere are already on baud nearty a million dol.ra worh of or- dent: If the outlook for business ln brlght m-lîh promise for thbe future: If we could lie i-soiively assared thatý Whiiby woutd never lie calied tapon t o redeem n adollar cof the' bonda benirng i-he towns guaraniee-the b>--IaW If voted upon by thte eetscors wottld eaaiiy ie carrled. The uni), pointlIn doubt lu s «to wh,ther Whlrby ia>- net be calflid ripon i-o redeeln glume of the guarusfeed boadg. The prospect, lte .xpetctathin. i-be rrobablilt>, la rixat Va'tby W-111 not bave i-o put up a doUur. But no man can seetaita the future %vthih sueb hotu- Il ir ~'_ UAl Better cuohies, cake and biscuits, too. Al its liglit, fluffy, ttcnd(ur and dclicious w, n iot1i..r u-ýed to Ixîie. And )t,t ta', wbt bome.. J-'iîr urrr ltîkiri;z1'aw- dkr than. [GO () calariot bc h4u ai. an !. r. Ask your gTc'Cr. RECEI\ES HIGHEST .xVA,'RD n-1 hi rne fult f -t. J.-, Z': Prctîùc-M aiîk2 V lt m inCa'jAn or thvc~n . 1 * frisîrdut hit u-it lu c-nu eit'. fod rit ti îî fro u t TliO 't c-irs all case i a ndiii tipîe leou ) ii. 1or xi o îîld rtv.'al- j -a lioîg <iIsprsofIl m i tit-4Cam ttlttg to- t-l isa nbligations îî\îtld e titl ,sîlishted anudte finistt hw-o Veurs siucit-sa;fuiiy ovt-r, and tht- ikt-litood ai an-,> falltrre hoinet iiabilitic w ouîld Lie so reote as to Lie tluot a né;i-gibl- tîîtt.nrit>.- The ré ha, nattirally, some risk lit tenud- lng ait t-entures of tItis klad. burt lu (iIs ca.se the' rIsk la mhlntilzed hy tht' tact iluat- thet racror i-o be made bas already ait establlahen market and bas proven an outst-anding suctess. [ut If the' worsl shouid happen- whar îiould i-be worst be for Whltby' Whltby la 10 guaraitee bonds Upi-o $100,.000. These are i-o bear lîttereit ai the rare of È Ecit ytar's Interest would antount to $5,fOO, or na toi-ai for the' 111e itrano!fthe i-en year bondi af $55.000- Should ithe Compîa.ny laui o anake s-ny payment, o! interest, i-be rown'*slabltty wo tld be $155.000,. Shoulditbe Company psy hta ttereat ye..rly upon the bonds. and ln mddi- tion p57 thetowun 'i1O,0O per year am apeilfl dla te Agrcmnt l. te towffu liability would lie âimtuished by $15,' "Ã"0 tuaculyear. Thç sou-n woasid receoive from t th CompfY anaalh$10.0W0 oflte priai- cîlli~~wa certiudf ilat ncb une1 pur, ' 1 l' ..6 ramo' thdo au-n est 80 it be on.th as b V,111ai the «w- a at bede as I uni-o ls te, a" t le ttigihe probubtlItWok Auunag dut thip Co. wîll plu%. thba, site, creci buoUUp sMd Itai pimanthe a aaproxAma valut ci wbb waId i b. $30000, ui <eY aa 11 Msi situi fant-o r*d.eaa Mryetf <hai bouda.te.Te"et aiWbtby woW andha w. re4euem a, amiW miU lb« 19» tbon.A4 mewiU iMe <o-W.oIi bav, a Arsi flWM ail89 OU piip.a'y. ladlag spu«»WimuNi< MWu wal « baud..Tht p~ a1 m"ué ~U.tu b utIIld m a 55 emmre. or bu pot qfss *0o mai1 a pIîboy fr,<. ~.4 a" f*l yowi% " i la M. t ua *atomýt a a mu a OM 1 tw pumd -*i -wm --to- vou 0lise .p@u!litý gv<. aatt to bo" ohol m Sof. lie tua It tMe tt oap= on«* 10E sdwvgd6 tave -t. ai- 10p WW# tashbut oc u lnuaLm et ulet. I" Immhed 4 I Offle-4a la*- t« t*ltb wd . ak hIDt mom *wm tt by fatepayers--who wIll recelve none o! iht' profits-take four-ff-bs rof ithe The' agreenient as ut stands at'presht will neyer receive the' support of i-be electora. Tht' Cou-nchl îoutd have been Iwell advlsed bad they canaldered thbe agreentent- and reierred i- back ta the commtiet' for revîsion and hmjîrove- ment. The delay lu conidering the agreement tias slnîpiy a w-aste of tirne. A,'USTN-TUITNEfl. Tht' marriage ai Alcc' Ieairhce, auhy daîighter ai Mr. and Nr D Lavid S. Turner, of Whltevalc'. anti Edgar Tay- lor Austin.B.A. Se.. yoiin 'gE-r son nifte laLe Sylvanua and Mrs. Artitn ai Whtt- by, took place on f'dutiv it 'Fair-, vic- t'lIte ri cideacu ai fliti tiricis par-' ents. 11<v. JhbitTric-koy- . (,l tihi.r' ill, nssisted Lîy h<î'x -I-tCrtcktrîghcin of Wliti-vaie. uiiciaLi-d. H owatIiîtrdl E, l'Turi'or Iîrî udt-il tt ii- ie n1ro. and Mis7, Jusi-phinu Mura, i .A., af To- remit a. sang. ThtieItniti',-, v. ho watt giveni axuay b> tî-lite r . tîiiiiit d c-iimtng in ,! roi' cof ivîili' satiti to«it i daitg (tf t-ci-i-rte tr-i ' trtd lic it n c i. iii si-ucIlictirW Ttole f-at -it<i lier' tîtaitt îcdici- oui-icauitt tilt ýi il I)IiFor.r cr a ttl i t' t utile %tIi ttl aisti .d t.i-d w hit i ri'ngt- iîlssoîîu- tin cl' i!ii ik stuc andîi are, carrtî-d liaiii rof sSiEtti-a.rt rai. I s. 7Tttr- ai-r 'vas xi laritani-tii> ilkiicand ii-nrrit' - ru-rie ',î ii rrî-- m rit-i g ttnd j iireti - , tî nd whOtNtrg.ats it i-o (tp1wiait nus Ni t,, . t- t' e %e ,d (Iint2u bli- , îand h i t uti ttt iii otf fit.i pott 'ils i l 'hiJi- tI )t Iia lîîtni îi,-Ilt tii.1 t tlt ii in 1h i -t vit1tii, i'. i tadti tt- i llr a ti ittit il o i ni t<11 Sît tiis iii ýi hi-ti i l - t irt i o tii i hy o ivzit a it i t itti Th i iti ut lth i-- v. iIi be at home utit 'anitia, n t., tiI -r Monda Oc t ohEr t0).-.\Au 5( aIcrfe farm. stock, tmpl llr.the Itropeit o. l ot1.con. 6. Pirkîýrin. Gr-eenwooyd. Sale aionue c 'r.Maw, auctionee(r. Sttra.Octobher 28. otietf hottsu-hoid furnitutrf ri ts c., ai ilifM.%rile LIE' tatAOll, elorgitiug 10 iL G. and H. E.lcsy p.mi. James Bishop. auctic t - tit t' t-r i!' tu' t ti' 'i' i l il. Itth0 l -t.bitt. -te r- t ' i r' tf Ni ss 1-Ph (I uc-r loi salit if n i in .damsott. g Ti)., rîcarj uc-toc-k ctarp. (j;' t-, ttorse-t' car - Hiotuse. M'r- oneer. Notice to Creditors. ,%lfri.d Bernard WVvman, deccased,'1 Ilio-sulant to Staturef 22 and 23 vie. Io cap. --)lut ltuled -An Act.ta ft rhur t-ed r te la\w ofil -pre yand ici ru- ' u Trustevs.- Ncicc is hcreby gî tfitîat al! cred- h iours and othier 1pc r--uns hat ing any cl ciainis or derndstuion or asgainast the stite of Alfred lBernard 'W, niait, late of' \Vhitby, Ontario, iii the Dominion ai Canada, who died on the 24th day of 'ugtîst, 1914, and whose wili ivas pr)ved in te Principal Reglstry of the Probate Division of B-is Niaj-sts Higit Court ai Justice by the Public Trustee. the Executor therein narncd. are hpreby reî1îired to send particutars ln writing of their dlaims or demands ro me. the' undersigned the Solicitor for the saidl Executor, on or before the irai- day of- November, 1916, airer îý-ich date the Public Trtustee wIil psocted to distrib- ute the assets of the deceased among the peraons s-ntltled thereto, bavlng regard ont> ro the dlaims and demande af whicb be shahl then have had notice, and will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any peraof or personsa ofwbose dlaims or demande he shahl not then have had notice. Dated the Iat day of October, 1916. (Sgd.> G. Ei)mt,. Hon<tKflf So-N, 124 Cbancery Lane, Londan, England. Solicitor for the said Executor.i ROMESEEKERS' 1-EXCURSIONS RS"I ttp tice.t a to po4uts in bMapitoba, t'a*as- cbwwaami& 1W 18 iwit NM b B ay, Cc4hrama TYSU5SL*IOUi-or ida Chir*", ut. Paul OF pui«W ne iU*ltbTue"y nit(kit. lait idaw', t we lat., Thr»ohTouulstSleepning Ca"s to Wlnlpeg oMabove p.M.. no cbange of Cars, AL A Milo Ill 11111 1011 I The 'Fivo' Yoar' Suei STEEL PLATE RANGE. The Fire Back is' guaranteed for five years. We will replace, f ree of' charge, any fire back if it does flot last five years fltom date cïf sale. t - ,iCfLL ANDOSEE IL I -~ <nSomething new. C'. Entirely different, and infinitely bet- ter titan any other <-tstove or range mnade. FIRE BACK GUARANTEED FOR EEEARS. Heat passes over 5 soldes-of oven PRINGLE'S HARDWAREI WHITBV9 ONT.__ Person-il ?Vi:-ntion it- ý - l -w oii i îi - t. lit t-1 t - i t t t t 'i il). Ilt Itu. -t tttttulittt. fttiti ti' tit enoo o tir -tuI Xl' " J ru-utitc\v-tk i M rt ta-trdl. t -t . - I L. .it -t-, -.. - itohr'i t r i u t O t ri oi a nd Q ite - c Onc-un i - i n i f i jitt r lr < b rciî i-. tci.r, anîd NMr. îîd Ms. 'F. G. to- I l aîtnd datti i r. u torir ti1 0 I c i - iattil ut' <'u tidtya iiand lu-lit lthe day The bIc Prciiinc-ttîtPlow inaNMatch. bhiclt \011i b.-, uit cmii Xi ýi'. -u i I st, ili tîîvi 2i-d. oIlletiiamni 4f iU.1. FTii- 1g, <tut K t i gs toilt i uat \\t'iat fcil lii oiti-, cies lronîlsi tif t'tt Itle ititi - t 1 --i-u tn o i stic k i td P , r-r lit-tit I Ii h l e - lit tc-e. 1 ii r >,;r r' utai i d tb -,r. i ant vlit'e n' ront 10 itit o h < itieu, pi' naîi axi t,. 1- t.rht. - far itt 1 t'. - 'ut t. for h l ti--n t i t- î.s - h il lue lroutglit ch Pltu-te ti scme tuf tIlie trtts Th t V r t t otf iîn ttn "s lu inf 'f~~~ ir- iir- j-oit 1 ingclsss.'fi p o ! t i il ., î ( 1î'r in î a k e - W i l b w ld e - t> coti litîntghicrtee d12Y affaîr i- fi<~'t tt tibu ii it1 î ea sy lb~~~~- .httîitt~< standIted inittligt-utly ti tluic. t-st trce -daYs of Novent iii r t jt-n j 1i b' a blger cro)'KrI in S'iiii.thaî hs ict-tSt-i Ithi-rtfor a IN ME.NORIA.M. NItt'iilIlu o, îng mer oo Gettrge Muîh, \Nha eured into rest Octo- bt,-r 20ttiî 1915. Jut one year ago he lefi- us; flow we miss bis Iovety face, Atîc hi- let-i s ta rememfbr- Guu it cari-h can f111 bits place. \WF AND CHILrniEia Need a Laxative? Don't take a violent purgative. PLIght the slugglsh conditon with the safej vegetable remedyýwhfch lias held Pub-- bc confdece for over simw ye BEECHM PIL.W il New Prices August 1, 19 18 The following pricesfor Ford cars wiII' be effective on aind alter Aug. 1, 1916 Ruasout Tuout a lroupelet er Tow Ceta 0* $475.00 *49&.00 a 0 Sedan .800 f. o. b. Fored, Ontario Tht.. Prims are ponitveIy guarautm5d againt Atny-trç.-tt utcinbeforo Anguilut, 9917, but ti-er. i.nino guarantmae ERS W..LUXKE,&àMe t- -r'- ~ -'lt i-i Ovr100 patterns at $18. BIJY NOW. Happy T. Tboinpson WHITBY Mienswear Store Juif I.suad- mýý ýl moinom THURSDAY., OCTOBER 19,1916. ' ' . 1 1 c li, 'îl 1 1 1 Town Car 7SOoOO

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