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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Oct 1916, p. 6

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per. 1 pidred ib up. 1 had soen the. witing before," THI~ ÂD~I 0F Whose wus it? stammered Went- IEIL.4 1 "Wuiose was it? Don't put up that - bluff on me," cried the actress scora- ~Tf ,WL ~fully. "It was Merry's, of course. ENOCH WENT ORTH You recognized It in a second. It was the last speech 1 made in the sec- By ISABEL GIOR DON CURTIS, ond act-as it Used to be-before you, the author, changed it." Authr of"The Woma lro Wolerto s" 1 "Weil," crled Enoch fiercely. mhe Many ues for Peppers. throe hours in moderately hot oven._________ ramwomn ausd ad urnd t hm wth When we say peppers, do we think Add more sait and pepper, if liked, an anuad emle.of the green shiny pod as a posgibflitY 1Hash With Brown Gravy.-Mlnce an "I had forgotten ahôut George VoIk. for delicious pickles, used only abi one! onion or two and fry weil. Have the -MD INCND 'tCHÀ!PTER XVIII.-(Cont'd). flot utter a word, because bis tongue He neyer showed up. H1e does not season of the year, or do we think o! meat cut ina amali pieces and tura thi "Now," he demanded sharpiy, "be touch ke dyoulips. Coustnd nt wy on the whole pla a vegetable which can appear on our into the frying pan when the onioril m odenough to tel me what ttis " nw 'uwul nesad "ntbat clost ddyo'o? noh tables more frequenty' brown, turning frequentiy with a murxnured the woman. "hnwa i o o"Eohs I sfo h o onrepr fork until the meat, t'oo, la cooked "Ae' o on oakm oat Wentworth's handa aprarig at hr face was full of hatred and deflance. tclryIayadMxcta h hog n elbond h -Aon' the woi oasoke t it.hanwri.sts like the grip of a wiid beast His eyes flamer with the tumuit of an 1tcial tiyaisexctpttetrough mtand weiironwne.Theno tiw" lewra plewt nmore northern housewife il îearning' pikema n no ihfu snachig a it pry.animal at bay. their possibiiities. In thse flrst place, si-igutlteforbon.A entîcîng smîîe. sntinreat e th p try. asni oe hig o o. Ial membera of the pepper family are siiigutltefu rws d "No. 1 have no intention of askin "D "entret.e te atrea."Yo T e l back in the chair a.nd stnihnugwaetomkasothtic long." hurt terribly. You do not know how 1 e technhil o erm i cguihd by excellent atomachic gravy. Let bubble up and serve piP - yo osa oln. togyou are. Beies-o are mohdtecihlaofer uf qualities and natural ptingency, which irig bot on triangles of toast. il N Zil ae age n akln olshorribiy foolish. If you should caressingly. "0f course I brought it il good for increasing the flow of gas-: flavor rnay be varied by adding at theWe r guidly into a chair besîde the fire- tear this, it is nothing but Exhil.it A. away wint haeevey scrh ap o t lo tric Juice and in general, "toning up." last moment a clash of Chili or Wor fliIl U E plae.Thee re unrea o seet wer asset into the banda of a dustman, per is that it can be used both raw or ery seed. caup ltte"ntg -l woold auggest t'hat you sit down," it came froma. And let me tell you- wudyuPO iar nyto ae ooe.A n ator of la theipep- eer auce or r.or thel- sh sidsuvey.thy rewhreyo vo'tfid he," woldyo? heearaoretw pge cokci A a ddtin o alditjnPl-Gldad sier-Fr hosU oq,'.h Enoch shook his head.Wetohucapdhe wit., "a Doyucrto eit onatlgr in inforowg ver part take a large white potatol aho "You ay ge tîrti beore Iam b t hie yes ere lazing iher mr- s "anyouno! I have no wish to ifot onîy to its delicate flavor, but its1 peel and grate it into a deep plate ET I H OK Fiss ib aYumygttrdbfr mbt i yswr lzn ihmr ee it," 'knarled Wentworth. attractive color and the possihilities Add the Juice and g'rated rind of butrte thrug takig. It will take somle j deosfr- et~~dwt uc Any fool can tell at a glance it il which it presents to the salad-maker's lemon, the beaten white of an egg,aMAIEC SR.woibet Urn tedisusethi afaîr" Ige5Oreto he aîî behnd îm.a first draft. Merry must have writ- knife or scissors. Many an other- cup of white sugar and a up of coc cet Ti 'What affair?' Wentwurtb turned Against a rug of Oriental matting ten like mad. There la hardiy a wileunattractive salad can be made water. Stir well together and bakutem'oc on her wîth quiet acorn. "«Dont be bung a collection of savage wespofls. chatnge in it. Except for my own role, Idtfferent by the addition of strips, sec- in a single crust i a dish deep en-Te iiMc oeOinTaite edm fooliàsh enough to try blackms.il. Any- The woman SwtUhed hi with cool un- every line stands almost as it wauwrribr- tions or cbopped pleces of pepper. ough to hoîd twice the quantity of themr fe thing like," hie paused for a moment'concern. He seemed to be searchlrtg tenr." Pepper combines weil witih sweet silver part. Make a custard o! onThyCpueSmwoiepe as *f tying to find a sultasble word. rapidiy with bis cyes for somethlng. Enoch suddeniy leaned forward m'fruits, sucb as oranges or pineappie, cup of milk, teaspoon of cornstarchSupie.unng P "like sentiment, for instance--or caîl He laid hie hand upon a long thin dag- biS chair. 'You think you've got the, and also with cabbage and tomato. one egg, sugar to taste and flovor with it what yuu wiah-died a natural' ger. Here and there is blade had strangle hold on me?" As muchanr oainileaste rte ume r hrr in.P eNa thnatioou hiuti edlwen H bdhee point o! "TruhMistrageble hold Yoo meranyjPepper pod takes rank with the toma- over the silver layer and return to theiaefiil nmgntv ole- nea n wmnlots hersel. go and1 shows the it into hie bloting pad. It curied have such jolly strong words; That's et cup h The iower end may be cut off oven and cook uniil set. When donetes nytoewok~wte""esai a voman neatly thasa erar des Tene edges decorated, and thia you mi y finish with a meringue if y rmse esencntelfrm 15tn akt devil in ber makeup at white heat. vr ibey0s eraados Te eat-t.be strange bold." I cup be filledi with other mixtures in wisb or serve mithout. ttewa pca uyaypri'lr I hsC setien cridi--die a vr sud- he glanced a9t the woman beside the, She rose and folded the pages of wbich the pepper pod ibself need net den dt'ath, Besideq, I have noting table. Hia eye% were glittering witb mnanus:cript, put thema in ber bag, then be eaten. Thinga Worth Remembering.Jakbdsii mal see tiartuni on rny conscience. I treated yo asthe bloodthirt' passions of tbe primi- abe drew off lier rosit and hung it on In cooked dishes there are many Dontlewfstetadiwae.snrusnefitnsin onec- thoe I genroslyasanyma woldhav tve lin.the chair be.ind ber. She lifted a! ay of osing ieft-over peppers. Very good fisb cbowder is made wit done us dec the circumstances.' Zîlla Paget lîfted a lorgnette which gold case from the pocket, picked Out! There is no limnit to tenme fhdok iigt 'rosbt faaOe tr ft and iaugbed. "Sit down," she advis- She ciicked its open, raiscd it te hier it blov-ing a delicate ring o! amoke ail of these it la better te parboil the btteoe antbtma eitigtan n ebsa ero o cdel. DoThi lattifer uent ffihr e-1yes-nderlaughe. ac,-I yuwrothfae ro. u lttdit et epe nbiigwtrfrteOrPut a little ammennia in the wainfli nc f"nkn h ae aiea tirey. o nt fattr yursifibee " woder" ae mrmued if 00 ort's ace three minutes after baving remnoved water used te wasb paint. 15 flot a ghost of sentiment in titis.' realîze how ridiculous yoo look. You îaiwayskn " she bent over te the seeds rrTi 'tom. dsrb h otnso h a. o indo Enoch walked te the man-bel, leaned are teo white-livt'red to do suo'h a ro a fleck of ashes on a tray be Te ' New sbockings should alwaya eIeape h rf rnlydi ek ofdni hi lo pniand çta iehr"o itr1haegsedfrred do-wn thing as that. liesides,- she gianced Tdeop rather I bave guessed for reswasbed before being igou nmysbarnsar nwnvcim n bis vlî,owabut heounlonromithre ide e,"rof cooked rice, breadicrumbs, bain, The hast fisb for baking are ccd mn leakt s "h utn e njw aitlier. 'l'1l give yoO exactly ' Thimins bothnterse an explanatory, ha tales o uteýs te expiain what yoo wnnt. If it il you hbide the body ? i"The House of Est'erbrook.' I pers shon oid , tha alincassheroe f heddckoeta yo u ban tin abou yor chldi ar qate a anious Enoh tosedthe lad opo bi "Wht gve yo tat ipresion'persbaingdishl patialy ceredwltiandcinlna tcnisseerbdly!igIfdtinc boningle teirjob nd hey e uwîsey a te get iin out of rny house as you desk and began to waik op anîd down "For on.- thing, everyhody tells how' socbk tomates ac r ly eeb çbttertrpan ntoing tensbookilad nasîs wbte tidaklk aho.Oeo hi aei aie." he flor. H rolid bisbandkrcbie you nd Mery wer friads ofCe- t makea stoctkoce, sethataueneCamoisleathrs suutdehrwashd "cathes"gowtlis alogsidaTempl rons and 1M hl wili relieve your mind'into a hard bail and dabbed with it Castor and1 Pollux sort o! guys, dont baked the disb will be net too dry. ! in tepid water and dried witb tbe sea nîy cbild I want. If your ister wants woman st perfectly stili. she turnad An oiv couid cee that with its eyes slic-e and fry thema as an accompani-isoft.isncktgealoktitthttee Îî ~to play foter-mother, ahe le qoite te foid tha sheets of paper, then she shut" I Thnterestea, liese ringing b the ninibie haves like rui sta wecm uhim. Wben I thik of it," laid oeahand upen thein and Iay back "If s'eu eves' lft the stage you could fmed ntd tek, r teepper s may e-rCapblor ilîemeve foruitt inasxecswiete"utnros lnesi she began siowiy te draw off beh rciym er char mke ig cny in the detectivahe bigi lcae lavr s in toordinary vege-' gee into the wash, go over thealso fsm'rkn.Nwawr stfr ieu gloves, 'Miss WVentworth has realiy Wentwortb turncd on ber with a ness." Enocb laughed harshly. table soupa by adding a few strips of!I with camaphor.te"dg"tsmelcs Oe nsin efetb done me a gî'eat favor." audden question. "How mucs do you "Parhaps," she acceded. "Then l'green pepper. If the hair is dry and brittle, gvehe"ak"qieaîteyclcto' - "Oblge m thei,'Enoc's vîcewas ant or-Exhiit Aandthe eat f hve rheared 'ee any înySnetteoSne e habs sad thra s nobingit goo appica on !avaelie or of breda."Theofar vaevelirce v ~fulil of cold indifference, "by gtting the et'idence " know tise author when I bump into thse matter witis the flavor of any one pore olive oil on the scalp the nigh r hc etoe h rudwt down te business as quickiy as; pos- She shrugged har shouiders. "I hava hlm I krew months ago that Mcrry stety. The trouble ;s frhat ail stews before shampooing.utrn essec; onceslt he F aible. You muqts be gJ)ne bafore my ne întenflîîîn o! selling it." ' wrote 'TI-c Hoose', but I conid net generally "taste alike." This cannot, A wri nger tisat is stained frentetriswic nseaod th sîster cornes in,'"Then wbat'e your price?' Enoch's prove it. 'Yeu haven't get it li yoO be said o! thse stew, hash or cther1 wringing coiored clothes esîn h oa nlwe hybv !o iîîto bis face twtli an) insolent eilie. I 55e iookad up at hi i vth a dern- "Thank yoo." Enoch laogbed un- flavor, for a conibination o! pepper a cletis saturated in paraffin. ig;as ryons en e y "Wby sbould sve burry? I want te ask' sive smila. steadily. land tomate will make even the most Cold mashed potatees fro eiysatr- ndsitfmoe ntwbhpOic Thhai yeu a faw questions. 1 understand " My price is ridiculooslY sinalI.,To ba centinued). ordinary leftovers appetizing. day's dinner make very nice co-wtsdaisrngunan qary ernear you are tvr.ting îa new play." Sisa mucis less than it is Worth. I1 amhiiCnCrn.Toponalw quettes by tise adding of one egg htmyso tefi ieee.Btmn hu iîirned te glaiîce at the litter of manu-' marely coming here-to live.' as"rU erproudta k, th e e no!sod iey try in faethe, rnoll s e ecrt tatther hntngbonih i ri it for me'«? " Hre-ntise heuse-w~ith my istr7" Ithe stomactî o id ideyfr "I have net bî'gun t'o place parts "Here-in th~e bous-witb your sis- 'TSiasHuit of Whales' Ribs and WNal-'beans, oe clove o! garlic, buttier, saît A serviceable way te serve codasbecmakly ucesu. e mtfi vît." cr, aie repated mckingl. "Exct- rufmdc., oepint o! strained tomate boiled potatesile teput tisem tisroug h snll yt tr"so eetdm kigy"EatruRie stock. Remove st.em and seeds frei tise siave. Season tham with butitrTs >ol' et h te 'A" hawtredhm it al l.I av tkn fny 'otsi pr The lot of an Eskimo dog isa a peppers and eut Iiito thin cross-sec- anid sait; form iito cones and brown Vr rr scrutiny. "IIo%%,la it ceming aiong? ,of tis e t'. It la rather attractive bard one. In the fira.;t place, ha bas tiens. Cut steak in inch piecas and lin even Iuebdba erd aotadtu bili eas b igagesanFose e ewYr.1thn halejytoeascii bis living by drawîng sîadgas. saute in butter. Dust with fleur, than If a boot or she pinchas, damp li ons ualts se vr "la it any of your tiosinesa? ' net flnd me a troublesomne guest. 1In henaxtplace, food je 50 scarce add tetoaostock adthe ppper.1*Poge hvry bot wt ad hbi iidmle ne ra ato n ik "1Probably net; still, i arn interest- cari fit in happiîy te your home circle. t.hat a dog is uaually bungry, etten Simmer about two heure or until the, over tise part that hurta. The eaat-olgto eteetieso iede le e cd. I harve been woniring," Parto! y ogggisisran heugry enougis toeaet bis hamacss, ieat la very tender, addiag more wa- er wUI expand and se afford relief. ws aedn smcstwrske-ncsi~ grped at the edgea etthe table. A Voik?" askad Miss Psget. l ietreta easdbt.nt.with sait and paprika, stuff pepper foa n, Oi. ~ ~ ccau n 'ok ie"oe bsts> n Mp luissapooechs iees, fonabaad corrugatecj inte mvk«the building was set upon ice# and set npnlght in b&aig didLsis. anf ndgae tisan ha hacame gisasti>' paie. Ris ver>' puuzled ftrown. o amieddg n e Cvrwt dtrdcub. Add rmdreaaiawlth ise torou sisaa r desseprt.a lips grew white. Tmare were gray "I met hlm in Lendeon seven a.s mollisedi a f.w houri.s~ . rnd pef-cpoftmaur ara 5 oforn ndatlaytierd ofat m a.Cno. o"nisre avl-i hoiîows about bis a>'es 11ke the ihad- ago,Aise cortinussd, «la 1wrems.unih alug e watepo! tomra sace lan e onfadiaer s' o edterliafi 1'bne. ows whit'h creap inte sa face atter a ted y foo 1 a1Tw is -In ---- ,be , Bsae al wy, 4 ai g t diàg wth te cocoanrit; addton " ae c nig AI tse ane a e { e5 Ii dcat'h. Bis nieutis moved, but ha did days he was s benoît' auokisg figure. If WIIAT EYEBROWS REVEAL. muce, for 30 minuties. ugh uffar ta sweetessand it is resu>,fakn rndU ebleata hn Wentworth «at staring ai ber with s o Cisseser'. To! sugarte! I eut taCHANELmakE sullen cursoait>'. IGibwl auh tisUowe reZ "I bave found out tisat ha ta in New St'aigbt e>'ebrowa show orderil clsie&sgibets left «oSerWiu thum Twe Sritith Riltwsy Compafn.ee ------- - -- -- -- York andtiiabtiotn years mgo bhoad habita and as metisodical turs o!f MW te s cnars. pae wftba Mit Cho>- Rssdy te Undaebtae Wotk. beau marrieti bers. Aise th isuwîf e la tiselr pos«sSe. Ipar and scassea wib ruayoeuaalê mud ckild arc aliva. intmrestkssg st. iA rbeti or pointedl hî-wsa.rt a *Wh SprmNoue tisas tony yeW"s have 1 na1tion, lsn't i? Bigamy >' nal&ca of taste inth ie arrangement !« e- jPansa tise roil sYoelgtOilac fettared. i hava George Vot tetisais shades a»d bues etfall »rta.& ~~am<s aeapoaiU.Ie !cu for brirqlng tisat brat acrosa. ih w»aiEyebreîwi set fur spart tes. onseMWa q»««S4ap of sur oeoe b for Enla *"cum uae t m il one ot bis masbe-fly ilule acharnes o! t Mî betoken &s earfcty WosJU4d- of etbotter WM* ,, nta4a4liaeBa a. ia revenge. Theis a n snimus va>'. 'tgme niprprin u a cOS- MsaW ummotsP" Ark»Me .tg * tu un ae~au ie~sdo l«eettisiVaisa wïfé me sîà dtrsbla arnOMnof accr«~TS7 ees.Usetis sailOf> au&isirta you eau Alice Bous-na. elaidsa If rebrows Iscoude" n lalis .1- quar-uam ah tmémSldttse nU. .i* 4 stra achrn t gi mae o~tut ei ya-die tomants thea oyes, se that th.y so e a ti lk»M isêbbunMMTles gr@ t4u 54is.Auon ste a. tarda>'. i gutaieti dpne per&#î s4aeto bw tmeya ok For cloare whitc byt sa owm: prsrvieasus fac~e m suai stiorannheuabs nwrtt@w T.Gà* dp* et Certal.o M. e»Y,, pfr * dw r e aWarat d stéUsî5<k uiesw~ e p deiae lvrd Wnîwoths es'ei tise lkandeur N MWodt a o!iatfefâM m.,6*à.s *e M.1b ÀIWli 040 dUae lvrd papen- be*Wse ber un thse table e brC m p Sc --_.T"la e 8kmwt La ** * pefflUge ont e insucha Wming um.,(lo aTi*aGd M f.sn u w4fi»« â<saoseb**4d .a*yrheVow*tt o went tote s es.here Allea VOltsk $S04 I&* lW ý15 I tel y ou; y ou w uut4 e«*b'* " M %. k W.eTin e tfr st rt if If are** ta n Mor la sMtW Ove qd. Mm #0eu sgvawkMffViantumé.a ML ne. c au. * U Fui et 9 pvu in u.t, 4~~~i# ~aàOrleal.aucU 1 B ~l tmmiasa Wandening. ýcking down U-boats tise )g" work perspicacieusly. 'amniliar 'witb thiai mth- atcised them heating ever re>' and appacantly emptY think they were nOsiiig raimîesslY, when tise trutii hat tbey wera bot upen much cars ha aaid f Or tise>' do pick Up a "Cent 1tail te kilI, and tise>' kili tisan they capture, as onei 't frein tisanature etftIsair )eriapse na my ha par- te aay that the>' do net do as wanderng, and that my submine puta tain>' s very samaîl chance et get- ,o its isarbor again. cnection it sbould be re- the rat bas coma eout o! Quaint tales are accuinu- nst the tixne wisen tise f ull ae anti-U-heat caînpaign d. Wben it is, we shahl bmarinec tisat !ought suis- haeit not altegetiser de- Sotheca which bobhed Up expectink only an easy !ound themasaivea gnip- that crushad thein ne- 0 deatis. Aise, tisera will urswary honts, whicis came id unwittingi>' to tise sur- emidet o! Britishs squad- bereafter only benvers was pthem. You must knoW ismarina occasionaly ho- a mole-bird crature and ito places it were batter te out «f, and thereupon suf- tual fate of those wbo laap rlook. ily 0f Takin Digestive PMls . aiEte DyulipicS of taking digestive pill"a a- nakea chronic dysueptics et mnda of mnen and womnen ue- cial digeatenta. druga and usve practilally ne influence acetîslelv acid condition et i contenta which la thse cause miîs nf indigestion and dYs- rdinner oDii'rnereIl' lassons -eneas ef the stomnch nerseu __ ývs a taise seosaet fraedomn I' these who are aubject te gas, flatulence. beichinir. artbura. etc.. after eatinc. about an ounneof pure bis-à goasla frem their druriat tea.speerstul in a little watar - othere wouid be ne further for drugae or medicinea ha- irated magnesia Inatantly haras privately and on van-. exchanges. >ssu heen a belle! tisaisrMar- ipuld taise piace visaistise raxing anti not waning. ' - 'se bride, wvi t pttinu' orsn 11< garznents stands l dlow basket; hsisups i bue of placlutd dapoaltion.

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