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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Oct 1916, p. 7

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- ~ WITR RUS8IAN. PZ jLandI Bolut a jte Individuals mad belongu not te la( R Awn F UF t3" Sa Russa, but te tl ia wbole. 11- can be redi, ac- I 1-voLAMtwlvo years .1- the wl settled by village meeting 1 o! the beuds o! bouses, w tur-ally bas a predominar jA decision wbicb carr ity o!f1-o-thirds is, bl 3 --L&M MitErn pire, a legal 'senter 202 Msllam Building, ret village. Lm.m uiuu nw.irs~ she village electes its eider, w-ho je responsibîs SURGEONS~ HERolSNI. 'ing of meetings; and at sne.gz.. that ut bay-r Descrtb.ng Li ght.ning ()perioa ,n meetings take place as d e r V i e . M aw v illa g e s a re u n i If 1-brt w ere 'till legi ecs of chiii ton, whicb is ruled by uiry tire higirest aw an I qirul i tîan eIder, similamîy electeot1 corcleiltire membî me of tire nedical representatives of al th profession. sibo forscok lucrattie tire canton. practices rn iLondon, Me lbourne, To- The cantonal clerki ronto and Nlontrec t rn a great mly bv 1tbe Govcrniment, but of self -sacr iice, rirîts LordI North- julges, all of mircm are clrffe in thebLoIdni Tnies. Fig-rrs electecd by tire cantonal on thre castir ll aninge. tirei n g tirent borne tottlic e tihave onIN tire big irospital i-a cf a %van doctor 1ht THE OULY sati facts 1-bat siroult I îad 1-o a due un- ierstamding of 1-iis not suff lcrintlv IDy'R E know'n 1body of Enigirts Teimplar vt- CURE RHEU gag-ci in a V' reat cnitsriîl 111th 1l ast thmec months tire Roval Ariy traC(orpe calone had fifty- N1u'ttBe ireated1 three offinei.s killeui anti 208 wvountled ;Blood and 1-be Pq tire noir coin ii -s onel toff icer ...'21Wi mrep kilî-d tnA.1 wudt.Ncid l)rîîen aiti post. Aldoiton bas 9u-tay as Iir oly shelter one cf bis omwn trenches anti amy little part that may rîmnain uf a captrîred Germait trench. There is nu other coverrng-. Fine young mcei wîth Englisir, Scotch, Irisb, Can- arliain or Australtan accent stand un- armed in these pusts anti work wrtb itemsity andi ceicity Tireir speeti eclipses even that cf the surizeuns o! Londom's operatimg tireatres. Stre1-ch- em bearers staggcr in with their Ioad. There is a lig-htnimg diagnosis, anti- sep1-ic application, banimg-ing-, a hast- ily written label tiet un 1tbe man's breat andtih-e wounded is borne off -o 1-be next stage, 1-be advance<l dress- ing station. The adivancedi dressing- station is in a dug-out. walking wountied coilec-img- in a station of tenta. In one tent 1 saw a wo-uiided off icer famous 1-be world over as a big g-amie hunter anti scarreti as 1-be resuit o! a miaculous escape f rom an A fnicen elephant, who tbough coveretivith blooti bati nly une anxiety, to bave bis woumti dresseti, g-et a bath and ne- trm 1o bis men in time for the next ."stunt," 1o use an abominable Ameri- canism which bas grown wî'etirle into our war lang-tage. Tbe next station is thc tiield oper- mting theatre, tiren tire casualty clear- img station, wirere thbe wouuîded irst neet women nurses;, next tire bospitail trains andtihie at hase hospitals. Our bospitals in Franco anc a -orld o! their ow'n. 1 do mot know how many women anti mcm they employ, but I ahoulti say mure than one buntired thousanti. In tire Napler district alune are 35,00-0 betis. Tbe men in tire dugouts tail, on1 gooti many subjects but tire one ci whicb 1-bey are al mag-mod-- that tý tise landi question- Tbey are mot going back as laborers' tenants, but as owm s ers. Many of tirem have useti ther1 eyes anti leartiet mircirabout anall1 farming in France. i wonder if tire1 peuple and politiciarîs at home' are1 beglnning te untierFt-and thist tise bravery anti camaraderie o! oflicerst andi men in 1tefieldi bave timoken1 down ail class fe-ling. tint our millions of mem abroati are ciranged i connumities of virose -oug-t, rerol aima we know littie. Juat as Grant's soîdrers in tire Grand Army of tire Republic dormi- nateti the lections iiitire Uniitedi States for a quarter o! a century. se wilI tire men in thbe trenches antiamn- bulances ceehorne te demanti with their votes as a rewarti a î-ery cirang-- ed Emglamd. The Entzland 1-ey wîll fashion las as likely 1o ie a surpri*e 1o present owncrs o! capital andi leadi- ers o! Imbor as it mmy ire te owmerrtof, landi. Ozu inati.4nt are mot ilue w thias so many pg Rhî-unratrsm ones ft arc> in tire tlood. Th t rti that et ery rirer siroulti reailize. Therei 10 cuie rheuinatisiii il t.,t througb tire blooti. mi nI s andirrbing anc trie treatmeirt in the ctort nheurnatismi, air wiro tries 1hem uis nul mnoncy, itut is aiuowing become mure flrmly ro tiem anti hardti1o cur, per remedy is tried. Dt Pills 'bave iraitiremari, curimg reumatism ib( rigbt to 1-bhe rout f o!th blocd. driving out 1-be releaising tire stiffened a ytire torturing pi 1-be victimr remewed b ir. Vincent Brow, He S, sava: "For tw'o yel most ctnstant suffere tirn, 1-be trouble bE times 1-at I coulti scr The trouble seemedti anacinia, andi altoget very bcd condition. medicine for almu-t relief. Thon on the a 1 decîdedti titri' Dr. Pijlle.1 ti nk I took a dezen luxes. witir1 arn again enjoyimg p 'lot can g-ct these1 ut 50ù cents a box or $20fmom Thie Dr. M (o. Broc-kvrlle, Ont. L.ORD K ITCH EN Sait TiraI 51-ml!. Pri Degenei In hi'- îuuk. "Mer lisher." NIr. G. H. Lord Kitchener'- vie Putr.am anti Lord Ki Iow passt'tikers on t! spming of 1910, and so fortunate as 1-o b tire gemeral ait table One evening ire(Ir convsersaitioni in whit cf tbe essential imp of star for 1-be devel tenance o! characte in the indivsIduut sn >1-v. île co)uld conce factum t.bat coulti r influence 1-o preservi vmudy. »l id tii ot loi erieit anti the suiferý war, but be beli-a.ve4 mankinti would be tire rottenness" o! pointoti eut 1-bat t1 1ilhty o! India, w-b thre only pois-sibleo huntini )for gentio chi'! grievance Kg- in the -fact tisa it 1 tismoukrbout tise Pc aarreeýd witb the Ir thir clasr' wnb rx e etsorced idlenessa nica, andi ho sympa their igries-ance. ',l sucgitated to Mlr. Putniam. "-bal in wbjch Europe theoughly sthe d soldier cli#s and1 muktary idesi. as. the' Tbirt'y ar'1 no uatafartary ut châtrac'ter amont i Ile admitt.ed ta eu tbal w-ar could methois and w-i would preterve'iO * ci' lJizatiott. I ast he a cou dthiag fi lais fore. o-oe eV whichf hepnaic*a P~os f kreping I tien, carryOn a their cv.> foîlew, bâlity, Ma-jor,*le I recosdI tm HOMES FOR rBFOEE.HRtMO uiiio- ~ASNT. For a Q "ic Pick,Up-- 'Village, Net LuIIlCheoO try that mIoSt The C.N.R. la Buiding Up-to-Date AFTER A DAY Face Alirnt Certain Oeath ln Effort "Madie ln Canada". delicious, nourishing, whole Homes ln New Orttrio. OUT DOORS Te te jin Ceome ae cu uae Ldividual pea- The Canadian Northern Railway is YOU Crin prevent chppIIIZILIs along the Belgo-Dutch f rontler by the D lvidd eery Shrlddd W eat ;afr-taSt hosesdistibued vera nmbe ofof drrzdIy electsc current and of rifle rsofama-% It' containg .ail the body- divisional points on the Montreal- 0 htg av otAT IN nretal- RA 1 PortArthr sctio of ts ranson-Ing the Belgians' ardent patriotlsm. .qusonbildi"ng Matenal in the tinental lune. The:: h:mes-lflodern, V a s e in Threar- ii - iwh d no hst axaution, whole wheat grain, includling comfortable and of pleasing deuign, 1 -0oMakfae ofaeahotATran ethS «SI consisting the bran ca which pr-ar ntended t rvd satisfactory try and join tihe army of the Yser. Beat for quallty, style and where age na- m tsha~~~adn~u accommodation for thbe employees of C m -o a e Three brothers who had corne from value. Guararftped for ail CUi- =.mtshatfladntrithe rond and their families, who wil Spa, reached the frontier near Vroen- mta risa major- bowel movement. It is real be living nt these centres. The condi- C e r hoven; on-- of thesn touched the y law of the whole wheat bread without tions of occupancy have been~ made so i elect.rocuting wlre and was immediate- ýnce" of the " s ai ~ d res that it will be a comnparatively T t allays ail irritations of the ly killeè by the shock the two AkYu J? powe ~simple matter for the C.N.R. em- si.others, hidden ln a cornfield, were O MO~ own village delk d-an ployees to virtually own outright the Soid in clean, handy tini tubes discovered and made prisoners by Lire D~-e efor the call- da food for children be- towns, Brent, Capreol, Foleyet, Horne at chernists, department and tenas ýt certain sea- cue i onestoog Paynre and Jellicoe, where the com- g-nrai stores everywhere. At Eysderr. two patriots f rom Liege. making, these case ticato ndes hure gp pany hou se-building operations are Refuse substitutc*. made an attempt to, escap>e f rom the often as once atcto n nue e-now jin progroas. 0 okkt fceon Mrseu- ast prison which 1Helgiuifi is 110w fect digestion. A crisp, tasty It is confidently expected by Mm. ccniverted Int. One of thpm suC GRAINS 0F GOLD. iie nacr-"nc"frpciso xu-Cyril T. Young of the Eastern Lands ceeded, but the other, unfortunaw~y. ieia can ncknoralnc o xcr Dept. of the Canadian Northemn, who %vseetoue I h rsig a anonlsions. Toast in the oven i ncag ftewrta h a icrcte ttecosn This is not the tirne to counit sacri- villagcheso n d sen chauterofgmpo ees of the rkto lat te CHESEBROUGH MGCO.40,0 GTfices, but to act as citizens of a frce I olagso ads rewma btrad S. I plyes in bet eebae(omiad)1 4000G IRON CROSSES. 1c(ountry.-Premnier Hughes. isnmntd cheese o a Clae.himesTs1916,heirs v nes18Owili pro-nfoal Germnany Has Uaed 71 2Tons of Metal' Duty and self-sacrifice are the es- it the cantonal Made___ in_ Canada___vide________ ____point__the__nucleus___ofa and 87 Miles uf Ribbon. sence of the British effort. Ail the rest is mere detail.-Lomd Dewar. e pnomnt dMdnCaavd aret yprgess pint the nuclt euseofa ________________________ Thre German newspap-ers stute thrat The moment approaches when un- assembly. JAi> OFFICIER FOOLED HUN. ception of electric lighting, wbich may FEE'OEYWMN toar 1esn 2,0 Io 'ossdmorcmno meu h emi -be a later development, the bouses in hav e been confr-rred. of whlch 420,00)0 military po c v*l coinlûtelM geive ýGerman Officer Tried te Find Out New Ontario 'wîll be equipped quite as Former "Usqeless" Persons Now Rene- are of tire second class, eacli r wighiiig wav.--CeoceraIl. loff!r c. 1A T Secret of Explosive. completclv as ar~e the homes of simi- fiting by Work in England. lis gra.ms (about twltirds of an Borne men thi,'k they belong to the I la siz in ong stabisbe tows md According to St. John Ervine, a dra- ounCr5)ofthen tha t he Ah l tbe moire nUP I A IM As is well known, the new exPlO- villages in Old Ont.ario. They con-i matist, the war bas effected une su- lialf out the mietal ls cast Iron and t sothatey . Althe-smoredntup -M TS jyjs~jy i whirh the Russians arc using tain a large living roumn. from wbich cial change of no small importance, hund ier, ghof tbalatthr14050 Trbn a els ar.ap ontei oold h offesve ai e ffectin tirie w awinin stiras lads oheUP-when it is considercd how large in im eteseghty-seven miles) of rlbbon sae fjsieeel ewe h offesiv isbcig sppled y or JP- per- floor, a kitchen, a pantry. and a Enlni is henubr f lney u Vhrough the ans' lle.hisa mroe id bedroorn, on the g-round floor. Above,: mer.." Mr. Ervine regards this class liase bei n used in these awards. rights of mer. as citizer. and tire b of shimose powder. xvhich was useîl there are other two bedruoms, a bath- as constituted chiefly of spinsters with I~nee-ds of the country-Mr. P. W. At- 'oisonous liiv them in the' Russo-Japanose war.» roum, ad a sewing-room, ail of fair private income and widows withuut GAI~11 HLR N kmn. arscatnd he ormf 1Out. ou er h emn .idt ldsize. One of the hamdsbips in wi .nter fnmily who "spent their days in pre- FAR0 M E AU Lb NTUMh~ ei ts a ondthe ro ron jotthe secret uf the composition Of, bas been elimiriated by the provision war tirnel in drifting from boardingL Sd rtr~ c ne- thrs terrible explosive. A CGerman na-'of9a rofed-ovr coalCnO wood bin boues in Bthntohbamding ouses i 10ur-,; cofd, dampval officer once while heing eonductfead outsd the ouse, ndbut against h e nBt obarighue nof neutral equality, anti eacb bas been toco apce otieth osbtantte Bayswatem carrying their dullness Tefî tems evr esnastonished to find that the other pus- ýepesuppose. over a Japanese arsenal asked point kitchen. wîth a sliding door arranged with thein wherever 1-bey went." ofThe yar for he ods-onve eda wrmneer eviuod ul deamof -MrRha rm poisonous blank to sve sonie of it, and the Jap- in the wall su that the househoid 5 wTewr ltedalthtof the t e et sfotrn cold ndauni s r t avy ris ra a medical anese, polit e as always, produced a ply can be repienished without the us- is- a lonely woman left ir. Englanti itth e iwtancod ndulserHrvy matin sufferer sainple for bis inspection; the Gcr- ual cold out-ofd(oor joumney. is hiem own fault; if there is a woman the mother is on ber guard the littie ___ is only one way man, %,.hrn nohody appearcd to be The walls, up to the enves. are uof teeisa- woiswtou ones are Seizdwt od htmy ~ ~ CY ad~f tmu-t he treat- looking, snatched a Rmall quantity and timber-6 and 7 inch logs -sided" pation, witbuut friends, without de- b ang un ail winter. Baby's Own Tab- AUl the linii- bid ilin hi- cigarette case. A special down to 5 inches at the saw mill at finite amn md bgh purpose, that wo-etingre otr bshi rod in The act M st f the great battors.whch world will not with the treasured sapeadrse by cmulklng with oakun. The comnice mnbsn n u esi ubae as a gentle laxative, keeplng the bow- weme fought long mgo were over in a ,dtesf rrto the Wilhelmstrasse, within twcflty- is carried etrl run opoieWberevem une goes une sees womnl els and stomach free and sweet. An day, -remaries tbe Indianapolis News. the sufferer entirely around tu provîde formcly itile now busy over womk ocsoa1oe ilpeetcls rTefmu naeetaelo tonly wastirrg four hour s. Tbe German officer,, a 'bcll-cast" end. Windows there are that not oly employs thern, but in- occai aduscoewion sudencly oThe ix ous edatelend athl g the trouble tu hig-hly delrghted witb himself, expect- ;in plenty. and on the upper fluor a ispires 1-hem. In citieshesix mmd towanms andad ahal red in thce Vq_'cd ail sorts of homurs. su bis feelings 1en-foot wide dormner window fur- spilaes teu n e ieshe an g bnsand- rmp se of 1the Tabiets will quickly hours l Gravelotte, nine bours; Mars cutVlae n es hmmkn ad remptTeTbtsaeodby ei-lTortehor; ongiazegh ce When the pro- can be imagined wben sume week9 nishes rnatural lightimg for the aew- ae n ugcldrsigpcigcuin d e aorby maield 25 ets a hourA, tbesKn s hall boums; r. Williams Pink later, be received a despatcb inquir-, img-room, whiie on the opposite aide presadmrad ohrepo-ineoxafro h r. W milliams25Medne a eius;lc, tree d as; Gett-sbug kalîle success in img- in the best off iciaI Germnr.mTan- a window eigbt feet wide, pruvides for' ments.o ThesDr.occupations have turn- i days ecau.se tbcy go nom whgt the'îblazes he meant by try- the batbroum mand stair-way. Tbe he îomeîv uhselcuation ha to tur i Co., Brockville, Ont thmee day. ntrulinthe ig opull teieg cf the Wilhclm- w-hite sanded roofing is firepruof, and tewon wbo basdele wmany findsATreBrtansAaw cistrasse authurities, as the sample o!f1-be solid construction of the houses oa whhsmde an frns ATu Bin'Ase. . joints. clearing, 'shimose" be irad sent by special 'appemled 1-o1-be Canadian Norther. The Prussajan King Frederick Wil- ains, and g-ving messenger waRcumposed of harmless executive ufficers as an added protec- liam was *ery fond of pamading bis£ health and ease. aeil uoe yaltI tr. tion mgainst this danger in tbe north., VANCOUVER A GREAT PORT. Giant Guards before the fomeign Am- avre ouche, N.Beaver huard supplies the interiori bassadors at the Prussian Court. On ýara 1 was an ai- ofe and Gu.flmsh, and sbip lmp nay be added out- City will Spend $5,000,000 and the une occasion be asked the vaious 1 ýr from rheuma- Cofe Got .de. 1 C.P.R. $1,600,o0 on New Wbarves. Ambassadors if 1-bey tbougbt an equal Pu Hoe3ba.1-No voixon eimg su bati at Mill the declime of coffee drinking As a general ule the plan bas been;- number of the soldiers of their own eu celorlug mattet. arceiy get about. in Turkey, due 1-o prohibitive prices. folluwed of plmcing each house at the' The Canadian Pacîfic bas plans for Idoeroeths iana nie Stopab1ood o bim wthit lemd to a corresponding incremse of aide o! a good sized lot, 1-o facilitate whamves at Vancouver wbicb will country couldoecon heegans nlumpin-- s bo thebr iwai gtmmng 1-b Tuks The French 1epltigothrmadr1ogr- cost $1,500,000. These plans will Ail tbe Ambassadurs except- Great pl .nlgfeteriog, etc. used doctor's attribute their general freedofl'tfrom dem truck for table needa. But the'dove-taul into 1-buse wbicb 1-be city paii' mpeettierpid ~ S hngEand s qlcky h a crwitbout g-uuty disorders tu their love o! cof - trainnen amd their f amilies, who contemplates tu carry out at thbe oc.n1 1 eaie.TeKn, un s au sores. dvice of a friend f ce, mmd in Turkey, it is saiid, diseases nove . to 1-be new tuwr.s 1o take up port. The latter is gruwing in value igt h nlsmn se o i Wiliam pmk f 1bekin bae itherto been prac- eiecaeepctd1ocnttt ntibignessal 1-be ture. There is .reply, whicb was cbaracteristic: "I SS.Dox. AilDru«UUt-d.stOfeU altogether about ticmlly' umkr.uwn. Prof. Johnson in a f airly good' market and it is under- great complaint from abippers ofdo'tknoew for chertainy u a- the result that I The Cbenistry o! Commun Life,' stood 1-bt 1-be Ontario Gover.ment iscngsinfrVacueri e.m number of Britisb soldiers could over- WAT . erfet halt" rcors the case of a mmn wbo bad suri-eying, and wiIl later tbrow open tmg a great port. The city is going'i__________________ puIs tbrough amy suffered from rcbalky gout for a qtiar- 1-o settlement a townsbip contiguous 1-o spenti $5,000,000 on waharf exten-itre yur PrussinGoardh, bu mer C taBUa wteMÀKESteaND MACHSà mai, oatpat- ter of a century being cured evemt- o 1-be tuwn o! Fç>leyet mmd another to'sion in thbe imnediate future, and the quthueevnbigf -eni he sItiid8waed. Spytu TheomkDe r six boxes for ually by a free use o! coffee. Some Homme Payne, in 1-be great dlay belt. ! ilwaiy company, on its own account, ~ ti. untr O.SuhrOOLOt Jillimms Medicine doctuma, it mustbeadetke n The Canadian Norther. off icers are'haa plans for a further extension of '~~' -sa1!TU opposite vew, andi fombiti coffee 1-O confident 1-bat 1-be building o! these 1-be wbmmves which it will use for it rumajEyId.PT ON. RS -0D - otyptients.-London Chronicle. bornes will mark 1-be begir.nir.g of a own business. Both east and wZs1-SOrez,« aiafiamed by ex oý ?era. Delewars. Can"& .1 , ER ON W R. new ra in 1be New ortta Fru.'1-b CaMadin Paqifc Railwy bas nw euretforDUQu ing resulbing f rom hesnp cloth, madle in bis own !actory," formed part of! Italia, wete I-IMaisFle,01CtO.Wb qnzorae dthat thbe lues t o te protcct there f rom 1-be cold and redenta" or otherwise, since the days Josephi Snow, Norway, Me. l sj a lng enc. H y tubes-cubasis, a-nd increase their daily brief interval durisg'-t1-e Napoleonle Rev. R. O. Armnstrong, Mulgrave, OTTO MiG Lý ae loing ce.nd no-.1i5lh yield of ,ailk. period. it bas always 'belonged te N. S. o conzider war as Eacb cow ha t'wo suits a wetIt. some Germa-nie power. Oddly enougit Pierre La-adera, Sen., Pokemouclie, " uu .ccupation ý exce.pt They are not elaborate affaira, by 1-be domninasnst lainguage las either, N. B. ýemen. tounti their <'«,y Sde m ei-atmply cever-aîl blaziketis German nor Ita-lian, but Sla-vonile rast Brittîb mule m<a Ih H«ai"HUM tat fit loe4>. here are a thouaand This town of titre. languagea has an preventcd fiigbting cows ia bis daîry fasra, and thoy use laiterestlng connectitin wltb our ýninsula. Kitcbener~ krur babies a"e a cst two thousand hesap Ila-akets a voMi. FFreach alies Boe in 1836 dlsd the ndian princes uth cr tet us-el mothenhmudo aresiee i That of course meama addd ex-, ied Bourbont Charles XY., ltheItet INDENSIRG*$ WAR Ntr ýryi«une tt e tatdes htpense. but the yiliâof milk durlng Kine of Prnm2_.'2u ofl the pax Br-ia- :t-e k- Ma ulas&outvrmot- thized keenly we epsurcidmi odb.ti even per cent. lar&esentthaéfrea cO Ste tisai diu bewtl, siove Mt ldy , ui. protocted.. j ,rspe-ajIhidu6ae the teedûlq p __________To.s unvruy Uqfmer, -Iai the genres OUD ~eè' geT.hm *b1-a Ltntia ha-d ~ ~b t"ena > ~ ' Ha-w aH. a R» hwbuldei ft ~pldtOAroinua-by Tacits, Libir- hac<aepted most aî oW tgkerp I~IY a~-hk -o h-ddb.Onal~Raw' ominat.ioa of ie tlsu 1te the influeMrc of the i ester e tIA w~ r i Our Dumb ÀlAW ,bagh- euridsL-iagsti fo lstnc, durng wwwu DSIG j mo spsul, Maies a busines of whlebt,*W 'Mos dIit@zagîuitr".i for b SutUanan BrIsci poseS,~~ ~~~~~ f oeo~TsCs8. agt- ..- WIa aue.O o tbe wfi I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W b.fl Ma-idotb lt >N 0ixi iIY ~Is vePJ bpIpsi suss h-atas-? uIIOis ~im ; ut itndrMn*ht 'bud tbbws w;bbuthre1. - ut.dIbi i tat l a-îa ri!prpesas ex---.-~ ar.a itbr adbn ! hqjt d, «a ~ ua- eace ra !aaasio' b- ea s1b als!~.Isb point fbutis*nem. 'r- - îhema.rrr.led un byUILlées tJ»an",*sThe«4=489 « itho ftgkng villi Mi,. VYUUFW -'ma- s Ut-it -s tauai ot. %** a cas a skul of 11 a- enwlWU hW tsbom. ouq tà »« of bbÇsifyp th & -ftb wti M perit,,wf*#nub ma-h.tt 'fapomit o»W rbw 0tt la si W% »-, ut aa- themmvra i cond kîn ,ut.twfi 7w suuld haie ma-si Esuwqlei i e ~ .5 LU a. t j 4 t -g f f -j' ----J ----'-s 55 -.~1

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