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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Oct 1916, p. 2

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sh<<wingiz is mettle in the fielil Tul'o dothat took fine. Thei vt'u erp "ýslaul<ers," to lhe sure; there alwa 'vs are. Ther e were lal<or troubles which revealed a mingular lack of patri(<tisnr. )'et the t'otal results compel alimîra tion. After ie.4s than t-wo vrars (;rei<t Britain has rsomethîng 1ikec tN;o mil Ilonnen it the front, wu l t raiîîed andl full<f enthuqiasm n.Noi oi tbis aIl. I-romn the ver y begîoning the flower of ber yout'î gave t hemi- selves to the cau-e <of their countryv and< (if free<lom. There are 6,wfîl g a ps in tbei r ranîr now, <u t .tho<se w h<<o e a n<d 1<re<l tbeniart, gra te flfi- <r u<h a record1<1(if valr t nI <le- \ o< <i . The, (lai gt' that ,'ilh< r ihev <r tb<<se wb<< has e let'n ail tb,"-e nionitbs waitî îg the word to fight, fail- e<l in he fullmeashrte <f -e,' r, th lit' <I prîng <f ignorant A., NiMfaj <i Gi t îral Maiu rice bas po<î tel <'ut.. t loi. ivas rnîtting f<or tbem i, do but %% ait, W'hy',1 r s iaskcd, a ,'î t h Fr-enchi left to w %il h tandtlihe a'u * a t Verdu n alone ? The ansmer i.'! eaisy. It na s all a part of thre Al- liedl st-ateRgv. The plan tif canijaigi If even i;i\ he lBrt tu, a<I toci i<v'rt ha n theit lrerih < it'i s fori 1-'ast<n abihi-n<< <iciedit tr« it firiîimh trooups Tht' physical feusî- t ures of the country ha;,- t<<lbe <'nsil t're<l. anti alsoc the nature of t he G er- miai) <efenses'. This, part of the Ger- mai ime i strîriger than that in the sîu'ithe, altatI. bailbeen lietter pi-e- pareil forr Iere. Noîr t is arîy lime to gati gtri liv ythe tîedless i ' fie <f ire. Iii rnopart of the <flen- sive on the we'îterîrfr-ont ta i hat in t'emplatetl. It is i ather l<yv thestw mte.ailv. deleiniined pt'es-;it.ir,'of î<ri r - t'.î<isttî le forte thali thbe t ',rmi, ris itaie to <tbe drtiveiilibaik. Ini -u<'h F i'<e Mérit the Bri'iish are< îliiig ihecir ful >hatre.1 CE:RNI ANS AICE L'AZFJ) HI lIRE. British Lileutentanti 'rt.r-'l'lirai I Surrender %Wlllinul>. A second lieut-errant bas %r itit-ni a'. foiitîws (nom t-be sommt' fnrîîrit bir. relatives in England: 'Sinee writ-lng w'e havetit akt' it fu rt-her active partinir the- greai puabl,' wibh eonsiderably more sucres> ibrin ive had on July 1. WVe ieni river rît night time, hçi p.nr., anti mariagreil ti take t-be Boche by surprise, tnuttiw i out nruch difflcult-y or marry tasiiltips we got- tiree tines of t 'rcsarnd about ninety prisonera. 'I"On t-be whole it was grreîtt fuit. îtnd t-be raiding cf t-be dugrouts was niopt- profitable Vouail of uat' Ail bbe men got- helmata (s Tommy'a gr-eatent am- bition) and 1I ,aaged t-o come to gulia viti n Gos-man lieutenant-. -Before gaing over 1 managt'd t-o f each MIlmy platoon t. aay, 'lianda bochi' and It %workt'd sdmir-ably.aa t-be Hui wa» se daxed 'by a Ovte min-, u-t-e bombardment of 75a and filid «uns that. it wtis a relief fuir bitat-u be takita prlaonr. 'lNeless t. say, we bad casuahties, andtho-bse, coupied wlt-h t-bt cnes cf July 1, have rendered us temporsrily 'down andi out-'. so t.-sPeak, so we were relleetiandi we as-e bsvlng a qyitet tîme.here. We diti quît-e weill 'J wlth d«coritions. Flv of My plat- uls'-"itid 1managed te get- a military - . Thiîju aamt- e b.movin; h- tihe direction etfinis now. 1 shouiti lm-. àj, eý'Ùitat Iumnia Jolining ln would ha bva great de&l to do wlt it. Wben tirhd the nëwç m th#ebrigade vo - iieitéybc' board paintetsiUp' r ù cet' ll ng touti, t t-boy's t heflr prob*I $ isê a, newra Proe ed t %14 au t muk latýI lE SNAT LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON OCTOI3ER 29. soVý.-1lhe Voyage-Acta 27. 1-38. Golden Text.- l'sa. 37. 5. ýrse 13. Their purpose-To reach Whv thé Stars Shoot. NOTES ANDU 0 X N 3,EBVÎin bro4cloth and velvet, or ta£-______________ .ýtam -knd g.ige. Tâfets or corduroy Mueh fl-judged criticiani nif ri- l~lW~. n t*o co1lora ta very- -oten employed tain',&port ln the war wodIld neyer F:lý)lýJl) witli good resulta also. have been uttered had the critica tak- As t. Separate Blouses H A T en the pains to acquaint themmielves nhe waists to go with separate I wlith the tacts In thse irst- place, akirta and quit-s are, as a rule. 'ery thée mut obvlous aphere of Britilsh ac- We have lately been hearing rurnors simple. White and pale flesh-colored >tcute Ploîsoning. tion at the beglnning of the conflict f rom Paris that the period of the Di- blouses are still favoretl. though thei Wheri a case of aer'.e poisoning - was the sea Her army wua amallinii rectoire lais ikely to make it.aelf felt, fashion of having the blouse match e ut s it generaily has o<ne Of t.'hree comparison wlth the armies of ber again in our dress. Although these in color the suit with w'hich it is to origins. The inan.has .alwdthe aighborer but ahe had a powerful rurnors have nlot been confirmed fromn be worn is again coming in. For this poison by mistake for a medicine,, he navy, and lt had been fortunabely ail aides, here and- there a costume reagon there are some dark blouses lias tried to commit suicidje, r he bas! mobinuzd in borne waters. Thun it appears highly suggestive of th.ia per- seen. Satin and Georgette are com-' eaten s( mething thW<t for- onc lefson 1 was able to shut the German fleet in lod, 80 1V wiU hÀrdly be iookIng ton bined for waists that form part of t'he! <rl anofb- no't fit fr t-fol. When, jq Jta own ports, Vo drive Germnai rom- far ahead to rive it Bomne considera- 'costume. The aleeves and u pp er part merce from the ocean and to masure tioen. Period styles keep recurring of the waist are generally of (;eor"-et the sale transport of troope. The every littie whiie, and for somne tirne gette and the lower part wihn cornes p! laat-namned task waa en essential to we have had no strain of the Direc- neareat the skirt is of satin. Striped c. thbe aucceas of the Allied operations on boire in our dreas, se there will be lit- satin is aiso used for waists combined tî, land that it la no exaggeration Vo stay tle wonder if it should return very wvith Georgett-e or chiffon.' A chai-rn-1t that lta fultllment averted un irrepar- soon. And there will be littIe regret, ing model for dressy wear was made ii able disaster. too, for there is a certain dig'nity and of blue and white striped ratin with hý atateliness about the costume of this white Georgette. h baH a large ( More than ahe did then Britain could period t-hat makes it a favorite amnong' cape-collar. Ih not have been expected t-o do. She many womnen, These patterns may be obtained had neither the men nor the muni- In the accempanying sketch ia a fromn yojr local McCaîl Dealer or f rom' ai tions. Thus te burden of t.he flght dress which shows the Directoire in- thbe MeCall Co., 70 Bond Street. Tor-dl on the wes;t front inevitably feil on fluence very markedly. This type of onto, Ontario. France. That was her allotted duty, dre-s strikes the eye at once as being1 andc nohly Rhe has performed it! Yet ~'r itntfo te tles. At SCIENTIFIC CAUSE 0F THU'NDER- I it must flot be forgotten that thbe Bri- first glance one mlght easily mistake' TOM1 tish and Beigian troops, t'hough un- it for a coat on account of the large SOM.ta able tin> clear Belgrian soil of thholrrsn iha -e back of t-he -ha n ie Dner Germans or to hold the important neck, the equally large revers and the ByCaM.icDnr,(oo port of Antwerp against a nover- double-breasted effeet of the short, fit- Ever sînce the mythology of r whelming force, nevertheie8s held the t-qd body. At this season of the year 1 Greece, which attrihuteil flashes ot a, coaet- from Calais to Nieuport with la dress in coat effect is especialîy light-ning to the vengeful bolts of t great valor and checke<i every effort desiralle, andl one of t-bis type has <angry Jove, countles.q explanations of to flank thbe French lines. And agoin t-be phenomena of thunderstorms bhe British control of the sea prevent- have appeared, hut more or les- %vide ed thbe Germans from using Antwerp th ne ark. t fwrdvriu as a nav#l base. Ot.herwi&e thé e Sceehapu foar vris of the Allies would soon have hen q tentative hypotheses to account for deaperate. The German hatreîl of the thunderstorm, s;uch as fre7ing 1 Engandis ot ncnnetedwit aand thawing weat-her in the upper ai- p Ealat i; on<fthe fanctta t h a ommosphere, air friction andl many h ri inothe ftar rbe Grmofother theories which experiment has an Pas;y victoi y. By her sea power (enntae olewrhes she prolongce< the struggle ami ga'<e It has ieen reserved for Pr. G. C'. Kitichvner the chance to riie, (uipl îZmps-on to finally hit upon a i ery anti train the army thar k is ta>t simple e>periment thar. solves the m v ft erv. .p<'isonc<l person. Vven Faft< -UI l «< i;a« u~c~AnO wny îs s. rBi<u «ii, asleep, wbile u-iebsbde, J < ~~~ ami as she Iva"s, of course, ,%ater-log- The Dod Star snlemnly viiinked bi- window a large n, t trwtbmn Y iy à).%inou oviof ditilled ilia-si omach .huis ben em'pteçi 'rlilthd e, t took some pulling! The word ieft cie and waggeîi one of bis points. point-; winked dwne i ih ter to faiho hriih difaicertycalLukestrefminiscencep'omouhne ierbscur 1,-thforviyouritizeuhey isoLuhers Cemmpanien. hot. air o sufficient st rvngr.h to pro- danger of collapse may lie ver\* rrît. o<f the eff ort. Yuevrcrisfoyu izh 'itsCmp îlîs<'e sprar', be ohtaine<î these very W'arni blanketq and bîît-%%at-ri<t 17. Undergirding- Passing thie __ -ilriiflcant resuits. viz.:ihat the are helpful, but it is nîît cf much ijst alsudrteke n atnnk'ý~.' ~Arlc oo etann tt(if the . P<iropi. <if 'ivater to give stimulants hy the mou!b V11- them I'hlvo ek risipt ft tan10 nrn "'a'-accompanie<i b:the' production of nIl the siomach has been empti<"i . 1peetigtly on dock arng idh - )iJL 3It- am ni00 amel fmnfo 'qi- i<c<h ngtieantI pn"ritj\-eelectro. V<'hen the poîison is a stroni9 auil, teedu tae ftems.Tisienrhative-ed ions. the st-omacb pump cannoi' be u-em for operation, t-echnically known as frap WAT HE ESEN EOL SaonfbngangteAben A tburîîlîrstorni, as 1- iveli knoorîn. ft'ar of fort-ber înjuryt-o t-be alr-cady pin, i na-urllyunfaTHirEiWEST A E N. OL alo i <'t alwav nturalhaufaenemrin or( anal bas been t t egtdnn i 1- 'charaèterize1 iv sîronig up- lacerated griller.. and thre em is the time, wbeo shiphuilders bave learned'AE ON.t-be past fewwekadgo bul J' rr'~~%ar<l currerîts cf bcat-td arr-, r'bich l<est- treatmentw-e can ad<pt; brut- in bow t-o fonestali sucb dangers, Syntis 'r eigmdi ytb otstbt r 1)v. e-periment bas heeri shoa-n to amn- casos of food poisoning t-ebe oter"a-Th agrurebi m - J .pit atcoonit for- t-ebe 'eaking up cf vahuafle adjunuct-teo t-be treat-ments b dneru sandbank t-o t-be' properlv equipe. scut-hwest. The gean-Almost cen-' I'tOresa of the Great West Told An agg-regat-l rdcin frtb Bil raiti drop., which iroulîl otherwise The cetlapse may he serious enougb anytbhanal evn n rI e one ie fBîibClrbatbsya àl~cc&u. fall hri<ugh the currerîts.hIence at to roquire rnei-getic Ireat-ment îvit-b t-wo anahel s ;al set- t-oe keep t-bwPoiedmie-,bî of fror i,0t00ti5,00001 the sîummrt of t-be uprîsing air cor- .timilanIs. cîthen by înject-ing st'y- sf'e ad. it- seat-bt- kt-be sip Paragraphs. ioe rcditin ad4b5Hn.0(n rînt <'f Che storm, witbrn the thun<ler- cbnine. ('r l'y giving brandy or coV turneri as near the wind as possible; m usinc ra-rVn'î 'rîbî,Mnse fMns loîu<l.a rapid ehecînical separation, ffee. on bor.h, .it-er l'y mout0r 1tu di1e altt-enrbc e T he. nguestivedofint-batercîty. -A taplcf2,00 a eeNde uî n the foreg'oing expenimerît, goes meana of an onemna. aoceortiing W .the hsdit altenohofwt. ver jr. bein eidintacty or;, tht' flrst cf î;hicb is positiî'ely condition of the patient- -Y«uth's Ti xcî -edrinc ata New Westminster bas completcri ts to the fonds ofteCiyfNe Ws- bharg-ed rabil rops, andl free r-egative ('(<rnPanîoIn. ?.Thisk in Boundanye dorectLon ofianlt. mînster as a res ftx eepau iong. The charges of the positive ~Furnit-ure (margin)-The word i oki onataod uuIlad oteedo io'. h cage f h1pstiegeneral; t-bey collect-ed ail t-be eqoip- wnytomnrlcam ee -sion of t-be firdiscut eid 73r9is are aise contînually irtcreased by Healt-h Notes. mentt-bat could possibly be spared corded ait Nanaimo during Septemrer. Vitra Aombe Ascain the successive division and coales- hceciae is baH frnt-be '4'nacb and pit-cbed it ovet-. The addition cf Fih reagan rnvin < mrt <<'ii <ri tir' kl t~ ~t - The positively cbangedi drops faîl t-o If anybîrdy's floger is lîurneul <ust suggest wbat a desperabe sacrifice' Wbale-bunt-ing st-camers art' st-illi 1Sogu r Cdifenai eadtebv <brn i' ih1 rJ tnoparit- the eartb abhenever the upmward air the hurn witb powden-d charçoal t-o i t - Ws. busy on te weat coast. iguiemdrcinpsan-altb aldathe -tcraîhuir cîirret'nb tcomres îr'eak enough t-o per- keep it frem smarting. 1IA20. hn t-be absence cf suni- impntanstars rh tr I'-i'< liv <catr i e mm a J i I 1 2asag0t-noInl he Wbnhectiiaeess-elineeiop ' andstas Agosbîpm et cf 10 seersgto ('h- ipAantsrsoa.jo exc - . -mi teï psýag troghit Te cldsemstobe(lN-lO-'tbey couhd, cf course, bave no know- cgeAftmLe-bndg, rogb ne r arîtuig o r h or <'iti f s-re pr<'os- gative ions are cai-rieri up toto t-be ing, prit foui- drops of spirits cf cam- lcdge wbere t-bey were drift-ing. Tak- $12000 te t-be shippers.AtBunay-b tîrd c wok iifabttiie bshigber part of the clood. wbene t-bey phor on a lump of sugar and allowr it, en away-More exactly, -was bcing, ta aln si rgesi ayaotdetm Tîîrîii'- 1<'" J unitt ý wrth the cloud partîcles, and tii dissolve in t-be mout-b. Tbis ivili stripped cff", rehoeatr ntbr parts of t-be Fraser VaIIey. Straw i's rone in t-be vaicswraa un-g sýessuittiaruil lite eus large NrirtY uf facilrt.ate their coalescence toto neza- often break it op. vanishes. 'n oeate nte selling at 25 cents per bale. t-o $'20,990, aboc $200 f bc <lilercntsI t" iA oîeîty seci r -ntiî'eîv cbarged drepg. INever stand or sit- ait-bthe arms 21. Witbout food-Not absolut-ely; or -bn1,0'hinwee !n îi eaq exndBan(ldo atmasre re'î'nrv masrini tht, f<'rm i (f a long These oitimat-ely fait in the gent- ftolded. By sci doig t-be sheuiders t-be word describcs bs cf appetite"1 ployed t-bis paat season in ' est- nd arnt- ond tutîri îea< bintii< the' hem cof tie sirt' lî'r rain of the storm. Thus t-be same naturallv sh .ip forw'ard, t-be cheat -' in t-be'medical lit-etstre witbwi nt-be Chilliwack and nearby sections. M t-be Mat-suF a aetbsya bui <tas plared 0111.\ acra.sa the bac). prrîcess that produces the g-tant cornu- coetr lfat, and deep breat-ing- Luke bas so mucb ini common. Paulý Dog salmon, which used t-e sel] for, tbnysvnpresc adwr od (if the shirt, haneiy ,st;tr'tîng fnornîthre jus <ljoud tif t-be thunder storm, Iait-h ;vhich is one of t-be essentials 10 bealt-b' st-cd fort-h-Commentat-ors weîî cem- e' ahaenw 2 tet n-bringing in $40521,vic waap rii.Tht' mess unntquestion %%*as matIe itr" ilient- uprising cornent- of moist- a'd gcod loos-la imhaired. pare t-be splendid ode in wbich Horaire! Vancouver.primtl l0< moe itn -b tif sîîfr. nsvy îlot' lainsd tbe îunîc air, aise gives the separaton cf elec- Peroxide of bydrogen is a valuable describes t-be "juat man, unshakable,"I Sout-h Vancouver bas sent 1,300 men changes againatteln s.d hr w-s 0f i ery fine serre' in a rnatcbinig îtricity ncquired ne prodouce lighbnînng ant-iseptic t-o bave in t-be bouse. hit-i wbo remains unmoved ai -ett -eclr ic -eotra fw'ene 124 parceis'- adwihpse abadr1 and t-bonder. 'makes a pleasant mnout'b wasb and storma cf "reat-less Hadrea." IV doas war. 0f these, 862 lcft familles or inb t-be banda ftbsuiiaiy tiltshiugb iu tht'i,')ar ad (-pen,. A thunder st-orm may begin ait- anyl t-roat gargle w-bon diiut-ed, and will' noV seem that t-be despaining men ac- dependents.I- tri front,<ion tbe îrden of the aine iný place %%bere a layer cf warmn air un remove blood stains very sat-isfact-oriiY i-ept-ed Paui's comfort yet. The urn- A heavy windatorm which caught aihGrtn ufr oe the iiogt'ratiiirî. ai-e vcry 'gt)od stvie. rieriies a coider *one, for t-be iigbten if used before t-be stsm is dry igpitDpaetycmsatrvretbeSeeto ihn le-oèdyr, Aianis-AGer ia h hsbe Even~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tr eaaeclastib vr aimarb uetofrel- way -To cure a acre tht-est gargle wit-b 29, wbere. having exhausted ail ion- cently causedt-be as of four Japan- wtb <liess4es anti sous, the st-le t-bat tbrough t-be heavier cold layers and suiphur and water. If r'ery bad add aihie action,'t-be men take t-o prayer; esc fishermen. visit-ing t-be ccutyo isbrhti guter, meli up ini the tac). aod almost Ibis ising produre t-bhe thunder lemen joice and boney,. A boh ec e mî,adoteo ctle 2 an-ewbc eaoei erysommer nand set eerlwesi tîtucbea tht' bain is ionet(f t-be verys' sonm in t-be manner dei'cnibed. drink taken at- bed ime will cft-en (October 22). It is at- leasb suggs-see feet from tip t-o tip, at-tacked the district-s abogVeDnihGir lleii'e"t f nom %'art )?.rt uoiars Con-i Experiehrce tesches- that on land, il check a coid. A bit cf black sugar' tive thatait t-bat point Paul vlrtually two childnen at Ccwichan Lake, and border, ivrit-es toafin nLno Irîrude te l' e r' larre. tboulriisotim- east, t-bonder storms occur most fre- wiil cure heartburn. A glass of u'aap- takes command, They "prayed for1 waa ahot. 1t-bat practicaly vrboyter o sn-1l1 ('esaren seen. quent-iy in the early aft-r'noon, be-_ berry vinegar or lemon juice anti aat-I the day," wbicb no prayer would hast- Logging operations cf considerable bot-b aides cf t-bi rn-el nmun A Skirt of %lany Gores. cauge thbe air is wsrnest at-t-bat time, er wiii quickly stop hlccup. en, and Gs>d in.stead sentt-hem a man' dimensions are being conducted hy ing, for ail thesepol av eaie hIf Ille mater af r.eparjtte s.irt-s, nignrll nsm time. At---- wit-b bis wits about hlm. Have gob. the B. C. Manufaeturing Companycfofrinafi'Dg ntbeGra thr.i tiignovelty w'btcb bas 1-aest-bey are rratd te be most frequent - Safet>- Firat" With Firearmit. - en-Literally, gained. The word bats Lulu Island, in Gien Valley. reietsCP matie a Ntiraippeia t-o many women. ait nigbht, and in wint-er time, because Eacb yeur t-be shooting season ne- irony in 1-lt was t-be "gain" of alI An outbreak cf typhoid fever innemntcQatig fyun mn This r,- the fortr-en-Stored iskint-, ç of weli known thermal conditions craaln ito ciet u - minus quantit-y. hnjury-A word; St. Ann's Convent, Victoria, caused f rom nortbcrnScewit-Vhma- wbhi<-ha iimtaition is show n here.t-bat pret-ail next t-o t-be w-at-en and in >'carelesanescf hunters in t-he foreat often denot-ing a criminal asault on't-be deat.b of two sist-ers, at -esn-epsdpltin and Vthe nmber a Nît -- cit-bltenumben of gtne~ik as -b ar boe.and in the use of firearma. A gun go -epraacmlainc njtoaiîeso wleo-her. her issareaylre -a h let, rne<Ilnb.m f nom ta).iniz a falc y' The ultimate cont-roiling factor is îng off secident-ally and killing t-be' and injury.1 ri'elcoyt oprrenr hi lv.ia 22. nd ow-Ephaic.he rrals ichTras nel eet-rlyin operarinefrttlnm <bepert-ue. hicusemat-oyar ino erciisintfe e wirb -benun2w.Anen,-Embatic:hert-ahht wlcbba rrw ben ntoeeabKufonttale umbr f DneswbofeI i consonance wlbb t-be aitn-apot period, boaded and cocked, or ahoot-ing aita hia previous negleed counsel, wbich' a few weeks, wIil sbortiy begin t-be t-en a 18n64.usi ndAsti -but w-rtb modifications due t-o an (1c- companion in miatake for an animal avents bad juzttfied, only t-u induCe, shipment of electrolytic copper. casional excescf ;'olcanic dusi in t-hae -astereotyped causes. Wit-h t-hé theUR t-o istait now. . tir.12..A ne-Tth aa w m . knowsledge of thbe danger of handling i2 nagl-otb aaawo It foliows t-bat t-be bunderst-orm ta tir-carma, it- la surely incumbe-nt upon - Paul was addresslng t-be word ruld; ottebeaut.iful simple vort-ex ith 1T R E F C A horzonal xispîcure inbooý1LIw-andke-ep contusuahlly before t-hem tise I< -Note Pauls dellcate consideratlon' utead. we have t-he air floating in f rom motVoilaafety irst for thse men'a religlous ausceptibtlitiea. 1 &Il aides, aind the warm air riaing.. 1 Aiother day be would plead for bis ' Streiigth and Beauty of ('haracter ee'dUo teMtril r ooling by expansion and t-hua build- Do esle BatEtus.1 God as thse ones God; now It la emough' ePtIt u ie i l~~ngr up tise typicil ibunder clowd, &Il Among tise daine..e a -tîcîaiarte< ienifUy him as tise (ld toi whom ilePt noOu ie Tmoviitg forwar4t under tise cont-roi cf j ee t ofdot àasald to erYfrb. is e0" ife sMWserivie. weru givie -- the pret-aillng cyctonit wind. thle table.lit as4's-»utideg of sgrey- 1 w s 1am. . . a measepger." I"Building Up ytsuraelvez on your' acter ln t-he goa( ferhl xae - Then s.' resut of t-ran ee~~ ho~ûd aha~, VIIlS IUUle i The wbeoo tresa s Id on thse ed; meut holY faith."---Jude, iL, 20. both for Individui idfrntoa tion, rais forma at qi conles-able al. r) e bougated tisas In teriers. 1%e te l ecffri Of Go hrë titutie where the air 15 c@tI, me <aid 5t g<0«& Of [g«tdép tu pf«red t» A ie<><>an f t Athéfest- oitce' M 'enter a la "wiiaiebp <lies <Jiat- hall ntea efrai t is aten -j o t 'anImas of aoy cother COW oneu Fer not71i. lOFai iof the; vlsîteepout'i Watt WiIIW>5 In. >ldr t tlklg hv hp f.med. <~~~Scectt of tiese ~ter anieuat t rm. mUa htevi >815 MthtJ~e«cru et tise <auversation lbeke' l~r1I55~ cadnst-aann> aibreta in b usi t te hl" î'& u1u supo»M spirit vawuo#«untoucbud by iii.. ear. 1 and purpo iIf WstheI b u à thunder clouid produiee au tx<Cet a aayhate no cl.sene Ud 1* Aas nt ad, butamdoora patirnihot ama-anrs' 00e u e Vut. itk fi worad ise <1<- ; ruthrininhv .n-rltr son rvl sitrta ai alt1g.-Gd o.14-. s aie rdawf ut sw" e., .tîs Bt» ray wat ortý U.b t i Id. e b tiiefr U. . a eture d .~s OeMW th's o« MW, et ei uit TwaWfi -«have apSoils. lst ýtEs aaisS oERk s-u' its, aryastbte*Ib --------éeasand ofsabtt w*u.da a~ b.. t.44.lb. taait la- , #tWisa, isatut of i» l - inhad WS ar W.rp.,UP$laisa oigrnea*0 of wb.~d~6,vs1-ta.*istj ltiatb sis-t. lb. ..vetitsMd1 tivess u01it h avîmili fr 4w ci z 'i S j K 1/ (t) ('i sald, "but lil t.ell yo¶3. Shootlng stars are Vo confuse people, so t-bat they won'tha able Vo ceunt us." That sounded very simple, and Freddy nodded bis head. "So,"' contlnued the Dog Star, wink- ing very rapldly, "once in a while wO send a shootlng star across the sky' in order Vo startle people and makq t-hem forget how many of us they have counted. Thera! They have de-. cided Vo leV Urakule go. She's a re- lative of Neptune, the star you seo stralgbt ahead that doesn~t twinkle.4 The stars had stopped whispering and were watching Urskule. Freddy beid bis breath and waited. Sudden- ly t.here was a loud hissing noise a.nd 'Urqkule started downward, beconilng bright-er as ahe went. "'How pretty It is!", exclaime4 Freddy. But what if Urskule shou]4 fail on some house below? Wbat Il she sbould faîl on bis house? née turned t-oward the Deg Star Vo aErk il t-here was mucb danger. but lest bis balance and began Vo fali. Faster and faster be feil, until bhe could bardly catch bis breat.h. Then, eut of the darkness, he heard bis znotber's voice. "Freddyri she said, ttyou should have been in bed an heur ago instead of ]y- ing (out here on tbe daznp grass and eirng te sleep." Freddy rubbed bis eyes and went in- Ao the bouse As he lay in bed, ho iried t-o underst-and why t-be stars did not' wi-b te be ceunted Then he fell 1 fb

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