KAIER'S SPEECI*TOHlu IM TRluOOPS - sofâeW r butcheru' cown brou ght frein $4.50 ERUTFOTENAY J N SO ME M rLgie of lite or 6.25 and bulla fcm,#$5 $6.60 Interview With the Minltro ON a N E FRONT I FRANCE Breadbtuff s. and cows nt $3 .75 to $4.26 per ewt., m a ihre.F RB FA S- A E Toronto, Oct. 31 -Manitoba wheat milkerg-, $100 to $110 eh. Lambs, Canladians have won udigfm "TheLor ofHoss i Wih Yu Agina Frnchinslene ad -ew N. iNorher4 $.91; N 2,Ontario stock, $10.50 to $10.76 and doNew81~ No. do.en, $1.913; No. 4 Quebec at $9.75 to $10; sheep from'upon the battiefields oflner n wheat, $1.7544, track. Bay' ports. $6.75 to $7.50 per cwt. Choice calves i France. An equal opportnt frds Old roptradng c abve ew cop.sold nt 9 to 10c, fair to gogd at 5 to tinction upon sea is nowofrd BriishStubonnes."Ol crp tadig e aovene crp.8ec and common at 4c per lb. Selected- Canadian Naval 0vrea ivso n tobado.,6c;traNo. fee, 64c; lots of hogq, $11 .75 ta $12, and good which wilI be attached t h rn No. 3.fed, 64c;,etrak. 1Bay ,64 selects at 11l.50 to $11.75 per cwt., 'Fleet la being organizd adfv ~ . Adespatch from Berlin says: Em- stances to prevent the enernY from American corn-No. 3 yellow, $1.15,' e hdof-as thousand rnen are beingcled fr peror Williamn on his recent. viait to prostrating us to the ground, and to track Toronto. ATEAN A. The new force will beasdticl the troops on the Somme front in stand firmn againît French insolence Ontario oats-No. 2 white, 60 to 62c, BATEAN R D Canadian as are the fu ihin France made the followving speeh, sc- and British stubbornnes. From ail nominal; No. 3 white, 59 to 61e, nom-. now fighting on the Sme hr cording ta the correspondent of the German regions you stand like a inal. This Baker Had Ris Troubles Vvhen will be Canadian rateofpCa- Tageblatt: metal wall of German sense of duty Ontario wheat-No. 2 Winter, ver, His Ship Was 17nder Fire. dian separation allowvane n it car lot, $1.68 to $1,70, according to "Comrades, following an impulse of and self-devoted valor, flghting ta the freights outside. Old erop-No. li Bread is the staff of life; and men ance from the Canada Paroi the heart, I have hurried to you from last breath. commercial, $1.63 ta $1.65; No. 2 do.,> must have it even if they live on the Fond. The sai!ors from h omno the east front to bring you the greet- "On ail sidea the German people $1.53 to $1.56; No. 3, do., $1.44 to very brink and boundary of death. will wear a special Cgnda ag Ing ofyorof mravoorhre comhestadensattherus trugndagithe$.48stand2, 9.int a235tenardcThauserofstritihggleeshagainst attr $148"o.i thankg of the Vatherland for the four half the world and against the mani- Peas -o ,$20tz23,acrd h ak nter ofaBtish batJtlendhip e n atyter here srin hauito months' bard struggles on the Somme, fold superiority of numbers. Even ng ta freights outside. homaed in the BatesofndJuln ot h navtharesringTer and for the heroic manner in which though it continues hard n nue oia;fe,9e a$.o oia.ad andhenoresin the littie$1.0 to $n07of Lang- division is under the direto flo.__________________ you have fought. The world's history long, yet the Lord of Hastsq is with Buckwheat $1.05. with an accounit of what he did and J. D. Hazen, ministerofnvlsr knows rno paraîhil for the qtruggles; in you. Those at home have besought Rye-Newv No. 2, $1.23 ta $1295, ac- saw in the great fight, and bis letter vice, who ia taking anetuati whc o r itcptnadfor llim,-and He bas inspVred you with 'cording ta freigbts outside. %vas reprinted in the London Daily persanal intereqt in the atradi L O D G O G tegetizofyu ed.Frcen- strcngth and courage. Trust in God Manitoba flour--First patenta, in Mil. making a special plea fo1 erut o turies bc battlls of the Somme %N-il bravely, feeling that you are flghting jute bags, $970; second patnts, in Whon the action apenod, he had this service. LK H R HL stand i a g zikymodlfor the con- in a just cause. jute baga, $9.20; strong bakers', in three hiindred and sixty pounids of "When war first lirok u x querîn f aun e ppir. Thus I1greet y> ,comrades. Hldjubebags, $9.00, Toronto. dig iigi hetn;RIh- ae-pandM.Hzn "In yut)i ema w Ilw ill t n Iout, the Lorai i will give IHis blessing , ingtariamfler$7e85,integs racd dh isin i h e stins; an is e - Gpiaie M. aen, the Cnda expressio drýhate' <r circum- the end. Toronto, prompt shîpment. per dock, wns in a very exrased posi- ities how we could h belpadsg HEL IAIT 'lFN HX _____________________________________________________________ Mi llfeed-Car lots, delivered Mont- lion. Ilis ordera were ta leave it and gested raising recruits frtenv II R(lA (ILI l real freights, bavg included: Bran,' go below under caver ns soan as af- as well as a land force. A httm flflfll'ILT DAPVper ton, $30.00; shorts, per ton, $32; fair, looked tÈreatening; but he did al] nval r r ho a l all dou PftUSPLIY FOR UftIV II DACf middlings, per ton, $3400; good feed nlot wish ta %-aste ail that good dough, nnI tho, Adnîiralty had asrlso oho hm Neyl uilha flour, per bag, $2.50. and seo he wcnt ta the commandler and men. We were informen htte Hay-ew N. 'l perton, $12.00 W ESTERN CANADA ACROSS BORDERIt 1..0 N.2 per ton, $1000 ta, Ibegged permission ta remain oirutil tbM needcd no men for the nv n al $11.00, track Toot.1 lr art moment; wben hi, sblp couîd hast serve the intrs o thOtri. ____ - Straw-Car lots, per ton. $9.00 tal should fire her flrgt gun. e-mpire by raising Inni ocs I Grand 'Fru-lnl Tî-,Iflic 1.iNlnager N'on Falkenhayn Forccd to Re- $10.00, track Toronto. "iWhiie my dougb ix-as provinz tris- our effori:s were accordngyOdiet r akeimn epca ae 1 onr rdc-hlsl. ing) in the tins," he wrote, -I vent cd. ly Ger,"temnote m- ledii"rarniendmus I)evelop- tire From Important o'utyPoueWoeae ut on the quarter-deck and witness- "Sinice then the ravaI iligpo metin ratBtian Wnso W'bolesaîers are se'ling ta the trade'ed a most magniflh'ent spectacle, ana, gramme bas been greatl ceeaa.Cucil h otntbepltca mencndt and ri PrPospinsearte olliigyries , neertabefogote.ns.ewhlevt- hthae ewshpswhcbhae benouaie heCaint n ha cuary -O B[utter--Fresh dairy', chaice, 37 ta ible horizon, whjch was not more put in service have bai(ah andIFroetig hyaebt o 'Ail iii I :îî n ,, .xv that the \î urne a largeo part of tbe Transylvanman prints. 41 ta 43c; salids, 41 ta 42c. offae hiul fteeem' o alr nadto of imnniri,ln na )r (aaafrom the fronte r the Austro-German armies Of, Eggs ;No. 1 storage, 36 ta 137c;o m; tehul o hee ey's or camia l adionnecip aecuag nohr a he mn Unitel StiteM it the 4rise of the \var (;enreral von Falkenhayn bave been, atorage, seleets, 38 ta 39nc -la., shipa were not visible ta ho ae incm oafrel the n.tdth ites ah aan1repio will lu rvtaalilv large." sail Mr. lrivcn back acraFs the larder and bave carbons, 46 ta 48c; out of cartons, 44 a *ve, lut cauld be seen dimly througb Kingdam recruiting frtenv ohr n ud hmovswe W. P. Ilino au, t ffir manager of the soffared heavy lasses. The Nortbern'to 46c. the haze with the teleseope, and the stopped. New uhunnelstsupyhecnrtd y heviusroem Grand Irurlk l'acif cRailwav, %%ho ar- RZoumainian province of Moldavia is Dressed poultry-Cbickens, 21 ta anly means w'e bad of knatvingr that tnecessary men bad ta efuo o flf ycrandfnt rnilso rire ltonThrda. o paciclv lerofth Tuonin 2ce fowl, 17 ta 19c; dueka, 18 ta 20e; tthe'enemny an, thcore wai by ýpirts of day the Imperial Na,,-, ib a rctclwsdm ah fte rivel b ou ThîrsIav. no practicîl> elca of the euton in per dozen, $4.00 ta $4.50; tir- flame from their guns. I w as so in- swý,cpt the sens, buttlc pte GrWesse apoiiu eoy r Mr. Ilititlrcport, a V\e!y gratify- saders. keys, 30 ta 35e; geese, Spring, 17 ta esloncetd ta ow o mnfetl h ilCnladbsChrhl nw I h ok fsm ingma mt of sîtI lers junta west- This meanas hat the Rimso-Rauman- i19e,. tnpyitrse ht1cu' o a le nteKe eru (aauli luring t1l past summiner. ian troopa are agzain in contrai of the Live poultry-Chiekens, 15 ta 17e; realize the risk until 1 abserved a guai ded the wholc of theepr e ot-un a iin r i These seîîtl-,rg bave ieen possesseI four ('arpathian passes -Oituz, Gvl-' fowl, 13 ta 14e; docks, 13 ta 15e, tur- croiser near by on 19re. i quires mer). The navy tai osfa rte-y ert Mr Lld of eaasî.lirîlv ians and goal equip- ms Tolyges and Bicaz. Tbe menace keys, 25 ta 28c; geese, Spring, 14 ta "I went hack ta the bakehouse and must be mairîtincid atfol lgtn Gerebsamreu eoyfr ment. Tlîîx'a ete doubttîcs attrîîcted of invasion ia now confincd ta the 15e. endeavored ta save my liateb of brcad. strengtb." aedtsadtlsago tr el ('heese-New, large, 224 ~ta 23c;M lîy the lower piuies of farm lltls, passes of the Trnnsyvanian Alps, Mwn,2 a2~e rpe', ' y staff, whieh consista af tbree mca, "As sooui ns Cana(l a ae Nihri htwuduuly b which gourilly prevailel nul lv1- the where the Germatns aret23'-ig attac.bad gone downude aer h lraware of the change intesuain alda el-a"mn. etac certaintv that ivcu if anecerop <'an liurharest via Kimpolung and Predeal,' Hoaey-Extra fine quality, 120-h. party by thîs time badi orders ta ex- in regard ta the navy w fce absawneflfn fvre a be securi'l eqial ta the general yicld and at Buzeu and the C'zernowitz rail-,tins, 13c; 5-lb. tins, 124 ta 13c; 10-lb. tînguisb my fire; the dough required forai an overseas divisioafteRylortin Bth re o ivrs of lme-t vear the entire purehase price Nvay via Badza pasa. Evert bere, Pet- 11% ta 12%~c; 60-14~., 11%Y to 12c.: at ieast twenty minutes more proof. Naal Canadian VoluterRsve earso neppr.Bth ae of the land will he regained. rograd announeces, the pressure of the Comb honey-extra fine and beavy Being very boath ta waste the mater- and lend them ta the Amrlyfrra odmn ok-r ly "Weser u (nuaa,"sail Mr.ilIma. Teuton forces have been arrested. The weight, per daz., $3; select, $2.50 t a l and labor, I put the tins ino the service la the Imperial ay h ere.fvrt edn atri ton, iýý o theove o trem ýjou Roumnianshavewon Mun$275;k_$ No.5 No. $2$2255tta2.40.40. anoveanneand ucchancedrlttaerluck.se ton imon the evpoerofty. mcuIau a rumas bave woz, ndounti aek-5 Potatoes-Ontario, per bag, $1.75; While waiting, the gallant baker'Admr andy weed fps&oacpih itrclnvl n r hrhl' deeîîîaut lO p-v erty-Sie- arsso t of tcaz, a n soe25ntishCo.8 uBiishRoeperbag $1e,0triedI ta coacentrate bis mind on read- Itbousand men be sent o hc w ti fe itknytog ta did priaeslha\ i tîen obtained for miles south es ftejnto on a*.5 rts ouii hts the irrniii. 'Vhc ecrop movement was of the Raumanian, Transylvanian and per bag, $1.90 ta $2.00; New Bruns- ing "The Meditations of Marcus Aure- tbousand would be rEqurdb h ahmnaefrfo outpyi dftrrd b> fully n montb. lut Oto- l3ukowinian frontiers. This ini-' ick Delawares, per bag, $2.00 ta lus"; but he did not succeed very end of the present year.cly hriol e n rae ber wî'athç r bas been extremely, caes an advance of several miles into $2.10; Prince Edward Island Whites, weIl. He coxîld ignore the thurder of "Every recruit Canadagr st hsmsae. Bt r xetoal favrall, fa tresia nn sippngTransylvanian territory. per bag, $1.75, track Toronto. the guns, but when reports camne in, frewl eatesvn facsl togad msua-r ly -- --,4>Cahbage-Man., per ton, $40.00 ta flirst of one British ship blown up, dier for the British Ari ,fri h ere esieh.aalsaue and the grain is now maving frcely, $4.0 and tbis wiil further stimulate trade. IN THE SOUTH SEAS. an*45.00.tean hn fa ncsar e aen "The country districts at no time -fBeans-Imported, band-pick ed, per mthen ofaano er, ndthcrieneof ' scesps ay care e n otscre o-segse9rvndim l isiglr bushel, $5.00; Canadian primes, tid$n3.7l5btteeuse et'srps tpeetsria ateam y trybid r.Cucil i witbia the past yenr bave been alla Two Islands Which Are Seldom NViait- ta $4.00. 1 therninl the battle line was an lire, will have ta ha transfre atetouhh toa .asatv sact taaeccore, their full supplies, as~ it ed By W'hit.e Men. I____ha gave it up. The tinie was too caf- navy." adcnudrotemn teuu f ~seems (bit' impas!ible freaea I eetlcuebfora the Roya Provisions-W iolesale. ly unsuited to meditation. After about, Explainiag the arraneet o hsclexrin ahmnhv maaufmîctttimï4 ta keep the damand GeograýhlcaI Society, Mr. C. M. Cured meats and lardý are quoted ta w oroaealuI hntemnpsy Mr. Hazen said: 'Tepla c iglrstan a otflesi suppîied ltomîtl>'. Fanera are ex* Woodford, former British resident ,the traeb ,rnowoeaesa'ammn fhssi pndfr ni h meilNv ceedingly prasperou.4; their purebas- commissioner of the Solomon Islands, folIo rdebyTiantheoeales s rmen oebi.sip peed ir oninthe mar ilfoave isvr muhter ak-panw naayfm ing powar vas4 neyer so great, and 'ecie w sad htaeslo Smoked meats-Hama, medium, 24 "1 diseovered just before goiag ta Navy, and coasaqueatly h oiinalknd fbye rna perbaa n tnikng ilustatio of his isîedbywh ie a. sThey are ea- 85 to26c; do., heavy, 22 ta 23c; cooked, My action station that my batch Of Government decided thtü iadrt hr In~ nie p e r a p - a st r k i g i l u t ra i o of th s v snel d By llo n . u l n d , h ic h re n ' b a c o on , 5 e 2 ; b 2 1 c;kb repl aint mrethaniy t heatnn r ya a endsoeeda h esnn te lai ' 2c; anelas, 8 ta 29 fread had turnvbed uthil oad. Roal N+,a va CanaiaTl; nerR- A n u h w a ekdt nouncmant f Monay tht ho tie nins "rtnm a'no t en90 Ibi, $3.90. Bran, *28. PShorts, 1 "Thare was net mucb sîeep la the ote ither ana ai the NalDeoslitrsh.lprcups mdgooy mopnces wboflcbdy atta hoed iMe!,accurateîy dctermiaed. Immigration saî3. Middllnga4 33. Moaillie, $36' ship (bat nigitt,- ha rjecorded, and Englund for training. Te llb r ly ere nti U. ad aéroppaneas wich tted Met inte apacilic islunds fram Asia, far'ta $38. Hay, N.2 a acrltfadded simply. "I madea abateit et sent averseas as ordinauysmnmdlalwsaimtdmidumtng au. aies kiled fve cvilins m fre havng cmsed i. t prsentgo- 13. t heese, finest wsters, 22;, dough ut midnight and then ly down those whe wish ta srmen l h .kM.Cuciîl p ams l le oui ames kiled ve cvilans ndlng an st a rate probabîy greuWtertian fne*st atera, 21% c. Butter, chair-ontelcrswt yli-avgjigrtnswl bel mmklng seven ilI, the Tageblatt suYm during the oId Polysesian migrationa. 'est creamMc, 40% .ta 41c; seconds, 39 loni.lkes ihy ie.sa ngagrai for b.ettldt vla, e uch md eaofencbleUt thée poison la the bombe caused in- Mr. Woodford predicta that at ne ";vel te 948c; EuN. sh , 4 cb t 0, .of tefr schèvcenTheqeto ttrbstinibekake tans. suffçning and death ia a few distant date the whale aifte Melane '0 3(k. i'etate, per bag, car"------ai( eurmvacl ettaogfrrt- ing h.tagthet iepa mym- dîs.Th ppe sym GnemlJofr c anmd Polynesian populations i of je 10 A lotsGE" OLE n Lordbs litli habnd o Uamet ud nywhr h wula M' sination of non-belligercats, and ax- cd ila arace composed largaly of'Iotinnipe0g__Grai-noyd eorgeacras nohlng watever presses (ha hope (bat the French Gev- C~hine»s an4 Japan..ê. IWnnieg.Oct 31.-Cash quoa. Baron Shaugtneasy's Message As Re promotions in titis everesdvsolks(aveymmla lde od erament will apologze and punish the ê----tioa: - Wheii- Na. 1 q ten' Brethe. Steamer for h aainGvrien llli n ue e a I o ie rnii uviators, adn ht nest is in %,A Bo. Fcramsa (ha men's full auispyvr kl ui bt1(1 ul o b dotteincident wilI give a ncw IN ANOTHER YEuAR. 3 l4orthern, $1.74%; Ne. 4, $1.64-0 T ~tura ta war-fare, the cansequenacs ai-f No. 6, *.9;No. 6, $1.43%; fced, A despatcfrtra New York sayn: Ca nudian Expcrdtionary ocio'ti xrvga aI aalkn o which cannot ha forêtold. All~ieîs WilI Thea be racing Youths of .4% Oatsa-No. 2 C.W.. 69%c;;BResaShaughnuin an interview relative rank.Igo ia.M' hriul itecn No 3C.. 6%c eta o.1feed, grratd a repreucat&tlve eoftth. Cas- I Thie Dominion hasîeadiioi * ~~~~17 intheiiGerman Army. 67%c oW1.. 574c , xtaNo. 21 ee. adimn Irs us ha waa aibout ta board into six are«s for recrulta aa pcr b preue A LLI 1ES' AEROPIANES Adsac rmLno as h 67c. Barey-No. 3, *1.09; No. 4.,th &temerKroenlastd on Wednemduy'euch arm being li chargl )aNvliiksdae tm» ore.B RAIl> AUSTRIAN WORKS. Adspth$rmLndsa1s i.03;rsacted 91c; teed, 91c. FIu« dit-ed a gieut-i .RemtiuiOfiacer wbo b emsinl ieacuiosu - le.lel war threat.ns Peea te become a strug- --No i. FN....2.53%>; No. 2 C.W., en route t Europe, pol French and tuatritn Machines inrCnd.liutilymi pltcl t(.Dprma e I!taas eibegsiwt nakbyblh p gle be entme4 bo fsthefuc e l12. 4.fly. wh.npeste. ,la eared. feus. wiflbe -mllewed t tls h eis Battit. aidai' men long ta endure. It ln as.. Umite states Mrkeêa. bl.adiug wlt sa.rifimand miltta rerutting machlwi udI A despmtch f rom Rame asys: Squad- serted bhere that next ya the. En- Minnempolis, Oct. 3.-Whcat--De- 1;wlt e#ort ihbu et t* iront 1m- Ie hopesithui by thua Mansh.wo' rillas ouf Itallmn and French seaplanes tente alles wll b. faclng boy,»ao sv- ceMber $1.91;May, $1 -.88%;j cmiii, pireetfwbidu h. l nle teral Part$ ,of the Deuihdon wlbre t. OZOLIB AE have bombardad Austrian mîliitary cft4!C5in the. Germas amy. No. 1 ýardSI1.96 ta $1 .97. No. 1 ho eaid. "Cm"'&aablzgest relu fui the(hR U%>D fVM<. works in three places os (ha we.t Geiteral Sir Douglas Haig, mm. -Noetm. i$1-90 te $1.94 -NNe. 2 Nor- play .f usmosa~tm ew u u i.FACE AT M1 O1 ceat uscthc, aym anefîcil n- tiuidag sei~rusi £pssît*wsrythii«*1.86 ta $1.03. doris-No. 8 futums."Tbe hlatory et tho Douh-l II?[ AX NLMNL wstlifo ade Y neuincement of (ha Itallmn War Of. forces, Lanm"id (o ha"e objectesi to thse SI ' _> <~- .aM bwd u ia i. emitnVlya ree~l.a fice an Wedncsday. An arial battis sndlns out et men ai middle mge. Re $10. Oral mudi,d cters uan. a bave W. te bu r.ctdW 4hu"eï A deopÎ.1b trou EUtoday;~fVs i*Uii*li Iu#~,Ls betweeui tho French hydro-acroplunas wanté mien tram eighteenu tovenOY. e& .Br $U tSi o *27. 'usdet hr iin m uiUaTs gkluu mima xet[e Isf0 auid Austra scaplunes, In whlcb one fAve yemrs old. Aftr the latter yemr,,Duluths, Ct. St--Wlieat--No. 1 deeda Mest «ltidM b" b eeau t o aetr«WÙaM CAMada ettu h ai i. esgt re*s of Ut. Auatnlan machines wacap- It In muId the flghtlag value ef tise* bard . 0<; N.Ne mrhh ereiatl*pt.As botwoeau tse I U.y to h. larasesitrukahsat III iIWalp h ulaed and anoth'er taîl ita alagooe uu tso wsarpdas tasy$ 84.t 1 4 ';N.2Ntv Ceaimi. via mtwe ie a a ow' tehesbg Transe wfhaseiRe O tb"M iT* u et Bseleghe, on the Itailun ctoat neer decline. 1>4 ~ . "4 leâ«- aMididle cefflue atftdy dvio.COL, iarry obaut4 TSISI. rab~ad Caorle, aima la reportesi. The Austrian TIl. goodsoite fty t 1ê7% Oco.r, *2- o UUCÎ1 8MULm"M M ssEmpirla hikaeU" 1asgl« h ww of e t 4 u un.d~*k,4,ms.l & quadrilla had bues tbrowisg bombe Bomt. muet b.etft.e mgewhld i $70 )s<mbex$_60<; ay stse. ara« I Pwcmuy a . pr qso ~UI1 .-. e. S~a on -Caorle.cl u i.mo' tesouathietis82 704. popiI5tIiI 1t a t asI.et visI tm #kii' u'IbwS ~t b S~f b 4 ~games-the football pimyri' type. 'rue -- t .hi.od h.bel iil~ Ieet. reprtm ~bsa . iim8-101 ttomg.fu NORWEIAN MILS eder men have (bel' pla, but, gaisuLs, balMani j WnI& or*lut 11 êtmrti.Pet ne1 SEARCHE» BY ENEiSI Y. eraIY sp.aklag. l( u iiusow ttu ba T0o'rqui. Orct. 3.--Cbh.Ioe hes v W Wam. SOWtuai t* tb ue. i'*-' S54 Sristoe,~ nt la "the. rmy beis&sdtise amny -the .ier#..$0 -8$te $8 . 7,;c.d il yPmn ter' 60i.future, pam a*tlrlp. Iii, 5 iii isop i A dasputcb front Londens ays: '.mien bmck oethUt.liate, inthe supply .u'ere, $8 ta *8 26- ' beler emIti.04104 su Is10u10I tit utd olbo, Central Nowa leiruis (but a Garman Mtrasport divtakn*. wvier. the ço $ 'o* ;do,. di,1 u la imm imî s.y« ii warahip stoppait a Norweglsui mal. a&train la a014s00<rut. Tisse aidr - t. $7; .i.,c a. AS qtmmer wich lat Berges Meondanamy tao(05 ui.ptulkto t'eeb 66-'Z Umm u* . SIt i As«T Meo" trNewcastle. This ( ho f ruiiv uamt%.e getmeomb.fi L-r- ~~I¶ .p ii1 k ottiaknsi.tacIglie. IN té p s os. 1<> P*Wm -AUlem *0~~ I~B. 5 __ __ _ iaidmread islaregbnlalrg bleu Ate fdatep., QIUEBE VOTES $2000OUora a 100, peqsrlar te aIIIN TO PATRIOTIC FLTND. ttm 13P wh(bey0fte no« attaLà .ho%..à * AI. *$&M te Relp Recruit Tv.t f;t IAO OESLIN et m% de»kh trous Quebea ay-:TIe A d#iteh f1om A»»bs'meffl OtofQuebua o= Thuuday vote a aAnotetimM la00. BeItrous w romd am "'M.000t» as"alru. cordiu tte &0T*«d.f Mat f iell tm (.l* 40-mm et *iie ýftrob i.pOomoét- 1* lanw bolus r.cruted lain *d- duhi loff t ATTINS AS VIN an ualised y hf enh A ilespasteheo odnay: flic Gias bmadefuvilnad oufcessv ouars atc.onTus Foul Nive ls i, rdu e e-t faîl e beee h he Frencruh.Te totAl dsaîrmbr<frisLonn avg:-b Gnceral iveleis 00W ,000, n Taddi- tlin týa efort buare wouAeD Gar- muas iitpil up by F re mbuaes.h The receat ase h iondys fFreach n r itish l;,militirnert s ethat Hiden- totag no laner obars an aeqatenre- serve oseea tah bre out by Geho siow,ý reiei)f heGrerc mbasnc er- dun, nrndthnsei apparenlch aid strength lorlicatas that the high com- mand bas beari forced ta draw upan other scetars for the men who were birled forward in Thursday's assaults. The banor of capturing Douaumont Fort fallan a Moroccan regimant, wbich fought shoulder ta shoulder with the Zouaves and other colonial troopa. General Joffre, who watch- 'cd the attack with Geacral Petain, commanding the central armles, ex- prassed high satisfaction at th« imethodical prapanation and splendid Ionslaught af the mon. Should Fort Vaux faîl under the French advance, the lina held by them an Fabrmmry 26 ai this yaar will b. re- stored, and the months 9i effort os the. part af tho German offensive wili, au regards actual territory held in thiu secter, have gene for naught. The lons ai Douaumont in offielly md- mitbed la Berlin, as le the tailure et tha ceuntar-attaekx. THE MIOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEIÇ. Femînine Charme et Three of the AI. lied Countries' Women. A celebrated Itlien writar et Florence h#,a bean tavorlng the world with lila ojinlos e t tii. wnaeuint t.51h. Site la reserveai, rey m-tiret auid geuierlly a slave te etilquett. As o e oFron.hwomauih. la -lma eomplmnentary. It lan(bush.oe scribes ber: "Sbiteut mlsd *a «- psit a palm andi a violet, aid Wb" @hs a lanet Pretly site-ia .bwumïw.' Sb*h la amiable, a dressiul coquette, anid gerserally taIse." Rit mmmmary c o-f iseEtau jwomn aul t .ii. tla "of mau Orienwa type wh" h isusibesae mauer cunhineai Utsextraorillmy arycrmaei »» s an ud t e villasai vensan PinseDgbai, Mr&. Ea*s Waalut al get r«wsd to go omt vUlsberpatient, iimabnd t<ýiosý ber * wet ar ü?L endui, "h.*6 vu . 'juos~ a Pas Jw/