THE LAPSI ENOCN WE By ISABEL 001 Author of t'The Womi ,'NTWORTH RUON CURTIS, an from Wolvertons" CHAPTER XX.-(Cont'd1). Dorcae emiled into his eyes. "I have "Months agit. lie bas kt-pt his always beltcved in you. 1 uccver losi promise until now. 1 knnw be has. faith in you or in your genius for one The titr titice part of it- ta, t-be woman moment-. And," she Pause-i as il hertieif butes bim. She says vile making confession, '«I bave lovec yct- thinigs about hlm."- for a lonz Urne, ever since that night, "T'O you?'" the same night, wben you came back 'No, not to me!" cried Merry cuick- aund 1 was 3cr happy." iy. 'She ritver speaks te me. We -That night,' saidi Antrew, wa acquaintance." the miracle- moment ot my life. bave rermcbcd the free7ing point tri our -Was it s-'o rni-rful as that ? she [)ori'as rose and walked t-ot-be wîn- w-hipered(. dow xvî!wi-i ber bande claspe i tgbtly ' btn 1 thîrrirdr, of what yec togetiier. There were ra- e ques- have ttood for ti nie, ît je a miracle.*' t-loirs t-o ht- dec ided andi hurrlens tuc Ie -It is an everyday mir«ach"' liiteîl strang.e, unaccustomeci burd- -There are io everychay miracleg,' ensA. SIre b-rnt-o peak ru a strange, ',it Ni erir y Then h e kiqseci bei \oni's lce agarii. 'I durr't ki-ce what l'm gorng tir(Io. -he tUrnedasy fror hrm t-o stane Es-er silice 1 svas a lîttie girl tht-rc was out' ut the winrlcw again. On the side- Ench 1i ne' er haci arylrody ls iscte-ia'ks the- rush of cîty lîfe wsent or longing te nirerînly 1I neyer mr'sged i cm ultucusy. Ilalf an heur bt-fort therin, fer 1I111a11hrim.'" she hart thought the street- sordid and Shi- stretrhcîi oit,'lit r harel-. a-' a tugly. It bail rhanged. Tbe street chili nrrght havi-(let- arnd raiserî her r t',now ritar arndwhic, ere cîr- faceur - the mnaii rtscIe ht-r as if icidciatout I-s lrvely haler)s. Thv alpput-e. tor hell i muretgu iance. Ife s - ices of t hi-e hîliren ci trt- ,%eet-r to i( toc r-ga.crqi wu-rhicse ,th aIirgent -ir Next rIour tht- servant,, a sv ft i ga-p, ccrght ht-riin hic cerins,' , h-A'a -til! at scrk, sang a liting a1o irri -st-1I1(r, lur-h -cit Thîr igh il ian a con- un ire. 4-ý 1. 1i ýni-- htir tîuîb stant itir'tc-crît.if' ly owii -sweet Dro \ic -\oci(n 'i -- Ar'rri1-dto- i inti irn ýicrhp:c.c t SS ",'îu r"i I \'ci ilu-irrI rrr - ci ic.t. lic -C cti rfa thrrtIulrcd - 'I(rIU.' - 'The- îz isr-t-li ti btad il -- i i ti,- i t r i nS' ,'tlt'M vr r y'& \ci tIr acruîck gr'-t r e tirt' - ri u -hi iie es n'iirîitr. hi - -i carrn t isîrelain ri,-o , I -gan. rl rOie-t h." ilr;d. r. une ahlrupt '-1 rcnint a114, ti( tlltu l'us-\. 'rfr- un- îrcnnrrl c-t c-rr nirteo rc rnr te a t'il sort- irng c-hi- hi rr-nks il-e zun ut- Inanîcri ;i - ' cc h renv c t-ai rt y-. tt-r ta ng't ab e ie n ciraightencn rot. n rcthe it- irrits t ýk l'air )yru ;grrorn trustcîrg, even if i cari- rît c - lii. klltL r r-k ('11tt, mai-ii- rt e rcr triC Icirtri -1net irnurit The- 'nrrt 'es ir es ir'ihîd. I rino tit -tori n - rt'riliî--I ib at- bcp- ,iltrust.rig yrru rntiefrnctely. iii1n~ otair. .;è1 trîpror--" ,%ci u cblr s- 'Ilsin't, h r ( rt- I. Ien*t- say ' ruile- d a ,i-ulor i-ct-yl'y rîtîlcrarint threg riiitel.' I 'ciarit you irrici rtallng d'r n thc-cr'-tri' b, aci sîrîculatudr i. îit torcs\t-r afro eIi , the-jryo' f nacii-maias' t-h -l !i-1ilt r love tr. She h-ait sp-ut- ilimc- i ir r-. ig iri thcmt sembrîcnce of, CHAPTER XXI. radarlr.1 î letsS Sire hart playetl On the- same night- that Zilla Plaget the -'. 'cf -'rijir' t cuir-s t-r arr irctburst îeîk rip ber residence in t-be W'ent utof nçl-ci. nov. t-be -mut-ci. it seemeci worth ho me Granît Ossvalrt sat besirie qo i:1u : ait':rr- rnetYeti'a I tri bt-nto-rlay. bis de sk, dcctating letters to bis sec- jn -c çiî hrs irrgers cinrer ht-r ret-ar-. le list-ened wt'iie the- tinkle ch iii, r cc-i ht-i fac-e, undrilrcukt-i it-o' utt-he overture ceased hi--t' - "las M r. Wenit-cortb cerne in yet ? - 1 - ai(>.r"r-- baske-i. 'art- yiicisure he arkeri wheu an ushten int-erecl cuith -rtr'hiai y-ru ic e nie"'"ka teleg ram. 4-' ie-ibip-rtt'.No, scr; we're vatx-hcng fror hîm. v, ( r - r- rc't angwt-r froi a mc uit-c. ,ot)ody hak;s c n h ru. I c r t»S\,,c t,, suri I c& cld Aick brm tiurcrut- bure as scionias r- t',-rr -ill-l cres. I have every- - hc arrives." tbrrlg1 I ci V, 1 -'ilt-rtrucst rut-, tribe- Noue rot t-be 'mploe-is ofîthte Grrîbam Ici- iic-nerti - ' tt-nie a s a svrrm- recognizv-ria mari Iteirie tbe st-aircf cm r k- V-ci ~rlrrc t- a mani. One t-be upper galîery, st--bre a steep iron nict, ' er - b. c rtc. I bni t mn my railing Jutt-erl out- upon t-be side street. hutr 't I- ast-k icttiq. Thât night 1 The rai-c felI softiy and be was muffleci feul ike a mirir whit, ltneiy ami cold,' to the- chcn iri a drab overcoat-. A trairînîc-. trnncigh the -treeti tof 'lt-y filt bat- isas drswýNn ocrer his eyes. o'lcirti toi firelil, happy 1; - If îe for-r rgedt suddenly from the sbadow 'I b -i -rlrt I1s'tanted your Iîviý tir iay himt bani upon the arm utfa faîthr rr -t'l? 't'Yu know thce nightbo-tty w-ho 'eut- springiug up the grated Im--arc, cîli-ri cu pulleci me outief s ta r. triil andi -et mv -fr-et Ou the hrgh rosit. "iteredI %,)u waut toelsd vour Tîri-lir yri might have gis cii me pity, ticket foir a dollar?" be asked rti ipc " - 'Sureý" cricci t-he boy etiaphratically. ilrnrci interrccptr-r nitr, She Put' 'Say, miqtir, wby dont- ye buy one cc1) hýý'-rtitn-ir-i',,]Pusteit aqde t-be lock fer yerrrelf ? Tbey're fifty cents, if of* h;iir i hai t craveti iver his yet git in lune at thew window"- f -rt-htad r --drn't- want to stand in fine." I tto nultbcnk, their. ct w-rcîd havei The- boy thrcst t-be slip of paste-' -t-drpity alune,' %eecentesse(]. boardtinto We nvrhshnsie lietiri i-, ti hs arms agrain. 'A the money, and td toi take his place rîanr,,ughîtiro has e protle utli manli- at t-he endl of the liue which straggled nt-enicugb," he siidpassîonatcly, '«to round tihe corner from Broadway. %o at t is ciifi - telus e him withour. one' Enoch wamted until a throng began t-tu-h of pît-y' Antd yet, 1 have wauî- tir preslt-s way Up the st-eps. H. ed s-ou 'trilrng. 1 bave n'a. a boist if pulle is ht ait down close about hi-s frni enris, like sume mnen 1 rn i onely. forehead sud the rimn fei t-o his eye-. lmft- ha-s bt-cii9ir tmPtY forrme, i waut Wbeu l'e reached otthis hanci t-othe s home, where ac wife is waîting t-o att-e-rdant at the door, thle mari did no' wet uC- Me- ant i utte chiltiren. look abt hîm; he was trying t-o -st-em rta'le litteit her hbanil ami kisred a tîde of humnan heings and malie cer- Pears F'or clear, white delicately tlavorcd prcseredpears use 1hode4 fp~or mau FINE" graulatioun. 2 nid 546 carton 10 *Mai2046bgo *Tes euepsSua une leader liit-t-d tis bat-ou andtih-et Oetrt-une t-ean A man wlho pu*heti ucserrmonîor>sly pasî arouseti Euec- f rem in huabt-lt-as muetSHo tunnetiansi at-arer t a a girl who sat beside hlm. Tht- lin-t-aon ber %an fa-s.-were et-tho-d, net by t-be)-csrs sihe bard llvt-d, but- by a gir4bood spent- in ait-lea-splacest amud t-be rt-ar ot matbiset-y. lie ast watcbing ht-r wît-h a MPaa- ils-e stare. A IdrxMumy lu-k trat-b tnt-o ht-r fat-e. beran t-o piayan iur'oa.e.qucsuuatujtaîg in wrbb 1thert- w-ma t-le t-r-ip ot dancing foot andi [a sway ot lit-lelbodies.. lie euld am- t-be lines ameeîing ouît- la heincure wurntac. ler .xng;oetei Antet-* r at- time t-Ot-ht- musc-with pt-rfroc- rhytbmn. Tht-n ht-r baud wvnt- eub in aus unconr- st-tous cnt-st-i, u.t-chin, bm. haby ladt Who sat-btuie tic. lie t-sapo'd it anm t-orotel t-o ht-rnwith aun «4we*mile. went-wort-h sîlghd. Thae <-utaîn r~» . People 't-iots c-lt-sacundrrrt-h.rot-f liticil m'jiîa tesce eIles w btewaa ster di*- turbed ti ivthe mut-le tuttiossialiy rau t-rouith the orcbt-he 11w ht-ut-r> -Of thbe play hmedgroirs .1d5 tAusdbre and uninteneutkg t-o Wentvorttbut- lt- awoved tbn, unM« at vout-e tu - qutk Dur-tm am 00r *S 9 -.04e bt-ih i. ttuttd t-o br W **ut. 'amt spolie i a t-cuQM4l, vqw Be -sve r. lWMbu tt-bbat"cd *a 'coi-nupon ZiMa P0g04 wua Mee bt-en 4dso:o te"I. 1mat bwMp' lya. wtt-bbist dyM)M. be suîtrsJWWb daruvil -awtf w hit&osa b«turmst-Lw , wà t - fury of her roli.ts h, had done ln!D T '1 A L real if e, pacing the. floor 11k. a ca.-DAI..U h ed tiger. 8h. paused at Merry's uîde balf exbausted.DR KI C L S "Think of the, chlld," ho plead.d D M O m iserably. "The child-to perdittion with the childlî' THE POLICE REPORTS SHOW AN I HM 3 M O Into Enoch's memnory ieaped a scene IMPROVEMENT. long.forgotten. Upon the edge of aIN Y U R C battlefieid, after a bioody encounter,-M TY he had once been pressed into l'os- "No raig ateFa eo h Ipital service. Anesthetics were not oTralg leteFtrefth at liand and l'e had heiped by main Prohibitory Rules s trength to l'old a rnutilated soldier S N O while the surgeon amputiated a abat- Enf orced. tered b< ne. The agony of a groan, It is now possible to forru sorno f- which the man tried to stifie haunted tion of the results of the measure Wentworth for mojnths. Sorne time adopted ln the British Isies to pre- k in his life Merry mut bave heard vent excessive aicoholism from re- such a souud and was repeating it. ducing the national efficiency in thle___________ Thon the womnan upon the stage laugh- prosecution of the war. At the out- ed. break of the war an effort was made' f -Damn ber!" whispered the lad, who to accelerate the progressive reduc- a a t oldngthe gil seud. Hetion of the number of licensed yen- Wentorth aiiei aseniy. He~dors of alcoholic liquors, by an watched Dorcas make her entrance. aedett nodlwo 94*B Something stately and higb-mettled, taeendme of an4, oldwe of 1904uBy like a-r unconscious hauteur, had been of"aon"hd inrdcdb -iddd t th dinit whch as isonly 622, ieaving Great Britain and si.-ter's great charm. This dignity' Ireland still 111,000 iicenses, to which coustantly put Zilla Paget at a disad-mutb ade aot900clb vaniitage; s h e wa s coa.rsened bv it. ý - - _.. A .......: ý__1 -1' boiled-is the besb tbing with which, to sponge and revive a silk dress. Before putting riew gloves on warm tbem and powder the hands well. Don't put them on hurriedly. Wherr waehing ciothes a few sices of cut lemon put Into the boiler will make the linen snow wl'ite. Ail boxes on top shelves shouldý have plainly marked labels on theme '- - many or uicuandistedpceetlytfor ai-' When 1HuYing Winter Vvoolens.p- e. (r-citomato sqjup, jd5t saves mue' Émes. 1rtl csdchaee - egree. coholie purposes. Meanwhile coriei- Ti ertehueiei aiga si (Ms sdlcossre i The- contrast- dawued quckly onu a gaI- -tiens for public drunkeuneuss batiact- Ti ertb oswf stcn na t ens snei-ossre it-h OlcicloUtes can be neat-ly darned,n i eyadec.unusual Situation. The war abroati tht-se. whereas worii places are apparent. Il "Aint Mgs Wntwrthswee ..Iualy icresedespcialy anon haschaeedconditions lu so mauy With Spaghetti-To give ju-t-tht-'t-bey are darnec bt-fore t-le tra I isrei t-be girl by bis sudt. maom ectnrin notestiati it was st-en t-batwiIl It w-as ruanutacturing linest-bat toal ewngh--flac-or to spaghetti auri rire are actually worn t-brough t-hyvd Stire? rt-pt-att-ci ht-r esrort fur rtvision of salues sud prit-es must be rushes crisp threcon fcrn m suces. last a long wbile for kit-theu use. - Sh,' ape hghr n wet. S on sfut-beradempoutid mfet-ise t-t- w-lt-b - prspective buyer, andcinluof baconr, (dire tht-m and adc t-ht- boled 1 Vinegar w-IIl keep t-le bande white r, Kacmr', gamnetlet-nto thf- spirw-. The oth rdwulmely met nthro ot-ber instance is this so t-rut- as in nie tr spaghetti t-o t-ht- pan cout-aining sund smooth arid pt-ovieut chappin~ - eoxre id-sabrie. jah viol eut oppositionwtotVco-R t-nroi bt e ii t- abeisuer. l c-, Figt-ht- on wtt-bosult atrom- tihe brcyiug of woolens aridiblarikets, baron anci batcruncrippings. Arît de- when exposei to t-be raId air. Ru irrg pleig eier tsuttbat- t-bete not. as tht- immense drain on al] wuoleri sireit seasouing t-o dish and let"tns- the vinegar on the banda after wasrh- Il ' <ru hi-Id your hcmnctn off ber, Char.- central licor t-ont-roi board cias t-s- mnilîs for blankets and oct-fit-s for sol- met-. This is deliciocs with a cari of iug them and before t-bey are qaite' -l-.arswrr-i tht- futreten girl w-ct-h tati hc I t-o app ly t-be amendment t-o tiers cf t-he warring nat-ions hac, raisec t-e-mat-oea, a tew stices of onion and a dry- ta gi gc£"tv. She errurlulîay eut- ycur t-b-Dfueuh-e tamA-,o -e priées andi made adutteratio)n more haIt a dezon tb o- cf octettgi-ten' Aut-w methoci cf cleaniig clothies ruut-v lit-rit- eart-asq wit-hcrue ssc'lpe." May 19, 1915, cihich empowerec t-be cummon. What-, firs'c, is t-ht- <ifferenre pepper. is suggested:-Dlp t-be clothes' brush l-i*ler-b st-trtc-att-t-be rt-st orîthte playgscrm-t to t-ont-roI thbe slf bct-wetn wooen suriworst-er? Fer- Sac- ee tvtr\ u-nfbcc ipn ytin t-beyolk of an egg so that t-be brist-- t-brnugb mmody ey-s. When the urc ruori Ildsritsssee ITui açs many n housekeeper dot-s not rt-self. 1.Itc .î-rrir s shorteniug les are quit-e wet. AlIcw it te dry, I~~ t-srfi rcteatceind act- Zîllia aget ou r actat~--i rcrsst-a- know, but t-ht-ne s a ceaI and t-et-huitcilfur pastr-crfurs-mgreasng t-be sadthe use Thistr etmeub bs, .4pae ntesaeaoet ettiorcei or ini t-ransit-. Tîcie fir,.r dut-y diffet-ru-t. Woorwlevani grlclite. - ciprciriot-s applause mirîgleci w-rh cf tht Iretrul 'cia-i to e flot- sut-h maie trcrm short fihers, twistr-i -r.. 1iug spet-ially effective. i Je-r. cuandl burt-g. Weut-ciortb grîp- rireaS, ancd hy n proceqscf trial anti give a fuzzy appearauce; worsted is If we long to be lu tout-b wit-b our p- pt-d l ticrrof bis chair as be -cvnt(-c- 4irror tht-y grcîruatî'r- îxt-enriclt-hcir malle trem long fibers w-bit-bare comb- Witb Oysters. cchilitren, if w-e w'ant t-obold t-hem by iri bc'î -ue-p t-ie bouse ssit-h a trcunîp- l-ouri-tunes, cnt-il by tîce encicf Feb- cc t-o îie !straight andti -at st-e tight!y t<sw Oyster l)isb.-Ilolos out the't-be bond of confident-esud love aft-er - brnt gczc. A ira nilof bat-e.N-hiceb niary,19l')t, some 30,000,000 of t-be twisted. It takes almost tt-n times crt-tr cf a cean, squcare -huuk of ire. t-be period of atritty bas passed, buts t-ht- rt-cof munit-r lu it- t-rre at- bis popuilation cf t-be islands hait begu as long t-o make worurted gotis as il luto t-bi hbow put racs-ysters and' wem ust effet-cornet-bing for t-be t-en- nernt-. lit- rose, ttntset hi-r tont acrrrss t-c, tise unrtcr tht- ncw rest-ric'tio'ns. dose woolen goocis, andi ht-ute thbe plat-e ou s large dish. (i-aruish anti drils te dling t-o now, wbile thle symu- bt- clr , grcrpei lt-rîtat-bt-be chair for ReslnictiJoÀs ou Traffic t worstcd is bt-t-t-et- anti also mut-ht-oct- serve w-lt-h sut-tct lt-mon. Tht- ire pat-hies and feelings are s9trong; while bus bat, t-heu ho siammeul iown t-ht-e lier, anti, of courst-, wears bt-t-t-et-. block makes an attractive tmnbq.nti t-be chilti bas t-be ouieujss of bis life ca stand suit'-u-out-. On t-be stair he Tht- restic.ticms imposet at-cc Need of Information. keepa t-be Qysters t-oIt 1with ours. mel an rrsber. n1, I.imitiug t-be sale of sinit-cous Wber t-be average womnan buys mit-- Oysters sud Mac3iruni.-Use ont- pint Soda wat-er, wbicl' ta an exceptional- ci\Ir. W'eut-cs'crth, cniedtht-e bus'. liquors t-o t-w-oaud a haIt bout-s, 12 t-r)t-ena or sweaters or blankets, what oyst-ers, t-hree-fourtbs t-up maaon]y gooti cleaniser for most kit-chen Iv*ýe lier-n lookiug everysi -hett for yot., 2.30 p.m., on five clays cf t-be week sund kuowledge dot-a she employ ? Tht- ma- (broker inl ont-iluch pieces>, saIt-, pep-! ware, shoulti utver be used on alum- 'Mn. OF\,iatt si-st-s to sie you lu bis prohibit-ing it tctirely on Sat-crday t-criaI may t-ontsm "sbotidy."' Thisiha pe-r and flour, crie-haIt t-up but-tered nmmut-ensila or t-bey will speedily lose -office abouut- stmt bookirigs. -la nti Suay. 'rt-generated" wool made from tailors' t-rumba, oue-tourth cuptul butter. Cook: their bright look. Wash this mets] Enoch decrentieti it-bcut anrrwerin 2. Limit-ing t-be sale of malt - 1- crapa and olci woolen garments pul- macaroni in boiling salt-ed w-at-et- un-'ciu plain warm wat-er anýl dry quit-k-. chlm. Het pa-ccsed oncet--to pusl' bis quors anti wines t-o t-be five or six loti spart by macl'inery anti combed t-il Sof t. Drain sud trise wut-h colti ly on a dlean soft clothl. Give an ex- arma intîr bis coat, but- be diii not- en- bout-s bet-ween 12 sud 2.80 p.m., sndud nt-il it- eau be rt-spun. A matieniaI watt-r. Put a layer in bot-t-cmcf a tra polial wit- a second t-lot-h or piece nt-en t-be office; lit-tad, be t-crut-c anti 6 sud 9 or 9.30 p.m. t-le week round,. containing a gooti deal cf 'ebotity"1 buttet-t-c baking disb, rover w'it-h oys-i cf chamois. walked down Broadwiay. Tht- nain, practicslly t-be heurs coinciding wtt-h cvii creuse easily, bas s "dt-ati," sticky t-ers, sprinkle wit-h sait anti pepper,j -hadci easeit, tht- sky was clear, and t-be midday anti eveuing meals. 1 feeling, and t-le ibers break off Sharp- dredge with flout-, dot- over wit-b one-' t-be stars wene shining. Ht- tramped. 3. Forbiddiug t-ht- sale of liquor t-c ly when pulleti. "Shoddy" la a net-es-! brut the- butter and continue. Cover- Dyspeptics ShouId ou heedlessly Ht- realizeit scddenly - be taken off t-ht- premises, entireîy on, sity, bt-cause there isn't now enoug w-lt-h bctt-ered crumbs andi bake fon t-bat- ho sias tanrtiowu t-scwu luint-le Sat-urday anti Sunday and aft-er thle,- pure wool t-o go areunit; but atlt-ast tweut-y minutes. Avoid Drugs And bt- unas ht-art nrf thet-uty. Overbeaci mididle cf t-le afternoou on other tisys. a woman shoulti know for what she is To Fry Oysters s Golden Brown.- hrng t-be aigu cf an old-taabioned ho- This hast apples only t-o saleons; paying, andi not psy a pure-wool prit-e Select large, plump cysters, drain anti tel. H-et openeci t-ht- singing doors "liquor at-ores" may at-Il for "off" co- 'twa-e place on a boardi. Dry t-ath ocrtart-- Mcdicîncs suad w-alked t-o t-be desk. sumpticu in ateordance wit-h t-des 1 AIl woolens are aIse adulterateti fufly wtt-h s piece cf scft cheese- I ci-st a room,*' be raid peremp-- anti 2. wu- o--n fcusw aut -o- nida i- at u epper. 'rry a Little Ma gnesla Instoad. tot-ny. 4. Absolute prohibition of t-reat-.ibuy a pstbof a garmeut t-o t-est, but To every d6zen oystene allcw ont- egg, Some people instinctively shut t-boit 'Vi'at prit-e?" asked t-ht- clerk. i n;tbst nort -o ntl if it- is any kinti of yard goode, t-ht-,t-be whlite sud yoik beaten toget-her eyem tu danger. and It may be t-bat In- 1 ig; hisis nfocedeve intheý 1stinct, orr custom or habit causes ays- I dou't gis-e sacamu about pt-cc. bons fitit clubs.1 bunning t-tst-l excellent, To do t-bis,- wit-b onet-tablespooufui of wst-m watt-r peptîca t-o t-aie druga. patent foôdsanad Iwaut- a rot-m -ht-rt- it- ia quiet, wbtre' 5. Extension cf aIl t-le above mess- buy five cents wortb cf caustic soda atrDpth-cser ie afn tht-ne taa gooci t-ci, ant w-ht-rt i t-su t-es t-enlubsnee -h -ht-daene r sud il cetin t-tct-t-e tt -p s i a s if we re d w eac ."xi ra1y xi or er t- t -cdr g t-ete; it- com es h in s ali tru m b , t -en in to eg g , t-btn ba tk nto P ut- clos ng te eyez d es not ban is b (To bea if-- ouif 1weu dd. nake impossible evasion cf t-be law sticks. Place a t-up cf wat-er in a t-ht- cru.mbs. Be careful t-o keep t-be, druqs nor nuedlcines posseas t-be power (T e t-ht- mushroom vaniety cf suthtmail agate saut-tpan, add s t-wo-inch t-rumba dry and tht- egg fret- frein't-o etry the harmnfcl excessive t-id in stcsfsduanuce -i ou--cub. Cniueutlyuhv t-be stomacb. wbich ta the uuderlylug -4-l-I iiuions. siko oim adwI hss - rms otne ni o aetcause cf mont forma cf ludigttou anti A PRAISEFO ANMAS.tion la boiling atit a sample cf t-ht-'dippedth -le deaired numbers. Wheu dyspepela. Tht-y ray gI- temporary lt-sat-ban 25 pet- cent-. under pof sseiec rs od. I h a-rayt r aeagoszd a must be taken. and ail t-be time the actd cIgnore NMan Because Natives Do Netsu sîowng t-be dealer t-o dicute pIe i15 al]-wool," it will have eut-ire- haIt-fuît-ci wit-b fat or cil, whicb te best. rmisI h tmc sdneosa K~ll .ly disappeared i n about a t-went-y-mniu- VWhen cil canuot be bati -use hait sut-t Physiciens kuow this sud iliatliq why Kilor rat Tht-m. t-o 50 pt-r cent. under utfl'e wisl'es. ut-e boiling; what-ever rt-mains la cot- and hait lard or baîf et anti ba-f otl. t-hein adIle se aft-n to eutferers frcm n - IT - ~ - k ~ digestive aud st-omet-b trouble la 'Just Pierre Loti, tn bis bock on "îndia,", Temperauce Restaurant-s. it-on, geueraliy set-n un a mass cf tangl.. Drop a pît-ce of urea i ixto t-ue, fat; gel about au ounce of pure blaurated repet-tediy describes t-ht- feanlessnes t-d meel'. if it ii browu in t-went-y seconds it1 magnesta f rom your druicoisitand tait@ o f animai-inntht-beunry. Hesays:ihet-oadPbat-stfivehed atarge a toaspoonful lu a littie watt-r immed- anmae xitba- outy.Ht ey: ht bar asea-aUhei are To t-est endurant-e fft-lot-b: Pt-t-a s i h i i ia. Pu eo I ately aften eset-y mla. This will In- " My rooni waa ut-ver ciosei, .ut-t-ht-r number cf temperancp restaurants t-be two thumbt-cgt-t-ht-r on dloth sud1 oyst-ors lu t-be trying bakt iu at-at-ly neut-raitze ailt-he baru- ac tId duning t-ht- day uer t-le nig't-, sud convenient for munition workt-rs, c t-heu pull mat-erial stTrsight out-, first plunge t-hem into t-bt fat. As soon asn Iu t-hoat-omacb and stop sl foned fermen- thbe birds cf t-he air made t-ht-r humne' anti bas encouraged t-h. saloons i'warp wsy, t-btn filling way; if it t-tas tht-y are s golden bt-own lt th -e bas- mera i t-out erxperleucing mthe Ieant witbme; perows alkd onth' establiahing facilities fer thbe salt- of' or fraya, it shows tnt-k of atrength. ket sud drain tht- oyst-ers sud send t-a p'in or unpt-easaît-ness afterward. mats t-bat covered the fluor with0ut eat-abies anti non-alcoh4lie beveragea, 1 To discover if materia] will stand tht- table at once. If you f ry maay at . _ es-en heeding my pt-est-ate, anti lit-tle by allowing thet-r el-h tht-se during1 st-rain at- ams, t-ht- threads shoulti ont- ttimet-h-le uystiers may be placet- VALUE 0F CANADIAN CROPS. squirreis, alter an iuquiring gaze, tht- lours prohibit-ed for strong1 be testedta tese if tht-y move easily. If> as soon as t-bey are frt-ed lu a pan at came in, t-oc, sud rau os-tr t-be fut-ni- drink. -But it- in by' pushing t-ho t-ho thrt-ndet-an be puahed - easily it it-ht-os-eu door, where tht-y wiii keep Five Cereais Produced 555,636,0O t-ut-e; andi une morning I saw t-be est-ablishment of cantees slit-ht- fac- wilI fray when stiraix isl applieti. bot. Baes au 538760 crows percheti on t-le cornet- cf my t-ries themselves t-bat t-ht- board Tht- breaking strength cf yaru ntb-bsse pealu rtta moaquitc, net-." -bas dont- muet- tae staIbfiabt.he habit i should bho test-t-c, sud aisot-be differ- HusOndHi. -t e Dominin o vmcut esiaes Describiug t-bt enchanteti wooci of cf rat-tonal refreshmeut among t-beit-ne bet-ween t-bt warp anti filling HueodHns h oiinGvrmn siae Oodt-ypo-t, wherte at-o wild boars, working classes. i Utreads; s weak warp wiIl be brokeri Turpentine wili soften hardent hetbt value uftht-e five ct-rt-aIt-reps at moakeys anti a number of birtis,'The board la t-mpowert-d t-o ac-j if a.beavy filing t-ht-tad ie lusertutîtin shot- poliah. $613,887,690, as follows: flighta ut t-utte des-es andi drus-es of qutre either ternporary or permanent it-. Tht- perfect pt-tserve cioset is coulCe-s Production Prit-e parrt-u-, l'eganys: "Flot-ks ot superb possession of axiy saloon lut-ht- ara Close, fit-m 'eas-es are usially en- anti dat-k. Wberat -.199,9-c0l0 $1 . TS66,7ici peacot-ks st-rut up anticdown among untier lt-a ontrai, and ît- bas bet-n'during; looue, ope~n unes are apt to Colti bet-fst-eak makes a very goodti mts S 41.602.000 .5t% 198,139.160 IBat-ley $4.408.000 .8.9 28,214.600 t-be tead tires, t-unning wit-bout- dt-erned ativisable t-o do t-bis i-n t-ht-cac-h andi pull out cf shape. bail' ou toast.rye 1.15esao i 2.28P.1,20 st-rett-cd Wt-alh-e wondrolitshaeexi'case ot about fity. Compensation in Testing Bianketa The. work ut whippimîg cnetan l F51. . 8.8:5.300 2.10 18,533.130 of which looks like a Spirit- of green usuaily arriveti at- by amicable agret-- Buyixig b!anketa is a t-cal t-est cf à lt-st-ut-c by haîf if t-be cnrn ami fit-st Totale. .-656.6000O$513.887,690 andi iucautescent met-aI. Ail t-ht-se 'ment with tht- lit-enset-. This ttm woman's intelligence, for in ne ettber chilied. Last year t-boit- trops aggregated animais are frt-ee and urtst mced, bais bt-en founci le"a effîmicaous t-han cltne aret-tht-rt-go many deceptis, ge To smootl' aunl-ou piunge it while 962,760,000 bushels, and t-ho official yet- t-ht-jrdemesr in not t-bat- of tht- est-ablishment et Induat-nial t-an- many ostenscible "all-wooia," or la t-b e st-y bot imb colti wner with a litt-le valuation amenutedta4-e-474,163,09t or -idaiasadbrs o nteetes work of findîng eut qualit-y so tif lt-uit1 a i l 7 pt-r. cent lt-sat-han t-ht- present- lands, where tht-y are u-e hi r.nes-au~<te Blankets ahoulit rutver bc bougt - un A nos-el)lit-a ilat-oflas-or strng bt-ans smiller crop. bY Maxi, t-ht- ide& cf fligl't dot-a sot - - auy butt-ht- moat reputable- store, u wit-h mint anti serve t-hem wit-ruat animate t-hem a» it- oeat home." iAs t-o the gen-mai t-ssuItlt oa U t-h hé cas tre i isea better 1mbOliS-. This respect- for animai lite la not above met-lids of cont-roit-he board ruarante e o quality fr-cm t-be eubet,' When CoOking appies a few draof ut «I was readlng that tht- Geunana coeal u tot-ht- Buddhiata or Jaini;, bascalieti attention t-o t-ho teîowing IlBut nov t-o t-lt-I'al-,wooi" from fcor- rlt-mon juice greatly iruprovea t-ht-fias-- have diseovereti a wsy et treatizg the- &entIment lus et mut-h more an. figut-es. Ln Lo-ndon asnd viciait-y the t-on, or part-cottoun n tht-et-ht-r pro- ot-. wood seat-bat it t-an b.estes.' t-lnt-ong'î. iere Ltit-alsus hattiilyast-rge t oavctons~,portons: Firt-t, a certain mixture aei Fear sud worry cause tmore unbap- "Not£ag e i ta. 1 hsln tht-t l'rrer, cfPirLi atiell un th irnknnsaawic wa ,3iln 91 jce-tn i ablnkt-a otoaf epeoipice atifalue that nfoigr10 rknwnt-atIfyo rmeo-h d l ut *ke taIboo«mi« M4i be t*Nbfl tç-atu 4" ~ a m*M sa, TO END CATÂRRUÂL tI. aw.t- P«"4"t DE4FNESS A" » 00«$V-6 ut *n-b* a e»U* ebom Wt* Oý4 w vu latntt-*8ib la daau am 'adta$of 4-ht s $ -'s -5.-t--.- - "-c'- a' - ~1 nn4 - n