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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1916, p. 8

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PÂ'rn moirr ~r~fXflfflZMIIIlRlnuu2-,n ott jj ~ _ cs.nY wr oUr ha-'yMeem& rir aetot rw lr, tr rllMr. Joe Yourex was laid ý off, work Lettersableotu rovidete averai intore boxes te OttaWa, the West, The book wili Ie lOtilirat daye with liness, but reported It aL m ro h by wowudntb rementber I: lb at that -printers »d ibdokblnders tFR frdyMoay tW,8y froiii Il et. Altogether 19 boxes were sent te an ma-ko lit. It wtIi be aplendid for Ifl1oI ARl UII frduyMo. Ilthe boys frein the church, andi se*verai a Xmas glft, ln tact, -many d'iem - SixfoItalne fi tfcmprt estu ~~ Il ~other boxes through the Y.M.C.A. have ben given for' tsa-t purpose al- trwe frIay efgt o hirO.l g OUf tItftS9OIU flJS l Tihe soelii held ln tbe Methodlist S. ~ - Thse 0#t%-i- deal iith many IU I~H II 11< ' Ms .Fxbssl e os nts JScool on Friday evenîng wae 1s altiabeca heewdas e-a 8 TROU I IIV JILE South ward to Mr. Ted Goidring. clded succese ln evcry way. The schoel draainl whlch many local cecebrities____ Ceci and George MeCammen, ef To- BROLNwas prettily decorated witb flage and appear, au essay on -The Pionecrs," N nH t rente, spent the week-end witb their BROOKLIN ,~bunting and ma-pie leaves. A large and similar matter. Tbe poes on "Thse lni l tr uncle, Mr. liugit Ross, et Aeylum tarin. qm Tsss AlesP MBre ad onaiig n onrrol f 7Kaiser," willi also appear la titIs book. dd TelIV vuuumthvuowng Prm Tordtif, M. Gormley,, and Arthur Nos- naines was also haaging on the wall.Te rve le mder a t . TBuTrns"FrR once.s 'ers ar'e beblnd ffi tba-t kind of work. bitlf hswe o h ot on rgauwsgiven, consistingofTepi swd-rt oik fof&m l TrapPere. except on their own prop- try os Ihetr anarial dfer hunt. songs by Mr. W. Kerr. of Ashburn, and 0o--5- UMLI TMwrL, erty. ill have to pay a license of $51 The inany frlende Irere 'of M rs. Mr. C. Mackey, of Kinsale. MIàe A. KINSALE. MCAPA1 T MA. to trap thîs season. flowies NN-11 be sorry 10 blear of hier Olver gave a very fine reading, and <'For two Y, y I 1was al fisera-ble Good progrese le belng made at the cevere IlIness, the resulît of a stroke. Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Ashburn, gave a lie sPn be at iwor te sîcg îs. Ma sufferer from Rkemaisin and Stoinacs Asylum buildings. A cottage Is belngl MIrs. WVni. Stel)ben le vislting bier ais- most lnteresting address. Gaines were Mson beda outkthagaîn . The Ti-oube. 1 had frequent Diz.ry Spellr'r Irsbed for the doctor. They could take lera.lnM.%închpyr oad orurn n Mrs. ed wancd as broulig lu noyt e bthougbt of bier son John comlng frein and wlien I took food, felt wretched on more help for the buildings. Nls Nctleo Ahur ndMs.e wih a to amhy nof¶ed to Fort WllIam Ia keeping ber up a-nd and eleepy. I suffered frein Rheu--O Thoînas Porter 'isiled friends tin the ail present. The proceede ionte t n her-lome, when she sbould beiln the 'siig-on MnçIidas. over $3000. This moiiey was spent iln hospitaLl or some home where she would mnatisin dreadfully, with pains in my BROUGHAM. this.%NorattndIirithe lS.n che Cn- er preparbgCbxeufrhe oyfre omtbe bewell cared for and flot wear eut the back and joints, a-nd my hands swollen. On Wednesday. October 25th. the N-sent idnn as a dei.ogare f rom ithes-Met b-1 France and England. Tire boxes were nelghbore. A friend advised "Fruit-a-tives" and home of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Lldgeti. odit . rbollire.sbppd in wek Mr. and Mirs. C. J. Stevenson attend- froi tihe outset, they did me good. Oslîawa, was tbe acene of a quiet but j c .Slol ir.'lpeddt ek d Locust HIi Chtirch last Snnday. -flcr lihe firsi box, Uru't'I1 was getting prrtty wedding. rvben tireir sister, Leaa Tfir ,- ath,,Qcenîrre I ln Toronto on t 1ev. H. W. F'oley bas been onr a tour A good edueational sermon was M i1Idred. eldeat datigliter ofthie laie NIîrdrr Ot~ler3u5tr rî thrlî n Ili- intereet of Bible Siciety -ork. preached here la.et Sabbath by the olan Iea tmîhuyan'ht Alexander Moore and Nirg. Jessle W rlkin, riiolrt rthlaiemn Arniitir Pnar- i Word reached this comunity last Geodwoed Mettiedist Minister. Not "Fruit-a-iives" is the onlyiy mdicino Moore, of Brougham, Ont., w-as unilfed ns-tu irs-caedus N(Is-liunow-n bers-. week tint Mm. Jamnes Bra-ader. -ho many people attended. Wae tblnk t00 thathelpednne". LOUIS LABRIE. ini marriage to MIr. Herbert Henry ira ruru iedliaru or îay yrrr. Srs-llvd bths vcinty or nuberoffew people îînderstand the Educational 50c'. a box, 6 for $2.«50, triai size, 25c. Parker, ofithyoldrvrrer Ot.e.A.H %%cr ritg TsiForntlo iiaî n'(ar agir. and vrarF. passas%- awit s borne ln Fu.nd In otr chrîrch or more w-orld be F)r' tWrtr-o'itd 111s u-riItfor suirii. tî- H-r fiu-11 rii.oru sridi, ,october 22nd.: inîerested. Atali dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- TIre bride,. wfio w as gir iiiaway by ittlu oi , i slsîtr-- lluis Tilirg c « v usronIr- NI r itraui i i i- su- yt- pet -ars M 1r,.A. t' Macîrberson ( Mille Har- -uc urtr,<ta .le rriri ailooked drus r inz in 1ri.il oft i N U t ur i"usu rr lt )Irnu-Iu of arus lioli'sed for conetîie on hii, ri, on.t i s -isg î-ery - l i the bospital ______________!_____________ a Fsors ruof w ite ipsiIk wýiti long tîrtîsl 1-ý Iuru. Iru ruir(; sul. t,(rnwis rNlie iirnurrîri srf is 0 r itlie tcaftter-jr Toronto w-Pli diphiherla. Rer rnany reit catrht rrp wii ti oraurrue btoasorrs. 1 Inrt-îriurdrsudrh ii rsr lru'us1ss1s;1p<outr LI-rlefrienda lierope she rra- recor-er. NMra. flobt. îÏow-and s spenrdinza anil ti corsage- boîruqutof w-ite rurrua- u- s-rrridulrs' l tr r'treiir Tire Ladies' Aid Bazaar -hi lbe lreld n i-ccI ivtiber far ber lnrBrooklii. t irons. r. Lonr Led gel r. ater of flie (li\lssndsurr-r uai uti01 si i t- rd-:r Is uscryh bg Il re- on Irire 7thb iseember. 1-lItproceeda NI ra. Froat, of îarlingtoi sperît a trid. acs-d rs irat roîr of lirtnor. wt-ar- ccuuur r lsa rI. i'ssb r .r s~ r t ri rs fi urbt rorvi lnii Izco othe led (Cros.E-ervorre la frece orrtIîs-of days irer cousin.\Is na-o fpiislkwtovrcs Utr. r.our¶ s . usîuro f Nr \I 1u-ori n l-lu urrus a w ifs- arrd Iodonars- Le-t ail do Esomeý*tiing. jFre,.d bGIe.;1iir MP. of rrhilo elrifforuIrirîrrîrsd wlth pearla. K !l il and rruu d 111,. resfuir rr01t, srupiu ur r nru îrii tc. iard Marke%- la expert cd home -N 1 .rs. Frank Rire nnd daigirterDor- rrhord rogbra s jurofiu rk l aons Isu1 l'l ~- u us usr i brirI utMr hI uir u.ais rsrsiving odr i aie-:also Mr. q. Marks-y. wbo oth:. vsrdwirh lier ga - n1r Tire aoonr( roas sur portf s .Hri risru-r-u-s ru -r r s- lîrluiid fr-un far siirus foriluis rs-ns issolu. Sas is-sur ttîreeninontbc in ttre StIatea. Nîr,. NV cGregor on Srrndar 1.Zsor--ciiu- o.tirsbrdT-h'l" - c'utri-1uu t-1-ruosf irus-ru- - .rksandt r irs-t ctr i s si'd bs-fors- 1tris-j Nci NISrnday ujiarts-rly meeting wulîl MrStcsl.of oono 'iîd oru ifoirdiraanaelur irelir i-d ir rirougtainCirrurrl. There over tire wvsek-end w t .B adMr.tireeklac-: ro the irairusîof-t lusrr.a - iilbs- no service lierie. burt Sabbattr1 titEd.uB.ads. a nua ii-: thi lest nin anîd th ire bc S'tom ll rtho at 2 o'clock. M.nd'Ia Lrnzrrnnadm rrouunu ruif tinkc. Atr r rrheon Ir wjg-raSsrrrsofuthr(lic armera tiare tetter chitidren. vlsitod in Osthawsa on Sundarjriras ss-rr d in tirs dining rousîn. rnid i prîtat ces r Ian n i-n- looked for. and uofvt rlouOn Ms dnRcbsrr'- c rrerfu r ri rand hi-r tin irrritus arre rors inrv, too. A\ililes are ard cznislaon 1r ruesirk 1list. '<Vo iro1sw .1 rd Mr 'rr'rht fu h r IL .crrc. tru agod rnc unr far url-to sec bier oui agairi very soon. t trii) nu-d-r oirrus-. tire-iride is A~~ ~~~~~ ~~i v. M r. Il. Mlcllri(,n liaving about 500 rard r.F.ladodantaa-rrluioiruitn isrrusr tr O IV iI. ~~~ ~hmros 1Gi I f:.rtsIilirieno-d< lsu's.uiss rtIo inrureluard lour blark .Nrrîtîiarr Fairbanks-Morse Oit Engines burn the chcapest grade of coal oil. 1k costs onl' one third of the money to operate an oit engine that it does to do }'our work on gasoline. \Ve guarantee our oit engines to wlork better and cleaner on coal oit th an anv ot'lir fuecl. zVi~the men 'Ne have sold t o, or xxritc2 us for informiation. Uriah Jones, Brooklin, Ont, orHair liealth k.se Rexali "93" Sair Tonc. %J;W éiand sud lp w wi Wtorwhatyou i uhe tri. sbottlediRemxll 1"p" HIairTout, f< o or 30 ibeni f nDot e& ce and tell us and a fin .e ah leant to . slta Dssstotes ezlslvey. 3oc. a4" '- as Zlur IRoue anrd Miss L. 4e irursu. of Toronrto.r-itc over flic weèk- errd aItirhe furrîrers Ironme lucre. Mur, Lidgeît. of Dartirratou. fias rr-nt- sd T. I- l'lîit tus farmi. Nîr. llarry 110) ssand MsssViolet rand EdnofruPlirkerinrg, spint Srinday Si1 ti r , ar ii) d Mir s ER. 1I lo nilrnd. 'Mrr. Vancunrî. otfI arlîncron. spent a ((uript-- of da v s w iirlus-ir darîgi- rn-r. ZuIrs. Fri-d brrls Wi icru rand NlIrst un aman -ot Oslh ruaN-s-trIi- ns s' ek-cnd aIt he hiome 's ire formefra s ar-a-Iatsiers-. M'i ranrd Nrs 1-F.Ilon anid Vernon, ard Zutr. N'. KI i-uanud Lorne, motored ru) Torurrute son Ttuursday lata. Lands For Sale 'F-oiesil i - irercsi-ed for ithe run- ds-rinirrissrsd lrtrîrsrits rîj to nroonon Owi t of ur. tN isurtsr1916. Thre torst or auuii ii urui tot nece>ssarity îrarcst-d. Tire trou -Irand 7. lori ire old lrick, tino set M'iIlt- solid PALICEL NO. 2. A lot north of present Whitby June- tdon. This lot Is a mosr desirable building site. L'wc-lings on ibis lut wouid aI- w ay s be ln demnand. Thie boiel and tbis lot sbould be borîglit by the sanie party. There le enough materlal in the botel building to construct two or three dweliing-s on the station lot. PARCEL NO. 3. A two acre block south of Mr. C. A. Goodfellow's residence. This land is tinderdrained and bas been thorougbly rnanured; therefore Itl. i an ideal spot for gardening and offers good sites for dwellings. PARCEL NO. 4. Four acres of excellent land seuth aide of Dundas St., a mile eat oethLie main corner ef the town, wlth root cel-' la-r; stable for 12 cattie, with a streai et water ln front eftihern: alaugitter- bouse and pigpens witb cernent foore. Aise supplied wltb ruaning water. Offers an excellent site for a wbolesaie butcher te operate between Wbitby and Oshiawa. W. IL Priagi & C. WHITBY, ONT. juisivaratud y Nîrs. R. HaIl MNr. Wiltiam .Ayrrea and Zatr. E. Seh enson w err- nielcome visitrîrs inumorr rchoir last Sunda y. Re-r. Mur. Wilson. of King Suz. itr odist Chirli, Oshrarwa, prenýrtred nar crs% litrleaing sermon lIre lasî undi L.anîiu ro:ur - rOn Itus-jr"tr u iin Mv n rrd Mrtrs, thi-lrtm nilI r ils' rut (rutd\vt ru, r Otr iro. Nt'Mt.:1.0tlUItuiN NIlN FOR NVHI1TIIY tu-. Tlioe nonar ion s for tire Ninias iboxes fos'r il i os at tire front air-- cnui $100 REWARD, $100 irrin r i-srauirîli. _Miss ('orruurck The reauteraof this paper sirt be rureaqed t1 -trrstire fut <ii irur o arknuoîla-drue: learî tn t there ilaaai reasr ore res-ted disease M admf1."kaihnk that scienre has heer, stsie to curinsuarrrlil Iitur urru-ts Ilaifurdkr stages. and that la Catarth. Catarrtu heing - dri-fs: N- sk r.. r- trtacro:NIr. greatty lurltuenîceul h! c nntiiuiinaiucunditions - ti-.cr-ulr -lrr:(trr reqrîires a coutitrtionai treatment. iHall S Catarrh Cure j, take,. internalty. and aa s ur-I.uî heriiusueusînu -lt s- burs : Lizica the Bioos'i unthe Mueos,Surfaces usf rhe ihutîe.crrur' sr: M r. Fred Systeni, tbereby c'estroying the forîndatios, Ilafctî uir Luure orurîruit.vofut rssircco: î1 of th e isease. gising the hpaient sIrengih bv it 6u tis~u ire constitiution aid assig - l u.tlac:a ti u ioou Sisîre L i n ig ira work Tire proprierors ba rs: W. G. '<Vutera. 1 dozi-rr kîtrki ha Ve somîîch falth ini the curative powera of lirrrillurcluiu fs: Mrs. J. Il. Perrv ci- Hall's Catarrir Cure thai ihev offer One Hi,, - dred Dollars for suy rase tbat ilt alla ro cure.racu.n îueru :Fra-d '<atera. I1 Send fer list of. tetiîmonîata. -Iroerk1iuuki irrrdki-rcieus: 2MIrq. A. Adulceqs :F. J. CIH NF Y CO., Toledlo, Ohio. lIe-ruutossar-- ihuiruu slMrs loola-y . SoId by al Druggists. r-uc. ie Mr re ogrcir - rLes: ls Nslic WMiiaoir. rîoclate ASHBT7RN. tac Nr.Lurîsry. chocuitata-ba rs: '<isN Marr. Litetros Soap and Mr. and 2-\Ira. Kerr anrd triu nds Ri-j tobascri: 'Ors- A. MI. Jolirsion. 1 pair U-rrded a Red Cross roncs-rt ai. Brook- suics: -Miss Els-ie Watîrru-. dorulate liin on 1-ridav. Otur asior. la <Vn era is NarjorreitRs. chocolat(, Johnniou . in rurr rîtu-t irrg and drur- liare: 2Nirs. 'Mary Tridd. 1 pair scrks; ing tlk. rs. S. E. Tuudd, rhocolats- bars; Miss '<N have had ruood li-Itters trorror N. -Harrer, 1 p-air susckr. 'Ors. .1. Mc- broys ini Franre. and r ,ýruur i 55u -rr osreu -r. .Msr. buc Good Pick Io the boys of ris llrs 'lissIdar Moors-. clocolaust-brurýs: .'rs. .\fr. and Mrs. Rohr. IlIa-n ra tin luj(uu1'Ni tuls. 50c.: 2Ira. Coinv. $I: tireriiyon Wdnu-ulay.'rs. Lrrgtonr. 5uic.: 2Ira. Jotun Thomson, Ouir newi stora-keeper, Mr. Parker ý: Nlrs. E-. Ha.rtur. $1. lias arrivcd. Misas P. NNillîs, robacro: 'Miss Mrax- Mr. and Mrs. Thoma Broohses of Weil, O.LC., 1 pair aoeks: Mîrs,.NWm. Toronto, risir.ed Mrs. Wilson oner suri- Campbell, citocolate bars: F. N. Buirris. day. lairge-îuantily of tobacco and chocolate 0O- bars: Mrs. R. Correll. $1-,r MNrs. S. W'hit- BALSAM.-, 50c.; M.iss B. Anderson, $1. Joseph and M.rs. Fvans. of Claremont. spent Sunday with Richard and M-ra. Ward. Mlr. Appleby le building an addition te bis bouse. Miss Amy Cerner spent the week end wltb Miss A. McKay. Wmi. Hopklns la busy these days dlg- ging bis potatees a-nd reports a good yield tor titis ycar. The many frieuds of Win. Routley wiil be sormy te hear et bis death, wshlcb took plnce shie en aAsir- humn on Frlday, Thte tuneral, wbicls took place on Monday, was largely at- tendeti. Wm. Edwarde wli heiti an auciion sale et good maple standing tiinber on Tuesday, Noveînber 2let. -20 -- THORNTON'S CORNERS. Thte weatiter tis mentis has been un- usually fine. bItle te 1* hopeti Il wil continue on Into, November. .- The root crop ta turuing eut Pretty fa-ir la titis iocality. Mmra Hersey la under thte dectom's came Just now. Mm Bert L.uke and i tile Mies Ger- truade visiteti at Mra.Wn'sLukes last Saturday. Mm. George Reeson has been suffer- -Ing frein a félon on bise juger. Mr. Wu. 8turgm eas been ou thte a-tek ligt thts la-stweek. Silo flUing lanow over and thresblug tu aga uthe orde of theday. Mr. George Mamnieulb xovint on tise plaS e h» asr.nte& msd Mm. John Ger- don je takini hWa former reetience on iii. Hloagproperir Mmr. Georp, Mattu hati amSce»uf nI mile Mm tweek. .S. 24.,1 W&ITBY. Cbiees ttiees byav t .bo»M aIâeoa -tt. i"s bmaity &Amtaisalyt bobag a favorite-wu I théS On. y*> 4&Y aitht WMe "8«= i. ta" tha t t bouft4ffl' ism »rWY SALE REGISTER. Friday. November 10.-Auiclion sale of tarin stock and implements, tîhe property of E. Edwards, lot 30. rear con. 4, Wbitby Tp. Sale at orne o'clock rubrunr. 'i~'n. Nlaws, auctioneer. PARKER-MOORE-At the home of Mm. Lon Lldgett, Oshawa, Ont., on tire *251h of October, 1916, by the Rer'. A. H. Foster, Lena Mlldred Moore, to Herbert Henry Parker, et Coid. nrater. W. A. Young Replies to ""South Ward." (Contilued frein page 4) Iug water. la nonsense. EvMrthing lu te ptimp station la wbat lte contract c.alled for-pemtect la ail respects. and la a-n Ideai systean. tite sa-me thai bas been masta-lIed la etiter towns, and wiic are wemklng sa-iiatactomy. Whlî. by Pumplag Station ta no experiment, 111la positive. Any machinery ile hable te get eut et cemmission, sud 1 venture te atate ha-d titis trouble ta-ppened twe years ience nothing would have been sali. Just because sometilng gees wmong the englacer ought te have hie wia clipped, i. ght b. expecteti of somne. but not 1w ail couamon sense thinsing ffpeopeTbeu "South Ward" gees on te sar somethîn; about thse COUneiland tiuîiIîy Cenauim 1. have nothia; te do wilh titis, but what 1 woulti Uke b sa-yla, tha" cerlly thse Mayer and sou. melabers of thse coutdil bave a)ways takm ua rast Wu teret ln the *reeti<si cf ta uspnaa station. What 4"South Wanr' mu.a on wvts authertty lMyer Warren Ceamut toy V"tit ti îb l out ofteem e. bughlb a vo lm1~ -or eds io *tê-* *Uaic $DM ue C tbnjr;thi uerai la, ",U ou dWt' lm«.1 u-but know 0SiWLy tradmou«.. & cf x«y ut tltc Foreai or Wood, Coppsr reoeervoir, fuillniekel finish. The CadiIIac Electrie Vacuum Cleaner is a health and labor saver'in the berne. Other scasonable goode, Of which we have a complote as8ortment, are-Powse7 Gaso- lene Enginea, Weigh Scales, Washing Machine, Wringere, Cream Separatore, Binder Twine and Ques. W. F. DISNEY E ST'D 187 3 , : w C. A. McClellan, 'LItc Il'L, 0'I1OS Spoolal Stesi Iamg~ at:$25.N Bell and Ind. Phones Whiftby, Ont. Xour surplus earnings in our> Savings Department earn inter- est at current rate. 236 HITBY BRANCH Manager. (IANVASS IN THEI GOUNTY. The, Province of Ontario's rpsponse in t1e appie:il of thre IritishliRed Cross iras regil led In tIre arrbscrlp)tion of rii to edate, w iîhi a large num- ber (J ra ni cipalit les yet to report. Crirn(oirntv is well represented intir 11w is r fsubscrib'rs as follows: 'i ()\V N ,r1r11 1roc kç.............. ..$0g Ilicke ring ................) U x )r i d...... . 1f 1ruug ( ) \\rîr b I .' IBave(rlon..... .......$1,250 Plort Ilé rr% ......... ....3 Osllawa ...... ........ Nhirby ....... ..... .....2,200) (Ci but I om sMw er ýt a lu sniin Rama, Thorahu, Wlitby o;nu i. anrd Can- ninrzton, the resiiîts of wluicb have ont be-en roported te rthe Central Offlice, Par- lirtnrent BidigToronlo. In addition 1<) these amotrots it la e\peted irt t he rnrnicijralit les not yer rerautdwiII In'fortbicoining witb gc nerouri otribut iorî, andd rbat r ho amrnrns given bY the places ahovo trient loned will be srrlppier-npnted hyý fu rr ber cont ribrîr ions fromi individrials,. scho)ola. IRed Cross and other patriotiC conml i t1 i r. e HIGHLANDS 0F ONTARIO CANADA The Home of the Red Deer and Moose OPEN SEASONS DEER-November lot te November 15th inclusive. MOOSE-November lot to November 15th inclusive. In morne of the North- ern District.s of Ontario, ineluding Timagarni, the open season in f roni November lot to November 30th inclusive. Write for copy of 1 Playgrounda-Th Hâaunta ci VIMsb and Gamna," gi.'ing laine Lawu., HuatUng Reguistions, etc., to C. M. fleming, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. B. STEPHENçtO.N, Agent, WbItby, ProesioalCardei LIMGÂL JNO. EL FAEWELILC.K Barrimte, County Crovu Âttoruq aM Couaty Solitor. 020%ce. boutb vin Court BouseWbMl A. E. CHRISFlA S Brook sL.i. MStomurdt lie« to oaa MARUAGN ICUSM ROYAL THEATRE EVEÈRY NUGNI Graft " every Monday nlght. Wednesday Nlght, Broadway Future, Admission - Ada Ità, 10l;cebidren, 5c Special show, 10c to al]. le war tax, extra. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. Oiting o!Division GOUInS -COUNTY 0F' ONTARIO. 1916. 1. WHITBY-MIBs E. U MacdgnnelU. Wbltby, Clerk-Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, Apr'. 4. May 2, June 1, July 4, Sept 6, Oct . 3 Nov. 1. Dmc 4, Jan. 2, 1917. OSHAWÂ-Mlsa E. L .acdonnefl, Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 5, Feb. 2, Mar'. 2. Apr. 5, May 8, June 2, July 6, Sept. 6, Oct 4, Nov. 2, Dcc. 6, Jan. $, 1917. 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleebon, Green. wood, Clerk-Jan. 6, Mair. 3, May 4, Juiy 6, Sept. 7 Nov. S. J=n 4, 1917. 3. PORT PERR'V- J. W. Burabazp, Port Perry, Clerk-Jan. 7, MUa. 6, May 5. July 7, Sept 4, Nov. 4, Ja 5, 1917. 4. UXBRIDGE-R J, Moore, Uzbuidge Clerk.-Jan. 14, Mar. 10, May, 0 iul 11, Sept 19, Nov. 24, Jan. 12 11? 6. CÂNNINGTON-Thom. .]EL tr, CannhLgton, Clerk--Jaa., 18, MAwý . May 10, JUIr!12, Sept 20# -Uibv. 33, 6. BEÂVERTON--Chas .A.Ptroi Beavorton, CIrk- Ian. 1%,Ma". S, May 11, lUIT 13, Sept , 1,N6v 3 ian. 10, 1917. 7C UP RGROVZ - DanlelLeanard, AthuMI, Clerk-Jmn . 1,Mai. 7, May 1lx July 14. sept. 22, R4ot. 31 Ian. 31917. (ET Order) I J. le PAIRNcWEL CIik eft tu ee DUataiWbttbo. 1 . . OffcemdWorka- #!V MONIUMET « d o M" exiaebat.Wd m OltImlOy tbu. VmssupIý mica Cli à 3 srm ut "i A-7 llls -I e. t Wr' STANDARD BANHK 0F' CANADA MEAD OrrIGZ - TORONTO -i. fi - 4 i - o s- f. r- -t - 's'- vil -- ~si i - -l - A. EL ALUN The Bexal Sitore À'Ijv»ïju»mîjm à, lvm). "mm .Imm il 'qýwýl' 1 , àk et 1 tht Of

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