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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Nov 1916, p. 3

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0~w DI~NA FALL WHEAT HEPEDbfUR l~LDES IS BELIEFINWASINCON iSY INt ýWE4-A1fIEi( iI ETR eP The Submarine Issue Believed to Hlave Reached an Acute and Thie Shortage of Seed is Already TELL 0F THE HHO FA-Md fhFv Perhaps Its Final Stage. Apparent in LAES' SREIFR ep t ran A degpitth trom Washington Says: cent cases, such as the torpedoing ofA de-spatch from Guelph says: Dr. Allie'rr, atSeiTece n p BS Wîth the election' over, it seeras the Arabie without warnîng, are in C A. Zsvits, O.A.C., had sanie inter- probable that the Amnerican nation iri violation of the laws of cruiser war- , esting things to say on Wednesday CnosUh a few dayq wîil awaken to the fact fare and of the Prussien promise ta iregarigtese ri iuto r that the submarine issue with Ger- this country, the next step will be the ading thl e sened gain itue atinermecae niany bas reacl.ed its most acute and dismissal froni Washington of Count ers of Ontario. The supremnacy I hAlesith perhaps its final stage. Two import- von Bernstorif, the German Ambassa- "The remarkably fine weather we air, the terrible ordelte~ema F . aiet farts stand out prominently, dore and the formai recall of Mr. ,have been having this Faîl is the soildiers have to wihtndd.in h na1~~iely:- Gerard, American Ambassador ta Ber- ai - est tl hngthsatever. appeedta allied bombardmentsa h omB E D A E The State Departmcnt has received lin. A dniira teFîlha, sae r aia and the hardship'adwnsn hi O inf ormation indicating that the Prus- P-tesident Wilson infarmed Congres e ico On the plats that we have here, and homnes behlnd the lnsaesnea sias hveinagurte a hargein in the midst of the lest submarine "li ote take in quite a large ecreage, the storles tald inletrwltnor ______________ their submarjne policy and have de- crigîs that unlesa Prussien submarinesteVitrhatok otas recelved by German odescpue ýclded ta arhere no longer to the rules conforrned ta the laws of the nationsu S o well ras in eny average year.* It la during the hattle onteSmech _______________ of international warfare in the con- i and of humenity he wauld feel coin- ooks fo£ ______a_______________adintranlatinsomo duct of their submarines, regardless pelled ta, sever diplomatic relations showing a good spreading top. We such letters came intemijetrbe"eGre rsnrwoet ~ ~. of prormiscli ta the United States. with the German Governmnent entire- sowed here the second week in Sep- day ta an officiel ach rtshGvfml Froni a high authority it is Iearned ly. Mr. Wilson neyer for a minute Ca ad an ember, which we considered rather ernnientp now in thî onr.Ihv ganrahdm ap that President Wilson bas made up has lost sight of this possibility, and late, as we plan alweys ta seed the One af the lettersrtenroi W haecneIoqueawr bis mind not ta send any more notes 'his niind la firlly madie up ta act in first of September. Reports from trench on the Sommei n on n ure.Icnfn een o ta, Germany on the submarine issue, this readi ulwu submarine T7he Royal Naval other points indicate that the Winter mailed on a Germnn apuebytewtwhhtadsreth iti and that, if it should develop that re- warfare isrnwd Canadian wheet is benefiting by the mjld wea- British says: eeigw aergtAs h otl ieathv h "'r e~ere ter." "Yesterdae evaneeenTe ae vr -Volunteer R sre tIn regard to the seed situation, Dr. into the front trenchs ewr e nlrenmesedtrwbn o di DICTIONARY 1S CROWING. Overses Diviin Zavitz was not at aIl optimnistie. lieved et12ocokAnwhte1-anbmbdautrpsitmch Markets of the WodWAdt' t E hGood seed ils going ta be scarce,"he t 12itla ou aetasa riyu gîso hp e hhsang w will erol 200 monof g saeid, 't.hat will especially bc true in hale ail day and mutntsadup W hvealadhdenuhcs Ereadatuffe. guage Each Year. charecter and sold physique regard ta berley, oats, potatoes, carni the trench, because teei lasate. Sir Erneat Sackleton isfor immediete service over&eaa, and alfalfe, and I would adviseaycrdaIEgihve usAlys Itstwyareasiewee nu>-,r(. No%-,14 -Man,î,,,awhea- SrFns hakeo sgiven ~ti rta ey aie h a odqaliy aI hldf engircats laswthrtd u aee oyus NPW No. 1 Norhrn $2 5INie 2 (In.credit frteivntion af more new i h rts ay aie h a o qaiyo iigfrom irE 20t.N do . $1 tî2 > N- 4 MIll> 1 Nee urapeey crnulhasthedintroduced orte ing, 3c at)il new vrop 1 ~~wltb them,aste igont bI Mlilb,inwcrr, The EuF anwar bsitoue wprto Hance $20.00 monrhly isto verhead, but no oneesaya us.aen ai o Nl.2CIV 6tNFreKtfc hr srgtereis ng b aI thatue 1 fer-i]. 671c tiek, liraN1-r t-4 entlv retairied. For!furtherjirticulars app/yft shortage in the seed situation in On- are only up for fivemiueanthn tho,"wsteaynterG Amnlan C'r 1n -Ni 3 r ,-Inw new $i »b irnmryit»<I;ttehilr'rrmnî ra-k. Tororî- An average of about 5,000 wor1:ds >-ario.reieadobeqi are ad EnNoglisb1h N 3$116-Ter was e lot of grain threshedreieedobeqikte. ura- mnslirexrsdbsloggf <ian»o rbtib , N2 fi,.2 to 84r r dddt teEgls angmsge The earest :N'aval 1,mnaearte b flomiiirîr;lNo. 3. do n61tr 63e. r>rniaî' eacb year, according to the mneasure lu ha ilnot d o seed.Of Awud Gr fi iiid-oftedcinre uigtepaLt Rcutn Sain l yeasrers have been drawing j St. Quentin, ta bis paet,1ad 4)11trl., wb,.ar Ne\r SNo2_'rNVIbrlergely an Essex for seed carn, buti A~îwiebî h erevar lot, S1 nu tu $1 92 . Ne, 3 du . three centuries. Bullokar's 'Cern- tecopteeba o be pto A s1wie lt fi.S Io $1.X0, aveorir>Ilfreigirtilb ut- plete English Dictionary," tefrt o oteDepe.rtment lonerthWN ta ;1.77; No. 2. do . 8i 65 ta Si 68 , No.6i> h language, published in 1616, Naval Service, Ottawa. the standard of other years, lhu wnd cstty do, 81 541tu0si 6l.a>-rdtî u freighrs contained a little over 5,000 words. growers there are peying more at- 2utiare atl R1 r.$ i.r ipulse n15,cotie 3(0 . Oe eton ta drying, and wllpby fu" cosntyarvgisrghAS T E R.TIR "The NewdWord ofîîgrobabord Guafire "Madin" lela-N tîo d 2,$s6oas,40 codsgyN produce more seed rp ton el Ilre,--a lrg ilt e il.rIRi n C . D> -. than they did before. What potatobes e olwn sa xep rn nal ,feed. 1106t- Sl0> r uiliii ât-wards A dictionary published R..threarMonu Il k sledi eedithe rtenb codn ofrergii moutlide- 1720 h Nathan Baley .upassedu hi jtim af the Somme tae i ehrl Bili-kwlie.it- Si 20 b1>1, A> r-inK te hy 32,00'). Twenty-flve years later as there is na rot this year, andth toogiîs uride S 37 a>ur>îig tr..Io nsns em usw re ot very ripened, G r a y Ry'rNi> 2l . $1 .15 t S 7acringD.Jon's amudictianary, con--nattoeq er day ao>rou ibyrl(l, îpaet> , taining .50,000 words, camne out. which impraves them for seedlng pur.- Eeyda ehv da1n f4r.$02 n i so7 Ilig Ii1'8 eses"mrcnDc poses. It is nat advisable ta import wude.T-ghfrxmpwenDouda bai-s, do., $9.60.Tor r,» r>tianarv it oablr or hnBAN flhlJPL'h seed froni ather provinces or f rombaetoedfuwundoe A epthIrm Ldnsa Ontario florr-Winter t,rI,-rIing ta . , w itb a vraalr arethan ohrcutis steei lastesrosywowl Mamp$le, $s 26. in biîga, I:ak liFrunit. threetimes s gi-et, apeered irraînrît hiprnerit the latter part of th e nineteenth cen - dange of ta erainate w av real trli s as1»luI >a.prtury the "Impenir.l Dictionary," with LAALlIh> rying t rdct.The ge ia.Ol tehp ton, s .11. ahurts. dIo ,8.13 . tritddlings. 200,00 odadte"etr i-tblng is far the larmers aI Ontarioaonb elee i do, $36 . gîod f eil onr, ppr bg,$280 j>1I - ' w arsadthe "Crernumry Dic-conseFveld Marhhasevanrainkene ùay -No. . i >rtori, $12 ta $13 ninb., t onevbllth ed rinte sa b eiee gvsth ecsay ucoBlarGrmnfrcsam r 92.do $1 t $1, rol Troto were pu blished. Then, in 1894, camne Their Circulation in Canada IS have. There will b. a temptation ta gresed authard.Tii.tawnaouH Eiravil(- Carlots, lr-r toni $C tu edibtterbs oiylkngIshu e ae1 trie-k lToron t> . tbe "Standard Dictionary," contain-1 ing 18,00 ord. Te S-stediianProhibited Under ta the. future la ta save ît." could endure so muce]cenvda a enreculd Coutr Podca.-ba.s ba hs been falowed b >." rsthe ltes"Wetw am nPeostonteahulthepyc.asprtalyd hUlr ~r-Otuiy, a>- 6 e4>»,of whicb contains same 450,000 words. otkwihimri creanîpv iuiers.4:1 re 46- arrîrds.42 The spparen>t grawth of the lan- A despatch Irom Ottawa says: The jt aewt l ain o i es tehue eaertetn.Acr Eggs43C. oîrage. 37 tna33t- . star- guage as indicated by the dictianare Hearst newspapers have been placed British Gpvernment Will Teke Stepa that is ta say, tbreebaeaIred taBhasten-oiia Mce age. sbIevl-ia. 39 ter, inre .riew-laid. In rr- udrries heCnainGoen-inggn -i.pig.to is fmeta il4,t)*jlutu aroi 4 uresults large!y frai improved meana .mnt, anbtherculatindin GterDo- toOrgniz hppkitj tanfrcs ae rtret wofecokitpilatiountngTorer, hich îangthefrwhabeIron. As he B Chel Ne. are 2 n 2è mnion la prohibited. Penalties po aitif ra ~~~tll:tnr.2tri 23e , trîplen>. 23 t» 21k>- *11o o tecol nusryc IL\rIn> b-utry cOeins. 16 Io lie . HOW TO INVEST YOUR MONEY. vided by the Wer Measures Act wi o e r cotaIi the coalifutre, tent, etc. AI] this indiint h hyae ytmtclybrigt towl. I13 ta le i 4c , ik,. 13 to 16c , tur- apply ta anyane heviag these publica- the main purpose af the scbeme aIf Btrap eqpen. , keys.2G to 2he ; goeee Sprttîg. 14 to 15C. tions la bis possession after the date stantflye tre t >r-sIt>ry Cn9 iOtk,-ris. 21 to 22c oIro ihaysnedsue ntoaiainbigt ieacr rnl 7I 9 dcm 8t 0 entioaed. Facilîties for thet-.-ntaelztnbigtaans-e a cer - marcaIven three orcnTlauainsttnetso squl,, Ilr r ilnre$4,010 ta 84.50 ;îur:the wisdom aI deposlting ioney ila msino est n rCnd ain pwbioh ctol o tene j lqaririn a narrow ea aeu ky.t (e35 ,- e Sinin. 17 t>) savings bank and ear-ning thr-e per sbave also denled the Interna-orts 19v-. av oalben e'edth Itena reDch, and the lest 50mtr ianrehRuai eas Iteba -ion-y - Extra fiine ruellt,. 20-lb. tins, cent. per aennui, but what a goori busi- >tional News Service, ishieh iîa Calowners Il ub e alowed ta take tecmuiaintenh ut Casazadtiearl t13c -11)0-l.til t>12>- 3 -t),Ili onen-ier a antudrtn lwyshi rsn rft fteshm 0-11). Iitin . 2v.Crbhny r>ie-i-O i ans ancna nesadlwyHearst organizetion. The Ialîowiag terprsn1pat f h fhm ront trench lover the aefoioeGraoe-TeUmin r exîn.> fine crnd h-iiary welt.per doz.- it shoulti be allowed ta remain tiser. lis the lst aI the Hearst publications goes through, but the Goverriment sheli hale ta another. oucn m-snlgtSunaettimut fti 13Polar-»» 0vlu o$2 75. No, 82.26 and leIt ta accumulate et that rate. ~ld faiwl osmto o xotadhwhatl ikmngto ide~ur Its aue u i>ni$2.40,-Ionbeg, 82 10etbannoy to-caysionentemnlyll ontoite-itrbtin fôLLho ei i 225 tla I>nturtio oe ir ber, tomoeyanttb tdfluty Caian terntonyNw o pig I11. epeilyseig ht iicigoteuetieS 6.9 t» 2 u -ltntlh (olu bl Wbiea , u certYork New YorkrSuomey - bilve alrefod" Jplies an per ba.. ltti1 UiiC) 10 32 1» Rose, prnwc. th vrg Pra as o n w Am rcn ew Y r ornl otnm.t- he G vr m nt mn'. ben e tfo n ia aa n ts aue o Glt Cenadian westerr e . >cN. an iere D n'caio be n coprs b- wr- ir : Thoma White lrom Eng- twenty gelis, incbudirgthreno>st-knh eIr oeuoe.Atat Iîi iee bub ehuyc le - - ~~~89e;, extra No. 17,-ed. 69c. l3anîey- îweeu aingyu oeho eoltand la ,December. The Finance rMediumncalibre, aceringta othie empletely kneeked abt b ufrts llute hc r uet r Manitobaflour--- siiîrbe.>. >r n i-a e l asavuegi bank or buying a poîîcy Minister-'a budget and measur-es aIhtallen officiai statornent isued on lenaore pa almostfited uatsendetsearlregdtee patents, fInals, 310.3o - srrîl4s so 80lnthe Ciown LII.' Write the Head var finance wilIb. as usuel an li- Thurteday. 0tia ru. an'mvent a e .dn.jcragtasprain oeagt. strtsng bakeni&. $4 60 Wvitîn'patenta: Off ice et Taranto for litenature. portantfleture afthe Governenît 1 -S CUg .--vdbr ntiet ene u isImu tts p choie., $9.75 ; stralgh oleraI-s. $9,20 t o lg tv rgme h is hn n h aeo Ièeryh so h o $9.60-I.bdo.. baysa. $44iOta $4.65. Rafled, eiitveporme ise fi-sowtheing le t. gm lte endy of m-s ete mrnig a t- i vlabstau esemr n -ll. C0 o.baics. i90 Ab&. JAP SOLDIERS DEFY SU.N. I ekw i.uestieedtrntIe.Ihaecr-WIb.i.ddebligtseto. 88.40. IBran, I82u 00. shorts. 833c. 0pletely recoerod, aedtiIlate tsuslvabc eOua, is. -mlddlinglu. 835.00 Moulîlie, 818.00 ta n boti i - 40.00. Huy-Nu 2, Pi-r ton. car lots. Only Twa Meni Drop ini Twelu-e-Dey 13.00. t.!esE--Pt>eaîwesterne. 2ètuoetfrln nsc l0 ft a- tterr. 22 ta 3rie. Iuîe t200.- -N-tin bu l .Mccntb WU@hi fayssc vlal aecondia.41 t41cE -ra. 68 ta Under a scosciiing aun that at 2--~-- oi. .s~r-qet> hymyfn iesle No. 2 stock, J53e. 'otàl,-, lenbatirneadr-ave the mercur>' up to 1301 »> 5Y5L aIlSdlai...i. 55 ...wu.a car lots. $200 tu $2 26 degi-ces Ftroeheit. 2.000 saliers of >G-. > nlsr sde w-tn foa is eld I n-r > Ces-m~~arsfrontuer Thisvbeyslrl WÂnwes ran the* Japanese an>', ststoned Ini For- J -- to-mos'rw me"ymore me o ie.PS NRCI Who3iec.Nrtev. 614. No. vise Na-tea, No.64-4~ahar--saosaad the Pescadores made ab.h. bave re sWCSI~NAE 'ICBE. Whea, N. 1Noen 1JN. tweNorîbera 81i For i7j h ave mDet. mosi m ess! ortmmor Notir1.92TJ 'o Nu 81 oj tar N tween July 1 and Jul>' 12. Only tte. s orty4ve yen.ele f017?.~> pee eaam atw, 62jc;No. 38 0W ic- extra -casesofaI uestroke ai-e repoated, se- I ibliis wful wu wMa4ceste N a b fee 61> ; N 1 f~ d. I l0 c *" ID jco id in g t a the In d ia n a p o ls N ew a. T ie e s rm ~ * i U I I 4. 104; reJectd. 97v~. fted. 97c- jfist n ine day . ere spe t la m aich - .' A m s ~~ *t.t.. ~ J lng, and tise trope actuali>' covered iefaownptel lt.' ss dpti O.sayt41 Miai-a I e Uals o 4Wt Deeramort $sn 100 miles. Ile lest lires51 te 0I e l i s - i î l i . e a i , ber .94bsr. 81.971 08' Na, dayu-w.ee penîtenmanoeuvres. î« M the IN.. isSi 8jta ;1.95. I nNo.a ellow sa clthing tu protect - mefruttithepime" os...Ts o *ae~ a ~ snn. 3. 48 ~ C2(N i wO.i-~ ith avlew t fadig tis bestteS»d tiMWas.ad la et ~ 4~ tu l0oc. Oatea-No. 83VWhite, fIt %D611* et ieabtlr.vrealwdt r- .uncIsaan.4 L rsai4 030.9 -ta*. elMbortn>the q swti.r vraIe laie las 5 >tos4-"W5ie-atNu1 b iard~, Wear ian>' C10osum.5leplualied. SomAuuns - -bia» to-ta89to S114;ver-e helmeta, wses traw balst; sn aot hi olst fin $.93 .ee. a n Upu, .17Ilvoie an ordteary unlfe,-m witis a iole.lu tes sg.I ~Ibf-a~S$W~. jui ber, -8 o*~ n cither aide, or a a ll.d ader-l a shirt, or a tIalukimose; sim -we Tgroete Nov.. 1.-J$utolier aters>tishel bu bols @osestabt ai. ssUs lb tu tU ei<uoe o!Lett 8 for 51iel 5 « odaddb .6, 7.1on. 0 t a e 8 unl 871 : ,-- r a tD E A D O NL7-1 0 t u 8 1 -P9 1 moplum 8 to 9 8e, 0 D Dr-UisSrOuat, SU D tli-1e, I. 0f. - . 9. '09 eAmong tise wmcvisebave te preves » ltoeMet si mi Aoswf adste emib- 4 >~ > ~-~eam lweek. gavou40*0 e tp, eortéb&Zdo * <lspjo saSi s7"s, swiai brasa le thêns h *et)i b Mvt I6s s à tabbar *~ oud lMdds" .id of ýany" Cake Roses Flour, 1 eae an& flavouz- fir-m of texture, inder the keen. - Vueats arc suWC 80 Lt. CES PLOUR ;-PU DDI Nos -PASTrRU ES5ý bi i-BOATS PERCE a>'. Idy ru 1~ CH 11ANAILL GUARD i p- la>' Recent Raid by German War- ibs ne ships e Blind-British ay. Admirabty Busy A despatch frain London says: l-Genmnen subiarînes have been operet- till:îng extensivel>' in the Eaglish Chae- l-ne I and off the ieauthern coast oI iFrance. They broke thi-augi tise jn British blockade and ring -of defences e-under caver aI the recent raid b>' Ger- - For mnariwansblps. This information came ta the Trib- une an Thuirsda>' frai reliable sources. The raid caried out by en- emy warshlps In the shipping route between the Thames and Holland on November 1, this report says, was a Eblind ta get hall e dozen or more U- E ts thi-ougis the Channel. Tisat - il succeeded la evidenced b>'tise unusual activity of aubinai-mes la tisese waters tgduring the lest Iew days. Their tol of a victime this week bas been excep- tianalby hîgis. The Britishs naval authorities have leerned af tis lact, and are making s:strentious efforts ta trap samne aftise b- r-aidera, it la said. The Channsel Pa- ve traI bas been augmented, and a ofwatch la belng kept nigist and day for ben aI tise submrnaines reparted ta be opcr-ating off tise coast. >~PARCELS TO PRISONERS e- WILL DE FORWARDED. tNoSoi-tous Inter-ference lo Expected With Rocelpt-by Canadiens. g A despateis fr-ar Ottawa seys: A 1- communication from Sir George Per- 8, ley ta tise Prime Minister Intimatesn ie that satisfactor>' arrangements il b. made tisi-ugi tise War Office Ilsj wisersby parceels sent fr-ar Canada ta '0 1lndividuii; pri--ners af war la Ger- >0 1 xm5ny wtll b. for-wàrded without de- )la>'. There will b.ea central super. kt vision- and censorsbip in London, but - çv It la expecWthtie now regubetions ewibl net Inter-fèe.witi tise r-eceipt by PRIVATE MADE CAPTA, awRor iVieor d Tu_, o 01e Sr C. ILTapps iA despatei from Vsssoueaça7 Sir, Charbea lbbart Tuppir las. bel dSceral.d vith -tbae ltrOos ftileueid la sseuIc v ~vsl r, 4 W- ' "d~be tbb O,--e-- -n> ' -,q9~~-rn>-~-

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