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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Nov 1916, p. 8

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~.nlw~luRtnrn 1 I ~ - ~ ~. - - . - i iu~- - . -.-- -1 Ù4'ûty Let3s ro i rs u'ngh fïfI J. Ji ove$ i was aounb0.a hy te bles the i th Ut WIL tIW . eeel$12:.3.Gve.1 cît. 1 +, 1 » j4h QUirtb Joue%- $4; 1rhQsý Cook. $8; John Theftr ut~o l iotvey rqit-r l èctIiai km er! lnîere&Uni' àn4 r IT nBàflê8 - on,' $21'.6; lob.quelch, ]t ~ ~rrspfteits i ng, a5 there arg -ver.1' tew m4& in p o't8 Y l f tf '9 IFl 66;Glèôgecobae 144; .G Ihousea on the marah. - "features 01f the eyenlngiyS me drtW- u Gibson, $175.00. Th dckbut ri vhad good ~k .gf~ a oae'J r.E .Miscellaiieôflu -Municipal World, tifithaing bàgged quitè a îk ot cisl). 'ekets, fle> te, the 13,77e. prlnting, 70c.; Wm. Stevens,. $1; !Clerk Fj *BROOKLLN.brs.aoulkilt o'$26. Mrâ. A. Ha arn, o! I aillehaIIm--2, an AssessO?, Votera' Listé, $33.50. visiting bis mother diritig ber lînes. ed Mrs. E. Story on Frlday. Colilectiofl axuouuted.te al Ittie oveft $1'6.' j by Mr. Glover, the Coun.eil adjourneýd Mr. Kîrchlibas tcf t for Porcupîle to 'Mr. Hawley, former rnantdger of âthe n 2One o he villag enors !Iometo NvenUme,. t2 'lOl act as an accoutmtant for li lumber ft-Til. Hospital tarin here, n&of o Hamilton, liplei'ie orvilae o smeUre Hie expects to be away for two or tbree visited frlends iii Wbit.Y last we*. was thé thealli of Win. P. Rlêhardson, , 63,9 GERnAnD, Sr. EAsriT, oRoN'. eW-M. Punvaef, Clerk. inonthos. àT, Thomas CGreena.Way laon' the .eldefit Soi' Mir. n . Fr... Rich * FItoyaIw a--Vl<ëtumÃ"! ____of___ Mr. Wnî. Orinîston lins receeved a sick lisitrsf1lhs34 er i l e>. Acute Wnigestion and -Oas In Thie W. T. Watson, of Orillia, lis one o earload of ltalees f roui 1the west. nnd ---- siddenly on Sunday lIât front blood- Of aiI fewrsalakd19 temmes fteCndix hee Is dî'llveri-r ig em nf ront the car. MYRTLE. poisoniagr and Iiffhpainstail -t1the Mi-, and Mrs. Ueobl. Gliroy haveinad . lungs. He was-lu-the-best of health up Ierad ipisllover my body, Team wblch will Play la thé Interna- 1 ttreir hliaeliToront.o for thre %wiirer ai tongratitialofls te Nr. anrd Mrs llM' nsdvniglît,% wben he àssi' hat-1 ed dh àrly oyearouid. tarr'a Ce beween Caada anthseUn.V 13 litîelîananns-t. iG1li n t ley hoon the rriv i o ababyt. ensuddenly ily.* Medir-al aid was f tried ail kin0sof M'édicine but nonle ited States.i Miss elîngqa beeil visitîfig ,ilth 9gir lu tcrnaiomeas one w to Osaastimmoned and a speciallat aud nurse of theidid iéeauy good. At last, I ________ Meiis. Tripp. Kiiîsate.i,- for îwe isa r.ltiealla en 0Otaawere broîîght from Toronto. and every- Mia ifnt, 1.5to i $375 .rit îîrry fra xere istw red. thlng 'vas donc te saVe hlm, but of no deieTluty'Fruit-a-tivcs". 1' T. Thotileshm's;, WililY%. etli Messs. I)owney and Kent coilected avait. lHe teaves bbsides his parents, bouglit the fit-st b>ox iast June, and TrairÀ Time Table. Ntr Artniorîr Flual. stNatl Irla îîiî- aie bundrcd and twenty-sevefl dollars a brother and sister, ia yotng widow, ilew I arm wcli, afler using vnily th.ree aua AU ~o Ji~li\hfltrsoute 11toffîrlis a.lit thpir district for the Red Cross. nee Miss Mahel White, wbom lie mar- boxes. I recornxnend "Fruit-a-t ives" la înIrîlo M NI Li -i-IItx Mr. and Mrs. D3. G. Ross rmot fed luto led about two ypars ago: aiso a lirot t u-u ulro rr nieto" .Sai'ti o Sîuda7.of frienda vbo moutril bis lbas. The *Jîir:tr;Ti(fî h.r- rrîre siLpl v (iattier - Sud a sn%-lad Juetat on, Wedîiesday te the Union FREI) J. CAVFJiN. uui.-îorrîC frrît tiriotjîr-îelr-d j aret 'fro ire-îîdcîîh tt - iicenrfîlrywas largiiy-atteuîliîd. We ex- 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, triai size, 25c. . ont-d.. V (slerr1thyte M.iaod AtaU dIer'r "nt Pest puildby Fruit- ~îî.Iîîj aîi~îr Ir Huas Suriti. rif OSI.sAN-. stent IM'-sr Richardison a-,d famity Ili their atiT.Lu-teiILtaa 1 1 l-. rire o'an lr ISr l niidav %Niltltibis itari-ts aI IieilftrCtaa MvtW tr .fjrli ______________________________ HITflY JUNCTION. tilt 11o011. T TomsoNOill),fo, ing W et...-4.52a.111. GotngEýast.-.8.2oa.tr r-i i ii'lit W 1 'IirCo s ii Iot ,11 t.îttv e I..7.30a.m. ....i10.10a.ifl lut ii tis~\iP* I't (,? T ~> ~ elu- rE, drivar. Ir$100ti- îîiî lersD, $ 100 eae uALMONDS. , ..3.4Pi..00 6.îM oil b \ý :l ilefroo loo c in 'tii, tel-ai i itr.Niî.srQ. irkett. 'il re qofthi a pe lle pteased b To ir. J. J.Hare will give an M l e-s . 0P. . - .. 6.53 pr lilrî- l II it Sle 11 i oi . Ot.N Celit. iiiiig r u d that scienice lh a b>ejn abte Lacure flu aitfils .. . .9.30 P.Mi lor i tie- îk-t sriîtloi i i fiîîm tiifii irht,1.i lrîl>1 ritîs ta an,, tia, -4s CatarrhL Calai rh beiq c r rdSotbs endsbre unaytan e o4Tronto ai 11Utrr ur l akeu iutertuatty, and arts thru liomiSWti ri ovrr -trains stop at 'hi*tby Junction a! E-ris ( i 'tih-< ou if t i- Nmiýsqit-: i tuprîitiý is tit for thli c'- îtth looti ru the Mitronis surfaces of the liss PcarI Stanley, of Pickerlig, vis- 8.20 and 9.55 a.m., and 9.30 p.m. tht 4otîudatloIlletpatien t Mr. M Le Ita w ek.UP-TOWN STATION. ý,,ji~'~iriti - i- tt,-ira'i a itoi of . I istI211 i nd an. buildbrn lp thxe constitution sud .asistIiig Miss A. Phlp la keeping botnse for iGigNrh..0an on ot...5ai .i î tioe rrîr i i îîrtr itî,. ji .1, Qtiitl illîlrriin catlotid if ilatître t ring its work. The propriqrtors1F. (.1 iirrt§. G iglirh.48.3oa5 plut goth.. .18 - mp 1 eir I - oreî- , frii f-ru tn' cik. have se uifcti faith in thre ruritire powers of Mis... tiWoor la Ps.tlna.w.t.î36.41 4p.r i i iaeie s i a r raivîedt ,1 ii Nir. 1ua %Ili 11-lotis Ciiirrli Litre- flitiîery ffetrimue iti- i ssM u o dis stn i irer V41,; 111 4I ll ti -r -tair i r, - i-S if - ire-id ilt afor anl). rase ihat il flitis 1 cire. brother iu Oshaw-a. c.P. R. ~ rr rr i. ..îî i Il i 11i1o P 2 -î~. S-u rt a !t -itinaîATKINSt)N-OnStitndailNoNvç tuber Going Wet-6.32ar.Going Fat-1o.2o Rn 2,Ati re-Si -: F.j 1 Cu-i F. '.Y & CO.,Toledo. Othio. thITIj.tM.aniualod9( r.rôpu I iio . oi 1 .i.7 25P-tu tIr -n 'i trtr\e111 ltrW. ;it aidi-&-sli(etr' r irîî id tîiitlrd ofti r i tîi.N'i oin t iirgi4.-... kn o or '9 i 23 dl-W-Fît~ otial, i i Itasoil t h ii ' li i \lia i t i r itfte-, lco ld tri irio tIi . Illr - - e-M r. atd rd Mts. W. Ketnp. Miss L. q ) 1a 2.3ÃŽI ielhliit~i tt i Ph rîcsii Ioti alerat- coure toiM( 'NYz1IoeadKfii nirdt xet SAE. roiirirol i of IlleiNifti I W i S of rI.nlidr irt relr r tro s iras trrr s la irîxi Torontô on N 'rrs a t, S AtE lIlýoNexIiSlsd\%is 'litire unir1annuai Leaves for Broughwm at 10 a.m. 1Mr. (nlîîriliiîs irVtViltîetîiiieirfroilit4id iiinuts i:ex Stitrer rlieCi-ilt-t, ii--li rou lililitî rit rilî i onî i: i 'flt'grsli outi. iTband alsociallrriineEdwards, proprietor. IVri s IIrsOffri.hos-îd i i ii r-il' ir .idrrXiitiit a1eiu îîtr Nlsîa al..trtn'.Aia -nut.MAILS CLOSE oftrrrr-.rNii t itIt( iii r(11 I (et rtr rh î cu ano FrnrivcrtlF.li Wig rud Mil- Patrick, of Toronrto t'il irete-- atrl (Ioii tit. th 4ri i qi i ( rdulit\ Ilere,\ ;ýIi, w e -,i l t f ù W 9 - 4 ai giîit îtitîîrri- Nr tirri tfr trs. i-il x m ii ti it - \a iri IIiti s li s ii- r -s tttiert\.d- trî-o litqou-rs rnsiexr.63 inl , uri o - t h iii a.sa\ islq rosily lui ! htili n l 'iekerinz a fit- r sti-îî di rg a Nilr. nand NiMts. r re. of l'i rkerir -FOr Ea@t-7.Oo ai.r For Oshawa-2.oo p. .ililltOtiui'il i î I ir- 1 nriiîirig Io 111( fatr o uI i oi o lrl (ox o W )ipii4)s ls .3 ) . F rN ih -63 - ir iIli-hi w is inuitle ~îjî l h i î f1)\ 0ý 1 Snîidav petît day.cents is the price of the uew i.,S) 0î-s- -ili O -tti-T I l101I,1nEN1 Q- Miss Dci II-Bou ir roîl Nitlas IEd t I" Ontario Courity map-tle best înap of lut-il iof Ir le î or)hi ittllt.11 \Vitre s nrauk iriri ir ilîreeoe emiîthorrne were IiToront onr Vud ire Counit)lever Issitet. (C. A. Goodfel- Mls~\.r.î lîtîîîl - îîii - t<\ - tf "îr ~ -i in S n- ietit-i r . o ti 5 r io i feui -Ir. V tst. * ý%sit,1 i l r .- i o n & Sr'u st-f i . S n o tad o paur -ii s fi , r i ini r tîi- l,- etl 1 \rN ie t u st e op f utie ta-i \, ý,itli iý, n in day ait Il ir e o f Iliu,,tris ol trcr I 111____________,_____s________1________ Torol l), i' t ý-11 iliva la itr ar-ra u i. i ur t I Ihr u t Aîît- tr tiiar- \\ ittilf&l1it I ifîi'tî wlqiii ll tii l l 'ttut' 0_________ A, î~--tntt-ir lkt-1)iii le i le Ixi el. i r rp ~ tiitiaWH1TBY MVARKETS %Ilhiand NItsl1lI qr N lC lii yliitiiy itu nitc KaNdAIs. Mn tînd \tr Blir -- ir f ir o. "mi i i . I v \Vut'il- lik It tais l ') sirnrdas SetIot lasn Sirtiday w-as andrt-itl stltî 1ý- - In iIi.- uritleriit r' iii lolsîrn- sira i n "MuCin l îrteciati. Nîxi Srîiitiut. Mr. ;eorao We't. of Wi-î ai...... $.r u a ailn t ie. o x tt1,, ifonr -n i-.oltrrîk i . I i ev ittig lle î.înr-îley,... .. .............1 OC (o 1.00 In- l rfntnIn .-i - ir- ~i Nit \\Iii ullfo- ins i ugse Witl ti uirrs trni ît >ît oti'nîîît la \Vleaingoos..........1.(1 ( I ftîîîrlIî (liNr.C ilo tso st(dlits grand- t -ît eaitiel talp ne i , alre n t-)fi itt.e.. -. .., .iu. . - 1.5ý tu o 5( fie" o li \e , i - \i >'n ftt «q i-n . ir tinttî trîeC rIsttilas rard uitaluio1et roî .1rs i le .. .... .... ........1.00 l te ]..f <tri s Ilir.s O -.. irr'- n lont srtintiturlit1I ,1fathiel NlAr. Edmunird Paîscoe, tast Su- Mrs. Atyne aund fantity r isit(d in leas ...... ...........1.5Q ta liNO b1n4i Il N luitti 0W. i- -ii-rîrt- - ed clove.. .........1.00 to 15.00 I1iIlý . -i i :î a loa k-i tiiii- Ioaitate 1h r ""ida d tti -rîbIrt- J acksoun at-I.noir e Oun i tda of ti la eek NIrs. Pen-R ed»l r ... ...1,0t 50 ltii - *iii.\r ii (N rr i- l li-ti- - . hotu (,fu ori un W-sî.getly. of (3t-ccti ced. quitil ly îtasss-d îrto A sk lv r e u . 70 o 8 Ittli oi l i- ii ii - 1 - t - u -i-1t'1h1t loss Nir'G.IZ--!P i , i hîad Ille uîisfo iuîc flic Spiritw-ou-id. si)(, \-as tiniriotiiet- ie d vtpt u .. 70 e 80 onl ioti, CheIlit la-r.ruLt-t-k.1u lzdA (r t.Roe t Ar Jtrs ttai ifhamtrFLOUR A.ND FEED. V titr -rh - - - d ui t 1tof b rîi tire ad a rrsI.and lrad livedIo utIre advanced a-, etf1-'otirrper- ext-------5.00 10 5.5 01 i iun- lrrhui <ftîs sîe rmn rtu h'i5t iet-80 years. She irutas ivell knownN ý-(tiolUîped feeti. cwt. .10 0o2.50l Il ~ tN in - ri-' tirrel iuitnd-d ~ remer -o-.someutftire otti sottlt-Candruti rirevr- (uoruunal .... ............00 tri 3.00 <Vot -r- -- t i i iî,- aoutfrt-nids <'f tîte Siîietv. A gootiîIiAA.sauiy respecieti NXr- extendil (ti-syni- I1rit-,tt pet-rtn-. . ..-.3L.00 10 22.00 lii r ii tr uri i- '- r -il r i.i r.- t tif hoi -tyr%sutist - anti Ahr. AVlter .rttlitrlOtiIs is sp(tiiing a tew da.ys patty oetIllue Kînsalepeolîtiol clt-Shrs e-tn......ot 70 Yoit-x.K roif Artsiiuiir. icoipatilei by M-itt is ît li ants bore. rear-c« famit>-. MEAT, POULTRY and PRODUGE. Mis . lcays siedreatve ~ The fit-st snew oethte season teit on Lanibs acni ...... .. ..6.00) te 8.00 Toronrto and Uxldoov t eek- ody niwItrseed ta baie Hogs, dresseti..........15.00 te 16.50 t Il d.t coure ail nu once. Some cf the frtrmers [legs, dressed .... .....13.00 te 14.00 an Ar. atieletlui r'uubd iikt' just a tew- tiys longer be- Veat....... ...... ....1400 to 15.00 Fr1Iltiird n r.Wrd iuerane ind the pbow Io complele the season's 'hickens, per lb ........ 0.20 to 0.25 thte liaittisîuChoir- On(' tvel1ing at -w-etk. Ducks, per lb..... ...... 0.22 to 0.25 week. Howvard andi Evet-ett Mlackey liai-e Geese, dressed, Ver lb.le. 0.18 te 0.20 -Wmn. Edurards is going te bold an been confttned te tieir bornes witb Turkeys, dressed. ver lb. 0.25 te 0,80 autiton sale of good mailie standing sertere coltis, but at-e now seme better. Butter ........ ..... .. 0.40 10, 0.42 timber ou Noveniber 2lst. Sonreof etur fat-mers bave been teaut- Eggs .. .... .... .... ....0.40 te 0.45 biarryT Thompon, Whtby, fr new r nd ips. t'ed Mabtokn sandiion a.pe lbs. . .10toU MissaBliuda Jonesi la apeuding aigltup eth roiusain o ad e-l..........0.22 10 0.25 tew days wiîh Misa Elva Smith, et Myr- shipinui the' prie being 25c. for 50 Potaitôles, pet- bag....2.25 te 2.50) une. ibs. -- pptes, per barrot . .0 to Z8A0 1048p.m. MndyWeneda ad Ndy idryTeM. and ms ,Ward ,f ou e r .eand . awece arbuildnadwfi ne................ .01t.£Lu 0THE DOMINION BANKI i SAVINGS DKPARTMKNTi WlIITY BRAOH:$.0. TVtRRY Manager.J OSAWA Q . Ei. 4R, ' is.st Year etfSIÏ.OOO. Tire ta-I lite fer 1917 willI ProbablY haVe ltgire 28 or 30 inliba. Robson Bt-o., tannera, have been us. Ing an unametered suppi>' et w&tt. tram i.he iown mains, but have bemi notl. liedi tra-t they must conacet wtth tire ystein In the. regul a ay. A mftnorila service wui held la the. Presbyterian Churcir la honor of tue ineuery et the tate La-norSiergt. James craie Tumfl be 'Fo r t*eln t" IM M C W No«b.-14. lT U b« Mde4 lt at t l kW WHITRY OWNSHIP COUNCII Couneil met on Nov. 6. Members a-hi present.. Minutesor la-il meetIng read and ceafiftu. Reeve la the. chair. It va-a moveo and seceded tira-t tire Collecter bp teainlah-reby a-uthortedi »-t te caicot t-e sincof $4-U0 troi J.c La-vresue, lot m$,con. S, or tffl 4-satatot.la-ber, "e . iavinsA buni perforu0f, *hoeWm .TrdI& 5tire Oau cfm .0,bes mmed t«fora do&i t *M ,"ivétad a.oende UtiratO Tiesatir*r bW ta-ila le*y eutiilii dat071.)-a-rM >aiuet ia-til pael,,fo pv Aautmb«ot 0000*a wre- #*mm bd o u>iCion WHITBY BRANGH' C. A. McCleblaaa managO?. jROYAL TH'EATRE ....JEVERY NIOýHI SUIJItRIIE NOW TO Tl- GAZETTE AN I('RONI( MOTHER TELLS HOW VINOL Made Her Delicate Boy Strong Newr York tity.-'-My littie boy was in a very weak, delicate condition as a resuit of gastritis qnd thé' measies and tlîe<e seemcd no hope of saving his life. The doctor prescribed cod liver oil, but lie could not take it. 1 decided to try XVinol-and Nvitlî splendid resuita. Ih seeîned to agree with iîim @o tlîat now lie is a strong Jealthîv bnv."-Mrt;. THoMÂSý FITZGERAI.D. 1090fPark AVe., N. Y. City. WVe t-uaranttee Vinol, which eontains beef and cod liver peptones, iron, and raanganiese peptonate8 and glycero- phosphates, for run-down conditions. A. H. ALIN, Drugglst, Whltby. Ont. Also at thie. bcst druggists in all Ontario Towns. HIGHLANDS 0F ONTARIO CANADA The Home of the Red Boer and Moose OPEN SEASONS D)ER--iNoveiliber lat to November l5th inclusive. inclusive. In sente of the Northt- eu-n Diatric taeof Ontaio, iacluding Timagutuni, ltse open aeaaon je frein November telt t Novetriber 30th incineive. Write for e-opy u1n'l Playgronnl.-TI'e Baunts of Ist and (Jaue,' giviog (jaune Lawn, Huutufi Regubatilns, etc.. *10 (. lu. Horning, Union Station, ToroontO, Ont. i3. STEtPIlNSONýl; Agent, Whitby, Er»oesionl]Osurd INO. F. FARtEWEI4. K(6. Barrttr, County. Crova Attorw M4 County scultor. O0206. M" itilng court Roua. Wbtwb A. E. CNBimlnu patttgo, UsUcter, Notev PfflIe, e. CoBrook OL, 0». stidaxBI Emk nmV&qt. IAMa MARRIAQUL11NN«&- Atu*M I*WM 00roeottle "Gfaft " every, Monday night. Wednesday ?4lght, Broadway Future. Admission - Adn Its, 10e 1 cbiidrein, 5e Special show,. lOc te ail1. le war tax, extra.« MRS. PERRIN, Manitger. COUTNTY Op 6Ã"NTAIIIO. 1. WHITBY-Ml#s B. L. Maedonne~ -Api'. 4, Ma-2, june il JulY 40 sept e, Ot. 8-MNo. 1, Dec. 4, Jan. 1, 1911. OSHAWÂ--M198 E.L LMacdonnel,, Wiritby, C1erkâ&-Ja-n. 6, Wab. 14 Mar. 2, Âpr. 6, May 3, June 2, JuIy 6; sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 2Z Dec. 6i Jan. 3,19111' 2. BRtOtG .M. Gleeson,- Grel- woed, Cf- Jan , Ma-r. - Ofa 4î Juby 9, Sept 7, Nev.8, Ja. ,111 8. PORT.FERRl- J. W. Durnb=O Port Ferry, Clerk-Jafl. 7, Mau,. #, May 6. July 7, Sept 8, Nov.-4,. hai fil 1917. 4. UXBIDG-R. J. mouvre. UxbMigt Clerk.-J'an. 14.-M 1.«I Ma-y9, ji~y il, Sept. 19, Nov.240in. ».ilh? -Cannlgtonf C1erk--*.l#MW Mar Il# JUIY 1 90Bp x-*vp' JIan. », 1917f . BPEMRQOIN S .Pt Beavrtôl, Cerk- ha 13, r 6 Mmy 1, JU 13 Be 31,IÇoy 7- MNU Dito vo" AU -tt 4~ ~. rn-olor 'Wood, -copp.er ý- ,egervoir, -full nickel finish. Tuhe-CadiIIac ?*letti' Vïiýùuùm Cleaner id khealth.-and labor saver ini- [re home. Other 'seasonable goods, t. which W.e have a complete isoertmrent, are-Plews, Gaso- [eue Erigines, Weigh Scales, Vashing Machines, Wringeré,t Creain Separators, I3inder Twine und Ojîs._______ Wu F, DISNEY - Bell d Ind. Whitb, Onke z~i~~ISTAN-DAR'D BAK Oir -CANADA rTRUST FPUNDS OrSavings DepaLrttnent giVes you aguarantee of absolute security tind F i- 18 s 3 interest at eurreiit rate. 239 il. r I t il "j i - Tbe 1 Nel Et-es Bel Cal Sai ai Box las Cor No The -1 Rteal Rente For 1 Bell 1 F~. - - 1 h 4 - 1 .0 - - -- î=ý 7 lkl.- ïéw.%.

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