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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Nov 1916, p. 4

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THIURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1916. * ditoui&tCmmso ehnsseem -to be very quiet as re- gards the tractor proposition. Nothing "'MADE IN CANADA." THE* 1917 FORD TOURING CAR $495eOO h t o. 1).Foidlu Onît )i V1 i i biîî t ucc d t ravaý,ant cl.ii's to jît f ý our choic e 'when )-ou btiy' the Ford. TI 'l- oe ,,de-l fu-iv( - T u~r in-- Cqr at $49; is s' ardard a tî -omîo!iîle va luze e dorA' n-ced bt aire t h ris " in îferiti- Ny ou tlis car. UJI WCshow y'ou tmth (ai-, land ,1k' le os l ie ue ,tiltv, the i t ice' andii theif cnî e it rive/ iiake sv t-ati nste. Yu-iîc ili ai was dcF'etiui lio1Viril. t il -; slro %V 5 y i t r-u e n i 0 m deplt 1 <ia W. J. [uke & Son S E A L ER S.)WHITI3Y, ONT. for ladies', genits' aiid childrcu's %ear. WVe are in bèttlr- positien tl)an ever befo-e to supply )-ou wlih the iîcwcst and best footwear on the m-irket. Our Every Day Shoes for Men and Boys are unsurpassed, J. PEEL & SON bas yet ibeen arranged regardlng pub- lic meetings, and the public mmnd la orcupying tacf with other thinga. As m-P stated lstweek, tiîs proposition ls the most impor tant ever bronght be- foi-omir rîna a and shoimld reeeive- de-'î ~îd -zreuiconsiulerai ion. 1'hr ne Boarfi of Traite lias got off to a good rstart.,Tht' inai!î-ral ineet- r jg a,,igiired wmi-1l fer Ilip sîîc'-fuil or- Iganizal inn. If Iie mnii n w o oolî pari lulre raniai lup i'. tlhi lhîîfipi- hie ,ih.n -riid cir-ci-,andit iîrs1 (,l'0111o ri 1r('aful- i MillII ai î'iîd thie moecs, lînkeIx prt ln theiidiFcussIons. 1 r-d deîoit'aitte-ntion aîlid lionghluit ni"' sîloch 11z- oni 1.foie the Boa.îîcl tti rgaiiil iii iraz- ru(î'ii i g e of i, and pni'se te-ing r ibihls h"dti Mr, 1~III 'il III a t~Ii" Il pe r.- f iidriii a lo 1 o-u Il- lriid l'iîris. uoflýrirîNlîiii. i-. nîîv off 'Ti-e'ciinditiioi i lti i lt t- t.rX 01f prnes and is ki t0zýýaîrii"(if 1!1(- bci ,iiiiitt s. I Ill i lîe <'f lut paîn ý ' ruand1 mîil 1 t,.b ili c l', 1 pd ili gruv-il Cltil. 'Il"is . ijtll il si ('r- s !-('î:r it- lui-ý s "il sr i ;î ck n-i aýri-n' m1'i l si mu i - -- usad t:iIr rt- r, P'i u0! o "iiii'ti t eu pi '- - laid. htaigisoin. ultng ni-a- uîoî-niniphi un of ce - Mîlaumti'7 ilii "(ntînlI- if itle surnui rs the. assessmneum coliluniz gui nuir guarsîti-i. ttr-f(or Af i5lt'.Mt is fan 1u o ve ('.Ou tht'1 arnumii. i anid dispute 'as t i wunî -' u u.îlu er liîmîuîiiîe clatise readsa t th le iissi ssnîî ti Iç to he '«Ilie iaime'o! t he should tin- reckonî'îi as iiir s *rtit', Inu;î,uibng ,the. securuz--of 11il 1 Iýpids ils so îhy t11wassessmenl o! corripauz-'s assels, the uownmir)iii' un hi 1 'l1 (;' *If t he as-su--uislaP35 per i une (i thiecompii'tlon o! mue liillidiluig anm i..îli Nt h s t Iie i %alite-" Theî' valueme i>ai ae liti e more han itbuicrl 'o! bci'iuîukeu Ici be $10ô, for pnoper- its owu guîananued bonds. i.\i i so uî u îîai I ysse'sed au Ils fumll Lu tvs assuîmi' that th e ccn i litrl nlii 1n bu itt fronu 7",ho 801 per cu-mît. imrliiis- a sile o! fifty acres (tir -l ut-iufThere alilians to bc sonaeuhing 000. The contractor procei-ds 10 cri-cl - lui rîuîiuî anîd iagtileas to wiiatIis n-Il.ini undî-d.This isaoi id tue ciî-are-d a building. Wheu. lie baîs work doue mo the' value o! $10,000 the. architect iiitu auanpuîblic inet-emlîîg or through tne 1iIssues a centificaite uo iliat effeni Tht- Inré ss'. PEE I PEDI R E I iRoom 'for Argument and _________Dispute. We are taking ini stock several cats (1 Grourmd Banlev ,IThe' agrueuwnt entered Imîmo îî'th Mn. Oats an, Cornî. Farmers wili fiud it to their advantagc r'eînufo'ht sïhlnbet o! a sellgran ad ùe tis fr fedig, s w prooseturiin i,'tractor industry -lnu t'hIbtb- seemns to sel1grai an usethisforfeedngas w prooseturîirm lnlusomelpomis open to objection over at v'ery ci( se pi ices. :uî nmtia.W on u unnt \'\' are alwa)s iin the market fcir ail kinds ùf Gra 1Ilîtit'h one feaitre- regardlng tht. lix- Oshawa' ThEA5U/?'8 SALE 0F LAND FOI? TAXES 13y virtue of a warrant under.1he hand of the NNarden and tihe Spai of the Corporation of the County of Ontario. dated the lfth day of 8eltetiiber. 1916. eommanding me to ievy tipon the lands rnenion'd ln 1the followlng lst for arroars of!taxes <hereon and costs as hervIn ir-, forth. 1 iphreby give notice that, uniesa such drrenre and cosis9 are soüner paid. 1 shail l coaipliance witb the Asseasment Art. proceed to m*ii by public aurtion. the said lands, or se xinch tbereuf as may be ilecessary for the taxes. ut the Court Ilouse, l n the Town 01! Whitby, on Tuesday. Leenber 26thi. 1916. ah ihie hour of two c'ci6ek In the aftt-rnoon. Part I.oh Con. Ai-nis lazu's Part 1 N. 40 1 u3 TOWNSHIP> 01 Part Lot Con. Aurnis 'r'a x-s Pt. N. 4 3 2 5 11 OÙ 0 p 11A MA. <'osls Tuil $3.9t $1:919 2 Ir) 1il b EAgT MWHITIIY. t'os.is 'rutaî b 3 13.b8 Tuw'NHiI' 0F Wlii Con. A c res 'axes Coaita Total 3 95 2.50 Tt)WNISIIIP OF IARA. 6.35 la'td. or L'npat'd. Unpat'd. L'rpat'.d I'at'dor Lapat«' Itat'd. llat*d. or Unpat'd. patti. COMAs Tona- Pat*d. or LaPtd F- A. MeKAY, CouatilyTrasurrr.- 'i Tbe AccwrnsIoted Experienceof Over Forty Yeêars' Aictive Brewiog is UtiIfrd b, tbe Prod1actkxo of White [abe tow-n hauîker then banda ont bonds to tht. anoiit o! ',t8, (o0 0. This $8.000 goes 1Iolime contractor ou Ihe progreas cerMficate showiu.g that $10,000 of w'ork la done. Tht. compauy cait put Iu $2.000 of the. $101000 because thiey cau pay oui> 80% ,ýo! (lit.value o!fliii- wonk complftedn. Now iîow doea the account standi? The çcompmiuy jsite)-....$10.000 The. Townu...... ...... ....8,000 Auotnber progress certiflcate for $10,0010. Tht. town another---------8,000 And so IL migbt go on, tht. town put- tiug up $8.000 !or-cveny progress cen- tîllcate o! $10,000. untîl the building. costlng say, $60,0O00 wouid have bèen completeti. Tht. account then wouid stand : The. Comipany (site) .. ...$10.000 Tht. Town (on.building> .. 48,000 Lent-lu; $12,000, or the shatutory hwenty per cent. hed- back foi pnotec- tion o! Possible creditors, ho be. matie Up later by the company. For the. towxVs $48.000 the company rmght have only paiti $10.000, andi would be nespon- sible for $12.000 more, or a total of $28.000. But 1h may b. angued that tbere must be amwset o îwlce thme value o! bonýda relesd. Truc, but tiie se ts do not, ap*aarently. hav. to b. on the prei- lfes, and ntgbt coasist iu eqiiity ta. MnMhines betug constructed lInlthe United States. Whee.woud thé town's security bc i.n tuia evet? Tb*. aboya tînt of argument t.e one oehlilmigili r.eaemWly Wbe akmby su oppent cd t»e prqmWt$ho. New ulil AN APPEUaf Tu mQUW4. -t "b*bi- dý0 oudt te u *0 ue ibuvt, Oaiggw rfftm" ta =y fOr »#* du,- $« s4m Pm t» am te e ~mi"~ thw MÉalaS "à mamew do for soldiers ,comforts to be held at the Government House on TbüiredA. after-1 nioon, Deceluber 7th, and ail tbose de- «31rlng to contribute fil response to the QueeîV's request. May send their glfts of comforts or money, by post, to Lady Hendçle. Goverune-ht 1House, Torontfo. at any time before the 7th December. TWO KILLED, ONE WOUNDEr PRt)M AN O.SFIAwA AMILY. Tv-o sons of Nir. ind NIrs. lai Wu.*od, .1767 Albert Su t iý,. Og.i'wa, hi beii-en iied tli acîloiî, an'd a Ihird 1 bi ilwoimdcd. Wh<en thle telf-gi -ieannoiiuiing t al Thomnast 1een kilied, a foîîrîl son, iiamed DB ized tonî. sald: ut1r- ng o nol NIr. nd MsWuod and farniiv c: r î ial i froîn i oel nýnss. FsF -"lu id, il siirs rlzî. îand ilii' fal a i-<n < fajillifijl -atlî e i (lw iî -f llogc. & I'd . li, gr i-'i'. for ilit- îz'i ,\ ai io.Ic ciiniî i*Fîi i;ir B'ai for, :,711 andi to .' 'ii i 1,5111h ,.nd liai-I V v- nit %i I' Ille' eî-îiii and Thuiiis hv . iiîdi lhie n ol n sani 'e - i h rr-x r (nrrri l aý i s!.n l-'it. t1iC a * 1i5 eI unr-i î cII iii rim iur i (trou ir i1ît,îvdasiinliii li\ t i'- ild F '.\-r-f l 11AViAP, ii :,.l-' i ; os \ppîî ;in a lil.nc s h sl-iibîr li1ii frîîî , n Iri ili-ili nnie iii 1 on s tI iiî. i D rr ave lias ram han iw- t ief thîe s 7itli. Ioe su 4 Tho81-RAT SOE OUR LUNES Suits or Overcoafis Made Io Order $18.00 ta 30.00. Trousers to Order $4.50 Io $8.00. 500) saimpies and patterns of cloth to select Y*our suit fro m. Made to vour exact measure in 7 days. H We have secured the ager;cy for the New Idien Patterns for Ladies' Suits, Di-esses, ctc. AI, patterns ioc and i5c. Bu.tons covered iS styles and 12 Sizes M from your own material, in any quantity. 'ile iS iil tlifiri1 weilrinig appirl. miodIerate ii-c. too îîainhty for uq to clean or dye in l're.siiiZ, re pairiflg, alterations at rir*t efi-es sefe- a w'ays. mI~....L....L~...L.1 door south WIJ4ku flii V. Y IW VUIDjRoa otl VIIRU7Y I is@ îîiulî-,TAILOR AND CLEANER 'îi'tix r' ( b(- Everybody corne and see thelriraw it ~ ~ ~ ~ a t î ma he S*t. Ane" 's Society i-al rlolic fi (Ou \Ii iiil'. ci( ilig lîltil ilie tii](ti cincc-rt îy th e Toronto Police ljgh- La i i f I ll' Iresh ' leriaiitînlî rc. S'înt oe S-i. luidPipe Band on Thursday cvi nlng, r-v of - i' (JvIiuWa. , intpici aicd ti î çirî tl'. N n-itr 301h. In the mtnsic bal. raiid it ~U dlîî'î i Aiiiuni, iif b W ~ Tlit-! s 25c., reserved se-ais i-r r- (I i i i-, r r' îî ciit, an d (i r'-i (i! -, ' aie li f l' m1r g store. Plan of for< : r i i I iP ii i lt r.rjoiép- - M na. l a u.. Procee-ds i~~~~~~~ r é vu iir é 'i-"Ii-- I :1-Iv I!p, rrfýiled l'i, 1t2n -r u lubi rr- rf îlîî iç - ' e 1î L'lii r- aI. g- ic li-:lzue gcid i S n -\ it ii- I e-'i t - - t i'r.il n i. l:. c'rrt lrirrs if îc î1-r .)î- dri- c aeii'n i-f thi-e ((rcert ilui LI ~ l -.~t i - rîllla - îll ' h i i n 1,'if, -m jili liere on Nlonday' - r, - --- rr n t ,- vi t-- \.i i t nrl iii il zrr- î.Xjii.i - tiflf- cii-idFi-i lun î-fficieily sioce ils or- n. t i-tr I frritii 'aaidir'111o l rtn ltîii izi'i$ aijulfixi r:.ine waa lîighiy ij- vii lb ihi e (x'--t-'nl niiaicpro- I - l i1" i r ' 'f j1- b' I Ir- li(.t" Vr'î.ui lni addition to i.iv . i- S- i -ru :rS tii-'it r,,*i rIu by thi- 182nd IVi - rîri f i-r- ,ri duI. bi, r rr ir tr Qrlîr'I l if -ais) o îlos, iî-ic. A good pro- f 1- L ni iii f iiici,, c i'z icliires WEIa also i iit-iill7 t.io-111, 71iiii. Iale<r \Vaîr.-n, who wa.s la 'Ii i î'ili "u.th d i-- rGt \Vli P<iclîl r -i î 'i i c î- u lîi; p e -îd as îluiliriiii. uias unavoid- l- 'olth if W ii'.andIl niluii e. icl ît ii ifr.- iiî ii uo li f ;l. asil), i lis pric -was taken \l'îi. i- hhiîriiiît li'- <r- lii <un 'i'1 "'i~ tt if il' tlt'i r ~ t,; Mr. T. G. Whl)tfieid. Lt.-Coi Wii- c' r -ji r-r reuili -s.itiuii" cir' r- iîîi r- iii iii z-n Illrî iîms aîî Lî-( I. Cockbîirn spoke NIir, )tI,- a i mzth'rof Mii 'itit-inisxihll,in onr lrifv o v gt i oceta n i i C b îrt'lî - 'li- I aildius .\,iixil la ry <if i lue h ( 2îilc1 h o c r i fi i i ltPiral serv i ci- w a- co i t-cied Bl iii niToroni io i-Id ni dance -on l-'ida Il.fornmali du c'c was h-Id - bi l' . 1. oser.su wa letdaheîeilig I 11< ('llge f >auiu, D-'Grand Highland Scotch concert un- i'ie huome, of R. G. Oke on Mouday v.o-rotirl Itoad aild College St., 10 ralse1 de-r the. auspices of the. St .Andrew's morniiî ua su iîîe o'ctock. The remaiîîS inoni-> in oylii> nods t10 make iui'ct5ssir--Socie-ty and -the Whltby Var Relief mr-ii-t iakfI-Ii o Toronto on the 10,0:9 (T. les fîîr tiIi soidii-rs of tlîî- Bsitalloîi. Soieity, hy the' Toronto Police Pip e il. traini. Interrnîtbelîîg madi' at 'ro- i ~.-- Baud *aznd other Scotch singera and rnîîo Necropolis. Sesindancers, ln lthe nnustc hall, Whitby, on ý ~~NovemberSeso County 'Phursday. Nov ember 3Oth, 1916. Tick- BATTAION NTES.Counc<'nes 25c; reserv'ed seats 35c, at Whit- ig2D BTTAIONNOTS. ounil.fi-ld's drug store. Plan open Monday, A riimor w'hich has ruade lîs w ay lu- 10 Oarn. Proceeds for the. Wan Relli to, somi- of the ('ounby papers 10 the On Tîîesday afîerîoom tlîe Reeves Socie-ty. effect thai Li.-Col. A. A. I'ockbîîrn bas mand Depiîty Rtvso! the varionîs mul---o- resigned la reptîdlaled. lt beiug dis- nicipalities o! Ontario ('outy arrlved WILL MEET GENEHAL LOGIE.- îtictly iiiitriie, as th(- Colonel deniles in Whitby for the' s;eciai No'ember A depîttation composed o! Lt-Col. 'Wll- il. and he iîîti-ds g-oing straight to se'ssion o! the. (ouuty Couincil. There Williams, Chie! Recruiting Officer of Ille front. w'ere seî-erai abt-n teest, howev'er. but Niiitary District No. 2, and Lt.-CoI. A. Thi, P.itallou was iuspected by Brig- on Wednesday soine of tiieste uit lu A. (ockbtîrn. Major Patton and Capt. -dt lurL o. B. fi. Belson, on Monda> naîerue Basconi, of tht. 182nd O.S. Bn., C.E.F., în.onniug at Alexandnia Park. Ali ranks a deputation compose-d o!Lýt.-Col. Wl. alled on the County Council on*'Tues- wr-re on parade and exected theinlilains. Chie-f Recriîiting Olffcer, Mi]- day afternoon and piaced before tbein miovi menus lu a v-ery successf-îil mam- ltary [District No. 2, and Lt.-Coi. A . eact that khaki recrultlng haà uer. A. ('ockburn. Major Patton, and CaPt. reacbed lits limît and that' the Go-vern- LI. A. Douglas Gray, a brother o! Dr. Bascom. of the' 182ud Battallon. ment lias aow put lit tip to tbiý civil Major Gray of this Battallon. Ils honna Titey explaluod that recruiting- was aîutîmoritles to assume timeir responsi- on Icaît' from the. front. Lt. Gray, wbo not by any meaus as Ilvely nor the. bîîîîy andi set. that the autborIzeti unîts was attacbed to the. 74th Bn., wa" people oi! the Cotiîty as euthusiastic are brouîght up 10 shrength by the end Nvouuded ah tht. îýomme. aud la 10 re- as shoîîld hi-. aindl the' Bat talion wîlshed of Jauîary, 1917. Coi. Willilams -point- tîîrn to Englanti ý the 27th. He Ils but to have deifiuite organizeti assistance on ed out that Ontario County had not 18S years o! age, afîi lias Wen lu the. the' part o! the' cîtîzens, especilly the gîven ber quota O! the 500,000, being treuches for over a year., membî'rs of the. (ouuty Cotincil. Col. short 1,000 o! ber share. Recruitlng lis plcklng up, elght ne- Cockbîîrn polied out that the. men ln The County Cotmncil una.nlmougly crîmits bclug attested lu one. day. Tht' unl!onm have donce about ail that they passed a resolution acceptUng their re- officers look !orwand uîiih big expu'cta- cana do toward geltling recruits fromJ sponsibi-li y andi undertaklng toi do lts tions that necruils ln the. saineium.i Ontario Couty. Il Is now evidenthé be hane. They authorîzeti a meeting of bers wlll continue to core ne dàlly. said, that orgauized effort on tht. lant ail the Councillors o! every mUnici- The hnass baud o! tht. Jg2ud. under of civilians. simmlar to that-*hich bas pallty andi Officiers o! ail recruiting the very efficient leadership o! Baud- been carleti on by the necnulting oui. leagues of the aoutb nlding çt Onitario- master E. G. Hazell, 'aud tht. lS2ud cens--is aeceseany If anytbing further Cointy to be h<eld at 3.30 p.m. on Wed- Male 'Quartette toureti the couaty iast la to be doute. 'Faltirg that,' salli the neati.ay, N"o'ember 29, in itll .qwn week i a.stries o! concerts la aid o! Colonel., "we'i1 bave to, be conhented Hal, OsbaN, 10 lacXnet. _4eeiai Lgte the Regimental F'und. No ?reelultlng. wlhh bal! a bathalion."- andi bis staff, -5'r- ..« Consistent training andi wboie-hearted What he proposed tb do was ho hoiti A sililar meeting was outhorizedý interest have secured for the Band a two meetings. ont. mt Oshawa for Southi for Bealrerton Town Hiall at Il a.lný, on blgb degret. of qualityn -The cas o! Ontario, andi one probably at Beaver-r- Thursday, November 30.- -- music used ait thbese goncerta was cf! a ton for North Ontario, ut whieh Gen- dectdediy classical nature, mnuch ne- eral Logic would '6e prestent to duscusa ST. ANDREW'S 8OCETy. moved f rom the earstralnlng fanfarpo! mattons wlith the Couacillors. andt o--- The. Rev. J. R. Fraser, o! Uxbrtdge, - -Manching Tbrougb Georgia" style. state the facts o!flime case as regarda wnh Predch the annivturuary sermon OC Cornet andi trombone solos iîend a the. neeti for men, andi give any other St. Andrcw's Society on Sunday eVecn-. vartcty ho thc program. The~ Band fleed Information desirabie. At theso e I Ing ncxt, Nov. 26t1, at 7 o'clock, làa fear no foe, andi la goltig forth to con- Ings organizaf ion would b)e alfecteti, If St. Andrcw's Church, Whttby. - Ai quer the hparty support and apprecia- thought advisable, ho promote recruit- ineznbers o! the Society, and aU Scotch- tion o! tii. loyal cltlz.ciw o! Ontario îng anti to propagahe a eampaigut of! men, wlethcr members or flot, are r. county. The alven-tonctaientenes, education alri; recruitin;lUnres. qiicStt.d10 meet ait thc Highland Club ttte shrili piccolo teflor. andth te "Scrub The opinion expresseti ty some O! rooms at 6.30 p-m and jln' in the pro- the. Bottom ' »basa of Ptes. D. 1S. Ren- the membiers o! the Council wu. that cession to the ehurch. -wîck. A. E. Blatth!ond. P. H. Gallo'way leverythîng b.d been donc that »eemed and J. C. Burns blended luto, a most possible by cilvillan recrulting com- METRODIST TABRNACE harmonious imclody, whlch took the mittes. Mowevcr, lthe Proposed plan Sunday, Novetnber 28. tovus by storm. 8.10.s ad duets put would du no barm and uitt resuit Ia Mornîng. Ânthem, "*Great la Jetu. Point .ad %Uvor, mb lbthePfl>SISMMd ràtàieb zgeai._and It WUs tberefore de, vah." Mlled Quartette, FfLesd, Me Gent- Proved the versatility of the artiste. cidedi UsPer a reselutton ttoduc<d Iy Home.", Misa Powell and. Mis. Jaek-' StUrt Uga BrOecin. aud aPgcarla t by F. L~ Masoil, that Col.('CkUfn's son, Meurs. Jones and Ayr«s. Othet towns tn theïr tour, libervIsted proposition bWeudotftd b>e the Coun- Evenlag.-Solo, "FRefeero*ti Oshawa ait Martln'a tiieatre TIudSY ci.. W0i,"Mrs- . oser of htem leveitg. Tickets for tis amutScJ treât The luduatrlal CoiD3Ittft 01 the "Hope's GUldfng Str." Bojer, "Be or, obtained ftemn the oidl*M .A jWbltby B13«M et NZtIti&ti@D W , Thdou I0athtul Unt. Destb." Mr. T. B. la ,, umkberto* dtwaaUm, ef is a uaj>outhé Cunil akift f0? i-idSljant. , »et, "Harli. ark ?Mr Sou], OpetOultY te l Ieualo e i. B.qdn» 'aslaaue uth*.work e! of t lismicalgu , y M.~ .u tgi FUb" .trallu s M e. blu-eMdteWst ahe acsnM.i. I I.Ul i4e'Csph* "yersnS <>#«MOMIOD Whtyitbr 100 10 oL 414 PrOPOse t4o~r -,Tbe Plpit Wfl b oocpled bh s- wub tWIatbtl.t*«ithIi ot lu 1 t up th .u 14 gynastes làt. 9 m*tf9ls'ie:bYtjeer,, ynn M b ciof te rrbfeuls-i. ta nthe SeaTrais'.*a*"tOry o tllon te âtl* MmIaiS~ 'oosgsfnep.e'o brw ft%. Dpetet MU, Qub«.traning -&M 0at fr mu#4UOint D5 ' .-, 1 1._W U 1b4 <>, b -$ - ta thJ ý tus«Iftet w , * 'iua as&Ii, h 1 - - TM10-plpPp T N o AUTUMN SHOE FASHIONS Sou are cordîally invited to inspcct the tncw iodels Phone 151 Ba'ock Street, WhiLby and 3CtIUs. Itogg & Lytie, uimilod, Best by Test Part Lot SAC. Pt. o! North lI/m29 -d as".sament. There la another point ro niatned in clause 8 o! agreement î"-hlcb niia> Ieam'e a ioop boit. for dis. pille and dlaagreemni-iit. Here ha part o!f the. clause: -The bonds shaji1 be endocrsed i wtn itut guaranîi'e o! eaid corp6ration over lis saaiandti t1dn deposîted Inlutrust wiîlm tht. local manager o! the. Bankers o! the. Rali Gorppratlon, a.nd 'shaîl be delivereti by saiti. manager tu tht. salti xompany as requesteti by IL, but- the. aznounh delivereti shali ai no time ex- ceeti8o per cent. o! tht. total amount o! Lihe progress cerUtlcates giren by the. Archilteciln charge o! the conatrute- lIon o! tht. salti !actory. anti tht. cost of the. nacbinery dehimered, andi cost o! Installationi. ho be ascertalaed by the. r ertilcate o! a qualificti oftiler o! the compariy. anti tht. amount delivereti sa at irnetime iceedthelb.total a- mourit of the capital stock o! sait! coin- paay uhicil bas beM palti ln. The, ameutof bonds so dteivered sheil ai no ime cxem4 onehanif !the Cros sas- sets of thie company exclusIve of ail sus paîti for patent or Bieas. rigiatà as ertlffl bty thie compuy's autorè Who allait be a qualdtmCdand charteemiaceouctaut. TMe.towu te- serves the rigla ho appoint sa a"hor s.emmuat or aacite t b eucil«rt Bau tea thfeic ompsuY'sservaMU4 u- Part Lot Con. Arreil Tai6me N. il 12 kit> 17.34 Treasurers OMco, Co. ]ldgs., -Septcmnben 151h. 1916. 'tll the" el esS. irj&umý. mmu im à m il 111 ilimil th,- i-agi-rz- ooki-d for Iz- Mr. DiBiil"; o- 1 l d ii î'r ii id litof -c 111,'i niait z Çzlends w liihave- gli n hlm tb, vrdr or woor iee epi'.MW n-tifl'Avr u i artsI ns, .-'îirî <t- ]si aiîil In l alu g' iii i nîaî 'id e' d aS vIN - i 'e- nu5 r s o-- eiof4 lhpii- lcds tiauz- as ifi ' e iti-b of iis l-ook. If I . d liimi rn-r cm ..i ' iii e usais 'bu - -i lii L- Ma i-r- <Iii'Ci i-ro tîcl 0 -- \1: lx I!,1 n l t - iý( irrî. li-.r ý ,- vî: M F IOH'ti-. p i ir IP I nIlm, -i 44titir b il '-1 -lii - -i -lu r ïs m .îlI 15,- i i ti i f o i r -dri ofI '- i L ,n iilt I . -- - tt r T, î è i i -n.I1 i 1, h-'- 11 id in rrîîiVt tluti.:er-f.- -- rw ViLab tsn . - - "'inan t i l" 14.ieru - Iir 1lof iii V i' t ilît il o I 11 1 - t'l t-' j '-' ts a i,-.neI lzl i u eas"î s t cf 'lns'our seil t- r 1 Tho" o- I t oc- ilt-. -i r I' i lt s- - i n l 'll riîe ttî'd p- i: .- -1 r lit i. fut i'ppîîsiiî. sirc i. î'nît ls,' trîce îîr. ui 1, l'eh i r I M fii.orn iail for thi slip inay lb.- 'iii an acre n hichid i r-r '"no i-i ir.- or illoîîru .- w tii-r e l'immss"5511 i i otf Dur n i'iil i ' lTre, iue agri cmui -fariiî laîildiis îîîiw fî3îpîr lacre. w"eC un- lii is nun a îiîjc Aoforr at iosjilcil Air de-eaiiil If ilie tss&'ssuipt is 10 bu ci.iîiott if tiir selijir un thîe i ini C * Xm ai I ?E t iil-t ofii i Oices -' t, cre ise hav tii isru r4 anl'e b, hatit. i===== 1' lý,ý p ýid . !,., 1,ý( 1 or, -1 ' k . - , 1 . ý - à a & jk " 1 Fa ", er et il ý ýIpAille vertift ni' la

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