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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Nov 1916, p. 5

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________________________________________________________ PAGE FIVE TI-IURSDAY. NOVR~nlr.P 92 but FOR XMAS Just a Few Weeks Then Xmas Illititu ,facttori ' t h-tI u lit -'îl lui tf c1 t'ii If l i 2 tlit ;o. lýit-ilui -t 1' rt tui iil lt-i Ilu i a tI u ;i rul i rut ît i ut rift to ini oti rif i tut ut tutitt11 u- Ch :u-111'uti1tt1tîuS.i lit ut uis tuti. sitteii s t'itt'tts ut-f Su'au.i tiîi- uL ut i'l ilni'iuct- it-nsu siN% I tu l'lf ti l ilfttu if' 'Oitll î t1( lllit î t tt" fititt 1 li % i ttl] t1i4mitit t tl i l t t i t'tit f i tiit u't it-itil-i -ill p 4 tl IllI tti ti f- utit\ 1ro lils. ut iti' t. T ' lt tt tg tlo fi li EBONY AND IVORY MOlLET PIEGES 1, 't f to i tt t\ i.il q'ui'Idtah i i t i h 'i l u hdtt t l ii -;l, 1,11 A ift ITiat Would Ploase a Little Girl t-tut t Iti t t-t t:l.. i ý - l ttt'~~~~~~~ tii tpli - t t~ ti ii v - I 1t,"- ii t' i"J S5 rt S tl Mirl i'l.,T t7 tii tj Y. iii tii ut -t.- -'i ut t- 'iii -i 'ut'u t t tutu lu t.l'iui -iii t t u..tr.utî Re N. BAqSè e Jeweler and Opticlan ln the Bloc Brock St. South, %i W. C. T. L. irecvli-rl fiorti i ,tuifT îîlhî-îr iIý-na, ponrenl t " is i ilt i , ' li i s :.lf -t't _) gîPb am>Ihhitîg Luit u îr t t-rt--limlitL -ant iIgliti îmît l11 iw , tît an!drrirtiy r ici ir t-t dri ui te Irenctîs. hutm1 iitut'itiart o! ci o! drunketîitir-ti it itnth trnhi.s, h can ottiy hi-diiief0tti- raniîîî mn Ohlicrtrs, 100. are' mit Iimîtmuntît. On. lte tifuiitilt lt-ut isiht a mhunst-xtirg care 1.9 exerciset. iii- îemi t-lia do wuanl nutni letI t htoi'si Luitdo sean bave ttir slt.r, ilthu of cturNse. asîrous nu-smiltii. butt titi' u rrst fei-t Is timat lis o!ftitirt' Liatreht-con- acquainti-! s it lIt,- tati' a!r lit amnd are b'cornilig atirici-dto r the' dm babil, LOCAL HAPPENINGS Safty Razors ai 1BASSE'Ir-S. Gel lite famnouts Chamberlin weatiter islrip for doors an! windows Installe! by Threadgoid l3ros.. phone 132. -'a- Str.Andrew's Sun!ay Scitool are pre- parin g for Iheir Christmas concert in be bei! on Friday, 1Dect'mber 212nd. Furtiter notice laler. Reniember te Trafalgar Daugbters' Pat riotlc Tea on Nlonday, November 27îh, aI lime home of Misa F. MeGfilli- ray, ftram four 10 six. Admission 25c. BOY WANTED. 'To eur» lime trude- or prhnting. Good ,w-tges froilimhe st-art-.Appiy nt once ut Gazetie, omoe. Don't put off or!ening Xmaui caria tili ite cholce Unes are sel! eut. Cali ani! pee aut samplea Dow. f(3r.rfort dellveny any lime. C. A. Gooi!ellow A son. ALII SAINTS' CHURCK. Rev. John Busheli, M.A.. m-ceer ot 'St Ciemenls Chunci, T'ro-nte, viii b. ,the preaciter at botm services on Sun- day, November 26ti>. Thé. acte» mai.o!flt* 1o18eWMd lot et Mm. Chs M. Willcox oa-, Ryreh Si. seuthb eu on Stluriuy attsmaoa laut. esultai la tbe male e!flth. propesr te Mr, F. N. àurno, lte prie. buing $81U0. i-Ot Tu«eutteMgo.Novembn lst aftr1; oep1Ok Innire1 b l te mm cm-y o!, lia. Hon. l u.Min-iter o!' AgrIulture, viose taiiwSI Wuiul ATmeeo.say ufteraomL. 6à, sma Bée Our .smp 'el* CX .006ê& on' ~.~ttcauto Sai* f îQlt>Otai uts u m ' Wu çS ' oit D t -t i i r s i iav'ti hl g m a o, F rie - Ui-tti> rrh it-L r)>u"s titiX nias t .rdt St. kîur su -ts Nîtt Linîg tas 1 rt'o ii -t iti usa.- stigtit itl-t s rt, tîî'îîuruî~ Utii- 'itgt- tof cand..1 rtt- Il .l i aIl* Vaîî 1 sît i l' qv h-.Hual n l)iO r titt St a -titis d a 1'l' trt11at asc t-rfi'( lich 1:, ttko opt D 6 N oiz t-att- foi' ..tt iarve. r ami t>coasuîîi-l abouti 11,-u ee frg luises oit ruesdia.N -i- hti c*ember 5mb, ai A. Il. Alin's drug store, q in APabtotic lte-1t11iib.-gis î- Il hù t tior. Trafalgar [Jauglirers on Momday. Nov- lmîk 'mnbu'r 27t4. at i te homeîtand Anmithe- sîîtiio o! Miss tP. M(IILra suiea lier piclures wiii be on view (rom four 1î o six. Admnibiomi 2bc. Thiermos Bottles ai I3ASSETTS. SCHOOL nOY WANTE!) Froni 7.20 10 9.00 a.m f rom 4 tid mo' 6.00 p.m.. an! Satur!ay inoraiiîteir. 10 run messages anti do ciorî's about te office. Appiy at Gai-mte Offiie. --0- Pte. hIvan J. R»ossa!Wltlby. wsi wp-nt overaea.s viîh lthe 1h attalion, hua hi-en ira-nferred 10 lte Arin>- Ser- vice Corpsq, Nechantrat TraspîorÇ lis iwo brothers, Clarence and i Ainm#r, are tili %-uIîtihti- 116mb Thte loy15 aÈ>'tbey are gvlting splendid meais, andti iat îimey have recr-is--!tt«- socks sbich have been sent 1tth-eIlatintion from (ime go lime, Swan andi ~atrnan Voummain Penu 1t BASSErrS 'ite map of!Ontario County ter mal. viii> itiucb ppreciat.1on. rTe prieS bm-la-p It wu-iu ay netcm of evey' permon. It voni! maie a ve.n>r tpro. pria.eCbntstma &Ift g o a f'-iend.Ylr-Le. PRMSBYTRIsN CHURICH Suaday. Novrmaber M4 The. Ret-. J. R.Fraîer, M.A, et e x. bridge, wil b. the premeher at h sericxs. Tii, Si. AmitiriuaS ' oulty rt-il attend aKtlite evenn; service. Il .m-SIo Ham-n Hoshîn. 7 p.m.- --Dumi. -m m Eva "el at Mr. 4ntbur Lymide. Anibein, -C>m Titoulpouant o!fIeny Bieusin& s" t-hemn, "I WîiI Ut pm ine Ryes" Have yens eyraez&asse! as DA&- SETTra bmen s etie, Co.9ttse o<e lMAt W. 0. Wautre 110 fer X" Ait Hmre! 1Tou MP o»ffe, t biP. Wa" romi! top «pea* *tu e XeI Xmas Shopping Us Very Best RIght Now bsf t iii tri rtrif lfi t iI t d tusti tît I i ,lut auti nduiL sfIi r. _______________________W. watt e go *Mdw*A*tvwn «.gum~,u a mm-lame esseso. Pissasb"s»esil a." 2 UPTON' 4c TE ta8S wb oppu 1~ E.MgP.wiw* - uq..» ' . au'*recUEiiiitie i-lit Cans ad T IIRN.('Lfl 10NOR PO~L, T-rll rractîor%' affid sicli othi - Our Own Preparations CanbeadI. UNl'E 1 1E 1. aricet tia ln nntîuIin U m r ll sTi-It'lîror Ehoil(f thi' Wtt itbhi (' *111, h h e b Iwd aine at'lIll, Th~is 14 ecaut ie ito0w more About ,ur owa jîraducts t1ian coil, colitalalag -tholin atiti-tiof ail the. snid c'nay lociil iti i 1-s:îid iott iwe do ai ut others, and becau4e iwe tat i nliayshack thein iv't Il a No utfi for a lady or genl a iiit nag men froffilt(1- NIfr-h odJ tttqihiri li- A i ala i(opia n ooftil t, Mili -ictîî aitt iron- clat i guara n ti. M oney w ii be refundcd i n all <tr] b (iin pr ecila.d haantiiLaiio tstf ii!idw 1' l rt' <ititiciltif Iflic sitild tita t, fiîs de.i- r cases wbere-any of tour preparations do flot give or L*tiii wî,lart. ithe iialfnrra of ilîcîr 1ilng, a I -,.to a rand idIlr-uaflr a Jad agrt- t i Nlotllt#,t d 11a filale goit or -turillti g tiI I ,ii t il t id al a sîtiiiiid ittriol îc s-t c- 1 titlj'I ot- t h e aplura valI of lia'entire satisfaction. a1 \uîr.ad pli ced ifrotn $1 ')i t o $15 (titi for titi Stinda> -vaîî.Rev. Prof. r tmt~ rat'i 'ayirs lliereof. M il1)V 'if tiiese remieiite s itouli have a place il) your i attcii.atidifroma Ilti 1 d fi'rfii- af Vitoria t ît dtIv IiLtir Il Tîi *a iv tal b: tiil t ipi i ijici ft- iin cit it tri yls- ar ItInitiartlit (s tfto i. n~ain srni n 'ratL-I Utrs- ~ atta >f liIraltai'rili . u fil mermon on_________________________________________ îa lv' Majior Pîîtior of the It2tid itl'tt .(t ( it' tiî'reoîî. tithe t la Is ait- i'h ndiigî uîaBovntliitr ror Ii t ailoi t t tiitlook ciharge <if ti.li ru - ptînt dnd t I atfi rm'd , amîd t bat fit att ii tii itt î' ni'î c- eut~ ~~ < t cr anid iqoki' i rit-fil v bt liit t nd Corpoirat ion af thet-Taiviîî of W'h ity it aIld low lirit, f riiet'tn:fii r l tii' tar ilu getît rai amtd re- attiiii'rd ta guaranîi'i' lite bonds tIf flté1a itt'iant'tdir Ir 'îfî t tfftu o tut' t'itiig lit liarticuint'. Foloiotilg titis tleti' cnhiltaliso o l i', fîtranitu li, W H IT I I E L D 'S ,1 coi'seit- ltioil t Cii11 i i' tit-t f4it iri mt'olnmasr(\-anziii arF. tattibî'ttrlttg titi-I.t iifa rate DRIJG and STATIONERY STORE 1, Tii PItSa wui aio tcin t tilt t iit'i taof47i rtfmfnt i SZ' rdfi l noltuttgri ttr r hliti ut antd ont-iafp'r z iir v N A tarI ti'int)îtk nh tisltc fi li t i dn-r anîîd li n il lei1tIItsîcaî cî,tf lieîr tattît iii ' ltt î n tisaîid ( li arvitof t!tî r tiagi îragran. Thiin ttiis tIo ii' Ilit alf1titi'11'(j tiotf itSole Agent for Butterick Pattern s p ~ ~ ~ ~ e ai l tt ttn i iiitt tti ~tn itrtîItit' aisît iritidcd sîtit-rîditi i tir <itrittu titi',iîaid t'rttt. tîîd the ol getfor Nyal Proparations -i 'ti'- alitet l t - ' t'tct it s t (it I a-il tititu choir tif ii)c roit he dlate t iti -tirtot i it tr ;I tii tt l'ic:il'i\ fot i.'f'att ati ' I oueîr i ( i. lIii' whale sert ici' w vu di-' ' î li r' titconprt in ige. ý;I r w t 1 -«I It r i a hita. tliai î lrîtîtilsîd cicidI i> iit irsivi ad was ont- of thet' Ifiic, stîli carîtî tifloti g ýre s r inî il,1114 it incti- ni quei'jin antid lirsîn îtî nftliesat ittliii' u tt >itrsfiti rdrfîrdt tttti gtn i tt'Ai iiti' tu c i>'iîrii liiifiteldiIna Whltl) it- irittg ititis ii' .atitary 1, 1917. i xuia[)iitof taxatioti o d rfrGfl ta tr l(I y Il l if 1 1 (ncl,1l L eather Goo~is of '-tar. Ther'cliîchti w s fiihi'd 1ta ifs for tîîttîîlciîîîiltttriitrtsis. e-settscitoal lied Nationîal t'Corforll atttiont t îît té)-fitîr ' itti titi'ttaatt l ttîoîat 1 ttSiasoNrott oiuie Ititlt'Itii-lit 0 nd l "as t ipn lns iwild tînatI -qsai h IIIt, :ro 1).ty -il a cf' ii'iiTho corora tcin onrt-ce îtîîî-î> ibt ai t dt i ttiittifac- N ;tagi'î' ltî'nîiîî-iti-r itinni' tt ioî I ttîtl ( f;I ,i tititil-s' n iifté' stittic'tta any iltit îa"î'î ti.\îl' n vs titii ii' tint-il iii iîs'ilglaitt ii tif fit- stitiiforitti'tiî f 'i iii t'-.oraiti tîtîtîii ti ta tti>' titi-inamer inI gs foir X i'as p- k iNV ; \StltG, -' siti i irtt- iti- t-t <ii ttt otfrîti] i l Itit tîtS-t1i-tiiil).I-hlit I I l\tb.t t't - ii itttttii)>iii i-sains îîf I or het Ili,\tieti i irf>I,î11. V(tli tuti-i ld tt a-t Illi tîc'ni' siu i s aL tt t it itii ti ti e' t, ii iiut o i i i it i i i i ~te t a- t ft tt i it i -iti~ îit i i Iti -;~ t111 t i' t11 ti s lc: ' u hllll f'iit t fo 1 i- lIay i î t i t oft ildi"ttit\l"',titil f 1 u-1n lirl d(Ir(iX-iriei 1itq tîtti'. -' -'s tiI oit fil -I'fI tas iîeî fO j;!aitr.rtfid titililauts.r Titiie i 41 î- t ' i ý iie tti î 1\ 1 ý:1lit -1 i , i t' j r , ir tîitî)ti; S sî ii s fît th t i i,l-tc Ii ii i> t11 - tli trtt t llt-i-lit-Ilru'ili ti-ler tf1tit.tii 1tti',, 11- .ii tl tt, î i l,, f a tu' tr< tc l u-nt i t'ii l - t n t (i l ia i Irî- i l ittiti i- , iiarIf 1 , loN i tt ftt i ii tt> tf tt'tt; i?7 '2 îî' - . ftrilitti it t tieri ;,f.t ' g '2 li-i rC .li t-r ittîltbo ns. pc-11 7 t 'tu sult - ttiod rit.-itt la. i ai îîta n(î]'a î'a t 1 ;- t I I'- i i~ lti1f i tA lo g . -- o----- tfl i sit Cl'si-it Ii ii t ' st l4'ti ,f ol ' f11'tl, ons"îsii i --ýfi ( l r au 'i- ~ 'îî 'ii - fti le, t' a ltti Il h u itttr Ç'anura11 ttht l, aitt tîîfitiis i ttralttu.t Fî ortrflti are >.> 'rtut'îtaî w i ps' u t tinclupa oidil 7 ;. nd -) fi(- ýafl l rl ti(r(siltird I lot o! defad p rs anit.to \N E I: INt r -ai ~ iistid arîîuît i tsilitIl irrai. - Ltiil1ýîrov' i'n Illeî4tXI's atol fni ,c a frîran - -p id o t h lit 1 iltînio i toiî's ('oflîge lai-a i nt fic orîît s h' ptrt-la;i't y h- hs - - n date t--n'a , a ni pari- * t i t ho a it l ' iti- o rn tta toeds oth t1b1 sur' scItcr.i bylite comnîînym(s litîanmon a! un mnonies hrofbvIIIrce Tii iteta".titi -'vt't imîgof etscrabt'eamu-10:utocamtaît>lotit m ltior li Iî(rlat,.pfan-frt-an icho e s localnîpo i am nts dtoit thiwncre o! bonds, anlite - 1 le (aiI taxationth ofr ntal aie t. mmittLmîaannts -iiag hom e rop -rtst l'oca o Tian tkLg an-0 rr FausEoinsst ofas, t- ig hanse lml)entaîtsa-txssadhv afx d cmt anI ae 0f mî Inctst-fanil. ll il A Niîfrt, Iît 1 OF ui, c lo' itrsda gre ~itt- i ld iit t a iladteni or i t ata e o!d lirt ane, fas oflia: ni'it co th(>mîn 10me u e uil is- Fran S.Wehsamipian G.-[J.Al nd whhe asLiu icrr'afc bed re ie fo app r on ltdatse emeo nd oi fr te pat mfany 1mulisee a yn f teir Ay1 ar 1916ntrforLadies'rslleLt latrabat flalueiforeclree se tercoypofythe son oratioTh-si a ls aenIa i ll ie- ii el i n and se d orpo s shao yanih bead Ii c r orton s al et 1> kin N fo a ir ab,,,y)ani tecn se singepaoutl y atcr e pandnot q, fa( id croion agrdeqI es sppf or nd boîtiesan er orodaton tfeexe YV ..~ icef r<v slenia a mtediienc e. r. ofthemanfac i ng prous -ye is hure-plipe ornatf ho 10axes, locl.i wat e- Atknso Lsmîeici drecorfidi-ti for emi yeardtiomesic t!mnmfcmrîg rofrtîtln wii tit 1 sllite mit 'i niimtr !tborao yh maor île mnnfacîrringert asndpit 0lt opia o gemmtaticryotLstr À> for manmtfacîyîmigproes!tigan auiosrtaxes sai.ls oaveafxpes Orc.;es:ra*Other conerte eLle adlonds, sali proerliy Isus!lt naeiîae a11 ai on - ai reîa iol al1 ar -rho'mp i ngtot w r r n .p o et ,I n ,o h si a d ,o ses e to au t elndsas ot rietercmepafti toisa re mbu tild ie ofetac i îr ht dutlnîmtg o rit yer ar sati îrm.ail ec sar y tmeassin anit ronslîo h n a phepa y lte ai or oti im J3j~ J7îtlmîmet bytheCoieg aîîhoiths. lie by-iaw traktr e eectedfromranti l 1n6. liefomp yays.a s Ion.ost 0f s-,-uemiforg tiesecby- ofth aFlrahnkiaipaS.a tteeo. 00 ! ons n! îvpamiaggeo;pom TAEOT-D.imI heabs-eisha fr im pupoesofa-ceraiîn iitassts10seur teirpameta rim snosi o a îrpoe!byia son, heBlcn ersonal .Mn tion ewimwie-"ehimer thepratlep and 0fIhepTonn 8. dupicorgion0 oage oshaily be whiholi eakte Inopôndfrte 'w y no n orther blit, ndWheco- f hy aufairi ng t o o e onty he-lwre ist e red ipntheo ro er Reis r ffierblite o tail it e o n fWhî HITBY NiLss Livedr e y m! is lanrR b asset fotesame arspfoli w h e oe- nIsnterdplcle oiinlshelec exrsaba o one onizt fro Itisono!Oimial dspe-n to it h ek-md ti on lime917,it tcay ecem e 1916,abe lei with tite Pro ici a searyine te( eo ietrt ~bla ntee - . - Mr. gean MrE . Gangeo cr in pnullfv 'ic lm ranlethoe aidcorpoation or reif emeonltaIancy onan t deris. Syoro Jnyc est r pa. t he tudy wlhr enon nlm eealpll sm-l einane, th uepated In t r sadtoml oeaus ei-r 1 lt i o TiPIICLUIH at r. a.Siî.Cionet s omn fa foiisvs: lesdu ime ndhilomnager o! tlite flnkexersot hal e rasfi 24greemer, Tht'foiotî,tgproofamo! acr! Ms. eA.Ross ra G. .ohe o.1.F J ons'sop . . oesltreadcopraooai!shh ede 91,limpy te dearato prtior bye af ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~sl tem i) eg'îm i ieBitfho ni ieAnsatne h ri. allve. bysai! manander to liesai coS fit-SetinofSetion 26a. I titarct on Sutîday eteIîIg. E-er>-on cne tiono! omlee' islties. b el! No. 2 C. M. Sevens ffce; o ncomnyea rTh e ystehbal, bsu ie$100o'c.is ba im otse Lt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~fe thtiiyisieil etîeett a ieCarileinlSiol o-Nbefna D.RO. amef. 00 o on n d gIveed sa mtaI o ie e- mipo AETI qualif thde10 oe isroa S "pv ym-h Rdan or noo ledy ni eneta o o.f onthe Chaxnes of G'eo.Robb, cetqae!80 p ece oflteitotal minnî wlab ae nov on oday, 41it ecemy-l Hesoa Menti-odnway" ttiswee. DR tertO.so teTw of dulie rgina eliofcatsgiven sy ll eber, 191, a i etaenolwng pcôie;I ,k rise Anhem."alse lte ord -_ No 4.'-aanidtobarbe o, thnd-as rcierdIn cha rperfliegostry ucon thePoiln ui>-lsoieonNo 1, F. MisLvsi n is lao Roeb-n Adoret Hlm."e Sain A.aoindpDRoil. o! lim- ndanerli! fcat oi ineat o! Joncs' hoepirtofoemnhf MyIBI Commaxmdmof'Oshawa._________ the__ week-end_ Wionth D.R.O. f insta, 91, e liallon, te bParovinlSed by ite teven' he, îmnst.licto he Laduts Qurtette..--HeLîgrsoAfteriOnthe hoIsf Inayo cember Lan c lfThelbond a ualife! offe 0flih te o ng tb-hdvlsofNo. 3b, C1916. Darnes'îîsiesîeandl, îî%tir Fr sAE . Mayor of rim inu oe Twnti ieo WckItithe iilat- gcorntl ofafld ltecoation vered Ifsmsoamber tnnt.o eirst sonRuttanan! rs.Wiiong ubertirn engySuonday nw. ApMr.tern ainhe municial ofie sui- a. itliaino tie eposted in ttaustmount voeinmusbdlvr to to.e erkno Anlem- Take CU Thy Coandply10 rne Ja. Ferguoon BSook isons.teapfonlpos ten Ilth e locapimaagsocko! tema -cofanstor. Dundas i. vatormem aber Tholos bym-Ing es insanti Rf an. Ontrso. A os. p . I oo liNo. pacesJafonessi!, un..!Jonethme whici cor bepoaona. i hl e d 11notepat sIio prvIedfop. i lisnalIll weing uploaithe eavotes bylow adeào!sbondss sttdeid theed.si. aileut nesUrneanagernt the saldSubsStncNo, 3 of Sctionr26- Myurh n (byduble iolr)-"ArynThonvetin f O nSLE,-stitutrspe. .C . ven' on ie; Jfohnt eceed na e-bi a e grogs atute fa's ote fii bttevtso Il ori.-lCm-osing tohe 13r7ss G. Atmre.Centrl Tcol. ieap if alenTor-Ns ne-e npoble, oD011-Lite omny êliexclusive 0f ano aum pexd Aiso ttosat ified, o voti e preent Lo'ie, a one. . DntWhiby.osngdimespasage ! tiis bylaw oforter orense igi aerticae lnbythe b1. aTthe o oIipces;4dy yer. Rbivn dNe ichloms.I la"ie St. byRwln, lim.ofte coany' acor, nvte o st f-oes' I De.ehr ttihei-oteo'l !oihognmb-rs !utng ie. sers ForSat TO RN. AREEM o.5 .NrtanahuENT MEN-taequaie Candinehered acc oa-f ouon5 for the olnt>'o. 2.e.u- Myrelitati nCminr(hen. Sui ato wigu oner et Ion DN BOV InAWtalt ion, îo reseres ite rigithe to son $opttend u Set.i Poi~-Pcs LaJiue QRuîalrett. - CgAientetiMrOsnes.Tts is the arlm et cit f e lmi -GuyeR. appointe ana uditr, e o1ntant ofrte oangs b. fialsulo o.up o! tit' arcit Ruaiss Da (Cl endr'>-- -nn O>- SAE!rcy. ha a.orofa tsheuios o! estaby hinga-cledte cimeandk teflaîlon ! iont d vole Caber.teC. son Rutanan Mr. WIIigý rooiurnactirectggygiti.aso lw.ag e mnfacîteuriipastl fait10n ! a. y's srvaintsmeexee o!the totalag le T ,Piat t-birviii suNoUp ,evte- Anthem- 'T&e up Ty '- tire. placLon e an dus vaitr A nem.telbapforn psnaufcui andg N hers -Op begapitayltovka. 81esMPMYatm.oDn Tday, st It. Dremr bar ImSose new ar WlkonoanR uptr hm esans nOntarios large Tr placos" an! 5>1d ot nderiartice as h bas en pa sin Thlpy1 e or- nt eClrg fic t 2fi. Hte.ln bydole appotar-hereho se FORiy ALE. i. ib.- fial be deme! ep teen btuihe oatbonin or efre hl. aitno tige[ Dlgatai UovemberN , *16 Ge e. Th1 A aro. al main. tearaIfelleerkqueseie lo 10 ff t he ex0euit nelothresî o sa'metsbonds am% bouge.IT thd, oi fieanr.-îrose G. DUCKS perbona orcompa n a . omti for o-tsali D xluie fai um adm é hïteMyo Ilb rft Lov e. , a.ai!$.C.A 0! i nce.aFRuDnr, cs fr aib6.00 rpegs thie saeo ien ! $1000. for sii>, ni i ntsuevry yesasfrt dr. te ow#1!r'soeoni ferl &RointihlsnmIi lyten-i b. Athy te m. Georg Allia,1115 ugToi belven hlm n! t-h. uid _________________________ Tiepe In ofi ten ee or).!Southrhait muid Crieciamanovnerof INDE AOEB-AWalus h onrsreste-ih Osnst tedi h i on lite nc>r an! bite Mxrerlorelet~T0FRV SIONThis 0FunThcageemb en orectad a coGumRappita-.io.atcanato rb n e h inlaumu po. Mar-ing pafia ileCîed ge ewy erdreen. WIIITath-. £ pua tt lba dsrunfe ftaigi. al tt hc etfcto f h oi-vt yteCek ---- 1Take funtce, lt igt-beCourtolres tractrinompauty inWbthe iTow f1nniti a!,emvnn-ý -- Sometthing Dolig We are pleased to annouce thati 've have beoit able to niake connection with the farfaed Santa Clan.. M&, private *êcretary anuiwerg: 'Ail arrangement. have heen coi- pleted for my chief to mnet your achool on Wediiesday, Decenibê 20th. 1". S-o'IPardon ime for' thiilittie prîvate MNycllief k ntn?h taken with your tcbool, thinke the y're quite 'it," go you niay look for Ilemetiiîîg Iiaing. " You Can Use Them With Confidence Tiiere are 80 rnanY Remediet and 'Toilet Prepara- tions on the market thijt tvheti sonîethiîîtg uîni(edled the custotner i8 confused linlte matter of chice, 'h ut- i- 'te 4-' y - '1' titi-, rut' fi 'r? TRURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2a. 1PIS. 1 0

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