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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Dec 1916, p. 2

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BRITBII "gm ~~o nto, . o. 13- âffitoba wheat- Thfl.pt 3T-ScKhi Idrfl V RY> Y S N N4wro. 1No brthar OeLJ.GE ST, TORONTO. ~1.941. No Sdo 4whet n11.7r6k.Ba porte. OId crop trad DerM dtr-WA 18BNGSETO TH NoAept as aetoDfdBuhe Mi'.-Bonar Law, Who Declined to Undertake Formation of a New Inr cai>ove new crop.W A SBIG PNTO T MhitrWilAc i ooprManWihLty Goge obanas-o . 2C W., 6c; No. .S Thanku for the privllege of appeal eensrW C i »oeainWihLodGog.d.O645;extra N.1k. è;N. 1,bIng through your clumnas on behait GREAT WAR.BenOlyoaDeyig fed fltrcBal_ porte. ofthte Koupital foF Blok Children, the _____________American corn - No ello. ew, 81.09, track Toronto. D emnber hlp-, great Provincial Charlty._______ requeemont o aubet -o httehebrg, ur ensf nedy l mrd Fac aSedngteL etSm A epthfonLndney:Bcaet A deepatch from London saym: criais ha. arisen before to * mui eOntariobjeetto ebro . hte 3te6t he Our aeed of et n eyl mased y -FacInSedgth si David Lloyd George ha. overthrown such action by the King. nominal. No. 2 do.. 62 to 64c; nominal. cam judge how great that flOOd muetPeCataBchrtheapaloRu najteget ac'cording to fretghts outside. ley. Unleai ~u4the Asquith Cabinet and will become Whatever passed in couneil ie held Ontario wheat-New No. 2 Wlnter, per; li when 19t Ylear8,045 Blok little one@ Te secret, but the inference that the King car lot, 1.72 teo 814; No. S do, $1,10 to ýwere treated as la-patienta, afld as wili $871.25.intehdsoteCnraPwr. abet Prime Miitrhhnself. Tenew ti eaag e~iîUna $1.72. according to frelghta outalde 1be seen frein the 1911 figures, 692 Eatyol ude a.atrtewls a Ministeragea eonilaio a- Peu.. - No. 2, $2.40, accordinu to Government will b. coalition, like the pear. a tnot natural one. The Aive trelghta outolde. 1 .2.a-patients -were e4nsittod frein 242 An estimate that the countries i elrtenu a y Rmai emni old one, but probably wlthout the stateumen departed separately, four In crBa t rle -Mieots 1. Leut er2lde atonte w tr at wraeeedn naeaeu gie hi id h etncale oevr saine measureofharmnonîous suppor their motor caris, and the worki::- IBucwbet,.80, Onominal, accordng ed for deformfteauch es club fet, $105,000,0e agoe; n dA .:nt:hamlettR ifatr:trvrtal:fh: MaeNo.2a $40 er..4.tccreig of hewlll have cenet by that time a gradlonhaifthkngo rnin No e tits cdif retedfc dience We Mr. Bonar Law, who declin- base, $9.60; ând, do, 89.10; *trong.ak tubercular dleeaee of k.nte, hip, ankle. study of war financing issued byth wetotecail uheDnedreutt tional differences.ed to undertake the formation uf a ers'. $8.90, Toronto. frSleO trntoMchncendMtasNtinlBakHospitatladalag ar tDo-Flkna There was a prospect on Wednes- nwMnsrndto Mr.Lyd Ontario fleur - Winter. accordingt or Blo , la the Hospit.ndaltls atona B dat ternoon that the personal oft- iGeorge, who accepted the respensi- rntaopl.3.0t he $7.60 n as ta o ate dola out u you utor le irof New York. rjadpoal tl ntehesMccne day rontoheKinprompt ahiivetpement.i deathastevrtale nbabiesedeutreof their Theots totalre Montitarylsexpendintuerqsetioa.The RtalmanitaranepeandurI îuv h it liy a 1roo niiaedh elfreighte. baga Included. bran. per thedlea? That la the question. leades toBuckngha Palce ad' The official announicement that Mr. white, per ton $38 to $46; good feed sgury meausa ont coffin lese in the $17,50,0,0. ntescn er rn ohî hi ak uhre ceader eBucth nhm orlmoetan afly ere a netkn leur, per ba¶ $Ï2.70 te 12 80. ,5I0L0,H000,000.E edei Jly3 Inatthey e e$8-onudneul yt h nnuc-haota hour Mr.Asqith d M. Llyd a skloydGtorgeh o-operan tut Mr. Straw-C r o,1.0. ta oronto The Hopital inuit ho dlgging up 000000,000. For the cutre~ya lmn t1.fî tBcaetcm r rci George, of the Liberala, Mr. Bonar Bonar Law, was a notificatiuon that track, Toronto. prtn 9t osi helpforlîti. chlld r e rxth s wl utsestmle ha hy ll xee 3,-te es tte atueutteun t s Law and Mr. Balfour ut the Unioniste, the new Government would be ceaigi-uangkgranesaror ltons whlllh 0,0000 umayu h po otntrlrai ucnInPucî,i ilb o adM.Hne sov feign. ie.An aryGoenmn wu FonU rhduo*irv "&e the oil ofmany a eeznetery. party ere wlh the t îa~ e imposible ecauseneithe Ihe utter--Frshderc holce. 41 to 43c. The Hospital for FBld Children cau, day of ail the nations actively et-wchpse ntehadethe n-Crtha many yeare ince a British ruler as- Unionists nor the Liberals have a 44be. ,only volunteer ite marcy In su far as gaged follows:varsteltrarodnth st hchwl smnbled the representatives ef the dit- majority in the HouseofetCommuns; ggels No.44tae 41c e l.t> vcatr- yourfiied fortl"ttveclein vtero-Graneat r.a............25,000,0 aniiesuthetohadttelnoRsanr feront factions face to face wlien they, either one must attach the Irish Na- tos. eel 6c. 44tof4carns 5 lai 7r- i n caer mony fo bertle forthe lHosFac........1,0,00rnngnrwrdl Jsyhee Wt h Che 0 -La. eute two. 5àte 7v îtaîsne.er..d.....t....o.th....es16,00,0 cpia hati ahown themiselves unable te settle tionalists or the Laborites te itself t 5c rpes 6 te teese-itearge. 25es. It23 o uais . 1...t.R.mn.a...now situ-t.n7clli0 their differences. But nu such serious command a majority. L.i'e poultry- Chiekens 15 to 16v. Let your money fight In the tronches Iualy. ................72,00000ati.fucpi fewi. 14 te 16c; ducks, 13 te 15c; turis- ofetnome niother's trouble and rescueRomn........20000 TefalePochpeapluthethr - _____ __________________________eys. 26 te 28c; geese, Spring. 14 te ]bc. orne llttle child frein the dugout ot Belginni and Serbia.......2,00000 *B~~~~~~~Uq ~~~~~Dressed poultry---Chickens. 21 50 23c; vngetrIpraceta htu niCti t MA NL D 'TD AT 'n!ri ITI »UT 11 fowl, 17 te l9c; ducks. 18 te 20c; squaba. pain. disease and death. MADE ULRLIRLIII SPrLIi LJU PY Wperdoten. $4 te $4560; iurkes, 30 tu 35e Can the Hospital leave chlldren te Entente allies ......... $70,000,00- ___ geese. SprIng. 17 te 19c. die because the tathers et thoe ci Germnany .........2,0, He 1ic 61h ites.o e2 tu lb lin1-1b.12 dren have left home te figlit for 11h 11,OOuuuu BOMBS... 1,00 IN COOD ORDER PARIIS DEMAND ~t lnc 60-lb.. 12 to 12à. burvi-.ýle8t, 60-b erty o the British battîlî ne, and ea urleyandHugarieRAP....Y3,TA0 tn,9te 1Pic. ob u e trn fîine the Hespital help the chlldren of Can-TueyadBgra . 0000 and heay wetghi, per leZ.8$3. svec~t ada"s soldiers with lt,3 care unles you -i - Ailet the Rmanian rmies Moentous hange,7i6Policy2.i $2 26 ito $t2 4-1 hîplp t oeîtHlspital ouwitshyCentalaallis...t.... allies ..REPL..N..RIF ES6FOR0 AI o heRmain rie onenos hngsinPliytuba. 65 lb. 9j te 11, Yeu have money enough te help 4Pritatoee-fl(ntario, per hagý $2 15.1 every ethor war tund wlthout keepIng Albeigrn . $0,000 Ç Escaped the Teuton Expected in France- 1rts euni <F v a 2 te ,back Éa dollar fruit the 1opte' Ar lblieet ....$0,0 $2,16. Ne r lHrunqwivk. ft'elawa.rea per udteunth elsheHpia Pincers. nckut " usb ag. $2.25 t e 2310,T'rince Edward ftdtetn hthleteHsptlCost tu Indîviduals. Ol ueMto tCern a , 'à sland Whites, ptr isg $1 76 te Si go. aave the lves ut littIe chtldren, lnclud- ~. .-A despatch frum London says:- A despat.ch from Paris says: Fol- tr.ck Toronto. îng the seldtlers' lîttIe chiltiren. Ttisfgureu ,..at ithe war iSst. Siabbage. 2.Man. per ton. $46 ta$O80 Duetltteltlchlrnpy gonontthenittethdyerOfe. The Runianian army at last reports lowir.g the exemple et Great Britain Piesas - Inriperted. hand-pleked. pert ontltte tl cide aI on n tteedo h hr bumh, 16 te $6.26. Canadian hanS-pick- the loua et the Hosplta.lu care, the cou- it will have entaileti a per capita ca waa atill talling back aIl along the, changes of moment can be foreseien 1 cd. pet bush. 16,25 te $6 31< anadian tribution that ahould be given andi uf $351 for the population ef Gra A death roiLno sy: Adsp Jylvs.nian Alps Io the Danube. fJuilus a heatito tet theunsBritish, $50situFrtion$67has whore il willlstop anti face about, end enly hastened iin France develepments IProvlsîun.-.-Wlolenaîe. cYor o tiey cten tend esee- i,$4 o eray ni$7 o rmtetutrmr esal nm a I ~ ~~~~wth its Ruaian allies, make a stand whieh were before prsctically certain. Fiirnokfd meati -Hanls. niedienl. 24 te yem, sendi that message frun the cet Austria. Or on a per diern basis ltedvlpnn !bobn pr-dnsi agminit tho Teutonie allies bas nut yulThesce ssine the Chamber 26c. 4o, heavy. 22 ta 2c, couleS 31îWhore the Hospital nurises some lîttle will have cost British anti Frenhtes Oeee elrsterfeeiPel becere apprent.On 1h MoTdvian e etsessatwihn hedemnd Sbcle; toits, 19 te 2Cc, breakf t tbacon. 2 c hild back te lIte, the chlld ef the subjects 32 centsa each, Gernman2,stnsafrchceubcmigb-wrdl becom27apparent Onplain.o26abi2n 'oboneletsstatherhwho lhe demtnde oourob2ttleackeAulair-an61tu anti Russians,,cents forwhosolete.hBombinguisb1htlenIy surerDeput6esan West fruntier anti tarther north alung the French "knockout" group are be- j28 t.,20' th etrep rioi.mehtiutcealn atenh.Geentssi eie thée Bukuwina border the Russian at-'lng urged,,lias now almost reached iîts les than eured. Evtry do".r kept frein the Hes- If the war gues through the thidalv at ihfl pouat ilmili tacks against the Austro-German , enti. It probably would have lasteti CureS meats-Len i Iear bacon, 18ste pitala pewer te serve the 11551.e hîl- forces have failedte h make any lin-' several tinys longer, and there îs 11111e 185e per lb.; clear bel lieq s, 10 S 18e tren le a weight atdoed te the burtiens year there will ho an averagedetgan hre O.mnwilcryteesr Lard-Pure lard, tierces. 19! Se 20e; pression. It in uffcially announcoti reasen tu doubt that the result would tubs, 20 to lObe, patta, 20J tu 20je. corn' and a grief add-ed te the sorrows et per person et $202 Incurreti by th asmnas1bo e, dteycn otng phtteRmnaseautdBc- aebe h aibtatrt ePound. 16J te 16c. thls nar. belligerenta. The growth et Indet cuilî ic n udru ie emdl areat in goud urdor, savlng theîr ]Britlis action further discussion has 100lb tir«. 1]6f-,. rllow%. le bciow emnptbed of a littIe muney eaaber than Ag .Ag .Ag .bcuets emnwss ie nhesec amy Te umnin eagu.r bcoieprctcalyimpossible. The whte- Bomo mottier cao bear te have her 1917. 1916. 191.ith uot u ohu uorreh n e" was foredtet fight strenuously tuet7ov- resolution presented by the "'knock- Motreal markets home emptied o! a ltiho child. GetBian.82.0$0.0$45 tsu obn i us ode ai, or the retreat. uut.a" for the consideration ut the 1kiontreal, Dec, 12. - corn -Ain-ertean Wiîî you send a dollar, or mure Ifl ra rti .426 864 ' Thursday'a Petrograti War Office, Chaniber reads as follows: No. 2 Weâe, 81.8t 1.5 ats--can- you cao, te Douglas Davîtisen, Secre- rac....... 76.5081.2512500thd o iwna omry n ssp atatement admils the evacuation uofr ' 1fe,6cBalySai "o the intereutis of national de- eatra n ,ý1 eed, o,2 85,NoS67;tayTraurr o uai.......7.5 0002.2 ma'laeb is aluIl un etpai e -Manitoba Spring whieat patents. tSrts, . Chaîrmma !teBado rsel cgta~aml edu ad e ,0 ian forces ho the aoulh of the capital'siun ut the Chamber ut Deputies.end $an0.scond.e800;oardn obaiers.89;E ntnentn 124 84.5$84 i akn j sa enngSelhnaeul als hae rtieti b alacha te s 800 i ossble ati 9a,7a0po- ineonpatents.20cho. 8950. $9 ; Enteteran .$12.45 174 1.0745trl.Bieemhyaenusuftw e, rolliers, $8.90 te $9 10, de. bags. $4.26 Se1 emn27.5 1.0 Rumnanians are roreatlng howard' the1 cise memorandum the peuple's repre- $4.36. BelleS ca.ts- Bbts.. 87,06- do, NARA' ESAIN. AsraHng 7.0106 cetu6lb iq.$S c 4 ouli1.Turkey .........44.20 40.00 3.0orhnawhnw ieto an tcesn ing the Teuton forces by rearguard mont the denianti of 1h. country." 1'416 t delin8. 82, er$4 tuion. wcotnesurh ot ahioî.There lu no doubt as lu whaî this Io $ 13. Chet-es-FFi-osti esterns. 25 ?.iost Striking Thbog Under Gun Fira Central allies .$204.55 $158.40 $6741 masan hrinn obas te I o25ice. Ouest eastetns, 24 to 245e. But-___________ TEFOL0 THEAM Y. BRTS Tise detesteti Rumanban.s are re- isis nt hr on duta utr---Cholicest crealsery. 44c. seconde, In An Aeroplane. tresting oluag thse wisele front, the, whit will be thse resuît. A complet. 430. ieFeih 0. eetd 44c. Grand total .$204.55 $158.40 $6741 Th hne fplau rbbeshf nN. 1 sok 0.Ptt -erbi ,kr 'Temntsrkn hn e Berlin War Office aunounces. T cagleIc.iuu.esiti ots.. ,175 te 82 1"Toes sr i 'o i n a- Al ufthtesaabove figures contrs rneHny fPes u rn Tuutonic treepu have captured Cam. tise personnel uft5h. higis commiand,- about bebng under unfire in nneo with a preseot pe cait indebîAmrl.Nvme pin, n tsemalrod eteenKrn-anti a f ew minor changes n hoes.G-ev- Wl»i*ffGrain, plane ha th. unreality ut il," saiti a ns o h epeu h ntt h ponno tPic er flylnnghe 1l0a State Kon res frth ulfthe182.i stadt and Pluechih. In Wednesday's eroment are aimont certain. Thse Winnpe, e. 12N. 2-Norhea- No $1.51Britlis aviator who has kbeen fly t Pusasitisttol e tieofmil10,8A2.es fihlgmr ortbern,.968_N._____ ___SISi. igtgmoetisas 9,000 Ruinanians Ministry, huwever, is likely le remain ýo. 3 Northero. q1.741; No. 4, 81648; Nu. Fiantiers ince lhe outureas. of .. ____a GadAmrattteheia Bili weru captureti. lau it laàenstiluled. ô 1.88; fte~d ,le. Oso-No. 21 C.,. war, lu a wrbler for Popular Mochati-- An ffiiaicomuncatonfrui Br-~ 6e, o.1 65eNe 2 eed tOd.IciMaazie. Th ror u tie un2BA'C.EFILD EMR67S.:nt euxrrnaicNo5 as1auetidi- Nve--e pet .leaaimatie a1pp 60cIsbo 43 4.5. mflurn. 161, te if it bit yetmon the bead, but the upon eaue oftuem O ne ef the u1lGRAS EZ 11 BRUSSILOFF BRUSQUnE. tlsese vio are mp <> u . j$40 06Su 74. cdo.. llqhî$4600te Chance oet tS alament negîigible. liîtlebaiebeadetiprocessions cm ENDTBTALR .cu eaenioatosandtoaint tat 1.40. cuitera. 84.60 to 86.16; shtep.hItghl. "Odinrynto1h. cemtey-au unc.o. soludwlaaa Sometibng Aou-te apa Re-th eein<of the altecanly be 460 te 90; Ptl Iambe. 8 10 7 o'Odiayhesvy extlîéy Jerarly1h. w&y thon an En«,"limis pau ARe~daaesta nie-tep Abou lb FaensRus 1h enmina e 1h aliesenveni 6111360;cu te *5 85 bus, hep.fd a d usotiagailusI air craft, bel occasio-en .asrthr h oia6<dmt odnag htfenana-alor4 alan GonaraL dafealeti by terce.12, 4Ed. fb8 1016 ~tiIlq$m of cr. IaiIy ee'. verk taises hlm Inte an air JUnion Jaek lybag over il; tishaI e tDuesaui tair oet uie Ganeral BrussilQif, thisRussiandntIflhWL4c, 12 -Cehoiees heaezone l in wicistome oet1h.e6 beis oseupias.'s.rncvon bChael.Gmaathr1eiya leader viso bas playeti me great a P9ATOESSBRWD FR ol e 71$0r t t u are traveling. Thisla orne *et1h. moiti rose andtintaIthse rearoft tswr-Le osa a et tl>l as was oe ofthe ERMA PEOLE SN. ýr#-$$arkale sflrin8es*etSuebd ou tise Eastern Front, asun t4is6GRANPEPL OO. Icoie e1 *., n and cm.cprane isIeu remvl mreetts ovr tiio ts ron s cnrbatasta Cnt te appreciate tise value ef tecis- U snOlt s 6 Uîb t0#a. bail, as 86 28 ten wthmmofth èW 10014 et $6 te $4. U'h04 bu. si 4. 26owte otise lot et an. simman; ia tact, the b u a£ I h niqueuIlu lissgreat confibet. A despat.ch frein Amsterdam usys: st 79:-r&ue< t, undsed ssounds l>)niario ,veidest sensations ot My vboie ~ a brbr.We is. 1evapoorIne iattl ue ac1A. Is b an nglners var' wa ~ ise erli Lekl Aselgr qutasM "&zst, .8 1 ZamS Queb. estet mg uxparience "arecenneeteti vil the!ovUierhecame close to tise <rave nibdbe sltidl nln. Nî "Ti I n nines'wr" a4 hiBrlnLoI nzile uoe X 811 &0.- wheup $ 8 .76 pnert .droppath ie wvite foyers lu. comment et bis. ~ *Stegervalti, onueoftheb. I)rectogru o --ne ut*dre rpoik I aim eigh <ecand tcosng '3. Iieist 1etvebsPloterahe <t yuu mutot'Ithe Like many oîber sucesfu lmrbh'.heWsr Feetlng Board, as aying i, lo 4 t. Sîmtî Ili te 1 <.a "s oudeubtleas isoneovR it te aa$ngai les alutenadlscpllnarian anti ratiser a spe«eaIRecklinghiausaen tisat freincal- AveFouot wthar4hue er-uHaiesrpictnteIty.tapu tof brusque bu manner. But, duspile Ibis, Jaauary lit ne more potales mutm â aes intact . -bàar uout i 6tSS ts.0M rare. gettab. s isulea, kitmom adore hlm bécouslisoy know b.for the roai.'SIntleeramdittenttl h., t -troriM raiso-r.- t WOdS ale a i * ut no d e na ts b. mak us upon tisein bY a m one thoroug i » nbn lg o h@»t l rHR Y kD R l . and » ,b aay mea14vairego* Mtise t Mpa 1~l . ~ ~ $ t 2 * h t I 6" quit. sIOeu eov. s h... videSho <ril, n M.I, iiît4isrel atesti .iln b - .g » 5*4, îj dm t' ,, Sncb s bard vererài.Brusailef bS1h51 * IutOf s!tieteni«t '0» s <. ~ tbatish s't seen ou@ membuoftiMa SMit# Was "eh laveu"bh aup- a fsuaimiyme wve r soie ou uexcept bspilou voulîl be cufllent tor 1h. e ! ie u is eW edaisse Wbfl0eto!be.h tl.asae ~ <'A5~? v htt eo ly àw bar beaune thetofthe country. vise makilaughis lesera in the a.stu- d fKaIu< M cas. TW>oIlV@ » AuLES cdpermission, vils seralnuem btK*r ..,grlpm*&a n 011r mes'vvut velhe w RM TO FATEII LINE. pro- My tmriutd olm».te. a eo* e t » a.eo et Sad w. o . .,~ Ewuaalloff bas nover asisti for leavu, - lk. 1 set dovnauon ibe Klug'sliâer a t i 8 omse. tt@h.Soswti ie oa wga or talten a cingle dal off, frein lie A ehaifrein lm"donscys:-astitie ePt New- Yeer&Kiling Lsaltebu I Se e s is eas tot asi.M arny iulnfg tise vise .pebtdo i e ThTie reeaste for miltarg servIceet*.1) .to u ..A c bs tm abndlmmi rt*î otb grastati tg * tascec abe" aoMtandi possible cesn-skllledantiaisiloi tirn tisa f>'tig a5<rr lj" ,y t ibe iw et maa"mm Ii d0"tae. * eWr»C I»e ta 9"1"4 e A" t ebuAustimanad ISola wiso are 150V osgagedte lulis.mamw. maa$0A e eime*e, o< the . la M bouwt 1eff« o 4w tIMIl ame iv uaregatatsoeiabea Ia Germany voa- factureofet muàtt. sbas bons agele ota I. sp »an iirw7st~e ipe1Ma0u gt»d o. , i âdzlMs . tta uare re *Ib d« 'Why tise Rues"lanear bac sncb upon bg bisaA" the mâmet nItg »MW. iunOr n t a t8sf1gvJ.~e, » m o *410VbLb. - w '- j twet Gemmre. sbtwishh"0 i - trattIBetiManbi.nssi 'ho mrec af 0I*MUM ad - MW «mu hoe*"f- A" * b, tiseJ% & 0 1L Ig-I 1 " ,u mlb. .sh stmm* a m ise ver pic Wpmk cpr1y OMM teW trimcles ~ * met tm* *6 »t» »M ÏM, fw O.M ýuw * boom .--~ a .ive ERMAN HAND !t, The Actions Fought Nature. Ploechist is the centre u >11. districts ut Praisova Val- s lise Rumanians have beau destmey, er disable tise oil binery anti stores et eil tise vii get a mucis-need0d Prize. bu the. Praisova valloy they linof utretreal t a8,portion nanan second amy. tale have as yot coe ncerning thse climax bu tise he armies of General von ,n ant i Feldi Mamsal von i, or visetiser tise Rumiat' Russians succeeded enbirely tiseir escape bebin6 lise uine. But -l is befievoti King Fertiinanti's arrnies cally intact. mpelled lu relire unti1 tiey a ahorter ine bebween tise ni; andtihie lower Danube, lbe witisin easier rench ut eint orcemiets. s f alI of Bucisarest tise Teu- a are nov in possession ofu ais ut Entente allied ti laes, t being Bmuseels, Belgrade MGOROUS WORK LO0 Facteries Making litions for Carrying on the War. alcis troni Rom. aya: Tise nol de8lme lu terce -Greeco or do they support any anti- novement ln Greece, ageert- r Beselli in is report on tise4 ered beÎore tise Chiaber ot on Wednestiay. Premier Bu- rateti tise temanti ut Italy lu tise war with ber allies until -alen ut Beilun, Sembla anti ru was accompliased. Hoe' de "tb. noble anti essentiai tise war."' At tise close, 01 b ha sont a message et greet- ur valorous Latin sister, Ru- ruating fer -ber fluai succeen. f tisat Italy wos prepared te epetathont vhgorousaly tise announceti tisaItiser. were tacteries vorking on veir tise workerm belng une-fifti whose parllcipallen bols In aud agriculture was lu.-r daïly.e t 1EXPORT TRADE d i r Shovwsmoae Over Octe-à r.t About 835000000. atch frei nedon Baya: TiseS kard ut Tmatia figures fer ýr show lucreases Inu iporta et permit -the Intntemte a semime varagaIn4uftaa'1q snitver. -Ifsmuut getbak eiobléa. Gehmy mut e u.as.- fo ber ritgi tte Sso aee4 i devebop ' die, sels" - FremoisWhb C rois. »cis from Puris saye: TU. T vu enquhile, snoumestis eri" Frah ieat crop yed )--ton& T'rid ameunt, *111, A "nS tôeà1ç,,gis;« a total 01 fII ý»OeOmotoui5thu ddait e a- I by ,luportaton monte t Ai lit océ.-inm 4sie t be a*»n ýudAÇîise,;ieII tia 5

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