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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Dec 1916, p. 3

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'.'«R RZ1LIE~F BOCRITY. ()né t the iMost Suecessful - War lRe- 1W he~tigeto the year was held in the elitrnetlcharober on Monday atter- mobn, I1eember 5iîth. 1%ée report or thie Treasitrer for the Inonth was as follomws: Balance un lhand .. .... .... .. $125.89 REULI PI's. For the 11m Bn. Sock Fnd 7.12 Mrs. Lynde and Mrs. Allnan 2 ý.00 Major Harper & Soni....... .. 10.00 Mrs. J. Caniiphell and faniiv. of Clhîcago .. ...... .... ....1110.00 Total Tleripîs ............ ...$245.0 W. G Wltersfor inrl 2. A. M. Ross, îowels .. ..........i i5 Total ExPeiid it iires.. .... ...lt3 Balance on hand ..............247 An alipeal ivas read from lIe e la- &la', Relief -Socielt reqîlestinig the %Var Relief Society lu irui rbite etîvelopes Io evers fanrili lit owîr, lut wlrlcbcon- tributions îniglt t 0e îlared oi t hrit- mas Day for tiltsufferlng m-onîr-u and cblîdreit of lelgitii 1,iwvas dtcldted to follow ouithIis requesl. Thte Rock coîrvenors, MNrs Geo. NMow- at and Ni-;.-Snllt r r.îrie a total of 199 vpaIrv of so<-ks kîiticid durlng the mon t h. Tlhe î'aîthiins colr'-iltig for the i I6th Bn. Sot-k U'Vird reported tOrt- following arnloilîs siss Niartdorînell, $15 40o* Nîrs. aluîrîsîrrnd Miss Wilîkes. $3. Mlrs WVrrd, rt"i. iirs Norrîson. 1t, l'Ilr;iis l'od. eomtsr'îîor «Il sulpplies, n-pur trt a- follows: 27 grvy flannpl Bhirts tusîd 2*2 ge-'. lirîl sIirts lîriîg imad. IX iiti i f tîrderwear fin- Istied. 1, -'iiis giien ama% for boys at t b, fron t,. 131pairs of gslaon baud; 82 prilr fiefsockis given for overspas I>o\q-s R14c--bd donations of") yards fil ,,, 6i.ite (idozeil olt tl rus for i-li. 1 7front ii- r ici- inafin Il "t; duct'td 1,\t- tsi lcIlrîy ti gille $2 f)N Miss tîtrrirkil h o'tîlp Ia' poita ae tin tthe lîo u ; tiitI l)i~ btl or towiatsifor Ii ., out-tf Frtie lIns giîoli t'. a lit-jrt-t- tlm l t r Tiîd lîi'.. ifl( T îtiri t.ît i lltiost ll-ts- - i l i mi. o.'irk Ili cuit 1teIr- I Il %wk i 1 1 t 11l t j 1it t 1i; a îIl e i( oil Nal NI r-i-tii lIon, - titi r 1 r t1 1 a i l fib-r 0 f t Il il1 t i t1I1 A - trtit 1 ton (of fitîr sil. i 11 - ;it, -11 ljt hb.- fil r il P Ing of ut.s- ttiri Tii- tirgi ltittitg Stîlî-ir i i n Iti-t-, m rinitti mas i lif Sir Trt tiiîiti tutI tliqIl i lo\ix (iirg lo l I ei ilii.1 t l i Il rlFoir- ir-si- hl d- lîrt iqafl ti-i l ~ andI fier t lie rsi of tIti- t i -, iiiiitn îitiri-ii hier tof N r ltrr il t aimit lier- as<li' 1'rfil ilil ii t t t li i' t itI it ix i lo nr'i Most it ifr i , ili i t ir dol tilotis to- mti rat Ilj i., ifît-i of ii t r irle lit-roi-; ltidjIis îril'i, rrîîttt utlioans of r it t t- htr s ib i llton- a ref-lrd r- ar î ft f-iIii IitIr tai i \lîs% î . llo v l-rcr i ati el:r i ci i r rt ic , 1-11iit i i. ,111)l il ii itiiit. l otit'aî n i rirl iîî r tt ltllii ;1 qi ' .t S o i it i il iii- iiit Mtt Ilit a it i l t l.ithri ariI -111 and i-Itir Iit Ili i . fi. Ild r a i r s tu aI, ttîlîîrttit l ' ai t-- ttiih, s ii trt rîassaof i t ru il t- ii Iii file - t ib k ic ! s tif tuarit t1 ai a rosi rit, ý1lt"(1,fro r soit -rtr'iIjtttill i-tttIl t (ftil i t i It t'tiit ttiiit w'd 1it1tti1i t iii ritii- foi- i . 1 t -tiilqlt t t i i il l- t il i-t rf i lit N M' t r s tilt- i)- 11t tt iIl It- tnt tittit i li.' t tnt- t il t e i , q 1 ' liti - I i i i '--t li tilt, llt i lT t1tf t4" . r j tf i I si N I)t li tttt Ili I i- il i all t i r tttir Ilirirlit il iriitî- ttîi tt>ll T h. ti t - i tIs tIt r .îî t1-o tt tanrit brI1iel- if '\\ aiPr i l i. t i t fs. -tF-O111It u1I'IiuAz<i. (tIi-litIsa 81ilrtt-chf r-oint 1Illict (nutIra- o tf t ic t- lîrret ilai rt mlb h NvIilt-t I lîr Irit lt-ts i ritilu tîttîrti tit i t ,tît fiar fîtrîni fi tiris. tti- airu1% aIitit 1lu.-miul I5ntR a t'- flt r f Ilirv'1 r-i;ti il2t. ltri-rr-..t L;'vu r ug, M K ; 1111vi-s % r-iti rf 1ir. anrd Inllt. i gillig, t. iil illi linrie as aturtider (ut thom %%wolui ii', :iî-- teii'tsaittè front,. i tru unr-gIn-ci mt'rItlnttlu tht-ai frt-qrt'nt b - IN'bar F; lalettcall. l tir' ttuîr-citll Tho(Ire <triI lirtîlias tic)o-t tirs. rrîia Blixreaui li ai I>ti Btht-iruil, Tliq îr.ruslccial for ljittiers 'Sontceai takru a saux trti itit-t Anîd souird the dead alarin - Gl. A. willi lrlng W tuaction WiVti a rifln- neattrllts amti. 13U t If you ixant tu ar-r-ltrl jrtntp And t*îur lîke a slreak ofciairt. Jusi take tire ame oid bugle- Aird sotiad thec all for iua-il is bantd l8 ail a-Lretiitui Hin eyes ttick out lîke --- Hie gce ail of a qulver t From tite agnue il Is t4luir And If iris name's Dflon art tittça, Hie wlits lîke a froten bud IUntl auother mail day drains lIa PiowIntrîronrgh tire ud. N'ow the moral la for tiiose ai ironie Dont watt for hlm to wrIte.- And doa't Just say. "Dear-must close 1 hope thîs flnds yoiî rlght.' A good long noesyt letter la the beset Tirat you cen yield In the way of a downriglit s-rvlco To yonrr soin rpon the fild. TORONTO,. John Foot, agied 77, a formet resIdent Oif Whltby, died la the ToronitoGenurai lioaIW. on TuedIay, ttfer a- brlef il- liests. Mr. Poat wIl be rem.emb.ired a * mftulaa of abillty Who llved il th Ba l baht tu n ow the Pmosoie ta tha~t Part et thImm Wwn.rta swmb of >w.O Prof. Post.had t *m ofgheti. îKthoist Chureh obofr bhr Mdi hai ~ipuis a tw- lup tte i.w.e tt ii antutratoriiiln sie, Iiav. bfb»riton $ntoruUnigthlitOw Ae SWiOt w i &prNu oui*baùm nt hor lat6nèýun..'( -e utr I ~... - $1 Open ÈYvenings Uftll 9 o'Clock. Saturdayâ 10. WI1 R. N. Bassett IN THE BLOC. WITH THIE BALCONY, BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY, ONT. COLUMBIA 50 bu ys titis iow pricett Grafo. 5@ no a in oak <ableet with 2o '7 elrrctions (18 doîtirle diFe record s). $9. 50 Cash, $*1.-00 Week 1y $24025t bîtym tbs (rafonola in NMaltogsny or l OAI, cabine ,oivt ar(à loîrîîr dietrecord 11HE DOMINION BANKI la Bead Office. Toronto m Sir Ednuund E Osier, MP - Prenîdent W. D. Mattbsys, Vîce-presîdent m C A Bogert. Genersi Manager * Capital Paid Up $6,000.000 Rteserve Fand $7.000,000 Savings Department n PlarP your ~savraga ut@ ak lu lmt e t paid on deposits of $1,00 sud upvards. WHITBV B RANCH:- S. D. TERRV, Manager. M OSHAWA < C. N.HENRY, i *3 i JUST mSma to glad< mother, We sui *Re~cepi The>zarc W1IITBY i itieThought a Little Gift ken the hear-t of wife, 8lBiter. or sweetheart ggest NEILS9 tion5' Chocolaes. ON'S delhcious confection, Put Up In a most delicate andi pleasing way. Sevcnty-hive Cents for a onie Pound Box. SOL DrT Bakft a" cosf«WW erve Any GRAFO-NOLA Unt 1 Or any other desirable Xmas gifts of which our store is filled and which we invite you to see. Christ= A Pul l Line of, Columnbia Records L AZARO, Ysaye, Kathleen Parlow, LdD a vid Bispham, Bert VVillia'-ms, AI j Olson -Are -tl A Columblia Grafonoja and Records hey going wiIi rigany o thesehne.uiln And the cost of pernanuntiy having $122. 75 r tltonal Graro- nola, ini trallog- 111ny or Ottk fin- isir, with mili- '-ulual record rtic k s anti1 record e jectors, and 30 selec- tiens (15 flou- 1~ ble dise cords tI re - thaem a your becrand ca-il vi eIs Corne to Bassett's and let us show just how tone perfect a Graforo1 is. I I I ~-.-- I Vît TOIIIAN ORDER OF NURSES5. gibletîx-e prpseil berame mem- Alonday P vening, Derember 18. ttnid ai loea Chape). wbpn Mary Mcle&an, Tlif, i Iti qttarterl%, meeting of fbit -hors. Pis xverc dicscus;sed looklng 10tte lasp Une school boîrse on Tueps- daughter oi Mrs. MNeldrutn and the late a Wlit ib tiratlihof Itt'(t VirlorlatuOrder 1tIra ofering af liberal rewards for in- day rvvetingDecemîter l9th tb8 0%o- Dr. Pt. G. NMeldriiin, iorfiuerly of 'Whlt- a aofNurse; for tthe y-car 1916 '.'tas beld 1forniatioti leariîla totheiconîvictilotiof cdock x'titr'rîitîlnformation, wvlIi be0bwns uttte< Iii marrînge to-Capt. E. la îi irs lîrimle ato ntday e'.eltg, De- 't1Yhersai tesatine. given aiflIra plans af 1he conmntItr. W. Sisson, CaîîadîaiîArmf -Denta li ccînîrar Ilth. Meetings are ob be arranged for as Corps, of Whitby, soa of Mr. and Mrs. a Th0e ru port ai t lie nuirses for tItue cîrcumsaaîcss oll allow at the varlixs -MLR S. W. Sisson, Betbany. Tb~eony qitarter mt-re as follows: sebool hanls. ;'t-îttu tire vIew of ai etI-r-waprome ytcgiis M No. of case-s vislted-----------41 lue a large membi-rsbip on the cam- A miarriagi-of iinicrest ta Wbttby Itev. Dr. H. P. Bowlcs. After t-be. cre- M Nuirsing visIta gix'eit--------179 nilîtei A meting xxiii0e helntdhu e Uople touktplace ln Toronto on Sa u-moy apt. and MIrs. SIsson left for M hild weîiari- visits .. .....109 Thoruforîs, Cornrers si-hool house oa day. Det-etber 9, aith1e Victoria Coi- ttiawa and points eat. Operations In Hotge------------ a Patients nursed I" oti rne 3 lu Emprgetîcy r ases------------ M Arniotunt rec.rivtIn fites ._-$106.15 mmn Inuspection in Octaluer by Miss Mc- 000 - Kî'nzi. ard àMiss Derby. -. lPàà ns p'ecto n in No em ber a nrd Decent- ber by M1%iss Shaw. i 4 visita ta Henry Street Scbool and ff 4 N«isIta made 10 Modal Scitooil and 165 cuildreît r-amined. 4 vhifstamade ta lBay Seboal and 162 chbldrîîn examnineri The most cauttuan defecîts aoted a- mnong 10te cluldren wc-re carIous tee-tb. eiilarged nîrd Inflatnîd ton silIs, suspect- ed adi-nolda. crxlarged glands. defective avesigt Imrrertect spesech, skln af- iectir>iita. rîtinatis, anaemia and de- ,fornriÎtis of '-arîrrus kns F<rIlo'iItg ut) the scîtool Inspection m 3diss Stîa'.v b; s ted abouit 60 homes; fin thi'e omlînlnty anad on the whole banr'ýcî'I'td a courleotus reccîrtlon ai th( harI(s af thre parents. 1N1an% ai tiree blidren liha-ea had de- feJ r-c.s o<uthtêoLeth atîr-ndî-d 10. One op-li 1 eJ ration lias N "n I>rforrned fer tousils andadondeoids. wIth othrs ursnder treat- niet.i ly fa-r the rgi-cater Iîroisortiot of duf tcuisg arr- iound it the chidren of tîte prLnaary 4drtarî,tît Th ~Vcriait(rder %ili to10ai- knowli'dge very gratef-illy another lri- sîflîci- ni Ilàtir presldeîut', generoaltycf sfl lf, the- donalear (otire Horne of an ap.- erating table, a stertiilzng kettle and u a filefolinfa.,nt Welfaro Wonk. 41 o'Let tu Give Moderatoly to Efacli Ottie work o heai nte oiunt.and Generousl to the Soldiers' Fâmifes GOVERN'ETp -' AIRY EXP~ERTS udedyaaai aetevé_ryilArst w"'s an %Ir S.E. Todd. umaaer of tihe ti- an th= 'turtuth hs edthectUtAM Nî Its MM 0 AAt~ 1 utliai fartas for the Province. and in WinIto m men rtestdent of Whttbv. bus glven W the Toronto irrem~ it. week very Inter«t, And soi we give *11 lasg and important InformatIon aboutl -teiait sry catile - On thim bru*e sc wenoOtrlfW hotn$' ~ Wa Thi-ugir a ysteect d ha; utoui, av bs t g&ta -hu my.&IM ~bc 1 i M ni 4 ,««I" .dla tii. Mm .ot 'MUIC prout t-- Som of e Illut, gt re c a.nm*s~ l CbrsbMu s mny for t Ii. d.(xiW hoê am vIi hbtstem Mlt "09Mr M#OUI M t& Mmd iten M yd( »»MIbt fr f"' G ve tat r s adia P tM dr*fl »A u sdce WM ti* ar 9,1Utb& 1 h u W o ic- A rnc 0 =ii.ui bctit. U=u (&J w.*I hr» «tbdm $ tt*luaslil *+ «M Thiis liandsome $ 140-00 Orafonîola nt'- 50) iteectiontr, 2.5 iltîulîle-]ilc records> witlî ea b in t iut eftlter inahnrg- any or oak,witlr i il 1 l%-i d Il a 1 record e jectoz- and racks, This Desirabie $220o50 Elcctrie Gra'fo- nola and '60 Hùlectiori,(60 double dise records w i t h taiing <Iro p try record cradie to hicId 60 records, $220.50 irdocb w8ym 1 Iris h iii ) Étg $ 110.20 - t a in sj t lh popular Grafo- viola ini malog- any or oak cabinet finish, including 24 se- lections (12 doub1le is C recordis),. MAI to spend and at a concert. finislieR, e 0 n - j WIIITIIY 000ýý -. eo*oý- ý.mmmmw ru Resý as.

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