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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Dec 1916, p. 4

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TEUMDZ D~CI(EUA14, IpO. ----- -t" .-. -. se! - C UT aw'av froin the tisual 1)Iacticc vurclîasizî~ a uilt EtÀi<o S uit e, foi.' the IhomeI. A a ( &eu'Ch(ii,î C('abinet, any o et hiedozu-li ami i uetlinîe2s lIllin iiiiii' r re)1 ostock. NN a usilFe di.div- ('rv, tueI)ioee N VU.ll 1. Ilie, )oodls fe c t ýS t i i-( il ~ n -,ll 1tl io tlic' h1ap~py to i h e 1tli uiuli il%'edud articlIe iii the lioie .Nuas mlornlin<t (hili and Sec otîr Stoc-k, CHESTERFIELD Everynemibeî'of the family will enjoy it, covered ini stripe denirn, very easy and conifortable. Special $50.0 OUJR 3-PIECE 7-i1v'îg Room Suite, solid fumed oak, Spanish Roan Skin Cushions, settee, arm chair and rocker. SWELL COUCHES. Quarter-eit O a k framnes, wide, and ex- tra wcll made, Eng- 1ish Tapestry cover- ings. \Vill wear a life time. $23.00 HALL RACKS. Very newest styles. Very large bevel plate mirrors, full box seat, either fumed or gold- en finish, splendid buying. $2900 and $3400 LIBRARY TABLES. Splendid a s s o r t- ment, in golden, fum- ed or Jacobean finish, $1 1.50 t'O $28.00 (!ach. Ustlul gifts. Soli d Dining Buffet, Fumed Oak Room Suite, round table, ,xtra and six chairs. E gooci value $59.00 set Children's Rockers, frorti the plain edm rocker to the iliccly fînished enamel reed rocker.' Prices f rom 15c to $500 each It miay be a Writing Desk is the require- ment of the house. We have thein from $7.50 f0 $22.00 cachi, anly fni.. A Rug to r-eplace caî'pet that has serv- ed its day faithfully. W\e have them f rom $6 00 to $60.00 ally size t u require. EASY CHAIRS A pair of Easy Chairs for father and niother, an immense lot on our floors, and jrices to please ail, ut only one quality, "the best." CHESTERFIELDS Our special Ches- terfield in tapestry covering, spring seat, spring back, spring a r m s. Wonderful value $6900 SMOKER SETS Smokeir Sets -froni good luie, and al the requirernents of a smoker are in them. Be earlv for choice. $25.00OrFOR A $U3.00 Brass Bed, very siightly darnaged, ful size, the Lest of quai- ity. Special $25.00 each XMAS PICTURES A very niee show- ing of pictures for the Xm as shiopper, rnay subjects, and Itrices f rom 35c to $4.75 facb 1. - - 1 1 1 -1 ý 1 ' 1 "ý- ý 1 1. . 1 1 'W - t t ~ÇN4 I..-- KINSALE. Divine service was heid here last Sabhath evening, Rev. Mr. Totten in charge. Ntext qaabhh Mr. WNest will officiate. The' anniual bazaar held heme on the .,Il af Ibis month, under the auspices ofîthe Ladies' Aid. was an unqualiied scs.pmoceeds amouinting to over t01Tht' ladies are la be congratulaled on ilteir splendid success, and wish ta oxiond ta Ihose who s0 abiy assisted ).. donallng. etc., their sincore thanke; Abot 1 45 of tht' proceeds lbave already heen forwarded to tIli ed Cross af- The wood sale south of the' vil1-îgé ast Frlday wasawell repIrese(ntpd fram tfi ,,,,viinlty. Lot s sold bttt.rthan last yeeir. The' whoia, 40 lots wrie diqpn.secd ofe in 1 -ý hours by Mr. M'm. Maw, W«bit- hys popttlar sait-antan. Somene îtiy tealing la heitig donc la ourr nidst. Chickens and fowl of any kind seemtu la heiludemand. MWe hope thie gttilty parties may be caught and tharougbly punished. M r. Corner and C. O. Lawton have behtrn teaming bhnckwheat to Brooktin, the- price being $1.30 per hushel. Mrq. Annie Harbrou and hier brother. Wmi. Richardson, spent ovrr Sunday in Oshawa. and from there weni on a twa IwPeks visit ta friends In Windsor. De- !trait and western points. Xiii will m- titra ta bis home In D)ryden early ln the new yeam. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis spent Sunday afiemnoon and evening at Mr. Ed. Lawrence's. They, returned home on fotlws ing Monday. Mm. Pengeliy has ni-arly completed the season's threshing. Ia ail pmob- ability thîs week will see the finish ex- cept claver. Miss Miller, aur schiool mistress, ie preparing for a concert on te 2iet. af tbis montis. It will be held In the scbool ilouse. Extensive preparat ions have bern going an for severai veeks past. A good time tnay be looked for- ivard la. Rodd and Mowbmay have their store prettlly decorated for the hnliday trade. Mr. Gormiey passed through aur burg an Monday with a. new pair of- slelghs, shipped ta hlm ta Greenburn station. Mr. E. W. Redman sold five or six tîce young cItle ta Mr. Denny a few days aga. Milk cows are In greut demand Just )now. some sellng over the $100 marli considerably. Of course, we can. afler conslderlng the price of aur pound of butter ut 46C. understand wisy thse prico of the cows sisouid be bigis. The Teacher Training Ciass met bere on Tuesday evening lant. Rev. Totten took charge. E. L, CONVENTION. One of tise ,nok interesting and en- thusiastic conventions heid for wme tîme. vas tisat held ai Brooklin on Decensber 6th. 1916, wben for the 23rd lime thse Epworth Leagues of Wisitby District met In conference. Twelve of thee tlfteen Leagues were represented. tiser. belng about 76 members present trom these places. Tise Presldeint, Mr. L F. Richardson, calied the convention to order, and Rey. J. W. Buaner took charge of thse devotionai exercises. Tise business of tise cnvenîuiin folilod. 11ev. W. P. Rogers* address on -The Siate of the War g ave us a splendid idea eofviser, ve stood, and what ef- forts wouid b. needed to mise our standard itili biser. 11ev. H. W. Poiey gave an tnsplriug and rousins addrems on "M<stoisarY Wonk. gîvni lise L.agueâ Prà1t.for wha tiaiuey bad done snd biase for visai liey had jeit tundone, tiosIn in; bt address vii b au appeel for a morel ihorougis aMdivigorouS czpais for1 gssmiaonary upp>ort.I ltgey. F. G. Joblin 1014 usnvisat va were wonklug fer. by destruhuls thse1 ispe of our timoaxte.Mr. A" dmlira D.isyeê T'na work ai Norway Noulie. à- _usiU- 1- àr---* à- _ _ - UT w AL FuWWW: p TIRS WXTH E N you buy at Walters' you may always be sure of th e quality. Use-' VV fui gîfts predominate this season, and you can have no greater confi- dence that what you buy for a gift is the -best if it cornes from Walters'. On this page are a number of useful, moderately-,priced sisggestions. Overcoats and Suits IIake Excellent Xmas 61f ts In Overcoats and Suits we have somne wonderful clothes that will flot be duplicated for a long timne to corne, and the wisoe men wil1 buy nowv. Slip-ons, Chesterfields and Storm Ulsters, prices $9go9 to $2500o. 150 coats to choose from. Men's Suits in ail latest styles in Tweed $99o ho $25 00. Navy and Grey Engli sh Worsted Suits $15 oo ho $2500. Userfai Xmas 61f ts for Ladiesý SiIk Blouses i-1 black, white, rose, pink, peach, Belgian bine and maize shades ; dainty white Voile Waists, Kid G loves in wvhite, tans and black, also white washable kind; Ladies' Collars 'in Georgette crepe, lace and muslin- effects; Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Hose, Sweater Coats, Table Linens, Doyles, Napkins, Towels, Fancy Lirien Setts, y2 Napkins, Embroidered Table Covers to mnatch. For Gentlemen Silk and Cotton Khaki llandkercbiefs, Braces, Neck Scarfs, Gloves, Ties, Underwear, Silk and Wool Socks, Linen Handkerchiets with or without initiais, Smoking Jackets. Bath Robes, 'Print -and ielannel Shirts,,Sweater Coats, etc., etc. OPEN EVENI-NOS Tilt 10 pu me- De Xmas Slisppig -, ai Waltsrs' Phone, tho FlRorlst, Whltby '2,24 For Pru nttonmdohor Basket,, suitàblo for XMu.. Tans, . P Yhmon, Draeintea, Flena, etc., ete.- What -bottor ' Xmasu proi6tIMhan a woll-filed jardinière,- sueb aî' vO OPEN EVENINOS TILL IUAS TOYS.--all kinds of flou Cabe, Jidd I<ars. Rockilg THoms, ini plOUd array. Al rfiglit primoe CAM4,dE RLAGLAN. I Tii. utte an4 <hrouicle lisa iei The. gpwornh L«aU» delitgtes who J mCuSMgUtfor an abomttfrfnd. attended thse idague Couveatiou Mt.ne Sua4ay oTWin s.piv o su4 ear't R i t e Id thse [duage .,. di Tuse moisoo cbWirec ame ctmred by thbhoughs Of algX atreoa thse aIâMday .1 achool. Dcsmber 220& 5fUlUcU1S. adiobus refofl d Am à0 sitar -1 b«104 cboao ugsyB sh o o tb tni.a aet t b Mis BO=, a opm U wa der t»i deoessunatuat woek. Wu hope f«. Mr. "Ph "la I"rqiIgsia Ur. Cesý ;. etbuilb. Pt.uu W PMtOT.. >o~IdSWII*' by ubo Utii O a J#Oum# t '-t id v * i lx t Tour t .Mi rr Ideý CUT' rTe 1K taber 90. the' po1î alan ont XVednesd lime, ai nets. The st f ram d ri workinig verifytil .been on( the Texi and bel Magistri .accused -ward st( bie liqut Weond be foun ,trouble A dai -on Thu -a good a most, 't' t' t,-- Whltby, nal MYRTLEà Refnbet thse big stocik Md*. f dalry cfl ansd g*eep at Myrthe Sta-. tion on WMednodhy,,- Deember 2th.»ý Bee blg4 M Praisis riggs *as ln thse village lant %*eek .ýand bought a tancy driver and seven pansenger surrey. Miss Ddugias là busy preparing her pupils for the annual public examin- ation wisich là to be held on the 2Oth. TeInfant girl of Mr. D). Stacey has ben under the doctor's care sufferlngi from an attack of pneumonia. At Lm of writing she la improving, Wet are pieased to report. If you have neot reaiized thse trials and tribulations of wedded--life, corne to the entertainnent whicb <s to be Sheld ln the hall at Myrtie Station on the evening of the 21st, and hear and see what your more unfortunate broth- er bas had ta con tend with in some of Sthe humorous dialogues. Rev. G. Nickie was in Madoc on Sun- day attending the memarial service which was held for bis nephew, who sa gailantiy died for bis King and Scountry ln France en the ISth Inst. A number fromn here went to Osh- hum oen Tuesday night la hear Miss Waiker. Tax Collectur IHortop, of l3rooklin. was here on Tue-day. recelving the ratepayers' annuai "bits." Mims. D. Black and little son. Donald, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with Ithe' formers parents, Cauncîlior and Mme. F. L. Broawn. nallus jolil Ili 14 M is 4«IllUi tIli

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