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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 10

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~'~'~' Yearfor the tit*tto f h ItepaJerà. e iýêb ntoîltiôn «t thie gliia-, turc vas that au lnitelligileicstateùènt oretthefinanes ô hé corto Pslotid lie 164t>botateu and evryraepaye< rIgbi tIse tb ilnnlaî u c onditli O 0f 'ta;b4 kltlly ~; Thingé do not alwftyu work out »e Intended, haouéver, ý'tike thse flnmnelia Statteint oet tlieTown et Whitby, as un eifl~é. The ý actual receipta f rom January 1 SDecember 15 amounted Le about U4~,00. he prlnted etatement shows Zàb1Itu of 1379,381.02. Think of It! ln la o,4o0f 3,000 people recepts and dlsqburon et fneurly $400,00o! WhUtën fabsUrdity. Tic exianation 14 « imple,, he*ever. AB eveî'y rutepayer kaw te buslness of thete Lwi for tte ftért six monthe 1<' carried 0on on bar- -hoMayor and Treax- ~. r Fjive a note ta the bank for s .' sortelrnaand renew iL ais ftei asj , à4ptl e*I yt. tio 1 Igr# 00bâat et juat -aalsmount hors'owcd. nti athat &bout $9e,.000 of tbe total recelm>s. as% shown by thec statement Issued, are mnade up. Tis maiy be technically accurate bookkeep- Ing, but for the purpose of an Intelli- gent sitatentent to the electors te an ait- surdity. A staternent of te actual receipte and expenditures, apart trom borrowed money for temporary use, should lie iestied. ln another place thte notes diacounted and paid could lie shown. Out of smre ten-or a doten financial statements paasing througit our hande as printers thia year, the Wbitby state- ment was the only one from witich thte electors could tiot gather a faIriy cor- rect idea of financiai affaire. Wè def y any elector to ascertain from thte Whltby statement any ap- proximately correct notion as to te financial condition of the town. -The Town ('ouncil, witicit adopte, and terefore approves of te statie ment as pretented by the Treasurer, le responsible for It appearing lnIa s "im ~i~I mfl *. U . __ ___ rom __ ___ pi*it#d tôru. »0oubtleuth* tOoptloni tbuêy de flot: lochiï ut t or sOrWn ,whether or flot it 1la maertbadable. Thse statement issued for thé ITdoftm- tioh et eleetoru ehoul b. so elea- and tixplicit that the dullest mmnd ceuld understand ItL On the ccntrary, un ratepayer could make bead or tailout of thoe tatemeait as publIslîed, eimply b2cause le would havie ne Idèn as te how many imés notes were discount- cd. It- le a tiuestion If even thae Town Auditor, witit hie Intimnate knowledge ot the aecounte, or the Treasurer him- self, could state juet what the ordlnarY< busînecs revenue and expenditure of the town hae been for the past year taking the staternent as hie guide. We are flot biaming tie Treasurer. The systern le at fauit. A dîfferent systein slould lo ' ueed, and te 1917 (Souneii saboute cee tint It le. Editouial Comment. Now that Whltby possesses the mnod- ern conveniencee of waterworks and sewerage, a good municipal systemn of ligitting, and maniy mlles of cernent '4 "-ou""' mu r TIIIII CASO MMUST etSil I N ^140 P5OMPTLY Rrrum4ED DY ALL IMALITM «TWEN THE ^GUOO A ND 83 INCLUSIVE. NAT.IONAL 'fSERVICE. 1. Wh&. lapoUr fuît nsme. 2 H"cw otd are pou 7 yora 3, Wtrore do you liv 7 Province <tWt ury 4. Nanti of ,tty, Iown, t6fln ..tpt cmuntry w? village PPest O<ice, f<'otther bPen? 71, '. <t .ountny %vas Nunten t fu mr;< rmn 10 -O tuéri» have Yeu atoit sw~.. nn .!u u<d f oti.0u natuuatêmt il. H-ave iYeu fult use of your arma. 15 Wht,.-h are-.. -marred, '.0fyeur tea13. . i0<<Ofeui g s'Ch >fr.0le or a îdower? J 14. Ã" YoUrho&rW Pt1. I-ow mary persona 1811des 14. C peu sarno? ouroiti do fou support? Il. WhtuMlafg uwklng at fot à tivn 7 le. Whom do pou tiorl fer? w~ aveyeu àtna or po.aon P 20 Itav, aeat 7 _lAm ep Ou*rksgO 22 If rctw<y UL-WouId >,u lie wuiIig te ane our prfeintwork icr other naceaaarm Workailte mrne lIly duning ltae vriu?. 24u Areu1ln.If pour aliway rare la paid. toegave whare pou now 1 i". and go to orne otlir place in Canada Pc do auds wod.P aNafUutIo u P UJNS L su in HIîA vio a os. TUEU o,',grnsied n Aaoa 4 u o w& .s.COUN Youm a»«» Our Bit Alt tUt enanot ÉfL SAlt fna-men, vomen end children-cuan d40 aomething towarde %Winrring the var. Ar.'tseisng that "eonsetising," or art wc evadlssg iL? Arc WC IooknE for thec««bit" wc ahould de,or trying *rakt téCmasdtàaPatritieFundi. It bat beu enuttad to tare(f« tise famîileofetc ur 40dst lmsa tIL*êetiéo-those only-wht re usmaln teWS"tsuotlles out of tlsrec. Up to beobe 1. 16, thse peopleoforCanada Ibave ~IWh ~t6<8 00 te thse Fund. ~ ~b. te guxorosi£ving7. lsat iL? But M e4t4lut wmr; out artice arc still grewhg~ éi'~oldcra' amil e iatl iin necd; tthe lund sillIust ho moîntriineci. An'.!what 4,I We fMad! ln everv part aifUtcecountry men I,Iin4g th6att-gy hçkve givcn cnoUzh te Lie QoverninGom ent ahould now take the _ Olvea - 2enouJ When tic Canadien imâ flt tie tru<cisw t. dead-tlrei!. ready to drop in s t rseise, dtoi e chuck is ajob. deelare ho b* lm1. essouti «d cl on Goveramnent te man In Ç*"dabas 60 =9hifwomen sud "eh4dru arc -i ieed white lte, tiese tayat. bomsh8w'Sdau *to spare? -*>1Til"'Pn~,abeve aIl fi-nd%, bas & CW1,zaon evry CltI.nen who fi ntat hir-rief a ti"P". rh Ie tact'that Oirernmcnt hlins not ie*'4 re*çouliOltY for it fixthe tact titat mu responsib', for lt"--cvei If tIéÀulàr- the >'wsd mieuid. bc mi:% inrned by faillep Am. YOU hbIiag te înswO thbau'agalummani >VERMENT SHOULD NOT CONTROL, BRECMJSE. 1*Init.0U14lite te trwt it dIâJife. The Friai helpe only thoqý<animoe.d.Uooveueetlpsdtbt sdir the aver&gu tsu= gr "d bY thse yssdths e tvta lurd M. 0oo'Umo cewxtry voulu tic bet 4m l !dollars $><uarly.---_ wv$nq the a.utoe s ms. tlo<onille, IdIwtrIc*A whm uat t " 1r gleiwu wod mmee ie, se -li bIgh.Cmstarcx* veulti tc paid tmcutle. et ~ vxd ehduut ol arse.Thle voile le Mou âme, tAr the mmutpan. 1 Ettleu roi. 6ivry u oiboi. Osttv-MlaeDonr n= dtwi mx£M2 se go *i0 tr was a vowotary esti a. oütk*y wc 5oiffu . ,Tçie oold bho » s tp e Mc d laumostpeasI, ,eisgon »wv eMle<tg t«et-t.ttiu jtnd indtitieflmmËý0«mt wrb gtoustic*ly. IbeoVuuâ'. u lou uugéM8,M et itt rnt i.ed.6rat-t urne le usrivel utn*to orr iotdi. The- imdtnlg tae t»ntbe tovix are Bslmply in a dtnra*.ful condition. llreck St, if, thé. Vorse 01 the two. This le the chief business road, icading as it does te Lhe two raiiway stations. ilefore te late freete-up Iirork street wae ln a fearful condItion. It may be titat n couuty syetem cf goed roade will bc -adopted, whlch would Include IIrock street. But titis mr±y be some dist.anet ln the future. In thse meaflttre le t town tu subinit tu the Inconveniene of titis bad road without any effort tc lxnprove it? The council of 1916 migit' welJ have had their engîneer pitan & eclentlfic rond for Brock street,titrougl te business portion of the town n least. ' Even If te county systena1i adopted lti wouid not ilkeiy mert tht nr-edo of te business section. Titi: should bic plarined and carritul oui fo, <everal blocks nortit and sortît trou te four corners by thetowtnaIndepen deratly of f<0y genernl symte<'ta ta maý be adopted. L ettrs fro n Whitby Olà Below we have ptloseure bInptrttlisli- ing letters from titree Wititby old boys wito have responded 10 our cal! for letters frorn former residentm. that wc might puitili a postal re-irnion uum- ber (if titis paper. ror sorne reason ilipre lias net lapon a large response to the appeai, otaly tbree letters havlng broui recebved. We are glad, however. to have rc-celved even titis measure of encourage'menat, antI gladly give place to e ttorsereit low. wbuiclî we tire sure null ho rend witit keen intrrest. Fmnm thoro luttems anç,<ov oodl; gather how n'rtensrly ltt'rost ti z z postale nInnurrrte nou id havi beri. The Idra wr' <adtit n i rîi morlui bia% e lurju a teniirno l1r!ýr<rr 10 rvfr rcud'lr (if tbhraîimer couId it bae-eil real i zed. FIIOM THUE STTJ", 017 N-llN TrON. q1114'.11. \ft.'u D<ar Mr. Editor. As you eîrs - i w i-"h for ail nId resident.s <'f W'hlt t)v t.' r.ici voîr a 1-t ter for your re uin!r.rîrîurritîem. 1 wili t ry te (o îny bit, <r;t,"solibr beys! say. Afteî Taking OnIy One Box 0f "Fîult-a-tlves" EAPT Sliî lAnnoL'n, N. 9. 'it is with great pleseure that 1 write o tel[ yoit of tho wounderful benefis 1 '<ave recimivcd from taking '<Frtuit-a- .vrs<. For y-ears, I was a îlreadfti irrrfrorîî Copisiatiois and Héadi- (/1(5, and 1 ras îniqeralylc in cvery way. <ot hIng ini t h w of neilic.irîcssccmed o hrcip rnie. Thon I finily triedl Il îî-a-tie : ' l~l h'e lctnas Hhlenhd L A ftvr t.uklinr ew( box, 1 feei a new pr 1,t't 11.1%v rulief from hose . l S&Iti' M MA RrTA I tlWOLFE. 50r. l. iîCi Ofor $2.71, ti se, 25c. Atiiilimloiertor yr'lit iostp)aid hy F1ruit- But Mrs. Plowpll tells mei, mustnont get started, or 1 npver knnw when to cease ringlng the' praies nf the grent San Fernando Vglley hitn whirh the city of Lois Angplos has ittet brnuglit 20,000 inee no water at ant expvtise of $00000 But of all hie utie(rt.it ings 1 have bepii associated wilth 1i< (alinorfla 1 have enjoyed my church associations l)est. I nclurling tIlle t neIo 1rerived In un-. dapy School In th(, 'asrîal iiWhtt- b'.'. i havpon n o.Suml~ay Sclioolslip- r '< rtfor <t. or twe n ty-fi ,eve 'ars. Thco fr cFi#of et<. handsonîe ti'ot1- h <rch af I !l-' n'rtiarido n'af laid 1 v mir çdanchilfi. r.<iiis , vmd <'ho bi jîiH1ly îrùî'd oft ber r <iio mni. i arl ow aQc;s1î t '<<îttrdo 't <' lollvoedNI. E. (hurcli, wtthi e <'h (ifnte ;ibont 10<1bin tli St in .rlx 'rhîr.1 tl1a% t'ri, siliay . honi chisu if or tîu ei i1 fie yoting peo- il' -ni ania jrrrld t? < r muýr Mnrs 1;re< î'ort oo< i n t t 'I , il a < o fi n .3F nie-I, bt 1t i l) rr< ' A lth ît"nr ho plertdcuI ; actuors and<< wc<rkrs n iath- N lhotlilt faler-, riarl" in dear <<Id %Witubi.' \'otirs %t"rv trilv. it 1.9 niant' vrars aro ftint 1 I lft Fu st . ÃŽitirr. trbtty. my' itit l usn, but, bn tiho uStteLan ecIlcI<orbc<rms iO UlCiFADIi, N.'o'. of a féw thqt nilght ru-nio-rber m i mi- azo n d lrtc Challrîr' y Iigto.who brarned thle shor'- 1 ' Si. -Theaird('rrtNastorni fren Mr.Fox if he lay u'w .ood tilt!town ot Wbutbh. Ont. At 1 loft (an-uitlu Inthe fait cf 1V<'<. andti - iu< , or«21f 1t t "g.ged i wthth(tafrm have nvrbîcîn lack pince, bitor hmur .P~l '. oaeia huave donie se, pe-rlaps, Ifrny m1 r «J l.Pttuoro, hn oatda Ithe torner of Brork arad Dutodas Ste., and pliters hoid<rot isitrd ra "TiF c'a snatre pr iirf-tcsi oiral occasions. a<oth(,-r goo tl buenes.p r.tlcsit 1 tai-- liera In Sultan, lu thu' Stit rît ta d tr ngonsbttapesof. Mr Pw- of Washington,. for matay yeumr. in the' na: astrin ye i -uraer ne I l lkot and respecLtdI by every per- golti mines, Nitruarnahot to 0give trP I p n n Wiby and surrourading coun- thîs îr;ork.and ibm hope tri Lake a n holiday. and i wth my wbfe Ia zk ist ry. Associated wbit hlm In business r1s as Iris son, Frank, aiso a higit-class to Canada h'rL rnot bri u rtcr ils, 'mrei. To these men 1 partîy owo my I stili rcrnt'n'er havbug rmy tcars frozeta crî-ccossan ira e. Thse valtahle knowi- kuao vry Owacç u Whth~'~ t tg"theey impanrteti to <met'1Ireadiy a-nl fe n'ill i s il hili nw.t'îîJk advartage or, and evrtr at mny then 1 arn viry enrry <o r4ati ni the ter- c-1rly aze 1I have notforgotten tht' ribe wr tat ci ow n, ut erynraay important dulies 1 was tatugit ril amta 'r0W01,ittveyhîorform 1o be suiccssftil tithte ft- ,)ronte r ad cf (tie part that Cana- ao 'ians are taktîag In IL. and hope the l'o lte 110w residents ni Whatby, that Ales wili win thue day. dbd îlot know Mr. Powell, tlîry can Hnping mv let!<er le îot ton long, 1foir a a'ery fair Idéa or tire man If w-il tcse, with good wisites for a Hap- thsuy have rend the excellent contrlitu- py New Year to ski vtolilve In dear Ilions LIrat have :ippeared f rom tirne oId Wliitbv. 1s cpet l>t ~To, i - lu tus newspaper iy lits tislented Yotirs rcseclitlr, Mise M. V. Powell. IAt the end of my apprentlceshlp i lft Whalt<t,'fQr TQropto, 1 procures FU~MSUNY CAIFONIA . i.r<(,iion thé Very firsit eborý ! called DFAhut Stu-My mother, Mr..1J. B. on, known t.ten as McKcown & Ca, cor- Powell, enclosed ln one of lier letters ner of Yonge and Quecn Sts., now accu- an artIcle taken f rom your issue ni pied by Woolworth's 5c and 10c store. August 24 last re1questing formaer resi- At te age of 20 1 migrated la Btuf- i denmts of Whitîby Lo jointin a postal raie., iviere 1 bave iived ever sInce. 1 re-unlon. Ste did flot ask me Io jotnamar now Iocated wtLa the waeli-known your ré-union, but knowtng tat sh ite1m ai SIegrli;t & Fraley, operatlng wotild lie glad ta sec mue, 1 vîsit to two large department stores. My po- send my few words ai greetlng and sition in. and li<a licu for the pant Len experiences. for hèr cake, as veli as yeare, buyer for alike, velvete and for the eîd residents et Whitby vie woollea dreas goode, for bath stores. viii remember' me4 FortLite past year 1 have aleo been i have not beenî able te lie present efficiency Instruetar. being selected by at auay of yoirr re-unlons. altiaugli I the firm f romi a great number ef men have several imes vlted Wlitby teocarr on thîn very Important work. since I leit there en May 24th, 1890; Due Lo modern unethods la advertie- as My*bome le' noW, and han been for Iag and merchandising, our business nearly- twenty ye4rs, In. California. Ia large and le growtng eteadlly. This Wben 1 flrst left Wiitby 1 vent te yeaar our sales wilI total over a million Chicago, and obtalned a position in a.nd a haIt. Lhe drees goode departunent of 'Mar- While dîctating titis letter 1 amn 18k- shaIl Field & Co.; at thesemre ime tng tue liberty of saylsîg a few verds unakiag an applicafion wîti oneS of the te the boys and young men. The op- largo vholeaale dry geeda firme for a portunîlea. vereý neyer go great as 'position, as 1 het rle t b obtain one tliey are at the present LIMe, eSDeci- In Li oe ielelULne In Toronto. ally la Lhe mercantile lIno. - If the Atter a 1ew mesthâ In Marshall Field's Young man wlll etudy barýd anti apply fine retaili tore 1 had my desire fui- bis knowledge, there ie a great future filled, and vent te wprk ln the hosiery for hlm. Re munt be ainbittous andi departmesit ef John V. PmarweIl & Ceý. uourisi hie body snd brialu properly. wboleasIe dry gode, ene of the best DY detng Lhisahe vili creSte Inui hmaet f1rnms In Chia'owherc I rinuainsd for abillty, rtllsbillty, endurance ausd aq. about lve y".tlea- These tour qualittica are oee- Il thse fasl of1895 I Louis an Intel- iaI to suceçsa. est tu thse ret^ll dry gootis businesse et Althoisjsh a citiceaen 0tise Unitedi a firu n lo ckport lit, but my wlfes, States fer nsany years, ; atili tiave A parents havlng deçide toi go to Cail- grnt f enâneas for Canada, especalU'l fernis., e t urtued our faces'vet- Whitby, tic place of Miy birtis. 'I try ward and arrired la Lui AngelrsIn lasPe4d 4a frw-daY. eefth unwuela.h Septeber. 190, 1ti-Ibefan tIse ut- MiY hOMe toWfl, lif1t t tce eery year door 111* of a;C*Hfbrnia =eaber "id tFtiè arw» ever #peoPle 1 ktOWu one Ot5~*£TOO?. Ioel ftud <it 'jthios I1 i notlSI&M «cturnuuerwhie )icd M6 "Z 6.eA"rflsu l oseei ok i- la Wbîtby <fiat 1 i ever nU wbefor. vS tag f0r peeuts t4Jie top et thé Visn*Il POiL IBSII1W iotUSti This tuaa feunti 1 a"d<t ilStaLt te th it Oum a tgat prbapeifty, ubéIe 1 <00. vantairsli ietiatfILU.. Our ot=*e raneh; wu lete4ti $m s intloiueot r . $10ai, *wbô Y<?fludoc a t own -tf Ibmg t8"10 PO fruisoW <tM"' re ber no.. eý 11ôtnXtl latiOsi.1 mlut" ons t o »t nels. 'ftet ==-a s ttbe .14 boys andti %ris on te souIllr' aeI*, osftus ia a are-uniot in- 110 M4Y' te at. vo ogef e qla.dry ft> S f l@014 tul of Wtifb"i Ia&m. Ing.ani1rIiaeCag en oi fathber- tTouri la-lav. andrti e r4tise esetus. tnta «t lood. but dd41hm-bae siot. ho b- t«r tur"*ts ubut theuat tie. I____________ 1 I :tbé' twuel uty attitot$u t b. ~-TIE hOME 0F TIuE FORD IN' IVI ITIJY AFew Suggestions -for the Auto Owner A Oash Speedon A Dash 8-Day Clg Eiectrlc Horn Hand Norn Robe Rail Bumper reter Vale Switch Lock lock Tire Tubes Tire Carrier Tire Cover 011 Gauges Chamois, Spongest and Polilhes, Call and sce our stock. We have many other things of interest to car owners. CARS WASHED. Oveîhauling, Painting and Storing Cari for the Winter. Skates HoIIow Ground. Bell Idp ~PhoneO lW. j. Luke &Son Phne120r Riehaî'dsoni & Rivhardaon, Agents I WIIITI3Y iTHE DOMINION BýANK ME F~Iarmera' Buiness t a. poctitattantien gtvcn telthe bualnhaes « rffl m dealm ielnta lv. stock. saitUe a4scolicer4 on favorable OcrUW. .~. _ Depoufte of $1.00 and npwazdu rocoivel. MInterest pulO or 4dd toi.accoima t' wloe a-' yr, Emolont service asaored le d.posiOM, WHITBY BRANCH: S.0. TERRY, Manager. f OSAAC .HNY A llappy« New Year Don't forgot to Shop early to lay i sluppl of good things for N"ew -Year's Day. A.T4 an e if 11A PIAPT -- calit tt )ilig <r for i<ri n Ji rI, or I "'Ilîr P jut l o i in otr <taerifie'p The ci auanouncii tulie hel ber 29tit0 owing Harper g elesky ani up ilust i journed fi frcrn -Maj, lof War I vean Relu -- ?le ho shbape wl - arena, an will be Ir - Ry b. 11ev. Dr tist Chtur( lng, and -and instia always a tisI puipi.

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