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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 11

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For Bassett Your Vote and Influence respectfully solicited for the electatrn of asCouncillor of the Town of \Vhitby for the year 1917 Vote For --Bassett hdbeen ê &Pgd by Mr. 4, Pickering. ~dahoctur- it'W'P -etl eer- a 1 ne" of two i ben SufferfIng tima, and soMe - i tomacis, IlWMs beîd on~ Tenders w gtlmT Crk.Offe.-O t l±ia.the th day of januarer, 1017, for the luniber comprised in the. b>iiildigaerected by the 182nd Dattallon ini Heydnehorp Park. Tenders will be recelved MleInwnole or lni part. Ily order. UNi'AI.DTAXES. The stationlUj t ot aets IsSUfed by ltp îoèin on Decernher 15 shows that lucre arc yet tnnpadI ites ramotnnîing t0 $15.14655.Q09thi.s amount 1968.68 ln due oni the 1914 roll, $4,966.91 on the 141t, roll, and $4,211M6 on the' present )-trs taxe-is. Why no largo an amounn of'lsr for the. ycars 1914 anid 1915~ shotîtd vt hI, unplaid In nol clpar- nearly$00 for theme two yearm. Th tre sh(llfld it,1sortie nie h od of moi- tig litahiqili-rt e Fo long i tiie ex;tlrcs. il -Bli * il':; THE111v:NAN-Y. fito ii ntg. i ht-rn %vas a very sinli ,ti iIl eidan cit;ithe îtthic lir nifla n ont W rtd n ftla s i t ilivté Iist. i l I i t he 10 ri fu ir i,. , -. -lu R ç?% M r Ilili tCol (ockiurii and M tjor Ptt! ni%%oe e 1h ch tof srnak rs. Silîiiit lit Itll ' i trsmt-s - a f'ile s o %%i i.aq f1 t l 1t , ft- -il1 î t ,, %% ' te-n t 01u~ - 1 \ , , î(l ,- f î ;ila , . t IL luétw béel' OIqul«,atettybeob1lgigloni.- Snumnxig up tny. 88 day.' matured thinklug, ltresoives Itéell lnte twe qluestions, paàlïealarly'for churchem conalderation. pirmt-Àreu't the Sbuaday Bohoola your greatest ancetti-not in one way anly, but &limont every way? Second-This being trus, and cotreful tbliaidug muet admit is, huldo't the cliarchee' greatest trengih be focused en it's Sonday SOhool? Yopr pasulng friend, loto Tabernacle Sunday School IVIA~I<j% OPPOSITE TI G. . fwhen voting 1 'LAN X HEi NAME 0F Dodfellow for Cou ncillors .1 County Constables. TOWN 0F WHITIIY. FOR 1917 Charles MacG;rotty, Chief ConstabWe John ]MacCarl on Monday nixt. (teorge Kerr Charles Paxton Your Vote and Influence respectfully solicited for his clection anelVste _____________________________________________________ Frank E. Harrison jWm. Vanvalkenburgh Personi .>Vtntion ney and Mr. B3arclay, a $10.000 Clîdi(arenIce' T. Paxton lng was secured. I)a-rd Mowat Tht' town elock, whlch everyh)ody ac-1 James sanacs 1 ie Miscur F - lliti wcre %I~IToronto, knowlr'dgîs to b a conventî'ncp was JohtnSleightholin otWîy Miss Siçilia (;if oT'oronto, 11)n 1Our Pstreet rallway la flot yet in op-1 TWN0F 01J1AWA. Ntas dîty m Hh hi i ot ht-r litrp.. eraton, but whcn Il I comîuletr'd and Uapt. A. F. Itînci, ChIt-f Constable. Nli tn r Gronrgi, iritton spcn? ttitic mcx froni Toronto ereet t Ieir John Alloway t lin Too nto w?? thfrienda. dwclIlings ln thfs town andi use ui. JinuMoffatt, acti ng (itcf (Constable. rite M tes lîtirison. of roronto rttad Io go rant orne, wc w-lJi thank t-'. A. Ralttri a t ltt iîa~itg ai! jloi prets i".M r. I)ow nvy Tor liavlng organîzeti the G;ordon Cowle ,aie ho1id, ing it iivr ariif. ler.,origintal coiniany andi seciirnýd the Wrn. Worsto.r i tr. -lut uonh1 fi11-ti(1ti i.*"'"" ' , '"fil*'hrter.Andrew Ltishman ~. 2 I titi t. -t'IAIid.îî as h o ita!t Il-)ati t o ,- iiijz Ii r î1ti-lia> ' 4l;th r io itt-i ltoîtgh î inothcf Tîr oIltnattFitches AI %fs ihiailela tii l t i - l vstlt h t ] ef rs Thomar, K-nox ut n-iti lt t îi t.N 'Iii ttiv Iet-t- iit- t.it i NI \\'Ili Wardt- ildutt 11i1Mss lit seruro t ho ,localtion of ithe Amyl uini n On if t ~ . ?~rif o t,~ lt-r-. o~,- I t- tttifoitht'lio- %'Iiiîlty had iailed, and I1 lfl noun- TOWN 0F lxlf!G' toi. tilt- hot-\rI e -ttt ilet iiil N li d lta? he Instittiont was 10 he I-W .J h so ,(IlrC n tbe W.C .U.Ntc;iti-t? lut ilmrc Counly, Mr. î)oICwne W.JJhn Ston , lf('ntbe - tii tîtî,rt -- of aîr-îîtn '-s i i -ttlt-t jaI titi tN liýz T()h n aiia d Mil.ii- ttik iold of lte nia1tter. HI l to l Jhn Sîe WEI.1-LL 1'll anr-t d atut it fili M-îî tit i-ît tt -tr )'o itlttutî.-lîtldPvrovincial'ri-ncaîStc. VIfo a î- VILGE0FI'ETPOrIY M r. (lîtorgît itttas, Ii i- P,.~ ici t011rt-!s \Nas ~reati h>' tht-V t 'r'- \t(t tii5 i Iti .I iîointI enti l recel te a dtotu lai Ion and i W ihai Ncsbltt. (Chiler Const able. loir fur tflic otiitt if ta t- ~ ~ ii Ir. t-tl-r tîant- i F.-' 1t1tttti-- Ii ! ît1î-la' Ig its liuilttit't. at- o tras 1.-u thatlit S o la o n ui. Cyrs R.('lIlY mlade ia tour* of lts itîîiît ilt'-", fi , a . 1îrt-< g it' l - fl>t-t - ,ari \ %tllo 1.iz lît.i n g ail ti til Pt!etast M. nthii e oadet iion o t e sti u i yn G. rozîr Ille Onîtario Tvinrtrait -A-ilt -tr i tî'-ii ri iîîIl.nke lie a îrds'l ' l E I S m1tttîg. jrl - as fIho locatinoliste ntituion SamnVILLAGErahamNGO thoroughly ('nftti-ed lit (p? ut.At 1'f' ion (if 1 t ii ti""-ln ilt- sq011-1 (r lut - M t(I ftai .itttt-t Mtrt anMis s 'i'îtî aas e? Mr. owi t padng thîs .Re- r V t ParsE 0F ( nsItbl. I. itasiiii%(mý iii.a d tIe -li r.ft t t.'lt tiltIs ac sttrd. -r Jtit' utrxlas lt W if t lir, pi! ait Intervie-w with the' - Ichlan McBain lIi tc fuîilttt o i nî i tatte-oM ti tr î îrttadProvinial Secrî'tary lie mwas sharpîyWIIY ONHP wliert' ttqtor Nit-ilttg ttsvd itil'r tl - - faWNSHIP- flrîy, or net lit itît'trdatiit<'n l l;Ilit- t . ii il 1 VK S , sîiml itrer tulitt lldtuvaitîtirelat-ves rebuiket for brlnging titi, a depumaiulon William Maynard Brooklin law. At fait fa? itrs l4 ait t'ttch ýv s Thi ftto - tlai (-utr if leut , li-Nirr [ 'irttî.coîur,0 t ntuctîs ui )w Fred Gale Wihitby Iîî'îît andi fot a. s i î'ilimi r î sîoî . iîck itîn ltî IfttIhoi lui' ltîtît- tiirh i rcîth Mr tti Ms ~ Atgs s at e îritd nicllg aothm a D ne art sb was sen to bc Ili tilt iitoxlctitnd condi- at-t tu toildii, 1ted bh irMr Cîailttrn. sF(t11,-Harold. sveîtî (tîrisi mas wtith number of active ctlzeiîs, he soctîred Benjamin Maning Brooklln lion. ttti'tt' i lifet ncitiut, of SiJoIi ti s î turcîi. -rt-llalvrliN111apanc1.t lie. AsmxnfrNhty TtsIsit-John O'Royle Myrtle ..llite wty tîth Iw lalt'ltlvn l '(t-fdTt i i.ilItearura teri' Meuars1). (;aî- NIr jach J. Kiig. ,or the Gazette andtilIon 10w pays a large suifor. 1ght! EAST WH-ITUY. thtr(ttigttoitt tht îit iîtt IRFis îieitni. -iIi1h thiu-tîson, AA W. Jacksoni. 1 Uîrttnilestaff. mwas %wiih hîs motier lan-anti waler.lits many employecaare,- W.T. Stevens Oshawa i'ati n.I.icut Ilti'ndtt arlul M;tll~o . Kon. ndwt tivs. Allistti anvectht. holiday. paying taxes on the dwlliîngs they oc- ~. :c;tidîtIo ituîîi - ii tto i îtît xiý0ocî 1h' ttafl-winda ' sW, cr' NIr. Frank iNItrphv ,and datughter!cîtpy. And the benefits the town de- W.JRor aglan î-tj cna tt tIi-ct ilI Iarri, S t-.oan'? NIrs Joittti Kt'aoiind t1it ir F-0t. ,Mr. it-ýrncof o! (hicago. are tistv isttins areyauImmnsile.tyfoiIi lIinSuhRga Il owe q, ct-vît\ 1iltlig littititt ilt gtod -»i' Rt tîaîii fMir. and Nirq. 'iVîn. J inolier. MmsJohu tntm'iitltîreImnse. i)iy J. Grentree Os ala A' pt lîsril')t, io itii ltgiî tir l o )%\,itti 1 i, tlrit out MrNt-irdloi Kiioli. 'r, nt Mrs. Geo A. Rtoss, Miss Mc enlmn1îobsrndrdsci W. T. Henry Cedar Date 'b)lltl itignt tut' tts;ii t-utcsald 10 clti alittci.ttti- tut1lltia Davis brinIRossand tiMr. 1lîiiRIoss wee n services as these to tle town should-'['bornas Shortrîige Columbus -n .î s-tiitRi ci-.alt th tii NIri Mcandi Mm-nei-I I)ttllpy w. i10ostaded, to serve. He deserves every- __________________ %tt tti rciîîdcforiel-r kiîditei(iliîtt nMiia îrîigtoh oi'i - u on o!fNhiiby, and should atll 1tti uat. t t- -, - bth tiftfile pro-seit hu ilItit relativtes for lte festivie 5.ason. , lecail i hy aclamation every tIme. qiti it1- t 1ýI, l ' 5!-Ii ,alîmîr. clated ilte iss ulti Macpteoicrm. o!f('olborne, V trtuiy, Your Vote and Influence LOtCAL HAPPENINGS 1:Ira l't'l:( t.i tt -the Tlit , a.dfý hoJeitte a cyi wir;7eiî! Trn-.si Piuu respectfully soiicited for the iritari- ttl t i is. lit cb hall;th-ten seýrt h f- ____________regnur!> oliter moih-r for ycscrs. NIr. AI'tn utIrrJoilied wife and Candidate for Côuncil, 1917elcon f Th, Ilqliiii-,, s lbi Iro)l(,ll CRI. %lier(s. pn hi.tmswt ea To the Eîect.ors.of the Town of Wbitby. J ut;( iow, tu it ht i 1l'it f Ilby kccî-7- flic 1Iof1r 'tr o i.Tout i if 1V1itbyi 'Mr, anti'Mirs. G. M. Goodfelîow and Latdies antiGentlemen,-On Monday I I timîg outnt t (i tîtilît -.' iti lu t d ire u ut- ni .-ii ir, I olM .a d M s .A.G o flo ee n x o wl c d t oeo h J.Hesn-. J i .saltai -i erivfor thv cour- ntiDa 91.Ou! af aked ofnetheaeLa iW u Duidley .Sîitî-tytu do illwbet t evilt hs emuWohsW enon the 1916 CouncIl, mand six are A )-onîinciiig ils tiniantîah 1teuIi sîiîipertaktng a îr(ie-ilglttng sand bomblng neiv men. 1 arn one oeT tho latter, mund aut'iing oit î-'miiuu an soîîî- cal inilagennt offtie niunliILal bUsi- course at the Exhibition Camp. wau 1 respectfully ask your vote auid your to b lel o VId1ý0--411il, Irýn icas dîîriniu hé roNing ypar. III.la wlîhh is mother bore ever the holiday. support for my *li'ction Io the 1917 C U CLO ber jý'tl. witlî regret 1 llnd i iImpoissible ln Dr. and Mca. Roim. of Winnipeg. who Council. Owimug in ftcle lliitî or' Magistrate maki, a personal cinvtuu mch as I caune 10 Toronto ta apeuid Xmu. with Thte reason. for my candidature la C M U Barper the' lîcariîîg o!rtfi- case' tf N'as- woult i lke to. îîoî atone for the pIcs- Mc. Wm. Calverley uand tamily. were ln simpiy that1 belleve the young men elesky anti lits pals, wtt ch t s Iocoui sure of wîsRhlrg you ail tht' compli- town fer a few days lant week lookhxg __________________ im rthe Town et Wkltby Up lait Slurda afierno cornwead mente of tht. season, but also for the tmp oIt-i riends. ou las faoriay u!t'eoewasat-beitefit of 1t'acning your views onfe th al197 aournd fora wee. i owîî affaira lI tht. tcyîng flire. t f1<~ '~r h Ief ocl ti ttili'stOF. HOWARD ANNES. neknowledge wlth titunks a dontion Wi jDeebr2it,146 To the Editor Gazette anid Chronlele.I frein MjrHre n anl o!f $2F)* 110Sir. GinSthhjjg0 Vot for War Relief work, and $f or WltBeeeul-e th 91. eit ' rendrton ui th emt fown ! nvAl 84888Zih glan Relief work. ('HI1STMÀ 4 ýO?4C FR Tt. those exlsting ten yeare ago. Borne Ce t a a agIervt --0- IThce Funday Selîcols o! the tewn yearfs a"o the chis! duties of council- The hockey boys acc gcttmîg Inlo ht-Id theîr Xmain entertaintuents anla 1r were to Impreve aud maintain theii I taiodjo d ezpeetîuîîy oite qhape wîth liard pracltîces ;a! Iltirno' week. On Wadîie-sday ovenlng the streets and sldcwaiks, coilect taxes for IfyI &>Qjbdou for the elei o! .0 .prena, sand II la expectt'd that they, Methodist Tabernacle wass(ho scene of these purposae ud for achoole and for - WIll be lui excellent condihloîî for the' a sitlendld concert, lui whicb lte rhild- debenttuire debt. To-day we have a sys- W. cairy a lige ! repairsa nd :lAt ââae~,- which in wlth the 192nd cien wpre t ho chl4f tartidleants. Thera tein eT watea-works and a cfostty smcv- acSesrieg for aUtomnobiles. ad J3Basn ait Wbiîby on. Frtday, Janti-'urss n large aîtendance. Santa Claus orage plant to look stter. We choos.f ýel4 ai-y sth. watt pri-sent sud1 made the bit oC the Waller Commisulone-al, buttt lb. n bIY 5 W. have au expert" --evening. Of tour»:,couilIhai ia the taxesla ar- machiuiet and a goo equipment ejR- Uev. Dr. Hare'- pre.ached tu the Bap- t()ri'tursday evenlins the llaptItl est toie h i-tcyerS and hasgr.Tffe to handie m-s.cing work. Cni ,ad ntructve sermon. Dr. Hari l lietient ever Civen, ad @ccupied a- ers or Shool Boalda.It t4, thertore 1s~ic ~ r always a welcone ie sitor lu the Bp.bout îwo mand a hull houmrSanta wu dtlriable thait atipayers "ion eba I dlttention pidto vukan. tint puloit, &thd bis dîscourses arc lia- prensent. as usufii. 1.13e ablest Lsd beu tld reptime- idg tire. al teaed te with keen attenhion. Friday evetîing. the Jrcbyterlan1 tatives ebtains.bote trtnns8àtet b- O f<fl .hmalcefs(. ouotW I~ Theregla mothl metig o t e rt put on hy titeè m w îthoul doubt 1iavIng te vateWworks asdud sevr- 0v. usa trial. charg. modoe. Tho e ulr mofthe iti Or-ethe bîrst ini ombué .and Was-higbIY age plats. v have, novthe A"Iym.1ste. lsen p...oo*141. tê i# Lades eînittc etth VitolanOr1 pralaod by evi ryob ho wMb >rv's-t. the-cie an sd (vo rlalys t. ",aI dcr nt Nurses VI'l te ucid te .home 11t pok ofe! nanY' waeks oft i"rie tIscouircets vill.. Aid tii get proper i-M -on Tuesday Éatternoop, Janittary 2nd. 1yack on the parto t. ! iitces ma"d rnuiratlon Wfo r i.llgbt aM DpOW* -- 1917, let 3il oçI. %# la la theute is t he pulsila. -- -frpiteee ecme nmeettig of tho e a aelliattendatnce 1 Jhau uuda ueol tr esIeful etrp.uins. 1sieuae~chose Cbrlslmr 1gb! for ils ent«, ' Imil oi a 0talDMeut. whlch Proed ti b. mout, shows bt etlit s r .~ Alarge cn>wd q*t mNtr&nx in ta i,Ituma _____________ 'y '0sued by C, A.-<lOodellow & SeOU, 18 teudauue beri- an d * UMMtOeJOr'ttirt i< Uçuase ho sptonetM pré -elltuig,,very l arge& t' .ti. beu1bs i -Ws p-------< ~ 4o $ w j~ - e sued, s as o rsci----- Ithî opposite view oows.y STd ByteIiietrti i ouyf 1OA BU OF TRADE. 1r* I*ti eniisa u i*Uy. public Lchools< c~. or-#3.OO)4seint pst- h.ti Iubrmasbv *»« b b paid -on reoeipt o! Drime The o#tra rev.t.mar m ette !ithe. iat bv su4lseiai M~T110D1BT TADERNACLE , .Jauat-y rd. 1917, li the C uur1iP~ SundoWy, December liaoiChtombMm.The eaut" bo M~eV. A. il. 1'dier, W wor -oà4 *lptss $s»»osa ~la todt. t'w 41W Boy Oran0W Mornitng. Antbeià, *4Worob ip th* attend, but ai'. p >lal>rquwaed-e I e - 0 U@ b*0 Klg. ue!,'1.4Theu My Ren,"Ç' e xpgtnt- of bIx4g p-taiut Mios iCtblem en bIoiUsuoid OriO jit *ibes of ilb.. had &r, rep.£ l4hIPWOSI Liloýtilg. thm."0Roy IXW h# iskm JOh-i;mt t>r-tisd ~~'ltU Solo. "This là MY iTaîe iss à.'ir Ml itlusàa ertise jW t'bb tI am stn.[e8we o âm*OW1« b e ws*'g 1(4w, B. W.' It4and -tOrM&4 cr " ~ 0te lisp lxt t asï4"I b> ý*f11preh lat bis*Uim&s m"e< m um-ý latjbw », ai - - , î~ieh"~it vi ~g ~- WIIFTFI ELD'S DRIJO and STATION.ERV STORE WHITBYO ONTARIO Sole Adent for Butterick Patterns. ffSle Agent for Nyal Preparations j~Wl Q Vi1 )0the snibseri*ptio4 $u 1icc of' the aet 050 and Clironicki. Your Vote and Influence respec-twWYv solicited for the eýlection of F Warren Me De AS MAYOR of the Town of Whitby forthe year igz-7. _ Election, Monday, January xst, 19I7.,ý i. - Whhib ,Ont-, t - andidate tfor Reev,197 To-the Ehecto!s, I take pleasure in wlshing yo-à ai!d -yout tb Having servd you as Mayor Aor- four c'*î ~~T#i99 91 i91, i9#i, and two YearS u-, Yours aiuc « ta 'A r'-' Inn. or Counil as a reDorter, and have ln consequence beecoîe quit. veli aequainted w1th eoupull proeedure, eand alse wlth the methode employed ln mu. hlelPal RIne, and ln other depart- mente of the tovwns business. 1 be- Ileve the knowledge thus ga.Ined would be of much assistance te me ln the event of zMy belng elected b7 you. ln conclusion, let me say, as i Laid at the nominlation meeting on Ftlday evening lust, tliat If elected, 1 ca» only promise ta mummon the best comme» senne and judgment of wbici I arn capable to the candtxet of the town's affaire. That la ail that can be demazxd. ëd of anyone. 1 again respe'cttuily ask for your sup- port at the polis on Monday nex?, and, if elected, 1 trust that your confidence! wili And ample Justification. Yours truly,.1 Us..èîON 1M. GOOPFELLQlW.'. rn1'Ai As we -cross the threshold. of a inew year, W wish to thank -those who have honored us with their confidence and trac'e during the year tliat; is gone. We strive always to protect and promote the 9 1nterests of our friende and ciustomners in every wvay, and we are gratifled to note the generQïuh response which this policy brings. During the coming year wve shall make every effort to serve you even better than we have in the past. We extend to ail Slncere Wlsbes for a, -Happy and Prosperous New Veaire i ~. ~ f. t'-, 4-s Affi A T'% "

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