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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 2

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~~k- 1AimùmTWO . THURSDAY, DEICEKER 21, 1919. TO Tau ATrIONAUwcf1ï e~a ~&~Îrib ilI 'wit cangii e t o tefrê4,bently ot-. iU Io~eî h tlRc~bo a eawtgestly imnpresseti upen or pëôple *&t i atlotial 'rvici of gre*at thatý the heavieut bulrdens ot\ hu 8l. i.tabtgo hl niti gret ord' cnflcttmil l e1orme DIGVisIiI fta t alties be whîch the gret wrlds cnflc0sillliebefrePublie School ehild'ren may now save us, andi that intiustry anld thritt are, te now belng undertaken by the Minis- fur those who remain at home, su- ter or Education. In sympathy wit.b prem pariote utts. he ott ofthe appeals for tbritt as a necessary prere ptritiedutiu. he ott etpatriotic duty now being urgeti by the ail loyAl Canadians to-day la "maye andi Imperti Governmenit, extensive efforts serve," andi it cornes te the boyÉ and are being madie te greatly increaae the girls ot Whitby, as well as te the men work oft he Penny Bank tbrougbout andi women. The boys and i ~rls ot Canada. 'rhis school bank bas proveti Whitby can save anti serve the Empire itselt a meat efficient aid to tbrifttln by the avenue ofthtritt in the working those commumities where Ih bas been et the Penny Bank. By helping to de- establisheti. Through its efforts the velop habits et thrift ameng chiltiren schael chiltiren of Canada now bave whe ln a tew years wilI bave te under- $300,000.00 on deposft witb tbe Gov- ITHE DOMINION BANKj * Establlahod l871 i CAPITAL AMD REERVE 813,000,000 Faèmers' Sale' Notes I larmers vin do wvil ta bave their aie sotie ith The Dominion Ealik for colection. Oonnlt tii. Managez, sw i WHITBY BRANCH: S. 0. TERRYý, Manager. E OSHAWA C. N. HENRY, TIIE liNEOF Tilt-: (i--l)It SN lT A Few Xmas Sugestons for the Auto Owner A Oash Speedometer Vale Swltch Lock A Dash 8-Day Clock Tire Tubes Electrlc Horn Tire Carrier Hand Horn Tire Cover Robe Rail 011 Gauges sumper Chamois, Sponges, and Polishes. Cail and see our stock. We liave many other things of interest to car owntî s CARS WASHIED. Ov'eilauling, Painting and Storing Cars for tiie \\'inter.' Skates lHoIIowvGrounid. .W.J. Lukce & Son P, Id LEAVE TORONTO UNION STATION 10.45 p.m. Msmdsye Wedoday and Felity For Parry 8oand., Sdbory, Port Arthur, Fort Williami, innipe,,randon. Regina, Saskatooun, Caltaaîy, North l1ttle.-rd, Fltoîotitori. uco-e andi pacifie Coastil'ointe. Tlckate ud bertît reinrvatinnq Iroiaiocal agent, or wvrite HR. LF airbatiî, (ereral P.Sigenger Agenut, 681 Kinug St. E , Toronto. R19ichnrdso & MIeh DI wAet HE 's DIL)N'TFOR CET UER XMAS C.4NDY, On Xma% Eu- e tMtray -a-IttvC p.ruened tee .-t't'st4f t. ci Untor-ntuteInite.d. ilthe,,ian wt... gie'bi attgorpt'iwi tkItis fCMaxt- eri to dtiv es, t-t, r-4.twl-~,~ tk'1taed pacI'aie c et 'i M Il b te Cxtbt-t au] TIIESE pîJîE TH-E LIGGrTT PIACKAGES tu «0FiATIM *PACKAGEI choat* ct4Dtped lF-t11 N--t Tai&m iT RliJ m -em m N WhotfsuJs. MIeh a aml Nut ct-..- Titi TICTUEUiçqi PNui asdMandititiei mti eUtfflt wuCceî CMAËS 'bte WIlIIIY- A.eboom, w * 8 d,. ro* Luîuu~hUjiitli4%iuSla f '~~'~là "ddua #A offl ot *80 A NAM'ONÂL RZOU94R&TION. 'ise tattional servtcç Boa*m~lot e DmIaiwm bas been châtred w itbt vestigUitons and tormulating plans that *111 ina mre measure provitie for. _Pol the ebtaining et Information upen whicb may be base&,plans for adjusi- maintenance et the agrictultural and Thé Dangerous Condition other basie industries et the Domin- tn tthe highest point et preduction "hCh Producoe Ma" won and elilciency possible. To accornplish Know. Dà »16these resuits, andti aure the maximum KnownDiSOflBeproduction et war miaterial anti equîp- ment, tbe services et aIl availa.ble men anti women et Canada mus, be utIlizeti lIAU' n sucb a mnanner as will, hlacev l ng these purpeses, permit et the re- lesOW TOQUARDeen eplymn osfom hei p esent empilandoysunt THIS RQ e amesw, py sicaly to anti oe sit- wilh mllitary or naval forces. Accordlngly, the first week of the "mFRUIT-A-TIVES" - The Wondierfui New Ypar wili be observeti as- Na- tioni Service Week" for te laking o f Fruit Medicine - will Protect You au inventory of every male belween the agr's of 16 and 65 years of age, re- Autoîntoxicationinsean't self-poision- .1 ding ln Canada. ing,~~~~~ ~~~ asdlycoinonorpril National ServIce Cards antiddd,-s%- constipatin, 0or instficcîît taction oh'1 ed ciiv clopes for their retinrit b O ua- thse hnwels a ahave lien placed ln the hauds -of i -A--- ~. II CANADA NATIONAL SERVICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given under the authority of the "Wi esolS Act, 1914," that during the first week in January, 1917, an inventorywifl le made- by the Post Office Authorities, ef every maie between the ages of sixteen nWd sixtY- five. residing in Canada. have been placed in the hands of al Postmnasters for distribution amfOi1gst the persons required te fil in such cards. Every maie person of fhe prescribed ages is required to fil in and return a card enclosed in an envelope withiii ten d a of its receipt. Insiead of the refuse, maihler passing ail Posimasters for distribution to10heAy ero wh falteeeieacdan eveoesay bti te n1 dliy frons the body, it is aitsor-hed 1)v iîrson-s rr-îilredt iliiln snich rcards, n es te t filse e re Postynastr n neoera b-i h a theI<teroî itiio, - prson oftf he' prcst-rtbord- upon application t h ers otatr Skin ai-e ozersptorkeif, i n thi e r itîs b t til git 1-f ,t ltîfArf PIl , tîî i il a t fi h R.fB. BENNETT rid the blood of h'iis p tisoul ng. fritln tut pof tis lîtîrî pi. .P.isoning ofthe b/oodin Iuis ray ofteîi Any ierrson ssho rails tinrc~î, a Ottawa, l5th December, 1916. ietr enal r2uses Indigestion, Li or cfAlipetitc Ccar<] and r-îîeloiw înay oî>îaitîiheDietrGnal and Disturbed Stctmnael. lb nias po- ainetp îî1111apitu cat itn Io lite ntie st G DSV H IG duce HedahesJandaeys uti bitgrs Prime Minister. Sir Robert Bor- rnaytruiit h Wny rtlbin deni. lias apat-d1 fi th ecitie of fle ~NATIONAL SERVICE 'W'EEK lst to 7th JANUARY. P'ain in the liack, Itiîitinalit i.f<tî, 1Dominilon for National Servici> and le antd Rleumatic ItuI-l iî t lie eclîit4 ivet nom aoi : ou t ftecoutryîni i cause of Eczema-.1tnti kerpt "Me Z<>l Ili, saý.s Ili pjart:ica s-sep nlu/hs ylieeoî. att, tsris- -0t1itir Eit n i s au tue nlls t effr-cli h tion Into te blood tif titis r-î-ital fi et,. y ilrow-1 nItlotiti- cottit t t, uîiliz- tF,~i/atz.es' e'/a/Til u~. ~ ttIL. iliiail otit rattailtiitilts for- ii,/ox-icai-ion tir s lf î il l 1i) :U4 î î:nct:t îtlltis t tîtîa 1,riiib-a-tiN f-, - att- gt-tii i lt I\ ii 1)( ( , l ho - i i r lutir1tau(a.- et lis rt-aaon tif tîstoîîî i l t- Nut tI ( enff ' tili t-17 tii it ýo nit lis tofr na ict r-.10. 1916 l ) In W i i. Icm PW e.î ad l o- kidncys an(l liii, -siriiuliilitis -l(. pif lls caltConditionliruikii-t tallabe i-rfor 1tioio Ro ter irddaa s nn ltsseit5tiItlî- î1lh- ii , 1-i. - 1c',ilillit-frelli. loIlle t t-tii t tti . \tuttr lii iiitUti i-,- llowel and (lllf.i ill 1 li n( t\ illi - \ 11 . A tittilf of tti sit atiet-tif lit-rf, flotpertfni. -liaii t il s-as.s i lacu itti lhi tttil Iiîs-lifî-rst ii PtHu Ntiti i lll Hfl MNARIIIAGES. \b aIt la utail-illlitat t îuîx I.-ls -opt-ili ofîîic t-il fli- ('ti l it rrul i ,it )ia i- îîr o-- it- <i i ~ l.lia iri t-îtîr . 96,y lt. o M- Ae ciopt al r lrs orsInîi LtLtLi i t: t -i icF is t l is I 1- I lle (;t)\r 1 t-i i l -- t N -- il t l I nt tii- r sttt tuit. Lt-tu. 1)aint916- Papi tsI (;.Ar.ou lc ItInýt lits asri-ciiil',if r\;itiiiiitît St-r I ii1I 1îet#.d s t -h inv. t- r :i-u'-da son gp t tam a. i.m Wl-o titi:rhUl - M, i llilýit-sUitt-Joncs ti nI. Per- i t t iiii-¶it ti t i s if l.ail P1ý i,- In-it 11- 1 ~l î{ U5 N i~le 4 i»i.- r i)iîî- ihîî,s iuti tiît,îtt:i-î ttt o1toiuli - ~~~ptili: Iotrihi- uitrt-il tlli-tiît if 1EA'rHS. ,î,,, n ,nt, '11w F -ittîtît an doîd:î. untis tIdllettt ii ini mitlicî --n"-s of ie ' ~tiinlig ry al iiu itlloee. irti- isitî -ii it e: , ro - J\~l tPont hihby, on 'Fies- t, ,, lt-adi .- -' cas t, ,t.t~~ *tttttiit-* cfris St or, s. drygrtods ,tiort-ýsutre dtiiit- - -heebr11,I11 Mrae lig-I Nyfuleetsatllelimnr-ttof a scloiotî sarîi iiruzuttizat iotAsl:ît srvvle ilit-lîîtisitsg uneinutrialIitas bt-tii îîîeîared -ali-itrlithit5.n, rt-cml <t i 1!flu. l aItte btiksIlu Cali do stîtur i- t-s îtî itlou-e li natioun li tluîst- t-aii-ltes Iti i ti t rtîîîît-ti iug Itie I'. rrtnneult tt e ar-t zit portatr lit-tp titin Io irati-,icesv*ltg tht h- cs ttii-a «yli-tiff lit- uustîcisa1lt. Naîttal Prllltiitiut lini t Engand -.1.4 clak sotn. Sitcîs lmsgritrlti li as hltrr-t gIs eutantd T It. il l I l i- . i tic 1iii a. ii %iCl ytf 1 l I l at- ia: 4iuis tir r-îaltd tin uit fîrtlî lîrr IVis Jatulietilo f ,? l'oi- et -y-utitLNIAN._.AI loi ,0,- con. 7, *Whrtiby prravisionlmade forrnouic ears 1pact ltîdtatit-ottticIoii iltss tili te gOvf-rll 55 int- crengutslui in lit-great stan P'l'Ielii-ltfnlt-- r< it-i(t-ifrIhue (t-ou1- Tri., onSat tnday, 1)ecciher le,. 11.16, li a large usut mIser tof scioote. aud a itet I inaî t I ailule-futi jtptwern ï ituutritîlle lieus g s try langet y etgnr-d P til, loo -t ,k lis is omut il fe t itSuday - George- T. Hollmnt. ln h lu64tuh y-car. iutrgg- îoca'itine ofsf rtcus hae atte-ud,-'l Ilientiion 711lsirisotf Iluiuisatieuergy b\ r i îreseutattvt' ue-uîfrîtîn est-ny- cat-lit- rnlte th. tiy- liatugitua uinsstlf lii itfs ri-effort s, and lit(- drs <I opnsftîit.aus -Usdtîr lii-rrepitîsîlîli lu t-C ailtIli tut nlilt .lur, istuarns H-e lu ati sifTted a net sot ' OIOL'EA H R e\ i cuistots (if ils le arlt le epeli res uk-tinuslists d antd ilti thl-lu ne é, Ilt,;s cinificatift tliai iLloyd George. aut t iyceatlu ta- its t-durt- tii t -SHO TÀ qi rcd atlfite pre-en t tI lt-. otf the ti iaie ss-i ch me art- ilbtii îîîd siliii is i orked ititon as ite'rostoni<ut- mur, atd lt-r-tînui - -air]ti-u Apiart frouite assistaisce iiiat ile un seus t- iîle isiy- dut t y-Io appt-itaul ids1itikt t, opjbonîpi t of tltic i lîo unr naflicotîld ut i-tt. H. -niait t ifl Wards Off Nervous Break Dowp finuits indcrr'd lisegoverusmenl it tut-r do tso\%-apiiesi osi earuieatly ho tht- le no%% P'remoier. Ilu lealînosi cetain lutlhecu I linlellaus cluurtcilt r. niid t iutiP.-tar eale l hour of' uetd,- ihic itactuing ofiti lifpi- t-otile o? Cana% th îat Iiey assist and uid t tIfut n ierrdraqt lc rest rictilotus miitiet-dpath tits etîocktIhe- cttintiiintli. pullîc uchooîs, and 1 got lie oa verý ner-1 -ilies livouved Pct-rit- lt ribng honse co-oiîcnal-eii- w llile governinset tuud cr acit-d. Miss Mary Waisolu, rtf Pont l>eru vous, -tdoit-ncondition. 1 ceuld net iiîîý tromhIiiu eveti yctild, and tll- edmu- tht- [Jteciors of' National Servie-lis MIlittm'on tht- Carier S-h.ilanclitt fo)r adiaineaUsa ie t-tiioal s tiit- of tti- tî-arhulgs oathie-ltiietidt-a'-om for t lite pitrîose. l'o nmen ' A SEEPI N(;CHANGE. Ontario CouitisY tisotai neiti r luelliu- al te at ia.novlule eti e te tiry 1hf tuusy Baril.svstcu inliiur echools lao ofîîiiîany tige i make ahîltal tlItI i-rý jy bringe OR"« vidence o P't-elstansdiln iithet-msrnty-foîur colin- Vinai i o n wti ekm Ii tliiiinr-bt ilzr-ns o an tada, le bucalt-y place utteiselvses ahitihe of c (rlih-s ~ jroe t realbbngfrosnltsiclitlt-4d lis lîese oiutîhtett io ..-~dd8,m ili ek nîttilîle Tt-ht-hni-fils of îîuî- trainnî heSaefo sîar ity o ir ged8 er, wo h fe i mPros'ed and 1 couid sileep al' lu'utusnes îcitoe.su Ie îrailaih~Stle ormîîtnyduTr o al] ihe operititioief tiseQOtario Temîsen- JusSin. ny-ns h ise 'tvand no*w1 i feul well and trong" Ilitlistieîçnietidf; ad he rat a tiers 1i malie appt-alithat ftle>, place au- c.Dnnbng tht- year 1915, tht- re -mabîinig ioîperrcritiens of'Scott -Çe5A 3. KmLD, Almrtis, IPa. tlnî-lnc t the banillng FeyeePm, temecieves fret-b ai fie dispositinf ?Clii o? Toronta averaged 216 arreute Toswnshiip, dbd (titi Saiîrday. ,-trh- We guarantee Vinol, which containe molîîld tue ampli e -cîiuîeisee for the - hein cotil ry fomr tucti sensvice as tht-y for druitikenuet-s prer iveel.. Since Sep- 6l.bef and cod liver pieptones, iron an4 latuor Iiivsvied. 10 say nottubug o? the lare decmcd betsiftited ho îîcrfonm. tcmbrn 161h the' average has het-if less manganese. ptpttoiat, and glycerq-4 I-treons luian iolteduly antd serv-ie. "AndstheIli-oanseil of Canada, wiiosé hmus .11lier week. The- reduclt i s flot131izT H S. plosphatcs for ruu-duwis coliiditiozus. mhc muctwoîîld lue îssîile inIito the- chldîi-trit lias en-cigo sîtlcdid aund so ln- ouly lit dnitîskeniîcss huit lusgenenal ef-- Wl-lITE.- lis Wtithy, otu Siiitday No- A. H. ALLIN, Drîîgglst. Wlst-by, Ont, rntsif oîun cousmtuntiy. ivîo intrcn- pbiitg buinthls hntn odevotioît andi ?.-icee. Ilii wo iontis the total an- vemIier 26. 1916.,la FPt-. autîlMrs, Aiso ah tie besi drtiggtetsiluail loing, taki- up OIle biuudeis of niationiai sacrifice, 1 bld God-spe-d in tht- isani- rets by tise police n-cnt- more titan Frr-d-rick NVIiule, a soiti. Otntario Towns. sric l' o t(stilislusud carry ais hO folti ssank o? bt-ut-icence tbis shidi they sîtccesefîi hsautit-lues -enk lnounr are nom-,etigageti. and 1 uray tht-m ho sciionie, t-qtîbnee the ca-operation o'jaid sîbhl more ln ft-s-t-ny fit-Id o? national thte Board ef Edtncitin. tht- teachere.ý service for which tht-y uîay fr-el îhcm- tht- parents. This sy-shem isaisossuc-setlie fiticti. * cessiilly csîabibs;h.a i Iîhlrty-five o? "Let tus -.rît-ver fargel the- colt rnn or treiot Btr.s andc ills.h e trt a t ,f Oh ationpas t t sy ntiWu-O E 'N A I D A NP * R D I would stronghy urge thet- ealibshmeuut led of tht-lilving alaitle. Tht-rt- are these lic Icnol lu i tb>' those yet 10 be borts. So tis greal ne- vaîire truiy. spoîssiblillly cernes te us as ht-ire ef tht- M. V.«t; :i past andi trustées of tht- fututre. But .- --FUNO.HE9UIE SU lUtH MOITI7 The Price of Your Local Newspaper The ceai et living baz néarly doubled during the las i ftfeen yeams Almeet everythtng ln commen use bas risen ln price. Yet your weekly newspaper ban remaineti a dollar a year witheut var- iation. The printer and publiahier bas net escapeti baving te pay the higher coet et living anti publiabing. Ile pays wbat othera pay for the neceaaitiea et lite. Even before war brpke out tbe old dollar rmte wa* known to be unprofittble. It colts ai least $1.50 te produce a gooti week-' Iy newspaper-tbis wben tbas a gooti eirculation, andi when cir- culations are sinali. the $1.60 raete i acarcély enougb. But the war bas matie the olti dollar rate qtite Impossible. Paper pricea bave jumpeti alarmlngly. lnk prices bave doubieti, trebleti. quadrupled. Many coloretilunte are quite off the ma*r- ket- Type la terribly bigli. Andi so we <oulti go on reetting the dianil ai ae et bigher pubisabing coula. What ve wanît t do ia te 1et yeu set' fer yotarself. that ia the tamt'of tlipow (bingo. enly one thing la lefi opei toteus-lt le Io mise the price fTitua (3.rrlE %xi> CiaosaIcLto $e1.60 a yraf Vour weekly newitpalwr lo renderins ibise oimmunity a mer- vi" un >clty tiaily ma, No daily ahiigive nSpacete local newu andi affaira as T'ti rii %xvMCICR5iti. doma No city daily publiabes the advertistuig of local merchants. Ilf you badti tede- pend soleiy on a eity dall for local neya. you wott$ eny «mi fer your localweekly. on and aller January let. the. new raie of 51.60 VISI go ltt e'ff'i,. We ai.k yot, ant ail the good people et Whltby s*" the county andi nrightKwlîOed tefalI ln wil thet . ew rae--jual tW cause hta an bonesu prier andi beesase ou are far-i--lnd.d. ~iMEYcr viiithai ra.possiwiy lt.bsou Ici ba ~~«,v<j 0ii«<iùi pwBa.r sait t eoporeS 1111175 (ru. et prmavt a* uralse.vta t~ miîet sbe *ma et~R $ rttas> hupitala ~ s. ~ TesupenrmcNotes. -w Meunga. of w g - m ý.tmi vbbm &W luea Itwag*-le ACKNieOWl The WavfRe'lier stl- Paul dbetaay. Mayor iaay. tu aek.savlU %b mm ute Mdthelb.et h rma IltbT WaI l'hi& questionla often Mked, by perwSan d by municipal councils, giving to the Fund la brought before them. They are entitled to the most complete answer, for the Fund is the and it is they who muet mýIin it. Now for the reasn. There ane 1490230 of them. $ j i :1 I i* -44 1~~ L ft -jI "7 t--t-I-fl whn th~e matter of liberal people'L They crated its The P1l'id aks If o mcmiih mey because Canada hbasgiven her Imn8se aviahly to théea t Cause. Between 300,000 and 4009000 have ivoluntecred. If their famies need help, this 1w84 provides It. lu October 53,693 famillesdid need it. These familles comprised 149,230 perSoil mi.arly ail eiher mother, wives or eblidreu Io lit wny woader thtM w Great a Nftd requires $ mrat a 4 O HOW GREAT IS TE NEED 0F MGNEY? -- ê Ti m «pexpeed inOctober#1916, .a..........-sseigiL4â41 The. avmep pamt toe scii famly was 4<- Thi vrapye 1 toeàech Per=anwa .........57 (oAbmon &a B % irg,ùmu paltifor brokenperlot Iotandeti Psy7specWulattention te tii. figies ofeicccv ng ccqtor forrallngmony.It la the ambitio f the ninagers f the.ruzËd te thépcnt cf g alu disburgagg k below that f any voltszy fun4 ever created ln Canad, TI. ; bta band te tthe soldlm' familles as nea 'y ,possible .huaclrd cenfor everY d<lli>abscibixd. 'I'ey $110.T90,028mnti..stoadilsrtliTiihe .hidela I$4*00. Mi4 tliat, tiidetéoe haU&U tWbed tobo dhuct. iu Mmpldin. t-- t.- oe 'ami - ~- t ~- t p -t- t -9 te Wmy

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