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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 3

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a _ '~... a ~-î " t. 'LIIUIUWÂT, DEC MRhiit 31, 1911. BUY YOUR GRAFONOLAL AND IWO À T- TH13E.-X)CLUSIVE COLUMBIA STORE Grafomiola Model No. 45 With 12 Setections $50,10 A partial pa ynielit 'tiII secture li mnat-bine for Ch ristmnas. Grafosola Mode1 No. 110 With 12 Selections $1 15.10 A partial payment wiii s;ecure hii machine for Christmas. To be had ini iuabogany, fûmer! oak, earl>t- Engliali or ligbt oak cabinet finish. Oral onola Ekictric Model No. 165 With 12 Selections $170*10 A partial payment wiII secure titis mîachiine for Chrstmas. To be had ini mahiogany, funier! oak, early Eniglieh or liglit oak cabinet finish. Aime asother Ettetpia Modal.,fJUS A partial paymcnt secures any these superb Grafonolas for Christmas. 1one .-of you for Grafonola Model No. 20 With 12 Selections $25,10 A J' tal pa <'él t ili f,tr t tr i î -'l a 1<l ' o Eli< l p. Gi-aonoIa Mcdel NO. 100 \\]ih 12 StJcciçris $105.10 a i R i, i 'î - - î- l t 1 i\ 1Ie i i e t i l ý Grafrnola MoJel No. 140 \Vith 12 Sc]ecii2ns $ 145.10 t'i hille fr lt i il A .* l' bc lind lit îIl Iîî il 'r%,fini el - k, arly 1 Uglil mî I loak cal imert otasi. Other Models $15, $20, $33, $45, and various prlc?s, up to $475. Records from 85z, up, Fit any-Machiiie. The Grafonlola Store i the Block with the Balcony, Brock St. S. WHITBY, eNT. Store Open Every Evening. i t, COME TO Saturday, Deceinber 23, 1916 $300.00 ini Cash Prizes Get a copy of the 1Prize jist Iand miake vour crtries ery HOW TO KEEP WELL UT JOHN W. 8. MCUTLLOUGRI, b.D., 1)..1., GRIF OFFICEI OF TUE PRO VIN UL Boa» 0F HEALTH. CONSUNUITION. OJIN DBOWN had noidt for nome lime that he was flot up tlth mark. In tht-t îoiing lie toit ver>' weill but through the day ho becamoc t4red, rtlnpp, andi a Ilftla teverih. He lied bàd a alight. tltkling cough for a mntt or two, but dld net cough up a.aythlig. one afternoon he tlt a warmth bahînd i&bI breantborie., andi et tho $aeme time hmt bar a sally tasie ln bis moui.h. Followlng a tloklint lu bis thruat ho coughed andi brougbt Up i few teauPooafUls Of bright yod 1>1004. l' iIs alarmed is ie onde ver>' mucb, and he turneti pale. hlm banda vere cold and perspiration broko out on his forebead. Hi& mother zasat'ta the doctor, who ciainnd bis nose, throat. and chuit. and inalaly toldbjim' the blooti care (rom bi# choi.liHe wua pÏÏaraia (CýONMANPTI0N AND ber! and tbld lu keep Quiet andti t h b. ed ingt S1'ITTINa tILOOl) bave any tfar ftDr thé bléodta.g. The physîtan toô'k a sample oftheb.materlal that John cougireti p a»d 1fobas u hosuspecteti. that be vawu ,Afeing trou tuberculoosa1eth1e liaga. Çensunîption la the cause of apittidg of blooti la aile cases out of 496 Qaie, causes are pneumonIe, congeston, bronchitia. bout dtoe»a mutm eflihtruai trouble, and seurvx. Oaneout ef every twêtity-fire Casesof con. olumption otarte witim a alîght hemorrhage. In one out o veagicaf tbore la no ntbemr eymptom. luIn o eut et very ibros nauués.rMM notbilng but bring on a hemorrbege. The paient Whou Quiet noticet j1aity taste, nu a elitIr Lckling, cought. andi up comaes th. blooti. These eerly hiemorrbages are nover fatal. Dut tb. appmaea of, btood-f righténtr moat people. and Xarhaps Il lua agoosithlg te bave ihe lernorrbage, beenauso Il 1.9 a reliable danger signal. A patiet.of ibis kind Phnuld ho kepi quiet la Wc fer a 1ev dan UtH ui;îaily.3qeeds -no mndcîne. iiicpitLa cases wbete b. Lu very moch trigbt.ea or mâcocked, whon the dootur ua>'give hM uM e 0U4aUV*. He Muet nDM &« #atimlats mucb au whlukey, arornelte spirite or ammoîls. ai.UhUnb.aid.e- JrrM wblchean laebiecdlng <an lb. dWUstnUlBW hliebuoil e on t(ba W., t ther la nonu rn of bemorrbao miater a f ti an ho amy ait e tmay dro a 11111e outdopt, work. Outdoor air anti gooti tsas!.av e 1ereu.Iu for cîrüre. " ih o Mhov-3 ail t1hingiq. a patient Who baubd~%h ens~ ad uthor conaumuPtlv--should aVei th le use et th. nemer.ns '$Cts*rfor Connunîptlon.' None et <heinaare1etYan> vall th b.e taa#M et this dinueaenomeo f iic at oulal a» "VYhratta Answera b oquetions pertinent t. publie hoatiz yUl frein lia. te tint in labiq coluzun. Tlh. (lltitmhlglb@ *hort and t. e'eýb it 1< un not adv][aeble ta, rc.PlY thrO4la Metcelume, amwer wviiibe ma" Io letter.if stiumPed 0tive lucnele, ,..4Uespeuai!1ltyin lata"e*et of mmuelDieeA, LGI Coibborne- -Q.-.4 e aeetfscarlet foyer or otbor enatageu d <flà Mela b oua 1~~iWhéalth obliged t'> ta ae e 01Ote patit proviSo aue, b.e1 Publie Heîltb At. BOftta $8. 4topImi3 08a foRbans:- 1) If xbY Porion eulag trou &bru& «aulja wtblnOnaroi feteTbur I olp bmss a 'I'inrnto of i a i ai'n daî îla.% l ite folilon-itg edittrtal il iii ofii' il i44< 4' Su lOti lakoî'l itî t dîratitîîîal txîi rititt'iiiof iilit'4 illioif. Wlîho alctînd til 0(L: o didal of fi l Wr ýI 'The liti if -lialiitttIlharu lias 1 uniir r ili tu it-lit r l stru in 1 l C<S'C i lit% ich i ririri Icitfliî Is g i %-(î,i lo o ;mtin a lilei l a mil îti tr* cf voctijotial <ahý i F:e S IN i'1:4S. ti oui t foin.' <lts ti"ch m eak, tif Ii.i l îr"îii . tI t\il. uh as i -lii:îkitiîa ,1tctriiîý. anîd thf.ory of i ii.. iti(ttiatîd orbîrs or' jiro;tosed. H itît Iimin i «tIat rfpu(ri arnoilln tid mir a Ii lî îndrt'd autO It i.. i t itI ls l- i; i 1- ra %% i li I.,li ' h( li i te iîi i 1 1i il 11r L a 11,1 1ti t ri <li ii s tiwi i lit ),I.i l i ýht l d i i.i i: 1< ii<"s fi l ii iîidri'ds et t, i tiiit% us or large <villagus In ('ait- <t.: 11<.l id-'a tif lî'avtiig a costly edii1 fi iui14 pIla1i . mairde i11) of e in i' 'i 11il l i's a id cilli iipmî'iît. iuiti<<ed ex- dur tîîng %lx hotirs o! ivi' daî s a oni<~ itt tii <lîtac. orfi absurd. ;ý,iI %tlr4f1<titit io' a <' t rygood tinte ln til o t l its fiirn of social conserva- 4 r)I i:i bî'lie hat soldiers w fion Via 'tu <'itnio ack w otinded or Invalided \'oîîld fii conite commi tiities achaglad rto itF!id sticli lnidtiîsîral classes dir- i<it-1 hîcir î'on'talesceîîce lethî'r lt-ri lit' ain' soti icorîldhb' eallv as- (t.i-lit ait'd by 101 ofttir rromn a Board or EdiîcatîlonIo b furitiît ltant w lîhia t-li t n ltt 0 Iitiipro% e in 1l a h i tuttliprospecîtriIlfi' awyte NVI NTlER T'OU.RS I N FLORID[A. ETC. 'rît' 'ainadiaitPacifie ttaIIwaY offers hartit'ulariy cood servtice. ta Detroit. w litre dir.cî t o-necion Ila made fo-r lorida, %-la (incinatti and Atlanta, Gaî Jackr.onviiie, Floride. la reached s%'conil îtorning airer ieavlng Detroit. Tht' (anad Inn Paci fic- Ich igan Cen 1iraI touîte «iiI lx- fotnd lte ideal lina lu Cimcago. wliere direct connectlon fi; matie for the Sotihern Sttes. New Orleans t a raced second morning at. ter loavinit Toronto. Thse duunnx par- lor and ;lpeei)ng car service betiveerî TIorontio. D)etroit and Chilcago ta tup-1b- date Ini ever> partictilar. ('-onnectling linios aiso ola'ratet' hrormgh sleeping and ditrtig rare. Thora c'oîîemplaîinx a f rits of anyrnature isili receîs'e fillI n- formauion f roît aîty Canadien Pacifie agenr or N%. B. How'ard, District Paua- 'ngî'r Agent,. Torontîo, --:5 TORIONTO NEWS FEATURES. Ilpaderis outhie -TorontoIe 1ujy Xriri apîtreclai..added 1emitures of #bitipa-1 pa»r. Theftlnçly iii patva.ted stpplement1 of rime Saturitay edîllona la one of thefe.1 anoîher la hbc mnappy, pivs.graphlc4 firat columis appearto; preity a.larly1 ebery evcnlng now. Thc vit atlas la-. arîcit by the .'sr.,#'a the betit of its kirnl a'atilable lu tiIs coeuntry s"d sery Ur*. fui 110w thai a crItioe.i perteS ils rêea rd luitheic trutge t. preservt lla. ilo (rom I*Ing ruineS 1w Seepmllasi Th~ e-iXrws louiort cta aâ» d» ta<d 1he emfcetatod>uaa sirvJohn Willa tuh a#t limueure la lUr. Mae*onaltias 1 biat.'ee maafflr of1he pipter. At tralmîî'd ournaum atwh 3,rosti cp- tente on is rp.lta* a «fOumm th l* hio.. b t b. Ilit us uquippol te be put tu the place « swuulus of any et the Tovmot Mdl..an 1t gond work la ev<lSee .ett»<h. tsoi ef surb a poile> on the* pan t be dua- NOIITII C01fl4 39lIAtMR. Wb##*.mn*bg u tff1110.» eut train at Wbiîtop Jwsntioa mnsataNwa bridge. wuatbgwa te lb. p*MU&, tb trab n«net bviag«M #»a * 8 4pMad ho su&Watsedfan ro&sa sUbiAM t a1 Vot m0 e abis bont -tuvu 4Ad mvo te (b. Viturta.MO Renew. the J o y fff LivimOng Don't let ill health any long- er rob you of life's pleasures. Get back your appetite, strengthen your digestion, stimulate your liver, regu- late your bowels and im- prove your blood by taking Their action is prompt and thorough, andyo soon feel their benefits. YY)ou will eat more, work better, sleep sound- er, and feel new strength after a short course of these depend- able pis. They restore hiealthy conditions, and mre worth a guMea a box', si woevvb . Cs'.. 5 e 22 was lnsi.antly killed by lightning dur. lng a violent electrical etorin wbich patsed over the section about 6 o%. dlock In the evening. December elec- trical storîlta are vtery rare. EAST WHITBYt COL4NCIL. Council met et Columbus, on Mon- day, December Il. Reeve MeKenzie intihe chair. 'Z.intutes read and adopt. Pd. Conm un icat ions r"ad f rom Standard Bank, Brookîto, Canada 'Cernent Co.. and W'.IR. Allin. Mr. Elling,. seeonded by Mr. Paaco. moved that Mr. Robert Bea.th b. îîaid 10c. lper rod for 20 rode wire fence. 92-00. Carrted. Moved b>' Mr. Dearborn, seconded by, Mr. Elliîir. that the l7eeve and Clork; ho a commit tee go meet the Cmue sionerir or Cedar Date la regard 'w set. rilitg actounts for the year 1916. Car- ried. Moveti b>'Mr. Ulover. secnoaid by Mar. Ellina. [batt[he Township et-Eau Whihy. ln the COtnty ef Ontarlo, meanortallse the ProvincWalGavera> met Io assume the Kilt"= Rid aU a Provincial Hiighva.>r. owlug te lthe large *Mount ef torlrom trfie' on th Ieaid htgbway t lasbr on the loalnd wnicpaiilst iarougla wbIch f i nce lte houp Ita btghway lni B pmIWr amate of nepair. Carni.4 Mv. Elîlua. useafl by Xr.'eGlovov. moyed ihai 1the Cmnadta u ffl CrMsb. donated the sum et SU&0.Can$ud.. MOVM Urov , ba 411 tel4awng eoat b.- paloyr : gma beld«at iigr~Mp oS U1; Imm wty, #l2; Wu. Haavq $&; Tous éNêvsus 0 : Imouà Itnows. $20;.. Deshel. .$"* W..1 flere. $1;of: . a-Moahat 105:A. Vao0.. job * Vus.. Let4 V. Ibo&Crwol. s81* 'a, fu; jf %w »C 84 I xt 32:>~~h WITBY MARKETS V heal fail .. . *.. $1.751 to %Vhpat, goose ... ... 1.75 t0 Barley . . . . . . . 1.10 tlo Ie a ns. .........5.00 t1o Rye .. .............. ...1.00 10 Peas .. .... .. .........1.50 to Biîckmlieai ....... .. 1.20 10 Oats...... .... .. ...0.65 10 Ried clover ...... ...... 12.00 to Alsîke clover, per luis. . . 7.00 to FLOUR AND FEED. Flotir, peÏ-,ci t ...... .. 5.00 to $.375 1.75 1.10 5.00 1.00 1.50 1.20 0.65 15.00 8.00 5.501 Clîoîped feed, c i . ..2.00 t 2.5', iJorrnapal .... .... ......3.00 to 3.00 Brani, per toti ..... 35.00 t0 35.00 Shorts, lper lon]......... 37.00) b 37.00 MEAT, POULTI1Y and PIbODUCE. Lainils, eci.............8.0', Lo 10.00 Ilogs. dressed ... .14.01) 10 15.00 Veal........ ...... .... 14.00 to 15.00 ('blckenis.lier lb .... .. 0.18 o0 0.22 Dtiîks, per ;h..... .......0.22 t1o0.2I5r Gec-se, drcssed. lier t11). ..0.22 t10 (.25 Ttiipeys, dressed. lper lii... 0.35 10 0.40) 1311t pir......... ........0.47 tbo0.50 Eggs .............. .....0.50 t i0.55 Lard. per lb...... 0.25 la 0.27 Potaîoes, lier bag.... 2.50 to 2.7 5 Apples. par barrel ...1.60 te 8.00 Onions, per bag ........00 Ã"ta 1.28 Ray, par ton......... 14.00 te 15.00 Caîf skins, per lb ... .... 0.25 to Lamb akia, each ...0.70 te Hides, per owt ..... ....17.00 to Slieepskinh..... a.*&..0.75 t. Deaeoris...... ........ 0.28 t. Hlorse 181e....... .... 4.50 to 0.30 0.76 20.00 5.00 Train Time Table. 0. T. R.. WH1TI3Y JUNCTION. GOolîî W eg... .4 Si a.nm. Going muâst.... 9.20 c'.'? 1. .oa. M. 3 r. otaP.- ...7-0PA ....3 0p.= ...93P.3 1 1 .ii Sunday trains leave for Toronto at 4.52 arn. and 7.30 .im. From Toronto -trains stop at Whitby Junetion ai 8.20 and 9.66 a.m., and 9.30 p.m. IUP-TOWN STATION. Going Noith ... 8%Oasm. Oi"g SOuth .719&.'j A41 .l. .~p C. P. R. Ooing West-632 l. . Ooing Eagt-lo.w a n, *Except Sunday. STAGE. Leaven for Brougham at 10 a.m. Mr. Edwards, proprietor. - MAILS CLOSE For Wet- 6-4% &Mm. Pot Port Whitby- 6-30 PAU. I fi.0*am 8.1 0.m. I6.30 p For Sast-7.oo8m. 1 b.30 p.m. For Osawa-2.oo P.M. For North --63o a. m Fifty cents ls the price of the new Ontario Co.unty map-the best rnap of the County ever lssued. C. A. Goodfel. Iow & Son seli lb. Sent postpatd on recelpt of prîce. Dilhinga o! btvisloo coulis COIJNTY OF ONTARIO. 1. WRITBY-Mlsa'B. L. MAcdonnell, Whitby, Clerk-Jau. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, Apr. 4, May 2, June 1, July 4, Sept 51 Oct. 3, Nov. 1, De*. 4, Je. 2, 1917. OSHAWA-Minu B. L Macdonnell, Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 6, Feb. M, Mar. 2, Apr. 5. May 8, June 2, July 5, Sept 0, Oct. 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 6, Jan. 8. 1917. 2. BROUGIiAI-M. Gleeaon, Green. wood, Clerk-Jan. 8. Mar. 8, May 4, July 6. sept. 7. Nov. 8, Ian. 4, '1617. 8. PORT FERRY- J. W. Durubsin, Port Ferry, Cler-Jan. '7,MJi. I, May 6, July 7, Sept 8, Nov. .4, Jan 61 1917. 4. UXBfRIDQE-R. J. Moor. UzbMIge, Clerk.--Jan. 14,'Mar. 10. May ,##IY il, sept . 1, ov. 24, Iam . 1f1. 6. CANXNNTON-Thes. H.LTester Cannirigton, Clrk-JIant1 Mat, $, May 10, JuRy 12, sept . 0 Zbv. 33& Jan. 11, 1917. 8. EEAVERTON--Chaa. A. Patlonna, Beaverton, Glerk- Ian. 1%dw 0 8. May 11, .Jùly 18, septst 1, à&,33 Jan. 10, 1»17. 7. UPTEROROVU - Daniel LeonaN, May 12, Iuly 14, sept ý.' ". v Jan. el 1917. (DY ON.,r) Dated ai Whttb%, NOV. le. M&. 4 N I I '1 'j kil Fi'ghti'ng Against Ourselves -for Von FOR mty eas the publlshev of waklynewsptpm rsvê"l $1.5O-just because -the rfeaired to take a #tep thatm ngot "get them ln wrong " wth their subscrlbers. Yeî aIl tmsyea:s the coats of publlshlng have been mounting up,. upp-up- to sa aiarung ýpoint. Now var han brought the. matter Wo a he"d. It hai ad straw.» Pape: prî ive>Ik 'prive,the prive Âof typek stipplis 1 ofà rtshave sosr.4Ob, tha4 t le çotpus dollarsmom «Cah wftêlc W piodue. eh. Gazettc and, C it dld a generadtio egor ae, or # <s or .ven 3 y Neccuulty couipls s rais.te'.subscuiptiop p>rie. c md CbmîdeIoki 10z> di ncetsdvtl -4, our fijýbt fm y«-** hfig$ agua Aa hst O« *mm have ihéo "V>O ~U' h:imnià&d à 1 ý

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