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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 5

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T'ME IIOTDELIGHTED GIRL IN TCOWN T1117. gi 1wlo is fortut- na te enough te receivea WaIihaan Convertible MWriet Vý <tth for Chriatmas wili be inî-raesd et once aiîi t s etqva1.iste cha rm and thae grac e iut g1u-ca to ber per- Son. W-a ,ides Ueing the rnost Bccurate .atach, thle Waiîiian is alsu ithe nost beautiful oi timi-psc<.-. Nuiihins cojjd bemo jpr.-n.onty etaying ta thbe dn.gki-< ,OF the. luse thon tihe >"ssn -'(- a Waithasm tht. ( bri'ti nia*. Y-ash.ouid eeriainly %ce tIre,, beiu tiuai WaItibams. j) W.C. T.LU. rhe anîimtal 1<-a mln-otutt 1ilie ausis-o.<f 1iIîb?-Y -'ic -aT ?alven at the( l-Oi.SI' Of li-ftiei- nia t flernuina lWof aedî-Iiîîî ili If i l ai- are- tia . liih au îaî d 111 ili I ta <a-ah<i tait i-aiidin v n I-.. ic mua cozitrîlit is %%HIl h4,giItf'lllal% r'-( i4A. andi a Nla bc- Iiiil -l - Pra. dentî, Mas. l Od. nde r il ta.i. t iii - l1.LLEVIîLi-: ST-ORIY, it 'F l a sn-nais . ti- lii-i- 7-i l el,- Il i i ville li).laOîî i-al i ais iali ti al vSîi'iia iltîlaS sof pîraliîîa aîaî 11;1%. lupasi-<l andiiiloat lio ii-du al, la-a-- i ailrces- i tas ýIl-. iplle--- hgb ai- ila. i htvimi ii eiuar aii taii-. aiait-.etî atil, jiiiail Itîat tiiii- ad iis ýI-f iqIl- ai-% ii-(ii Ii >- lti a il la> i iIli ii l inaf i 110 hIowean(i- ulIlI ial aadî i l111, -a fav-orabiy conîîtieiivui- a îna. iia îi-ia litas i ckîl-iail 11,i lli lliii cases. il1a ta-tii si Ii-il îîauiiit- .' i ta debis aret-ieinglalaau timena ali' -ta Fpan d 8pbýi MÈt ~. WIlll, dl~i à a do Wriet Watshes, .#eo. ý4ý1Q POat. -Read pages two an three of this Issute. They contain local news and advertlsemnents of lnýeest, Doni't Miss the* BaPtist S. S. Xmas entertainmienîttIs evening. 8 iVlock. A splendid program has been prepared. S. S. orebesira ln attendance. Ad- Mission 15C. 'Ite Town Couil i et, aeeordlng te Statute, on friday eflzliig, »cenber lBtb, for the Durpose ef pe.sslng the final statement for the year December 16, 1915, to Detember 16, 1918, -es pre- sented by the Town Clerk, Jo.. Whlte. No other business was taken Up. The staternent as prepared, will be presented to the electors ln printed form at the nomination meeting on Friday evenlng of this week. l3rocches, 26c. ta $125, BassettUs. --0- -o-- Saturday of lIais weeti; is Xmas Fair Get your brasa gooda ait Geo. M day. Eni ries slîauld be ln on Friday, Rlce's. If possible. so as tola lglten the labors uft he Secretarj on Saturday. Wiîh S, S. CONVENTION. roniîuîd gond 'icaîber iliere sliotild trlie annîîal -conventian af the Sun- hé «a îrecord breakiiîg crov-d in bain day School Association of tlie Town- for the F'ajr. ships o! East and West Witby and --0--îllei Towns of Oshawa and Wbitby willl j .hî a ilohs$1 tb $4. Bssl'. lie lhelinluthe Oshawa Preabyterian 0 C('burch on Wednesday. JanuaLry 241h. For- VlitislI!mas SilPIpes. Spals and 11-7. atternoon and evenlng. Rev. E. I na nat a Peel's Sliant Store. W. Halpenny. Provincial S. S. Secre- -o- tary, avili speak at both sessions. Mis allslîry, of tbe lgh Sehiol-- staff, wal; ealIed <o lier home ln Co- iMNICIPAL NOMINATIONS.. bîourg, n N (Vednt-sday înorntng. owlng :oinations for the ofoices of mayor,, to tIe ulcath of ber mol hec Mca SalIs- Pe i(, Cotincillors, School Trustecs bury lîad bei I for scierai montbs, anid tiio Public I lity Comillissioîiers but livr dent h came riidilenli- from fr"1 i, cer lie Town of W'hilth: fr- v1 1-lI tiiar fllame Mis Sllhîry * mîî1jlec<'d.ii, iePuscHall on Friday \Vhlt~ rinîs eeîl.-~-mashle It1<ef, lgilcember 22. Interea;t luthie linr riii h l ani id hîeaînainomInnal Ions lu' de-eiopilngand lit Is i aiIr --i sîns -lo0e-- niiisf-oniIilkeiy that a number of new naines Ç ç Ç ofl .1 E xilIIIbe plutlu on Frlday ca-enîni'. Very 5. o 1111 11Is d 1riag fu<.lnîeannotin ceémeitls of candi- - a-uilt,-:tii e hei made as yel, boa cier. O - iti1taîr lias Il thaItteére m ilii b(- a con- l'eiat ai ~ .,r i a52 0 inas. i l-Fs, for- lie Reea-esh ip. liai as-; ta <i Ia' li l I-r lIte Niauoralty a'NII lie con- 'lIa <etl wtill' t nf bis s eeh las i-ad litnt certain. n- lt--IieAih aîînîlie.1-j l o liau li. part <if ii lîe wlia did îlot hbaife a largi-g' C'ii- aa'<l br(IlIaFz. Ila-sstt*'. oa f ra I iaIliiinllir -ltars. as il-O- a- la tisa i gîte l it-r f f iiNtr.N in ile ii)fr W1hltav Nmais I;' r. De- l f 1ai 111.i1ti taiscia (mîa ie t ail çci nla-r 23î-<i f3o00 la cash larizfs-. ai-rlial a- nat skiai w. laîd ilipisr- k liita- lasstii as anta l iai-c ait ap- jailli- rîtil cauase for aiitl a i% î. i -aai sli-îtion fii -t ii ~ i r lnase. uuia ialaoi orinia thet, e-iîiaeîro ila abtoalit i ilS deri-es liiliais t iro ai l\I IAT'A LION NE*S. \ nilo ai - ttl( l folblalni <0o1t ll C Tlw foiloaa la g a-re,, lin - sait s of <hi 1 lleIf.-t.lla)i-rat tar(i-% a ai ailai - -a'o lq 1 i N. C ()l aa i l jlis as 1lillhe-d stiiiel iia'aiI i tîtia- 1h idrI- aa Dînînu0r11il I a-t < i i- t, u leau 5iV15 andid t-ilatI'- l .. ý!. \a a1 \alai 1 . i ( ; îî a j 1tlriîaiai l 11 1I l 111ii)iui is i liii i-ai: - .1 N i i ai Iica iîles. Y Pm ix a 'a--l'--l'arul s..1 1 -tla Nsaiii o ,IllouiaaI l . <N -c i -Cit ai l . ' m iL- M r . I al a'l , Jalî 10 k s\ I l - t i i-. A' Wa- i . iîalI r. N i NIac 1a-oui. lii lII - - - It-tit . i e iit a it 'J . Nia( i igîiiiua. of ltt- Br:- a 1ii a.i -i 'i a I l. la,-' Nia Iai-teti Safl 'aiîît a aitIlt ta tie li tia- - - la -- il aili acr-oal- i: ii n Iioiat , - io s-li liaiI aloie nos! i ai ii -taîi -.-- a aaa.ia ri m--lia i d a% iaîil atat a a iruril(i < ut aîskc r, ls - --ti <l ti- a îiiaalaaai Sei l--it.: ca-rrloililau. andiltai everu mant - -titi i i i:i- -lia- -t-al !i- atail, -Ilaîîîal<aaa i-arias îaoaa t..liandIv i lita- ii iifle tandinl îaîdnsiaî H l îroppOpy I i ~ - a;.- i il x' jii.iii îîs- loin ta i- Itl îtdeî ev-îry fi - lieici' iii. r 1 l ta i) il. i, .i l îli11 1- , attli itarl a> aîîi)oiiiii.d officers ulul ai aiiilal t. I .a' 0alicila- ii ary- luai h(iii. ffirViiluati-aesof lasarfare lo iiia . ai- ai iad ei lil .il , î a- I-ai is a i i oii îaîaî ila l l-e xs iv d(-elop- i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ýrl ia iai ir v I lta i-. ( Ii a imies t-),-a. i lia laties a' as ceasici-d liî ex- a ' - ' laa iiiae aandii -.-f-ar '-ur ' n",i ai-e i lî-fiiaront -ii <aa'i 11 1 uî a d fi s<a i-lîo%% soua l-u 0 - (- iad - î-î1'-d iit )g a 1 -Il . il-d a il' - iIt-lai, lisse-lu alt -iaîi d d l i 1ikai.a N\ 11iII:-o .- I C 1'.a Iif h ai r.ias'adl lna a me a i ,a i îîî u A.- [oan i mmlw<a Far sday. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - lhil iaia 5 <a i î i 2m Si-iaa"oitun ge8. tw5o '.iii'ius l( tIi il-a aat-t-t a- ;lfo i- îra1 liii \%* (Ihia % - ' l aînîaî1 - iý au ltiige ficarcel y ci-au-i (<lu&-as% ai mi Ili 1 r ll , Si4,. -Iltata (91 -Iia l Ilata faîrti au.\a1lxii1 <i aî1p%Case Ili lIed <if taanîlai lia tithi nIi ai . ilti ai a-i1i-i tila t mal taiieiS UN IUS %<.eok pliaid it di-ta l <if .a -airs siîttaadiatil-g <if lita -ii a-S alit .-aal i iii n -i lle 1Ili I aid !a::ihl t-na îîîIÏîîiýîîîr%;f- lalias Xmas Tou&Entortaînment *oean rus.mn' ioli a \ill tailî.\sls i t th-îe pPls nf LOCAL HAPPENINaGS St. Andrews' Sunday Sohool ~'îî ~a~s liai-i -aiiii- -~'--î r-ii i M lu- u îicltîing "' Canadian Fairy Talc,"i tewtii rtnsst b Siyetr Perfiini-. , atiaitîutai - liiii aid laiia - id Mil tw hd ia ie a b .~ye tr ter. J. E. NWiîîîu' duirgiii.' l îîi ai Pi lu . i, t -î ltaining, bei-ides instructive, and is 'Cla. ()l fr \ias a( lolamioe tof aur be-t numbers. j 1hfir N tistiaîîa -hl aail. 'Ihere are ta be Carols, Tomiy Eary itfatîir tla- .1.ti R-l.- Su 'a-> i l ii i;itidgeaig i'-ii îaîîr 1 'Iulîîîb,,3anti Little Grandmathers il ipluit On a i i uai-ai r - ii T4, giuoig IM I 27 tin il.i.tau fari- io(y îîîî.~~~~~~i <iîî1-11i ril i <..-d ruila tC '1-'l I o al of hic ar ry ut a d er iericiioii of rfim r -utNiVIII.'.11gi-ao<<l iw a n a iiaireîil,-"' wih b te ant - tc or lbhe date-, ilihiI ~ù a-i:dg-a ,e u Iitîuid i îîusng. ThsAill5 e th eas --Bounced shlîoI>.irniii l anumani 2rçi. aI far. taid nue-ent.ertaitiment wo have put on, -1-l 1 rA , aiid goîuîp COIîlu tad 11 . gmm nou0-and wu hope ta se-e ail our friende The Fire BrIgade lhas Issiridcards a ni-i ar 111isatti.ur> 2.il single fan- a M, ;anftounettig Ilis;animal hall and supîi.-r I Ii.cdi, %oaîr d#ýI-u'îItîu oti. snd iif- dmssinai ber 29h. vi i <1 (Su ai sari. lîi 1 ' Ws.1.hti te~~~ be1e )atl. 's-c %It*m ii~i siin - % i- cl iai hîîise t ad r04-1 ridy eo br2 n Fountain lens, $1.2,'1lutIo6.ii. izr taîî ifli <oe.. opphoelelueu îi wîs ige'. a rî a D .30nhep 22n Wm irae. iil_0-. î< t pli îglsrlil- - nlitI- ihe-Frsutii.aeoî adeemu' lis îîck-B .0pm -dea Dre.a i-e of Wibl ils a' ba-n u-ae II.- ini Sc bie urw udyS~ -d a tPeimoita, ai lia-ce fuir iota aa iilit-r adi l ii tIislu. aaîîîr. hli ad auauiiclîîîîî-Stuli.---0- -0 (IN CHIiSTMAS NIOHT- - __ Hocke stiii foIiiioi, pli-ii. aurS Msh tuf Ilei- rî'tîî ar, REt-RUITING MEE'TlNG. n1 -la n1% qsîtfuirlt t iiiu-ho - ln ~alo a îîg -xirnattaractlion,%Ir, E W ON' (In S.iînda.) ea--nîng lani. Rt ithe coni- '~~~~~~~nnd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ lI i<iis .lîs ~ tietaiteî uan Illui Irata-adaîlert tire (on1claiu'Iuîofut hieclitîrit services, a re- store. , a I.ifë lilnd thé Prison Bars Of Sltt5 crîîîîing meetinîg uw heid in the Rioyal I Sn." l>on't is"s iis treai iiiniti. -1ti.itrt Ther-e was only a fair at- Ontlrin Latiles' to-litge ncliiu'-d fr Itr lîilc hal. o1tMonaiay eiiiiUa. 1 I" t -idaice, but the prog~ram nand tie lue Chtristmasîuvsacatli i iida<tilast i. ' Mer251. la aid oet he War, is- Re î-'-u- a wura- aieniid. Col. 1111 Fare- Decein4hr 151h. ana%%Illi rî-aaîîiiii - ilef if Societîy. Admission 25e. %%set il was hralirmuan,. and speeche were ,term work ami Jariîiary Ird. 'bille annoutnclng t hoe tures. irtade by Nir. J. E. Willit anid Mtjor _________________________________________________________ l'aita>n. 'liete bnd of lte 1Ibund was - iti,-ci-41 b tue jreet-at, but owlng te ni-a ha- nitinvid. Pna-& tatrhford &and SS tatliuiiay santg a ples.stîx dueti, witb _____ 1piano ar-eir'nnîiaiîntni by trgi. CUis- *w ii . -st4nise audienc dne--44tptvodîimi X IA I-FT S ~ ~ . un'. n nuris. »as Iheré sia V -at-a"aI i-ia' Ilu Palu Elt-eiretrouasgo ta MIli'. a -4 - 7 - 14uî.s. teaamber 24 I At i"li elia% t-p4ag4t -Mtbu1%0aumaa8 'lIas-h. tbe itsnhd - ib ofa.ste Kb ' MAX be d ii.<NlebWg, oo ifeL 4 3*, à Bts Snslls bu... Sfhil There, iS' n increase in the demand for sensible, useful gifts. Such gifts are flot devoid of sentiment for they. combjine good judgment and good w'1l- Our stock should suggest-something appropriate for everyone on your Iist. IRPREÈ8tVE INDIVIDUAL STATJONERY The quality of y'our stationere has much to do with expressing your personality. Let your letters carry an air of dignity and dis- tinctiveness. Whitfield's Box Stationery represents the lateat idjeas ini correct station- ery, batlh as to tints and textures. There is a wide variety caf styles from wbiah you mnay select. Stationery sugges-ts a lia"ppy Xmnas thought. MAGAZINE SUBSORIPTIONS maka excellent gifts. Let us place vour subacriptions. CHI8TMAS AND NEW VEAR CARDS Our complet@ assortmeut of Christmas and New Year Carda inakes it possible and cou- venient for you ta scîîd a- tiken of renein- brauce to every frieîîd. D3y sending thes-# cards you cau distribute holiday cheer. WVe also have Tags, Stiekers, etc. CHRISIMAS 0CARS8 If lie i a snîoker you aeed worry iea <more abJout bis Christmnas gift. (Jive bin a box of good cigars. We have themn packed 10, 25, 50 andi 100 in a box. NVe also carry a îîice line of Pipes and Sitiokers' Supplies. z- on Ttiesday ai lendlngithe fanierai of iook iery ill. Si s 10,#t-îf11're To Everv Sunday ~Mr. Gon. (Gray. 1 blit -, o i ait-h îft t . j Ev rJ S nday choo , ?%r. niid Mrs .Atex, W~i'o ia "d Foa. PHt.I)oî<giii'î milson of Mr. and Aille, have ié to Tn'oronto, aiîd w îP Mrs. <lia . 'VII) ho lîîs I-en Ili Ne-w T o every boy and girl, rIliag. for amoi%;-h() IId.<'f uiimît i. i IdiedIai ng ; rM rs. Fox-À lean d (lM o n"_11 iliform k ls l, Wih ibio hr a To veyb dyalre v kiil ng 1h efortner's îarctns. *Ytr. <, j <' ahrtva A NMerry Christmas -aid Mn-. Johin l'(.-d __________ and a LIttie Tlm's inr arlniagatitr 1ail sO.Fo Sale To lint, Etc. God Blss LisEvery ne." ng a wee-k with Mr, liTitler'F parents. - I i litMil'a a le liat a n. w <0ho as llîcen FOR1 SA LE. litt. odîrît. NorinM ' cliool itîtîrboro Lii il i uig Vi'l'sfor sale. -é weekq Tabernacle Su nd ay School r,ýtiiîrae-dho.o a lion-Ionferoui- .A ppty i), 1.Dif.Ti aatl. M%rs.' John (oopir rlias bhee n la Ni- . i (11 %.\ lF i ns Tlirio. E 11çýq rasstts.caisîlo silice Sataarday. owlng îo 1i.h-p pria-.. iii i Il .0ani - rt - aiw-ays on Theros îot l-s. asseîs.Persona] .Mentio n Isuidden dealhi thert%<if lier brollier-in- ha<n<. Jl . 1-. I)onif miss Chareys - l n iuhe Mrs. James Shaw ieft last week for aM.GoGry Tuaa HllThusda, leceber2~.Toronto, %Nhere she will remaîn for a I Mss Hayerafi, ofth<le SlatolsJnî of- GIRL A fILi 'iii <s <shle saine coniîîany ihal playedI ln e. fie. Bowmanviile. virilîcd ber sîsler. MiiId foi-:i<ri louisework. ai <ilie Granîd Opera Hlotse In Toronto Mrs. Algiiire. of Neepawa, q'Ian., îs Ms lgl i a il ek n îçl u M-.îdoa ~m t la!îe-..vîsltîng lier daîigh<cr, Mrs. W. J. Mc gaie iblis omele a cail.1Il -o nlyre. Mrs. J. Il. James ret<irned ]asl week i WýA NT F D Collr Btios. Bs.,etts. frum her oîd home iai Milibroolk. wherù Unoil girl for p( i <ml hîotiQwork. lolar littoîs.Basels.Mr, John Hilop w-as ln Newcastle sue bas been visltlng, and wbere she Aîîply Nirs. Sîanton A. Baker, Dizndas --Si. Wecst, Wbllbv. -25 HOEY.i s Thîe euîld %%veat laer lias lîîrried on i li- inaking tif ire, aîîdthe hockey boys had laraci icis ai Burns' arena on Monday and Ttîesday cve-itngs. A lot of good inaierial <s in sighît. and tiiere <s caaery pirosplect of a firsb-ciass Interniediale caain here ibis season. A ineeîiîîg was beîd In Oshawa on -ruiCs-day eveniîag. a-len the foIIoa-lng seheduulp o! games for Groîip m'aas draa-n m)i: Jan,. lSg2nd fn. al Oshawa. Jan. 3. Port Hope at Bowmanillc. Jan. 5 lR2nd Bn. at Wbhby. Jan. t, -Port. Hope ah Oshawa. Jlan. 10. -WlItby at Port Hope. Jainii. IOsbawa at Ilowmana-ilie. Jan. t2. Osbawa at lS2nd Bn. Jlan. 15-BoaimaîiviiIe at Whtthy. Jan. 15. -Oshaawa aI Port Hope. Javai. 17.- Wbitlay at lS2nd En. Jan. 17.- Bow-ianville at Po)rt Hope. ian. 19.- 182nd Bn. ah Bowmanvlle. Jaît. 19.--Port Hope at Whllhy. Tan, '-. -..,.,,sa'llsnitOshawa. Jaun. 2,4-Port Hope ai Ibi2nd Bn. Jant. 26. -WNhihby ai BowmanvilIe. ian. 299.- l82îîd DBn. at Port Hope. Jan. 29. -Wiby at Oshawa. J ati 31. -Oshaisa ah Wlitby. I'eb BI--oamanvillie at. 182nd Bn. 0o- Shaying Sois, Bass*tt's. Get aour old violin repaired or ex- changed fer a new ane. J. Pee1.'-26 Go te The Central Garage If yeu want a good job done. We carry a lUne of repaire and aeeessories for automobiles and bicycles. W. bave an expert machiniet and a good "auipineut to bondie mchine work. Cars rebut and painted. Special attention pald to vuktan- izing tires. Gai engine trouble made easy. Giv. us a trial. Charge. woder-4 mse. Bell phono 147. MWklisy i I i boflSIbIO Uits for Christmas Our stock Is no wco m pete with glfts that wili make I gi sure appeai to the pract- Ical man or woman. Visit our store now and tet us show you a tew of these most sensible gui ts. Electrical ippliancesi make ideal gifts. We carry a complete lin" of the famnou.s Hot' Point lino.' 4 N j DIsc6toves $4.50. -r j -MOT POINT IRONS.- 0 Monarch of ai electrie irons. Nieely finished and a gif t wirtls while Price $4@50 Caudian Beauty Eluotrio Inns 315 Hot Pelat Ilee-tris rlsteroc.26 Hot Point Electrlc Heaters $8.00. Hot Polnt*Elerl Childs Electrlc Ranges $9.00. A M.7a.tiva# khop~tigth~t a& oor wlastov dh~p1ay. Ia~a ulIfrOfUses* $%~<*i~i~ Bey ora.gu stor yviw Xm# tabi.W, T0eom m.ndth l idaaa du FOUNTAIN PENS are now conqidereil a ie(cessi-y. We are agents for hMoorea8, NVateriziaiî's aî<id thîe Collpeo Pena, and are shuwii<g theiui iin a coinpIste assortmneît of styles, sizes anîd prices. We cari supply you with a self-filliîîg pen, 14 carat ge>Id îîiL, guaranteed, for$l . HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS We hav'e a wide clîuice of titles on1 a wide range of subjects; Bocks tlîat are eîuiîîently suitalile for Chîristoaas giu-ing. Thmo jiiiiM 1.75 t $3a5 WHITFIELD'S Drug and Stationiery Store >1' 4 e .. M ~M A a Youff-to Iim-fot Chriatn a aGillefte8afetyMwïr. ~ U!! ppod. it f!rt-yo« u !!! WW. ah, L J 7 -i j I IF- - ý 1-11 d 1

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