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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Dec 1916, p. 8

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004A te'fù 111#bu tvo«Uet, ¶l * mut tmion Wlth tua went4rcto lits i eht*( TG A 0' retttiig tiât-the iaui4eta4'y a ~ jfttUi " "f *1w ee tth llàfrf ailînlwi ii.ronto, wler$ witt - titýç tterà parentl ' a u out h iciieiSiS Mi.at Er.*onRs n et tdes lie tben r d. 8a iïr d aiy, apelit hrao' Cita.of an llotion, and thaitgl'oit t«foWebb, cfr aaiïttew*in, are sPending evst oui irIs#toêib n1rlyt Xpnnt sristmas ()vr ens.toreant eog S Rsa iser sd tgwo héthiherW da %,Aa Shol Mr. GordonT ColWili, Toronto, your pat eofldeuite, 1 ave thet houlor the winter with the. formers tnbther, ter-Miffi Alelt and"e_ i- w Joîîs J. Mooia iih is irfl a o e aiM rs G ogeS Io . iters and ecébteu rïi2d ro h 'îti~iI'i ndXns 1elt. Mr. Murbead *lIt preach klis > Yours remapeettuil?, Skatint ktt Kud Lake la provUig an The ftinerdl ttok lc lace on F7rida -toti cvnig at.an faewiiser~ô il s: homs'Ch rcli lnterbr 6,194.Pe atlno*. ofrth OW~ fâtnlly residence t St, Peter's Churcb i. l C4cCS Iqqti cvptry wa>-. On Sunday, Decembc 319t; lit begin. @ ok -0eebr28 96 ie~a.nw î,î ne wrlclu êWlSfYle the be- M~T~TTO Those Who atiend UeiXas enter- and cemnetery. It wue Iargely attend- MYRT E STof the tainmaeht lu.t rHt the best ed, and the great nuimber of floral -Ili, or Oshawa, eton Mr.yRgin lngemoftitelyear.eOf the teas tngo. tributes epokre of the esteem ln whieh The1,1t. oit>t'4in mr. and NMrs. R. 11ei-to r- ;tv r gi.tîreoî l! as~the deceased was heid. it)irfi4 t hirl %N'ont Mr. Juck Ilortoip and 'Miss LauraMUr charge of the ebure!' service nezt S"n- itolol tt.l hallt to the. lait. of Toronto, spQnt xmaB wit!i their day nîorning. i ______________-____ îî:trrrIt$, Mr. and Mrs. Jag. HoitoP. Mr. laind Mt's. R. Cbinholm iDsent Divine service was heid hiere Sunday T w I 't-il tît larr flo I,.i. Iltd %rq. Rahaftm and chuIdT,Çla çîBatnag Witlî thir son in Toronto. atternoon, pastor preidtng. h- Ii., t IIttItI IIarr, ýCo Banks, Ien Xiawtb r. and nu;:t"rfrom herie attended the The Publie scitool concert given herel h ~4lt ~ NiI-q. ttlîn Whiteford. (hi'istmas Fair at Whitby last Satuir- laet Thursday niglit by the litlis, fol--, OJ V T N Fo-~ i- it' yt Ct1tons(htrrch heid their Riitti' day. iowed by n Xmas trep. was very sitc- O RV T AN .tttt t l. ttil'~ tN. i irttt troc and eiter tinmenl Skating at ithe lake is ail the rage cessul, the littie ones enjoyîng lin- uo' ~~i~ tt'Mstrtcliait on Thursday e tlOn- 1. rnenseiy their gifts frot i he tree. Mr. INFLUENCE ti r-~na4 \ý-r'vidÃŽd audieitce ha.d gath- A. ond cro%%d attended te annual C. 0. 1Lav'ton acting for- Sants, Clatis. Illbil, lftil'ttKttthlt a~nd litare -a fine, pîogramn, con" Christmas tilîrînnent of the Sun- Miss I,ucy Stanr.Ilng. of WhItby.ý resper tfuly solicited for the ul 'Yi"~\ ItY k- îlifflaywili tt 1 Il iYrt. v. y r. Mlirllead was doy-e.venlng, Pr4~ent9 were distrHbut- od home 'hre atC. 1, ,tevenson's. election of ltr--t5, ani \l \I'ttt lttritrît-sîvr IIeclontadn<-ianonngt(, chiltdrei ,and a pirese- Tons Saddler iîM been btisllye- rt sttii- s'--rin itsi ntlttlt n iINt~Cli $7.00h. alatonmit aiade to lte retiring organ- ga-ed ai Wni. Uak, rL'od u~ t n-- t tsirt t - n-timnor is- Lilliit i littrdg-- anti Nîr lltt t Nts i- 'vtictt of a coli glass ,watt-r ttog wood, etc. t lit it tiii~t. *t tiof itt tatti1t atird N tt. and'tNire v-, a -a iltîtretiationofo!lher Tltf-ltig blow on riday lastcauisediI U LCAH \if - i t -f .it -o î- aî' k rî arîi ýanîd uit dren n (f h. t açrt ics. n idty's deiay it i titi dclii terv ot theU L I L "-l ,t-ttt srstits NItrMr tiid trttmaNIIi r. M-and NMrs.'IlovalMai.PretJy evarly before the VHmG t t , . j ,~i t lit i Xsîfor). i llrît tilleg anti M» iss U ta t ir-ilt. f PttyjO ad E. d Ni-w Ycar 10 cau .e a delay li the maiF R C U C L O A ILm.nî ~îlt'tt t t!-, u-egtlIeRUiL Wt k tf t-art-l k«. itfandatîI toy Britton nit A cablegrain ias rroui t-d f rori O OU CL t ,-ll'tn <*-' th M r 1)r ji, M o.ore. 'rotitîî dt i t ill tîmu- t Ni- Mrati]Mrs. Back,' M-rt'dith NMciirien front Etiglan'd, w i; s u d b i tî -10t -ltt Ni.Arnotilt ndrienda l 'o of l)iîmttit atncilor irowiVS. Mi-. 1tng one and a11-t ho çîritforetsofhit Atite -1 \tt t-titiî ls-a- endl's In tt Mrs. N litctts ort f Toronto, at .st-ason 10 tilt' iîmnIlý ard i-ottecrioîs. t i ,i - t\îîî-((t 'Wii~t., -h.ttl 'tttt~t-l aîtdtht-hivittIlittt-litr NîMis latt-l llryanit, jMr. Wlson floger- e t itit-so rn or tIl o ohp o W ub.ET9193 alprs t it ut. \ titi t islqj. o randytil'.r\tttit N as 5trei ultjýYs M:tt IN \îîtttui of Toruonto, ai late '«aller - iuitr-t-s, titit--- n ,li sp-,di jj.'t-~ 'î' 't- i . as r . 'atisIsie f-t t a's t lit lits sister, Mr. . -r- ii 4 ii o lth t saîtters itlt j i utasit o itorf o littcwell d rosselli f orîn I-y.MciU n t i I tt f' i IiO \of im t tr iint I l ,i votli, ol-fo Ia r T. A r c tiin fr i ittdl1 heC 'l- -tiot t 110 MOI a-tB fo tM rr-- tl I t n d rio h -a- toif dtd lits or ti h ittittt- l ht, e irnt st'tr tore-. schouol etrer'ît. -antid d ; d theit-muet - ________________________________ .ttits;tt. \ 1b. 'a îîîein.wear tre- lattuti l -rt tr tttit of I- ainioanmshîng ail î-ilgtble unes for - r- aîA, 'e lrîiîî <rr and fa vlIia tnt att ii il îtit-a.srlrtt after- MSte of,,ica aUCtîy . çc, ulies 10 ei i-lit re ru ______________ t - frK ei 1t00-c %ltaq Xîe '-sltll,' i Oqoria,îiy !~ itt, ~a riitloii cones. lie ritkt' w lith on n- _ _______________________ ttttî u-h1-~he fou-îler',~-Itrt.nt, l, 'tsîtti disti rtt'lrr-,d ai tisehonte, tFranîk JChertie>- takeg onîl tIîtrt i- is 'crlor certain -souit-d as 10 ilt, realitecessity cl k ni Inem tbig mrd u lieNîr1 ay.s ll er'o ' 'itryala ttigo ei-i uîîeroflthe fir of CV.STM3.ANDheE yalnt CO.ylg grund - of r Wn. ()tuîtis~n it ~t ~ usinell% tli ttir (î'i - ofTruieti't, iofurîy sai sland-- ilione ren to wiitiils lte ~~~~~. ~ ~ ~ n 'Ist Ji~tîli" i-tta u <fai - t I litM is!; Wt'rry, lh'aroiiests tfof oi otatdIti ti il - trt i ;t t- te tn i g 'l>'-tCHRISTM ASr chANttîiiu- stt~ tl~ gndittis~'l îiî ttsrQr -hoIp oheil t i-etelChristitantWorkors t 0-XEIIUNIis)R Ittir LA ttCfor- etc tri tt t ey %Mt- iitrrt' llrg-qs s s it-ii gaged good-lltftîtatîted hy lite îîxary. d huiti casaev Dicofa Cita i htcr tn r eirt 1y h ueîf-itig. . Hts ht-i tt-î-uîsasii t1 EAR FARES- fi let enter:talti fur otét uesworn lthtioruriieutt stitt t irr ttesin-tii- îcrlieii wtl wiiro - ltSINGLE FARE-Dec. 30- lst, 1016 andi~ HTY A K T on Thitrsdtty th -iast etice, lhi' St!h itny of itCeertlterAt, . - .air' î tritade sounte goou catichs. - etttrtho i' t he . cû- r ut -r' tii iil- 1 rooklio. 01-turdpi1Ç Jtînsary ILt, 1917, valitl for return talî1it ti51;0141111,18 tttèleroncert gIr (sentsu N __ ~ îuîescîuotni - ertaun.T hé.'ru s pu't,îi Xia 1ftle'attI- Ms StîNrtltsi tt j ý-t tlnîay froni bt-ro aittorîed lte tintfl Jais, '2nii, llt7. wltil a 17-t-$ ît-nîte~ avitts -y for Vnsli Ornioito, Afler lber arrîtrul st hv le'trl tuesrkt ieiiivur rmXiiias Fit- rai Whithv last çSaliirday, i t - R i fl rw.I 9(11,lIY. h ecieti -tsd ogaially giow ueakcr andttuhtroiîgi the bltoodoittrtioitrrf5itt Nn ldelsbe t-heîi -odFR AO9q-HRD-e, 29 1,Wbeat go -17t-:~- ~î;wli- î5eu wer~'-wO~ l NI iss W-rlt u.s 'tery Nt lt itlowii ot utlNVac..'ouo .roart soitliof lte(,viliîgo. - nirtit Jaritîs l3, 01. eans------------- 50 4iqlookitIt,litavingtieltImrattliti taits5ra i tlfo orsiusiosiss Cura 1Lawreîiot'. acconiliiiîted ltY Abovo rrduci-d fares apply between Peas---------- 15.t .Q h~îeî-rt -o4rai jotîtioisls frî-rl __ _Nir. 1)olar, suent Ninas aI bier oltialsain i atd at0 or ukiet-------.hW Z ts ý tlt'lttstav--- iorîte hcrtt. Atlitttr and tb Detroit. and Port Huront. Ont------------.5tOÇ. -k li A 1- SAM T nn irior -tn nt't-hlwas Micti.. Butfalo in.ac'k Rock. Niagara Red eloe----- 120 t15- -tpoe-nif %V 1 h rtNliaIjjani 0 llti tf Osi;alwa, stebiI s eOlit" Jones has rçttitti itome titi sînfilipltit t l( tkegonîlslelghiîng. i als ,and. SuspensiontBridge, N. \slecoer Y.bu...7.0t -in usv i tlg îth'iùîoil4, or liftJee -1r siendltg a few' tiys %,viril Milss but sovcral cuiiterq wt'rt- rtîuîrîlng oit - -' - en 1llýh9ý r vitl-Alelillof G eenRivr. hritmas We.voil( btl ve y gateillTicketsinow oil sale aI ail G. . trR. J- )l -i tlll'.'cil tîo MithýRtkl' tf oi iu iti Miss. Anti e MûKay ksîioit<ing te I o ltewe.atlortri&ii t! lie wotld sendTicktOfcs ltr -- -~~ Mia ~ ,\ lîlîghî. - Arthtur and Gtinnei' S. H-. Davis are fo.t.r.I.,Fo tnionrtationwrte. lorit ntCopc e,~d . ' 2:0 102.5 t_4-- tri , uu t- i !t~tîtMltdîgi (lîolr ,(mretpd- sillending the. boiidays ai thew.4k,-ng Mu-s.IlIrigiiall bas beenti ut'well for ~ TIIE$N ~rt ttb,- ir, e q~w-uu ~0j 5 11111 l dgiotgî~w uttenulers. The leader, lier-. n ome f ew da.yý, suulTriîîg front beaut 'At iti'il~ i- w.lr-gîi'tii e if-,t \e Uoxall. itt %n soutîllive a eattsfftc' Mrs, W. IL Jolie% te spendlng a fewtvtouble, a ofndb.POLU i4XO~ ForglIoli sipill try iitu)ltgr. san fZervre Stiida t.ys *Ift lier istster, 's. Ge(.l ee, of Miss AuTnIe Ha-rbrouî a ofnil M s ' -s th l Iioi t 10li teiiglit- î!a- evre-cOîi- --01 Division 8,.0811990 e ~ 11s11-1IaY'ati il iotst-' rtf Mrn las i.BYps - ETJON, lq17J3È E lTNIfE WE'StP .W. Q-bareonre toblt i........ 10 O1 at ns. ToOititiPollti,;ta-tgotete o TuisnoTo'I lite(, euye Of thibeTow'asuitp of h fUé ltathe,, » 1ielttr ar o00UNT' O F QNTARIÃ".-,iteit w b t, 1 ' , fofietIlt- tlit -i INIzi ir, ltonl $tory an~ a t "Mr l- x.,aTl~bç~tWllit n É etý e-lb1., .-,2. t i li)ltl ý\"a! I 14e tualt it îuith att rttli5îa.t e!î IuteIl, or -T ofopu ld a short thelt oi b Y eê î - ' ië n 49(.c t- --,4 dî r>0ë2-o .St thr l 0li t eelii orCuc p,îarenute Sutrday eI-Ict. -' - 1 HB-is, 4~ Il for tttta. by ay. Irkr'. A, e- un 'ivsi wtitIo«U.é,Cat -nýadý o Il% t isîgrIle lii îgte r a caîtsllu0ftforor .ue ' 1hW-i t ti ert1e yol, ote be 1ià î,si f t ii lhletnce a.alti i1-niad- .d - 'a'2u M -s llttli-anti liaWtîîuîai -blt iînt ieýeoning >eat sRoi-X sof' ietjoyetitl -I.-Tibuli*-pb.es-4,y~.z tjaaOi ttît ionvadiy- - nei-e e-ntty t- - - lîr4 t il liL'tid Wfi\I.liph iiii it or îuy- b p tory onam i t ud1 (yCi à naiff .nI r ill -ir i h-lstutuis i NNaî ts> a5nd Mu'.s and hi-s. iossrex (cil' V1('W4;-- flKMI4 jtt - - t &;%od lt. saanduiws4e ---Uc ust' fM-John G rifle,-Xas r~ 1 ls. 'a -,~Ilît- îuly1# r t-l' o r MI uetxz0 i lo>-NOTIlCE. Mr. .John Ialîetlirald 'isit luto VoI Pure îs't arvke eeat I lit Woe~'fi~tittitt>vlieIi tld f'j' tai. MtNjjijotIpajlîîucor f ie low ronto on Thui's-day. TIe boys drove b jt: 4tiamt-1iè,Ii0t jstur * dî ~.' Lr&-rod ciiliy' - lt t~Iî o ~ iîtis, a- lte stationtutonieet l[m on - IrLfllidurw-ê jif lan 4-tîhr 5 ii tit thneitjnan-uc wlten the lhorse gel frlghtenéd by a a' 0 (t'eoitc, -gtoed tîtltîtits'la8rî- 1u roitio i etIng 1 siateti Ildog autdl lrole a 0-ulht.t'-bbc eutter. 1- %iONORU .Li, FOR EO)3l , Ç ' titi' -ted. - - w cv rnytiil sr u'intüon oit bé rî-trilig a t-nieving titn t o veum FN*ITREtnu'~.~-- - -- - - tiol ~~ltotùe on foot. - . ,01.a -- --- -- --- - -- - ' -- Mr. and ?iro. flewanaealu i- PrIîarY.-4itiss B., B' ____________________~ "t..a,» l.it tlg rind lt ~~-an ayti St. Thoni IfiGW TO KEEPWLmL hXJo mW 1. CMCL UGB, S.D..DP..<IE OUICh.11 I t*rnI tqtfl'1?at ) R>oIF i l U IREAUT DSA1 î R1 JICE .'1ARS the nauniber ot casms aend ti . îf-romt;4Usutd'n 0 i Jt- heat hye-naredl lnreae4 tu Ontaioto (ac ,tio of h lt hap ý,iïëàh eendurigte laot. docdde, andi as a rcut' o! dotab <rignîr dâi&àe ut>w he &dst et. 'A cert ain nainocu nt of f ith îs'"- nsmy -dkto" tu obotter dan f oiAsl'I aid more acuu-atu atieiis-a, but tbv ut mil l8 wî»' reetuut < or thé e~rkbebtenz-e dut-a;1*11 cn 1> s d~K oue a, bou1t M -Le rtîî wbuostut t ht--ilen tc V -stablsllDto n Iarl)' À- ga-usîs ibut t', - ~ - lt4rbh»aeeicd lte agnof 4 ;à- rtit ui ~i~uiie4 ~ ~b Oi4and he byl~linmu-(t Do(, aRe 1.1 etnîs doue, lIn Ã"r' Aruthatio n "jyClel tbone < or, sdbatd eiu>id tatib nuîoa. a' '--WaofYi»ýâU li0à8li mc th rao t Impurtat ri Tf tbeWo - ar ne ptliJ et o!It .hoiuuid htad'the p1sytelan to IsUekea moe- t iii tuiexamIsn-a- arIEV0o.li- <>-1 ion. -Oll thoie M~ay lie a t id ncy tovards ieiu 'th*m urt iuy te- sant' !tlghtncueM -&bout the boo4tiopSis a at*b-îl~stg-ln ti t- e tl# ay for satipbtrsa "gtor decadft or Si 1 i! TIwclv4 tilles up: Ot h4 eultous 1)Osl ow til 'i"itýut9e*eW Dý t1oieZlti ero Lsa r* *Müait 'm1iudUSI.utei' antinan Stter ÛtOtl an'hcv are n'iiîgprartlnsle ,tie hîar iiuîod u-ItfDattosr s t atc yeo pita-. the feml a-ie wlll the Psn 10aj Ùrllnentt 'iaoeeupy thwll e priat tonerilln dorutryemmcrly bthenris- Thprse whniorwaed iei anar Xmh ot lb ht, tîe. lthn o Xma gt t hi o-e THORNTON*S CORNERS. F1ýeryon A 11111 mo ff the yeî oudhe ing. A itttu r so-e wudb In sipîle cf the titreatenlsug day, the 'h ristinaJu tree anti çoneer wasaa great surees. The ebîluiren detuorve gueat credît for their part la the pro- Mrts, llemay paiuod awUa ilthe home o!flier, dauglit. mn.C. Follest ori'Tiiotsday tlut, t>et1tiult. Site ha* bei .ufferlrrg frort"O $'<5flPut (rom a rVere lem ~of kidueIY 'Ooite. The. tiun.r*took 14»Mlon ou turdsy pecember tar. TbUi' demw %t YMPMby la leit for Mrs. Tolieetl la ler It, be- reuvemetr t. bira le. Hsrlock. of Pickrtngz bis been villng ber jieter, MrW 5. "> Mi- ilice Paxeoe h*s toml, h<ime (rth e wemstnd su le t- taeDf104! mLiufl4 ber*- MMid ssud Me1MIou! i 14114en »Mt ywl'110 mI,4*&ln iaêSb'o Jr. Prînlei. M. Grey, M. xMoyoC. Sr.m a., D. ~M eitnyo. S-11C.C'owan, A. CorroUl, à!J,1,A.Moo l.iae .-4 iib BA mr CANADA : )rders and Draftg «i-ë ;his Ban-k payable i4- the worl. 234 On accolthft ônly or.~tVY6 ratepay!rs attending tlp annund o1iooi naeeting, If was nece toy 1 rostpe0U0 it until Wedn-edaY enn Jr. li-'Correli, M.Beatty, M3L J Gray. - Sr. II.-IL, Hudson, L Agg, J. Sr, lV.-H..l';Jacksoitf L BradieY, -&I Betat ty. - - DUNDA4 STILEMT SCIÃŽOGL Junior Padr-~ lrrit5, »pb- be Bir umy1 'Nflel M. P r~eWtt*r1flw a'oIDe J"Ilor Ir 'gw~ WM 't Spls,a, 1, a-Ibé IiA -oNr * h ~. -i 1' -i--t - ~-- 1 1 1

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