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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Feb 1917, p. 3

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Ile BusinessOfBeg aoyi la asroumous «n- gidam ,not bûitout of >1 Fads books alone,6 The best food for growingyoungstersi Shredd,d Wlai eat whole 'wheat food that buildo hoalthy tissue, good bone and develops sound teeth and healthy gumns. For breakfast or any meal, with ilk or cream. Delicious with preserved fruits. Made in Canada. Atf.TIIALIA'S NEN"AUTO TIRE. Made (>f NaGip V ibre and l'ronounced ItulleL. Nail and Glass lroof. A nrew 1<md (if automobiletie 'Lhe bonmiing*"-ha.. ppeared in A u- tralia. It je made of a nativ-e fibre. Th'Ie Id that gave rise fi) itq con- trlve.nre, hnw if ie madie, and how ~Al ion PRUNCU USE GERMAN DQTLI3B. B" oredThrough BollamE Cuiba ati t, A uhort Urneago a vine trado jour- ual' et Psït., the. Vigneron Chaipe- noie, pointed out that champagne bot- tdes mnade in kmerican glana works were being offered to the Prench in1- dustry. Amnerica hied never before aupplied champagne botties, but as the price was high enough to allew a profit on the double voyage4rom the United States to Europe and back the new departure was put dowu to the. credit of the Amnerican manufacturera and considered a proof of their qulck- ness In realizing that the war had opened up a new market. This journal, however, mrade fur- -ther investigations and now annoflnces that these botties are of Germen man- ufacture, being made et Geresscheim near Dusseldorf,,4n the glass works of F. Heyes. They are shîpped to the tTnited States or te Cuibe, and return as Anierican gooda. Au Holland had offered the same kind of botties there is no dlfilcult.y in telling how they leave (lermnany. WOMEN WIIO SIJEFER (Can Mbain New Health Through the Use of Dr. Willhiams.' Pink Pullýs. umed, are described in the Weekiy Bel-y woman ai. core ine neede aoa. reeimrm'iDow. Wrt; ewhitle 1 do It for you.' Thefehinaie h f olef pfic.Atspcil itIr-n*ua Into the tub went her round, white an o mmercia eatmeto Taednnsae ade upon ber etrth. Jîz 'DA EPBarma. It was her first washitug, Iikéi. arv Cmmrc, n fllwstan jersey trimnnis-d wich soutache and erTtem r add oth oryLMITE j iee Up and dw sohd the 'A 1 ohc elntri- u \as l< Iele wtl n'id grdeofPaslyand work which feus to her lot(SbIse18> clothes over the wushboard; up and Lanrecý and cernipa rait i\-I v f-w f rn'vel- ilk laes hem Phon to unù'sual ad%-an-lekesiadl blt wl fl ea &o-netth a f*hegte ltîng facilljfîes, îlw aleent (f bheinot."' age. Ad1 p'te luc eth ekeaen i elhwilflo ict'goe onbettebakouhegni ~~~~ar~~~~~ dueeral ), oa'e o erkn feature « f ihis d ees Mlmthe - sthe blood je fonrtifiedto meet OSHAWA, ONT. waherwoman. The boys stood sbeep- canlii uiraFaclaort, a et. fin- Rllvnirftraigbtethi drteda Mher -atecblng. Bbacks itlderRtlo extert, s.olvrd the difficulties Pattern o. Î 653, Ladier' Chemise ta.., Dunhs ishly regarding hier. Exbausted, sh. ,f ttrsprrt ai nti. iai-vpart..OfDres'i. Patt<-rn Ilt5 z di 1,t.,.,42 Weandivmeri fi in weD. Willîms . . Ottthe i Pinrk Pills the tenir exacly suited Voe ,*Tomae n laidi waiesagie h thie cont ry tie <ai e: met eiy l'unh îu Prire, 20 cents. hered.Moto thil rmIfLdotWw 4-acs o ovi-hnd r-ut's,(il 1 heirnees. ostof he ilp rot Wiftitub). The chivalry of the mountaineer, fî-ck oruv-: tîi ~<c rues :Which they sufl'er are due to blood- asserted itself at ast..a whicl. lhcrds of catt arc -it riven long lessnesse--a condition which the Pîllîs r "I ain't neyer cccii it done," decla 'limtancea b 1 hi- ity ms< reg A «a..t - readily cure. Thes pille Rave the i led the boy who batd apoken before)1 si fretnzlng .vorks. - ilwoetr it oaho i "but l'm a-gemn' te wash tbern -Tif ou,,I ritn,-! l. 101ya lloodlets condition froin yea reof LADI > WA TED TO < ANclothes." qqe xh(htt astau tdle Ix-and lght qeriing at hornre.Whol.. 'ver WTIWn i- a s f ra -t:t nieery. and afford prompt and per- r epare ime Good t.v- Work e@-tJA nd dashing in, he led his cmaa mae.t'h oati<f -l:i«-tr ile- FI sl b maneant relief te the woman who i &ni distaince. t'harges pald. 'e d ions in a charge tu victory. itmIn (biuncei ui rt::,, i- 0<5~hlo<elessý. and therefore weak. MrIF. farturfng Co., Nontiysat. Mâi X)rneist 1- a n. usi Wnt H.ILWagner, Rosenthal, Ont., tut.e (or rubbet nt a nio<erstce (st.wi-ý:-Afe h it of My se- FLORA OF THE ANTIP'ODEs'- 'liho invention asol rec<-rit pci-fertie:: of I - rond hild 1 suffered from troubles l M d Hi Che Australian 'homing'rtire is claiimod %hirb must mothers will understand, Great Foreats of Austrulia Pilled th t have aolved the prblem of lpro<ut - Ifwhot 'ae s-jtendn etat.Teduan Sunahîne and Flowers. A Different rMani ing n met-gerncy fiî<- anta c-ompara- topration ws tdi m aida tivel minil cot, T5t, itli iresoperaion ouldbe neceasary, but a One readily understanas h the tvel~ rnailca'f Tst- wth tir.. -1 dreaded this and as Dr. Wllma' Auf;tralian loves bis Vec a' h made of various hindm o<f Obre wre < - PukPla a en !rtbl V toa l Geoguphi agazne Tt'he, .DrprofDd' matde, with the recuit that cuir fifbre (,k. in il adbe fgrn eptNioaGogph M aze.TeW tB.D pr SaysofDd" wea found tx l<e the imut-t suitable fur MY cîster 1 decided to te-y this Med, gioves of glant eucalyptus foi-m pic. Kidney Pis I due, and T can truly gay that after' tures never forrotten, and the lacent 'ha-bea. opat scaue fi. îhtec the pille for coretme teJo! the wattle bringli a bomeeick feel- ep Iosaillenct., and d'îrabiity. tusîng y a long tuhe se.eI ofbsageet thewoman rh ietettrfiulyMsI dsoe ade a complete cure and muade life Bi ieVsaelo!sg ote'e t;i Troubles Vrere Nuinerous and of ~h ~eaed ifi I> aludcu umore enjoyabie than i a enfrerner.LogSadn.BtFu «sf imcthod (f o! juîningthe utile of tire 'Jh i rti nt nîhbauiflbeLog tadigBuoFurBoeso r ope to make s completa- circl<- cf the eln ie hnçeey ioa h lr sntol euiuI s Dd" inyPlaDoeTe i suamo ai%é, but vventually a iiw iv ]pJ -e lux pleat-ed frockît brlng box-pleat- ufftingf 1tealmnsc u unique, and bas no counterpart In oth- odeKde ileDoeTe i wrî iflvented, and the th- iras i<w tolei colatt. This cutnng model bas two < sax shouid givo Dr. William%' Pink er lande. 0 h 000seiso wy r' ustali l pi: td o i tye hx peaa. : ie fon an tw inth Pilla a fair trial ns 1 know frorn my plants, moat of tbem are purely Aus- '<When first placel (or tht 'n:araet l<r<k and a large Rallor collar. ItowTI case the great benefit that fol- tralian, and are unknown ee'en in New _t Dddesack. ey l2tmadeea ib) he 'h&umtig' tu e waq soit as antiti :. î-i prticular-Yly dapt-able te a ligbt- : lows their u"."1 e' n. Tii. general impression one forent man." The speaker was Mr. gerytreii teieot puncurtu: t weýght ba ua<-cloth.osg. McCall < You can ge@t these pille Vhirough anvy i geV. of Australian foreste las their Benjami rpr well known and, biow-out, but iL proved .<()sbîfad.t.<rNy Patte: n No. 75K)0, Girls tBox-Pleat-ed niedicine dealer or by mail rit 50 total unalikenesa Vo anything seen else- higbly respected bore. He is a fine ý "bat iathbe coui:tr-y districts uto suMone CooL. Pitterta tin 7 cizas; 2 te 14 cents a box or six boxe@I for $2.501 Iwbere.-hatyrpeettv ftepare ,e heSatqte oe ie aefr- - rc. 5uet-front The Dr. Williarne' Medicine The great foreets of tiinber treesblth ersnaîeo h rii quenUy sed onall thvwheelsof mio llits atrsmyb band(t. rockville. Ont, are not damp and ahadded and ail of1 provinces and be says h. owes bis quonty uas on il th whele utmu llc'~e paîttrna aonbeobtsriedoesee, but are welî ligbted andi healtb tu Dodd's Kidney Pilla. or eir4, particulaaîly for istation tir frin yout ltocal McCalldal er or f rom - illdwt te oraso hr i " rtchwrkrnio.o <~ah Y s-v bIl.'al(up eu 0 t "Sre.-O ildwthohrfresc rrI *wasr in bad shape aîl round when --anh wrk int ovr finvhandquiixthe Comany,7,0Bon Steet: I started Vo use Dodd's Kldney Pilla," Dunut Y. Torentt, (Otarie. "TIept M"'. Rewarei o! Virtue. trees. In pla.ces the woods consist, ,r rpe o-ne. M rul - ý-4 _of large widely spaced tros urround- M.Dae otnei M rul "'Me otires aie builet, naal, and. gla s 'ther, gimme a good lickiri' and' ed only by bunch grass, and even in: ame f rom bard work wben 1 was prtiudIf a speed (f ýlsta'er: mile$ AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE 1make me cry.' wai; the astonlishinglaeshr ae l o ob on1 yng. My joints geV stlff, 1. nt xeeedito caiieltht he equest lit tte Jimmy md n a.o h surface for bundreds o square muscles crampe(Vd I suffered Ver- Atrc' alulaeatt as.;Oft ridinig ac pnieurnstiiFR IIL NE"W~hat mnakeg yoil want such an miles true foregte of îow trees are' ll iouasr ak a e ltres. It Éabould lile ui-:s<l thaaf absurd tbing?' inquired father. Ipresent. j eoe and low spirlted, 1 was al-ways the 'humiuig' tirt- takes îilà- plat-!uof "You'Il 1hit mne and l'il bolIer witju Forma whicb May be recognizeul as thlrsty and 1 had'4isbes o! light be- th iciaud ta' th nd itîV' llenr t medîcn forlettîtareon es. I'el lall my mig'bt mnother will wlpe My I ttdip, lily, honeysuckle andrd take fore Mymyey. iae h tint"1,1\ etMedicthefostach;reu.aTeytiefac" with ber apron and g-lys me a!on a- surpriaing aspect. They are 4I brd rbeumatism anti heait fut- * l'owe~~liîreek up colde ard simple Penn -filIlI buy coridy.'" came the j ot garden flow.rs, but trees, atid tho o g0m peit vsftum lii. îtaena'î (hut7 ~ 'ie.<'re ~otaatin nd ak Jlegical rejotnmler. landscape of which -hey ferm at part! memory was failing and 1 wua Mreminds one o!1Vthe hypot tical rouldwibcotnu ! ra taae, Mryba ii sy ct ie fceteetbi:ag easy. C.ncrnlng thcm M rs. presentations in booki !sience o! a.,Four bo-eso! Dodd'a - KIdney Pilla Qts(aint Madry cirna e t ieri fac 1 E.Quinn, IParame, Que., w la: Indacape o! Mesozoie tirne, a period, mades me a new ma.", Safaigt nd>ý(riinae harty Sh "Baby wss troubled with cntp-1-ýt %tzemigty diqaplpn o f lt. andi dis- tieni and notlîing helpeti lim till lI FairviIll, Se-pt. 30. ig902 antedlatini? aur own by millions (ti Dodd'ei Kidney Pilla cured al Mr' -oîn <rncsil as nxuh a,, relae i begama u3ing Baby'a Own Tiblets. 1Minari< Liinimunt Co., Limited. yeare. Uraper's troubles becaute thuy a1 aile. Silice 0- outl'real, ,<f wa- rr They are an excellent Medicine fcsr T)ear Sirs,--We wish to inform yo> The tr-esc are iDdeed those of a by. came from aick kldnsys. If you. have onormou.4 mumblar ut l<oelas liartt.ahte lîttle orime." The Tablete are sold by Chai. we coneider y-our MINAIVD'S! g-ne age. In Anierira and Europeany of bit symptonus Dodd's Kldney Appaal laave l'reei Kent out. antd pou- Medicine <baiera or by Mal at 25! LINIMENT n vory Ruperior article,' ahadowy forma o! foqsil leaves o uswl epyn pus reiîponslblc' for them havi' Made vensrts R box front The Dr. Willamsan sd wu use iL ams a sure relief for sorstranepataeisaeeVlfe <eptial fl'rt- t seUr g-ft frnt heMedî ic e.,llockile, nttiirat and chest. Wben 1 tely"u 1 fr einVsrock, and tudied wlth In-. ,Reig esnd t t Qu e cu r simpl rt a rm ho] - - jC., rckil Otwould rot b. wlthout it ifth eprice Veset; in Australia mary of thes, <The Jndgea Turi tingi ad suirptomafurotheaper a- i.n NNW -_ 4dola>a-atis-ImetI ancient Vies are living. The im. The. Judg..-4t meme te nmethatI jpeca k regîarded by bbhe grerai F - 1.%NDlSTMEIý3TI4ejiF ACt" Vouai-etreu y. pression that onesius looking ut a land!- jhave Meenyou befota. îmubac s a lrdlct~Iaa irat te cuseI CI AS. . TI TN cape which ha. forever disappeared' Piicner-Yet hve my tord.- 1 plca an grcri ndiuleserim hthe use r .lo-ai~ivutoaUmmdin FAil - N. froin oÎrer parts o! the werld lemsojtid tu gire youl auhtr laln quer knogwtq this. man athrtoel'aru tse h'Word. Ivivid that Vthe olma su andnpît a sd lusors. ,,, la theeforeoaks in corne of the city streeta strlke Th111 Judre-TWuty years. apeo.ally caerel tinot tilIr-e anythîng % #'Igittforr Wight. a iantla î.'pt- as _a_________________note.__< to an uindeiaervlng cuseit st he <-m- .sutalaetiu nsbitrurg ansan teel crie. Therra'art'-ssil tobe $00 uiseàforajîn rourages lier -etqljec-îe ta waa.feihair i-ritîesare set in the cendsetitf anew,- the palmra palin, whicb growvs - ImiTML", £m n'm. ~r~ne'-tin atiotmgrspu il ren t- h i' u t ea' tbr<-uuhtiut tropiral IndimI l'NINaTUE IIGHWAYE. In sîcatin' omuiial caer1 am4 cf Oie1a4iaanesi Egptian dg-tIaaci'Ch-"aiea.aOuo.. a laa ta Gav. 4 cfoaepicuaou Eridemareof< Iow Cas- 9 ecîmal divrajon of tue taav. ie s..'v"In rwt» meénut !Greek tobar-co, &su . lqjgRpdl .t imt'tt; miitimui'neu-er le writtn, but littie tubacco i<a raisc<tin Egpyt. I.a '.asCy Ont..M he be uam.riedli~y c'ar iret iharr'1-e'1 :1e r: Rag', a Ribaimî cienit "n-c!m - Sll&it a'er a tif?)- I prîitame Yeu. isJo-nyt-a eon i.D. t ndmt:îuîll>-tends,. a due sulety to s dectes"i woul like your ring Iack. : nioaaontla 1hapeed 1> y SDSS0 S.iJIj - t~ a<'uf c wstriiiththumit le- -Novet iriatik'cp it. Mo'o tbet'! offaim feenq, pwat'lr"lAy ttn t tr<ystemn ji-i&ýrI i knoew couiciuse tal rtig nt 101ff,!fa« Wes- Uh lsea but a aMy vie taa.q*tauset b"" ithe. o - tt.. ~ ~ a.....,.,..thae worr ,it nt rhiumb. lth cuit stretebe. et1o«i Wpsft.rter.,~- 1 A tiu aii'ah.a k Uci' lightbouees ira thPbl enmebas' I eri mei~~êo r lehu" i t e l -Uimic Vo"-'ti tt* ft'm Mh*ba ta tii CuaS Uas tw* 5*te.t.* IA bai 'us %îlh lsud «intrsinas'e11fi14' CdUv *b rfq rg tM ea.o be u -iber ras nparat al .< 'i udielizic opsâlerttri « «"0 Ura se tdt ut do ar *,IW btr ier <crisho a mbg-y we .a a- ý ý 4à 1 - f 1 - -ttn 5115- Imi'Ee ~ te* teta Y 6h U -. ~ -e ir atoux tâ-ebu a &Éi iLmwe Il ANCNRIt %,OInternal ou publ C w oys'e homLoeaed te Liv. Up Te ThWir Motta - In the his of nortiiern Geor!ia the Bry Sehool for Boys believes in do- ing whatever needs to b. done. Its motte ia, "Be a lifterf- not a leaner' But tii. position tiret it holdu and the ideals that It maintains were flot at- tained wlthout a struggle. In The Men of the Mountains, Mr. Arthur W. Spaulding tells the story of one o! the <first crises ln the history of the school. The mountain boy was ready te plough in the fields, chop ln the woods, hammer on the bouse; he was noV wholly off hlm ground in milking the cowis, cooldng hlm food and making hlm bed; but there were some things required of hlm that weK!,.too obvieus- Iy woman's work. The first Monday Misa Berry summoned ber young' guard of mountaineers for their first' lesson ln laundering. the Iaundry was a washtub out under a tree. "'Now, boys," said Miss Berry, "we are going te wash clothes. 1 will show you bow. Then each boy ie Vo wash his owni garinents." There waessilence, an electrle si- lence, whlle the Inountaineers con- sidered. Then their spokesman, a tail,1 strapping'young fellow, said, ""N 1 tna'amn! 1 ain't neyer seen no mani do no wihhin', and what's more, I sin't goin' to do it." Calmly Mies Berry played ber laetj card. "If you will not do the wash-1 ing," sh. sald, "you may watch meq Doctor Tells How To Strengtlaen Eyeaight 50 per -cent In On. Wnk 'a Timie lIn Many Itancu, A Free Prescription You Can Have FIlled end Use at Home. London.-Do you ver qugat ? Art von aI ro e ye @irain or oth eye veaknesses? L.Uy.ou vwt bu SlMdto know thAt rnoorltngto r.Lewis thora sinrni hope for Fou. Zly vhose îyes ver. f ailititaay thdey have hrnd th] = trtomd tbrough the IM:iple ofthis aV=n iires..ecrpion. geimnaunea&(ter tryli itlu: "1> vaimalroatin3: could mot me t uernd nt mL Nov 1 oaù rend everytbing wUtoutaay sib"MNe .d MI "sado Mt<tj~ra a mmie.At alibi tbey vouaiin ràhfl;ewthey fiel 4. AUl te lime. tlwuvas a aMlraoie Io me." ~'~lady wbo ued it meye: "1%e atinoaphere mmmwd eU ih or vithout glana.;but alter umiaibis pr iption forI Dlua end~ra veryttWas.s eur ~ ~ wthu leneerade v lanas li nbeUieved <bitthousanidu chu verigm me nov disoard tIba ta a reraonnbla lia ea multitudes ame is cDeahie to anengtbo, Choi Mm u e te a med tb. troublesu&WnPe of oeerget*%ng glaise, E ye troubles ofrnny d",a- ptiont mrny b. vonderfrifly benfltod by' folIovl tlb.altmgpe ruais. Here lu the piesérf p- <io: o te suy acive drugs ltore sud "t a botle of Bom-Opto tablais. Drop ô e Bon<>jto tablai ln a lourth o! a g«kms 0r vter a o to dissolve. With thbi iqIl baîhe the eyes tvo to foui mdam rily~. Yeau abomtld noticeyo' oye. erm rp porceptibyrIgimifrein the cagVa lnfiaurmat 0 ii al y dls.uymccr. Il Four <eue ama botborlntue o vin a Little, tau sepe to lave tlim ona nbelore It latolais. Mime for VW# «M inUt.u te«7 mla TtiitlOiS 0 eeut o e e00 1 iz hhltAZ4 4 BIggor War-Orope Are un Investrnsnt Worth WhIe Put intoyour bunm otMa fhW dollars'woftb ef PrOPer snd tube eut many extra dollars ta âprOta [rte lger coop. ail ovr Canada are mMulg extra pffltesmateue daym et market prices by surieblng th.fr 181140wlth Tiiey are food fer botia thse $$0 6alD*»I M I ,W lot our expertsa Cie y,« ttdr advlç@ la tbe prepr f 1elI luitu forW 1 8099 reutM gS'eub byMrU = i Ilw md nelle a*0 ove Canada, vwe a tle- to lelb 7"yu mnt te u ft"lIser- booan sd >uUtumsverdtWei ~tmii Set etlleat rmwutg. 'wifti fW~te e.i PS. ~TQe est. Wvl~J Makes your wagon run as if it had bail beari'ngs. It is the Mica that cloesit. Mica makes a umoother bearing-gur- faceand a Iongerwearirrg grease. Dealers every- where. TI-F, IMPERIAI. OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES TIIROUGHOUT L - - - CA - - - spltatm' . SDOG DISEASES And Ilow to Yoed GUW efru to a Me bis TRou O ELCO IL CLAT GLOV~Ole Gag RouSSi 18 éV. I No1 iruu yak' oe ffAction. Inaist oh the "OTTO H1IGýL' jPIANO AOTION m mmm- .«MM i 1 1

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