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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1917, p. 3

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- Cndw~e4byPr*~essor H. lh.bjeot et this dopartment1 service Of Ou? fanrear0deru the advi Odged autherity of% aIl aubjocts porti Addresail questions te Professoc CarO ef The Wilson Publishing Corn rente., and anhwers will appear ln tI erdier ln whîch lhey are recelved.A It la advluabî, where Immediate repiy a *tamped and Addreased e.velepe be question, when the answer will be ma Quiestion-. K. 1 Ihave i ft-oadew seetied dtewn Iast Spring, but <'W-ing te tie OxtrexmL wet, followed b) a drought, thorata e nly hait a catch Tiec doyer neutîy li-eti but the tmo t}'Y in neariy ali!tend. Shoulti 1 pieu t'lem up in the Spring, or wouîd itLit uttvisable te go ever the greunti witha drag iarrew andI 30W timothy b, lianti? Arswer: -If the cleî-er has live. tiiruugli the winter in suffinient qUantities 1 would ativise re-aewing Iumothy seeti in tic spring anti ut tiie marnie lime top-tiressîng the seetiing wtth We-rotted manutmo or about 200 ipoundta et tortilurer Thie fertilizer sh >)uid be high in ammoxua. 1 think Yuu wouitideoweil aise te atititii-ee vli<fiuds et meatiew fe.scue grass qper acrre . This t a rapid-reowing grass amndihould niake a valuahie addiition t, your meaduw. Afttr this ha@ t,'eu-n nppiierî 1 hcliev,' il weuit be jalvsable to harruew the' seeding ligit- ly. rnaking sure te harrow it with the Mrain druil iews i na3te~ad eof anross ut If* t hespiinz js normal this nhoulti gel yoii à gourd catch ard make asast is. fa-ctory seeding. Question -M. I . S I purchusa. "<I a farrro on whjch on1l' 6 acres were îlowod andl part of this teas dune tct c vosrs aize anti left te grow te weetis. A t jnrt ef the0 field %vas planteu tot Plt0îes, but it ais>; is very wecdy. (tr'nriwellings4, puifs, etc., winh ntre un;slyl a sequel te morne acute dimuste 4-r înjuny. have thoir begiuînirig r e1lMra'ment, eitter hard or soft, v' th,'ut pi.in or heat. The remu.Iy iiu eitier repeateti blist- 'rirnv or th.- use- of Ral'suirtut, :t4th tiaily ripplicition with snart friction of a i t ie ,e 'a lunn -trt it. " ,t 4 lu am n.. 'cu of î,dinv arid uodide et Putssxîsuim anti-1 9'7 oach eofnîtohol aintiglycuerinc' Begiun "ittiiiglzits' work h(,es.fer thu' heumc v Sprltlg ttsks Ib,'fort the wo' k heginus. Arft-i a wîrtîer of ot îparatîc-e ile- lte,'.s t w iiunwusua ' iu i profi table te p t a en, in lu,.ac y us nuk uthoui pi-e- 1'.i ra '. o u Novth1t atie--vvr'lowurg s about lu. t. rft -ni ira bor that preven ttn us the. l <Il t frsr,-1(*Sht'ulters un herses. If t duesi itI the' 4orse any geod t<> have vonu >;:%, &t k n< word to hlmn AA J'ou p i t does vougooti. Jleri «v of -sunlight anid abundance et (rt-ah aur aue to w primv, requisutes in, ru nu' iaultîug proposition. The' herse's ftd houlti ho waslued usînulyiti sîap anti wuter.' Biue spa',un cani often lx' tracedto t %No<r king the colt aiteeo tender an age, or fast dric-ng et er rends tint are sltppery. or te» uuddeniy stoppir.g or prl.ing the cuit' For growîflg colts there isne bet- ter grain ration than cqual parts eo, cii-n andti ena grouind together. This fevd supplies the elernntsIt quiredi four the îprouction et fat, borne andti miuscle. Tie hen lImaI gels colt teint througli' e'xposure these raw &tis aapite g ive, lion ma.,te-r cu.>ît feint %hen it econea tu marketing her eg-gs. Keep the hens Z in til11the ground il a Wrxer. %hen you tai-n chunkens eut for a' r-tun turing mId day.s, throw somet meiat ucrapri, tshicii arc tee large fer theln te swaiîow, within their reli. Thearin sth-nt are Incky (?) enoegli tu secure a miorse] willi be nhiaed by; the. others, thus afferding bnitf exorcise for al]. The. ogg-iaylng iesson amont geeme immctcally bogi-ns. in Match, aIthougti trequentiy cg-gas wil o troppoi-.li Januery anti Fchrury-much tiepenti- bc upon thme s-gof et i.geese antili condition etftthe oather. Au abdominal Rouchioet reat » indicates gi-ot s-go, a pointer liQ worth renembermg li purdlaing breeding birtia. U jeu was-t te know wWal le m.. cure w111 do ton fruit, pliat semu pluinitrocs I h l ard w-ibus bn mun. Treea tint bore vusy few pluma, anti none tint worm seoid, have been made t e lesr buaisele fruit, Just by iettiig hon, i-un arouzdtbolienil at, willin la If a ew o ossbler lamnli kerp lier miling- as a teater-mother - If ahe objecta teO molli., a &truoge lanli, put her i s nmrw Msail, ape- cis-hiy pa-pared, umUl i a e écme& tu- concileti. Witntlne à aMveW1l1 »oon take klumdY I. the. ltiUor. 0ie niglit eut li a COliM arbe ter May ceet yen ures-ail maus &M u e- fit'> . MARCS!!5. MOthers and dough4m o f aIl mMes artcordlaliy lIr d owI~tt( la d pacaetthe nlitil$i. nly wwlth ea-h question aitta la to place at the aISwer 48 a msaet ofIdentificatio, but full nam* n drssmit6 '1ce of an acknowi-Leao XIL-Jcaus The Way, The '0 venIn@e ter Wreonn@adofpe i ýalin totole ndTruth, And The Life (Revlew). maled direct If utamped and addressed envelope la enlsd R.ad JqJ 14. 1.1. GoldenAddrest ail correspondance for this department to4 r.Hle -W7 r Henry G. Dell, lnTet oh .6 Castle Frank Road, Toronto. pany, Limted, To. 4T.i JThtJns 4. he wa ti.m apcelu llmInthe - .t . ..1.The Way Ta J' k h wy E. F.A.:-1. Vegetablsaemr h ednyi ead îpct la necesaary that ~te eternal lIfe for the ifluiviuUal h5. b wheomore4.eThe ennow aInledwt h ong been the. confident conviction adbotter flavored when n houa. furnisig B e alied direct. enry G. BeL anate triurphant experience of the.teamnet than tey are when boileti or daperes, duhioaak a~ cburch. We are now engaeed in dia-'frxed. Besides, there la much logs possible, and alal esaeltie a, The. iand hias had vory little nianure covering theie thit or human i wagte than in 'botling, a much ofthfousan t t, in the tait five yearm. Piowlng for society. Mon have over tbought an nutrition ef the vegetablea licertainly leos h frueas elerifosow iyspin roe us e on ti srigideai community life, Thoy have cail- thrown away with the water in whtch of cieaning, ani acdciebte ed it the brotherbood ot flman teC-t are boiled. The water should family health. as we were unable te do any plowtng0 rative commonwealth, thein. , m'be svdadueynsua .I .D. .T lat al. Wepu-os swnloa-oeti od adth way t géha v tte e:or nnta moisteneti along the lina th'e*western front extniaot70mbe. ley and oats, and would like te know loefus fotith way htldtee o threat ia te b. pulleti, the task et pull- 2. Probably "TIi.NwHuee Swhether it la adv-tsabfe to seeti this this aiso eau r te , even ai for e iand wth clove tubs sring or low - # the individual. Foliowi ng his tec-'ngtrdsteatr .Alge p i ng," by Mrs. C.rduckwl i- B e' stbblo aer ti.grin la hrvet-.l* *.wq ings, mon come o thet .land of their (of actasoru tsa aconventent kitchen teel, p'y the. informatinynrqiol Y te and l aeedte rye then sow vete-,. desire. The world wants peace, but especially in preparing lettuce and houaehold mnattera .TePoica 'YPdan sedtorean tenso teit developed nattonalismn whore hie other vegetables. 0f couîrse, they; Board etfIRealt et ntrowl noerayer rnithsspin. We PITOAMJ. taught international brotherbeod ti; m, ust be thoroughly washed, as are furntah yen gratt okeb r thae nobrnyr areet ppyt followed gain where hoe tauglit service,' other utonails, alter every uiming. 4., Helen MacMu.rchy nild ALti teland. Their Fathersar Fighttng For Rlght, SHALL TRET STARVE? and in such a worid thore ta no peace hnltercakd eogvie. akAou h 91 Anawer:-in my opinion it weuld b. lier. are two ltttle Belgian refugesa ln the.pictur., hualthy andI happy en- A pronuinent Hebrew rocontly cfeclar- gh o plàater cracs o atiie a ugh v in Tal Abu teBb" hc o r ýe weli te aeed your barif y and oata with two of thouaaîids upon thousanda ough, are in England, at Strethani. S e d: "W. shali nover got eut of war grt Itre ait aeamx'fn aube U clover thia spring. The soUil l eel r ay teh.n tl cmaa xetb floigtet h ~ evtenti rundown nti ou soult, ~ wose athea hav anser.~ ~ ae maiy otoruand t ta ompae- ecept yngslowoftheteacingaet tre lie thck pttyMIl!thW. .cr-.cThunW. ellas ar o eidnty unclwnandyo soudaswhsefater hveanweédti tlvely a simple matter te care i->r'Josus." Following these teachinga and suioth etf with a knife. If watex9 neariy all efthj alrvreyade ýr~ a osbe aais ytn te uyat r ihigwt their teu i a new treatmont for teeprinai ised the plaster harden ons quick- very sheer inaterasmci snnn ,crepping where yeu could plow under Allies for the liberty et peacetul na- gut there are left in Bolgium more, ts trenetianthe ners.etsoce n toe lwy. .for e stomrrngatoep ip ati ghederge rp. Thyaehm le'a second creQp etfcover. This wil ticns. These fatiieru titi nôt wait to than have been or can b. taken t frnainduo te athelprs.e n tho -ay ifor the undserrui tt nwseli with i ti anhdti o egiwthlc o-m sel f wd or aismaerhumnus, tote count tho ceat or te finti eut iiow Engianti. ow the sanie principie ef IoviVng tke u n daue adteeîto e n l so]aé i]ago a e oe addition muni iioip they were going te roeceive 1Wiiat et them ? The Belgian Re-, their onemies, ef returning gooti tor wlk eoout antheôutue nti t fmer.tien so t i. 2 aibauaealo of nitrogen. In order to make sure froni outaide thetr bordorr. They lot Cemmittelias anawerod that evil, will net the sanie transtforma-wilonertlxthauun.jtlatrbtreebraeaaral of a satisfactory c.t.ch et clovor andi penhaps believeti that great nations }question meut officiently. It hlaed, tien occur ln the external enemnles et R. S. :-1. There ta a clear amber i lk9 rai, or are knttod o u t the sanie time greatly assiat your liko Brit.ain anti France weuld net ,tiiem ever &Ince they were driven frointhe utate?7 shade botwoen yeilow and brown that crocheted itn brlg inaocrhe -bariey .nd eats seeding it would be stand by anti see theni crusheti, and; their homos te shift far themuselves. 2. The truth. To the. world et would b. oxzellent for tho walls et uilk. Yen mightmk on a ewelte apply 200 tb 300 pounda cf that the people oet these wealtiiy anti It lias been enabiedtitede this through tien. "Whdat the truth ? sanabt Pl- yexure.ivn Havem it th eilt e nofa ciripetofrBaceeiwthul *fert"'izer te the acre ut the .Âme et friendly countries would net aiiowlithe respense et Canadians, withth't , hatisthtIungha ai b. dep ory en atedp eilng tf a a eet efthebto nito rce tseeding the copsinne you have ne their chidren anti their wlves tepeeple oettheMotherlanti and the fate wih a yaneer pitr otepitr odn hc bul loo o fac -barn-yard mnnure te apply te your starve whie tiiey were away. Bu I nted States, te the. eauetf tho Bel-; logical hairs, but insteati ho had the bed vr. Plain oatnioai paper an inch wide, thru hi cht u landi. This fertilizer shoulti carry at that thoy really knew was that thoy gtas' nee<t. t t incarnate-a very different deptry least tw: to four per eent. ammonla heard the. cali et duty and ralliedti t The Conmittee's needa grew great- tiiing te fane. Tho Legos-tîie etor- ta beit for walis whinh are te, serve au silk nord. L andi f rom six toe ieght per cent. s.ail- their King. o a h r tia e . a l n s G r a r t - aYs John, t ca me flouh, a background foi, picture. W itti D. V. C. --W hn y u i a.l l i~ abie phosphoric aciti. 1* will net only 0f course their faitti i the nations înany mIles the occupieti parts ef Bel- that men couidti tech it anti uider- plain walls one rnay have figureti et, it ina bout te platfoelgsmb help the grain cr, p but wiii do a who guaranteeti their neutraiity waa 'gioni, anti se long as the. nee I mats sittendi;se hat we romiglît hae ith . mras cuotains, b ut hemce 'rataetanin nas. One artu F-et(eit nsr tsatorfl f lovr.Gemia ea netiy ain at Frnoh trend ffe mlvn limjDees the worid doubt that it ta pos. very suitabie curtains for tuis roon, quire little attenionat r eui ________of______ titirmn.i'y etrit nFantithte'loo setirpso-tera. Contriu- ible te walkli the. wav that Jesua and scrhn waars antibaunders botter and permanent aitinletehm didr 'yto her idean wth he ýlooenthir ure-trigs Cnt ibu ahewed, that se we might nome te than madras. Dip the enru nurtains grounds. Sone e h iu irb are putting an endti t the Teuton! tiens shonid b. sent direct te the' righteeusness and brotherhood anti dream et Worid cenquest. Anti their Central Beligan Relief Comm ittee, 59 peace ? Ho hiniself walked in ItL Aren strong tea anti dry in tue uhado. A are: Spirea vant eet, lwrn chidren anti their wivos have net been St. Peter Street, Montreal, or te tiie h la teachings a vain drean ? H. hlm- suitable mug weuld have theo'amnier i Mmond, JapanQune Trala allowed te st.atve. The two shewn branches lxi eacii bocality. self liveti the truth that he taught. shadeof ett. walis mingled i wti blue Honeyouckle, SyrigLlc nwal ____ ~Dees hie say that impossible ting, lanti terra notta. 2. Subdued colora Hytirangra, RoeP hn4Tos A pounti of nicai betore tieconw -___ l- Love yeur enemies," anti turn tien are always Meut resttul. I would net wliiCive yen a ucsinfblo realiens is worth as muni a-3 three. Can*t ,..ge..... Grantima - "Wbat's the matter, itteyour trtentis? Listen te hlm upen ativise papering any roon irh reti as it froni May teto be.F1wrn pountis after she treshena. 'Don't yeu find i t hard tieso ties; Bebby? Why are yeu nrying?" Lit- the cress: "Fatiior, torgive them, the> is-censitiereti by physicians tei be very vines, mmcii aus bmts itra Water basins, with a suppiy et wa- te obymeetma texpenses?"ownotwht hI do." The trtt trying.on tue nerves. 3. Yen, Net- Dutchman's Pipe Trmo ly, ter aiways befere tic c Jwq, menins legs "Hard ? Man alive, 1 meot expenses! pie are bringin' me up. I'd get along he fre. n et acothermuatasliv- tinglian curtaina are satlsfactory, ant Climbing Rossc r aai an aber in'miking anti a greater quant- at evel'y turn!" botter if I enly md yen."îngfrc e ien trIii. natiens se 'lyi o psescran o. I sbs ity of niik in the pail. waik net aJone by taitt, net siî.apîy by s1tretchors. ?iiey do net trcn wefl. year-olti planta. Cew.s ted xa rationý nempeseti largely -, ~ ~ w "qtreasen but by silht ",f silage preduceti 17 per cent, more 3. he lite. Elnhis immortal story milk anti 28 per cenL more butter fat L!1> O SLLL3SIC11ON John Bunyan made his piîgrimsn a mn than those given a ration conuîatîig, wy fremntiihe city et destruction, S MO DC msny ot grain. AND ng "Life, Lie, Eternai Lie." t ei r a nt s k n e y o tidd îl7 dyA N I E S C O R I , T a y in t r a ce la n e m or e t e n iq e K n d WraA las~' E f c 1 tho Individual. The great lacit et te- cow tsa asensitive anti higii-atruxig, fr etrlnbut; more pwer; netPa, . ag ne R ouiltnu animal anti quick te respondti t kindi The Fourth of a Series of Five Speclal Articles b> Henry' G. Bell, or mchnry bttor iynamic. - Make apnw Snd tanr a posateun thewaerAgrolnoxalt. There lu knowîedge er.ougii te builti a So fr aspossble urn he wterbotter werîd to-morreow, but net te eut et yeur barn-yard, se that tiie anrniate it. On paper to-day yen can nows may net slip anti bring on trou-- draw a botter cernqunity lite than "Be ye kinti one te anotiier, mer- wayu are simple t dutdsetn, bl.To the British nation potatoois con- theee fer -next spring's seeti. Plant new exista inun *gbrod u iu.ýEhi. 2 dissension antid arat datua5 A wre arnyar fece n, rety ýsUtute eoeetf ie great articles et on.iy the beet potatoos t rom these. can yen Cet it te-morrow tc walk anti esnbesevc ihnrmlfc in cold confort fer a cow en a raw iLl- atory recorda the dIsaster ot Indtvidual tuber selection la the~ act in the markiet place 7i ThIis esnal eviewtlra ac- onoew the Dvn xm Mai-c day Celt ant comtrtta e L.great potato crp ln Ireland, and meut effective meana ef Improv ngwhat makea Jeans the gree.t hope et tors fer geeti calla tor kintines; lThe dnatealussagt net o apeadng tnu lx the i ti e aie sent shortage gtvos the British- and ivurltylng paota oed. Tuber se. the racq. lHe tioeuput power inte gooti we speak iniadmiration o et le, teg h golnee rtg e Thesir whch iasbrogli ye oret o~dy n Iea t Oe iporanc letio atrta'*tb ' seed et a godlite for betemlivng. Mascontact1 ndlle natures abldlng lni patltoce good caîvea la werthy et the boat care et thls common but very valuable varlety If Peeslf. Cheose a number tOe athr, e ource0id1~nis wttii ktndnoag. Ltle p itymyb cure Ibpato yeu ca gi- u i.crop. of p tatotso f et umd marketable siz. etrnsmitetint etmn h ina blpo et h roba the eart or Incites the m mnd ak . perfect. It st g a d Few Canadiens reaUzte Uiat almeet1 Cut «ach of limoge tubera lnto tour mai life sa non.e ther ever han donc t eXPres SYMpatiiy at seeing mls.ryhuantrefo culhdt o one acre lu 40 u nider tillage in titiU pr- l" eou andi plaft ach our peces it. T ii. mystery int a ter t on o rj1ithut kinduo.. Cruelt, nt am 1 go. As to tho e ys i rin e u n mu aîî p ant ti te et ts r ei n eue p tato ln a h111. or plant t e 1dell ition. "D o the vili" h o a & a, the uti ul y co pa by a ggvra s n wttm Ci r e e et o osi Th vie ii 21ero tlaJe Wentn.crplerie tlltes ieviIanitont iepwe. eaie hlepîlic a oitveytaentcton.Snb-hme 1se aQuo911 à oryImprtat Pue n cotBy fiel t uleetlon I muai rfie. Prof. Zavtz report 111&Sau- fotrenitimita lin.lie Frecharmy te bmmÛ the emetmomie world, and wviiide" bt- lpY vatchiug lie vw>wtas euup le arnagoreto 0tsuts tàt& l. eaUWItuntiL smutng lot. 25 mllawrt- KICdI' oi alu' l au" usge "mm QChêet .auuW esu long -,çntinue te do se, the momese at itI l& apO ur elely. F'rul Tarlte" h. lads Darla WaMoe te Iton documant.ca lie tegl oful rier M tosu W t 90Uloà Iija nQdsMd 4 Dapiaiiy viien w- acood la redà.us t r b>' p amt Pura@pvarlttyan 1id is 1M&b». pe &Mnd, amm the van. A silu vSio u ovs>'titherPM"* id te mm Ohapp>. in.w~ to a resuonabtalgiare. kndomtes tsa& vu *wfla" fd frouaI! lie piautola m",are ad esieupt ocnt#SAO'tu t»s0.h hêpeUi@ lSOI 91,I Ttbe mases»eharadt«"tle uPtoi01 o-It stoultidippu4Wte la a uoue eone snm; seo» .et tii.. neUMIoi tm Iltdm munIaof-Qum -t Fanma .Triplet. & igiedas. 'Di# tie pu» estock lu-st pmaid tfluiSJU M aw 'ratts er ! arftleothé tidiie. âla bott).e orai -c.t %(OU moir *6uuma PO« maéN t lêIam,*~ W Iavom50aidueg fi*d iI01 ii utte orai!I teilor PO> l MiotIaules. thismmeat vI l îthe front. fdr ilmisees' ual.. fl augIhieàmst W .1*, %rmar n ad s dng. Sý i s st o Dt l5 s-l oeaouid.vihae.. -'w~ ~il o th i .U 4 0.11. bob u candis.thein fur setpotatces, Yen dealt Aw e tâ e à sot tuber. Litez Ibis - RL ok',!lam ti » Wave le Od es ef te am ati.weakbr trm q w t à oOmea wétoe te« m DalIeuy. e t bêu eamnbku a m w Sgab mam oruîsg>Mt M r bons ent ul tloniý w jêjto& Ho, sib e mIdhaLty.Dmr'tplut amaUti atieu er Ok sudbav. el ht ues greva $8r seneme. 14It bgb Ba w .ë 1 m mexpert te cet coal s e . bm ay .l Ub »mesu b ' aI 5 ap ea o 4 th*e ~ s i m u ue I i .. Wyans Olyt" uaiWNievo b* o' ieimoWiUPVle o*1 A Dreatiinmi sheue uOdmsai.lm mm soi -1U "m- -m Bead am du 0 ide osa. qMd~ p tlaIm.w. w r og rubbtsb wu rempoWbb ufer a dotWm uwmgt'. Ive<Cw UMWUd« h t.WIbeum tei a SS e* -rce pereutagueoftti. Ieqrortum et' Oalm» wtii'n WMt lune &Weisi& tîaîgi.fu"«, .8 ami prepes-tes b i V**e 0*«W408 ff - S *tIss dia. Ummc rr~ i rdni 'r y U 7' 'tui',- si (ri hyrig Isu-ail. re Mo, <frcc t : 4 - ý ý- 5f R,' v ksu* -Éli iîï il

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