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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 May 1917, p. 5

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crlsuriflg paint in capaci tv un iform cryý,la.1- dcr ihie riido .ARM eeds icIf ays -asked to 1 c as ucTeiia t oes 'eî d Cabbage. biy,' Ont. 'a'ý L .4 o" fEEI( niait,. for le 1"" 01o 'Ator-for Lme. b, made adlyet 4- f .4' 1~#. 1. LU i 'PMURSDAT, MAT 1~17~ her~621'1IOfd5 ù I4 hi1e 1itowit asa gUeit 4t the hOMe Ct11r. and Mnr. J. S. Hésu. Corne and see the Clark-Jewrel @il steve demonstrated at Geo. )4 Rice's. Homie Seekers'*Excursi ot< Canad- lan NcWthwest vit Cochrae, 4Chicago, Port Arthur or- Sarnia routé% ecd rates now effective-land, -lakes, local f HOuSre a azeoR ie . ltoiieHadurtr as veli Râ foreigu Do its. iClliion. ef that week. No charge lismde for Proa etin IS'e oome4 bric bueNT w ith ey _ write or phone (36) Stephenseat, Whit- notices of meetings of societies, clubs, mod enin ee one i cks bou eryan Yuwllge oe lasr at your lteure. By your tmntO, no dmiacion of laandbwttliarne. Miss fruit.ofpo freladivesh wilst oetfmore F.lelatires BAS ET ~ upowntike tlega~ ofie. tc, r org~i ftue ven awhch Mis Mwa e Tronlto, WUa avin-HowrdAne, Whitby. Our g d «ý son's.li redeeme bsîtckets vhen rt'gular rates for ancb advertising viln Robin Nicholson over Sunday. UÂND WANTLCD. the price 1ilb boltl ih prevented using. Offie bouràs, a.rn. be effective. Misa Ormiston -bas -gene -ona Want te rent, near Whitby. from 10 to1Pm.-o-menth'S vîsit te frIends u i&m Ilt to 20 acres tairly high aandy or Clay TH 1 N E V R ) r . . R . le r fl e a , of h e o u e M . G o . W al elo a0 m . ee a n e n o u g h fo r h e c ro p . d - S H O W y o U H T W E H V BE O EFor Portland cernent, glazed tile and of Hobberlin, Toreato, will be at W. G. ed from Too a nSnd fmiY man d s Nî. M . oe MeBx42 B F R buildera' hardware, go te Geôrge M. Walters, store on Friday. >May 4th, it uîvth Mmei Oco Svis-e %aVb>!TCHN GS O AE.SL GE T Fl Rlce's. with a complete set of samplez of IfI»IIy GeSotelan RTCI E SPO SA .S L -a ee hona oeClotho and modela of ail th* newest Ets et Jadian Runner Dueks, si]- SL A E T O ha bensow amoe Miss M. V. Powell addresseil a mass styles ef men's clothing for the sea- f ver Campîaes and ]Rhode Isla.nd Red SO varieci assortment of meeting of the citizens et Siterling. son's wean. Sec them and le oi, e, EMTRSwr Ont., on Monday evening Iast, nnder memure for a suit. Pries queted TU STR W.TE) fer sai.Àpply te Mme. George the auspices et the ]Board of Týrade of saime as at their r-tore ln Toronto. Fit For construction werk lit ',ospital A-liaWbitby. -5 that towa, le the Intercaest f the Veg- gvaranteed. fer insane, Whitby. Good ivague. NOTICE. NE P IC etabi. Garden Campalgn. îProfessor o..Board and Iedging Provided. Rmipley- jDou't forget the graus la taking a WI REU P INslger, of Victoria Universltlr, andi Rey. Dr. John Abraham, of Toronto, ment gUaranteeti for icason. Àppîy byliuiap. Get your lavm mower ed ethrsaie ddesedthemetiigad u n own on Tuesday. letter te Clemk o erter*s, fox 673,for work.- Donït w-ait for the rush. D U N ' i EWELRY formnedoet the buiness men to take T * rantaa Olivet to Clvay,- o thwks. rnlmY tti. offic lt Reaihs ackiamtb ho WHITB ,P chare o thcultvatOB f 'r«ntto e prsened n th Batis Chucsn124bave ut Put lu gooti shape. landsen t raalluable pletÀ lnithe on F'rIay evening of th£@ veki, May1 We have excelled our- f town, for the production of vegetables. 4thwillb. veli wertb beartng. Mr. Miskt Wlg t The citizens offered their uncu Iivateti W. C. Ruttan, a WhItby boy, nov ten- Mis at igi selves this year, and are land for the use Of th@. Committe.- or sololat ln Bloor Street Baptist TEWHIR 0F PAO 1 P PinoPOA 'Wby could nfot Wbltby citizens tlz Church, Toronto, viilbe one of the ssiowing many distinct thîe many vacant spots in tfwt1i soloists; others wiilbe Mrs. T. L. PUDIls prePared for Toronto Cen. bargains. Ho0r t 'jes Rowe, Mr. Jas. S. Hogg andi Mr. Thos.smatyorUvriyEx lnto, Pen Angle siy tNaer. L. Rowe. At 8 o*clock Mr. Robin Nich- sraoyo nvriy xmntos _-o- olIson wilî give an organ recîtal. Sil- Residenee at Miss Kp. McGillivray's, B ~ ~~~ARE ViOU GOING, WEST IIIS vrcllcin"tte'or Byron Street, Whitby.ci t rP as1 ISPRING? 'ercolet o _____the_____________ * 1if so. bear In mind that the- Cana-, CDUITS WTLL CONSIDER FAR.M- B S E Tdiai Pacifie offers especially, good ERS. MUSIC LESoNS. ------ train service. with the finest Pissiblel MoCt of the jury andi nnn-juny.sit- IOE N T09 IL Jewuiî, mad Optican r-quipment Including Standard and 'tings un the Frailce have been ar- (F.A.G.e.. A.C.G.ej) ln the store With the Salceey, Brock st. Tourist sleeping cars andi dininyg cars ranged by the High Court of Ontario Organist and Chirmaser, Ail Saintj' Church, ta Winnipeg and'Vancouî-er by <mne et 10 take place atter the bai-iest so that WbitbY. cann eeeive a II buygood frcni nail rof WVHITBV the most pictuiresque rouites ln the the work of the courts will flot con- Puil for limited ntuuber et worl d. fiet crwîîh the ail-important wonk of OROAN, pao imAN , MINAD TNIURY OF ouste ______________________________ f a tp iscon tmplaet ttpv 0produiction. Thils las nmade ut neces- PrtPares fer Tnmrno Conservatcry exanm.u godin-b o g t th any C.P.R. agent for full l'art itulars. Carv te combine the jr nt o-cludinir A.T.C.M. Teaehers' DiplomaL. senger e A'. BTHowron ito, P,-i jury- sittings ln almost ail -ases for Addres:-St. Peter St. Whitby. I ssi h tteà oer Agrite . 1T orod(. isrici his year. The High Court scheduleIti sad h tteaerg h ma w.c i .Ail kinds of!lipesandi $hears of the s itýr forbe naio tnced neatein three different wavs byth sharpeneti. May be léft aI IBalles' hard- 0f lIte Sltting for MOntarl oy a,, O' The regular meeting of the Wemen 'sarer-o hTo. ukecr e 29111. g s F r H thn I tefi t pae i Clînatin Tepemnce nio wil bener of Prinice or Elgin Sts., Otàlîawa. he-l t uthie home o! the Misses Mit- e tc e' n ots ic Cheisan Weedaney ionay th bcat43.30-e Rose Comb White Leghoé-n by freight and opening them(tsas cei onk. exaesa -ai t hens ftheA ID.3T0MRKCA RHback style sitis at W, . (1.alters. o'coc. Minersan fIens f te C(-DET O FORCR -OT1 eggs for hatchiug, $1.00 for 15 Union aro again reminded about the On Tuesday last ln front cf Cooper-l CFR(ONSERVATIO'N IN or three settings for $2 60 watch the' whole family gte o n Snap Trade Marks as the yean is just Smlth's warehouise, Celina St., Osh-t FOODSTUFFS. - abotoeuloean we wuclok.teew, raMardCaworh.wh raies Ils . . owllwa ii Troto Alo ne Inonaer 20 iped of a i te iclypake2god have as many trade marks as possible on the Base Line near Whitby wee] ek1. V Pel wa sI Torson-o sizeoff$10.he430.l te send ln.ac othat the Fund la backward eut of lus wagon. Hte' lllast wegg oîily Thea second thing is the power $10.W ,still open fer contributions te the on bis thudr n a no$lufremn euet, Dp.oAgiu-T e scn th g j nch appreciated wonk whidli la being for severai houFs. Fortunatei.-no tr. bn tfr things, the Conter- R dene for lhe scîdiers ai the font, tbat bones wene broken. anti bis son, who, ence petssed resolutions aaking tue or- R.if QINTON ofsîppîyîng soup, cotte., tea, etc. srpecciing teller ili the Stai dard1 ganizati-on tif Resources Cotamitte. te Whltbyo, - On tarl o Pretty pictures, crisp and siyraio ____________________Bank,____________ 10 bis home4 Hiq nt tte one meatless day a week lIn _________________ iiiany frlen f ïd1 ç -I o 'kno- 1 Canada, tb establisia the book and 5hen yo- t- that Mr. Cra forth le making rapid leu !o &percapi uh as reco'-eY%,-a;îough s hock cs1n(r f Agriculture presseti home AT mi1 CENTRAI. SP and write your order just a fyuw r systemn f oodutfas ad gverhe Sevefre.e s. oret- New stock men's ail woel and union sraiocfthed stufer nige iii cashmere socks. Pnîces 2.5c. te 75c. ai members ofteCnercesm W. G. Walers'. - tartling tacts ini connection with the UU L Mme Gryde Godfllo~ w~ lot- -o-foodi shontage, for their use la the to a store--and being ju& QIB QI~ ecleagain uhîs acasen. 1r. Chas. Ted receiveti a cabiegram1ccnigsmi aw4 ne teD l~* f~~ktIn m- eo n Tuesday evenlng frem his son. jparîment. 4I wu ko wuuylflg h*cý The rezular mo.jtithly meeting cf fthc Lieut.--Douglas Toti. that tic lat ivr~- CLIN BAL1% -' là * -_-1- 'Ladies' Committe ofethte Victorian eti safcly ln Rngland. e - - -i sitLîNtÂLMER. vÉdrâ k 1 rh m in 4ImA 1-2 - To ~it, oi~sale, Etc., =4 *àtq4 at Reo f lef lt*.e. On. eetmêt-mifig - ply 0o J. P.Lvr, ae. -tf. FOR~SLE Mare and tolt. 'Apply te Ja.Més Haii- cock, Perry Stteet Whitby, n FOR SALE. A MikadO- buggy ln good Coditli n fnd cheaP. APPly Box 574, Whlîby. o WÂNTED. o e ook for "Inver1ynn,H from June Transplanting for ener te the amauit-mi. l-b. kWSbpw Sryio are tb ,Mom, se trasplianting t. thé , youg.paumo> ryiox",ot$e The -home may bave doue -it bot lier the fle entrut.d to it, the Sunday Scho6iay bave helped upiendlidly, bttaup eng houte core-a new envîreument.* Big brother, employer. guardian in anY w»Y, cah't yon bear thxe Great Gardener say, ""CAREFUL rTHERI, CAREFUL."- Tabernacle Sunday School Whether you go away or stay at. home--you have trequent and varled ht 1 Peculiar how ve more or- less unccnscicuslY judge the éb.araeter of ,n indjvINd-ual on the type of stationery which lie or she uses. Yotýr letter Is More attractiv-e ar d carnle. added Interest wbezl U Jes n good-looking %writing paper. W. have completely re-stocked aulr stationery departrnent after raaking Order of Nurses *fil b. held Inlathe -- Home on Menday, May 7th, at 3.30 P.m. May 5th te May lIlth, seven days' sale ot edd pants, Qveralls. anti work shirts. Hammy T. Thomîj. si.i Mens- weam store, Whitl>y, Ck*- F THANKS. Mm. John Stanllck andi son ibàti t iliaîik their many trientis who shon-et them se much kintinesa and sympatiîy iuring their necent bereavement. LESSONS PROM THE PLOWERS. Drn. Hare wull prech latuit. Meth- odiat Tabernacle on JSunday nigit. Hîs subject viii be I$Esons tmom lte Plowerms.' Thbe regular montiily meeting eft the 'County o! Ontario Olti Girls' w-ilb. hieid un the Auditorium et the Llbmary on Wednestiay, May 9th,. lt 4 p.m. As the election of oMfcers takes- place a gooti attendance la requested. 0o Membera of Eastern Star Lotge. No. 72, OF, please take notice that the annual cbunch service will talLe place ln the Methodiat Tabernacle on Sun- day attennoon, May 6th. Membensq will nieet ln lotige room a! 2 o*clock. Al visitiag bretbren are welcome: also the Rebekah members arc requested te joiln vith tie lotige. A LARGE HEN EGG. A lien egg hard îo beat for size vas laid by one of C. A. Goodielîows liens otn Ttesda, -The egg measureti 81/s itîcic~s arouindthne longest way. andi 612 inches arotilte tuer way, andi ivas very well shapeti throuigkout. This pier would like ta heur et anythlngt tigger lnulhen eggs. Hepar -Tîte Mardli te ('ah-amy" as î'iayed liv Mr. Robin Nic.o n tithe Balitist Clinrei on Pnida> eî'eîîtîg ô! titis week, May 4th, in the cantata, FrmOliveîte Calvamy." The choir ,01iiiconstat et 30 volcrp, ain ofvhorn, îîth te exception tfthè Iasmltliw -oloists, are membemsa (mnfermer uam- bers efthlie choir. Silver collection'«t ýtho door. The. Secretany et the Soldienu' Coin- forts, Club wishes te acknewlOegewihii thanks thfe tiillowîng dolati»-. U cushiens f romM JMrs . i.WlltelUre& 'Richard Gidrtng, Mm .Frank 0.14. -r.iag, Mme. Cormeli, Mise Fox, Mmilac-. Leilan and bMm .Witne'y. 1 cusion' from Mme. ?umnsky; 1 cuimblonftffl Miss Jean Meeker; ,2csiosfrn -~- the Misses Elli«tt . CA.LLED To O BWMAI*VJLLE 11ev. S. Seery, tA B 1uaai nie pastor et- iii. Cobweg 4*tbedt-r Churcb, duriftnii a UC' Rev. H, Bruce tinny cl lias meelved a Untaulmous-lvt7tlt to th pCsar, ofte suo.4 ai, {Rv) .G. Climke, WbIê tis ceci' seasaà1thapiaîn ln vthe uc Ut3 Bat- àà*n,-.- Bste.goiug te Cobourg he étOshava, ripent- éUday,-*tb' th? mit~iother, )&ra. ,mo.. BoiiUvI. POUND. An unubrelia, left lit the Council Chamber on electîca day. Monday. January 1. Owner may have samI by provittg propemty anti paylng toàt o! advemtisement. Apply au Gazette of-' fice. 0o SOLDIERS' COMF'ORTS CLUB. The Treasurer cf the Soliiers' Conu- forts Club acknowledges witii thanke the. tollpwt*-ng contributions ince Apnil 23rti: Tevarti van for concert- - .$.4.00 Connaugiit Chaier I.O.DE., Phîl- adelphla------------------..10.00 Anne Wells, Phlaticîphia..-10.00 Campbell familyang Mm. Walker, Chicago.... ...............0 0 RebL -Miller. Steuffville- ---50 Mmm. A. E. Christian .........5.00 Previeusîr aeknowledgèd .i93t200 $457.00 -e FORTY TEPARS A SUBSCRIBIR. Jutige T. W. Chapple, et Kenom Ont.. eneing bis subseription te. the (I.tzu-rr Ax Cinouxi. tomr1917, ,writes:-*'I noe t Uaithi.s compltes tny forîieth yeam as a aubseiber for the Wîuiirrn Cirstraîc -Oliveîte oCavary." la the. Baptist Chîircb, Pritiay, May 4tii . tecbi wiii b. unden the leadersip o!fNMms G. S. Johnson. Sloists-Mr. W. C. Ruituan, ot Toronto; Mr. Ja&, S. 1ibgg anti Mn. anti Mra.*T. kL. owe. ý gt reclîsi ai 8 o'clock by Mr. iPobin ýici- oIson. Silver collection at th. do. New stock metî's, yeuîiis' anti ebilti- ren's rc-aty-to-wesm sîlils ai W. G. Miel- Notices for insertion ln the G.VPIm ANDi Cbio,cs.a u heuld ' eaeh tbis dfie net laten tliau Wedneeday Di#illIkto insure their publlesttula ut4i su -A quiet weddlng vas solemnizeti ut te home of the brtde's parents, Byroni SI., Wituby, by the. 11ev. Dr. Abaam, on TÉtresday attennoon, when Miss Eva Marguerite, only daughter ot Mn. anti Airs. Tiios. B3almer, was uniteti la mar- nuage 10 Stewart Austin Clne, tele- grapher at the. C.P.R. station, Whitby, anti son of Mn. anti Mrs. L ClIne, e! Kitchener. The bride w-as bandiome- ]y gowueti ln grey shantom vitut noce timmlîîgs, and camnIeti a bouquet ef roses ant i ltes. Tii. happy couple iett on the. 4.55 pm. C.P.R. train l'or Calgary. Tii. bride eeeved many beautitul presents. Hem traveling suit was ef green popllh with large pieture hat On their metum they wiii neelde. ln Wbltby. SPECIAL MEETING BOARD OP EDUCATION. A specil meeting eoftthe Board "of Education vas heid on Tu.sday even-, ing. Thle esignation bavlng been necelv- cd etftth. caretaker of the Hfgh aMd Henry Street Sehoolis, anmd a nov cane- taker bavIng been advemtlsed for, the meeting watt called prnnipaily to des!, w-lîh the. matter e! engaglng a came taker. Onlyý two applications* ba been eclveti, andtihe Property Committet' was Instnuffltedtemake Inquirles me garding the. abillty ef one apJitesmt to do the w-ork requtred. On the recommendatton cf the Teeh. nical and Industrial Committee the. Board authortced the. ental of a kOt for the. use eoftthe Agieultural chas ln the 141gb Schoel. The <leovood Garden on Heury' Street vws choses as ithe location meet rnvent, Mm. Jobnston and Mnr. Tippêr ver. authorlzed te bave thc lot ploed snd^ prepared for plantlng. -APRIL SCIIQOL RUPORTý& îieË4Ry 8T. SCIJOOL sh, IiL-L AM. IL "udsofl, . u J r. imL-P. CommlixILBeatty, Tý Sr. Il.-IL RlchardonolG. (lrsba Madeline Robuess.qhal.. Si' L--M J M. Cy~ orMag, G. afl. Sr. PurinerL 'Nwton. .1. bieft -~ ~ ~ 0 -n - C..... LL MvrMUnity unr 'pely Priced. We are the lrst te get the t's wVhY Most People look to us as "Sta- lut f wriing letters, and Your frendi ad à reading You-r letters if writteu on sorn.e of wniting Paper and cards. 'yolewill b. very YOU want. W. assure You n advance- EDOWN THIS WAYVî STEP IN-LET US W'ITHOI'TAN OBLIGATON TO I3UY. 1NYAL PREPARATIONS BUTTERICK PATTERN.- 'FIELD'S rATIONERY STORE hofle 37 ONTARIO eFreight e f'or lessý money. Ji lin1 is iliresse(l of rceiviiîg et of aiirpriset wh- the c-o_ - e& is 8begin to show up. rof the catalogue. 'You look througb you va 'lt, sit down engaged in-business tire than driving in ,rowd of ýpe1opleyo boxes the cov1us lieOOSN I~ N CY- V.ry suitabi. f«th. t«s basket. FY*!W~J -Poultry Nettlng ?oiu"bm.sh in 50 ard rmus helght pr roli 24 " "2.44 30 28 36; 60 ~ 63.35, Abov.~re.fit$w WIRE ÇL.OTIt wdh priceepu yd. 18 luches, foi. 13c, 20 I "15 22 " 1 e 24 19" C 28 "2:k 30 « "24c 32' " "27e 34 " "29c 1i42 " 430. (JRDEN flO7SI 3 ply Plain Ho.. C«mrgatd-,Ho. 50 fts' comple* 71 A Bit Special At, $1.10 5SCREN WINDOWS 6toeute quart.' i to cau on us, i nmequire-I the! ervice et -mot >r englune expert Ail îuakei et cars everbautled and mnade te grive ervice. A lino eofRepairansd Aceeqor- li, Dominion Tires, etc.,aI'Yi on baud. Cars eteatied by th. e fw îyitem J -WVonder Mii. S it tletoe,f etrated. - Air, Water, Adviee suDà amai b.lru u i-easOu 18' MatiMost People ar-e affli£ted with the fialy of, the, elseiwhere. The, fallac-y -Of" the elsewhere is the delusio0n thIat Makef3,thingS cIosp at hand- look shabby anid. mean compaNed with things'at à distance. 1 This store is out to trim mail oýrderc &éýýmpet#l*ine. thatdef mai orer competýiinand h are -delivered to your doosien dieired. mugougm houses wheil better ig 1 when 1-1 ri

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