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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 May 1917, p. 6

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Thé voluM of appclica tions for new numc during 1916 was by far the Greatest ithe History of the Company. That is the best evidence of public esteem. Lot us moud vy« mm frgh Ilssuu'e.ofoots OROWN LUFE USRNEOTUIRNTO A.ents wsint.d I unneprebnt.d dlatlt wî Between Cousins;0 [ OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR. CRAPTER IV.-(Con'td.) Ing rsadY-were of a dreadtully corn- "'The Jishori'à residence," sald Jhn mon pattern . But alktaiemre, the in Rlswer t o Ler eager question. pouib~iities were there, Inside as well Ella act.uahîy turned (n her seat to as outside. take a botter look at it. 'The thought "At last Ella!" said John, as for thatto eter h~~êthe firat. tfme they at at their own WOUld boietrth majestic gates hearth, with the primitively set-out %Vo1dbe erprivilege-aay, her dut>'te-table between them. "Ah, I arn -cauld flot but imake her hoart mwla "Il Suppose we shall have tu cail thankfufl" ,there ut once, John?'" "Soa ar 1, John. Do you know 1I 'i haHgoimmditel'. ! oure;had riot et ail expected a bow-win- bUt Mr. Wodley 18 away at prssent." w Xunvr etoe4i. Elia mid nothing f or nmre ime wili do beautifuly for s flower-stand. after that. And with new chintz covers on the "What in ail that black istuff" wa chairs and a folding toc-table, and one lier next query, as a turn of the road of those neat little cake-stands to brought them into vie%,/of a miniature bring along with lit. the room wlll real- Mountain range, dusky and bare, 1>' ook .11 rght" sethin which here rescended abruptly to the IntI.alrgt4sae h n Yer y aide of the road. riocent John, oponlng bis eyes rather .S!laste refusie," came John's answer, wide., "And what do we want a 111 accentis aIrnoat of pride, e"We cake-stand focr when we only cat shah bc pa8sing the gates jr. a minute, bcead and butter, and there's roomn en- and theny ou wilî aeep" ough for that hers surely" hin eih see md bond what - £laianled Indulgently. Jhn Whc: sh e did se sanyn a mok There'à fer too rnuch room,Jon seemned tu her a great black hole iafn 0ýdksma obody huf thee biq et-otabe theohli, an which John's eyes rested nwdylma o~d !tebL with, a tendernesa quit. tncotnpre.- ter sort. Ive seen how the>' do It in hensible tu her. Beyond that more thec ountry-houses. And of course of the rýefuse: black, shlny, anc1 îoose e'll have to giveoaur guesta morne- in the more recent deposits, duli and thing besides bread and butter. We cloely paked~ t~. >j<<~~ranescan't help having guests, you kwiow. the crevires illed up with green mossa Don't trouble your doar head about it: and here and there a wihd-rosc-buahsl leo'tI to me. loi; shahl have having taken cooL upon the inhospit. i comf ortable home ta corne to ho- able slope, ta which iL clur>g hîke an! Lween your labors, never fear! aind a eaghe ta a Cliîf. At one place a p5.a;pretty oneLtoofocîeaî to be à credlt sage -iacJ been eut through the pro.- to you, John. Just see if 1 wo-nitb. JecL¶ng muss, and the atone arch that!" 1 beemed tu. groan urader the weight af Upon which a pair of handa met im- the ointe ahove. puisivel>' across the tea bcoad table. "'This part runt pretty," aaid Ells, "And ince we ce t.alinig about gind ut an' abject on which to vent themasJon1 erth w a i ,sih *nligdsponmnt Wy charge saying sornething about sup- 1t'rp dismpointmy. per. 0f course it's ahi r' oht for ta- "Is it ?" quccied John ienuinely day; but f romn to-morrow 111 take alil astnunihed. Perbapa it ghecause 1 th&it into my han4ms. Teli me, ntq knaw it so well that neyer found it whilt bour are you uccustomed to out, That hhack hcap cepresents the dine?" lbor of two centuries. You know." "At ane o'clack. Froni anc tetwo The 'look of the village-of the, la the qusrcy hour." etaaw-thatched cottages, wiLh t.he] The white bcow rufficd ailghtly.. grass8 flourishing on the roofs, and "Oh, but* that w-as linth-fo. the -green mildew creeping u n the times. You'rc not bound 4y üoùqxr7 wÎ1s, ndobtdlyPicurquetaoghhours now. I really tblnk ~In uthéo they were-ata shcd Elle more than matter o ais e-outhto « h it enéhanted ber. l' ot'y an or raised ber spirite. True, It wumrtb- !. Il 4h. 'v4 n.. a one.,, or oo niih aiÂ~i.aapw-, ti~ ,t- 'îdon't mean theae ut1bnJh t*6'1 , %Utw-as a réal modemn atone Now, for instance,,- the. îlhp-el house, w-lithmrai bow-windows glnist dines in the cvmning,, doeesn't ie? And ne gaod esa Noebles vf4la, anc1 with a, whon h. asks us tou inner, sai1 oup-t front giirden which pres.atod pas- poue ho w-iil do oes[uly-1a aibilii:ies. Fcrn experience gsthered gsd nmsnediMcuity 1» go#ernng the during* ischaol-feasts, she cn.w- that thrlll -in her vole. as mie mud It-"you gardening w-as qulte a iuitable occupa- viii have toe at your dinuer ln the. ion for a lady,- and even before she .evellhig; 5 surely it 15 btter te ac- had allehted f ron. the "'maéhine"- _CustO oni oW'elCt toit at once. An alas! %with oni>' a group of bacc-foot- tore may be other peoplete B' cd irchina as spectatoris and while the.by, woi ives at tuat, big houa. John, witb ail sorts of thilge in bis jusL acrasi the w-s±on, thore amont eyes, was looking up the. village street the trocs? It'seern a Vers' hindcome towards whec. a modest ge spire bouse. I ubould 1k 1to se. iL poilnted abeve the. roof s-uehad re- na. nolved te bu>' a gsrdening manual. "4You wIii se. h near, 1fe*r tlVSt'd That firit eveiiin@r ilght be llkened where Alick is gardener.-ý-uy siter Lo a sort of mo ari e-Usw betWeen PoUly' husband, 'you know-uss4 ofai uistion and ds.ppauntrnentf Som@e cour"sei xe *hll ga La a.O bhr.'! t tings uurpus7e'cd ber expcttîonsm; Ot mid Elle, burying ÏerIl"f l - tTruie Eoo Tu er nstqad of byig ew CIohl sud bcuch ff cç,t% llo Parker crestorsoe yenL bave already You vii gain luevery w&y. W.- ire tspcciiista la Qiavos oean&, Postiers, Tcstae.MO,, Ulsabscar. mWc arforuout tlmaugb wSk. BOn urCa ogu su lmwg uDymt PARKER'S DUE WORK,IMIE - i t: fi at' ai ~ g i ~ t r i t' lu 1' hua; lu Îitielfit could bave nci lnlport-; snoe.. Once it w-as proved te blrn that *von bis w-onk w-culd b. benefit- ~by thearrangemont, b. ac-qul0ed sih utaother word. uTw-e more days Li Sundayi" io musod, ta ho rose. "And miter that, ta wor'i" t t«sti workl" ecioed EUsa, vith anotier of ber sornI-critical, serai- prophotical glance. round the room. There w-as another sboc)c in store fan Ella Liat evening; for about su heur liter, w-hile perarnbuiatlng the bous., witi a vlew- te d.cidlng future arrangemnents. aie w-as astardiod.,on openingt a door, ta find hersei! con- tronted b>' a ratier uncouth-looking individual In a much stained blu. orte JacketAnd gnlmy w-ite duck trousers. las pecson's face and beard w-ere of two different abades ef ced, wblcb dld not match, and bo was actuahi>' sitnxg davu hn John's pros- once and taliîng quit. e asil* Ella w-as for ut onc >hutting the. doar upon thus Stai' J,_g visianl but with a radiant face. John sprang up and stopped her. "Don't run uway, Ella!lL1's only Adam-My cousin, you know-. HMh b. ver>' glad to sem yau." ('no b. contlnued.) WITHIN RANGE 0F THE GUNS. Lufe of an Old French Couple Amid the lerrors of Wsr. A correspondent of the Bystundo? tells a touching star>' of an olA couple w-ho liv. ln a littie French town whece tue>' are ln constant danger of bomn- bardaient. Before Lb. w-ar the. tava huA twenty-five thouatand iniabitants; there une about a thousand civiliaris living in it naw, anti iL is full of sol- dicca. W~hen Lb. correspondent a-sked Lie wommn w-bat sort of 111e she w-as leca- ing, ahe laughed anA repiieti. "As ai- ways! Wh-en tbe sheilfà came m-e don't Cet excited as w-e uised ta. We su>', 'Tien.,! they'ce bornbacding agmira' and a-e go below. Of course we oni>' go below for the big sheila, tb. 805%s. W. have gai. quite used ta the others." Hec busement fa carniortable as base- ments go. IL bas a tiled faoon, a kiteh- en table with Amnerican cioth on iL, a few chairs, a cuphoard. a bandsome aid arrnchair, a furn>', olA-fasbioned bcd, a little petrol steve, a cage witb a canar>' in iL, and on tb.w-als8môme pîctures cuLt ramIlilustrated papers. The corna abov4 arc mastin rarags now, but tiie aid ran la going ta build up bis hous. aguin as soan as thé Germanu leuve off bombarding, ImI umays. "We have a son ut Lb. front," ho explained, d"and yeu know we wmu La have everytbing ablQ-mbape foc bi -ulacra 'sie cameR back homo again." "Nov and then," muid Lb. aid lady,' "w-ion Lie mheltiag geLs t'en>'fierce. vs' go dowa lato the, cellar, inA tien we'ro net me comfoifrLble." I looked m ni'ut.onisiiment, anA the aid couple iaughed. "l' show you," muid the aid man. Ife liftedas corner o! un aid carpet thut iiuag qo-the W-ail, and 1 maw a greit breachinlathe w-ai andA me reugb atone steps. The w-haie tawn la honeycorahed w-itii deep coulacs. ý"Tii.>'su>' Lhe Spaniards built thora," he- saiA. Down Liiere in the dack pit h. show- ed me a littie embrasure in thc w-ail. Thcce w-oc. t-wo rougb w-ooden benciez and s box manked ln squares.' "W. cerne dlown icce anA play drafta wben tb. bombacdrnmnt gets tee flerce," salA Lie aid min. uSamtm#% as bel draps nemrer than usuaI, and then ?be w-bale bouse shakos I 1w-an a Came thc othcn day -w-on thgt hap. poned. My w-hq got nervoul. Sbh' beau mn,; ait s nue--but ah. lesti- beed tiat Lime." - Soverai Hot-Brosù IProus On. The Housewife's Day. Formula. lier. are a few itanis for the bouse- Ezless Creara Mutfu&.-Mix ta- keeper's daily prograrn- gether tva cuptuisa ofw-ite fleur, oe-? 1. Have a detinite plan for mach- bal! level t.aSpoontul ef Sait, two tea- day'. work and try ta carry iL out spoonfulu of ugir, and tva rounded 2. Spend at heast twenty minutes tespoantuls e! bakin-powder. * Stir dijin athe open air. in a cupfui of crearn or enotig for a 3. Take a dail>' bath. stiff bitter (finit beiting in the pinch 4. Wor~k but de not w-orT3 of! soda if saur). Boit vècy teor- 6. Read one chapter fram smre ouchl>' and bake in buttered gemn-pans good book ever>' day. in a bot ovmn. 6. Drink phent>'of ainter'. For other varictieu ai mutfins omit 7. Est ceguhar meula at the table; anc cupful o!fthe w-ite tlour andasdb- do not hurry. St:tut. a cupfui et rye or Graham 8. Get eight boucs of sleep. fleur, bran. roiled acta or what, or 9. Cultivate a hobby, or have dili> eorn-mnenl, and proceed as before An>' intercourse with smre f riea*1 wb is of these mu>' be baked itier in shah- not a housekeeper. low- hou!fano or In gem pans.________ For biscuit, use the smre formula, adding merel>' cnougb -cream for c NEVER TO RE FORGIVEN. rathor irri dougb. Knead ightiy,- roll three-quarters o! an inch thick,! Extradao From P'residen<st Message te cut In rounds, prick twice with a fork,1 American People. let stand foc ten minutes und Itake Ina President Wilson's appeal ta the in a quick oven.1 people of the United States, h. nd- For ahortcakc rail tuis dough Into desdhmelpriual of tw-o round sheets about ane-third o! an ers ed hins'*he rtiulari>' ta lf Inc thckbae ad pt tgethe wihaur own nation and the nations witb, any'fruit desirmd. which w-e are co-operating is an ubun- Fruit buns mu>' b. had by roliîng dance a! supplieq, nnd particuiarly of the dough into a aheet about anc-bai! foodstuiffs.... Without abondant fooa' an inch thick, spread with c, thin lay-~ lk o h rism h epe er ai sait jeu>' or marmaladm. naw ut a-ar, Lb. whoie great enterprise Sprinkhe avec thia a layer of currants tpnwihw r makdwl or cbopped raiasins, or of stioned and tpn hchwa r mhre vi halvd dtes prssin thni ligtlybreak down and faii. The wnrlal's food into the dough. Roil, eut in balf- rsre rel- 7ontefr inch suices mad bake. ers of this country, therefore, in large Far a delicious ateamed puddlng, îay! measure, rest8 the fate of the war, the roi]In a steamer avec bailing wa and the fat,. ô! the nntions." ter atum ne nd ne-alfhous ad 1As far as the middlienen af the serve itarn ieand anc-bl! onuceanAcountry are conrerned. President M'il- sere ia aice wth ot ernn suc,ion said that the crus of the nation or sugar and creani. w-rd be a on thern. They are ex- Tbe wholesorne anA oconomlical wnys N- of using creami craps in baking and pect.e<i to fore go ttnt'tiprofit'9, bqÏ cooking are hegion, and are irited lganaze andl cxpe<itc s4hipma'ntq of food, oral>' hebcingenuit>' of the cook andA ineiv of the mnto rutoth ra- the amaunt af crcarn ut. er disposai. "le'Temnh u h al ways of the country are appcahcd tca Feras Net Aquatie. ta suffer no olistrutction of zny kind Many omen re usuccesfuli ta hamper their work. tt-hit-h ik abso- May -aen ar usîccssui , lie' nita to he fi~ , of ,tena TRFINCHES ARE NOT IMPRENABLE TIIEY FALL AS 1)11) TE FORTS 0F LIEGE ANI) NAMIUR. Howeî-er [)eepiy and Cunningiy Cati- structed Cannot Wt-thstand In their carlaur advance the Getr- ' 'tinLooumrg aarlL tan l"- o w-tiipre- muras proved that the utrnas;t t ha t pared as thome which hhave beeri do- man coulAd (o in the w-a>'af fortresS sas . . d already. cf tteei and concrete %vus futile a"i nsL the fire cf the heivicr. garas. %PsofteCc(xt. Liege, Namur and Maubeuge re are' f h 'tiohe mouments ta this effect. Thcese for- '17 i vcrocodie ia ffur froni his cousin, tifIcations mehted, as somnne has (le- the afigtttr, in th!it tho hnwer ndàxii,- scribej it, as butter iefor'- a hcated lary, or jtov.hoîtne moves in the ,K;ltor, knife. There followcd the Battie Of wht'ra s t 010 coctll uiirjaw the Marne, îvhich checked the (jermnan thiit i-inîub T 'ho ro't i, more- drive, and u.shered iv the pealori of oiver, hII s t\%a-l)itaipt-tIi t Lit pro- trench wtarftnre. On a large part of t rade fri nil thî wr lwer i r'ih the the Western front the tronches have upper antd ni-val-le t nt,;h~i-,sj as remnaincd as the>' were after the fir. hapar his tecth are l.tng-r«, la.sch (;ermn tchcrk. Thte Tcutonic ndvance sotter ar:îh ntt t h ian(] hi,;toqi> w-as stopîîedi tut it arapeared th.ti. th(, s sl'-aîi,-ýr 11 ctvç I eo-(Ne ight Alied odvanica w-aqt,-t,-uilly paralyz-..andi houri ng o re lott,g ol: nd lit, tan Thpre is evarv ruason (n supps s,--rit lt) n unlav, ftv -r( fvr the (erminq w h--n they dueg Ihoir for atIcatt k!fao niia - lio c-ai dive treni Iws thm : tht tit tthr--vhai l iîcov otand 'i kea flsh, anîl (i11 landîlho vrod ,on1rti h1 i i wh ita tu n(I a h t (0a1*11 glt îl t oI paie. I iacrtueh fortra'ssa- I t I o te d. and that, tari Cltuilitig, ili ta ý i 'advt :- aCap, ru' agi ng t - - e t i t iecet-tai rit v tt' iy of mitt bout.: .1.te allidtîltatI-e - Nath the rultcitai th.11 Ithose Iparts uto 1-'rotce uii ~tgu hic-h they hvlid that th,, tie': t h.tri f-t(,t, vaîatît le thte j bombardrnent the>' would bave served their peurpose; in smre case" the>' have donc their work w-el, for those that were nai destroyed gecrved as nests for machine gunners. Fortun- atchy thege were few, for tliti airnien had taken hîandreds of photoagraphs af the Gernian positions and anoi. of the trenchîos wr-re knovi in advance anAd subjectesi to a conscientious fire froni henvier guns than were ever be- fore turnod ngainst field entrench- nirntq. Lt is iincredible that the trenchies that the ci'rmaîns tire now tigging ina the réar of the shattered kuL-l VIIInl a ii- -î - .or - 1t -A fr -ra -t-ht-m rnising feras because of Lau much or'tn "oth'a--uat' - 'i, h lriiirtLlp f-i tress ot thia- .4 l* i tea littie wateing. Usuail>', bow-; me suggust the mot to, Sniati profit.4 A Cermiati Error. even, Lb. trouble in too rnucb watec;, ai-îi- sri-. ni atesl- Pitit ti g IZI1t; a -f ot'hava ahw ofte Lb po cni.unin Lb fcp a hiilda'ctho thoaght thit tthe, life of thiat tht- batti - n- laoat ye't enunter- atlow-ed to stand ia a plate of water the w-ar dalenrds tipon laum" Tht main- a- iLia' o (ft"a -n ari warfiaîe. Trhe foc several da>'. ai a time. The. soit or, Ica mniuo realizo that he- stands te-hc-s have f;ýilcît ats the fortressem f ai thebottm"f the pot quickiy he-i conessatune r scbcodiios.Awlt-bthe fanrner. The tork -cf t-be feît. Ona- nitra- iiaecthe G-rmaàns cioraes soroased e utacdtie . ns . wA vriA dw-alia on im; if ho f.ti t Ue'- <'rrt! niet lite i ite of tboouaghnîss. fairasw-eh w-en te stde'"tern e- umen anA armici tt'illhie pnw micas. -iitiaig that ea iLaela-h six- feet deep i ,fam w11 hevhomid - ern r- The Presidetnt concladd ib>' stsyitg -at- ai elgooti sht-ter, the>' argvecA tiat quire lots of witgrt,.bit tk" <tfat evéiym -~t'rtt~ rcil a areîîa-î t-,. qýjat_ý,ej %î: e.t eep Perme aboulA b. watered w-ai %romn vatbs a garci'tn htîlps aad bel jaý ît grrtt- v. aastwict' z%, goscA, anA a drain- -bath the top sud 'Lie bottant; bot as 1y te salve the, problem att feedirng tha'ta-, - orf-- t rdiers-rautid Nw-as. nation%, and Liant eîery hoaast-ife w-ht't, îo i- gîtd igzlin.'fhe Britl) gara-a seuan s tu accompflished i.the vs-;pnactices the îstria's rnm ut- i\ h Qiqo hs ter-Aisi in wiih thc pot stands tabould he-,,fteh rnsoft îonse t ait ailtrlovo te et stf slteios b. e<MnptieA anAdtthenu given ne more i w-aU~~~~~~~~~ frserldy.Tislitti.-serve the nation." Tiis 15tii'tintc.' rt-îanitGeriottra',tri ea-at- v îtyfor the wtp fo dls eutre cdaps h idi thanthethbbc nes nage eys, ' for Anaivo ir ti udvaancitg itfaanî iy-. '1*I ay ott ponat t theubotor t iierefore tt e rcrmact hec urîpnPdariaýble fauh.ofaicgi.ta ti' ih(, fac-tnd a i î-rat a'their- abotAhe otob.wtereforontheb. bar- latefailress anAdaxtravagance, Leat machina' gara;thtvy ott tanlt e.scaile tom as etten uanmtbLe top, >ever>' matn and avec>' worn assuma' f ram the, raîtr cxii- u-Cuof a!the-bair - Whe afen bein t loksikitthe dut>'o carefail aaîd roviaIotLutse raize tire, antaio th'y 'vert' caugcht, ta aboulA b. Lucned completely ouL t f teatt'!expeuidittre ne ai publia-cidti>, as a-u se ta go0041nid axpasiaahko "i't4 pot aA th sal exainedcareuhî>dAleate o! putriatisi whicb ino anc cunitli a trap." l'he ilu-jier the trc'rch tht' pot bo tso] aiera arehas IY no-wexper-tlever -toaie txcusc'aior for- nre cetaîithtb-c'îp tit it's a LII so ~ niistiategiven fan ignonig." It is heari.enirag riiiaitîry princip,- tbit t ,-tii" ;ent.its cohen anA isott>', the.fera ihas beera i ndeA ta heur bbe Prienat ofthe have boa-ttaiaght 'Iai the patI a' kepi w-et tee long st s Urne. Ira suci lUnited States sa salemilywamaîinig hu.! a 'h cames iL in beat Le refCru tie. pot, witLh ounr.ymnen aifte litracter antittbd,' u -uie new mil. 1rat'tv o!rbatenen[lrte triw-bu- Ia general iL ia best noL taaLaec r >'nw tn1cmtite (uaau Thjr Germainn enrince-ahi-t-a-dallte the fera ever> day. If thet enzpera-!hias een in the w-ar for more . than an vl.lsaoeariî o turc of -the ruera in about 65 dogrees, Lwo - r n ahl.ad e u-iîg bac-k frani the fronît itte-at. 'rte>' wateriatg from ni th Le tep and bot -, enrofthoan a aif unst et uldwothave i' maîthvîtir a-hcjtPrm noi. trcnc'ha.,î toin once a week is, sufficient. If the! droda itehound o!tathe gud a liai.Mi lli", wit-a li)nitp mystemns of ternpen:ture in 80 ieagees or stiove, -1u¶cho lste: et thytaitehfo eat -ventilation, wîth lnumel-ous exits ani-e - equippel; te>' tver'c expoctijtg tat Uses for Boia. Reina Perfect. stand a adage l1kf" a fort-ema. Titeir - corcratelj, ateel-1nltîd 1undcrgrotinçi m- To brightea - )our aid fadeA 'ê!aaPets, '-B[e y.perfect'" citieteat Na&iacoll.aert"aeiei u eut<f1- cub witb watm %atec and aramonia La iooking up tram ber Testarnent, "*' BO yeans' plaantatng andtiwork. I'iLL'd1 wblch s tahlespooful oi boraxtha' ye perfect'! I do think that's tbe1 again4t unybhîing teées than Liii' Britisah béin addA imot l - - e om 'dAnt- il- - ttompnse Esapean ~ & 'VVasl Mut11e9 taMost appîaaang command., Aua i. olly,< -of urq«n ontient n"* you.0 il, ierfect. Tbere's no use ira trvlag!, fort The developunent of the tiMber. Us' po e rsa t cid athLehardier you tr>', tue more dinçour- busnes u ihoti ad a.~nuRu..cockioàeacîitactbeades. aged you are sure La get. low de' Ma s euacng he ttetio ofetiA.teuffupeft s4defd to a eahon o y»lsuppasc--nyne-evec expectel Ruls ia egalgi Itatent n o! i " rd w-atelr- w-t m Ir t oft. e!1y be perfectn Iun eapooie l s fNewrot-n rcl For trftkles, icfd a quarte'r O!fs8 Aunt MaDyi>nied ceasingiy. -I S lu. Eenc o , o! Nov Vrt drgchsa'*f pow-dered -bi'iw X 1 15 eknow jusL bow you feel, îN*Yy,%*she Simul MBobetsvlceprckiu t ounce îe n*u 'iffl uc u 4q - ahi siýid. "9 useateLaw-onry aven that, ex ~ Tii. National CiLty Banki o! Now york dr-ant 'o! sugar; sMW; lét it 0utiî#A for 9 citn' Lwa ut.iîpai t1, a la co-ferring te Russa i Itber iupj>pii thcee Aaya and annitti an tic face oc-'ibl, an salA: - - on the Wace oc- aU uat, jusL as you do, But oeea - "Ruxsai.',forcats bat-e hardl,-beei l.aîv. îtti-l iarnlae I-ear-a sver>' w-leaumn tWk about, teuched, andl comprme t-o-dayDisolo vii e alitt, n - am 4 te itot; stuce thon, ir'a never troubted nme r-ci timber remerve o! Eur'ope, te, Tgolhsu ,osr aruua, . aM ILii epîidlat'pret sra eumpire bcv-int pm-cteatly aai oth.1 tabte»spof et u<»*M' ud t fiafeteu etAisbeue t 'r.mpusLme, t-late 0 rafai !sd a>~bi !w-t,~~~out persons thint', And youc per.1 Ç aIîandl tie United Stit Ît4s, 5'U1. u-gi p andowniut le, ulî",e oneala Mausu-ed b> the standard, *Xpors'<Auln1013 s*Ma. 84,00* i., ý t'ean< dry.i Werti or imier prodd. ~ tta m et bt-for you, ut sagyeni Lime. Euroape niait go ta pu;al fr For instance, lN#".uy, vitayou ver.et tInber.whlen t ti"~v"tble ?ebunAil* Rui Clordr.j h1.eIl dolait aitbnat-mulLptî.t snoga-im begu, sud w-fi afford Rau$.- Cea eut ctbuand cSclose *isre catie»,let us *ty-au 7U Carne' sif a w-endelâfid epportui<y toe eala.-you am renu agtO aat-or un fa- eew-it. heat' ofon# buandred, qsotb iii.latent vealth cf burfou-.st1 *elClmnui ttb>fluet gen y lbftt. POV fetit.,d ia tst unthiLyou W-oni ia .4ufil respire an enoroiR eautay eg tm issasp ~liig h ofapsru Lmatomatltlian.-er capectM! Of ePital fer the bulinge * r&itifr.*êj we *9 dt '4S, tu bol -t à%4 ILi 51It 81*8Vni5si' pt3lp Mill*, a»4 aIl t1eoé tilage l0-- wui *t totu t14. fr, t'a>' aW-&y ' f ot. dental toe .maufacture and Irsuï.as and th abilt nQt th g Y. -$0that I6ney, iljk1 4 4ih, aortation o! tituber produ&ttotn& 'M*aIa#l.o -fr," W93t I. *4*4 eî t t a lwihua% boints.-ne* eT6*d** 4 e rà ofgf ~tub**"* . 1- ay be th 1q4 w-jj t'> - - s 4h erfort- uin*«M4&Yi 108*5 AS osAs Min" tLb. beginiplugof te w-iLter-su amno.i valto'fre 1wï a»S 44n onsa tbaetsl: anmui d ry wi4o'vi h ia oS*W15#lia'ili%ë »,w 4ry are inadequnlh,«umout fur -w-il) ry qwIe4aI tomb 1v*IoPeAtortit*ry'.-ieepept ip euL -withi-*a coaru <ibt i >( Tiuw«tt an sd f84Iâ 1w-Ut rfflir* Statiafnin iri '4w'~ an emnesuooit puogrm uof aroo rmd *=Il %üa4ow 'if ofiw-} onbat W*wymfklnue.'**d'y.t8lut -~~ ~~ ~A -A ài..A.. YVR puddings art palat., uabwc.why t%à« Five Roses ? Slsnply bcaùas yotu wau t the= mort 4aîftgil porotis. mordigiotble - ive Roses puddinissdigoi - ommc*,w<jr- CVtY *pooiàftuI 10- it4sty ,our«e<f~aiy -y Fly Poisons Attract Both Files and Babies - et t i e Ji ti' la t a'n . .i wa.. î1tr-aèt a.,,,t-, it t-Ylil-t t-utent kata. sahititto t d . t. ti l Atee tlit ta b. . .4. Il It TANGLE3-T rrt , ta mickt-k- .rC or ikrttt-. a(i0 MuAi, lan Canaa .by 2il£ 0. &kW. YIlUM COMP'ANY, Wattcrifllc, Osat Amuica» AoJaIesn Grnd Ruapa, ide. k - y K Di4 Tltmmimmmmey&uh.sds h~ las.

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