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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 May 1917, p. 4

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44 45 'e Q t. '-t 4~ le -t -e tÇ. t--. -v 1 -ýaw the spires of Oiford As 1 wax passing by. '['lie grey spires of Oxford Agnlinst a pearl-gry sky; My lienri wax with the Oxford nien Who went abroad Io die. Tht-y lefi flie peaceful river, The cricket field, thie quati, The sheven lawns of Oxford To seek a bloody soti. They gave their merry yout-li away For country andi for Goti. Goti retal you, happy gentlemen. Who laid youir gooti lives do' n, WEK[AK, AIUN6 CHILO Made Btron By D.liciouz Vinol Lakepoàlt , N. I-"Our litth, girl 8 years of ae was in a debilitated, rua- down confiton and hati a utubborn eough no uhe vas weak andi ailing a&l the timre. Nothing helpeti her until wc tried Vinol. Then lier appetite incrvaseti andti le la trong and veli, eand 1 wt.hi otiier parents of weak, delixate chlldren would try V'inol."-Goi. A. Coi.îaN's. This i. beeanoe Vinol eoit.aine beef an& cod liver peptones, iron and -Inanganee peptonates and glymeo. Phosphates whlch she needed.. ,,A. H. ALLIN, Druggist, Whitby. Ont Aise àt the best druggiots In al Ontario Towna. THUPSDA', AY 24,- 1917. TceCI P AGE I'O1ÛR Appirctilymore e it lu WhfLby have yet Le, become accèuatomned ýte th Sighf of flowers growIng aear flic pub- lic thoroughfare unprotected by 1a fence or n railing of saine sort AM. most every year ont hears comnplaints that fiowers growing in lawns aud gar- tiens near the street but on jprIvate property, have been plucked or'de. stroyed. Already the practice seenîs te have begun on the newly budded tulips. ln theJarger ciles where hand. sorne lower beds are te, be seen ln the parks axid squares the publie sein te, be educated te the tact that the fiowZ_ ers are grown te, adorn the property andti î make the city more beautiful. andi very 11111e vandalismin lamet-wlth. Surely Whitby citizens should respect the riglitset their neighbors and have' sufficient pride In tbeir ton-n to tliem- selves refrain andti 1 dissuade others trom thle pernicieus practite referrcd te. That a preperty en-ner lias placeti ne fente arounti bis lava le net an In- vitation- le people te corne tn and help themiqelves. The High Schcol grounds anci many lawns In lova are likely to be beauttled tbis season by hantisome floyer bcdà.and the tztroagest measures shlît be taken te ensure a disconfinu- ance et the vandalhsm that lias pre. vaileti tornerly. At a lime viiexise many of Canada's fknitqtar ne laying down their livreson thle bal tleftelds of Europe In tb. de- fence et the Empire,.flhe fllowing poem, entit.ed. "Thie Spires of Oxford,"' makes a particular appeal. Tt va-e written et Oxford mat dents aho vent îe France ln lhousands, but if 11 I11 re- minut us o! our ou-f Cafladiail hero-s. 86 I Ds. v.rao vomzan's eecf glory and lbeipvy of bier leus fortunate rirvaI. Vet '-îseft, elem.n skia -g>owing wMtb belg,.JLlg.ay LMo calural ,sd fu- Mw 1I wuatroubled fer a o.asidebie ime vith a vr' unpkasant, disjgrWqg Rash, w hich eovered m y -fmce sd'fon vbleh I usAd applieefiom and remediles vithout relief. à<fter ueuig ""ot tives " for one veck, the raah Ileetm- pîetely gene. 1 amn deeply*hsskftl fbr the relief and ia the futureý 1 vii not b. witheut"Fwa-vs. NORAII WÀTOON. 50e. àbox, 8 for $2.50, tr(al ize,2s. At dealers or sent poetpuidon receipi of price by Fruit-a-tivcs Limitod, Ottawa. WVho took the kha*.i and thec sun lnstead of cap and govn. God bring you Io a fairer place Thaîî even Oxford town. The mani who lias a thin'g toelld And simply liolIers down a wel WVIll never get 60 inany dollars As lie who eclimba a tresnd bolIers. In other words, don't vait for bust- nrs to corne 10 yen: get alter it. Tb@ mian who do.. fmot advertise because lt cosis inoney. ought te satop' paying rent for tie smre reason. The man who idoessn*t adi-ertise' becaus. hie tried and Ji fatled'r-lhould !lirow away hi. cigar becatise the ligbî vent eut. The man wlio does flot adverttse becauisi bis graxidfarlier dld not, ought te Weari knee bret-chùs and a queue. The maxin who does not advertirw hecause he doesn*t know boy hhrnself, ought Io stop eattIng bechuse he can't cook. The man n ho dues not advertise because arômebody said It did pot pîaye ougbl to believe that tiÇe world la fiat hecause the ajîcients said &e.. With the Bni.ish in East Africa. The fb1li-ng extradas frein the let- ters et n soltiler -la Eut Africa have botu setureti frein hie faulily. wbo lire iu Eaât Whitb.y Tov * ntiare pi"blisbed herevlîh laIn etbat f boy wM ll ntaeresti -tOle-se the Gàzwrrg AxtO Cîiiîca.g. The yotng man fîa noir said te be bath home ln South Myiea, ab t la te t» presuineti that the hardemt verk et the Eut Aftnaftres kasail be do. Samt AfrIcp,* -a--îs. Your IcîLer ot January ircolv.d, Was &lad te egtfrom,1cn .auabt Sorry -I1have betlvnitt«e!fere. blIt lIme passea vcry qu#cWie.ýiîmc limes, Rat one ha rdly moi ces IL- We are dolng,.pur 4aalis fime, as Yen ul me. *W~t-Agi 1 Manet gtvir Yeu mach 1or narnes et plaes, s aIlltt tïve tu pais thé ceusr.Aitli the~ Squ«aor. ibis la 11 .mi 1m Ibave Oeta miovr gag7iace i11 Wc rea alg#4,bt e Ui lbest LQW owRETsinN rA, TOWE.STKRN CANi Steidadmd TOeuvb"dop. C u C.sIê fror Tickts.Rcsvatea, ltrtir i ai -lestU J. M. RICHASOSON. OA.ItT.W-s or, wotit -Ht. rmmmo, &PU.. eoùeaIL L ra iifcaheh,--arries saow. thé year, il rind.-. ehave had splendid veither hOM beSinge *We aj'ived, the aights belng perfect A tnight oe e an sec the "Southern per" of the nerth. 1 very often watch thé dipper at night, and my tboughts <go bavk te Canada. 1 eten wonder whnI saa see the Iand of snow' Sagain; ln the nèar future. 1 hope. We see ail kinds of wild gaine here. ai-d have been as close as 25 yards of p. lion. East Africa 9-4-M6 Just a fewv unes t0 let yeu know 1 'Nin .t1l1 here anid velI. -We are moving some, and'should be back to Johannesburg -before inany *mouLus are past If tbings continue as tbcy have been up to the present. The Germuans don't get It ail their eva way here now, and are beginnlug to efnd out th4tthey are up agalfisf the real î.hing,- a-d after thc po.sItion We have put thein out ef, I- don't thin k tbey have much hope against "Sints' AMiY." We are getting close onte 100 miles li German East Af rica nov. Some moving. eh! We have be-en through nmre lovely sceacry ber. during the last two weeks. I have seen netblng ln Africa beoTe te equal ft, ln tact If ie almeet 'beyond description, and for Ild gaine. 1 have mercalamost every kind lu Af. ie. Two days ago 1 saw a slght vhioh gaine hunters vould bave given a good demi to se. Another et the S. A. H. and myscîf ve r iding through thick brusk and jungle vben vu feund ounacves surrouiadcd by-abeut thirty lions. W. have uast gel rders te moe .In an bour's Urne, «ud 1 have te get my supper vet, which eesista of bolled petatees fat ceokies, frtd bacon. fln- medýbeef.jam. biscuits aad coffee. Net tee bad, eh! W. are 36 mlles tarther esnDow. 1 bot Veil pulleti te pice n-li ihorn brushes duriiig the .lgbt. Weil, i au just seing te gel my Plupper reatir- *alin. )Iy hait soetion lsa avy vatr- ing thé herses and vill expeet supper ready wh.a they retura. We are bavtng bacon anti buck. baking pevder ceekie. acones jain andi coltsc. The socks have fief turned up yet. 1 tlîlnk It is onîr an expense and wvaste et lime sending anythtng aloag. as n-e tnove along s0 fast they n-IIl never reachi us. W. havent i-en seen anf et our kit and blankets for 9. montha nov Well, I must gel on wvlthIle cook ing. 12-4-16. 1 have ne idesa u te vhea i shall gsi thie IcI 1er poafeti, as ve are an- other 80 miles farther on since 1 wroe the last tev lines la if. Ws arc telti that ve shaîl gsi a resi aI the nexi place, but vben ve get there, itla i.s1lb.thenexi place, and se vs go on. We are trying te take the "«next place" io-day. ne mal get a tcv days' rest If ne sueceed.iMy hait section laecookint breakfast at present. nef having had anythlag aince yster- day mid-day, vitb a alabf march throwbn la. and the prospéetaof a bard day in front. Cheerful. isnt t i! 13--4-16. WelI, n-c geLte the "nexl place" laut îîight. "nd are staylng here fe.day. but hear that our restlng place la 50 miles fanther on. Have just haâ the hest meal Ihat 1 have hat i snce the turkey. Bought a chicken yestsrday for a ru. peé. boieti Ifte-day wîh béaus andi enions: also some atones et my oýwn inalking. (I am somne cok now>. 14-14-16. Juil got a chance to seiid ibis back. Hope aIl are veil. Just misseti getting thia avay by about îhree minutes. W'ell 1 must get my dinner now. whlcb consistsaie 6 fried eggs and coreeba- con. with the usual eooktes,. jai and coffee. This is the first egga I have bad since leaving Jolrannesburk. Another 26 miles turthcr on.' aise another ntgbt march tbrough mnud andi main andi carrylng 4 daye~ rations, doesn't look mueh 11ke a resi yet- This la a great gaine ef sloggiflg on. Anothenr 20 mlles, aIse another nlght In the rein. wlfh no4hing to drink and nothing te 'est; sltîtingg onmy msddltu' vltb toat over averytlag rylng te keep St dry. I muddffly ief ny test ttias met, andi eî looktag dovu lend Iheis ta 8 lne.eeet *&ter, se 1 sues It vas ralimg sme. We art tbree milan trcamlbthe ut place, sadabout 5,000l GerMaas there. Mmneuvcrlîg te gel thé townaua day. et mlgbî t ileî ith Uis, and aise Ila th.raia. Anether day et bide and eX. min and hungen. uaareblmg up bill ad dova, threcsb bnuha"i id eekenad teu"c nmusu aa dtag thc dal snd ail IlT# Gernmis ear out and Icavé the town t. un afler seig a àmmbt of klIled "daid ei . Ous ail. The. Germisyesterdy, «et t.'dy 1 suppose ne vilii elOut pniomast remt ber., let It la met nIWW e m t *à, as Yeu f#. aflM - on patt1 r somethlus ere 1 have bMouot, two dm sVithu 'tm men "'nuwb& «11* Ocmi $t lest> wveIuatom - 'te~b tee ~Ab me m ci hi il a p ce . à < i et t1 t Ia *y tk 1 Te ne, il vatwu NVIJIWIMM PMOP19 AWP" T r lu g Gras pThis FineChanice to Owna Grafonola. It's a long tiÃŽe Sînce %vecould make tis offer, and jiiudgîng h thte diffîcultv un gctting Grafonolas-__due tè tie îînpiî c- dented deînand for them-it w iii 1e a long trnie, if cv ci', before we can makze an offer as gond again. To-morrow wc vîl1 take orders for. This Splendid Outfit- G-Êraf£orola and Record $ Cabinet-Jat as Illustrated,for2 As a homne entertainer the Grafonola stands suprei1c, ani the inctri1- ment here ilustrated is a Grafonola of tunu.uai l ment, îavxng ail tht features of instruinents of two and three tir-nes thle prît-e.,stcilas new bay*îîet-joint Tone '\rrn Colunibia Toue Control I -civs olunibia Reproducer, Gradtiated Dial, Speed Jilator, Start and Stop De- vice, etc., etc.IThuis(arafonola lias powerfîîl notor, play s twto scecc- tiong with one. windîîg, beautifuil oak caer. with han d.tonîc m panci door Record Cabinet to match for holding icardS. No -Down Payxnent Required On This Outfit To-Morrow fi Yoo Will Purchas. Eight Records From Va AIl]iliat w. ask is that you buyeîtght records, coStî ng "ote only $6.80, which, grzs 'votn 16 selections of your ow~n choosi»& \'Jc wull de- Re Ner theftnpt ew e and Otn hïb can p ay fo therm c» torew thei'a lo yIte LADIES ENTERTAIN SOLDIERS. ,The ladies of Sf. Andrew's Ghurclî hcld an "At HOMO#* in tbe Munit Hall o n Wedneaday eventng lat for the sol- 41ers ot the Whitby Convalescent Hos- >1il. 1he soldiers responded lI large numbers ote Invitation, and, vith t$ÃŽe tevaspeeple ln attendance. the lkall vas welI l 01cd. A splendid pro- gramn van rendert-d. over a-b iciRoy., S. G. bMcCormaek. ot St. Andrew'a Church, prestd«L -Precediig the Pro- grau'i titer sthrougbout the -eveuijg, the Whltby Orchestra provld cd excellent mqic, the Scotch nuin- bers et which ver. î'4rticularly appre- clated by the soldiers. Later on, re- freshinents vert served. andi the gath- ePrlng broke up about Il a'clock, after one of the moqt enjoyable entertain- mente yet given te the soldiers here. There were tbrée vocal soles and a trombone selectlon by mi ifrein the HospIti g ajwIla~senies et bugle tal Mm ùÉ~; Is T. L Rowe sang a solo, and Misa Frances Fraser. of O.LC. aL Um sMary Minto. of WhiU ,' ve wsdings.Xi i -addition there Wuuanu ellieut play rpeet. Ing a taiiy ;tory, by a number et the ehiIdren of 4L Andrew's Sunday DEATHS. MILLER-At Grenbank, on Tuesday. May 2.9n, IDJ17, James Miller, aged 76 yeans iWuG" ibonths. Funera? ?laâlw !Lay24tb, at 1.30 p.m. frei Greenhsnk Presbytertan (Chureb. W1wat (au.......1.75 to $2.00 Wbeaî. gm ......1.0 te 1.0 ."ly126 to LuS sg I 4 M o.10.00 Osta 0. 11 t10.8 B". pn er . .14.06 to 15.00 FLOUI * ND FED. Cbepd f. -ot. ...2.75 to-8.00 Cosn.... .... .....00 to 4.0 Braft, pet ion ,.. .4.00 te 40.00 0W t, «.tà1t ... .. 46.00Iotue4.0 ?»At.POULIT AND PBÃ"DUCiC Tom, 0.1-0 t. 8.0 I4* ~ C 4 - o.-. e, ALGONQUIN PARK. excellence et Ils sport drava anglers THE -.IIGIC.fTî& TO IMF.LTkH À Y frein nery part ef lbe Dominion and 1i~'1Nss. tfrein evory State ln tht Union, vhile the caneislt an travel for hundretis No better Place coulti b. deî-ised for et miles la bis llgbt crntt anti ht'in n a rosiholiday tor red-blooded men anti venlable klngdoni of bis ova. vomea than Algonquin Park. situat The arcemmodatien lu the park Is about tvo bundreti miles north tif the sueh that tht moat varledti aites can city et Toronto. It lmau unapolicti ter- be pleased. There are holels for those ritery etfflcarIy tvo million acresv ho wantotebe In tht vilderness-yet starrcd with beaultiful lahes ant Iinter:- enjoy ail tht coinfonis tbat goti Ber- secteti by wijnding Streanis. "e ne' vice and social companionship tan serv, ot Canada tan approach if ln tho brIng; there are groupa ot log cabin wealth ef attraçflens IL ettors te the fcamps. cofrntrably turnished andi lover et out-ot.doors. 1îdeal for family parties, with centrai Avay, up lu Uic Highlan de et On. lodges entailnngreereation and dia- larie, Ivo Gieusanti teet abeve the Ing rooms wbere yen mai' dine anti level efttht sea, the Park is a vender. fAnd everything reajy fer yen oun your fui spot ln a-hlch te renta- the ener- retura frein the tramîp, or if you have gîe et a tired b~ody or refreah a vear- piannedti t camp under your ownn an- itti spirît Ils lonic air fllters through vas you mnay sf ep Int a canot ai one hundredà et square miles et pinej. al0ftht hiitle rallway stations, andi at- sain and apruce; thtetinys are unusual- ter a short patitle, flut a site unniar- ly long vlLb brig#t suashine. while red by tht bandi et man yet n-ltin tht ôxrl -evenings art a ime et en. easy reach efthtle Park outfittiug chantmnt. Tht Park la a paradise Leorte. for thefIsherman and cennnelst- the Unn..... i.,.,. -»- 9-- à.-.ll>44U1t 1W5 11 10rY I- I I I I -- I as n-cIl: 0 f. - (1 r Get Voor Coal *Wlîere yen are sure it -wiii b. Cloean and -Bright Our coal ma woII acrened-. We guante. prompt de- livery M.d good service. Telephone Net 182 jas. Sawhu ~k1ty, e Ontario expressly for the ,camping, rnaklng their headquarters at th.e hotels long enoulgh 10 gel supplies and caluping out-fit ready for thet tnp. Then in cas- oes, and vitb guides or without thei they launch eut Inte ýtlte deep woode,, camping where fancy prompts. A handsoine illusteato publicattoni telIng you ail about the famous park i. issucd by the Grrtnd Trunk Raflway. and a copy tan be had free on applica. tdn to Ce E. Horing, Union Statton,1-ý Toronto, Ont. ROYAL THEATR-E<'- IEVERV NIOHIr Lberty:' uvsr Usuday ,mgut WaudUayNigi Iu'adwy ,.Fsatu-r Ad mision --Adulte, 108 ; ebldren ' 50 apeciahow.-100 0 il le ver taxoi eitra MUS. P~RRIN, Manager. L A(ear of I'ro.v en. *Quality HE !Fordcar bias been on the market fwélve years, isurely 1ong enougýh "- have proven- its higli quality. -Thi!ere- Il uothing experimentalabout it. - .Every part'-ha.setocdthe tes nd prov4en issaility with bard servi*ce. No éther car lias cirer,' aipproached the durability - ýrécd Nq watter. yhat, pric you pay for a car you cactlot get bue ith a stauccher chassis. Gi.-à * ma~Laborator# -tests hbauiwn t tbn hé «- CA, lime WkI 1"? i 1 vint LUC many rampes now go Into the Park 1 iý IÀ

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